BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAPER – COVER SHEET Meeting date: 28th February 2007 Agenda item: 8.2 Title: Performance Targets 2006-07 Purpose: To advise the Board of the current performance against targets Summary: (to include confirmation that any legal, equality, diversity, human rights and PPI implications have been considered where relevant) This report provides a summary identifying key targets and performance results.The Trust’s current performance is being managed as stated within the Annual Plan. Recommendation: For information Prepared by: Debi Carpanini Performance Manager Presented by: Elaine Hobson Director of Operations This report covers: (Please tick relevant box below) Healthcare Standards (CORE – Monitor √ please specify which standard) Healthcare Standards (DEV’T – Finance please specify which standard) √ Service Development Strategy Performance Management Local Delivery Plan Business Planning Assurance Framework Complaints Other (Please specify) Note: This paper/policy has been assessed for any equality, diversity or human rights implications. 1 Performance Targets 2006-07 National Target number 12 Emergency Care Target 98% of patients to have a maximum 4-hour wait in A & E from arrival to admission, transfer or discharge. This includes attendances at all types of A&E department run by the trust or “minor injury attendances” in partner PCT. RD&E Devon PCT – MIU’s Total Attend’s Breaches % achieved Target % Q1 17,588 26,567 44,155 271 99.4 98 Q2 17,289 29,519 46,808 260 99.4 98 Q3 16,839 21,471 38,310 324 99.2 98 5,511 6,268 11,779 190 98.4 98 57,227 83,825 141,052 1045 99.3 98 Jan 07 Cumulative This indicator is measured annually (Financial Year 2006/07) The individual RD&E performance for the month of January 2006 was 96.5% , however when combined with the minor injury unit performance the community wide performance of 98.4% exceeded the required target performance. The RD&E cumulative performance for the period (April 2006– January 2007) is 98.2% rising to 99.3% when the minor injury unit activity is included. There has been significant rise in A%E attendances and emergency admissions since early December 2006. The senior management team from Devon PCT and the RD&E are meeting regularly to discuss the Community wide implications of these increases. National Target number 2 & 3 Cancer Waiting Times The Trust achieved the following results in the period April- December 2006 31 day target Total Treated Breaches % achieved Target % Q1 528 8 99 98 Q2 528 11 98 98 Q3 553 6 99 98 1609 25 99 98 Breaches % achieved Target % Cumulative 62 day target Total Treated Q1 171 11.5 93 95 Q2 184 13.5 93 95 Q3 184 8 96 95 Cumulative 539 33 94 95 This indicator is measured annually (Financial Year 2006/07) 2 The 62 day target was achieved for the first time in quarter 3. Directorate level tracking arrangements to monitor patients scheduling to eliminate avoidable delays have been introduced. The report from the Department of Health Cancer waiting times - Intensive Support Team is awaited and an action plan will be developed following its receipt. Exception Report attached. National Target number 8 Inpatient/Daycase – maximum 20 weeks wait by March 2007 The inpatient/daycase target of no patients waiting over 20 weeks by 31 March 2007 is still a challenging target, however action plans have been implemented within each directorate and the total number of patients waiting more than 20weeks has reduced by 73 in Jan 07. By 31 March 2007, the milestone requires that at least 97% of patients should be seen within 20 weeks, in January 07 the trust achieved an overall performance of 95%. (NT No 27) National Target number 4 % of patients whose operation was cancelled for non-clinical reasons Cancelled operations are defined as those patients who have their operations cancelled by the Trust for non-clinical reasons on the day of admission or later. The Healthcare Commission has set a 0.8% tolerance level to measure performance in 2005/06. For monitoring purposes the Trust is assuming this tolerance level will be maintained for 2006/07. The percentage of cancelled operations in comparison to total elective operations performed for the period April-January 2007 has remained steady at 0.9 % of total elective activity. However, the trust will not achieve the Healthcare Commission tolerance level of 0.80% for this element of the indicator by the year end. Performance is monitored on a daily basis but due to increasing pressures to deliver maximum waiting times, demand on the A&E department and the pressure on available beds to support the increased emergency workload maintaining current performance will be challenging. This indicator will feature in the Annual Health Check assessment and the Trust’s current performance will be benchmarked against national performance. It is possible therefore the RD&E may be assessed as being underachieved on this indicator. National Target number 6 Convenience & Choice Delivery of Booking Targets The target is 100% of inpatient and outpatient appointments are booked in advance at the convenience and choice of the patient. This target continues to be achieved. The roll out to Directly Bookable Services continues with all specialties expected to achieve DBS by the end of February. 