SURVEY PACKAGE COVER SHEET Building Information: Survey Type: ReconnaissanceLevel Characterization Survey BuildingType: Classification: 0 class I El Type 1 Type20 Type3 c1ass20 class3 Contaminantsofconcern: Plutonium TypesofSurveysRequM Alpha 0 Uranium Beta 0 0 0 0 unknown Other Gamma Re-Demolition Survey a 0 0 0 Justification for Classification: Area has been decontaminated and surveyed previously, it is not expected that contaminationgreater than the DCGLw will exist Special Support Requirements: A heated instrument storage location will need to be placed in B707. Natural lighting may not illuminate some areas of survey unit - temperature andlor lighting set-up required for these areas as needed. Special Wety Requirements: Isolation Controls: LEVEL10 LEVEL20 N/d7 No use, storage, or movement of radioactivematerial, with the exception d instrument check sources, Is permittedin this survey unit. Comments: Verification survey . Random sampling to cover 10% of the survey unit. Labeling Requirements: Survey area surfaces shall be labeled per the attached survey map(s). AI1 areas surveyed will be marked on the surveyed surface with indelible ink pen or equivilant. B707 did not affect the instrumentsadversely during the m u s e of work. L B707-A-000165 I SURVEY PACKAGE SURVEY/SAMPLING INSTRUCTION FORM I - -”. ’*--”---.- ’ ’ Minimum Survey/SamplingMeasurement Requirements >second count time required I ‘dormscans in accordance with the attached Flow chart. lote: All locations are denoted on survey package survey map. innature (PRO-475-RSP-16.01, effective 05/22/01) a Date SURVEY PACKAGE SURVEY/SAMPLING INSTRUCTION FORM (cont) Survey/SamplingInstructions + NOTE Any changes to the Survey Package must be logged in the “Survey Package CorrectiodChangeHistory Form.” + RCT - If not already completed, label the survey unit surfaces per the Survey Package Cover Sheet Grid Requirements Section and the attached survey map(s). + RCT - If not a l d y completed,aanspose sample numbers from attached survey maps onto each correspondingsurvey location on the survey unit surfaces. Note: Work will be performed in cold conditions. Instrument operability may be affected. Increased operability checks are required. + RCT -Perform pre-use performance checks of all instrumentation to be utilized in conjunction with this survey plan. Perform operational checks with sources attached to the instrument frequently, at least once every survey location. If operational chodr performed during work is 20% less than check performed prior to work, return instrument to the heated storage location. Obtain new instrument from heated storage location, perform operational check and resurvey the square meter where previous instrument failed operational check before proceeding to next area. + - A priori Minimum DetectableConcentrations(MDCs)listed in the R E T S Re-Demolition Survey Plan (PDSP) may be used. If MDCs are calculated, use the formula indicated below in the sampling instructions. Verify that computed MDCs are less than 50% of the RCT applicable DCGb. Record all information on the Instrument Data Sheet. 3 + 3.29 Rbts(1 + -) ta MDC = tb E I ( A/ 1OO)ts Where, R = Background counting rate r , = sample counting time interval r = background counting time E, =total eficiency A = physical surface area of the detector (or area sampled for smears) Note: Ensure that a 60 second count time is utilized when determining the MDC of the NE Electra. + RCT - Local Area Background values should be obtained at each survey block eitherjust before or just after obtaining the actual total surface activity. Only one LAB per survey block is required. (PRO-475-RSP-16.01, effective 0 5 f Z ~ I ) SURVEY PACKAGE SURVEY/SAMPLING INSTRUCTION FORM (cont) SurveyEampling Instructions 4 RCT - Obtain 100cm2total surface activity measurements (and local area background measurements) on areas that exceed 300 dpm/lOOcmz. Document results on the “ Investigation Data Sheet” 4 RCT - perform ALPHA scans and ALPHA investigation scans. Complete the “ Investigation Data Sheet” as appropriate. 