1 PAYMENT REFERS TO ITEM NO UNIT QUANTITY RATE AMOUNT SECTION A : PRELIMINARY AND GENERAL SABS 1200 A FIXED-CHARGE ITEMS 8.3 8.3.1 DESCRIPTION A.1 Contractual Requirements Sum Establishment of Facilities on the Site 8.3.2 Facilities for the Contractor : A.4 a) Storage sheds No. A.5 b) Living accommodation Sum A.6 c) Ablution and latrine facilities Sum A.7 d) Tools and equipment Sum A.8 e) Water supplies, electric power and communications Sum A.9 f) Access Sum 8.3.3 A.10 Other fixed-charge obligations Sum 8.3.4 A.11 Removal of Site Establishment Sum TIME-RELATED ITEMS 8.4 8.4.1 8.4.2 1 A.13 Contractual Requirements Month Operation and Maintenance of Facilities on Site, for Duration of Construction, except where otherwise stated Carried forward 2 2 R Preliminary and General PAYMENT REFERS TO ITEM NO DESCRIPTION UNIT RATE AMOUNT R Brought forward QUANTITY Facilities for the Contractor : A.16 a) Storage sheds Month A.17 b) Living accomodation Month A.18 c) Ablution and latrine facilities Month A.19 d) Tools and equipment Month A.20 e) Water supplies, electric power and communications Month A.21 f) Access Month 8.4.3 A.22 Supervision for Duration of Construction Month 8.4.4 A.23 Company and Head Office Overhead Costs for the Duration of the Contract Month 8.4.5 A.24 Other Time-related Obligations Month R Carried forward to summary 3 Site Clearance PAYMENT REFERS TO ITEM NO DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY RATE AMOUNT SECTION 2 : SITE CLEARANCE SABS 1200 C SCHEDULED ITEMS 8.2 8.2.1 C.1 Clear and grub m² 358 PSC8.2.5 C.2 Take down existing fences and re-erect after completion of the works to original state m 10 R Carried forward to summary 4 Earthworks (Pipe Trenches) PAYMENT REFERS TO ITEM NO DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY RATE AMOUNT SECTION DB : EARTHWORKS (Pipe Trenches) SABS 1200 DB EXCAVATION 8.3.2 Excavate in all materials for canals, culvers, and trenches. Backfill, compact and dispose of surplus / unsuitable material for total depth : (Unlimited freehaul) DB.1 a) 0,0 - 1,2 m m³ 400 DB.2 b) 1,3 - 2,0 m m³ 10 DB.3 c) 2,1 - 5,0 m m³ 0 8.3.2 (b) PSDB 5.5 Extra-over items DB 1 to 3 above for : DB.4 a) Intermediate excavation m³ 50 DB.5 b) Hard rock excavation m³ 15 m³ 50 m³ 15 DB.7 DB.8 e) Hand excavation to expose existing services in a careful manner. Excavation Ancillaries 8.3.3 d) Excavate and dispose of unsuiteble material from excavation bottom. (Unlimited freehaul) Make up deficiency in backfill material (provisional) DB.9 a) From other necessary excavations on site m³ 20 DB.10 Compaction in road reserves m³ 75 Existing Services that Intersect or Adjoin a Pipe Trench 8.3.5 a) Services that intersect a trench DB.11 I) Water pipe No. 2 DB.12 ii) Sewer pipe No. 1 DB.13 iii) Stormwater pipe No. 0 DB.14 iv) Underground cables No. 5 Carried forward 5 R Earthworks (Pipe Trenches) PAYMENT REFERS TO ITEM NO DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY AMOUNT R Brought forward DB.15 RATE v) Overhead cables No. 5 b) Services that adjoin a trench DB.16 I) Water pipe m 50 DB.17 ii) Sewer pipe m 10 DB.18 iii) Stormwater pipe m 0 DB.19 iv) Underground cables m 50 DB.20 v) Overhead cables m 100 FINISHING 8.3.6 Reinstate road surface complete with all courses DB.21 a) Complete with all courses exept surfacing (gravel roads) m² 15 DB.22 b) Asphalt 50 mm thick on roadway m² 0 R Carried forward to summary 6 Bedding PAYMENT REFERS TO ITEM NO DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY RATE AMOUNT SECTION LB : BEDDING (PIPES) SABS 1200 LB Provision of bedding from Trench Excavation with unlimited free haul distance 8.2.1 LB.1 a) Selected granular material bedding m³ 90 LB.2 b) Selected fill material m³ 74 Supply only of Bedding by Importation 8.2.2 From Commercial sources (Provisional) LB.3 a) Selected granular material m³ 20 LB.4 b) Selected fill material m³ 0 m³ 10 m³ 3 Encasing of Pipes in Soilcrete PSLB 8.2.6 LB.5 a) Soilcrete (12 % cement added per volume) vibrated as for concrete Encasing of Pipes in Concrete 8.2.4 LB.6 a) 0 - 200mm dia. Pipes in concrete (Class 15/19 concrete) R Carried forward to summary 7 Sewers PAYMENT REFERS TO ITEM NO DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY RATE AMOUNT SECTION LD : SEWERS SABS 1200 LD SEWERS PS 10.6(4) 8.2.1 Supply, Lay, Joint, Bed and Test Pipeline: uPVC Solid Wall Class 34 LD.1 a) 110mm dia. m 443 LD.2 b) 160mm dia. m 50 8.2.1 Supply, Lay, Joint, Bed and Test Pipeline: uPVC Structured Wall Class 34 LD.3 a) 150mm dia. m Rate Only LD.4 b) 200mm dia. m Rate Only 8.2.1 Supply, Lay, Joint, Bed and Test Pipeline: Vitrified Clay Class 2 with Flexible Couplings LD.5 a) 150mm dia. m Rate Only LD.6 b) 200mm dia. m Rate Only MANHOLES 8.2.3 PSLD3.5.2 1000 dia. Complete as per drawing for depth between : LD.8 a) 0,00m and 1,00m No 4 LD.9 b) 1,01m and 1,50m No 1 LD.10 c) 1,51m and 2,00m No Rate Only LD.11 d) 2,01m and 2,50m No Rate Only LD.12 e) 2,51m and 5,00m No Rate Only Future House Connections (as per drawings) PSLD 8.2.6 a) Short house sewer connection using: LD.15 i) uPVC Solid Wall Class 34 No. LD.16 ii) uPVC Structured Wall Class 34 No. LD.17 iii) Vitrified Clay Class 2 with Flexible Couplings No. 8 7 Rate Only Rate Only Earthworks (Pipe Trenches) PAYMENT REFERS TO ITEM NO DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY RATE AMOUNT R Brought forward b) Long house sewer connection using: LD.18 i) uPVC Solid Wall Class 34 No. LD.19 ii) uPVC Structured Wall Class 34 No. LD.20 iii) Vitrified Clay Class 2 with Flexible Couplings No. 0 Rate Only Rate Only Connection to Existing Sewer PSLD 8.2.11 a) Connecting to Existing Manhole for depth LD.28 i) 0,00m and 1,00m No. LD.29 ii) 1,01m and 1,50m No. Rate Only LD.30 iii) 1,51m and 2,00m No. Rate Only LD.31 iv) 2,01m and 2,50m No. Rate Only 1 b) Connecting to Existing Main Sewer with a Saddle PSLD 8.2.12 LD.32 i) 100mm sewer No. Rate Only LD.33 ii) 150mm sewer No. Rate Only LD.34 iii) 200mm sewer No. Rate Only LD.35 Rodding eye No. LD.36 20mm HDPE Water connection from existing water reticulation to proposed toilet, including m 2 200 excavation and all connections. R Carried forward to summary 9 Project No. 8/2/58/2005 Summary Building Work PAYMENT REFERS TO ITEM NO SPEC. PC DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY RATE AMOUNT SPECIFICATION PC: BUILDING WORK PS. 1 PS. 2 Complete concrete floorslab as per drawing cast on site using 20 MPa concrete No. Complete toilet structure as per drawing, No. 7 7 including the brickwork, the steel door and brickforce as per specifications PS. 3 Complete concrete roofslab as per drawing No. 7 cast on site using 20 MPa concrete. PS. 4 Ceramic toilet with seat and cover including No. 3 6 litre flush system with all water pipework up to the erf connection on site. All according to the drawings or connected to house. PS. 5 Doorstop made with 110 mm PVC pipe filled No. 7 with concrete. PS. 6 All excavations at the toilet structure for No. 7 piping and foundations using labour intensite methods PS. 7 All material and labour for the complete No. 7 construction of gulley and tap as per detail including all pipework and connections PS. 8 PS. 9 Toilet seats for toilets supplied by municipality Amount to install toilets supplied by municipality including al pipework and water connections. Only toilet and cistern supplied by municipality No. No. 4 4 R Carried forward 10 Project No. 8/2/20/2010-2011 Summary SECTION DESCRIPTION SECTION A PRELIMINARY AND GENERAL SECTION C SITE CLEARANCE SECTION DB EARTHWORKS : PIPE TRENCES SECTION LB BEDDING (Pipes) SECTION LD SEWERS SPEC. PC BUILDING WORK SUB - TOTAL : 10 % CONTINGENCIES : SUB - TOTAL : VAT: TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST : 11 AMOUNT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: A Compulsory Site Inspection will be held on Thursday, 30 June 2011 at 10H00. Prospective bidders are to meet at Ngqushwa Local Municpality, 115 Military Road next to Traffic Department, Peddie at 10H00. Maps/Charts will be handed out at the Compulsory Site Inspection 12 1. SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES Bidders shall note that all quantities in the schedule are provisional and substantial alterations to individual quantities could occur once construction commences. Should the Bidder be in doubt as to the description of any items, or the meaning of any measurement or payment clause, clarification shall be obtained in writing from the Engineer and this correspondence shall be submitted with the Bid. Payment items listed in the SABS 1200 Standard Specifications which are omitted from the Schedule of Quantities shall not apply to this Contract unless listed on the form “Amendments by Bidder” by the Bidder with the appropriate rates and estimated quantities. 2. SCHEDULE OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The following documents form part of this Contract: 3. VOLUME 1: The General Conditions of Contract of Works of Civil Engineering Construction 2004, which the bidder must purchase. VOLUME 2: The SABS 1200 Standard Specification for Civil Engineering Construction issued by South African Bureau of Standards which the bidder must purchase. VOLUME 3: The Project Document, in which are bound the Special Conditions of Contract, Project Specifications, Schedule of Quantities VOLUME 4: Set of drawings issued with Volume 3 for bid purposes (may be bound in at the back of Volume 3 or issued as a separate volume). GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT The South African Institution of Civil Engineering has a strong tradition of developing, publishing and maintaining forms of contract and has over several decades published six editions on the General Conditions of Contract for Civil Engineering Works. The sixth edition of the General Conditions of Contract for Civil engineering Works (GCC 1990) was modified by the Committee of Land Transport Officials’ and republished by SAICE as the General Conditions of Contract for Road and Bridge Works for State Road Authorities (COLTO 1998). The General Conditions of Contract for Construction Works (GCC 2004) replaces GCC 1990 and COLTO 1998, satisfies the Construction Industry Development Board requirements for a standard form of contract and is suitable for use in procurement documents that are prepared in accordance with the provisions of SANS 10403, Formatting and Compilation of Construction Procurement Documents. GCC 2004 retains the language, style and ethos of GCC 1990 and COLTO 1998 and as such, it retains as far as possible the current wording of these documents. It remains a form of contract 13 primarily for use in contracts where the contractor undertakes construction on the basis of full designs issued by the employer and bills of quantities are used for payment purposes. 4. CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT This document is based on the GCC 2004 and the contractor must obtain and study the document. All the items of the GCC 2004 have reference but the items listed below must be changed as follows: CONTRACT SPECIFIC DATA The following contract specific data are applicable to this Contract: DATA PROVIDED BY THE EMPLOYER Compulsory Data Clause 1.1.14: The name of the Employer is Amathole District Municipality Clause 1.2.2: The address of the Employer is 40 Cambridge Street, P O Box 320, East London, 5200, Tel (043) 701 4000 and Fax (043) 742 0337 Clause 1.1.15: The name of the Engineer is Thusabatho Consulting Engineers Clause 1.2.2: The address of the Engineer is P O Box 32289, Fichardtpark, 9317, Tel (051) 444 5616, Fax (051) 444 1742, E-Mail wouter@thusabatho.co.za Clause 1.6 and Clause 38: The special non-working days are the days, other than Sundays and the year end break on which no work is to be executed. These are the official public holidays of South Africa. These days will be excluded from time calculations. Clause 10: The Contractor shall commence executing the Works within 7 days from the commencement date, if the commencement of the works is not within this time, the contract may be terminated in terms of Clause 55.1.2. Clause 12.2: The Contractor shall deliver his programme of work within 7 days from the commencement date. Clause The percentage allowance to cover overhead charges is to be included in the tender prices. Clause 43.1: The penalty for failing to complete the works will be R 500.00 per working day after the set completion date. Clause 46.2: There will be no Contract Price Adjustment allowed on this project. Clause 49.1.5: 14 The percentage advance on materials not yet built into the Permanent Works is 80 % of the value. Clause 49.3: The percentage retention on the amounts due to the contractor is 10 % of the contract value and 5 % of the contract value after the completion of the project. Clause 53.1: The Defects Liability Period is 6 months after the completion date. 5. PROJECT SPECIFICATION PORTION 1: PS 1 THE WORKS GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND DETAILS OF THE CONTRACT The scope of work is to develop the 7 sites with the following elements: a) A brick toilet structure on every site. b) A flushing 6-litre toilet connected to the water and sewer network. c) A sewer network connected with a gravity line to the existing sewer network. d) All the existing toilets will be connected to the new and existing sewerage network. PS 2 DESCRIPTION OF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE The proposed 7 sites sewerage network will be located in the Ngqushwa Local Municipality Area at Peddie Town and Mathembeka. The project will include a sewer network and toilet structures for 7 sites. Peddie Town and Mathembeka is located approximately 55 km from King Williams Town along the N2. PS 3 CHARACTER OF STRATA AND MATERIALS ON SITE The material on the site consists mainly of a sandy and clay top layers of varying depth with underlying sandstone, hard slate and dolerite. The above paragraph is only given as a guideline and prospective tenders shall also acquaint themselves with the nature of ground and subsoil conditions. PS 4 SITE FACILITIES AVAILABLE PS 4.1 WATER SUPPLY There is a municipal supply and river flow available, which is subject to the normal regulations. The contractor shall make his own arrangements, and pay all installation and consumption changes, for the supply of water required. The flow of water might not be sufficient for the Contractor’s needs at all times. No additional payments will be made for the requirement of water. The employer does not guarantee the continuous and sufficient supply of water and no claims by the Contractor with regard to a shortage of water will be considered. PS 4.2 ELECTRIC POWER SUPPLY Single-phase power supply is available at certain points on the site and can be made available to the contractor. The Contractor shall make all arrangements with the Municipality and pay all installation and consumption changes for the supply of power required. The employer does not guarantee the continuous and sufficient supply of electricity and no claims by the Contractor in this regard will be considered. PS 4.3 SOURCE OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL 15 The Contractor must arrange for his own construction material and must submit it to the Engineer for approval before using it. PS 5 SITE FACILITIES REQUIRED PS 5.1 TEMPORARY OFFICES, STORES AND ACCOMMODATION The Contractor shall supply all necessary toilets and stores for his employees and he shall be responsible for the maintenance of these and ensure that they remain in a clean and sanitary condition. The Contractor will be allowed to use site areas as pointed out for accommodation purposes. He must however get approval beforehand, from the representative of the local authority or landowner. The Contractor shall make available to the Engineer or his representative suitable survey equipment and semi-skilled labourers for use on and about the site at all reasonable times. PS 5.2 TELEPHONE The contractor shall have a cellular phone at all times in order for the Engineer to be in direct contact with him. PS 6 FEATURES REQUIRING SPECIAL ATTENTION PS 6.1 CONTROL OF WATER The Contractor is in all respects responsible for the handling of storm water from higherlaying areas, adjacent to the works, and for the handling of possible sub-surface water. No separate payment shall be made for this as all costs related thereto shall be deemed to be included elsewhere in the tenderer rates. PS 6.2 SURVEY BEACONS Survey pegs will be indicated to the Contractor. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the protection of survey pegs. The Contractor must submit a drawing indicating all erf pegs and survey beacons in the area of construction that can be located, he will be held responsible for all pegs missing after the completion of the project. PS 8 FREEHAUL AND OVERHAUL Notwithstanding any clauses in any of the Standardized Specifications or Standard or Particular Specifications dealing with the definition or payment of transport, freehaul and/or overhaul, all haulage will be considered to be freehaul and the cost thereof to be covered by other rates in the Schedule, unless specifically scheduled or provided for in the document. 16 PORTION 2: VARIATIONS TO STANDARDIZED SPECIFICATIONS SABS 1200 A: GENERAL A 3 MATERIALS PS A 3.1 QUALITY Substitute the second sentence of the first paragraph of A 3.1 with the following : Materials shall bear the official mark of the appropriate standard. (SABS or BS Specifications). The Contractor is responsible for the cost of all testing to ascertain that the materials do comply with the relevant minimum requirements and all such costs shall be deemed to be included in the tendered rates. The cost of control tests done by the Engineer and of which the results do not comply with the minimum requirements shall be for the Contractor’s account. The Contractor shall inform the Engineer of any testing to be done at least 48 hours before such tests are required and must allow in his program for the time necessary for the tests and the processing of the results thereof. The handling, storage, transport and erection of equipment, machinery and materials shall be strictly in accordance with the requirements of the supplier and or manufacturer. All materials shall be new and of the best quality available unless otherwise specified. They must function satisfactory under prevailing climate and weather conditions at the place of installations. A 4 PLANT PS A 4.2 CONTRACTOR’S OFFICES, STORES AND SERVICES Add the following: The contractor must supply the accommodation for his employers. The contractor shall be responsible for the accommodation and the organising of the accommodation and no payment or lengthening of time will be granted for any delay caused in this matter. All the required works permits must be obtained from the Local Municipality before any work are to commence. A 5 CONSTRUCTION PS A 5.1 SURVEY PS A 5.1.1 Setting out of the works Substitute the first sentence in A 5.1.1 with the following: Setting out of the works is the sole responsibility of the Contractors and shall be done from survey pegs and from bench marks as indicated by the registered surveyor to be appointed by the contractor within one week after appointment of the contractor. The Contractor shall, within one (1) weeks after the site has been handed over to him, ascertain himself of the correctness of all pegs and bench marks. Any discrepancy shall immediately be reported in writing to the Engineer. Any costs or subsequent costs arising from discrepancies which had not been reported to the Engineer within the aforementioned period, shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. The Engineer may amend the works at any stage to accommodate site conditions. A 7 TESTING 17 PS A 7.4 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF CONTROL TESTS Substitute A 7.4 with the following: Test results shall not be evaluated by statistical methods. specified minimum requirements of the material concerned. All results shall comply with the A 8 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT PS A 8.2 PAYMENT PS A 8.2.1 Fixed charge and value – related items The sums tendered for fixed charge and value related items will not be increased should extension of time be allowed for completion of the contract. PS A 8.2.2 Time related items The Tendered amount for a time related item will not be increased should extension of time be allowed for completion of the contract. Should the work be completed before the time allowed for in the original contract all tendered amounts for time related items will not be reduced. PS A 8.4 SCHEDULED TIME-RELATED ITEMS PS A 8.4.5 Testing and approval of materials ………………………… Unit : Sum The costs of all sampling and testing of materials by the contractor or an approved laboratory must be included in the amount tendered for “Other Time Related Obligations”. In particular does this apply to the casting, curing and crushing of concrete cubes. PS A 8.6 PRIME COST ITEMS Replace this item with the following : “PS A 8.6 : Prime Cost sums : a) Additional tests required by the engineer (included in price) Unit : PC sum b) Charge required by Contractor on subitem (a) above c) Unit : % Costs of calls in connection with contract administration and cellular phone rental Unit : PC sum d) Charge required by Contractor on subitem (e) Unit : % The prime cost sums provided under subitems (a) (b) (c) in the schedules of quantities will be expended in accordance with subclause 4.8(2) of the general conditions of contract. The tendered percentage under subitem (b) will be paid to the Contractor on the value of each payment to the approved testing laboratory, and the percentage tendered under subitems (d) and (e) will be paid to the Contractor on the value of each payment made to the engineer. Note in connection with subitem (a). 18 The Contractor is responsible for both the cost of normal testing as described in subclause PS 8.10 in portion 1 of the project specifications and for the cost of any additional test that indicates that the specifications have not yet been complied with”. PS A 8.8.2 Sum ACCOMMODATION OF TRAFFIC ………………………………… Unit : Add the following to A 8.8.2 : The rate shall cover all costs pertaining to the provision, erection, moving, re-erection and maintenance of all temporary barricades, road signs, lights, flagmen, etc. as required, for the guarding and protection of the works, for the construction, gravelling and maintenance of access roads and detours to the site of the works, borrow pits or spoil sites, as well as for the later removal or the cleaning and tidying up thereof, for making the necessary traffic arrangements and arrangements with regard to the moving and/or re-erection of existing traffic signs, as well as all other costs to accommodate the traffic during construction. SABS 1200 AB: ENGINEER’S OFFICE AB 3 MATERIALS PS AB 4.1 TELEPHONE Delete the contents of this subclause and replace with the following : The Contractor shall have a cellular telephone at all times in order for the Engineer to be in direct contact with him”. AB 5 CONSTRUCTION PS AB 5.5 SURVEY ASSISTANT Substitute “two or more suitable educated survey labourers” in the first sentence of AB 5.5 with “two semi-skilled labourers”. PS AB 5.6 SURVEY EQUIPMENT The Contractor shall provide the following tested and approved survey equipment on site for the duration of the contract and the use of the Engineer whenever needed : a) one tachometer capable of reading to minimum 20 seconds and maximum 6 seconds of arc, plus tripod; b) one automatic level plus tripod; c) two tachometer staffs and one level staff, all graduated metrically; and d) one 5 m and one 100 tape measure. The above-mentioned equipment may by arrangement be shard between the Contractor and the Engineer’s representative. The Contractor shall keep the equipment continuously insured against any loss, damage or breakage, and he shall indemnify