Agenda Item Cover Sheet Agenda Item No. B-3 Meeting Date Consent Section x Regular Section March 16, 2011 Public Hearing Subject: Approve Small Business Job Creation Program Report and Budget Amendment to Fund Program Department Name: Economic Development Contact Person: Gene Gray Sign-Off Approvals: Contact Phone: 272-6210 Assistant County Administrator 03/10/2011 Date Department Director 03/10/2011 Date Management and Budget – Approved as to Financial Impact Accuracy 03/10/2011 Date County Attorney – Approved as to Legal Sufficiency 03/10/2011 Date Staff's Recommended Board Motion: A. Receive report and approve implementation of Small Business Job Creation Program designed to assist in the creation of jobs with businesses within Hillsborough County with ten or fewer employees. The program is designed to help stimulate the local economy, reduce unemployment in the County, assist Small Business growth and create sustainable new jobs by reimbursing 50% of wage/salary cost of new jobs for three months, up to $3,900 for each new job, subject to program criteria and restrictions. The program has the potential to incentivize the creation of approximately 200 jobs based on a County allocation of $500,000. B. Approve a budget amendment realigning $500,000 in the Countywide Capital Project Fund from Industry Promotion to the Small Business Job Creation Program under the Economic Development Incentives Project (C77768). Financial Impact Statement: The budget amendment realigns $500,000 in the Countywide Capital Project Fund. No additional County funds are required. Background: In February 2011, Commissioner Sandra Murman proposed an incentive program for small business owners in Hillsborough County who create jobs. Commissioner Murman requested research be conducted in order to determine the impact the program could have on Hillsborough County job creation. The Board of County Commissioners directed the Economic Development Department to further develop the preliminary program draft to include operational aspects of the program and how it would function to serve Hillsborough County small businesses. An analysis of program options was developed that represents various levels of hourly wage, percentage of reimbursement and the total number of jobs that could be created at each level. The level of job creation will be determined by the amount of funding provided by the County and the wages associated with the incentivized jobs. Program details and the application process are contained in the attached report. List Attachments: 1) Line Item Detail and 2) Small Business Job Creation Program Report LINE ITEM AGENDA DETAIL DEPARTMENT NAME Economic Development / Capita! Projects DEPT. CODE: ED / CP FUNDING SOURCE: 30-002-604 Current Revised Account Budget Increase Decrease Budget Code Name of Account (in Dollars) (in Dollars) (in Dollars) (in Dollars 30-002-604 Countywide Capital Projects Fd. Appropriateion: CP77768614/4803 Econ. Dcv. Activity-Countywide $1,058,418 $0 $500,000 $558,418 Industry Promotion CP77768624/4803 Small Business Job Creation Program $0 $500,000 $0 $500,000 Total Appropriations $1,058,418 $500,000 $500,000 $1,058,418 This item does ( ) does not ( x ) have a greater impact in the next fiscal year. The anticipated3impact is: Approval of this item will add ( ) temporary positions. Approval of this item will eliminate ( ) positions. Position titles: MEETING DATE: March 16, 2011 AGENDA CODE: _______________________ HC/CA 101 Rev. 10/99 Report to Hilisborough County BOCC Small Business Job Creation Program March 16, 2011 PROGRAM PURPOSE: To provide funding to businesses with ten (10) or less employees (small businesses) to help facilitate job creation in Hilisborough County. BACKGROUND: In February, 2011, Commissioner Sandra Murman proposed an incentive program for small 24 on Hillsborough business owners in Hillsborough County who create jobs. Commissioner Murman requested research be conducted in order to determine the impact the program could have County job creation. The Board of County Commissioners directed the Economic Development Department to further develop the preliminary program draft to include operational aspects of the program and how it would function to serve Hillsborough County small businesses. An analysis of program options was developed that represents various levels of hourly wage, percentage of reimbursement and the total number of jobs that could be created at each level. The level of job creation will be determined by the amount of funding provided by the County and the wages associated with the incentivized jobs. PROGRAM PROPOSAL: Staff recommends the establishment of a small business job creation program that will reimburse participating small businesses no more than an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of three (3) months total salary of new jobs, beginning at minimum wage and up to $15.00 per hour rate of pay, capped at the total amount of $3900.00, per new employee up to a maximum of 3 new employees, subject to the program criteria and restrictions described below. Based on an appropriation of $500,000 by the County, this program has the potential to incentivize the creation of approximately 200 jobs. Current economic and unemployment conditions justify the program, especially considering that most small businesses that would benefit from this program cannot qualify for the traditional State and local job incentive programs. An example of how the program would work is shown below: ~ R~imhtir~mc~nf Im cn% Assumed Hourly wage $10 Number hours per week 40 Average Salary per Week $400 Average Salary per 3 Months (13 weeks) $5,200 Salary Reimbursement Amount for 3 Months (13 weeks) of Employment (@ 50%) $2,600 County Budget Projected # of jobs (?