Document 255205

S U B M. 002.004.0309
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Submissions cover sheet (for postal submissions)
Please download, print and complete this form, and enclose it with any postal submission you make to
the 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission. (NB. Electronic submissions can be lodged directly at and do not require this coversheet.)
Submissions, 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission,
Post your submission to:
GPO Box 4358, Melbourne 3001
General submissions close at 4.00pm, Monday 18 May 2009.
Your title (eg. Mr, Ms, Mrs, Dr etc.)
Your full name
Organisation represented
by your submission (if applicable)
Email address
Postal address
Main topics addressed by your submission (please tick):
Causes and circumstances of the bushfires
Policy, preparation and planning of governments, emergency services
Preparation and planning by communities and households
Response to the bushfires
Essential services, including water and power
Please list any towns or communities that are discussed in detail in your submission:
Please provide a general description of what materials you are providing as part of your
submission (eg. Letter; documents; DVD, photos etc... NB. No originals please)
Please tick here if you request your submission to be treated as confidential:
I acknowledge that:
My submission will be treated as a public document and may be published, quoted or summarised by
the 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission.
The Royal Commission will consider any requests for confidentiality. I will be contacted if any request
I make is not granted and have the option to withdraw my submission.
I can be contacted by the Royal Commission in relation to my submission.
S U B M. 002.004.0310
Geoff Bruckard
24 March 2009
2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission
GPO Box 4358
Dear Sir/Madam,
Re; Encouraging Green Waste Recycling in Bushfire Risk Areas
Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission.
This submission goes primarily to the second items in the Commission's terms of
reference being the preparation and planning by governments, emergency services,
other entities, the community and households for bushfires in Victoria, including
current laws, policies, practices, resources and strategies for the prevention,
identification, evaluation, management and communication of bushfire threats and
I own a property in Woods Point Road, Warburton. My property came under threat
during the recent Victorian bushfire season, as it has in past years. The rear of my
property literally abuts State Forrest which is very steep and very densely vegetated.
Each month a significant measure of green waste, such as fallen limbs and trees,
enters my property from the steep incline of the State Forrest. The nature of this
material is such that it is not suitable for recycling via the council kerbside green
recycling bin. This material is often bulky and, in contrast to green waste collected
from suburban areas, is inherently unsuitable for disposal in kerbside recycling bins.
Over many years I have regularly undertaken removal of accumulated green waste
from my property by collecting it and delivering it to the Wesburn Recovery and
Waste Transfer Centre. I have undertaken this work even though a significant
measure of such waste comes from the State Forrest. Disposal of green waste via
the Council's recycling service is environmental friendly. As I understand it, this
green waste is recycled into mulch and used by others.
In the last 12 months the cost of dumping green waste at this centre has increased
dramatically. Whereas the cost of dumping a load of green waste brought to the
centre in my 6x4 trailer used to be around $20, staff at the centre now regularly seek
to charge me $50 to $60 per trailer load. I understand from the Yarra Ranges Shire
Council web site that the price fixed by Council for dumping green waste at this
centre is $22 per cubic metre. An extract from the Council web site confirming these
costs is enclosed. It is unclear whether the increased cost of dumping such waste
arises from an increase in the price fixed by council or the way in which the policy is
enforced. Whatever the reason, the cost is prohibitive and, as a result, I no longer
dump green waste at the transfer centre and instead such waste continues to
accumulate in and around my property.
Letter to Bushfire Royal Commission
S U B M. 002.004.0311
Following this increase in these costs I contacted the Yarra Ranges Shire Council
and spoke to a relevant officer. I drew attention to the financial impost this new
policy imposed upon me, especially given my status as a pensioner. It was
suggested that, rather than dump the waste at the council recycling centre, I should
consider burning the waste on my own property. I was advised to make sure that I
comply with the local fire restrictions and procedures. I have been informed that I
can burn the waste in an incinerator at specified times even though my property
adjoins the State Forrest. The council officer was unmoved by the concern
expressed for the bushfire risk created by this suggestion. The cost of purchasing an
incinerator in which to burn green waste on my property would probably be less than
a couple of trips to the Wesburn green waste recycling centre.
I subsequently raised my concerns regarding this matter with the local member of
State Parliament. I was advised that the local member had received numerous
complaints from residents regarding the increased cost of dumping green waste at
the council transfer centre. One can only imagine that many residents will be
seeking out alternatives to using the recycling centre given the cost. Perhaps they
too have been advised to consider burning the waste rather than recycling it.
The tragic events of the recent Victorian bushfires have only confirmed the dangers
which arise out of a council green waste policy which encourages residents in high
risk bushfire areas to dispose of this material in ways other than at purpose built
recycling centre. This is especially so given that the fires have so badly affected
properties in the Upper Yarra.
I submit that local residents in these areas should be encouraged to dump green
waste in council recycling facilities from where it can be recycled into mulch. The
current prohibitive cost of dumping such waste will inevitably lead to such waste not
being removed from properties, it being dumped in the bush or it being burnt in a
non-environmentally friendly way which increases the risks of bushfires.
The policy of the Yarra Ranges Shire Council in this regard is also out of steps with
the approach taken by many other local governments. For example, the City of
Boroondara allows residents to dump green waste at the council recycling centre
each Sunday at no cost. Details of this free service are set out on the City of
Boroondara web site, an extract of which is enclosed.
understand that other
councils have a similar policy. This raises the question; why are the residents of the
fire prone areas such as the Upper Yarra charged so much to dump green waste
when some other councils allow their residents to dump such material at no cost on
specified days? Surely a better policy would be to encourage the recycling of this
material and seek to recover costs on the sale of mulch rather than on the dumping
of the waste.
