Marla Kennedy 5225329 ENGL 396 December 2012 Cover Sheet – Job Application, Visual Résumé and Traditional CV Project genre Job Application, Visual Résumé and Traditional CV Identify the section of Montréalités where this piece will be published and the purpose of this project. Non-applicable Identify any software and cloudcomputing apps that you used to create this project. Pinterest (for visual résumé); Web browsers for looking for posting and doing research on company; Microsoft Word for creating traditional résumé; Dropbox for file sharing while working on this project from various locations. Identify learning objectives for this project. Using Pinterest as a marketing tool; How to create documents that are both descriptive and persuasive while remaining concise; How to tailor documents to a specific audience; The importance of professional business writing. Identify skills that you developed or refined through this project. Speaking about myself (have trouble with that); Being more concise (I tend to be too long-winded). Describe the most rewarding feature of this project and describe any future learning goals that emerged from this experience. Learning how to use Pinterest was a lot of fun. Also, learning the importance of audience-analysis when drafting a résumé – or any other professional document for that matter. Describe the most challenging feature of this project and identify any issues or problems that you experienced creating this project. If this was a team project, describe your role. Finding images for Pinterest that don’t link to something I don’t want people to see (example: personal blogs of people I don’t know, other translation companies I’m not affiliated with and so forth). Trying to make my cover letter as short as possible while still communicating what I believe to be the minimum amount of pertinent information. Non-applicable. After your draft has been graded, revise the project and post it to your Portfolio. Include the cover sheet. Marla Kennedy 5225329 ENGL 396 October 4, 2012 JOB APPLICATION PROJECT Job Application Package The Job Application Package is complete: one conventional resume, one visual resume, one cover letter and one memo. Project is polished and professional Participation Participated in the first draft workshop Participated in the second draft workshop Completed planning worksheet /draft memo--in this case Resume Important information has been front-loaded. Related materials are grouped. Design features enhance readability. Style should be fairly formal. You need not use complete sentences, but you should use a concise, active style and show consistency in expression from section to section. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are correct. Cover Letter Explain where you found out about the job and that you are interested and qualified for the position in your first paragraph. Forecast the rest of the letter. Paragraphs utilize effective topic sentences. Provide specific examples of your qualifications Include contact information in final paragraph Polite and formal. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are correct. Memo Follows the proper format for formal memos. Has a specific subject line and uses headings Provides a statement of purpose, summary and recommendation Audience Documents are professional and respectful Mechanics Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are correct. Comments 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 X X X X 0 5 X X X X 0 5 X X X X 0 Content Here is an image capture of my Visual Résumé on Pinterest, which can be viewed here: 3815 Cé éline-Marier c) H4R 3N3 Saint-Laurrent (Québec (514 4) 519-8211 marla a8kennedy@ M MEMORAND DUM Date: o: To Frrom: Su ubject: Janu uary 10, 2012 2 Jean nette Novakov vich, Departm ment of Englissh, Concordia University, LB L 683.02 Marla Kennedy Job Application A Project M Novakovicch, Mrs. Fo or this assign nment, I cho ose to tailor me m résumé and a cover letter for the position p of Project Leaderr, Linguistic Se ervices at Sta andard Life. About the com mpany Sttandard Life is an intern national invesstment comp pany with he eadquarters in Scotland. It has aroun nd 6 million cu ustomers worldwide and operates in the North America, A Euro ope, the United Kingdom m and Asia. In Canada, Sttandard Life has been doing business for 178 yearrs, has aboutt 2,000 emplo oyees and prrovides servicces to more th han 1.4 million n Canadians, including gro oup benefit and retirementt plan membe ers. I have intterviewed at their offices be efore and ha ave gleamed that the wo ork environment and corp porate menta ality is very conservative and result orriented. To ap ppeal to this company, myy résumé sho ould focus on n achievemen nts and the ab bility to delive er results. It would also be best to have a fairly forma al cover letterr that is not to oo showy (no o graphics). I tried to find the t name of so omeone to whom I could send my résumé, but Sta andard’s webssite does nott provides con ntact informa ation in their Careers section. Instead, they offer a porrtal by which people can apply for positions directly. ailoring my résumé r Ta Be efore the draffting worksho op, I attempte ed to update my m résumé in n light of whatt we learned in class: using verbs like “ccoordinated” instead of nou uns like “coorrdination”, foccusing on ach hievements as a opposed to o tasks, and acting a as if I ha ad a little bird d on my sho oulder going “so “ what?” evvery time I wrote w something. I was initially frustratted with the re esults, since my m previously y sleek résum mé was rapidlly becoming cluttered, c so I stopped up pdating