Cover Sheet for Proposals Capital Programme

Section A – Institution Exemplar – TOGAF, SOA and Shared Services
Cover Sheet for Proposals
(All sections must be completed)
Capital Programme
Name of Capital Initiative:
Institution Exemplar – TOGAF, SOA and Shared Services
Name of Lead Institution:
Roehampton University
Name of Proposed Project:
Project CAIRO
Name(s) of Project Partner(s):
Full Contact Details for Primary Contact:
Mr. Mike Hall
Position: Director of Information Technology and Media Services
Address: Roehampton University
Digby Stuart Learning Resources Centre
Roehampton Lane
London SW 15 5SZ
0208 392 3446
0208 392 3026
Length of Project:
Stages 1, 2 and 3
18 Months
Project Start Date:
June 2008
Project End Date:Sta
Stages 1 and 2 - June 09
Total Funding Requested from JISC:
Funding Broken Down over Financial Years (Apr–Mar):
Aug 2008 – Mar 2009
Apr2009 – June 2009
Total Institutional Contributions:
Outline Project Description :
Corporate Applications Independence Roehampton (CAIRO)
Through use of the TOGAF 8 framework, this project seeks to define an Enterprise Architecture for
Roehampton University and to develop a Services Orientated approach to the integration of
corporate information systems.
The project will be part of a staged process with the strategic aim being the development of an
applications independent architecture. Ultimately, it is envisaged that business processes will simply
consume data services and application systems will become replaceable modular components.
Consequently, institutions will have greater opportunities and flexibility in renewing systems or
moving to new business paradigms such as hosted Shared Services.
The project builds on the work of HILDA and MUSIC and follows directly from the findings of the Duke
& Jordon study into shared services. The project will apply open standards in a context of market
leading, best of breed application systems and therefore its outputs will have a direct relevance to
the wider HE & FE communities.
I have looked at the example FOI form at
Appendix A and included an FOI form in the
attached bid (Tick Box)
I have read the Circular and associated Terms
and Conditions of Grant at Appendix B (Tick Box)
Section B – FOI Tick List
FOI Withheld Information Form
We would like JISC to consider withholding the following sections or paragraphs from disclosure, should the
contents of this proposal be requested under the Freedom of Information Act, or if we are successful in our bid
for funding and our project proposal is made available on JISC’s website.
We acknowledge that the FOI Withheld Information Form is of indicative value only and that JISC may
nevertheless be obliged to disclose this information in accordance with the requirements of the Act. We
acknowledge that the final decision on disclosure rests with JISC.
Section / Paragraph No.
Relevant exemption
disclosure under FOI
Section C
D1. Appropriateness of fit to programme objectives and overall value to the JISC
Through use of TOGAF 8, BizzDesign and ArchiMate, this project seeks to define an enterprise architecture
focused on the business processes that integrate core corporate systems. The aim will be to define and
develop a Services Orientated layer between the business processes and the application systems such that
information content and transfer can be standardised and systems can be replaced (or hosted) more
TOGAF and Service Oriented Architecture – Conceptual Framework
Local Applications / Reports
Enterprise Bus - SOA Layer - Data Transformation
Application 1
Application 2
Process Requirements
Technical Requirements
Business Architecture
Info Systems Architecture
D1.1 The Duke & Jordon reports on Shared Services (JISC Study of Shared Services in UK Further and Higher
Education : Report 1: the current landscape of shared systems implementation and planning for administrative
systems in UK FE and HE: April 2008. identified a landscape
of best of breed corporate systems with a high degree of complex, bespoke integration. Report 1 states that “It
is clear that systems integration is a more pressing issue to most institutions than are shared services.“
The premise of this project is that, rather than an issue of relative priorities, the Duke & Jordon statement
belies a cause and effect i.e. the complexity of systems integration is a significant barrier to systems
replacement and therefore to the adoption of shared services. As Duke and Jordan also state “Pursuing a
business process analysis and engineering agenda with institutions would enable service sharing and service
integration as well as yield knowledge of service costs. It would also facilitate institutional agility: an improved
capability to respond to new challenges.” And again “Business process alignment between partners will carry
with it economic benefits…..”.