4 RCT - Perform post-use performance checks immediately following use, typically following the conclusion of measurements on the same day. The post-use performance checks SHALL fall within i 20%of the established range to be considered acceptable. 4 RCT Supervisor -Review the applicable forms in the s w e y package for completeness. complete the “Survey Signature Sheet,” and / forward the survey package to Characterization Radiological Engineering for final disposition. (PR0475-RSP-16.01. effective 05/2u)I) Page 1 of 2 SCAN AND INVESTIGATION METHODS WITH SELECTED INSTRUMENTS Scan Method with DP6 (example) (Ahha) I Scan at 2"/sec (maximum) I YES NO Pause over area for 3 seconds Continue scan - NO $. Continue scan Collect a @-second LAB & a 60second TSA with the DP6 probe at the area@)of elevated activity No Document results, continue scan. Radiological Engineer will evaluate survey data to verify square meter average is less than 5 4 >60 cpm gross? Page 2 of 2 Investigation Method with DP6 (verify no areas >300 dpm/100cm2) (Alpha) > 60 gross cpm. . ---I I , NOTE: Area may be sealed and allowed to decay to eliminate shortlived radon daughters or isotopic analysis may be used to identify radionuclide(s) present. Contact Radiological Engineering for specific guidance. I i NO Investigation Complete. to DOE added I II I I I I ----.I I dpd100 cm2? Investigation Complete. L Collect additional 60-second measurements within the grid, if required by Rad Engineering YES Complete. 707065 Random Scan Set LEGEND: C-NA= UNPAINTED CEILING X-NA=* NUMBER OF SAMPLES REQUIRED 12/6/04 - 1 Survev S = Scan o I = Investigation , I - I I I 100% survey, Less than Survey Date Instrument Model Inst. Serial # I Z l S / d ELE~~RA3 5 7 5 Survey Type' Xr 300 dpml100cm2 ( Yes or Block# 2 No) 9% - PnRTABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENr-"YRF'ORMANCETEST LOG (Alpha only) ELECTRA I 1933 klpha 31 2 0 BLDG. CAL. DUE DA"Ezh$& INSTRUMENT EFFICIENCY: 2O7 Beta I ( ~ a n g e , Z 5 6 q /3471 70 INSTRUMENT FLUSHIRE- TIME/ IN BATT COUNT BKG DATE CAL Yes No SAT Yes No TYPE (cpm) Beta Alpha Beta Alpha Beta Alpha Beta Alpha Beta Alpha Beta NIA N/A\ NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NfA Rev 0410 1 2 - i ' INST. TYPWSERIAL #: PROBE S I N : RSFORMS-02-01 C:Unstrument Forms\CoversElectra.doc Page 1 READING (Net cpm) CHARGE (NIA if not gas prop. det.) NIA * Guidance for use of this form is located on the back of the form NIA RSFORMS-02.01-04 PORTABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE TEST LOG I SOURCE ISOTOPE (Alpha): PU-239 (CSL)l(SM)/(RegistryNo.): (Circle One) Range (cpm) f 15%: 2564 Source (dpm): 14578 SOURCE ISOTOPE (Beta) Source (dpm): NIA NIA 2707 ' NIA 347( (CSL)/(S/N)/(Registry No.): Range (cpm) f 20%: Certificatioflecay Chart Date: (Circle One) N/A CertificatiodDecay Chart Date: (Circle One) NIA N/A 1 I Approved by: RS Supervision: k- I I . * 4 ' /z I( (uy Date Name (print) * (Net c p m + e f f ) -Source dpm %Error= x (100) Source dpm . Instrument background response check is within tolerances of expected values (typically 1 minute count) . Instrument corrected source count reading falls within an acceptable range (-4.15%of source value typically using a 1 minute count) Performance test data is recorded (as applicable) to each portable contamination survey instrument with signa'me upon completion. .. : , . ',: .. . . . ' .. .. .. . I . . Rev 04/01 .. '. . Page .'