Whilst I have recently been informed by the Shire of Yarra Ranges that their green
waste policy is under review, I submit that the 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal
Commission should examine the role that local governments can play in assisting
local residents reduce the fuel load in and around their properties. In my submission
local government policies need to be structured in way so as to encourage fuel
reduction by householders in fire prone areas.
Yours faithfull
Geoff Bruckard
Letter to Bushfire Royal Commission
S U B M. 002.004.0312
Yarra Ranges Shire Council - Wesburn Recovery & Waste Transfer Centre
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Home> >Rubbish,_Recycling and Composting>Recovery_and Waste Transfer Centres>Wesburn Recovery &
Waste Transfer Centre
Wesburn Recovery & Waste Transfer Centre
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Telephone: 5967-1732
The Wesburn Recovery and Waste Transfer Centre is open to all residents and
commercial companies using vehicles with a gross vehicle mass (GVM) less than 3
Location and Operating Hours
Operating Hours
Old Warburton Road,Wesburn 3799.
Telephone: 5967 1732
Open Friday to Tuesday from 8.30am to 4pm
Melway ref: 289 C10
Closed Wednesday, Thursday, Christmas Day
& Good Friday
Disposal Charges
General waste (non-putrescible) per cubic
Includes bricks, concrete, rubble and dirt
Green waste per cubic metre
Gas bottles up to 9kg
Tyres - car
Tyres - small truck
All other tyres
Price on application determined by tyre recyclers'
price list
All prices are inclusive of GST.
Industrial, liquid and prescribed wastes not accepted
Council reserves the right to refuse any material.
All prices are subject to change without notice.
The following recyclable materials are received free of charge:
Plastic bottles code 1, 2 & 3
Paper & cardboard
Glass bottles and jars
Engine oil (up to 20 litres)
Car batteries
Contact Details
If you have any enquiries about information on this page, please contact Waste Management on
1300 368 333 or use the email link below.
Page Last Updated:
Wednesday, 2 July 2008
This is the official web site of Yarra Ranges Shire Council, ©2009.
P 0 Box 105, Anderson Street, Lilydale, Vic 3140
Tel: 1300 368333 Fax: 9735-4249
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Transfer Station and Recycling Drop-off Centres - City of Boroondara
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Transfer Station and Recycling Drop-off Centres
Transfer Station and Recycling Drop-off
Boroondara Transfer Station
Located at :- 648 Riversdale Road, Camberwell - opposite Riversdale Railway Station (Mel ref
Hours of operation:
Monday to Friday - lpm to 4pm for all types of waste
Saturday - Sam to 4pm for all types of waste
Sunday - Sam to 4pm for green waste and recycling drop-off centre only
Closed - Good Friday, Christmas Day, New Years Day
Household waste, general waste (such as disused household appliances) and green waste can be
disposed of at the Boroondara Transfer Station (charges apply- refer detail below).
Residents can dispose of recyclables at the Transfer Station Recycling Drop-off Centre. The general
recyclables that are collected via Council's kerbside collection services can be dropped off free of
charge, charges may apply for other items (please refer detail below).
GMV exceeding two tonne will not be accepted at this transfer station.
Free Disposal of Green Waste on Sundays.
Council provides a free service on Sundays to help residents dispose of large green waste materials.
This free service will complement the fortnightly green waste bins collections and is only available
to Boroondara residents. A Council rate notice or utility bill and driver's licence are required to prove
residency. Non residents and those unable to provide proof of residency will be charged a disposal
Only green waste material can be disposed of as part of this service, no general waste material will
be accepted at the Transfer Station on Sundays.
Only car boot loads, utilities or standard size trailers [No larger than 6' (1.83m) x 4' (1.2m) filled to
water level] will be accepted. No tandem trailers, trucks or vans are allowed.
Garden maintenance providers or commercial providers are not eligible for this service. Fees will be
charged for commercial providers.
The free disposal service is available at the Boroondara Transfer Station from 8am to 4pm on
` Transfer Station and Recycling Drop-off Centres - City of Boroondara
S,Q BM20o 2004.0314
Sundays. Disposal fees will be charged on all other days.
Transfer Station Recycling Drop-off Centre
In July 2001 Council opened its recycling drop-off centre at the Boroondara Transfer Station. The
centre improves environmental outcomes for Boroondara through recycling, better service to the
community and better access to waste disposal and recycling options.
The recyclables collected in the centre includes paper, cardboard, plastics (codes 1 to 7), glass
bottles and jars, aluminium and steel cans, clothes, computers, car batteries, cell batteries, E-Waste,
mattresses, oil, tyres, paint (residents only) and gas bottles (residents only) are also collected for
recycling (charges apply for some items - please refer to price lits) at the times detailed above.A
Council rate notice or utility bill and driver's licence are required to prove residency.
This centre meets the requirements of the Sustainability Victoria's Guide to Best Practice at Transfer
Stations. For more recycling information visit the Sustainability Victoria website below.
Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre
Located at :- Hutchinson Drive, Kew (Mel ref 45C2)
Hours of operation:
Monday to Friday - 8am to 3pm
Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays - loam to 2pm
Closed - Good Friday, Christmas Day, New Years Day
The Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre only accepts recyclables in the centre limited to paper,
cardboard, plastics (code 1 to 7), glass bottles and jars, aluminium and steel cans and clothes. No
general or green waste will be accepted.
Sustainability Victoria
Sustainability Victoria is a state government agency providing information and advice to business,
government and communities on waste reduction and recycling.
Transfer Station-Price Listing 2008
Download the Riversdale Transfer Station fees and charges.
Education Centre
The City of Boroondara has an environmental education centre to educate local primary school
students on waste minimisation and recycling.
Created: 31 August 2005
Last Update: 19 January 2009