50% of specialties are now DBS. National Target number 25,27 & 28 18 Week Referral to Treatment (RTT) By 2008 no-one will wait longer than 18 weeks from GP referral to hospital treatment. The designated milestones/ targets for the programme are: • 85% of pathways where patients are admitted by March 2008 • 90% of pathways where patients are not admitted by March 2008 • 100% achievement for all patients by December 2008 The 18 week Project Board has established a trust wide muti-professional team who will meet regularly to agree the pln to achieve the delivery of 18weeks maximum waiting. 3 Measurement for RTT waiting across all specialties will be complete by end of February 07. Further developments to the Patient Administration System to support pathway measurement will be piloted in March 07. The National team have produced 10 “ Good Practice Pathways” a further 27 will be delivered in the future. These will help us to look critically at our patient pathways to identify ways to improve through put. National Target number 20 MRSA Infections The target for 2006-07 is a maximum number of 25 cases of MRSA. This is still a joint community and hospital acquired infection target. In January five cases have been reported bringing the total for 2006/07 to 33. The number of reported cases has breached the overall planned target for 2006/07 of 25. As a consequence, this may have an effect on the service performance element of Monitor’s governance risk ratings. MRSA – Number of Reported Cases Month/Year Community Acquired RD&E Acquired TOTALS Quarter 1 3 4 7 Quarter 2 3 5 8 Quarter 3 7 6 13 January 07 4 1 5 Cumulative 17 16 33 MRSA Bacteraemias 8 Community Acquired 7 RD&E Acquired 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Apr04 May04 Jun04 Jul04 Aug04 Sep04 Oct04 Nov04 Dec04 Jan05 Feb05 Mar05 Apr05 May05 Jun05 4 Jul05 Aug05 Sep05 Oct05 Nov05 Dec05 Jan06 Feb06 Mar06 Apr06 May06 Jun06 Jul06 Aug06 Sep06 Oct06 Nov06 Dec06 Jan07 National Target number 11 Thrombolysis 60-minute Call to Needle Time Performance The cumulative performance position for the 60minute call to needle indicator has deteriorated from 47% to 41% in Jan 07 against a target of 38% for 2006/07. This was due to three of the four patients eligible for thrombolysis arriving at the RD&E later than 60 minutes from the initial call. Primary Angioplasties: 95 primary angioplasties have been performed in the period April to January 2007 and the combined thrombolysis/primary angioplasty performance is 91%. National Target number 7 Delayed Transfers of Care This indicator measures the impact of community-based care in ensuring timely discharge from hospital. People should receive the right care in the right place at the right time and primary care trusts must ensure, with acute trusts and social services partners, that people move on from the acute environment once they are medically safe to transfer. The Healthcare Commission has set a tolerance level for a score of “achieved” at 3.5% Delayed transfers of care as % of occupied acute beds F A Special Cause Flag 7.00% Individual Value 6.00% 5.00% 4.00% 3.00% 2.00% 1.00% 0.00% 1/8/2007 12/11/2006 11/13/2006 10/16/2006 9/18/2006 8/21/2006 7/24/2006 6/26/2006 5/29/2006 5/1/2006 4/3/2006 3/6/2006 2/6/2006 1/9/2006 12/12/2005 11/14/2005 10/17/2005 9/19/2005 8/22/2005 7/25/2005 6/27/2005 5/30/2005 5/2/2005 4/4/2005 -1.00% Period In recent months the percentage of patients occupying an acute hospital bed whose transfer of care was delayed has seen an upward trend as indicated in the above graph. The performance position for the month of January 2007 for the RD&E was 4.68% with a cumulative position for the period (April 2006– January 2007) of 2.51%. The Trust therefore remains on target for meeting this target 5 National Target number 25 Total number of patients waiting more than 13 weeks for a diagnostic test by March 2007 (a) Imaging th CT, MRI & Non-Obs Ultrasound Patients - Waiting >13 Weeks since 8 Jan 2007 500 Number Waiting >13 Weeks 450 400 350 300 CT MRI US 250 200 150 100 50 02-Apr 26-Mar 19-Mar 12-Mar 05-Mar 26-Feb 19-Feb 12-Feb 05-Feb 29-Jan 22-Jan 15-Jan 08-Jan 0 Action plans have been implemented to achieve a maximum 13 week wait by Mar 07. CT & Ultrasound scans have seen significant reduction in the number of patients waiting greater than 13 weeks and the level of risk has been amended to “low” risk of the target not being met. MRI continues to be monitored closely and an exception report is attached, however we are confident that the team will achieve the year end target. (b) Physiological Measurements Diagnostic & Therapeutic - Sleep Studies 120 Sleep CPAP >=13 weeks 100 80 60 Sleep >=13 weeks 40 20 See Exception Report attached. 