~ 50% $500,000 192 Similar programs have been initiated throughout the United States and have had great success. The Job Creation Program in Hillsborough County is intended to fit the needs of Hillsborough County small business owners and will help provide the following benefits, each of which serves both a county and a public purpose: This document provided by the Small, Minority Business Development Section 3/8/11 1 > Stimulate the local economy > Reduce unemployment in Hillsborough County > Encourage small businesses to hire today, instead of waiting. This will help grow their business. > Create quality, sustainable, new jobs and help reduce the unemployment rate in Hillsborough County. GOALS: The goal of the Job Creation Program is to successfully create jobs and enable 35 which small businesses located in Hillsborough County to hire new employees. The program will offer a wage reimbursement to small business owners with 10 or less employees, reimbursement will be paid following satisfaction of all Program requirements, including but not limited to, completion of the required employment period. This wage reimbursement can be used for working capital or other needs as necessary. The reimbursement will tremendously impact a small business by offering them an opportunity to free up capital to expand their business. The reimbursement will not only impact the small business, but will also impact unemployment numbers in Hillsborough County. ADMINISTRATION OF THE PROGRAM: It is recommended that the program be administered by the Small, Minority Business Development Section (SMBDS) of the Economic Development Department. SMBDS already successfully provides business development to small, minority, veteran and women-owned businesses throughout Hillsborough County. One hundred percent of the funds allocated for this Program will be used to reimburse qualified small business owners that hire a full-time employee during the incentive period. Maximum reimbursement to a small business will be for three (3) newly hired employees. Program funding will be available on a first-come / first-serve basis and will be limited to one application per business. The existing staff of the SMBDS will apply the qualifications and criteria provided herein to each individual business that applies to participate in the program to determine the pre-qualification of each business. PROCESS: 1. Submit application including all attachments. 2. The Economic Development Department's Small Business Information Center (SBIC) will review the application and contact business owner upon approval. 3. Once an application is approved, the business owner will be required to attend an orientation session. 4. Within 30 days of orientation, business owner must submit Part ll-"New Employee Verification Form" and all required attachments. 5. Small Business Information Center (SBIC) will contact applicant upon approval of Part II. 6. At the three (3) month anniversary of the new hire employee(s), the business owner can submit Part II l-"Final Verification/Reimbursement Form" and all required attachments. 7. Small Business Information Center (SBIC) will review, approve reimbursement and submit for payment. 8. Business owner should receive reimbursement check within 30 days. This document provided by the Small, Minority Business Development Section 3/8/11 2 PROGRAM QUALIFICATIONS: Program funding will be available to businesses that meet the following qualifications. 1. Business must be domiciled (located) in Hillsborough County 2. Business must have 10 or less employees at the time the application is submitted, and create new jobs as described herein. 3. Business must have been operating for a minimum of 2 years. 46 6. Business 4. Business must be a For Profit business. 5. Business must be independently owned and operated. No franchises, subsidiaries or affiliates will be qualified for the program. owners or shareholders cannot be employed by Hillsborough County. 7. Business names on application must be identical to the name listed on all documents required to engage in business, including business tax receipts. PROGRAM CRITERIA: Program new hires and reimbursement will be required to meet the following criteria: 1. Reimbursement amount will be no more than an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of three (3) months total salary, beginning at minimum wage and up to $15.00 per hour rate of pay, capped at the total amount of $3900.00, per new employee up to a maximum of 3 new employees. This will not prohibit business owner from paying the new employee at a higher rate of pay. 2. New employee hire must work a minimum of 40 hours per week. This must be (1) one employee, several part-time employees cannot be combined. 3. New employee must be employed for a minimum of three (3) months prior to submitting Part III- Final Verification/Reimbursement Form. 4. New employee hire must result in a net increase in full-time employees from the previous three (3) months prior to application. 5. New hire employee must provide documented evidence that they are a resident of Hillsborough County. 6. Small business must provide W-4, Payroll records, and a signed employee verification form may be required. 7. Prior to disbursement, of program reimbursement business owner must provide IRS Form 941, Payroll Records, Florida Department of Revenue Employer's Quarterly Report (UCT-6) Form or any additional supporting documents deemed necessary by administrating department in order to prove employee eligibility. 8. New employee hire cannot be related to Business Owner. 9. Business owner must attend a minimum of four (4) hours of business workshops and/or business counseling at the Small, Minority Business Information Center (SBIC) Development Section and/or partners within 3 months of application and provide certificate of attendance. 10. Business owner will sign a statement agreeing to participate in a follow-up survey six (6) months from the Program reimbursement disbursement. 11. Business owner must provide a typed or printed comrlete application to include all supporting documents required with application. NOTE - Incomplete applications will not be considered. 12. Applications will be accepted on a first come/first serve basis until program funding is depleted. 