PLEN Scholarship Application Application Deadline: April 19, 2013 March 20-24, 2013

Women & International Policy Seminar
March 20-24, 2013
PLEN Scholarship Application
Application Deadline: April 19, 2013
The Public Leadership Education Network (PLEN) sponsors a need-based scholarship for an outstanding student
interested in attending PLEN’s Women & International Policy Seminar.
The PLEN scholarship includes registration and seminar fees. Students who attend PLEN seminars will be responsible for
funding their own housing, transportation, and meals. Only currently enrolled undergraduate students are eligible for
the need-based scholarship.
Application Cover Sheet
Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
School: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Your School Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
(i.e. your dorm room, mailbox or local apartment address)
City: ________________________________________ State: _______ Zip Code: ____________________________
Phone #: (
(cell or school) Alt. Phone #: (
E-mail:______________________________________ Alternate Email: ______________________________________
Please note that most communication regarding the seminar will be sent via email. It is important that you list an email address that you check regularly.
Permanent mailing address: ________________________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________ State: _______ Zip Code: _______________________________
Academic Year: □ Freshman □ Sophomore □ Junior □ Senior
Date of Birth: __________ Major: ______________________________ GPA: _______
How you heard about the PLEN Scholarship:
I hereby apply for the PLEN Need-based Scholarship to attend PLEN’s Women & International Policy Seminar and if
awarded the scholarship, I am certain that I can attend the Seminar and finance my travel, housing and other personal
Signature of applicant: __________________________________________________ Date: _________________
Please see the following page for information regarding application requirements. Late/incomplete
applications will not be consider for the PLEN Scholarship.
Women & International Policy Seminar
March 20-24, 2013
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: In addition to the cover page, applicants must attach the following items to their
application package in order to be eligible for the PLEN Scholarship.
1. Essay: In one to two pages, state your interest in attending PLEN’s Women & International Policy Seminar. A
strong essay will include:
 Description of professional or academic experience that clearly demonstrates your interest in public
policy, politics, or a related field;
 Description of campus and/or extracurricular activities that demonstrate a commitment to leadership;
 What you hope to achieve by attending the Women & International Policy Seminar.
2. Letter of Recommendation: Letter attesting to student’s strong characteristics and deservingness of the
scholarship. Letters can be faxed or emailed directly to PLEN. Please see the recommendation form below.
3. Proof of Financial Need: Letter or statement from student’s academic institution delineating the student’s
financial aid award for the current semester. Letters can be faxed or emailed directly to PLEN.
Apply by email or fax to Dawn Culpepper, Program Manager*:
1001 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 900
Washington, DC 20036
Fax: 202-872-0141
Phone: 202-872-1585
*Applications must be submitted by email or fax.
Women & International Policy Seminar
March 20-24, 2013
Letter of Recommendation Form
Women & International Policy Seminar 2013
PLEN Need-Based Scholarship
Please ask your evaluator to complete this form and include it with his or her letter of recommendation, and email
or fax to the below address.
Name of Student: ___________________________________________________________________
Name of Evaluator: _________________________________________________________________
Student’s Relationship to Evaluator (Professor, Employer, Advisor, Community Member, etc.):
Number of Years Acquainted with Student: ______________________________________________
Evaluator’s Email Address: ___________________________________________________________
Evaluator’s Telephone Number: _______________________________________________________
To Evaluator:
The above named applicant is applying for a need-based scholarship to attend the Public Leadership Education
Network (PLEN)’s Women & International Policy Seminar. The scholarship is sponsored by PLEN. A letter of
recommendation is needed that will attest to the student’s interest in public policy or leadership development and
deservingness of the scholarship.
The student has selected you to give PLEN some insight into what makes this student a good candidate for the need-based
scholarship. Please describe as concisely as possible the reasons you believe this candidate should receive the Women &
International Policy Seminar Need-based Scholarship.
Please send form and recommendation letter by email or fax to Dawn Culpepper, Program Manager*:
1001 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 900
Washington, DC 20036
Fax: 202-872-0141
Phone: 202-872-1585
*Materials must be submitted by email or fax.