S UMMER T RAINING PACKET Summer 2010 Supplemental Training & Fitness Packet S U M M E R T R A I NI N G P A C K E T S U MM E R T R A I N I N G P A CKE T 300 Babcock Street Second Floor Boston, MA 02215 Phone: 617-358-3793 617-353-2883 Fax: 617-353-5286 E-mail: sblack@bu.edu P L E ASE F IN D IN THIS PACK ET : SCHED UL E , CON TACT L IST , SU M ME R T R AIN IN G WOR KOU T CALE NDAR , N UT R IT ION OVE RVIE W , P LYOM ET R IC , SP EED & E NDU R AN CE BASED WO R KO UT S & SP R ING RUN N ING T IM E S . S TAY IN CON TACT WIT H AARO N O ’ N E AL , N E IL AND S CO TT TO M AKE SU R E WE ARE AL L PR EPAR ED F OR AU GU ST . BOSTON UNIVERSITY MEN’S SOCCER 2010 SCHEDULE HOME GAMES IN BOLD August 21 Saturday NORTHEASTERN (Scrimmage) 7:00 PM August 24 Tuesday HOLY CROSS (Scrimmage) 7:00 PM August 28 Saturday @ UCONN (Scrimmage)* 7:30 PM September 1 Wednesday UMASS 7:00 PM September 4 Saturday @ HARTFORD ª :00 PM September 6 Monday COLUMBIA 7:00 PM September 10 Friday @ SETON HALL :00 PM September 12 Sunday @ ST. JOHN’S* :00 PM September 17 Friday @ BC* 7:00 PM September 19 Sunday BROWN* 7:00 PM September 24 Friday URI 7:00 PM September 26 Sunday HARVARD* :00 PM October 2 Saturday @ STONY BROOK ª * :00 PM October 5 Tuesday @ PC :00 PM October 9 Saturday HARTFORD ª 2:00 PM October 13 Wednesday VERMONT ª 7:00 PM October 16 Saturday @ UMBC ª :00 PM October 22 Friday @ UNH ª :00 PM October 27 Wednesday BINGHAMTON ª 7:00 PM October 30 Saturday ALBANY ª 7:00PM ª = America East Conference Game * = NCAA 2009 Tournament Participant May 2010 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Summer Workout Begins Workout # 1 & Core 23 24 Workout # 2 Body Weight #2 & Core 30 31 Workout # 3 Body Weight #1 & Core Workout # 4 Body Weight #1 & Core 25 26 Deceleration Drills & Core Workout # 10 & Core 27 28 Workout # 11 Body Weight #3 & Core 29 June 2010 Sun Mon Tue 1 Wed 2 Thu 3 Workout # 6 & Core Ball Work 6 7 8 Workout # 1 Body Weight #3 & Core 13 20 14 Testing Day 2 Mile Run in 12-Minutes Body Weight #2 & Core 15 21 22 28 Testing Day Beep Test Body Weight #3 & Core 16 10 Workout # 11 & Core Ball Work 29 30 Workout #4 & Core Ball Work 5 11 12 Workout # 7 & Core Body Weight #1 17 Workout # 5 & Core Ball Work 23 4 Sat Deceleration Drills & Core Body Weight #2 Workout # 10 & Core Ball Work Workout # 2 & Core Body Weight #1 27 9 Fri 18 19 Deceleration Drills & Core Body Weight #3 24 25 Workout # 9 & Core Body Weight #2 26 July 2010 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Fri 2 Sat 3 Workout # 7 & Core Body Weight #1 4 5 6 Workout # 1 & Core Body Weight #2 11 18 12 Testing Day 2 Mile Run in 11mins 45secs Body Weight #1 & Core 19 26 Testing Day Beep Test Body Weight #2 & Core 8 Deceleration Drills &Core Ball Work 13 14 20 27 15 10 16 17 Workout # 9 & Core Body Weight #2 21 Deceleration Drills & Core Ball Work 22 28 29 Workout # 5 & Core Ball Work 9 Workout # 8 & Core Body Weight #3 Workout # 6 & Core Ball Work Workout # 11 & Core Body Weight #3 25 7 23 24 Workout # 10 & Core Body Weight #1 30 31 Spring Running Times 1 AGILITY LADDER 1. Forward High Knees 2. Lateral High Knees (L + R) 3. Hip Twist (L+ R) 4. Single Leg Stomp (L + R) 5. Ickey Shuffle w/ Balance (FWD + BKWD) 6. Ickey Shuffle Quick 7. Deep Squat Alt One Foot In 8. Lunges Alt One foot In 9. Zig Zag Sprints with High Knee Finish 10. One Foot Ladder Sprint May = 2x each June = 3x each July = 4x each TECHNIQUE BEFORE SPEED!!! FOUR CONE AGILITY EXERCISE 2 -Follow the agility ladder exercise routine -Start in the center of the 