13. Hillsborough County possesses sole and final decision-making authority for determining if the small business is appropriate for receiving reimbursement and reserves the right to deny approval. Moreover, Hillsborough County may re-appropriate funds previously appropriated for this Program that have not been encumbered. This document provided by the Small, Minorili,' Business Development Section 3/8/11 3 RECOMMENDATION: a. Receive report and approve implementation of Small Business Job Creation Program designed to assist in the creation of jobs with businesses within Hillsborough County with ten or fewer employees. The program is designed to help stimulate the local economy, reduce unemployment in the County, assist Small Business growth and 57 Business create sustainable new jobs. b. Appropriate $500,000 from the Capital Improvement Project Economic Development fund. This document provided by the Small, Minority Development Section 3/8/11 4 ss owners or shareholders cannot be employed by Hillsborough County. 7. Business names on application must be identical to the name listed on all documents required to engage in business, including business tax receipts. PROGRAM CRITERIA: Program new hires and reimbursement will be required to meet the following criteria: 1. Reimbursement amount will be no more than an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of three (3) months total salary, beginning at minimum wage and up to $15.00 per hour rate of pay, capped at the total amount of $3900.00, per new employee up to a maximum of 3 new employees. This will not prohibit business owner from paying the new employee at a higher rate of pay. 2. New employee hire must work a minimum of 40 hours per week. This must be (1) one employee, several part-time employees cannot be combined. 3. New employee must be employed for a minimum of three (3) months prior to submitting Part III- Final Verification/Reimbursement Form. 4. New employee hire must result in a net increase in full-time employees from the previous three (3) months prior to application. 5. New hire employee must provide documented evidence that they are a resident of Hillsborough County. 6. Small business must provide W-4, Payroll records, and a signed employee verification form may be required. 7. Prior to disbursement, of program reimbursement business owner must provide IRS Form 941, Payroll Records, Florida Department of Revenue Employer's Quarterly Report (UCT-6) Form or any additional supporting documents deemed necessary by administrating department in order to prove employee eligibility. 8. New employee hire cannot be related to Business Owner. 9. Business owner must attend a minimum of four (4) hours of business workshops and/or business counseling at the Small, Minority Business Information Center (SBIC) Development Section and/or partners within 3 months of application and provide certificate of attendance. 10. Business owner will sign a statement agreeing to participate in a follow-up survey six (6) months from the Program reimbursement disbursement. 11. Business owner must provide a typed or printed comrlete application to include all supporting documents required with application. NOTE - Incomplete applications will not be considered. 12. Applications will be accepted on a first come/first serve basis until program funding is depleted. 13. Hillsborough County possesses sole and final decision-making authority for determining if the small business is appropriate for receiving reimbursement and reserves the right to deny approval. Moreover, Hillsborough County may re-appropriate funds previously appropriated for this Program that have not been encumbered. This document provided by the Small, Minorili,' Business Development Section 3/8/11 3 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ADMINISTP~TORS Hi11sborou~h County Ken Hagan Florida Edith M. Stewart Al Higginbotharn J. Eugene Gray, Acting Lesley "Les" Miller, j1, Office of the County Administrator Sharon D. Subadan, Inerirn Sandra L. Murnian Michael S. Merrill Mark J. Thornton, Interim Mark Sharpe Small Business Job Creation 8 Process: 1. Program (JCP) Program Purpose: To provide funding to businesses with ten (10) or less employees (small business) to help facilitate job creation in Hilisborough County. 6 Submit application including all attachments. (See address below) 2. The Economic Development Department's Small Business Information Center (SBIC) will review the application and contact business owner upon approval. 3. Once an application is approved, the business owner will be required to attend an orientation session. 4. Within 30 days of orientation, business owner must submit Part II-"New Employee Verification Form" and all required attachments. 5. Small Business Information Center (SBIC) will contact applicant upon approval of Part II. 6. At the three (3) month anniversary of the new hire employee(s), the business owner can submit Part III-"Final VerificationlReimbursement Form" and all required attachments. 7. Small Business Information Center (SBIC) will review, approve reimbursement and submit for payment. 8. Business owner should receive reimbursement check within 30 days. RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATION TO: Hilisborough County Small Business Information Center 7402 N. 56~ Street, Building 400, Suite 425 Tampa, Fl 33617 813-914-4028, press 3 Post Office Box 1110 Tampa, Florida 33601 in ljI~rrnaIne 1ctwn/LqnaIOppnr1~rmty Lmp/oyer ence that they are a resident of Hillsborough County. 6. Small business must provide W-4, Payroll records, and a signed employee verification form may be required. 7. Prior to disbursement, of program reimbursement business owner must provide IRS Form 941, Payroll Records, Florida Department of Revenue Employer's Quarterly Report (UCT-6) Form or any additional supporting documents deemed necessary by administrating department in order to prove employee eligibility. 8. New employee hire cannot be related to Business Owner. 9. Business owner must attend a minimum of four (4) hours of business workshops and/or business counseling at the Small, Minority Business Information Center (SBIC) Development Section and/or partners within 3 months of application and provide certificate of attendance. 10. Business owner will sign a statement agreeing to participate in a follow-up survey six (6) months from the Program reimbursement disbursement. 