the Engineer and the Employer against any claims in this regard. The Contractor shall maintain the equipment in good working order and keep it clean throughout the contract period. SABS 1200 C: SITE CLEARANCE PSC 3 MATERIAL PSC 3.1 DISPOSAL OF MATERIAL 19 Substitute the first sentence of C 3.1 with the following: Material obtained from clearing and grubbing and demolition of structures shall be disposed of at one of the allocated municipal dumpsites or alternative dumpsite as approved by the Engineer. PSC 5 CONSTRUCTION PSC 5.1 AREAS TO BE CLEARED AND GRUBBED Substitute the first sentence of C 5.1 with the following: Clearing and grubbing is limited to a 3 m wide strip for pipelines not in street reserves. The Contractor may proceed with clearing and grubbing after the handing over of the site. Al clear and grubbing must be done by hand using labour intensive methods. Substitute the last sentence with the following: The Contractor shall program his work in such a manner that reclearing will not be necessary. The cost of reclearing shall be borne by the Contractor. PSC 5.2 CUTTING OF TREES PSC 5.2.3 Preservation of Trees PSC Individual trees Add the following to C Trees outside channel and pipeline routes must be left standing and undamaged, except where otherwise ordered, in writing, by the Engineer. A penalty of R500-00 per tree for trees damaged and/or removed will be charged. PSC 5.8 DEMOLITION OF STRUCTURES PSC 5.8 Add the following to C 5.8: Where an existing informal toilet structure must be removed to make way for the new toilet structure, a temporary removable “bucket system” toilet structure has to be provided before demolition commences. All recoverable material must be handed over to the rightful owner. Non re-usable material and debris must be removed from site together with any demolished material that the owner no longer wants to one of the allocated municipal dumpsites or alternative dumpsite as approved by the Engineer. PSC 8 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT PSC 8.2.5 Take down existing fences and re-erect after completion of the works to original state ……………………………………………………………… Unit: m The unit of measurement will be metre and the rate will include re-erection thereof as soon as possible after construction work is completed. 20 Add the following: PS C 8.2.8 Demolish and remove structures/buildings and cart away unwanted material to spoil at dump site a) Informal toilet structures and buildings smaller than 2,5 m² irrespective of type of material ………………………………………………………….. Unit: No b) Buildings larger than 2,5m² irrespective of type of material Unit: No PS C 5.8 d) Provide temporary toilet structure with replaceable bucket per erf where an existing informal toilet structure is demolished to be able to make the new sewer and water system operational …………………………..………… Unit: No SABS 1200 DB: EARTHWORKS (PIPE TRENCHES) PSDB 3 MATERIALS PSDB 3.1 CLASSES OF EXCAVATION Add to Sub-Clause: Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub-Clause 3.1, the materials excavated other than hard rock will not be classified for purposes of measurement and payment. The unit rate for excavation shall cover excavation in all materials other than hard rock. Boulders classes A and B shall be included in the measurement as “hard rock” as specified in SABS 1200DA sub-clauses 3.1.2d and 3.1.2e. PSDB 3.5 BACKFILL MATERIALS Add the following to DB 3.5(b): c) Pipe trenches crossing existing gravel or surfaced roads will be regarded as areas subject to traffic loads as well as other trenches specifically indicated by the Engineer in writing. PSDB 3.6 MATERIALS FOR REINSTATEMENT OF ROADS AND PAVED AREAS 21 PSDB 3.6.1 Subbase and Base Substitute DB 3.6.1 with the following: Where trenches cross or run adjacent to surfaced roads and paved areas of which the surfaces are scheduled to be reinstated, the material excavated from the existing base and/or subbase pavement layer(s) shall be set aside and used in the reconstruction of the subbase layer. Where applicable, new material complying with the requirements of SABS 1200 MF shall be used in the reconstruction of the base layer. Any shortfall in material for the reconstruction of the subbase layer shall be made up by the use of material complying with the requirements of SABS 1200 ME. PSDB 4 PLANT PSDB 4.1 EXCAVATION EQUIPMENT Add the following to DB 4.1: All excavations exceeding the specified widths, shall be backfilled with approved selected material. No payment shall be made for this and all relevant costs shall be deemed to be included in the tendered rates. PSDB 4.3 COMPACTION EQUIPMENT Add the following to DB 4.3: Heavy mechanical rammers shall not be used until the fill has reached a depth of 300 mm above the top of the pipe. All compacting must be done by hand if possible, compaction by mechanical methods may only be used by instruction from the engineer. PSDB 5 CONSTRUCTION PSDB 5.2 MINIMUM BASE WIDTHS Add the following to DB5.2 c) The minimum base width for HDPE pipe used for erf connections may be 300mm provided that the pipe is laid without connections. On the stands the trench depth may be such that the pipe has a cover of at least 300mm to final ground level. PSDB 5.5 TRENCH BOTTOM Add the following to DB 5.5: Unsuitable material shall only be removed from the trench bottom after an instruction in writing from the Engineer to this effect. Payment for over excavation and backfill of over excavation will not be made unless the work is carried out according to written instructions from the Engineer. All over excavation in the trench bottom shall be backfilled with selected material complying with the requirements of SABS 1200 LB Clause 3.2 and shall be compacted to 90% mod. AASHTO density. PSDB 5.6 BACKFILLING PSDB 5.6.3 Disposal of Soft Excavation Material Add the following to DB 5.6.3: 22 All surplus and unsuitable material as described in DB 5.6.3 shall be disposed of at an allocated municipal dump site or other dump site as approved by the Engineer. The free haul distance is unlimited. PSDB 5.6.6 Completion of Backfilling Backfilling of all pipe services to the top of the selected blanket cover shall be done within three days after laying of pipes, except that pipe joints of pipes to be tested will be left open for a distance of 0,5 m both sides of the joint until the pressure test has passed after which the backfilling of pipe joints will be completed in accordance with requirements of this document. All backfilling must be done by hand using local labour. PSDB 5.6.8 Transport for Earthworks for Trenches Delete the Sub-Clause and substitute: “No overhaul shall be measured and rate must include for overhaul” PSDB 5.7 COMPACTION PSDB 5.7.2 Areas Subject to Traffic Loads Add the following to DB 5.7.2: Pipe trenches crossing existing gravel or surfaced roads will be regarded as areas subject to traffic loads as well as other trenches specifically indicated in writing by the Engineer. PSDB 5.9 REINSTATEMENT OF SURFACES PSDB 5.9.5 Bitumen Roads: Surfacing PSDB General Add the following to DB Asphalt thickness to equal at least the existing bitumen wearing course. PSDB 8 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT PSDB 8.1 BASIC PRINCIPLES Replace the rest of the clause from “along the route of the pipeline” in DB 8.1.1 with “at an allocated municipal dump site or other dump site approved by the Engineer with unlimited freehaul distance applicable. PSDB 8.2 COMPUTATION OF QUANTITIES PSDB 8.3 SCHEDULED ITEMS PSDB 8.3.2 Excavation Substitute: 23 PSDB 8.3.2 a) Excavate in all materials for trenches, backfill, compact and dispose of surplus material, for pipes up to 700 mm dia for total trench depth ………………… Unit: m Add the following to D 8.3.2(a): The removal and backfilling of the top layer of the trench with topsoil compacted as described in clause 5.7.1 shall be included in this item. The use of local labour will be as specified. Add the following: PSDB 8.3.2 b) 3) Excavation in soft material by labour based methods for trenches shallower than 1,2 m and where the total depth of the trench can be classified as excavation in soft material. Compaction by labour based methods is included. …...… Unit: m³ PSDB 8.3.2 d) Hand Excavation to expose existing services in a careful manner Unit: m³ The provisions of DB 8.3.2(a), and DB 8.3.2(c) shall apply mutatis mutandis for hand excavation. Payment shall only be made if so ordered by the Engineer. PSDB 8.3.2 f) Extra over item e) above for 1) Intermediate excavation not measured: See PSDB3.1 2) Hard Rock excavation ……………………………………………………….Unit: m³ 24 3) Excavation in soft material by labour based methods for trenches shallower than 1,2 m and where the total depth of the trench can be classified as excavation in soft material. Compaction by labour based methods is included. …………Unit: m³ PSDB 8.3.3 Excavation Ancillaries PSDB Make up deficiency in backfill material (provisional) ……………...Unit: m³ Add the following to the last paragraph of DB No payment will be made for the transport of material from commercial sources or sources outside the site that the Contractor has selected. PSDB Compaction in road reserves ………………………………………….Unit: m³ Add the following to DB This item is applicable where the requirements of DB 5.7.2 are applicable. This item is only applicable to the backfill above the bedding and fill blanket. PSDB Overhaul Substitute DB with the following: No overhaul will be paid for. The specified free haul distance is unlimited. SABS 1200 LB: BEDDING (PIPES) PSLB 3 MATERIALS 25 PSLB 3.3 BEDDING Add the following to LB 3.3: All PVC pipes shall be classified as flexible pipes. Class B bedding shall be used for rigid pipes. If the Contractor cannot obtain material that complies with the specified grading, alternative NP sandy material with a fairly uniform grading may be considered. PSLB 3.4 SELECTION PSLB 3.4.1 Suitable Material Available From Trench Excavation Add the following to sub-clause LB 3.4.1: Notwithstanding the requirements of Clause 3.7 of SABS 1200 DB and Subclause 3.4.1 of SABS 1200 LB with regard to the use of selective methods of excavating, the Contractor shall utilise selective excavating methods and provide and use equipment which shall prevent covering or mixing of materials suitable for bedding. PSLB 5 CONSTRUCTION PSLB5.1 GENERAL PSLB 5.1.3 Details of bedding Not withstand the prescriptions of this or other clauses, the cover over the pipe of bedding/selected fill blanket may be reduced to 150mm with the permission of the Engineer. PSLB 5.1.3 Placing Add the following new subclause: PSLB Selected fill The selected fill blanket shall be completely placed and compacted using local labour by hand within three (3) days after laying of the pipe, except for 0,5 m both sides of every pipe joint. The Engineer shall have the right to stop any further pipe laying until compliance with the above requirement is achieved and the Contractor shall not be allowed to claim any payment or extension of time for completion due to this requirement. PSLB 8 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT PSLB 8.1 PRINCIPLES PSLB 8.1.6 Freehaul The freehaul distance is unlimited. PSLB 8.1.5 Disposal Of Displaced Material 26 Add the following to LB 8.1.5: Surplus displaced material shall be transported and disposed of at an allocated municipal dumpsite or other dumpsite approved by the Engineer with unlimited freehaul applicable. PSLB 8.1.6 Freehaul Add the following to LB 8.1.6: Unlimited freehaul is applicable to selected granular and selected fill material: PSLB 8.2.6 Encasing of Pipes in Soilcrete Add the following item: Encase pipe in soil-crete consisting of 1 part cement and 12 parts selected granular material mixed with water to a stiff consistency and mechanically vibrated as concrete. The rate shall include the cost of formwork, material, transport plant and labour. SABS 1200 LD: SEWERS PSLD 3 MATERIALS PSLD 3.5 MANHOLES, CHAMBERS, ETC. Add the following: All manholes must be