5 yard square - This time you are going to complete each exercise according to a time frame. - Each corner has a number - Have a partner call out random numbers and you get to each cone as quickly as possible. While moving, you MUST keep your eyes straight ahead and hip facing forward so you never turn your back to the front of the box. - This should result in a higher intensity level each time through on your end - After each repetition of the exercise you then return to the beginning of the four cones either back peddling or side shuffle. Only exception is on the compound exercise of zig zag sprint with side high knee finish. MAY = 6 reps x 25 seconds JUNE = 6 reps x 30 seconds MAY = 30 seconds each exercise JULY = 8 reps x 40 seconds JUNE = 45 seconds each exercise JULY = 1 minute each exercise 3 2 START START 1 1 4 THREE PHASE AGILITY CONDITIONING May = 12x June = 15x July = 18x ** Immediate transition into each phase** 10 yards 15 yards {5 Static Squat Jumps} {Quick Bunny Hops and two feet together} To Increase Difficulty: 1. Squat Jumps over ball, hurdle, etc…. 2. Hold weights or med ball; drop before sprint 3. Use a weighted vest if have access 4. Single leg static squats and bunny hops; Alt Leg 30 yards {Sprint w/ 360 spin in middle} 3 PLYOMETRIC / AGILITY WITH QUICK BALL WORK 4 May – June – July Toe Touches Top of Ball 30 – 40 - 50 Plyometric Lunges Ball Pendulum Quick Touches Brazilian Hip Twist 20 – 25 - 30 30 – 40 - 50 50 – 75 - 100 Inside Cut; Outside play Tuck Jumps Straight line Ice Skaters over cone 30 – 40 - 50 20 – 30 - 40 40 – 50 - 60 Laces FWD Pull Back Opposite Alt L+R 20 – 30 - 40 - 3 times through all 8 stations with the appropriate amount of reps with each month listed above PLYOMETRIC 18 YARD BOX SPRINTS -Start on endline corner of the 18 MAY = 8 reps - Jog the sides of the 18 and sprint the top of the 18 JUNE = 10 reps 5 JULY = 12 reps - You start and finish at the same corner you started at and that is one repetition -Once you finish the repetition you move into the 4 circuit agility / plyometic exercises in the middle with 10 – 20 second rest in between each and once completed you will start the next repetition on the opposite endline corner Sprint Jog Front/Back Squats 10x Lateral Ice Skaters 30x Hip Twist 30x Tuck Jumps 20x Jog START FOUR CORNERS PYOMETRIC / AGILITY ENDURANCE TRAINING x Sprint 6 x - Perform each plyometric / agility exercise in each corner of the field before switching to the next exercise. - Jog the first goal line then sprint each side of the field remaining - Add a 360 degree spin at midfield never slowing down 360 Sprint Sprint Exercises: 360 1. Plyometric Lunges 2. Brazilian Hip Twist 3. Lateral Ice Skaters 4. Tuck Jumps 5. Mountain Climbers (push up position alternating knee to chest quickly) May = 20 reps each corner June = 30 reps each corner July = 40 reps each corner x JOG x NORWEIGAN ENDURANCE CONDITIONING 7 4 -There are six sides on the field - Start by jogging one side followed by sprinting one side - After you sprint you then proceed to only jog one side while adding one side until you reach all six sides which is full field. -Once you get to full field you then reverse down and go back to five sides while still jogging one side before decreasing a side. 3 5 Example: Jog 1 ---- Sprint 1 Jog 1 ---- Sprint 2 Jog 1 ---- Sprint 3 After you reach 6 or full field you reverse…… Jog 1 ---- Sprint 5 Jog 1 ---- Sprint 4 6 Jog 1 ---- Sprint 3 2 All the way back until you reach the 1:1 ratio. MAY = completed in 