11. Business owner must provide a typed or printed comrlete application to include all supporting documents required with application. NOTE - Incomplete applications will not be considered. 12. Applications will be accepted on a first come/first serve basis until program funding is depleted. 13. Hillsborough County possesses sole and final decision-making authority for determining if the small business is appropriate for receiving reimbursement and reserves the right to deny approval. Moreover, Hillsborough County may re-appropriate funds previously appropriated for this Program that have not been encumbered. This document provided by the Small, Minorili,' Business Development Section 3/8/11 3 Business Name (as it appears on Business Tax Receipt) Business Address (as it appears on Business Tax Receipt) City Zip Code Phone Number Email Type/Description of Business business was established:______ Years in business: Current number of employees: Full-Time - Part-Time provide the following information regarding your current 9 WBHO M/F employee(s): Name Job Title/Position Hourly Wage White/Black/Hispanic/Other Male/Female (Please Circle) WBHO M/F WBHO M/F WBHO M/F 7 WBHO M/F WBHO M/F WBHO MIF WBHO M/F WBHO M/F WBHO M/F Please fill out the following inform ation for number of employees you intend to hire utilizing the Job Creation Program. This must be between 1-3 new emp rn'ees. Employee Position/Job Title Approximate Hire Date Approximate Hourly Wage 1. 2. 3. The following items must be included with the application submission: - Basic Business Plan (see attached template or electronic version located at www.hillsborou~'hcountv.or~r/s/,jc - Hilisborough County Business Tax Receipt(s) showing that your business has been operating for a minimum of 2 years, including most current. - If applicable, City of Tampa, Plant City or Temple Terrace Business Tax Receipt/Payment showing that your business has been operating for a minimum of 2 years, including most current. L Hillsborouh County Flonda Owner(s) Name 1 eive reimbursement check within 30 days. RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATION TO: Hilisborough County Small Business Information Center 7402 N. 56~ Street, Building 400, Suite 425 Tampa, Fl 33617 813-914-4028, press 3 Post Office Box 1110 Tampa, Florida 33601 in ljI~rrnaIne 1ctwn/LqnaIOppnr1~rmty Lmp/oyer ence that they are a resident of Hillsborough County. 6. Small business must provide W-4, Payroll records, and a signed employee verification form may be required. 7. Prior to disbursement, of program reimbursement business owner must provide IRS Form 941, Payroll Records, Florida Department of Revenue Employer's Quarterly Report (UCT-6) Form or any additional supporting documents deemed necessary by administrating department in order to prove employee eligibility. 8. New employee hire cannot be related to Business Owner. 9. Business owner must attend a minimum of four (4) hours of business workshops and/or business counseling at the Small, Minority Business Information Center (SBIC) Development Section and/or partners within 3 months of application and provide certificate of attendance. 10. Business owner will sign a statement agreeing to participate in a follow-up survey six (6) months from the Program reimbursement disbursement. 11. Business owner must provide a typed or printed comrlete application to include all supporting documents required with application. NOTE - Incomplete applications will not be considered. 12. Applications will be accepted on a first come/first serve basis until program funding is depleted. 13. Hillsborough County possesses sole and final decision-making authority for determining if the small business is appropriate for receiving reimbursement and reserves the right to deny approval. Moreover, Hillsborough County may reappropriate funds previously appropriated for this Program that have not been encumbered. This document provided by the Small, Minorili,' Business Development Section 3/8/11 3 PROGRAM QUALIFICATIONS: Program funding will be available to businesses that meet the following qualifications: 1. Business must be domiciled (located) in Hilisborough County 2. Business must have 10 or fewer employees at the time the application is submitted. 3. Business must have been operating for a minimum of 2 years. 4. Business must be a For Profit 810 cannot be business. 5. Business must be independently owned and operated. No franchises, subsidiaries or affiliates will be qualified for the program. 6. Business owners or shareholders employed by Hilisborough County. 7. Business name on application must be identical to the name listed on all documents required to engage in business, including business tax receipts. PROGRAM CRITERIA: Program new hires and reimbursement will be required to meet the following criteria: 1. Reimbursement amount will be no more than an amount equal to fifty percent (5 0%) of three (3) months total salary, beginning at minimum wage and up to $15.00 per hour rate of pay, capped at the total amount of $3900.00, per new employee up to a maximum of 3 new employees. This will not prohibit business owner from paying the new employee at a higher rate of pay. 2. New employee hire must work a minimum of 40 hours per week. This must be (1) one employee, several part-time employees can not be combined. 3. New employee must be employed for a minimum of three (3) months prior to submitting Part IllFinal VerificationfReimbursement Form. 4. New employee hire must result in a net increase in full-time employees from the previous three (3) months prior to application. 5. New hire employee must provide documented evidence that they are a resident of Hilisborough County. 6. Small business must provide W-4, payroll records, and a signed employee verification form may be required. 7. Prior to disbursement, of program reimbursement business owner must provide IRS Form 941, Payroll Records, Florida Department of Revenue Employer's Quarterly Report (UCT-6) Form or any additional supporting documents deemed necessary by administrating department in order to prove employee eligibility. 