20110125a.pdf IR-4 Ornamental Horticulture Program Research Report Cover Sheet Trial: 2010 NY Researcher(s) Dan Gilrein Affiliation: Cornell University Cornell Cooperative Extension, L.I. Res 3059 Sound Avenue Riverhead NY PhoneNumber: 631-727-3595X2 dog1@cornell.edu Email: ProjectTitle: Protocol #: 11901 Mite (not spider mites) Efficacy 10-014 PR# Research Target Crop/Plant Product EPA Reg. # Production Site 29563 Broad Mite New Guinea Impatiens Avid 0.15EC Polyphagotarsonemus latus Impatiens New Guinea hy Abamectin Syngenta Broad Mite New Guinea Impatiens 432-1471 Polyphagotarsonemus latus Impatiens New Guinea hy Spirotetramat OHP Broad Mite New Guinea Impatiens 10163-297 Polyphagotarsonemus latus Impatiens New Guinea hy Fenazaquin 29559 29800 Greenhouse C Greenhouse C Greenhouse C Broad Mite Polyphagotarsonemus latus New Guinea Impatiens MBI 203 Greenhouse Impatiens New Guinea hy Chromobacterium subtsugae Marrone Organ C Broad Mite New Guinea Impatiens Greenhouse C Polyphagotarsonemus latus Impatiens New Guinea hy Emamectin benzoate Syngenta 29560 Broad Mite Polyphagotarsonemus latus New Guinea Impatiens Pylon Impatiens New Guinea hy Chlorfenapyr 241-374-59807 Greenhouse BASF C 29905 Broad Mite New Guinea Impatiens - Greenhouse C Polyphagotarsonemus latus Impatiens New Guinea hy SuffOil X Broad Mite New Guinea Impatiens Greenhouse C Polyphagotarsonemus latus Impatiens New Guinea hy Chlorfenapyr + horticultural o No Manufactur 29562 Broad Mite Polyphagotarsonemus latus New Guinea Impatiens Tank Mix: Pylon + SuffOil X Impatiens New Guinea hy Chlorfenapyr + Greenhouse No Manufactur C 29801 Broad Mite New Guinea Impatiens - C Polyphagotarsonemus latus Impatiens New Guinea hy Metarhizium anisophliae 29558 29557 29561 Kontos (BYI 8330 240SC) Magus Proclaim 5SG SuffOil X (Synergy) 100-896 Status Gowan - Bioworks Tank Mix: Pylon + Horticultur - TickEx Novozymes Bi Greenhouse Efficacy of Several Products for Managing Broad Mite Protocol #: 10-014 Lea Loizos, Program Associate Daniel Gilrein, Extension Entomologist Lucille Siracusano, Program Assistant Cornell University Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County Long Island Horticultural Research and Extension Center Riverhead, NY 11901 January 2011 Introduction Broad mite (Polyphagotarsonemus latus [Banks]) continues to be a pest of a number of greenhouse crops. Relatively few effective miticides available to growers are labeled for control of tarsonemid mites. A greenhouse trial was conducted from September 20, 2010 to January 6, 2011 to evaluate and compare existing miticides to several new materials for control of broad mite on New Guinea impatiens. The foliar-applied materials tested were: Avid 0.15EC (abamectin, Syngenta) at 8 fl oz/100 gal, Pylon 2SC (chlorfenapyr, BASF) at 5.6 fl oz/100 gal, Pylon 2SC at 5.6 fl oz tank mixed with Ultra Pure Oil (98% paraffinic mineral oil, Whitmire Micro-Gen) at 1 gal/100 gal, Pylon 2SC at 5.6 fl oz tank mixed with Suffoil-X (80% petroleum oil, BioWorks) at 1 gal/100 gal, Suffoil-X at 1 gal/100 gal, Kontos 2SC (spirotetramat, OHP) at 3.4 fl ox/100 gal, Magus 1.6SC (fenazaquin, Gowan) at 24fl oz and 12 fl oz/100 gal, MBI 203 EP (Chromobacteria subtsugae, Marrone Bio Innovations) at 5 gal and 1 gal/100 gal, and Proclaim 5SG (emamectin benzoate, Syngenta) at 8 fl oz and 4 fl oz/100 gal. Kontos 2SC was also included as a drench treatment at 50 mls/1100 5.5” pots. Water-sprayed plants were included as a control. Materials and methods Cuttings were taken from ‘Celebrette Purple’ New Guinea impatiens (Impatiens x hawkeri ‘Celebrette Purple’) on September 20 and placed in grow cubes under a misting bench. Rooted cuttings were transplanted into 5.25” pots using a commercial peat-based growing media (Pro-Mix) during the week of October 11. On November 1, plants were pinched to encourage