. . _ . a I . ' I I - PnRTABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMEN“ TRFORMANCE TEST LOG RSFORMS-02.01 4 . (Alpha only) INST. TYPEBERIAL #: PROBE S/N: c\ Alpha ELECTRA / /\p6 / BLDG. (Range, 70 2637 1 2( 3 INSTRUMENT EFFICIENCY: CAL. DUE DATE: Yr7’0 6 Beta / N/A , This form is used to record parameters noted during daily performance checks on NE Electra, Bicron Frisk-Tech, Portable instruments with gas proportional detector. Instruments that require additional repair or service are returned to Inshumentation Repair Facility. TIME/ DATE IN BATT CAL SAT Yes No Yes No prop. det.) (Initials) Alpha C:Unstrument Forms\CoversElectra.doc b 7,o NIA NIA 3,075 Beta NIA N/A N/A Alpha Beta NIA NIA NIA Page 1 NIA 3/3z Alpha Beta Rev 04/01 S I - * Guidance for use of this form is located on the back of the form ’ = i RSFORMS-02.01-04 PUK'rABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE TEST LOG : 4 SOURCE ISOTOPE (Alpha): PU-239 ICSL]/(S/N)/(Registry No.): Source (dpm): /vJ7p SOURCE ISOTOPE (Beta) Source (dpm): (Circle One) Range (cprn) f 15%: gL ' N/A NIA TJ 2 7 7 - 3 J' 7Q 38- 3/ (CSL)/(S/N)/(Registry No .): Range (cpm) f 20%: NIA CertificationlDecay Chart Date: (Circle One) :N/A Certificatiodllecay Chart Date: (Circle One) NIA NIA . . Approved by: RS Supervision: %Error= I Name (print) Signature fi ate ~~~ where * e Instrument background response check is within tolerances of expected values (typically 1 minute count) . Instrument corrected source count reading falls within an acceptable range (k 15%of source value typically using a 1 minute count) Performance test data is recorded (as applicable) to each portable contamination survey instrument with signature upon completion. . Rev 04/01 . Page & . ~ - Net cpm = Source cpm Background cpml GUIDANCE: 0 The appropriate instrument data and building location is recorded on RSFORMS-02.01-04. Obtain an appropriate certified source or decay chart source for the instrument being tested. 0 A general inspection is performed on the instrument for the following: * Physical condition of the detector, cables, and instrument * Instrument batteryjpower supply check is satisfactory * Instrument audio check is satisfactory, as applicable * Instrument light leak check is satisfactory, as applicable * - (Net cprn + eff) Source dpm x (100) Source dpm - PnRTABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT “FAWORMANCE TEST LOG RSF0RM.S-02.01 (Alpha only) INST. TYPWSERIAL #: PROBE S / N : 4 t d / 06 ELECTRA / beta Alpha , q/7L BLDG. CAL. DUE D A T E : ~ T I N S T R U M E N T EFFICIENCY: -72, 31, mange. 2 70 I NIA Z Z L l ~ ) This form is used to record Parmeters noted during daily performance checks on NE Electra, Bicron Frisk-Tech, Portable instruments with gas proportlonal detector. Instruments that require additional :pair or service are returned to Instrumentation Rep& Facility. TIME/ IN BATT SAT Yes No COUNT TYPE Beta Alpha Beta Alpha Beta Alpha Beta Rev 04/01 C:Unstrument Forms\CoversElectra.doc Page I1 BKG (cpm) INSTRUMENT FLUSHREF2EADdG (Net cpm) CHARGE (NIA if not gas prop. det.) N/A NIA N/A NIA N/A N/A NIA N/A N/A NIA NIA NIA I * Guidance for use of this form is located on the back of the form - PORTABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE TEST LOG RSFORMS-02.01-04 1 d SOURCE ISOTOPE (Alpha): PTI-239 (CSL)l(SM)l(RegistryNo.): / (Circle One) Source (dpm): / * y 5 7 g Range (cpm) f 15%: 3 7 G Lq ~ SOURCE ISOTOPE (Beta) Source (dpm): I NIA c (CSL)I(SlN)/(Registry No.): Range (cpm) f 20%: N/A - 2 707 3% NIA ' NIA CertificatiodDecay Chart Date: (Clrcle One) NIA N/A I Approvedby: CertificatiodDecay Chart Date: (Circle One) , I 1 I I 1 %Error- whm (Net cpm + e#) - !Net cpm = Source cpm Background cpm GUIDANCE: 0 The appropriate instrument data and building location is recorded on RSFORMS-02.01-04. 