18 mins JUNE = completed in 16 mins 1 JULY = completed in 14 mins THREE PHASE FORM SPRINTING 10 yds 15 yds Low knees, arms pumping, body slighty tucked with shoulders over feet, slowly get taller as you approach next cone Tall and upright with arms pumping, bouncing off your toes with your knees getting waist height 8 30 yds Full out sprint all the way through, then jog back MAY = 12 repetitions JUNE = 15 repetitions JULY = 18 repetitions 18 YARD BOX SPEED AND AGILITY CONDITIONING LIST OF EXERCISES JOG EXERCISE EXERCISE START 1. Low Knees 2. High Knees 3. Outside Heels 4. Inside feet 5. Speed Side Shuffle 6. Speed Karaoke 7. Forward Ice Skaters (over line) 8. Quick Bunny Hops One Set equals full trip around 18 yard box MAY = 2 sets each exercise JUNE = 3 sets each exercise JULY = 4 sets each exercise SPRINT 9 Deceleration Workout 10 yds Full out sprint for 10yds Progression: to make more difficult either increase the sprinting distance allowing for greater speed, or decrease deceleration zone. 5 yds Decelerate and stop in athletic position as quickly as possible, before you reach last cone Perform 8x, 40sec rest between reps Box Deceleration: Same drill as above, except we will incorporate acceleration and change of direction. once you decelerate and stop (in athletic position) within the 5 yd zone, you will accelerate in different direction and repeat until you have completed box. 3x each direction, 1min rest Deceleration Drills should be included maybe 1x per week. You can have them alternate between the two drills listed. Plank progress: Core Exercises Forward • Basic Plank (weeks 1&2) • Alternating Legs (weeks 3&4) – In pushup position, elevate 1 leg slightly off ground. • Alternating arms (weeks 5&6) • Plank w/ alternating hip flexion (weeks 7&8) • Plank Row (using Dumbells) (weeks 9-11) – – – In pushup position, raise 1 arm straight out to the side of your body (in line with your shoulder joint). DO NOT ROTATE! In pushup position, maintain flat back and bring one knee up to chest. Hold for 5 seconds then Switch. Pushup position holding dumbbells in each hand. Feel should be shoulder width apart. Elevate one elbow past body, keeping hips squared up to ground. Side • Basic Side Plank (weeks 1-3) – • – • Completely on your side, off elbow, elevate hips off the ground as high as possible toward ceiling. Side Plank w/ hip drop (weeks 4-6) On your side, elevate hips toward ceiling, holding for 5 seconds. Then drop hips to ground (barely touching), then going back to elevated position. Repeat. Side Plank w/ upper leg elevated (weeks 7-11) – On your side, feet on top of one another, bridge hips toward ceiling. Once steady, elevate your top foot 1 foot higher than lower leg. Drawing In On your back, with legs and arms elevated, Pull your low back into the ground and maintain this position. Then extend 1 leg out, maintaining the draw in. Your low back should be pushing into the ground throughout the entire motion. Hold for 2 seconds, then bring your leg back to original position. Switch legs, then repeat. Prehabilitation Exercises It is important that you maintain the strength around your hips, knees, and ankles. Chances of injury surrounding these joints may be reduced by maintaining strength around these areas. Single Leg Squat- from a bench or box, Drive your hips back as far as possible and squat down. keep your chest over your feet and back flat as your squat. Full depth is necessary- Top of your thigh parallel to the ground! Rear foot elevated Split Squat- Elevate