6 3 1 /0 3 /2 0 0 7 2 8 /0 2 /2 0 0 7 3 1 /0 1 /2 0 0 7 3 1 /1 2 /2 0 0 6 3 0 /1 1 /2 0 0 6 3 1 /1 0 /2 0 0 6 3 0 /0 9 /2 0 0 6 3 1 /0 8 /2 0 0 6 3 1 /0 7 /2 0 0 6 3 0 /0 6 /2 0 0 6 3 1 /0 5 /2 0 0 6 3 0 /0 4 /2 0 0 6 3 1 /0 3 /2 0 0 6 2 8 /0 2 /2 0 0 6 3 1 /0 1 /2 0 0 6 0 ( c) Endoscopy Endoscopy Waiting Times 1,800 1,600 Number Waiting 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 Under 13 weeks 13 weeks plus Jan-07 Dec-06 Nov-06 Oct-06 Sep-06 Aug-06 Jul-06 Jun-06 May-06 Apr-06 Mar-06 Feb-06 Jan-06 0 Total waiting Action plans have been implemented to achieve a maximum 13 week wait by Mar 07. All patients who will be classified as waiting greater than 13 weeks by March 07 will receive their procedure date by the end of February 07, therefore, the level of risk has been amended to “low” risk. We will continue to monitor this target closely. 7 BOARD EXCEPTION REPORT CORPORATE TARGET NUMBER & DESCRIPTION: 3. All cancers: two month GP urgent CURRENT CORPORATE RATING: High RESPONSIBLE DIRECTOR: Director of Operations referral to treatment Brief description of how the rating was derived All efforts are made to ensure the target of 95% for the 62-day target is being met. However there remains the risk that the number of clinically complex cases may be above the 5% tolerance allowed and that a small number of patients will not be treated within the target time due to delays in the pathway at the RD&E or referring Trust. Details of actions necessary to return performance back to either good or excellent Although the 62 day target was met for Quarter 3, the cumulative position for the year to date remains at 94%. However strenuous efforts are being made to try and ensure that performance against the 62 day target is improved, especially in the higher risk, high volume cancer sites. Systems for day to day monitoring of waiting times are also being strengthened with the aim of identifying and addressing potential delays earlier in the treatment pathway. 8 BOARD EXCEPTION REPORT CORPORATE TARGET NUMBER & DESCRIPTION: 25. Total number of patients waiting more than 13 weeks for a diagnostic test by March 2007 (a) Imaging - MRI CURRENT CORPORATE RATING: Medium RESPONSIBLE DIRECTOR: Director of Operations, Clinical Director and Directorate Manager of Diagnostics Brief description of how the rating was derived An initial review was carried out and indicated insufficient capacity levels to achieve the maximum 13 week target wait time for CT and MRI scans by March 2007. Data quality has been an issue but has improved with full implementation of the new Radiology Information System (RIS). Successful implementation of PACS (Picture Archive Control System) and the new RIS in late September through October has improved data capture and quality and enabled further waiting list validation. The implementation of these systems did, however, reduce activity levels in September and October with consequent adverse effects on the numbers of patients waiting. Details of actions necessary to return performance back to either good or excellent A detailed action plan has been implemented and is being monitored on a weekly basis to ensure capacity levels are maintained to meet the maximum waiting time of 13 weeks by March 2007. Some of the actions are: y Additional scan sessions have commenced and are being reported by the RD&E Consultant Radiologists. y Review of Independent Sector provision continues and patients transferred where possible. y Detailed work continues to asses and review referral patterns into the services. y Capital planning for the replacement of the original MRI scanner (one of two)has been approved. The work will begin in the Spring with attention to the potential impact on throughput in the department being a major issue Current projections indicate that circa 140 scans need performing above the existing capacity in MRI. Additional internal capacity is currently being implemented to address this backlog by March 07. 9 BOARD EXCEPTION REPORT CORPORATE TARGET NUMBER & DESCRIPTION: 25. Total number of patients waiting more than 13 weeks for a diagnostic test by March 2007 (b) Physiological Measurements – Sleep Studies CURRENT CORPORATE RATING: Medium RESPONSIBLE DIRECTOR: Director of Operations Brief description of how the rating was derived Waiting times for Sleep Studies are reportable against a 13 week target from 1 April 2007. Current review of numbers waiting and longest waits indicate this target will now be met within the increased capacity in Clinical Measurements provided by working in new ways. Details of actions necessary to return performance back to either good or excellent Current waiting lists have been fully validated and Waiting List Policy applied. Over the last 16 months capacity has been increased by the introduction of two additional diagnostic sleep slots per week (up from 6 to 8), resulting in the diagnostic waiting list steadily falling from 154 (31 Jan 06) to 66 (11 Feb 07). Further actions taken since November 2006: • Commenced ‘pilot’ trial of home-based therapeutic sleep studies increasing potential studies from only 2/week to between 4 and 8 / week depending on staff availability. • Commenced ‘pilot’ trials comparing two portable diagnostic kits that could be used in the medium-term to transfer in-patient diagnostic sleep studies to the home environment. 10 11
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