8. New employee hire cannot be related to Business Owner. 9. Business owner must attend a minimum of four (4) hours of business workshops and/or business counseling at the Small Business Information Center (SBIC) and/or partners within 3 months of application and provide certificate of attendance. 10. Business owner agrees to participate in a follow-up survey six (6) months from the Program reimbursement disbursement. 11. Business owner must provide a typed or printed complete application including all supporting documents required within the application. NOTE Incomplete applications will not be considered. 12. Applications will be accepted on a first come/first serve basis until program funding is depleted. 13. Hilisborough County possesses sole and final decision-making authority for determining if the small business is appropriate for receiving reimbursement and reserves the right to deny approval. Moreover, Hillsborough County may re-appropriate funds previously appropriated for this Program that have not been encumbered. I have answered all questions and provided all information as required by this application. Business Owner Signature STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF________________________ The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledgement before me this _______, day of , 20, by _____________________________________, who is personally known to me or who has produced ______________________as identification and who did/did not take an oath. In witness thereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal. ___________________________________________________ (Seal) NOTARY PUBLIC (Signature) My Commission Expires: ___________________ NOTARY PUBLIC (Print) 2 ATTACHMENT I BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE (Electronic version can be located at www. hilisbo roughcount y. org/s bic) 3 usiness must be domiciled (located) in Hilisborough County 2. Business must have 10 or fewer employees at the time the application is submitted. 3. Business must have been operating for a minimum of 2 years. 4. Business must be a For 911 Profit business. 5. Business must be independently owned and operated. No franchises, subsidiaries or affiliates will be qualified for the program. 6. Business owners or shareholders cannot be employed by Hilisborough County. 7. Business name on application must be identical to the name listed on all documents required to engage in business, including business tax receipts. PROGRAM CRITERIA: Program new hires and reimbursement will be required to meet the following criteria: 1. Reimbursement amount will be no more than an amount equal to fifty percent (5 0%) of three (3) months total salary, beginning at minimum wage and up to $15.00 per hour rate of pay, capped at the total amount of $3900.00, per new employee up to a maximum of 3 new employees. This will not prohibit business owner from paying the new employee at a higher rate of pay. 2. New employee hire must work a minimum of 40 hours per week. This must be (1) one employee, several part-time employees can not be combined. 3. New employee must be employed for a minimum of three (3) months prior to submitting Part IllFinal VerificationfReimbursement Form. 4. New employee hire must result in a net increase in full-time employees from the previous three (3) months prior to application. 5. New hire employee must provide documented evidence that they are a resident of Hilisborough County. 6. Small business must provide W-4, payroll records, and a signed employee verification form may be required. 7. Prior to disbursement, of program reimbursement business owner must provide IRS Form 941, Payroll Records, Florida Department of Revenue Employer's Quarterly Report (UCT-6) Form or any additional supporting documents deemed necessary by administrating department in order to prove employee eligibility. 8. New employee hire cannot be related to Business Owner. 9. Business owner must attend a minimum of four (4) hours of business workshops and/or business counseling at the Small Business Information Center (SBIC) and/or partners within 3 months of application and provide certificate of attendance. 10. Business owner agrees to participate in a follow-up survey six (6) months from the Program reimbursement disbursement. 11. Business owner must provide a typed or printed complete application including all supporting documents required within the application. NOTE Incomplete applications will not be considered. 12. Applications will be accepted on a first come/first serve basis until program funding is depleted. 13. Hilisborough County possesses sole and final decision-making authority for determining if the small business is appropriate for receiving reimbursement and reserves the right to deny approval. Moreover, Hillsborough County may re-appropriate funds previously appropriated for this Program that have not been encumbered. I have answered all questions and provided all information as required by this application. Business Owner Signature STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF________________________ The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledgement before me this _______, day of , 20, by _____________________________________, who is personally known to me or who has produced ______________________as identification and who did/did not take an oath. In witness thereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal. ___________________________________________________ (Seal) NOTARY PUBLIC (Signature) My Commission Expires: ___________________ NOTARY PUBLIC (Print) 2 Business Plan Section Application for Hillsborough County Small Business Job Creation Reimbursement Program Business Name: Email: Address: City: Zip Code: Contact Name: Website: Phone: Date: Business Plan Outline: Type / Print details for each section below `7 Executive Summary `7 Business Description & Vision `7 Definition of the Market `7 12 Statement for 10 Description of Products and Services `7 Organization & Management V Marketing and Sales Strategy `7 Financial Management: Attach Balance Sheet, Cash Flow & Income last 2 yrs (Optional) V Appendix : Attach Company brochures, Resumes of key employees, Pictures of business location & products (Optional) This secti on should: After revi ewing this section the reader should: 7 Be written last v~ Want to learn more about business `/ Provide an enthusiastic snapshot of your company, explaining ~( your Have a basic understanding about who you are, what you do and why your company Business Description & Vision This section should include: After rev iewing this section the reader should: V Mission statement (business purpose) `~` Who the business is and what it stands for " Company vision (statement about company growth) V Your perception of the company's growth & potentiat I Business goals and objectives V Specific goals and objectives of the business V Brief history of the business V Background information about the V List of key company principals company 4 ment Form. 4. New employee hire must result in a net increase in full-time employees from the previous three (3) months prior to application. 5. New hire employee must provide documented evidence that they are a resident of Hilisborough County. 6. Small business must provide W-4, payroll records, and a signed employee verification form may be required. 7. Prior to disbursement, of program reimbursement business owner must provide IRS Form 941, Payroll Records, Florida Department of Revenue Employer's Quarterly Report (UCT-6) Form or any additional supporting documents deemed necessary by administrating department in order to prove employee eligibility. 8. New employee hire cannot be related to Business Owner. 9. Business owner must attend a minimum of four (4) hours of business workshops and/or business counseling at the Small Business Information Center (SBIC) and/or partners within 3 months of application and provide certificate of attendance. 10. Business owner agrees to participate in a follow-up survey six (6) months from the Program reimbursement disbursement. 11. Business owner must provide a typed or printed complete application including all supporting documents required within the application. NOTE - Incomplete applications will not be considered. 12. Applications will be accepted on a first come/first serve basis until program funding is depleted. 13. Hilisborough County possesses sole and final decision-making authority for determining if the small business is appropriate for receiving reimbursement and reserves the right to deny approval. Moreover, Hillsborough County may re-appropriate funds previously appropriated for this Program that have not been encumbered. I have answered all questions and provided all information as required by this application. Business Owner Signature STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF________________________ The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledgement before me this _______, day of , 20, by _____________________________________, who is personally known to me or who has produced ______________________as identification and who did/did not take an oath. In witness thereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal. ___________________________________________________ (Seal) NOTARY PUBLIC (Signature) My Commission Expires: ___________________ NOTARY PUBLIC (Print) 2 Definition of the Market Description of Products and Services This section should: After revi ewing this section the reader should: V Specifically describe all of your products and services V Why you are in business V Explain how your products and services are competitive V V What your products and services are and how much they sell for I-low and 13 V Basic 11 why your products & services are competitive This section should: After reviewing this section the reader should: V Describe your business industry and outlook information about the industry you operate in and the V Define the cntical needs of your perceived or existing market customer needs you are fulfilling V Identify your target market V The scope and share of your business market, as well as who V Provide a general profile of your targeted clients your target customers are V Describe what share of the market you currently have andlor anticipate 5 iness Description & Vision This section should include: After rev iewing this section the reader should: V Mission statement (business purpose) `~` Who the business is and what it stands for " Company vision (statement about company growth) V Your perception of the company's growth & potentiat I Business goals and objectives V Specific goals and objectives of the business V Brief history of the business V Background information about the V List of key company principals company 4 ment Form. 4. New employee hire must result in a net increase in full-time employees from the previous three (3) months prior to application. 5. New hire employee must provide documented evidence that they are a resident of Hilisborough County. 6. Small business must provide W-4, payroll records, and a signed employee verification form may be required. 7. Prior to disbursement, of program reimbursement business owner must provide IRS Form 941, Payroll Records, Florida Department of Revenue Employer's Quarterly Report (UCT-6) Form or any additional supporting documents deemed necessary by administrating department in order to prove employee eligibility. 8. New employee hire cannot be related to Business Owner. 9. Business owner must attend a minimum of four (4) hours of business workshops and/or business counseling at the Small Business Information Center (SBIC) and/or partners within 3 months of application and provide certificate of attendance. 10. Business owner agrees to participate in a follow-up survey six (6) months from the Program reimbursement disbursement. 11. Business owner must provide a typed or printed complete application including all supporting documents required within the application. NOTE - Incomplete applications will not be considered. 12. Applications will be accepted on a first come/first serve basis until program funding is depleted. 