9 Obtain an appropriate certified source or decay chart source for the instrument being tested. A general inspection is performed on the instrument for the following: * Physical condition of the detector, cables, and instrument * Instrument batterylpower supply check is satisfactory * Instrument audio check is satisfactory, as applicable * Instrument light leak check is satisfactory, as applicable . * * 0 Instrument background response check is within tolerances of expected values (typically 1 minute count) Instrument corrected source count reading falls within an acceptable range (k 15% of source value typically using a 1 minute count) Performance test data is recorded (as applicable) to each portable contamination survey instrument with signature upon completion. . Rev 04/01 . I - Source dpm I - PnRTABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT "~RFORMANCETEST LOG (Alpha only) INST. TYPEISERIAL #: e RSFORMS-02.01 4 1 &ha ELECTRA I CAL.DUE DATE:\ \a 10sINSTRUMENT EFFICIENCY: \ A,-- "r" I 0 Beta I NIA - This form is used to record parameters noted during daily performance checks on NE Electra, Bicron Frisk-Tech, Portable instruments with gas proportional detector. Instruments that require additional pair or service are returned to Instrumentation Repair Facility. TIME/ IN CAL Yes No Yes No BKG (CPm) prop. det.) 1 NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA . - . NIA =Is NIA NIA N/A NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA Al ha I Beta Rev 04/01 C:Unstrument Forms\CoversElectra.doc Page 1 * Guidance for use of this form is located on the back of the form PORTABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE TEST LOG SOURCE ISOTOPE (Alpha): PU-239 CCSL)l(SIN)/(RegistryNo.): SOURCE ISOTOPE (Beta) Source (dpm): NIA N fA ,-p 2707 (CSL)f(S/N)l(RegistryNo.): Range (cpm) 2 20%: NIA RSFORMS-02.01-04 < CertificationlDecayChart Date: (Circle One) CertificatiodDecay Chart Date: (Circle One) NIA Where (Net cpm -c eff) GUIDANCE: The appropriate instrument data and building location is recorded on RSFORMS-02.01-04. Obtain an appropriate certified source or decay chart source for the instrument being tested. A general inspection is performed on the instrument for the following: * Physical condition of the detector, cables, and instrument * Instrument batteryIpower supply check is satisfactory * Instrument audio check is satisfactory, as applicable * Instrument light leak check is satisfactory, as applicable Instrument background response check is within tolerances of expected values (typically 1 minute count) . Instrument corrected source count reading falls within an acceptable range (k 15% of source value typically using a 1 minute count) Performance test data is recorded (as applicable) to each portable contamination survey instrument with signature upon completion. Page - Source dprn Source dpm Net cpm = Source cpm - Background cpm v Rev 04/01 NIA NIA %Error= .* * ' \ u) - PnRTABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMEW “YRFORMANCE TEST LOG RSFORMS-02.01 Npha (Alpha only) INST. TYPE/SERIAL #: PROBE S/N: ELECTRA I 2aq7 3417 BLDG. - - CAL.DUE DATE: bt 3 I o ~NSTRUMENTEFFICIENCY: . 