growth. Plants were maintained in the greenhouse and hand-watered until November 18 when they were moved to ebb-and-flood irrigation and fed 150 ppm N using a complete fertilizer (Peters Excel 15-5-15) at each watering. Beginning on November 18 and again two weeks later, plants were manually infested with broad mite from an existing greenhouse colony by placing foliage from infested plants onto clean plants. Once the broad mite population had become established, treatments listed in Table 1 were randomly assigned to eight single-plant replications. An initial count of the number of motile mites and the number of healthy eggs on six partially-expanded terminal leaves per plant was taken on December 7 to verify that mites had established equally on all plants. The height and width of each plant was also recorded at this time. The first application of all treatments was made on December 10 and plants were then arranged in a completely randomized design and Researchers: Daniel Gilrein and Lea Loizos PR #: 10-014 maintained as before. Kontos drench applications were made in 200 ml of water. A second application of all foliar treatments, with the exception of Magus and Kontos, was made on December 20. A second foliar application of Kontos was made on December 24. All foliar applications were made using a CO2-powered backpack sprayer fitted with a TeeJet 8006 VS nozzle at 30 psi to thoroughly wet all foliage. The number of live mites and healthy eggs was counted on six partially-expanded terminal leaves per plant on December 14, four days after the initial treatment, and again on December 21 and January 4. A final damage rating was taken on January 6 and final height and width ratings were taken on January 12. ANOVA and multiple comparisons among treatments were performed on raw or transformed data using a statistical multiple comparison procedure (JMP 7, SAS Institute). Results are shown in Tables 1-4. Results and Discussion Pre-treatment counts of both motile mites and healthy eggs indicate that mite levels were equal among all treatments at the start of the trial (Tables 1 and 2). A significant effect due to treatment was seen four days after the initial applications were made. All treatments, with the exception of Kontos (both drench and foliar) and MBI 203EP, had significantly lower numbers of motile mites as compared to the untreated control plants. Avid, Pylon, the Pylon + oil combinations, Suffoil-X, the high rate of Magus, and Proclaim (both rates) provided the greatest level of control after the initial application. Two weeks after treatment the Kontos drench also had significantly fewer mites than the control plants. Data collected on December 21, one day after the second foliar application was applied to selected treatments as indicated, show a similar trend: all treatments except MBI 203EP had significantly fewer mites than the control plants (Table 1). The Kontos foliar treatment began to show greater efficacy 11 days after the initial application with significantly fewer mites than the untreated plants at that time. The average number of mites per plant remained significantly lower than the untreated plants after the second Kontos (spray) application on December 24, although still not completely eliminated. At the final counts, Avid, Pylon, the Pylon + oil combinations, and both rates of Proclaim continued to provide the greatest level of residual control 24 days after the initial application with few to no mites or eggs present. The Kontos drench and foliar treatments also continued to provide significantly better control than the untreated plants. At this point in the trial, mite numbers began to increase in both the Suffoil-X and Magus treated plants, suggesting that an additional application may have been necessary to maintain efficacy. Symptoms of phytotoxicity began to show up