your rear foot on a bench, box or chair. Keeping your weight on the front leg, Squat down until your front thigh is parallel to the ground. Single Leg Snake (using agility ladder)- facing forward, on one leg, Jump as high as possible rotating 90 degrees clockwise and land in the next box. As you land, drop your hips and absorb the ground (landing softly). Repeat this movement in the following order. Repeat on both left and right leg. Core/Prehab Workouts Workout 1 Workout 2 3x: 3x: Plank Variation x 1min Super Mans 8x 5sec holds Reverse Crunches x20 Straight Leg Situps x20 Quadruped Extensions x10ea Side Plank Variation x 40sec each Draw in x 40sec Crunches x20 3x: 3x: Single Leg Squat x 12ea (Full Depth!) Rear foot Elevated Split Squats x15ea Single Leg Snake Hops Single Leg Hops (Jump L-R, then R-L) X8ea All players complete it 2x per week (preferably Tue/Thur). Cut and Rounding Drills Cut Cut Cut 10 yds Start Finish #1 Rounded T Drill- At start position, run 10yds forward, cut left, cut across 10yds to opposite side, then round middle cone and sprint to finish. Complete both directions. Complete 4x each way, 45 sec rest in between reps Finish #2 Start Figure 8 Drill- From start position, navigate through figure 8 pattern staying as tight as possible around cones. Complete both directions. Complete 4x each direction, rest Speed & Agility Supplemental Workout BOSTON UNIVERSITY MEN’S SOCCER SPRING TRACK WORKOUTS 3-1 Mile - Exercise 10 1-Mile – 5:45 mins then active rest 6-mins 1-Mile – 5:45 mins then active rest 6-mins 1-Mile – 6:00 mins then recovery run A total of a 30-mins workout. Track Pyramid – Exercise 11 200 meter set: (Work rest ratio of 1:3) 200 m (around 28-secs) recover 90 secs 200 m (around 29-secs) recover 90 secs 200 m (under 30-secs) recover 90 secs 200 m (under 30-secs) recover 90 secs 400 meter set: (Work rest ratio of 1:3) 400 m (between 1:08-1:12 mins) recover 3:30 minutes 400 m (between 1:08-1:12 mins) recover 3:30 minutes 400 m (between 1:08-1:12 mins) recover 3:30 minutes 600 meter set: (Work rest ratio of 1:2.5) 600 m (between 1:48-2:00 mins) recover 5:00 minutes 600 m (between 1:48-2:00 mins) recover 5:00 minutes 800 meter set: 800 m (under 2:45) 2-Mile/1-Mile – Exercise 12 2-Miles under 12:00 minutes in May and June. July under 11:45 minutes. 10-minute active recovery. 1-Mile under 6:00 minutes in May. June under 5:45 minutes. July 5:30 minutes. Beep Test: Level 16.2 is the standard and passing mark. Boston University Supplemental Agility Exercises Goal Keeper & Field Players EXERCISE 5m 1m DIRECTIONS 1 Distances between the centre cones should be 1 m to allow the player to move through the cones at pace using the correct technique. To begin the drill, start with a 5 m sprint and finish with a 5 m sprint. Exercises on this drill should include; 5m 5m 1m Forward – In/out x 3 Backward – In/out x 3 Forward / Backwards (side on) x 3 High knees – side on x 2 Forward run – one foot in each gap x 3 2 The exercises described in 1, should be used in this drill only including a 5 m sprint at the start and also after the first four cones before sprinting back to complete the final 3 discs with a 5 m sprint to finish. 5m 5m 3 Using the same exercises as 1 and 2, with this drill you are looking for acceleration in between the 2 sets of the 3 discs. This distance should be between 5 and 10 m. 5m 1m 5m 5m 5m 10 m 4 The distances between each cone is between 5 and 10 m. Players can work to each cone as the arrows show using the following exercises. Side steps Forward and backwards Forwards – going round the cones 5m Backwards – side on 5 Drill 5 is exactly the same as the exercises in drill 4, only the distances between the cones increases with the greatest distance being the final movement. 