Western Balkan Investment Framework (WBIF) Project Grant Application Form

Western Balkan Investment Framework (WBIF)
Project Grant Application Form
Submission date: 10/02/2011
Contribution Request nr WB5-HR-ENE-01
WBIF decision sought
Under review
Proposal of the Project Financiers group:
Proposal endorsed by the Project Financiers’ Group for submission to the Steering
Committee on 23/06/2011
Grant Contribution from WBIF:
from EC Budget: 1,000,000 Euros
WBIF Screening
(cf. Screening list in Annex 2)
Eligible for assessment. Budget to be reviewed.
Assessor: EBRD
WBIF Assessment
Recommended for submission to the Steering Committee.
(cf. Assessment list in Annex 3)
To be filled by the submitter
LNG RV - Conceptual Solution, Feasibility Study and EIA/SIA
+ Conceptual Design
Title of the Operation:
(Interested) Lead IFI
Eligible Sector
DAC Sector
Plinacro Ltd/Croatia
DAC code
The LNG RV will be situated in Omišalj on the island of Krk, Republic of
Croatia. The location is exceptionally favourable having in mind the shape of
the Adriatic Sea deep into the European mainland, so this new potential of
supply source is next to the markets (Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia,
Check Republic, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro…)
Borrower /
(contact points for both)
Plinacro Ltd, Zagreb, represented by:
Mr Jerko Jelić - Balta, President of the Board
Savska cesta 88a
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Phone +385 (1) 6301 777
Fax:+ 385 (1) 6301 787
Croatia - Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship of the
subject to the finalisation of the approval procedures of the corresponding institutions
Western Balkan Investment Framework (WBIF)
Republic of Croatia, represented by:
Ms Nataša Vujec, natasa.vujec@mingorp.hr
Project description :
(description of the required
investment(s) and the
present situation, including
problems to overcome)
The geographic position of the Republic of Croatia enables an access to
CEGH Baumgarten and from there an access to the markets of the Central
and the Western Europe (Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia, Check
Republic) as well as Western Balkan countries (Serbia, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Montenegro..). Potential key users in the countries in the
region, that is, the demand of their markets have defined the design of the
minimum capacity: LNG RV – 0,5 – 1 bcm/y.
maximum capacity: onshore terminal – 4 bcm/y.
The combination of LNG alternatives such as LNG RV / FSRU (floating
storing and regasification LNG unit) and FSU (floating storage unit) provides
development of the „migration concept“ and enables the Republic of Croatia
to increase the diversification of natural gas supply sources.
LNG RV technology:
LNG RV, e.g. Exmar technology developed for “Excelerate Energy”
LNG regasification on board
Discharge of the high pressure gas directly into the consumer grid
system, through a dedicated mooring arrangement and subsea high
pressure pipeline
possibility of Ship to ship transfer
RFSU technology:
Regasification Floating Storage Vessels
Main difference when compared to LNGRV – RFSU is permanently docked
and receives LNG from other standard LNG vessels via STS (Ship to ship
transfer) technology; this method normally requires good sea conditions
Main characteristics of RFSU:
LNG regasification on a floating unit
Based on conversion of the existing LNG vessel it is sometimes
called LNG floating terminal.