after the second foliar application as indicated in the ratings taken on January 6 (Table 3). (Phytotoxicity ratings taken after the first application showed no damage in any treatment.) Plants treated with the Pylon + Ultra-Pure oil combination showed severe leaf burn and bud injury. Researchers: Daniel Gilrein and Lea Loizos PR #: 10-014 Plants treated with the Pylon + Suffoil-X combination also showed a bit of leaf burn, primarily at the leaf tips, though significantly less so than those treated with Pylon + Ultra-Pure. No other treatments exhibited any signs of phytotoxicity. Flowers were consistently removed from all plants for the majority of the trial to control a lowlevel thrips infestation; leaf curling and distortion were seen in all treatments – likely due to environmental factors – so no overall quality or marketability ratings were taken at the end of the study. It was noted, however, once flowers were allowed to grow back at the end of the trial, that some of the treatments that had been showing efficacy were also showing signs of typical broad mite damage on buds and flowers (stippling, stunting, etc.), some more severely than others. An inspection of three buds from each of these treatments – Avid, Pylon, Pylon + SuffoilX, Suffoil-X, Kontos drench, and both rates of Proclaim – found that most were free of mites with the exception of Suffoil-X and the Kontos drench. Given that mite populations were beginning to increase on the Suffoil-X-treated plants at that point in the trial, it is not surprising that mites were seen on buds from these plants. The presence of mites on buds of plants that received the Kontos drench is more surprising as mite levels were very low on foliage, suggesting that the material may not translocate well to the flowers, and/or an indication of limited residual efficacy, as flowers were allowed to develop only late in the trial. Height and width measurements taken at the beginning and end of the trial indicate that there was no significant difference in growth amongst treatments (Table 4.) The destructive sampling that was necessary to conduct mite counts likely impacted the growth of all plants equally, regardless of the level of mite infestation. Researchers: Daniel Gilrein and Lea Loizos PR #: 10-014 Table 1. Control of broad mite on ‘Celebrette Purple’ New Guinea impatiens treated with foliar and drench insecticides, Riverhead, NY, 2010. Sample Date Treatment Rate Application 12/7 12/14** 12/21* 12/28 1/4* and formulation 100 gals method interval precount broad mites/plant Avid 0.15EC 8 fl oz foliar 2 app, 7 d 8.1ns 0.1 e 0.1 d 0.0 g Pylon 2SC 5.6 fl oz foliar 2 app, 7 d 10.1ns 0.6 de 0.1 d 0.1 g Pylon 2SC + 5.6 fl oz Ultra-Pure Oil 1% foliar 2 app, 7 d 8.0ns 0.0 e 0.1 d 0.3 fg Pylon 2SC + 5.6 fl oz Suffoil-X 1% foliar 2 app, 7 d 7.6ns 0.0 e 0.4 d 0.1 g Suffoil-X 1% foliar 2 app, 7 d 8.0ns 2.3 de 1.3 cd 8.6 bcde Kontos 2SC 50 ml/1100 pots drench 1 app 7.6ns 16.4a 3.3 cd 2.6 efg Kontos 2SC 3.4 fl oz foliar 2 app, 14 d 8.3ns 6.5abcd 5.6 bc 4.0 b 4.5 defg Magus 1.6SC 24 fl oz foliar 1 app 7.5ns 0.9 de 2.3 cd 5.9 cdef Magus 1.6SC 12 fl oz foliar 1 app 8.4ns 4.3 bcde 4.3 cd 11.8abcd MBI 203EP 5% foliar 2 app, 7 d 9.4ns 15.1abc 13.6ab 15.1ab MBI 203EP 1% foliar 2 app, 7 d 7.5ns 11.0ab 13.8ab 20.9a Proclaim 5SG 8 oz foliar 2 app, 7 d 7.3ns 1.3 de 0.4 d 0.4 fg Proclaim 5SG 4 oz foliar 2 app, 7 d 9.8ns 2.0 cde 0.9 d 0.4 fg Control (water spray) foliar 8.8ns 21.4a 19.3a 21.4a 14.6abc Means within columns followed by the same letter are not significantly different at p=0.05 (Tukey’s HSD). *Data were transformed prior to analysis using sqrt(y) **Data were transformed prior to analysis using log(y+1) Researchers: Daniel Gilrein and Lea Loizos PR #: 10-014 Table 2. Numbers of broad mite eggs on ‘Celebrette Purple’ New Guinea impatiens treated with drench