done using labour intensive methods with bricks, if it is impossible to construct with bricks the engineer must approve construction with precast units. PSLD3.5.2 Precast Concrete Sections Add the following to LD 3.5.2: Sectional spun pre-cast concrete cylinders shall be manufactured from dolomitic aggregate. PSLD 3.5.8 Manhole covers and frames Substitute LD 3.5.8 with the following: All manhole covers and frames must be lockable precast concrete as manufactured by Rocla, or equivalent. Covers inside the site boundary as well as covers in street reserves will be heavy duty. PSLD 3.6 MARKER POSTS Replace the words “project specifications” with “drawing”. PSLD 5 CONSTRUCTION PSLD 5.6 MANHOLES, INSPECTION CHAMBERS, ETC PSLD 5.6.1 General Add the following to LD 5.6.1: 27 Manholes shall be constructed as shown on the drawings using labour intensive methods as described previously. The final cover level of manholes in streets and paved areas shall be the same as the level for the street or paved area. In mid block sewers it shall be 150 mm above ground level. If a manhole is positioned at a low point or in a hollow where storm water infiltration may occur, the manhole cover level must be raised to a level to avoid the danger of infiltration as instructed by the Engineer. PSLD 5.6.3 Step Irons Substitute LD 5.6.3 with: Step irons shall not be installed in manholes. PSLD 5.9 CONNECTING SEWERS PSLD 5.9.1 Location And Details Add the following to LD 5.9.1: Erf sewer collectors shall be installed in the exact positions as indicated on the drawings and be laid at a minimum gradient of 1:60 using labour intensive methods, except where otherwise ordered by the Engineer. The position of future house connections shall be determined by the Engineer on site. PSLD 7 TESTS PSLD 7.1 GENERAL Add the following to LD 7.1.5: All tests shall be repeated after the completion of backfilling of pipe trenches. PSLD 7.2 TESTS AND ACCEPTANCE/REJECTION CRITERIA PSLD 7.2.6 Watertightness of Manhole Add the following: Manholes will be inspected at the end of the first rain season after completion. No ingress of groundwater into the manholes will be allowed. Should any manhole fail to pass the inspection to the satisfaction of the Engineer, the fault or faults shall be made good by the Contractor at his own expense according to the methods approved by the Engineer and the work shall be inspected again. The cost of all extra work and inspections shall be borne by the Contractor. PSLD 8 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT PSLD 8.2 SCHEDULED ITEMS PSLD 8.2.6 Erf Connections 28 Substitute LD 8.2.6 with the following: Future House Connections a) Short house sewer connection using: i) uPVC Solid Wall Class 34 ………………………………………………….Unit: No ii) uPVC Structured Wall Class 34 ……………………………...………….Unit: No iii) Vitrified Clay Class 2 with flexible Couplings ……………………….Unit: No The rate includes supply, lay, joint and bed of a 5 m long 110mm pipe complete with end cap including Y-junction on erf/toilet sewer complete as per drawing. Excavation backfilling and compaction are excluded. b) Long house sewer connection using: i) uPVC Solid Wall Class 34 ………………………………………………….Unit: No ii) uPVC Structured Wall Class 34 ……………………………..………… Unit: No iii) Vitrified Clay Class 2 with flexible Couplings ………………………. Unit: No The rate includes supply, lay, joint and bed of a ±40 m long 110mm pipe complete with end cap including Y-junction on main/erf sewer complete as per drawing. Excavation backfilling and compaction are excluded. c) Future Parks and Business Sewer Erf Connection: i) uPVC Solid Wall Class 34 ………………………………………………….Unit: No ii) uPVC Structured Wall Class 34 …………………………………………Unit: No iii) Vitrified Clay Class 2 with flexible Couplings ………………………. Unit: No The rate includes supply, lay, joint and bed of a ±60 m long 110mm pipe complete with end cap including Y-junction on main/erf sewer complete as per drawing. backfilling and compaction are excluded. 29 Excavation d) Concrete Encasing at Connections to Main Sewer Deeper than 1,2 m: i) uPVC Solid Wall Class 34 ………………………………………………….. Unit: m ii) uPVC Structured Wall Class 34 …………………………………………. Unit: m iii) Vitrified Clay Class 2 with flexible Couplings ………………………..Unit: m The rate includes concrete encasing of the connection to the main sewer and all specials indicated as per “D>1 200” detail on the drawing excluding excavation, backfilling and compaction. PSLD 8.2.11 Connection to Existing Sewer Add the following: PSLD 8.2.11 a) Connecting to Existing Manhole …………………………..Unit: No The tendered sum shall include full compensation for excavation, making an opening in the existing manhole, installing new pipes in the new opening, for breaking out and modifying the channelisation inside the manhole to suit the new pipe layout, ensuring the watertightness of the new connection, supplying all the necessary materials, removing surplus material and debris, all labour and equipment required to make the connection, and liaison with the local authorities. It shall also include plugging any other connections and dealing with existing sewage flow. PSLD 8.2.11 b) Connecting to Existing Main Sewer with a Saddle State size and type of sewer 30 ……….. Unit: No The tendered sum shall include full compensation for excavation, backfilling and compaction, liaison with the local authorities and all work as indicated on the drawing. PSLD 8.2.12 Rodding eye …………………………...……………….……………….Unit: No The tendered rate shall include full compensation for dealing with excavation and backfilling and the cost of construction of the rodding eye complete with rising pipe and all other specials as per standardised detail SPECIFICATION PC : BUILDING WORK 1.0 SCOPE This section specifies the general requirements for the construction of buildings. 2.0 INTERPRETATIONS 2.1 SUPPORTING SPECIFICATIONS (a) Project Specification; (b) SABS 1200 A or SABS 1200 AA as applicable; (c) SABS 1200 C; (d) SABS 1200 D or SABS 1200 DA as applicable; (e) SABS 1200 G or SABS 1200 GA or SABS 1200 GB as applicable. 2.2 GENERAL Building work shall be carried out in accordance with the National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act, 1977, and these specifications. References to specifications and codes of practice of the South African Bureau of Standards shall be taken to be references to the latest edition of such specifications and codes of practice as amended. Where possible the SABS mark shall appear on all articles, materials or items where it is required to comply with such SABS specification. 2.3 COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS In all instances where the Contractor handles, stores, uses, applies or fixes commercial products, the work shall be strictly carried out according to the instructions of the manufacturer of such products. 2.4 SAMPLES The Contractor shall furnish without delay, such samples as called for or may be called for by the Engineer. Materials or workmanship not corresponding with approved samples, may be rejected by the Engineer and shall be removed from the works at the cost of the Contractor. 3.0 MATERIALS 31 3.1 CEMENT Cement shall be build crete or ordinary portland cement complying with the requirements of SABS 471. 3.2 WATER Water shall be clean and free from clay, silt, oil, acid, alkali, organic or other matter which would impair the required strength and durability of mortar, plaster or floor screed. 3.4 AGGREGATE Sand for plaster and mortar shall comply with the requirements of SABS 1090, whereas the aggregates for normal and granolithic floor creeds shall comply with the requirements of BS1199 and BS1201 respectively. 3.5 BRICKS Bricks shall comply with the requirements of SABS 227 and shall also be equal in all respects to the three samples of each type of brick furnished by the Contractor prior to commencement of the works and as approved by the Engineer. General purpose (special) bricks shall be used in foundation walls and lintels. 3.9 BRICK REINFORCEMENT Brick reinforcement shall be hard drawn mild steel comprising two 3,15 mm diameter wires spaced 75 mm apart and 2,8 mm diameter cross wires spaced at not exceeding 300 mm apart welded to main wires. 3.14 DAMP-PROOF COURSE IN WALLS Horizontal and vertical damp-proof course, unless otherwise specified, shall be of bituminous sheeting complying with the requirements of SABS 248 and as Type FV (Fibre Base) sheeting or as Type GH (Hessian Base) sheeting specified therein, or of polyethylene sheeting complying with the requirements of SABS 952 and as Type A-plain surfaces 450 microns or as Type B-embossed surfaces 375 microns as described therein. 3.25 IRONMONGERY All ironmongery shall be of best quality and shall be approved by the Engineer, before fixing. Screws for fixing of articles shall be of similar metal than the articles. Locks shall comply with the requirements of SABS 4 and shall be supplied with two keys each. Unless otherwise specified, interior and exterior doors shall be fitted with two and four lever heavy-duty mortice locks respectively, which shall be master-keyed. No key shall pass a second lock. On no account shall the keys be delivered with the doors or locks to the building site. Failure to observe these instructions may entail the provision of new locks and keys. 3.27 PRESSED STEEL DOOR FRAMES Pressed steel door frames shall comply with the requirements of SABS 1129 and shall be constructed of 1,6 mm thick mild steel sheeting, pressed or rolled to the required shapes, properly metred, welded and reinforced. Frames shall be of widths required to suit the thickness of walls into which they are built and shall be fitted with suitable tie-bars and braces at bottom, and lugs for building in, three to each jamb of frames without fanlights and four to each jamb of frames with fanlights. Frames shall each be fitted in the rebate of one jamb with a pair of approved 100 mm steel butt hinges, and transom to opening fanlights hung at bottom shall each be fitted with a pair of 32 approved 75 mm steel butt hinges, all set flush into recesses in frames and either fixed with countersunk screws or securely welded on. Frames shall each be fitted in one jamb, with approved chromium plated or stainless steel (unless otherwise specified) adjustable striking plate keep, boxed in at back of frame with sheet metal box welded on, and not less than two rubber buffers. All welding shall be cleaned off smooth and flush on exposed faces and frames shall be cleaned and primed as described for steel windows before leaving the manufacturer's works. 3.28 STEEL DOORS Steel doors in the case of stock types, comply with the requirements of SABS 727, and in the case of purpose made types with the constructional and other requirements of the above specification wherever applicable, and shall in addition be equipped with the following: (a) Suitable weather bars where required to render doors, etc., perfectly watertight; (b) Suitable lugs, or holes at the same spacing as the standard fixing lugs, for screwing frames to plugs in the concrete, where frames of doors, etc. are to be fixed to concrete columns, beams, etc., (c) A primer as described for steel windows, except where hot-dip galvanising is prescribed. Doors unless otherwise shown shall be of "one piece" construction, but where shown to be in two or more "one piece" units, the units shall be coupled together with standard coupling-mullions and/or transoms. Frames of outward opening doors shall be fitted at bottom with sills of door framing section (stepped sills) and of inward opening doors with metal ties, welded to frames, for embedding in thresholds (flush sills). Stock doors shall be of the types shown on drawings and purpose made doors, sidelights and fanlights shall be constructed to the forms and sizes shown on drawings. Unless otherwise specified, the doors shall be of not less than 33 mm universal sections. 