FSRU needs to be permanently docked offshore and exports gas to
shore through a sub sea pipeline
Onshore medium-size terminal:
- the proposed model illustrates a long-term possibility (Business case) for
relatively low risk of investing in the terminal of a 4 bcm capacity, considering
the market potential:
- Croatia itself offers a key market for LNG from 0.5-1 bcm
- other target markets are Slovenia, Austria, Hungary and Romania
- opportunity to reach competitive LNG prices by other natural gas sources
and the CEGH Baumgarten → LNG project is interesting to both LNG
shippers and LNG suppliers
- development of the “migration concept” for LNG → from FSRU via FSU to
medium-size LNG terminal
The „migration“ concept:
Drawing up the business plan (together with the selected partner → lack of
financial and expert capacities in Plinacro. – needs to comprise all future
phases of the project) which consists of:
2ND PHASE: - FSU – storing LNG on a vessel
- onshore regasification – a segment of the future LNG terminal
Western Balkan Investment Framework (WBIF)
3RD PHASE: - construction of LNG vessel onshore in compliance with the
required capacity
This project is considered by European Commission (Donors Meeting)
and the Energy Community as a priority project of regional
significance. This can also be demonstrated by its compliance with the
criteria established by the European Union for Trans-European
Networks for Energy
Outcome / Results to be
achieved for the
investment: (specify the
foreseen results, indicate
1. the economic
2. the social
3. the environmental
benefits produced by the
investment as well as the
estimated number of direct
Description of the Grant
use: (precise what is
concretely financed and the
expected outcomes)
The connection for LNGRV is a new supply route of natural gas into the
Republic of Croatia. It can be used as:
- safety supply direction in crises
- security of gas and required conditions in the gas system at peak
- wide options of an additional transit of natural gas through the Republic
of Croatia, with the development and use of underground gas storage
facility (facilities)
- access possibility to the spot market
The connection would provide the potential users with the following benefits:
- guaranteed availability of connection capacity
- possibility to conclude long-term contracts at stable long-term tariffs
- access to growing Croatian gas market
- simple access to gas markets of Italy, Slovenia, Hungary and other
countries in the region through the transmission – transit system of
- management model which will be developed with the interested users,
initially based on the existing “multi-shipper” models used in Europe
- Increase of the scope and intensity of the use of natural gas as the
cleanest fossil fuel
- Increase of efficiency of the existing gas TSO and its upgrade by transit
The advantages of this project are multiple:
- Diversification of Supply
- Security of Supply
- Limited environmental impact
- Limited upfront investment cost
- Flexible solution
- Quick time to market
This grant will be used to develop a Conceptual Solution, feasibility & EIA /
SIA study, and Conceptual Design which once approved by the IFI, will be
used in consideration of financing the line.
The conceptual design will include technological – technical and physical
The feasibility study will include all necessary sections, particularly:
1. Technical and geotechnical assessment, study of land acquisition,
and other spatial factors,
2. Identification of main technical components and the associated costs
3. Development of economic and financial analysis (including the
market demand forecast)
4. Development of the social and environmental risk assessments and
associated mitigation strategies
+ Conceptual Design will include all necessary sections.
Strategic justification:
(specify which strategy
and/or investment plans
The Energy Strategy of the Republic of Croatia (Official Gazette 130/09)
defines that the main objectives for natural gas sector are to secure regular
supply on the domestic energy market, increase the security of supply and to
Western Balkan Investment Framework (WBIF)
both at national and
regional level include the
proposed project)
Can you describe how the
project is in line with
- EU pre-accession
- National strategy
-Other donors strategy?
be included in the regional energy market. These objectives are in
accordance with the commitments that Republic of Croatia has to fulfil in the
process of adhesion to the European Union. The European Union has
proposed a five-point European Union Energy Security and Solidarity Action
Plan. Among them more effective support is needed for projects to build the
required infrastructure and more attention needs to be paid to external
energy relations with other countries, all of which has been included in the
Croatian Energy Strategy.
The Croatian Energy Strategy includes among its goals securing new supply
directions for oil and natural gas by participating in international projects,
further development of gas transportation and distribution networks and
being included in the regional energy market, as well as the construction of
the LNG, construction of the associated transit gas pipeline and it connection
to the transmission system of the Republic of Croatia (Official Gazette
130/09, art. Within the regional initiatives and market goals, the
Government shall actively operate in order to integrate the energy
infrastructure of Croatia into the energy infrastructures of immediate and
wider international surrounding.
Croatia is a Contracting Party of Energy Community Treaty, which defines a
creation of a single market without internal frontiers for Network Energy as
the principal goal. The creation of a single market is crucial for security of
supply, as only diversified energy supply routes can assure the security of
supply. To accomplish this goal it is envisaged the creation of Energy
Community Gas Ring that would connect the gas systems of the Energy
Community members.
The new Regulation (EU) No 994/2010 of the European Parliament and of
the Council of 20 October 2010 concerning measures to safeguard security
of gas supply and repealing Council Directive 2004/67/EC stress the
importance of investments in new gas infrastructure where new cross-border
interconnections are needed or existing ones needed to be extended.
This project is in line with the Plan of Development of the Gas Transmission
System of the Republic of Croatia 2010-2014.