13. Hilisborough County possesses sole and final decision-making authority for determining if the small business is appropriate for receiving reimbursement and reserves the right to deny approval. Moreover, Hillsborough County may re-appropriate funds previously appropriated for this Program that have not been encumbered. I have answered all questions and provided all information as required by this application. Business Owner Signature STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF________________________ The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledgement before me this _______, day of , 20, by _____________________________________, who is personally known to me or who has produced ______________________as identification and who did/did not take an oath. In witness thereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal. ___________________________________________________ (Seal) NOTARY PUBLIC (Signature) My Commission Expires: ___________________ NOTARY PUBLIC (Print) 2 Organization & Management This section should: After revi ewing this section the reader should: V Provide a description of how your company is organized as well V The legal form of ownership for your business as an organization chart, if available V Who the leaders are in your business as well as their roles V Describe the legal structure of your 14 business (proprietorship, V The general flow of operations within the firm partnership, corporation, etc.) V Identify necessary or special licenses andlor permits12 your business operates with V Provide a bnefbio description of key managers within the company Marketing and Sales Strategy This section should: After revi ewing this section the reader should: V Identify and descnbe your market - who your customers are and V Who your market is and how you will reach it what the demand is for your products & services V How your company will apply pricing, promotion, product V Describe your channels of distribution diversification and channel distribution to sell products and V Explain your sales strategy, specific to pricing, promotion, your services competitively products and place (4Ps) Financial management is a very important section of a Business Plan, and it requires extensive work. This section is not required for this program but we recommend all business owners prepare the financial statements to complete the Business Plan and have it ready for a loan application. 6 must result in a net increase in full-time employees from the previous three (3) months prior to application. 5. New hire employee must provide documented evidence that they are a resident of Hilisborough County. 6. Small business must provide W-4, payroll records, and a signed employee verification form may be required. 7. Prior to disbursement, of program reimbursement business owner must provide IRS Form 941, Payroll Records, Florida Department of Revenue Employer's Quarterly Report (UCT-6) Form or any additional supporting documents deemed necessary by administrating department in order to prove employee eligibility. 8. New employee hire cannot be related to Business Owner. 9. Business owner must attend a minimum of four (4) hours of business workshops and/or business counseling at the Small Business Information Center (SBIC) and/or partners within 3 months of application and provide certificate of attendance. 10. Business owner agrees to participate in a follow-up survey six (6) months from the Program reimbursement disbursement. 11. Business owner must provide a typed or printed complete application including all supporting documents required within the application. NOTE - Incomplete applications will not be considered. 12. Applications will be accepted on a first come/first serve basis until program funding is depleted. 13. Hilisborough County possesses sole and final decisionmaking authority for determining if the small business is appropriate for receiving reimbursement and reserves the right to deny approval. Moreover, Hillsborough County may re-appropriate funds previously appropriated for this Program that have not been encumbered. I have answered all questions and provided all information as required by this application. Business Owner Signature STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF________________________ The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledgement before me this _______, day of , 20, by _____________________________________, who is personally known to me or who has produced ______________________as identification and who did/did not take an oath. In witness thereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal. ___________________________________________________ (Seal) NOTARY PUBLIC (Signature) My Commission Expires: ___________________ NOTARY PUBLIC (Print) 2 Phone Number Email Fill out all information below and attach a W-4for each new employee(s) hired, along with proof of employees residence in Hillsborough County. See examples below on calculating reimbursement: Employee Name Employee Address Hire Date Hourly Gross Wage Total Gross Wages for 3 month period Reimbursement Amount at 15 Request $1885 13 50% (maximum $3900) Example: Bill Kellog 2009 N. Dale Mabry Ave Tampa Fl, 33609 04/1/11 $7.25 7.25 x 40 (hrs) x 13 (weeks) $3770 $3770.00 /2=$ 1885 Example: John Smith 12140 Jackson Ln, Riverview Fl, 33579 04/1/11 $10.21 10.21 x 40 (hrs) x 13 (weeks) $5309.20 $5309.20 /2=$2654.60 Request $2654.60 Example: Kelly Rogers 8725 Jackson Road Lutz Fl, 33549 04/21/11 $17.40 17.40 x 40 (hrs) x 13 (weeks) $9048 $9048/2= $4524 MAX: $3900.00 1. 2. 3. Business Name (as it appears on Business Tax Receipt) - - Owner(s) Name RETURN COMPLETED PART H NEW EMPLOYEE VERJFICA TION TO: Hillsborough County Small Business Information Center 7402 N. 56th Street, Building 400, Suite 425 Tampa, Florida 33617 V Explain your sales strategy, specific to pricing, promotion, your services competitively products and place (4Ps) Financial management is a very important section of a Business Plan, and it requires extensive work. This section is not required for this program but we recommend all business owners prepare the financial statements to complete the Business Plan and have it ready for a loan application. 