D1.2 Furthermore, the inertia in systems renewal has led to complacency amongst suppliers. All the while
institutions are unable or unwilling to flex procurement muscle, suppliers will remain unresponsive to changing
demands. To bring about systems improvements, business efficiencies and competitive prices, the sector must
first catalyse market momentum and one way of achieving this is to simplify the renewal and replacement of
D1.3 Currently, the most significant way to achieve this is through the implementation of Service Oriented
Architecture (SOA). Despite large scale adoption in industry and other public sectors, SOA has yet to gain
significant penetration in HE. If successful, this project will provide a lingua franca for defining systems
interfaces and pave the way for a dialogue with suppliers over future development of their systems using a
services orientated approach. Duke and Jordan once more “While Service Oriented Architectures are new and
largely untried (in HE), they appear to offer considerable potential as a means of allowing considerable
numbers of applications to interoperate in a manageable way. SOAs impose no architectural barrier……….They
therefore appear to be a powerful means of facilitating both integration and service sharing.”
D1.4 This project will build on the work of HILDA (High Level Domain Architecture) and MUSIC (Measuring and
Understanding the Systems Integration Challenge) and it links directly to the programmes on the E-Framework
and Enterprise Architectures. It will also inform the JISC and HEFCE Shared Services initiatives as well as aid the
on-going dialogue with suppliers over development of standards.
D1.5 Importantly, the project also has significant synergy with existing cross institutional projects at
Roehampton University: “Project 3R” will define an “As Is” and a “To Be” for the University’s Corporate
Systems architecture and “Project 3A” seeks to define the business processes that are devolved to Schools and
departments and their interaction with central departments and systems. Both these projects already have the
backing of the University’s Executive Management Team and Senate and tie closely to several of the
University’s key strategic objectives.
D1.6 Roehampton University is a relatively small institution and benefits from centralised, agile decision
making and a focus on efficiency (typical of that described by Duke and Jordon as an institution who stands to
gain the most from shared services). The University already has successful shared services with the University
of Surrey for procurement, internal audit and application hosting for the University’s virtual learning
D1.7 Roehampton University has an excellent IT and Media Services department with staff experienced in
TOGAF and SOA albeit in an industry context. The systems in use are a typical portfolio of industry standard,
best-of-breed applications representative of the heterogeneity in the sector.
D2. Quality of Proposal and Robustness of Workplan
D2.1 Using a Prince 2 approach, the CAIRO project will commence with 2 parallel strands expanding the scope
of 2 existing projects that are already underway at Roehampton (Projects 3R and 3A). Stage 2 of the project
will be to develop “Services” based integration between some of the key application systems. Collectively,
these 3 work packages equate with the TOGAF Information Systems Architecture analysis, the Business
Architecture analysis and the development of architectural building blocks.
Project 3R
Systems Architecture
SOA Development
Architectural building blocks
Project 3A
Business Architecture Analysis
D2.2 Sub-Project 3R is assessing the fitness for purpose of Roehampton’s corporate information systems,
managing student, staff and financial data and underpinning the University’s administrative operations and
strategic planning. This Information Systems Architecture phase will review and map out the purpose of each
system and pay particular attention to the connecting data interfaces. The project will recommend revisions,
re-implementations or replacement as necessary (the 3R’s). Expanding the scope of this project under CAIRO
will ensure that the analysis will be supported by the use of business analysis tools (Archimate), will conform
to TOGAF ADM standards and methodology and will have significant input from the Business Architecture
D2.3 Sub-Project 3R is being undertaken by an already designated small team of system experts drawn from
the University’s Planning and Business Analysis Teams. Each of the system review teams is being led by Team
Leaders within Registry, Finance, Property and FM and HR Departments. The review teams will draw on
significant user representation and, under CAIRO, each team will additionally be supported by expertise in the
Business Analysis applications BizzDesign and Archimate so that the University achieves a focus and a
consistency of output from these teams which will support analysis using the TOGAF framework.