insecticides, Riverhead, NY, 2010. Sample Date Treatment Rate Application 12/7 12/14* 12/21* 12/28 and formulation 100 gals method interval precount eggs/plant Avid 0.15EC 8 fl oz foliar 2 app, 7 d 10.4ns 1.0 def 0.1 e Pylon 2SC 5.6 fl oz foliar 2 app, 7 d 14.8ns 2.4 cdef 0.8 e Pylon 2SC + 5.6 fl oz Ultra-Pure Oil 1% foliar 2 app, 7 d 11.6ns 1.5 def 0.3 e Pylon 2SC + 5.6 fl oz Suffoil-X 1% foliar 2 app, 7 d 8.6ns 0.3 f 0.6 e Suffoil-X 1% foliar 2 app, 7 d 10.3ns 2.9 cdef 2.4 de Kontos 2SC 50 ml/1100 pots drench 1 app 10.6ns 7.8abcd 1.1 de Kontos 2SC 3.4 fl oz foliar 2 app, 14 d 7.9ns 4.6 bcdef 5.5 bcd 2.8 b Magus 1.6SC 24 fl oz foliar 1 app 12.9ns 2.4 def 3.4 cde Magus 1.6SC 12 fl oz foliar 1 app 17.3ns 7.8 bcde 9.3abc MBI 203EP 5% foliar 2 app, 7 d 13.4ns 17.1ab 19.3a MBI 203EP 1% foliar 2 app, 7 d 10.6ns 11.9abc 17.5ab Proclaim 5SG 8 oz foliar 2 app, 7 d 12.9ns 0.9 ef 0.3 e Proclaim 5SG 4 oz foliar 2 app, 7 d 11.9ns 2.0 def 1.4 de Control (water spray) foliar 17.0ns 26.1a 17.0ab 18.0a Means within columns followed by the same letter are not significantly different at p=0.05 (Tukey’s HSD). *Data were transformed prior to analysis using sqrt(y) **Data were transformed prior to analysis using log(y+1) Researchers: Daniel Gilrein and Lea Loizos PR #: 10-014 foliar and 1/4** 0.0 0.0 g g 0.0 g 0.0 g 8.9 bcde 0.4 efg 2.6 def 9.1 cde 12.3abcd 17.6ab 20.0a 0.0 fg 0.0 fg 12.8abc Table 3. Phytotoxicity rating of foliar and drench insecticides on ‘Celebrette Purple’ New Guinea impatiens, Riverhead, NY, 2010. Treatment Rate and formulation 100 gals Avid 0.15EC 8 fl oz Pylon 2SC 5.6 fl oz Pylon 2SC + 5.6 fl oz Ultra-Pure Oil 1% Pylon 2SC + 5.6 fl oz Suffoil-X 1% Suffoil-X 1% Kontos 2SC 50 ml/1100 pots Kontos 2SC 3.4 fl oz Magus 1.6SC 24 fl oz Magus 1.6SC 12 fl oz MBI 203EP 5% MBI 203EP 1% Proclaim 5SG 8 oz Proclaim 5SG 4 oz Control (water spray) Application method interval foliar 2 app, 7 d foliar 2 app, 7 d foliar foliar foliar drench foliar foliar foliar foliar foliar foliar foliar foliar 2 app, 7 d 2 app, 7 2 app, 7 1 app 2 app, 14 1 app 1 app 2 app, 7 2 app, 7 2 app, 7 2 app, 7 d d d d d d d Sample Date 1/6 0.0 c 0.0 c 6.4a 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 b c c c c c c c c c c Means within columns followed by the same letter are not significantly different at p=0.05 (Tukey’s HSD). *Data were transformed prior to analysis using sqrt(y) **Data were transformed prior to analysis using log(y+1) Researchers: Daniel Gilrein and Lea Loizos PR #: 10-014 Table 4. Height and width of ‘Celebrette Purple’ New Guinea impatiens treated with foliar and drench insecticides, Riverhead, NY, 2010. Sample Date Treatment Rate Application 12/14 1/12 and formulation 100 gals method interval height width height width Avid 0.15EC 8 fl oz foliar 2 app, 7 d 3.4ns 11.7ab 3.5ns 12.6ab Pylon 2SC 5.6 fl oz foliar 2 app, 7 d 2.8ns 10.6a 3.0ns 11.1ab Pylon 2SC + 5.6 fl oz Ultra-Pure Oil 1% foliar 2 app, 7 d 3.2ns 13.0ab 3.1ns 10.3 b Pylon 2SC + 5.6 fl oz Suffoil-X 1% foliar 2 app, 7 d 3.0ns 12.2ab 3.3ns 11.8ab Suffoil-X 1% foliar 2 app, 7 d 3.1ns 12.8ab 3.5ns 13.5a Kontos 2SC 50 ml/1100 pots drench 1 app 3.0ns 11.7ab 2.9ns 11.6ab Kontos 2SC 3.4 fl oz foliar 2 app, 7 d 2.7ns 11.5ab 2.8ns 11.9ab Magus 1.6SC 24 fl oz foliar 1 app 3.2ns 12.6ab 3.3ns 12.8ab Magus 1.6SC 12 fl oz foliar 1 app 2.7ns 13.2a 3.2ns 13.6a MBI 203EP 5% foliar 2 app, 7 d 3.3ns 12.8ab 3.4ns 11.9ab MBI 203EP 1% foliar 2 app, 7 d 3.3ns 12.9ab 3.3ns 12.9ab Proclaim 5SG 8 oz foliar 2 app, 7 d 2.9ns 13.1a 3.2ns 13.4a Proclaim 5SG 4 oz foliar 2 app, 7 d 3.2ns 12.4ab 3.7ns 12.7ab Control (water spray) foliar 3.0ns 12.1ab 3.4ns 12.8ab Means within columns followed by the same letter are not significantly different at p=0.05 (Tukey’s HSD). Researchers: Daniel Gilrein and Lea Loizos PR #: 10-014
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