It is fitted into the concept of the gas system Baltic – Adriatic and the NETS
Additional comments on
the project: (duration,
constraints, partners/site
availability, assumptions
and risks appraisal etc..)
The planned duration of the FS is 12 months; it will be undertaken by
appropriately qualified experts to the satisfaction of the Croatian authority,
Plinacro and the interested IFI(s).The bearer of the entire project is the
Croatian company PLINACRO Ltd., and a potential partner is the Belgian
company EXMAR – a pioneer in LNGRV technology.
EXMAR made the „Joint study for natural gas import with an LNG
regasification vessel“ which deals with technical, commercial and
organisational aspect of the design for LNGRV connection. However, all
other options of partnership are opened as well based on the results of the
studies we are applying for as well as research and negotiation activities of
To determine bathymetric and geologic conditions at locations the data from
the hydrographic-geological-magnetometric survey for gas pipelines OmišaljCasal Borsetti and Kukuljanovo-Omišalj have been used.
The connection would be owned and operated by Plinacro. The
development of the project started with Exmar, however, for its completion
other options are open as well. The estimate of interest for the capacity
booking at the connection and the capacity booking would be performed by
the so called “open season” procedure. The joint company will contract the
long-term use of the connection and the transmission/transit/storage
Western Balkan Investment Framework (WBIF)
capacities with potential LNG suppliers (OMV, EON, MOL, Prirodni plin…)
Grant request
(Why a grant contribution is
needed for the Project
The construction of the gas transmission system in the Republic of Croatia
has been financed solely from the transport tariff. By 2012 Plinacro will
invest in this construction around EUR 600 million; out of which EUR 280
million from the EIB loan and the rest are Plinacro´s own funds (current
revenues). Due to the current economic situation in the country and having
in mind the reached financial obligations, the financing of CS, FS, EIA and
SIA + CD of this strategic regional project will need to be provided from other
Conformity with the
eligibility checklist:
The project is in conformity with the checklist.
(cf. list in Annex 1)
Title of the Operation:
Type of Contribution
(type of grants)
Conceptual Solution and Feasibility Study
+ Conceptual Design – LNG RV
WBIF grant for CS, FS, EIA and SIA + CD
EUR equivalent
In Project Currency
101 M
101 M
Total Investment
Financing Plan
(Annex 4)
To be adapted case by
Finance Institution
Total (€ M)
EC Contribution IPA
Total Financing (€)
Project preparation
Remarks (grants/loans)
Grant for
CS, FS, EIA and SIA -0,9
+ CD- 0,1
this fiche
0,9 – CS, FS, EIA,SIA
0,1 - CD
The grant financing to a specific investment project (“Grant operation”) may take the form of:
1) Technical assistance: financing technical assistance including preparatory work for eligible investment
projects such as impact assessments, feasibility studies, detailed design, project supervision and
targeted capacity building and implementation support.
2) Investment grants: direct grants for specific project components, as well as incentive schemes based on
performance of implementing institutions.
3) Incentive payments to financial intermediaries.
4) Interest rates subsidies: provision of a lump-sum amount to ensure that the loan finance needed for the
investment project can be made available at reduced interest rates.
5) Insurance premia: funding of insurance premia necessary to implement the investment projects.
Western Balkan Investment Framework (WBIF)
Total Grant requested
Total activities
€ 1M (0,9 + 0,1 for CD)
Total Loan requested
Eligible Finance Institution Consortium
Lead Finance Institution
Other Eligible FI (EFI) member
of the consortium
To be determined
Project Chronology
Contact person
Josip Vuković
+385 1 6000310
Contact person
Assessment mission
WBIF steering committee approval
date of signature of the loans
foreseen with the beneficiary
start of project
end of project
Western Balkan Investment Framework (WBIF)
Annex 1: Eligibility checklist
Operations covered by the WBIF benefit one or more of the following beneficiaries: Albania,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro,
Serbia and Kosovo under UNSCR 1244.