4.0 PLANT 4.1 GENERAL The Contractor shall have at his disposal the normal plant necessary for the proper and neat completion and rounding off of all facets of the building work. 5.0 CONSTRUCTION 5.1 BRICKLAYER 5.1.1 Cement Mortar Cement mortar shall, unless otherwise specified, be composed of four parts by volume of sand and one part by volume of cement for normal brickwork, and three parts by volume of sand and one part by volume of cement for reinforced brickwork. The ingredients for cement mortar shall be measured in proper gauge boxes on a boarded platform and thoroughly mixed. Alternatively mixing may be by means of an approved mechanical batch mixer. Only when the dry ingredients have been thoroughly mixed and a mixture of uniform colour has been obtained may the water be added in sufficient quantity to obtain mortar with the required consistency. Care shall be taken in mixing cement mortar to remove from the mixing machine or platform any old mortar that has already set, as such mortar must not be incorporated in any new batch. Cement mortar shall be produced in such quantities as can be used before commencing to set, as no cement mortar that has once commenced to set shall be used in any way. 33 5.1.2 Brickwork Brickwork, wherever practicable and not otherwise specified, shall be built in strecher bond. No false headers shall be used, and none but whole bricks employed, except where legitimately required to form bond. The brickwork, unless otherwise specified, shall be built in 4:1 cement mortar. Brick arches and brick lintels shall be built in 3:1 cement mortar. The bricks shall be laid on a solid bed of mortar and all joints thoroughly grouted up solid throughout the whole width of each course. The brickwork shall be carried up in a uniform manner, no portion being raised more than 1,2 m above an adjacent portion. The bricks shall be well saturated with water, in the stack or dump, approximately two hours before being used. The tops of walls left off, shall be well wetted before work is recommenced. All rough and fair cutting and cutting of splays, skewbacks, chamfers, etc., shall be properly performed. All necessary openings for pipes, etc., shall be formed or left and made good after pipes, etc., are fixed in position. Walls generally shall be taken up two courses above panelled ceilings in the same mortar as the wall below and cut between ties, etc. Where hollow concrete masonry units are used brickforce shall be built into the walls every third course. Mortar for hollow concrete masonry units shall consist of one part cement, two parts lime and nine parts sand by volume. All cavities below floor level shall be filled with Grade 15 MPa/19 mm concrete. 5.1.3. Mortar Joints Mortar joints to brickwork generally shall be 10 mm in thickness. The joints in brickwork receiving plaster, tiling or similar finishings, shall be raked out whilst the mortar is soft to form key for the plaster or mortar backing. The depth of the raking out will depend on the condition of the bricks; the rougher the bricks on face the shallower the raking out and the smoother the bricks the deeper the raking out. The joints in brickwork shall be flushed off where walls are to be bagged, in readiness for the bagging. 5.1.4 Brickwork In Thicknesses Walls built in two or three thicknesses shall be tied together with and including metal ties of sufficient length to allow not less than 75 mm of each end to be built into brickwork and shall be spaced not more than 1 m apart to every third course and staggered. 5.1.6 Half Brick Thick Walls Half brick thick walls shall be built in 4:1 cement mortar and reinforced with 75 mm wide brick reinforcement, one row to every eighth course in height, and built 100 mm into main connecting walls. The reinforcement shall be lapped 150 mm at end joints, where these are necessary, and 75 mm at angles. 5.1.8 Beam Filling Beam filling, unless otherwise specified, shall be half brick thick, built in similar mortar as used in the walls below, cut in between roof timbers and carried hard up to underside of roof covering, and flushed up in mortar. 5.1.12 Bedding And Pointing All door, window and similar frames shall be bedded and pointed in 3:1 cement mortar. All wall plates shall be set true and level and bedded in 4:1 cement mortar. Steel door and window frames shall be carefully pointed all round and made perfectly watertight. 34 Where steel door and window frames are specified to be pointed with mastic compound they shall be pointed all round externally with an approved waterproof compound, of such composition that it will not stain surrounding surfaces, and that it will adhere tenaciously, remain plastic without sagging or running, be capable of accommodating any normal movement of the joint sealed, and will receive paint without "bleeding". The pointing material shall be forced into the joints, which shall have been previously prepared to receive same, by means of a pressure gun, or by other suitable method, all in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. 5.1.13 Faced Brickwork Faced brickwork shall be built fair and the joints shall be square recessed to a depth of approximately 6 mm, formed with a square jointing tool well pressed into the joints as the work proceeds. The Contractor shall construct a test section of 10 m2 which shall be approved by the Engineer, before continuing with faced brickwork. Face bricks shall be sorted by the brick manufacturer at his yard or by the Contractor on the site, to ensure that proper mixing of the bricks within the colour range of each type of facing brick being used is obtained; sudden changes in the general colour of face work in any one type of facing brick will not be acceptable. Sand in mortar for all faced brickwork shall all be from one source. Faced brickwork shall be kept perfectly clean and rubbing down of the brickwork shall not be allowed. Scaffold boards shall be turned back during rain to avoid splashing. Soiled brickwork shall be cleaned at the Contractor's expense, and the cleaning method shall be approved by the Engineer. 5.1.17 Protect And Clean Down Brickwork, Etc. Angles of face brickwork, reveals, steps, etc., liable to damage shall be covered up and protected during the progress of the remaining work, and any damage done shall be made good at the Contractor's expense and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Face brickwork and brick and tile sills, copings, etc., shall be cleaned down as the work proceeds, and surfaces liable to be soiled by mortar or plaster splashes during the progress of the remaining work shall be covered with paper, pasted on, or by other approved means. At completion of the works the coverings shall be removed and the surfaces again cleaned down to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Any detergent or other materials used in the cleaning down of face brickwork, etc., shall be of such nature that will not harm adjoining paint and other finishings in any way. 35 MBD 1 INVITATION TO BID YOU ARE HEREBY INVITED TO BID FOR THE PEDDIE TOWN AND MATHAMBEKA 7 UNITS BUCKET ERADICATION PROJECT 2010 TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE AMATHOLE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY BID NUMBER: 8/2/20/2010-2011 CLOSING DATE: 05 JULY 2011 CLOSING TIME: 11h00 DESCRIPTION: PEDDIE TOWN AND MATHAMBEKA 7 UNITS BUCKET ERADICATION PROJECT 2010 - The successful bidder will be required to fill in and sign a written Contract Form (MBD 7). Bid documents must be deposited in the bid box situated at 40 Cambridge Street East London Bidders should ensure that bids are delivered timeously to the correct address. If the bid is late, it will not be accepted for consideration. The bid box is generally open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All bids must be submitted on the official forms – (not to be re-typed) This bid is subject to the General Conditions Of Contract (GCC) and, if applicable, any other Special Conditions Of Contract (SCC) THE FOLLOWING PARTICULARS MUST BE FURNISHED (FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN YOUR BID BEING DISQUALIFIED) Name Of Bidder Postal Address Street Address Telephone Number Code: Number: Code: Number: Cellphone Number Facsimile Number Vat Registration Number Has an original tax clearance certificate been submitted (MBD 2)? Are you the accredited representative in South Africa for the good/Services offered by you SIGNATURE OF BIDDER DATE CAPACITY UNDER WHICH THIS BID IS SIGNED TOTAL BID PRICE 1 YES / NO YES / NO (IF YES ENCLOSE PROOF) MBD 2 TAX CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS It is a condition of bid that the taxes of the successful bidder must be in order, or that satisfactory arrangements have been made with South African Revenue Service (SARS) to meet the bidder’s tax obligations. 1. In order to meet this requirement bidders are required to complete in full the attached form TCC 001 “Application for a Tax Clearance Certificate” and submit it to any SARS branch office nationally. The Tax Clearance Certificate Requirements are also applicable to foreign bidders / individuals who wish to submit bids. 2. SARS will then furnish the bidder with a Tax Clearance Certificate that will be valid for a period of 1 (one) year from the date of approval. 3. The original Tax Clearance Certificate must be submitted together with the bid. Failure to submit the original and valid Tax Clearance Certificate will result in the invalidation of the bid. Certified copies of the Tax Clearance Certificate will not be acceptable. 4. In bids where Consortia / Joint Ventures / Sub-contractors are involved, each party must submit a separate Tax Clearance Certificate. 5. Copies of the TCC 001 “Application for a Tax Clearance Certificate” form are available from any SARS branch office nationally or on the website www.sars.gov.za. 6. Applications for the Tax Clearance Certificates may also be made via eFiling. In order to use this provision, taxpayers will need to register with SARS as eFilers through the website www.sars.gov.za. 2 3 4 EVALUATION OF TENDER OFFERS Adjudication will be based on one of the four methods listed below. Method 2 will be utilised for this contract: Method 1: 1) Rank tender offers from the most favourable to the least favourable comparative offer. Financial offer 2) Recommend highest ranked tenderer for the award of the contract, unless there are compelling and justifiable reasons not to do so. Method 2: 1) Score tender evaluation points for financial offer. Financial offer 2) Confirm that tenderers are eligible for the preferences claimed and if so, score tender and evaluation points for preferencing. preferences 3) Calculate total tender evaluation points. 4) Rank tender offers from the highest number of tender evaluation points to the lowest. 5) Recommend tenderer with the highest number of tender evaluation points for the award of the contract, unless there are compelling and justifiable reasons not to do so. Method 3: 1) Score quality, rejecting all tender offers that fail to score the minimum number of points Financial offer for quality stated in the Tender data. and quality 2) Score tender evaluation points for financial offer. 3) Calculate total tender evaluation points. 4) Rank tender offers from the highest number of tender evaluation points to the lowest. 5) Recommend tenderer with the highest number of tender evaluation points for the award of the contract, unless there are compelling and justifiable reasons not to do so. Method 4: 1) Score quality, rejecting all tender offers that fail to score the minimum number of points Financial offer, for quality stated in the Tender data. quality and 2) Score tender evaluation points for financial offer. preferences 3) Confirm that tenderers are eligible for the preferences claimed, and if so, score tender evaluation points for preferencing. 4) Calculate total tender evaluation points. 5) Rank tender offers from the highest number of tender evaluation points to the lowest. 