D2.4 Sub-Project 3A, aims to review the devolved administrative activities in Schools and Departments within
the University to identify processes which can be improved or discontinued and whether new technologies
and approaches, e.g. Web 2.0 and mashups, can be used to improve the student and staff experience and
reduce costs. This Business Architecture phase builds on the 2007 SUMS review on Academic Workload
Analysis and devolved Administration Report (Report 1044/07) as well as the domain mapping work of HILDA.
This project is being executed in parallel with sub-project 3R and it is intended that the 2 sub-projects are seen
as being conjoined and will be stage-reviewed at the same time.
D2.5 The project will involve data gathering from Schools and Departments by interview and survey methods.
Under the CAIRO project, the investigative team will be supported by expertise in BizzDesign and Archimate
and will conform to TOGAF ADM standards and methodology. The team will also have significant input from
the Information Systems Architecture phase.
Sub-project 3A is being undertaken by a small team of systems experts drawn from the Central Support
Services led by the Pro Vice-Chancellor.
D2.6 It has always been intended to bring these 2 enabling projects together but, under the umbrella of the
CAIRO Project, they will be taken to a greater breadth and depth and follow the TOGAF approach more
methodically. The outputs will also be presented in a more generic form which can be translated across the
sector e.g. in the form described in the HILDA Project.
D2.7 The second stage of the CAIRO Project involves the selection and re-engineering of particular data
integration pinch-points within an SOA context e.g. the interface between Finance and HR systems and the
interface between the Student Records and Timetabling systems. These equate with the concept of TOGAF
architectural building blocks, at this stage concentrating on the interface standards, data content and formats,
protocols, APIs. Successful conclusion of this aspect of the project will be the integration of the selected
systems based on acceptable SOA principles.
D2.8 The Sponsor for the CAIRO Project is the Pro Vice-Chancellor, who will report to the Project Executive
Team consisting of senior managers within the University, as well as to the Vice-Chancellor’s Advisory Board
and to the University Senate.
D2.9 It is important that the outcomes of these 3 strategic and conjoined work-packages are interpreted
within the overall context of the TOGAF 8 Framework. The work of the 3R Review Teams and the 3A project
investigative team will be applied in a TOGAF framework by a TOGAF 8 Certified Practitioner.
D3. Project Outcomes
D3.1 The outcomes of these 2 initial sub-projects (3R and 3A) will be to qualify and quantify the “as is” and “to
be” situations in the Business and Information Systems Architectures of the University. The TOGAF framework
will be used to ensure that the University uses these projects in a productive and structured context, with
baseline and target architectures and associated Gap Analyses, which can contribute directly to the evaluation
of the framework as a productive paradigm for HE institutions.
D3.2 The BizzDesign software and the Archimate modeling language will be used to support and guide the
review team’s work using the TOGAF Architectural Development Method (ADM). The design of the ADM
allows for iteration around the Business and Information Systems Architectures and crucially guides the
development of Requirements Management which feeds into the business needs for interfaces (SOA in its first
manifestation) between the corporate systems.
D3.3 Significant outcomes from the project up to the completion of stage 2 (Internal SOA) will be : A website detailing progress and work outputs
 Standard Schemas and diagrams for the business and systems architecture based on sector standard
systems in widespread use
 Pilot code for 2 or 3 critical system data interfaces using SOA
 Dissemination of experience at sector conferences and seminars e.g. JISC, UCISA, Open Group
 Contribution directly from experience into the JISC Enterprise Architectures, E-Framework and Shared
Services initiatives
 Interim and final reports and final dissemination workshop
 Hosting training for other HE institutions
 An effective study on Return on Investment for SOA used in this context
D3.4 The work to this point then, positions the University to move further towards the concept of applications
independence and the flexibility of moving towards shared services, as the Roehampton Shared Services
Roadmap makes clear (see diagram).