6 must result in a net increase in full-time employees from the previous three (3) months prior to application. 5. New hire employee must provide documented evidence that they are a resident of Hilisborough County. 6. Small business must provide W-4, payroll records, and a signed employee verification form may be required. 7. Prior to disbursement, of program reimbursement business owner must provide IRS Form 941, Payroll Records, Florida Department of Revenue Employer's Quarterly Report (UCT-6) Form or any additional supporting documents deemed necessary by administrating department in order to prove employee eligibility. 8. New employee hire cannot be related to Business Owner. 9. Business owner must attend a minimum of four (4) hours of business workshops and/or business counseling at the Small Business Information Center (SBIC) and/or partners within 3 months of application and provide certificate of attendance. 10. Business owner agrees to participate in a follow-up survey six (6) months from the Program reimbursement disbursement. 11. Business owner must provide a typed or printed complete application including all supporting documents required within the application. NOTE - Incomplete applications will not be considered. 12. Applications will be accepted on a first come/first serve basis until program funding is depleted. 13. Hilisborough County possesses sole and final decision-making authority for determining if the small business is appropriate for receiving reimbursement and reserves the right to deny approval. Moreover, Hillsborough County may re-appropriate funds previously appropriated for this Program that have not been encumbered. I have answered all questions and provided all information as required by this application. Business Owner Signature STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF________________________ The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledgement before me this _______, day of , 20, by _____________________________________, who is personally known to me or who has produced ______________________as identification and who did/did not take an oath. In witness thereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal. ___________________________________________________ (Seal) NOTARY PUBLIC (Signature) My Commission Expires: ___________________ NOTARY PUBLIC (Print) 2 Phone Number + Email Fill out information below about new emolovee(s) hired. see example for calculations: Employee Name Hire Date Hourly Gross Wage Total Gross Wages for 3 month period Reimbursement Amount at 50% (maximum $3900) Example: John Smith 04/1/11 10.21 10.21 x 40 (hrs) x 13 (weeks) $5309.20 162. 14 $5309.20/2=$2654.60 $2654.60 Example: John Smith 04/21/11 $18.00 18.00 x 40 (hrs) x 13 (weeks) $9360.00 $9360.00/2=$4680.00 MAX: $3900.00 1. 3. Attach the following item(s) with completed application: - IRS Form 941 - Payroll Forms - Florida Department of Revenue Employer's Quarterly Report (UCT-6) Form - Copy of Cert~ficate ofAltendance offour (4) hours of business workshops and/or business counseling STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledgement before me this _______, day of , 20, by who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who did/did not take an oath. In witness thereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLiC (Signature) (Seal) NOTARY PUBLIC (Print) My Commission Expires: RETURN COMPLETED PART HI - FINAL VERIFICATION/REIMBURSEMENT FORM TO Hiisborough County Small Business Information Center 7402 N. 56?' Street, Building 400, Suite 425 Tampa, FL 33617 Business Name (as it appears on Business Tax Recezpt)_ Owner(s) Name I have answered all questions and provided all information as required by this application. Business Owner Signature pplication. 6 must result in a net increase in full-time employees from the previous three (3) months prior to application. 5. New hire employee must provide documented evidence that they are a resident of Hilisborough County. 6. Small business must provide W-4, payroll records, and a signed employee verification form may be required. 7. Prior to disbursement, of program reimbursement business owner must provide IRS Form 941, Payroll Records, Florida Department of Revenue Employer's Quarterly Report (UCT-6) Form or any additional supporting documents deemed necessary by administrating department in order to prove employee eligibility. 8. New employee hire cannot be related to Business Owner. 9. Business owner must attend a minimum of four (4) hours of business workshops and/or business counseling at the Small Business Information Center (SBIC) and/or partners within 3 months of application and provide certificate of attendance. 10. Business owner agrees to participate in a follow-up survey six (6) months from the Program reimbursement disbursement. 11. Business owner must provide a typed or printed complete application including all supporting documents required within the application. NOTE - Incomplete applications will not be considered. 12. Applications will be accepted on a first come/first serve basis until program funding is depleted. 13. Hilisborough County possesses sole and final decision-making authority for determining if the small business is appropriate for receiving reimbursement and reserves the right to deny approval. Moreover, Hillsborough County may re-appropriate funds previously appropriated for this Program that have not been encumbered. I have answered all questions and provided all information as required by this application. Business Owner Signature STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF________________________ The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledgement before me this _______, day of , 20, by _____________________________________, who is personally known to me or who has produced ______________________as identification and who did/did not take an oath. In witness thereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal. ___________________________________________________ (Seal) NOTARY PUBLIC (Signature) My Commission Expires: ___________________ NOTARY PUBLIC (Print) 2
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