6) Recommend tenderer with the highest number of tender evaluation points for the award of the contract, unless there are compelling and justifiable reasons not to do so. 5 MBD 6.1 PREFERENCE POINTS CLAIM FORM IN TERMS OF THE PREFERENTIAL PROCUREMENT REGULATIONS 2001 PURCHASES This preference form must form part of all bids invited. It contains general information and serves as a claim form for Historically Disadvantaged Individual (HDI) preference points as well as a summary for preference points claimed for attainment of other specified goals NB: BEFORE COMPLETING THIS FORM, BIDDERS MUST STUDY THE GENERAL CONDITIONS, DEFINITIONS AND DIRECTIVES APPLICABLE IN RESPECT OF EQUITY OWNERSHIP BY HISTORICALLY DISADVANTAGED INDIVIDUALS (HDIs), AS PRESCRIBED IN THE PREFERENTIAL PROCUREMENT REGULATIONS, 2001. 1. GENERAL CONDITIONS The following preference point systems are applicable to all bids: - the 80/20 system for requirements with a Rand value of up to R500 000; and the 90/10 system for requirements with a Rand value above R500 000. The value of this bid is estimated not to exceed R500 000 and therefore the 80/20 system shall be applicable. Preference points for this bid shall be awarded for: (a) (b) Price; and Specific contract participation goals, as specified in the attached forms. The points for this bid are allocated as follows: POINTS PRICE 80 SPECIFIC CONTRACT PARICIPATION GOALS (a) Historically Disadvantaged Individuals: (i) who had no franchise in national elections before the 1983 and 1993 Constitutions who is a female who has disability (ii) (iii) 6 12 2 2 (b) Other specific goals (goals of the RDP– plus local manufacture) (i) The stimulation of the Provincial economy by procuring locally from enterprises located within the borders of the Amathole District Municipality 2 (ii) Use of Local Labour & Personnel Total points for Price, HDIs and other RDP-Goals must not exceed 2 100 Separate Preference Points Claim Forms will be used for the Promotion of the specific goals for which points have been allocated in paragraph (b) above. 1.4 Failure on the part of a bidder to fill in and/or to sign this form may be interpreted to mean that preference points are not claimed. 1.5. The purchaser reserves the right to require of a bidder, either before a bid is adjudicated or at any time subsequently, to substantiate any claim in regard to Preferences, in any manner required by the purchaser. 2. GENERAL DEFINITIONS 2.1. “Acceptable bid” means any bid which, in all respects, complies with the specifications and conditions of bid as set out in the bid document. 2.2 “Bid” means a written offer in a prescribed or stipulated form in response to an invitation by an organ of state for the provision of goods, works or services. 2.3 “Comparative price” means the price after the factors of non-firm price and all unconditional discounts that can be utilised have been taken into consideration. 2.4 “Consortium or joint venture” means an association of persons for the purpose of combining their expertise, property, capital , efforts, skills and knowledge in an activity for the execution of a contract. 2.5 “Contract” means the agreement that results from the acceptance of a bid by an organ of state. 2.6 “Specific contract participation goals” means the goals as stipulated in the Preferential Procurement Regulations 2001. 2.7 In addition to above-mentioned goals, the Regulations [12.(1)] also make provision for organs of state to give particular consideration to procuring locally manufactured products. 7 2.8 “Control” means the possession and exercise of legal authority and power to manage the assets, goodwill and daily operations of a business and the active and continuous exercise of appropriate managerial authority and power in determining the policies and directing the operations of the business. 2.9 “Disability” means, in respect of a person, a permanent impairment of a physical, intellectual, or sensory function, which results in restricted, or lack of, ability to perform an activity in the manner, or within the range, considered normal for a human being. 2.10 “Equity Ownership” means the percentage ownership and control, exercised by individuals within an enterprise. 2.11 “Historically Disadvantaged Individual (HDI)” means a South African citizen (1) who, due to the apartheid policy that had been in place, had no franchise in national elections prior to the introduction of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1983 (Act No 110 of 1983) (Act No 200 of 1993) (“the interim Constitution); and/or (2) who is a female; and/or (3) who has a disability: provided that a person who obtained South African citizenship on or after the coming to effect of the Interim Constitution, is deemed not to be a HDI; 2.12 Management” means an activity inclusive of control and performed on a daily basis, by any person who is a principal executive officer of the company, by whatever name that person may be designated, and whether or not that person is a director. 2.13 “Owned” means having all the customary elements of ownership, including the right of decision-making and sharing all the risks and profits commensurate with the degree of ownership interests as demonstrated by an examination of the substance, rather than the form of ownership arrangements. 2.14 “Person” includes reference to a juristic person. 2.15 “Rand value” means the total estimated value of a contract in Rand denomination that is calculated at the time of bid invitations and includes all applicable taxes and excise duties. 2.16 “Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) bears the same meaning assigned to this expression in the National Small Business Act, 1996 (No 102 of 1996). 8 2.17 “Sub-contracting” means the primary contractor’s assigning or leasing or making out work to, or employing another person to support such primary contractor in the execution of part of a project in terms of the contract. 2.18 “Trust” means the arrangement through which the property of one person is made over or bequeathed to a trustee to administer such property for the benefit of another person. 2.19 “Trustee” means any person, including the founder of a trust, to whom property is bequeathed in order for such property to be administered for the benefit of another person. 3. ESTABLISHMENT OF HDI EQUITY OWNERSHIP IN AN ENTERPRISE 3.1 Equity ownership shall be equated to the percentage of an enterprise which is owned by individuals classified as HDI’s, or in the case of a company, the percentage shares that are owned by individuals classified as HD’s, who are actively involved in the management and daily business operations of the enterprise and exercise control over the enterprise, commensurate with their degree of ownership. 3.2 Where individuals are not actively involved in the management and daily business operations and do not exercise control over the enterprise commensurate with their degree of ownership, equity ownership may not be claimed. 4. ADJUDICATION USING A POINT SYSTEM 4.1 The bidder obtaining the highest number of points will be awarded the contract. 4.2 Preference points shall be calculated after prices have been brought to a comparative basis. 4.3 Points scored will be rounded off to 2 decimal places. 4.4 In the event of equal points scored, the bid will be awarded to the bidder scoring the highest number of points for specified goals. 5. POINTS AWARDED FOR PRICE 5.1 THE 80/20 OR 90/10 PREFERENCE POINT SYSTEMS A maximum of 80 or 90 points is allocated for price on the following basis: 80/20 Ps = 80 1 - Pt – Pmin) Pmin or 90/10 Ps = 90(1 – (Pt – Pmin) Pmin 9 Where Ps = Pt = Pmin = Points scored for price of bid under construction Rand value of bid under consideration Rand value of lowest acceptable bid 6. Points awarded for historically disadvantaged individuals 6.1 In terms of Regulation 13 (2) preference points for HDI’s are calculated on their percentage shareholding in a business, provided that they are actively involved in and exercise control over the enterprise. The following formula is prescribed in Regulation 13 (5) (c): NEP = NOP x EP 100 Where NEP = Points awarded for equity ownership by an HDI NOP = The maximum number of points awarded for equity ownership by an HDI in that specific category EP = The percentage of equity ownership by an HDI within the enterprise or business, determined in accordance with the definition of HDI’s. 6.2 Equity claims for a trust will only be allowed in respect of those persons who are both trustees and beneficiaries and who are actively involved in the management of the trust. 6.3 Documentation to substantiate the validity of the credentials of the trustees contemplated above must be submitted. 6.4 Listed companies and tertiary institutions do not qualify for HDI preference points. 6.5 A consortium or joint venture may, based on the percentage of the contract value managed or executed by their HDI- members, be entitled to preference points in respect of an HDI. 6.6 A person awarded a contract as a result of preference for contracting with, or providing equity ownership to an HDI, may not subcontract more than 25% of the value of the contract to a person who is not an HDI or does not qualify for the same number or more preference for equity ownership. 7. BID DECLARATION 7.1 Bidders who claim points in respect of equity ownership must complete the Bid Declaration at the end of this form. 10 8. EQUITY OWNERSHIP CLAIMED IN TERMS OF PARAGRAPH 2.10 ABOVE. POINTS TO BE CALCULATED FROM INFORMATION FURNISHED IN PARAGRAPH 9.8. Ownership 8.1 Percentage owned Points claimed Equity ownership by persons who had no franchise in the national elections % ……………………….…… 8.2 Equity ownership by woman % ……………………………. 8.3 Equity ownership by disabled persons* % ............................... *If points are claimed for disabled persons, indicate nature of impairment (see paragraph 2.8 above) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9 DECLARATION WITH REGARD TO EQUITY 9.1 Name of firm ………………………………………..…… 9.2 Vat registration number ……………………………………………… 9.3 Company registration number ……………………………………………… 9.4 Date of Establishment ……………………………………………… 9.5 TYPE OF FIRM Partnership One person business/sole trader Close corporation Company (Pty) Limited [TICK APPLICABLE BOX] 9.6 DESCRIBE PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. 11 9.7 COMPANY CLASSIFICATION Manufacturer Supplier Professional service provider Other service providers, e.g. transporter, etc. [TICK APPLICABLE BOX] 9.8 TOTAL NUMBER OF YEARS THE FIRM HAS BEEN IN BUSINESS?........ 9.9 List all Shareholders by Name, Position, Identity Number, Citizenship, HDI status and ownership, as relevant. Information to be used to calculate the points claimed in paragraph 8. *HDI STATUSName Date/Position Occupied in Enterprise ID Number Date RSA Citizenship obtained No franchise prior to elections Women Disabled % of business/ enterprise owned *Indicate YES or NO 9.10 Consortium / Joint Venture 9.10.1 In the event that preference points are claimed for HDI members by consortia / joint ventures, the following information must be furnished in order to be entitled to the points claimed in respect of the HDI member Name of HDI member (to consistent with paragraph 9.8) be Percentage (%) of the contract value managed or executed by the HDI member 9.11 I/we, the undersigned, who warrants that he/she is duly authorised to do so on behalf of the firm certify that points claimed, based on the equity ownership, indicated in paragraph 8 of the foregoing certificate, qualifies the firm for the preference(s) shown and I/ we acknowledge that . (i) The information furnished is true and correct. 