707 (Range, / 4 Beta i . 3 90 I NIA 35 70) This form is used to record Parmeters noted during daily performance checks on NE Electra, Bicron Frisk-Tech, Portable instruments with gas proportional detector. Instruments that require additional pair or servi TIME/ BATT COUNT BKG IN INSTRUMENT FLUSWRE- DATE CAL Yes No /GO@ 2 -I - 0 Y 2230 g.-( -0 SAT Yes No TYPE ~ (cpm) READING CHARGE (NIA if not gas (Net cpm) yes Beta NDha Beta NIA NIA NIA I NIA I NIA Alpha -t Rev 04/01 .. .. , C:Unstrument FoF\CoversElectra.doc Page 1 * Guidance for use of this form is located on the back of the form RSFORMS-02.O 1-04 PORTABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE TEST LOG . (Circle One) Range(cpm)f15%: I* 5 76 Source (dpm): SOURCE ISOTOPE (Beta) Source (dpm): NIA t(0 / 3 570 (CSL)/(S/N)/(Registry No .): Range (cpm) f’20%: N/A 26 I bs I s SOURCE ISOTOPE (Alpha): PU-239 (CSL)/(S/N)/(Registry No.): ,NIA CertificatiodDecay Chart Date: (Circle One) NIA CertificatiodDecay Chart Date: (Circle One) WIA NIA .. Approved by: RS Supervision: Name (print) .(d1oy %Error=(Ner cpm + e f f ) - Source dprn x (100) Source dpm I , Date I Signature Where lNet cam = Source cbm - Backmound cDm GUIDANCE: The appropriate instrument data and building location is recorded on RSFORMS-02.01-04. Obtain an appropriate certified source or decay chart source for the instrument being tested. A general inspection is performed on the instrument for the following: * Physical condition of the detector, cables, and instrument * Instrument batterylpower supply check is satisfactory * Instrument audio check is satisfactory, as applicable * Instrument light leak check is satisfactory, as applicable * * Instrument background response check is within tolerances of expected values (typically 1 minute count) Instrument corrected source count reading falls within an acceptable range (k 15% of source value typically using a 1 minute count) Performance test data is recorded (as applicable) to‘each portable contaminationsurvey instnunen\*withsignature upon completion. . . . . Rev 04/01 Page . I RSFORMS-02.01 PnRTABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT-“KXFORMANCE TEST LOG 4 1 . ELECTRA LfLfoA Alpha INST. TYPE/SERIAL #: / Z I5q PROBE S f N : CAL. DUE DATE:!@/O! , BLDG. 70 (Range, 270I I 21 8 INSTRUMENT EFFICIENCY: Beta I NIA 3654) This form is used to record parameters noted during daily performance checks on NE Electra, Biaon Frisk-Tech, Portable instruments with gas proportional detector. Instruments that require additional epair or service are returned to Instrumentation Repa&Facility. IN FLUSHIRETIME/ CHARGE DATE CAL Yes No (N/A if not gas’ prop. det.) (Initials) 1600 I NIA - NIA N/A NIA 9 N/A . NIA NIA N/A N/A NIA . Rev 04/01 C:Unstrument Forms\CoversElectra.doc Page 1 _. N/A ’ N/A N/A * Guidance for use of this form is located on the back of the form RSFORMS-02.01-04 rws ~ . A B L E SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE TEST LOG L I 2707 SOURCE ISOTOPE (Alpha): PU-239 (CSL)l(SM)/(RegistryNo.): (Circle one) Range. (cpm) f 15%: . 145% Source (dpm): SOURCE ISOTOPE (Beta) N/A NIA Source (dpm): - 3-tf 270 NIA (CSL)/(S/N)/(Registry No.): Range (cprn) f 20%: -NfA CertificatiodDecay Chart Date: (Circle One) N fA N/A 95E r r o r Approved by: RS Supervision: Name (pnnt) CertificatiodDecay Chart Date: (Circle One) El / - (Net cprn + eff 1 Source dprn Source dpm I I Date Signature where - Net cpm = Source cpm Background cpm GUIDANCE The appropriate instrument data and building location is recorded on RSFORMS-02.01-04. * Obtain an appropriate certified source or decay chart source for