Application Independent
54 Months
Offer and use SOA based shared
services for buisiness applications
Roehampton University London
36 Months
Shared Services Road
Develop systems based on
shared service Togaf/SOA Model
with external partners
18 Months
Business Led
Redevelop internal systems based
on shared service SOA Model
Technology Led
Process Led
Map Systems
(3R Project)
Map Business
(3A Project)
Prince 2
D3.5 The CAIRO Project will enable Roehampton University to explore the value and relevance of the TOGAF 8
ADM in an HE context in a review of its architecture to which the University is already committed. It will
enable the University to : leverage the project through the application of TOGAF templates and concepts
 begin the exploration of the concept of shared services along a defined path
 contribute significantly from a point of view of experience of real implementation, to the JISC eframework community
D3.6 Key Deliverables from the Project will be : Definition of Business Goals and Business Drivers
 Statement of Data principles
 Baseline and “to be” Business Architecture and building blocks
 Baseline and “to be” Systems Architecture and building blocks
 Gap Analyses in Business and Systems
 Requirements Management and Issues Register
 Structured Data Requirements and Flows
 Implementation Plan
D4. Project Management and Project Plan
D4.1 At the outset of the project Roehampton will commit to work closely with the JISC to ensure the
necessary JISC controls are in place for the governance, management and funding of the project.
D4.2 Within Roehampton, the Project will be controlled through a Project Board comprising the main sponsor
(Pro Vice-Chancellor) as the Executive, with representation from the Senior User (Director of Recruitment and
Student Records) and the Senior Supplier (Director of ITMS) along with the Project Manager. The Project
Board will define its Project Groups for Assurance and Support to provide the necessary user and supplier
experience into the project. The Project Manager for this project will be a Prince2 Certified Practitioner.
D4.3 Each of the 3R Review Teams will be chaired by a senior person within the relevant business area, will
report to the Project Board and will be supported in their analysis by an expert in Archimate. The Review
process will also be guided by a certified TOGAF 8 Enterprise Architect.
D4.4 The project will be divided into stages and there will be clear break points between the stages to enable
the outputs to be clearly reviewed and risks continually assessed. The break points will assist in the clarity of
the timescales and be useful points at which to feedback progress to the JISC and the wider community. The
first stage comprises the parallel 3R and 3A sub-projects, the second stage is the development of internal SOA
to support internal data utilisation and exploitation. The third stage will draw on stages 1 to 2 to extrapolate
the experience into the arena of SOA on a wider scale and into the area of fully shared services in the HE
D4.5 The quality of the outputs will be the responsibility of the Project Board, whose role is to ensure that the
work is on schedule, that progress is satisfactory and that the deliverables are being produced and of a
satisfactory quality. It will be the responsibility of the Project Board to ensure also that the outputs conform to
TOGAF standards so that the contribution to the wider assessment of the TOGAF 8 framework can be made.
The project will use the JISC guidelines on quality assurance, project management and open source software
A Gantt chart attached to this bid displays the timing of the first 2 stages of the project. The main elements of
the plan are shown below.
End Milestone
PID approvals
Project 3A
Business Architecture
Project 3R
Information Systems Architecture
B.A. Gap Analysis available
I.S. Gap Analysis available
1st Architectural building blocks – SAO
coded interfaces
May 2008
July 2008
May 2008
Nov 2008
Administrative “As Is” and “To Be” defined
May 2008
Nov 2008
I.S. “As Is” and “To Be” defined
Feb 2009
Apr 2009
June 2009
Code available and testing commenced
Training staff on BizzDesign and
July 2008
Sept 2008
Staff trained
E. Risk Analysis
E1. Risks to the project will be identified early and plans will be maintained to mitigate them as far as
possible. The Project Board will maintain the Risk Register through the regular agenda. The staged nature of
the project makes it easier to identify and mitigate the risks.
Risks so far identified are shown below.