it untill I could get fe eedback from my classma ates. I brough ht the old verrsion of my résumé and the t “work in progress” p to the drafting workshop and pointed out to that I likked the look and readabiility of the original docum ment. In conttrast, I was co oncerned thatt the new verrsion was dro oning and tha at people wou uld stop reading it half wa ay through the e first page. M classmatess’ feedback he My elped me get my résumé on o track and to t keep it under 2 pages in n length. Achievements s vs. tasks Siince most of my job experrience (other than freelancce work) is ad dministrative in nature, it’ss hard for me to highlight acchievements. I have to cho ose my wordss carefully an nd shift the fo ocus towards less clerical tasks t without lying about what it is that I do. For certain positions, this is problematic,, but for the e Standard Life L position, I think my ad dministrative experience is s an asset because b it de emonstrates that t I can mu ulti-task and that I have solid s project m management a organizational skills. I chose and c to high hlight these qu ualities in my cover letter. Ta ailoring my cover c letter I got a lot of ideas for my y cover letterr from the jo ob posting itsself and chosse to highligh ht the skills that t the job pecifically calls for. I me entioned that I had proje ect managem ment experien nce and could multitask, that I had sp kn nowledge of financial f and insurance i terms and produ ucts, that I wa as a self-startted with excelllent organiza ational skills, an nd I even started my letterr by saying th hat I was enth husiastic abou ut the job. I also a chose to o focus on a past p job that re esembles the one they are e looking to filll, even thoug gh it was just a short-term contract. I did this to convvey that this is the kind of work w I have successfully s done before and that it iss what I aspirre to do, eve en though the e rest of my exxperience ma ay seem a litttle off the ma ark. I also pu ut a positive spin s on the fact f that I don n’t yet have a degree in tra anslation. This is a requirement for mo ost translation n jobs, but I think that myy work experiience combin ned with my un niversity training is a greatt combination, especially since my training is currentt and reflects new trends in n translation likke the use off computer as ssisted transla ation softwarre and terminological databases. Finally, I mention that I found th he job posting in 2 separate e places to let them know that t I visited their t website, which conve eys additional interest. 3815 C Céline‐Marier Saint‐LLaurent (Québe ec) H4R 3N3 (51 14) 519‐8211 marla8kennedy@ SUBMITTED ONLINE AN ND SENT BY Y FAX M Montreal, Octtober 4, 2012 Human Resources Deparrtment Standard Life e Canada 12 245 Sherbro ooke Street West W M Montreal (Que ebec) H3G 1G3 1 Fax: 514-49 99-4908 Subject: cation – Pro oject Leader, Linguistic c Services (ref. ( # 13044 4) Job applic Dear Sir, Dear Madam,, It is with gre eat enthusiasm that I submit s my application a f the position of Project Leader, Linguistic for Services, as recently po section of osted on Jo oboom’s we ebsite as we ell as in the e “career opportunity” o Standard Life e’s website (y your reference # 13044)). I currently c wo ork as Astral Media Radiio / Outdoor Advertising where I havve held two distinct d positions since 20 007, one in Finance/Adm ministration and the othe er in Legal/R Regulatory Affairs. A In botth departme ents, I have ha ad the oppo ortunity to fa amiliarize myself m with financial and d insurance products an nd terminolo ogy, which w would be veryy useful for the t position you y are pressently lookin ng to fill. Th his position echoes e my past p job expe erience at Essso / Imperia al Oil and corresponds to o both my prrofessional am mbitions and d my specific c skill-set. I am a self sttarter with exxcellent orga anizational skills, s extenssive project m management experience including bu udgeting and using exte ernal resourcces, and the e ability to multi-task m in a fast-paced, high-stress environmen nt. I also ha ave over ten years of tra anslation exp perience in a variety of fie elds includin ng Finance, Insurance and a Law, an nd I am fam miliar with th he latest translation tools such as Trrados. Although I am m still complleting my tra anslation de egree, I belie eve that my combination n of universsity training an nd professio onal experience more th han meet req quirements of this position. Furthermore, the fa act that my un niversity training is so current could be an assset for you ur company: in the pastt year I havve taken a co omputer asssisted transla ation class in which we reviewed th he latest tran nslation softtware tools, a class on crreating term minology records, glosssaries and lexicons, and a cou urse on inssurance and d financial te erminology, all a of which would w be exxtremely usefful. I have attach hed my résumé for your review and a remain available at all times should you have any qu uestions or should s you wish w to sche edule an inte erview. I look l forward d to hearing from f you sho ortly, a8kennedy@ Marla (514) 519-8211 MARLA KENNEDY Summary 3815 Céline-Marier Saint-Laurent (Québec) H4R 3N3 (514) 519-8211 Experienced translator/editor with strong project management skills and a proven ability to get the job done on time and within budget: 9 Over 10 years of experience in translation, editing and proofreading (English/French); 9 Over 10 years of experience in office management/support and project coordination; 9 Excellent written and verbal communication skills in both English and French; 9 Advanced computer skills (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, MS Project, MS SharePoint, accounting software, translation software, multimedia software, in-house software, etc.); 9 Excellent organizational skills and ability to multi-task in a fast-paced, high-stress environment. Work Experience October 2007 – Present day Astral Media Radio / Astral Media Out-of-Home (, Montreal, QC Legal Assistant/Translator, Legal/Regulatory Affairs (January 2009 – present) Coordinator, Finance and Administration (October 2007 – December 2008) Provided linguistic expertise with respect to drafting, translating, proofreading and editing documents for several departments, thereby improving the quality and accuracy of internal and external communications; Provided project management expertise with respect to the execution of special projects such as tracking external fees and overseeing the annual insurance renewal process; Provided technical expertise with the daily use of SharePoint in order to improve the department’s document management infrastructure and facilitate file-sharing; Provided general administrative support to ensure overall efficiency of department. 2007 (two consecutive temporary contracts through Drakkar Human Resources) St. Mary’s Hospital Centre (, Montreal, QC Office Coordinator / Assistant to the Assistant VP of Operations & Nursing (3-month contract) Office Coordinator / Assistant to the Chief of Obstetrics & Gynecology (4-month contract) Translated, edited and formatted official policies and procedures, which helped streamline said procedures and ensure compliance with hospital reporting regulations; Oversaw the planning and scheduling of the 2007 nursing training week, an annual event that greatly facilitates the integration of newly hired nurses; Provided quality customer service to patients, thereby improving patient satisfaction and improving the hospital’s image and reputation; Performed general office management duties including O.R. scheduling and department budgeting, which helped improve the department’s overall efficiency. 2004-2007 Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg (, Montreal, QC Legal Secretary – Litigation (including patents and trademarks) Drafted, edited and formatted various legal documents with speed and accuracy in order to ensure a high level of quality in all official correspondence while respecting tight deadlines; Managed client invoicing for different billing attorneys and acted as a primary contact for clients with billing enquiries in order to ensure quality customer service and promote client satisfaction; Provided general administrative support to help improve attorneys’ time management and overall productivity. Marla Kennedy (514) 519-8211 (Continued) 2002-2004 (contractual position through Kelly Human Resources) Concordia University (, Montreal, QC Department Coordinator, School of Community and Public Affairs (SCPA) Regularly updated the SCPA’s website by creating or translating content and helped design marketing materials in order to promote student awareness and increase visibility; Oversaw the School’s operating budget and kept track of monthly expenditures in order to prevent overspending and under-spending, thus ensuring a proper allocation of funds; Ensured that administrative procedures were followed and academic deadlines were met and provided support to faculty, staff and students in order to maximize productivity while promoting student satisfaction. 2001-2002 (contractual position through Kelly Human Resources) Esso / Imperial Oil (, Anjou, QC Translation Coordinator, Translation department Received and dispatched translation requests to different freelancers based on their specific expertise in order to ensure language quality and consistency; Coordinated the efforts of several translators for larger documents in order to ensure that deadlines were respected for all translation mandates; Provided general administrative support including AP/AR in order to ensure that the department operated at peak efficiency. 2001-2002 (contractual position through Kelly Human Resources) AVAYA Canada Corp. (, St-Laurent, QC Office Coordinator, Montreal Sales Office Translated (English to French) and edited various documents including sales presentations, which improved the quality and accuracy of internal and external communications; Assisted Sales staff with the coordination of special events such as open houses which helped increase visibility and boost sales; Maximized efficiency of sales office by assuming all administrative duties and liaising with Corporate on an as-needed basis. 1999 – 2001 Systèmes de Support Informatiques RL. Inc. (, St-Laurent, QC Interim Project Manager Managed various projects simultaneously using Microsoft Project; Coordinated all local and international inbound and outbound shipping; Education Oversaw for warehouse/inventory management and inside sales/customer service. Concordia University – Bachelor’s degree, Specialization in Translation (in progress) Serré deLooz, 1999 – Certificate in Time Management and Project Management (MS Project) Cégep St-Laurent, 1996-1999 – DEC en Social Sciences Achievements 9 The Bubble Prize – Co-produced and co-directed a low-budget independent film in 2008; 9 Progressive Canadian Party – translated, proofed and edited various web documents in 2005 (; 9 Daito Precision – translated their entire website in 2002 (; 9 CANAC/ACIIS – Co-translated an Aids Care handbook for medical practitioners. SDL’s web page – Homepage (used for research on copmpany) SDL’s Webpage – Language Technology Section (used for research on copmpany)
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