the instrument being tested. A general inspection is performed on the instrument for the following: * Physical condition of the detector, cables, and instrument * Instrument battery/power supply check is satisfactory * Instrument audio check is satisfactory, as applicable * Instrument light leak check is satisfactory, as applicable * * a Instrument background response check is within tolerances of expected values (typically 1 minute count) Instrument corrected source count reading falls within an acceptable range (* 15% of source value typically using a 1minute count) Performance test data is recorded (as applicable) to each portable contamination survey instrument with signature upon completion. . 3 .. . . . I . . . . a . I * Rev 0410~ x (100) Page . . .. . - (Alpha only) INST. TYPEBERIAL #: ELECTRA / RSFORMS-02.01 PQ.RTABLESCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENr “EXF’ORMANCE’TESTLOG PROBE S/N: Rev 04/01 4 t /dJ& klpha CAL.DUE DATE: i :J.P.-o$INSTRUMENTEFFICIENCY: JL. 4 2, h?b& BLDG. 707 (Range, dW./ C:Unstrument Forms\CoversElectra.doc Beta I N/A 134.7/) Page 1 - * Guidance for use of this form is located on the back of the form RSF0RM.S-02.01-04 YVKTABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENTPERFORMANCE TEST LOG bB01 4 SOURCE ISOTOPE (Alpha): PU-239 (CSLJ/(S/N)/(Registry No.): (Circle One) Range (cpm) f 15%: 2 Source ( d p m ) : / J ~ 576 SOURCE ISOTOPE (Eleta) Source (dpm): NIA CertificatiodDecay Chart Date: (Circle One) N/A CertificationlDecayChart Date: (Circle One) %Error- I Date Instrument background response check is within tolerances of expected values (typically 1 minute count) Instrument corrected source count reading falls within an acceptable range (k 15%of source value typically using a 1 minute count) Performance test data is recorded (as applicable) to each portable contamination survey instrument with signature upon completion. . . Page ,. - x (100) Net cpm = Source cprn Background cpm GUIDANCE: The appropriate instrument data and building location is recorded on RSFORMS-02.01-04. Obtain an appropriate certified source or decay chart source for the instrument being tested. A general inspection is performed on the instrument for the following: * Physical condition of the detector, cables, and instrument * Instrument batterylpower supply check is satisfactory * Instrument audio check is satisfactory, as applicable * Instrument light leak check is satisfactory, as applicable Rev 04/01 NIA (Net cpm+eff)-Source dpm ' Whcrc * N/A N/A A * I / fCSL)/(S/N)/(Registry No.): Range (cpm) f 20%: N/A 7/c/ 4 5 PWTABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMEW TRFORMANCE TEST LOG - INST. TYPWSERIAL #: PROBE SM: RSFORMS-02.01 A 4 c (Alpha only) ELECTRA / 610' Alpha faqs BLDG. CAL. DUE DATE: 70 mange, repair or service are returned to Instrumentahon Repair Facility. TIME/ IN CAL DATE Yes No 3769 BATT SAT Yes No I 2/23!DJ INSTRUMENTEFFICIENCY: da' 3 tieta I NIA 7733) COUNT BKG (cpm) TYPE INSTRUMENT FLUSHIREREADING CHARGE (Net cpm) (N/A if not gas prop. det.) (Initials) 16 6b ye1 /./I/P9 l 223e Y IZJ\\O / \ I/& / ~ -~ La Alpha Beta Alpha Beta Alpha Beta Alpha Beta Alpha Beta Alpha Beta NIA & *Q Alpha 1 ' Beta Alpha Beta Alpha Beta Alpha Beta Alpha - -~ Beta , Rev 04/01 C:Unstrument Forms\Covers\Electra.doc Alpha Beta Page 1 , 33 2-9 NIA N/A 3255 NIA NIA N/A NIA NIA N/A NIA NIA NIA NIA N/A NIA N/A NIA NIA N/A NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA N h - NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA N/A NIA N/A A I\ / I N/A /I 1 1 1 I * Guidance for use of this form is located Qn the back of the form J