Staffing problems
(inability to attract
and retain staff
with appropriate
skills and
Difficulties getting
staff to buy into
the change process
Complete solution
cannot be devised
within the project
Action to Prevent / Manage risk
 The key significant staff are already employed within
 Wide spread of input from Administrative units
 Analysis of business functions carried out using business tools
assists standard approach and interoperability
 Wide inclusion of staff from across the business units reduces
the impact of loss in a particular area and facilitates
substitution of skills
 Full and consistent approach to documentation and version
 Ensure use of Business Tool is seen as supportive not
threatening through how it is implemented
 Ensure staff analysing situation are working in their area of
 Offer support from the centre and commitment from senior
management highly visible
 Publicise and communicate successful analyses during the
 Approach solutions iteratively and bit by bit
 Hold regular open forums on progress
 Absence of a complete solution is not a failure anyway
 All data, all requirements etc help to build the “building blocks”
in an iterative framework
 All experience gained is a bonus
 Celebrate achievements in subsets of the big picture
 Allow for subsets as milestones in the project plan and
recognise as achievements
 Proof of concept does not require full completion of project
Failure to meet
project milestones
Objectives extend
beyond the life of
the funded project
Complexity of
adopted to analysis
by different teams
 Progress will always be made more surely in some areas than
others so project can continue
 Interrelationship of business units does not need to be
disabling – approximation at this stage would be acceptable
 Nevertheless plan will be continuously monitored and support
applied where necessary
 Ensure attitude to the project is correct – the direction is the
correct one
 University is committed to the concept and will carry the
principles on
 Appropriate scoping at commencement of project
 Project Planning to identify significant milestones
 Identification of success factors at subset level
 Project complexity layered to assist in identifying vision and
path with significant milestones
 Support from the JISC community and interworking with the
successful EA bidding Universities through existing networks
 Application of TOGAF templates in the analysis phase
controlled by trained team and using Business Analysis s/w
F. Engagement with the Community
F1.1 Despite not receiving JISC funding, Roehampton is fully engaged in the Enterprise Architecture (EA)
programme. Staff from the University have attended the training from Architecting the Enterprise and are
certified in the TOGAF 8 methodology. Probably more importantly, the networks of communication have been
established with those institutions which were successful in the original EA bid and Roehampton has fully
participated in this ongoing programme. The University finds itself now in the unique position of having set
out, strategically, on a significant review of its Business and Systems Architecture at a time when it is possible
to enable this activity to contribute in a very direct way to a major JISC initiative, where that initiative is part of
a strong and seminal movement in the marketplace.
F1.2 Roehampton, therefore, fully comprehends the need to be part of this movement and wishes to
contribute experience whenever possible to the EA project and through this to the community as a whole.
Similarly, through its Project Executive, Roehampton is well placed to feed the project outputs to key
dissemination fora e.g. BUFDG, AHUA and HEFCE and is particularly well placed to inform the initiatives on
Shared Services.
F1.3 The project will, of course, support a website to disseminate activities and experience, the University will
host and contribute at seminars and other sharing activities and will report back directly to the JISC at regular
intervals. Roehampton is very aware of the complex nature of this area and will seek partner institutions for
the later stages of the overall project as the roadmap shows. It is the University’s intention, as the above list
of outcomes and deliverables shows, to publish fully documentation, schemas, software and not least,
experience as the project progresses.
F1.4 Roehampton staff are proactive members of UCISA and will use this organisation to assist in
dissemination of findings from the project through conferences and mailbases. The University will make full
use of the JISC and the JISC Services such as Techwatch, the Centre for Educational Technology and
Interoperability Standards (CETIS) as well as The Open Group to interface with organisations and people who
are interested in or can contribute directly to the furtherance of this project.
G. Budget
Directly Incurred
FTE, 18 months
Project Manager
Project Assistant
Senior Business Analyst
Business Analyst X2
Developers X2 (12months)
Total Directly Incurred Staff (A)
Aug 08 to
March 09
April 09 to
Jan 10
April 09 to
Jan 10
Travel and expenses
Aug 08 to
March 09
Total Directly Incurred Non-Staff (B)
Directly Incurred Total (A+B=C)
Directly Allocated
Aug 08 - March
April 09 –
Jan 10
Other Pro rata overheads
Directly Allocated Total (D)
Indirect Costs (E)
Total Project Cost (C+D+E)
Amount Requested from JISC
Institutional Contributions
Percentage Contributions over the life
of the project
Director of ITMS
Technical Management
Technical support
MIS Support
Web Management
Web Technical
Senior Business Analyst
Appendix 1 – Project CAIRO - Gantt Chart
Appendix 2 – Key Roehampton Staff involved in Project Cairo, Sub-projects 3R and 3A
Chris Cobb (project sponsor) is a Pro Vice-Chancellor at Roehampton University with responsibility for
Information Technology and Media Services, Library and Learning Services, Property and Facilities
Management (including, commercial services), Human Resources and Business Process Re-Engineering. Within
this role he has developed and led strategies on campus re-development, value for money, carbon reduction
and major investment programmes in classroom, Library and IT Infrastructure. Chris has also managed
significant organisational restructuring, process improvements and led negotiations on the harmonisation of
pay and conditions.