12 (ii) The Equity ownership claimed is in accordance with the General Conditions as indicated in paragraph 1 of this form. (iii) In the event of a contract being awarded as a result of points claimed as shown in paragraph 8, the contractor may be required to furnish documentary proof to the satisfaction of the purchaser that the claims are correct. (iv) If the claims are found to be incorrect, the purchaser may, in addition to any other remedy it may have – (a) recover costs, losses or damages it has incurred or suffered as a result of that person’s conduct, and (b) cancel the contract and claim any damages which it has suffered as a result of having to make less favourable arrangements due to such cancellation, WITNESSES: 1. ………………………………………………….. ………………………………….. SIGNATURE(S) OF BIDDER(S) 2. …………………………………………………… DATE:………………….…………….……. ADDRESS:………………………………… ……………………………………………….. ……………………………………………….. ……………………………………………….. 13 RDP FACTORS CONSIDERED IN BID ADJUDICATION Information provided should be as comprehensive as possible as the Bidder’s approach to this subject will be an important criterion in the Bid adjudication process. Failure to provide the information could prejudice a Bid. 1. USE OF LOCAL LABOUR AND PERSONNEL (0 to 2.0 Points) For all categories of work not to be sub-contracted to local small Contractors Bidders are to indicate the number of categories of local people to be employed on this contract. Category LOCAL LABOUR & PERSONNEL Non-Local Local Labour Labour Personnel [a] number [b] number & Total Labour Personnel Requirements [c] number Labourers Artisans Management TOTAL POINTS ADDED (=% of Local / % of Total Labour x 2.0) 14 & EMPLOYMENT / JOB CREATION EMPLOYMENT / JOB CREATION CATEGORY e.g. Supervisor, Labourer, etc. WOMEN > 36 YEARS YOUTH BETWEEN 18 AND 35 YEARS MEN > 36 YEARS DISABILITY REGARDLESS OF AGE TOTAL PER CATEGORY TOTAL NOTE: Bidders should clearly indicate the number of employment opportunities that would be created when implementing the project/contract being bided for. All sections should be completed in full specifying the number of people that would be employed in each group that has been catered for. Bidders will be required to submit monthly reports to the Project Manager detailing the number of personnel employed for a specific project specifying the names and categories of personnel employed. 15 MBD 6.11 PREFERENCE POINTS CLAIM FORM IN TERMS OF THE PREFERENTIAL PROCUREMENT REGULATIONS 2001 (PROMOTION OF ENTERPRISES LOCATED IN A SPECIFIC MUNICIPAL AREA) NB: BEFORE COMPLETING THIS FORM, BIDDERS MUST STUDY THE GENERAL CONDITIONS, DEFINITIONS AND DIRECTIVES SPECIFIED IN CLAIM FORM MBD 6.1 AND THE PREFERENTIAL PROCUREMENT REGULATIONS, 2001. 1. Regulation 17(3) (g) of the Preferential Procurement Regulations makes provision for the promotion of enterprises located in a specific municipal area for work to be done or services to be rendered in that municipal area. 2. The promotion of this goal can be achieved by acquiring goods and services from enterprises within the Amathole District Municipality and Buffalo City Municipality. This includes an enterprise whose head office may be situated in elsewhere, but has established a fully-fledged branch within this Municipal area. Enterprises located outside the borders of this Municipality and who only appoint agents and /or commission warehouses in this Municipal Area are expressly excluded from claiming points for this goal. SPECIFIC GOAL The stimulation of the Provincial economy by procuring locally from enterprises located within the borders of the ADM and BCM. POINTS ALLOCATED 2 3. Preference points may only be claimed by enterprises located within the ADM and BCM areas. (See paragraph 2 above). 4. BID DECLARATION Bidders who wish to claim points in respect of this specific goal must complete the declaration part of this form. 5. POINTS CLAIMED Bidder to indicate whether the point(s) allocated for enterprises situated within the ADM and BCM areas is/are claimed. Yes/No 16 6. DECLARATION WITH REGARD TO LOCALITY State full particulars of locality of enterprise as well as that of Head Office: Address of Local Enterprise: Physical Address: Postal Address: Telephone: Address of Head Office: Physical: Fax: Postal: Telephone Fax: I/we, the undersigned, who warrants that he/she is duly authorised to do so on behalf of the enterprise certify that the enterprise is entitled to the points allocated in paragraph 2 of this form and I/we acknowledge that: (i) The information furnished is true and correct. (ii) In the event of a contract being awarded as a result of points claimed, the contractor may be required to furnish documentary proof to the satisfaction of the purchaser that the claim is correct. (iii) If the claim is found to be incorrect, the purchaser may, in addition to any other remedy it may have(a) recover all costs, losses or damages it has incurred or suffered as a result of wrong information furnished; and (b) cancel the contract and claim any damages which it has suffered as a result of having to make less favourable arrangements due to such cancellation; WITNESSES: 1. ………………………………….…….. …………….…………………………………. SIGNATURE(S) OF BIDDER(S) 2. ………………………………………….. 17 DATE:………………………………………… Form of Offer and Acceptance Offer The employer, identified in the acceptance signature block, has solicited offers to enter into a contract for the procurement of: 8/2/20/2010-2011, Peddie Town and Mathambeka 7 Units Bucket Eradication Project 2010. The tenderer, identified in the offer signature block, has examined the documents listed in the tender data and addenda thereto as listed in the returnable schedules, and by submitting this offer has accepted the conditions of tender. By the representative of the tenderer, deemed to be duly authorized, signing this part of this form of offer and acceptance, the tenderer offers to perform all of the obligations and liabilities of the contractor under the contract including compliance with all its terms and conditions according to their true intent and meaning for an amount to be determined in accordance with the conditions of contract identified in the contract data. THE OFFERED TOTAL OF THE PRICES INCLUSIVE OF VALUE ADDED TAX IS: .......................................... ..................... .... Rand (in words); R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (in figures) This offer may be accepted by the employer by signing the acceptance part of this form of offer and acceptance and returning one copy of this document to the tenderer before the end of the period of validity stated in the tender data, whereupon the tenderer becomes the party named as the contractor in the conditions of contract identified in the contract data. Signature Date Name Capacity for the tenderer (Name and address of organization) Name and signature of witness 18 Acceptance By signing this part of this form of offer and acceptance, the employer identified below accepts the tenderer’s offer. In consideration thereof, the employer shall pay the contractor the amount due in accordance with the conditions of contract identified in the contract data. Acceptance of the tenderer’s offer shall form an agreement between the employer and the tenderer upon the terms and conditions contained in this agreement and in the contract that is the subject of this agreement. The terms of the contract, are contained in: Part Part Part Part C1: C2: C3: C4: Agreements and contract data, (which includes this agreement) Pricing data Scope of work. Site information and drawings and documents or parts thereof, which may be incorporated by reference into Parts 1 to 4 above. Deviations from and amendments to the documents listed in the tender data and any addenda thereto as listed in the tender schedules as well as any changes to the terms of the offer agreed by the tenderer and the employer during this process of offer and acceptance, are contained in the schedule of deviations attached to and forming part of this agreement. No amendments to or deviations from said documents are valid unless contained in this schedule. The tenderer shall within two weeks after receiving a completed copy of this agreement, including the schedule of deviations (if any), contact the employer’s agent (whose details are given in the contract data) to arrange the delivery of any bonds, guarantees, proof of insurance and any other documentation to be provided in terms of the conditions of contract identified in the contract data. Failure to fulfill any of these obligations in accordance with those terms shall constitute a repudiation of this agreement. Notwithstanding anything contained herein, this agreement comes into effect on the date when the tenderer receives one fully completed original copy of this document, including the schedule of deviations (if any). Unless the tenderer (now contractor) within five working days of the date of such receipt notifies the employer in writing of any reason why he cannot accept the contents of this agreement, this agreement shall constitute a binding contract between the parties. Signature Date Name Capacity 19 For The Employer (Amathole District Municipality) Name and signature of witness Date: Schedule of Deviations 1 Subject:.. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ 2 Subject . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ 3 Subject . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ 4 Subject . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ By the duly authorised representatives signing this agreement, the employer and the tenderer agree to and accept the foregoing schedule of deviations as the only deviations from and amendments to the documents listed in the tender data and addenda thereto as listed in the tender schedules, as well as any confirmation, clarification or changes to the terms of the offer agreed by the tenderer and the employer during this process of offer and acceptance. It is expressly agreed that no other matter whether in writing, oral communication or implied during the period between the issue of the tender documents and the receipt by the tenderer of a completed signed copy of this Agreement shall have any meaning or effect in the contract between the parties arising from this agreement. 20 PAST EXPERIENCE 1 Bidders must furnish hereunder details of similar works/service, which they have satisfactorily completed in the past. The information shall include a description of the Works, the Contract value and name of Employer. EMPLOYER /INSTITUTION NAME NATURE OF WORK/ PROJECT NAME AWARDED AMOUNT …………………………….. DATE ANTICIPATED / ACTUAL COMPLETION DATE EMPLOYER CONTACT NO. ......................................……........ SIGNATURE OF BIDDER 21 PAST EXPERIENCE 2 Bidders must furnish hereunder details of similar works/service, which they have satisfactorily completed in the past. The information shall include a description of the Works, the Contract value and name of Employer. CURRENT PROJECTS UNDERTAKEN FOR ADM PROJECT NAME CONTRACT START DATE AWARDED AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT OF PROJECTS CURRENTLY UNDERTAKEN FOR ADM …………………………….. DATE ANTICIPATED / ACTUAL COMPLETION DATE R ......................................…….......... SIGNATURE OF BIDDER 22 RECENT PROJECTS UNDERTAKEN FOR ADM PROJECT NAME AWARDED AMOUNT CONTRACT START DATE TOTAL AMOUNT OF PROJECTS RECENTLY UNDERTAKEN FOR ADM …………………………….. DATE ANTICIPATED / ACTUAL COMPLETION DATE R ......................................……........ SIGNATURE OF BIDDER 23 SCHEDULE OF PLANT AND EQUIPMENT The Bidder shall insert in the Schedule hereunder, a list of the major plant and equipment he proposes to use on this Contract. Failure to complete this schedule will be taken to indicate that Bidder does not have access to adequate plant and equipment. DESCRIPTION OF MODEL OWNER WHEN AVAILABLE Equipment not owned by the Bidder must be qualified as hire, on loan, etc. SIGNATURE OF BIDDER: ............................................................................................ DATE: ........................................................................................................................... 