2m 5m 7.5 m 10 m 12 .5 m 15 m 5m 6 The distance between each cone should be 1 m allowing for the following movements to be carried out. High knees – side on 5m Forward and backwards movements Forward running – one foot in each gap 5m 5m 5m 5m 7 Drill 7 uses the exercises for drill 6 only using sets of 3 discs with a sprint in between each set. The sprint should be 5 m. 8 The player works through the discs in / out (1 m apart) before checking and sprinting 5 m as shown by the arrows before completing a 10 m sprint to finish. 5m 5m 10 m 9 This drill requires the distances between discs to be increased to allow the player to accelerate forwards and then move backwards to the next cone. 2m 5m 10 m 10 The drill begins with a 10 m sprint before the player accelerates to each cone which are 5 m away from a centre point which the player must always get back to, using either forward or backward movements. 10 m 5m 11 The distance between each disc is 5 m. The player follows the route as shown by the arrows using the following movements; 5m 5m Forwards – concentrating on turns Forwards – with a side step Backwards – with a side step 5m 10 –15m 12 The player accelerates over 10-15m following the arrows, checking back over 5 –m with a 10m sprint following before checking back for the final 10 – m sprint. 10-15m Exercises and movements can include; 5m 10 m 10 m 10 m Forward Forwards – Backwards Side on – with changes of direction 13 The distances marked by the arrows are between 10 – 15 m. The player follows the directions of the arrows using the gates as a point to check through i.e figure of 8 ensuring that they accelerate between each gate. 10 m 5m 5m 10 m 10 m 5m 10 m 14 This drill concentrates more on speed. The player starts on the middle point moves quickly backwards before accelerating forwards over a distance of between 10-15 m. 15 The player accelerates forward over 10 m, checks across over 5 m before finishing with a 10 m sprint. Summer Soccer Bodyweight Day 1 1. Lower Body Bodyweight Circuit A. Bdwt. Squat X20 B. Bdwt. Lunges X10 Right, X10 Left C. Squat Jumps X10 * Repeat Circuit 3-5 times 2. Pushups -Clap Pushups -Speed Pushups 5. Spread eagle sit-ups X10 w/up 3X5 X 30 seconds (max #) X 45 seconds X 60 seconds X25 Day 2 1. Standing Long Jp for Dist.- 30 yds. 2. Single Leg Squat Circuit – 2X circuit X5 - Pause #5 in down position for 5 seconds X 5 - Pause # 10 in down position for 10 seconds X 5 - Pause # 15 in down position for 15 seconds * Repeat with Opposite Leg 3. Pushups – feet elevated 2X25 (various hand placement) 4. 2 minutes of Front Plank work – go to failure each set and total 2 minutes. Day 3 1. Single Leg Speed Jumps 2. Walking Lunges 2X25 yds. each leg X 24 steps w/ball twist X 24 steps w/ ball overhead 3. Backward Walking Lunges X 20 steps w/ Atlas reach X 20 steps w/ Atlas reach 4. Soccer ball Pushups X10 each + 60 second Plank Front X 10 each + 45 Sec. Side Plank X 10 each + 45 Sec. Side Plank * May use med ball that does not roll ** Perform one of these workouts after you finish running or practicing. Athletes who have access to a weight room may call or e-mail me to see how to incorporate these into the weight work. 540-231-7386 or temitche@vt.edu
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