Chris chaired the UCISA CISG (2003-2005) and the UCAS working group on part-time admissions (2006-2007).
He is a member of the JISC Organisational Support Committee, the HEFCE Shared Services Working Group and
is an active member of the Association of Heads of University Administration (AHUA) and HUMANE (the panEuropean equivalent of the AHUA).
Recent consultancy work includes advising on the merger of four institutions in Strasburg, development of an
IT Strategy at Dublin College University and JISC sponsored research on the top concerns of Chinese IT
managers. Chris also teaches the IT Management strand on the annual ESMU-HUMANE Winter School in
Chris was previously the Director of Business Systems & Services at the London School of Economics where he
was involved in a number of JISC sponsored projects such as PERSEUS and SeCURE. He has previously chaired
the UCISA Corporate Information Systems Group and been a member of Universities UK, SCOP & DfES
Information Management Taskforce and the DfES HE Institutions Consultative Committee. In these roles he
has become a key liaison point for the consultation on the MIAP initiative and development of the Unique
Learner Number.
Chris is a seasoned Oracle professional with over 22 years in higher education and is a regular speaker at
sector conferences. He was the senior manager responsible for the implementation of 'LSE For You', the
institutional information portal which won the UCISA and EUNIS awards for best practice and was short-listed
for the 2002 Computer Industry Awards.
Michael Barham (Dean of the School of Human and Life Sciences at the Roehampton University). Michael is
a member of the Project Executive Team for both the 3R and AAA Projects. Michael has over twenty-eight
years’ experience in the field of personal growth and development and nearly thirty years’ experience in
education, drama and theatre, having worked with emotional and physical expression with children,
adolescents and adults in therapeutic, educational and artistic contexts. He is a state registered
dramatherapist, a body-psychotherapist and a registered process supervisor who has worked throughout the
UK and the Middle East. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. In the early to mid ‘90’s he was Chair
of the professional association (BADth) and until it became the Health Professions Council (HPC), was the ViceChair of the Arts Therapies Board with the Council for Professions Supplementary to Medicine (CPSM). In 2001
he was invited by UK Health Ministers to be one of the two representatives of the Arts Therapies involved in
creating this new regulatory body. In 2003 he was awarded an NHS Excellence Award.
Reggie Blennerhassett (Director of Finance at Roehampton University). Reggie is a member of the Project
Executive Team for both the 3R and AAA Projects. Reggie has been working in Finance since graduating in
1982. He has been involved in implementing 3 finance systems with particular emphasis on process and
reporting structures. In his previous role at the Royal Veterinary College, Reggie was a member of the IT
Strategy Group and part of the team that developed the IT Strategy for the College. Currently, Reggie is the
project sponsor for our Hat-Trick! Agresso re-implementation project at Roehampton, Phase 1 of which goes
live on 1 August 2008. He is also currently the vice chair of the London Region British University Finance
Directors Group and also a member of the national executive.
Sue Clegg (University Librarian and Director of Learning Services at Roehampton University). Sue is a
member of the Project Executive Team for both the 3R and AAA Projects. Sue leads Library and eLearning
Services as well as innovative learning and teaching spaces within the University. Former posts included roles
at South Bank University and Birmingham Polytechnic. Sue is actively involved in SCONUL and its predecessor,
COPOL, taking on committee roles, such as Secretary of the SCONUL Staffing Working Group and leadership
roles in coordinating annual meetings of Deputy Librarians in SCONUL. She has also been Chair of the
University, Colleges and Research Libraries (London) Group (UC&R). Prior sector involvement includes
international work with IAML. Sue has presented papers at many sector events, published articles/chapters in
books and edited publications. Sue managed Roehampton’s exemplar funding for the JISC Information
Strategies work.