24 AGREEMENT IN TERMS OF SECTION 37(2) OF THE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT (ACT No. 85 OF 1993) THIS AGREEMENT made between: ................................................................................... (hereinafter referred to as "the Employer") of the one part, herein represented by : ...................................................................................................................................... in his capacity as ............................................................................................................ AND: ............................................................................................................................. (hereinafter referred to as "the Mandatary") of the other part, herein represented by : ...................................................................................................................................... in his capacity as ............................................................................................................ and being duly authorised to act as Mandatary on behalf of the Contractor; WHEREAS the Employer is desirous that certain works be constructed, viz (contract No.) .................... (title) ................................................................................................................................. ............ and has accepted a tender by the Mandatary for the construction, completion and defects correction of such works and whereas the Employer and the Mandatary have agreed to certain arrangements and procedures to be followed in order to ensure compliance by the Mandatary with the provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1993 (Act 85 of 1993); NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Mandatary shall execute the work in accordance with the contract documents pertaining to this Contract. 2. This Agreement shall hold good from its commencement date, which shall be the date on which the site is handed over to the Mandatary by an order in writing from the Engineer, to either: (a) (b) the date of the final certificate issued in terms of clause 52(1) of the General Conditions of Contract 2004 (hereinafter referred to as “the GCC”), as applicable to this Contract, or the date of termination of the contract in terms of clause 55 or clause 56 of the GCC. 3. The Mandatary declares himself to be conversant with the following: (a) All the requirements, regulations and standards of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (Act 85 of 1993), hereinafter referred to as “The Act”, together with its amendments and with special reference to the following Sections of The Act: (i) Section 8: General duties of employers to their employees; (ii) Section 9: General duties of employers and self-employed persons to persons other than employees; (iii) Section 37: Acts or omissions by employees or mandataries; and (iv) Sub-section 37(2) relating to the purpose and meaning of this Agreement. 25 (b) The procedures and safety rules of the Employer as pertaining to the Mandatary and to all his subcontractors. 4. In addition to the requirements of Clause 36 of the General Conditions of Contract and all relevant requirements of the Contract, the Mandatary agrees to execute all the works forming part of this Contract and to operate and utilize all machinery, plant and equipment in accordance with the Act. 5. The Mandatary is responsible for the compliance with the Act by all his subcontractors, whether or not selected and/or approved by the Employer. In witness thereof the parties hereto have set their signatures hereon in the presence of the subscribing witnesses: At ........................................................................ EMPLOYER on for and on behalf of the this the ..............day of..........…...................... 20…. SIGNATURE: ................................................................................... CAPACITY: ................................................................................... WITNESSES: SIGNATURES: (1) ........................................................................................................ (2) ........................................................................................................ NAMES: (1) .......................................................................................................... (2) ........................................................................................................ At ......................................................................... MANDATARY on this the .............day of.………........................20..… for and on behalf of the SIGNATURE: ................................................................................... CAPACITY: ................................................................................... WITNESSES: SIGNATURES: (1) ....................................................... ................................................. (2) ........................................................................................................ NAMES: (1) .......................................................................................................... (2) ........................................................................................................ 26 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS PERSONS EMPLOYED BY ADM) (KINSHIP, RELATIONSHIP WITH In terms of the Municipal Supply Chain Management Regulations, no person or persons employed by the State may be awarded a bid by any municipality. Any legal person, or persons having a kinship with persons employed by the ADM including a blood relationship, may make an offer in terms of this bid invitation. In view of possible allegations of favouritism, should the resulting bid or part thereof be awarded to persons connected with or related to an employee of ADM, it is required that the bidder or his/her authorized representative declare his position vis-à-vis the evaluating authority and/or take an oath declaring his/her interest, where– - the legal person on who’s behalf the bid document is signed, has a relationship with persons/a person who are/is involved with the evaluation of the bid(s), or where it is known that such a relationship exists between the person or persons for or on who’s behalf the declarer acts and persons who are involved with the evaluation of the bid. In order to give effect to the above, the following questionnaire shall be completed and submitted with the bid. Do you, or any person have any relationship (family, friend, other) with a person employed with the ADM or its Administration and who may be involved with the evaluation, preparation and/or adjudication of this bid? Yes/No If so, state particulars Are you or any other person connected with the bid, employed by any organ of State? Yes/No If so, state particulars SIGNATURE OF DECLARER POSITION OF DECLARER DATE NAME OF COMPANY OR BIDDER 27 DECLARATION OF INTEREST (IN THE SERVICE OF THE STATE) (MBD 4) 1. In terms of the Municipal Supply Chain Management Regulations any person employed by the state, or persons having a kinship with persons employed by the state cannot make an offer in terms of this invitation to bid. 2. In order to give effect to the above, the following questionnaire must be completed and submitted with the bid. 2.1 Are you or any person connected with the bidder, employed by the state? YES / NO 2.1.2 If so, state particulars. DECLARATION I, the undersigned (name)……………………………………………………………………………………… certify that the information furnished in paragraphs 2.1 to 2.3.1 above is correct. I accept that the state may act against me in terms of paragraph 23 of the general conditions of contract should this declaration prove to be false. Signature Date Position Name of bidder 28 DECLARATION (VALIDITY OF INFORMATION PROVIDED) I……………………………………………………………….declare that the information provided is true and correct, the signature to the bid document is duly authorised and documentary proof regarding any bidding issue will, when required, be submitted to the satisfaction of the Amathole District Municipality. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. SIGNATURE OF DECLARER DATE …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. POSITION OF DECLARER NAME OF COMPANY OF BIDDER Should the bidder have, in the opinion of the ADM, acted fraudulently illegally, in bad faith or in any improper manner, misrepresented itself with regard to the bid, then the ADM may, in its sole discretion: * * Ignore any bids without advising the bidder thereof Cancel the contract without prejudice to any legal rights the ADM may have Should the bidder disregard this or conduct affairs in a way that transgresses from good business practices, this could seriously impair future business relations between the ADM and such bidder. 29 MBD 8 DECLARATION OF BIDDER’S PAST SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT PRACTICES 1 This Municipal Bidding Document must form part of all bids invited. 2 It serves as a declaration to be used by municipalities and municipal entities in ensuring that when goods and services are being procured, all reasonable steps are taken to combat the abuse of the supply chain management system. 3 The bid of any bidder may be rejected if that bidder, or any of its directors have: a. abused the municipality’s / municipal entity’s supply chain management system or committed any improper conduct in relation to such system; b. been convicted for fraud or corruption during the past five years; c. willfully neglected, reneged on or failed to comply with any government, municipal or other public sector contract during the past five years; or d. been listed in the Register for Tender Defaulters in terms of section 29 of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (No 12 of 2004). 4 In order to give effect to the above, the following questionnaire must be completed and submitted with the bid. Item Question 4.1 Is the bidder or any of its directors listed on the National Treasury’s database as a company or person prohibited from doing business with the public sector? (Companies or persons who are listed on this database were informed in writing of this restriction by the National Treasury after the audi alteram partem rule was applied). 4.1.1 If so, furnish particulars: 30 Yes Yes No No 4.2 Is the bidder or any of its directors listed on the Register for Tender Defaulters in terms of section 29 of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (No 12 of 2004)? (To access this Register enter the National Treasury’s website, www.treasury.gov.za, click on the icon “Register for Tender Defaulters” or submit your written request for a hard copy of the Register to facsimile number (012) 3265445). 4.2.1 If so, furnish particulars: 4.3 Was the bidder or any of its directors convicted by a court of law (including a court of law outside the Republic of South Africa) for fraud or corruption during the past five years? 4.3.1 If so, furnish particulars: Item Question 4.4 Does the bidder or any of its directors owe any municipal rates and taxes or municipal charges to the municipality / municipal entity, or to any other municipality / municipal entity, that is in arrears for more than three months? 4.4.1 If so, furnish particulars: 4.5 Was any contract between the bidder and the municipality / municipal entity or any other organ of state terminated during the past five years on account of failure to perform on or comply with the contract? 4.5.1 If so, furnish particulars: 31 Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes No CERTIFICATION I, THE UNDERSIGNED (FULL NAME) …………..……………………………..…… CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION FURNISHED ON THIS DECLARATION FORM TRUE AND CORRECT. I ACCEPT THAT, IN ADDITION TO CANCELLATION OF A CONTRACT, ACTION MAY BE TAKEN AGAINST ME SHOULD THIS DECLARATION PROVE TO BE FALSE. ………………………………………... Signature ………………………….. Date ………………………………………. Position ………………………….. Name of Bidder 32 33 34 35 36
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