Fall within one of the eligible sector:
Environment: water supply, waste water treatment, sewage systems, solid waste and
hazardous waste management, emission control etc.;
Energy: renewable energy, interconnection systems, transmission, co-generation, hydro,
and gas pipelines, etc.;
Energy efficiency and savings;
Transport: railways and inland waterways including river ports, roads, seaports, airports,
border facilities, inter modal terminals and urban transport;
Social: schools and education centres, hospitals and health centres, social housing,
reclusion centres and other public buildings;
SME, private and financial sector support
The project is not supported by or eligible for the Regional Development Component of IPA
project benefit public or private entities or entities with mixed public-private capital
responsible for the provision, management, construction and negotiation of public utilities
and services
All elements included under the activities covered by a WBIF grant for the investment
projects are in principle eligible for grant financing
The project is submitted by the Beneficiary, either via the NIPACs5 or via the partner IFIs
The project is consistent with the EU Pre-Accession Strategy and relevant sector policies
and national investment plans
Grant requests explicitly mention any complementarities or coherence with projects
supported or planned for support under the IPA National Programmes (for implementation
by the EC Delegations or by the Beneficiaries authorities) and/or other donors activities
The borrower/beneficiary intend to use the leverage of a loan through the Joint Lending
Facility for this project
Grant operation is be consistent with the policies, rules and procedures of each source of
funds (Commission, EIB, EBRD, CEB and EWBJF)
When calculating the eligible costs of a project that may benefit from grant financing or co-financing, the rules
and procedures of the Commission, the partner IFIs and the EWBJF will apply. Eligibility of IFI Grant financing
should be confirmed with co-financiers. According to the IPA Regulation the following expenditures are not
eligible: a) taxes, including value added taxes (in principle); b) customs and import duties, or any other charges;
c) purchase, rent or leasing of land and existing buildings; d) fines, financial penalties and expenses of litigation;
e) operating costs (can be allowed on a case-by-case basis); f) second hand equipment; g) bank charges, cost of
guarantees and similar charges; h) conversion costs, charges and exchange losses associated with any of the
component specific euro accounts, as well as purely financial expenses; and i) contributions in kind. In addition,
any leasing costs or depreciation costs are not eligible. In the case of revenue-generating projects, meaning a
project involving an investment in infrastructure, which is subject to charges borne directly by users, the eligible
cost is calculated according to a funding gap method deducting the value of the net revenue over a specific time
from the value of the investment cost.
NIPAC = National IPA Coordinator. The NIPAC is responsible for coordination of programming and
monitoring the implementation of IPA in the Beneficiaries of the Western Balkans and Turkey. As IPA represent
the biggest source of external aid and is linked to the progress and development needed in the EU accession
process, and in line with the local ownership over donor funds and donor coordination as foreseen in the Paris
declaration, the involvement of the NIPAC is of utmost importance for the effectiveness of the JGF and the
Western Balkan Investment Framework (WBIF)
Annex 2: Screening (to be filled by the DG Elarg)
How can you ensure that
beneficiaries NIPACs (National
IPA Coordinators) have been
adequately involved and are
supportive of project?
How the project is consistent with
national (sector) strategies,
national and regional investment
plans and with the IPA priorities
and the project potential for IPA
support (not allocated via the
JGF) or other donor funding?
How the project is consistent with
EU policies (pre-accession
agenda, sector priorities,
competition rules etc.) drawing
from and involving the EC
Delegations, line DGs and
ELARG geographical teams?
Assess eligibility of projects for
support from the JGF and the
appropriate mix of funding
Western Balkan Investment Framework (WBIF)
Annex 3: Assessment (to be filled by the lead IFI)6
Rationale for
use of grant
The Financing
Regional / Cross
Border Impact
Conformity with
Economic and
Capacity of
from EC Budget
100 %
from other Funds
Type of Intervention : … grant
Annex 4: Indicative Financial Plan Envisaged (€) (to be filled by the lead IFI)
As per ToR the Lead IFI has checked the following aspects:
Technical aspects, environmental and social standards, procurement, financial and economic profitability, credit
risk, legal aspects.
Consistency with IFIs’ policies and procedures
Analysis and estimation of TA/grants needs
Financial structuring/identification of lending under the Joint Lending Facility (only IFIs)
Identification of lead IFI and possible mutual reliance
Link with project borrowers and promoters on technical and financial aspects
Exchange of information among Finance Institutions (e.g. pricing, conditionality)