From 1997 – 2006 Sue was Director of Information Services at Roehampton, running IT, MIS and Media as well
as Libraries. During this period a range of information systems and technology were tendered and procured.
Prior to this Sue has had a range of experiences of implementations of Library systems in different
Ms. Robin Geller (University Secretary and Registrar at Roehampton University). Robin is a member of the
Project Executive Team for both the 3R and AAA Projects. Robin is an active participant in the Association of
Heads of Administration (AHUA) and holds degrees in engineering and law from Canadian universities. Robin
joined Roehampton in 2006 after working for 10 years at McGill University in Montreal, Canada where her
roles included serving both as Secretary-General and, previously, as Registrar. During her tenure as Registrar,
Robin was one of the key Project Sponsors overseeing and managing the implementation of Banner Student one of a suite of Banner modules that were implemented at McGill over a five-year period.
Mike Hall (IT Services Director at Roehampton University). Mike is a member of the Project Executive Team
for both the 3R and AAA Projects. A senior IT professional with over 20 years experience in both academia
and the corporate market place. Mike worked for the Thomson Corporation mainly in the scientific and
healthcare divisions delivering high value content via web and other electronic media. Notable products
include Web of Knowledge/science, endnote, Thomson Pharma. Mike has been involved in developing and
supporting large production systems based on Intel and Sun running Windows, Solaris, Oracle, MS SQL, SOA
and various web servers.
Mike currently sits on the Business Development Committee of the London Metropolitan Network evaluating
needs and solutions to requirements of the London academic community.
Appointed to his post at Roehampton a year ago, Mike has embarked on a re-organisation of the IT and Media
John King (Head of Management Information Services at Roehampton University). John brings extensive
experience of Project Management and Business Systems Implementation earned in over 20 years of working
in both the private and the public sector. John has lead technical and business teams in many different
business environments, as both supplier and customer, to achieve significant business process change through
the application of information technology. He is experienced in systems design and the development of
systems requirement specifications. John has extensive experience at leading and motivating teams and
managing complex projects through to successful implementation. He is a Certified TOGAF 8 Enterprise
Marina Lim (Head of the Business Analysis Team at Roehampton University). Marina is an experienced IS
consultant with cross-sector experience in both the private and public sectors, who delivers and leads
transformational assignments enabling business process change. Using strong interpersonal and relationship
management skills, Marina is able to grasp quickly the potential for process transformation and deliver change
through the effective application of Information Technology.
Hiren Patel (Head if Infrastructure Services at Roehampton University). Hiren has 3 years very recent
experience of IT architecture development and implementation working with and managing a team of Systems
Analysts responsible for designing and implementing infrastructure systems in a multi-site, international
environment. He has a deep understanding of business needs through managing a Business Systems team
responsible for requirements gathering, designing, implementing & supporting systems and processes for Sales
& Marketing, Finance, MIS and Production functions within a multi-national environment. Hiren has
experience also with modeling techniques using UML for case / scenario / prototyping. Hiren has a working
experience of HP / Dell / IBM h/w and primarily of MS OS platform.
Richard Salter (Head of Strategy & Project Implementation at Roehampton University). Richard is a member
of the Project Executive Team for both the 3R and AAA Projects. During his time working in Higher
Education, Richard has been involved in a number of business process analysis and re-engineering projects
covering a wide array of activities and functions. Most notably this included taking the role of ‘Change
Facilitator’ as part of a holistic review of all taught student related administration following the merger of two
HEIs. The responsibilities of this role extended from a detailed review and analysis of existing practice at the
precursor institutions through to developing and implementing consolidation and strategically aligned
processes for the new institution. He also has experience of system implementation and development, ranging
from developing the initial specification of requirements and business case through to final stage testing and
project sign-off. In most cases, Richard’s system implementation experience relates to student record systems
or reporting tools/data warehouses. These implementation projects have been managed using the PRINCE 2
methodology. As part of these projects and the commensurate roles, Richard has been involved with various
ARC practitioner groups, primarily the ‘Administrative Systems & Processes’ and ‘Student Records’ groups.