RSFORMS-02.01-04 YUKI'ABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE TEST LOG I 7J270'7 SOURCE ISOTOPE (Alpha): PU-239 (CSL)/(S/N)l(RegistryNo.): Source. Source (dpm): ' SOURCE ISOTOPE (Beta) Source (dpm): (Circle One) Range (cpm) f 15%: ' /$--7p N/A NIA 37 6 3 -32 2''~- CCSL)/(S/N)/(Registry No .): Range (cpm) f 20%: - 7737 NJA CertificatiodDecay Chart Date: (Circle One) . NIA CertificatiodDecay Chart Date: (Circle One) NIA NIA %Error- (Net cpm+eff) -Source dpm x (100) Source dpm Approved by: RS Supervision: Name (print) I w - ' Signature /Iu Date I J where Net cpm = Source. cpm - Background cprn GUIDANCE: The appropriate instrument data and building location is recorded on RSFORMS-02.01-04. Obtain an appropriate certified source or decay chart source for the instrument being tested. A general inspection is performed on the instrument for the following: * Physical condition of the detector, cables, and instrument * Instrument batterylpower supply check is satisfactory * Instrument audio check is satisfactory, as applicable * Instrument light leak check is satisfactory, as applicable * * Instrument background response check is within tolerances of expected values (typically 1 minute count) Instrument corrected source count reading falls within an acceptable range (k 15% of source value typically using a 1 minute count) Performance test data is recorded (as applicable) to each portable contamination survey instrument with signature upon completion. . Rev 04/01 . . Page A . I N 4 RSFORMS-02.01-04 PORTABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE TEST LOG t (Alpha only) INST. TYPE/SERIAL #: * PROBE S/N: L ? & s? ELECTRA / Alpha 3 9 77 BLDG. 70 CAL. DUE DATEQ&/>~ (Range, INSTRUMENT EFFICIENCY: ,g/!y.z Beta I N/A 223 3- 1 This form is used to record parameters noted.during daily performance checks on NE Electra, Bicron Frisk-Tech, Portable instruments with gas proportional detector. Instruments that require additional re air or servicc IN BATT COUNT BKG INSTRUMENT FLUSHIRE,CAL SAT TYPE (cpm) READING CHARGE Yes No Yes No (Net cpm) (N/A if not gas F Rev 04/01 C:Unstrument Forms\CoyersUElectra.doc . . Page 1 * Guidance for use of this form is located on the back of the form RSFORMS-02.01-04 PORTABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE TEST LOG SOURCE ISOTOPE (Alpha): (Circle One) CertificationlDecay Chart Date: (Circle One) N/A CertificationlDecay Chart Date: (Circle One) N/A Source (dpm): SOURCE ISOTOPE (Beta) Source (dpm): N/A (CSL)l(SM)l(Registry No.): Range (cpm) +- 20%: NIA N/A NIA I Approved by: . RS Supervision: %Error= (Net cpm + e#) - Source dpm x (100) Source dpm I * * 0 Instrument background response check is within tolerances of expected values (typically 1 minute count) Inskment corrected source count reading falls within an acceptable range (k 15% of source value typically using a 1 minute count) Performance test data is recorded (as applicable) to each portable contamination survey instrument with signature upon completion. Rev 04/01 Page 2 3977 , .. . (PRO.475-RSP-16.01, dfenivc 0SRu)I) 33 v . . A RCT ID # 1 Date 12 /O,/$ ,, I f q ' 2 Q . I I I 4 Comments (PRO-475-RSP-16.01, effective 05/22/01) I/ x- . . (PRO-475-RSP- 16.01. effective OSi2ZOl) V pJ \ L pJ A / .B lcornments (F'RoI75-RSP-I6.0I. cffeaive OWMI) 39 I I E / (PRO-475-RSP-16 01, cffectivc 05nUOl) 86.6 , Comments I I A I Supervisor-nt) (PRO-475-RSP-16.01. effective OSRZOl) Date 0 (PRO-475-RSP-16.01. cffcctivc OSRZIOI) QI \ RCT ID # Date &//* 1 s/ 2 3 4 I hture) (PRO-475-RSP-16.01. cflcctivc OSnDDl) 47 U Dale .' ,
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