ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET 95567 Multimedia Systems Design

95567 Multimedia Systems Design
32027 Multimedia Systems Design
Sasi Bureewong
Yosawan Tiranawattuporn
Wanida Sammanee
11292909, 11294562, 11171081;
Viveka Weiley and Samuel Ferguson
04 September 2012
Assignment 1: Concept, design, media and requirements doc. for
multimedia project
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Digital Multimedia Project Proposal
Team: Pixel
Team Members
11292909 Sasi Bureewong
11294562 Yosawan Tiranawattuporn
11171081 Wanida Sammanee
Digital Multimedia Systems Design
University of Technology, Sydney
1. Executive Summary
The Tourism Authority of Thailand wants to provide Thai culture information
about traditions and normal behaviour which could help travellers to understand
and remember the important facts in an interactive way. Some knowledge of a
culture helps to avoid embarrassment and misunderstandings between tourists
and local people, which can lead to a more enjoyable trip and a better impression
of Thailand’s many attractions. Merely providing travel and destination
information is not sufficient to achieve this result.
Thailand’s tourism rate dropped after the Tsunami in 2004. Since then an
unstable political system has limited its recovery to a slow rise from 2007 until the
riots and demonstrations in 2010 caused another major fall. This was followed
by flooding for weeks in 2012 which caused further damage to tourism. To reestablish the good image of Thailand and promote better understanding of Thai
culture are important objectives for Thailand’s tourism industry. The Tourism
Authority of Thailand has decided to use new strategies to help achieve these
goals and one of them is to educate potential tourists about Thai culture. It is a
serious need but one way of making it interesting and memorable is to
emphasise the humorous side of misunderstandings.
Providing information by using interactive multimedia that combine photo, sound,
animation, text and video is more attractive to many than text-based brochures
and existing websites which are commonly English text. Most of the content of
our site will be in simple English (as most Thai tourists have some English) and
illustrated with universal signs and symbols. The project’s content will inform
viewers about everyday Thai culture and norm behaviour they might encounter
as well as Thai superstitions. For example, how do local Thai people use their
language in everyday conversation? Why do Thai people have exotic social
norms concerning body gestures from head to toe?
The first phase of this project will be to launch a website as a prototype
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demonstration to collect user feedback about this media channel. In addition to
internet availability for potential travellers, the material will be useful as a final
briefing before arriving in Thailand, so we plan to distribute it as a video on Thai
International Airways interactive channel in the aeroplane. After the first launch
and survey, if it gains enough positive feedback The Tourist Authority of Thailand
will expand to more media channels and establish interactive kiosks in phase 2.
2. Concept
Describe the idea at the core of your group’s project.
What is it?
Our initial group idea is to make an interactive, effective, dynamic and useful
website for a specific group of people. Since all group members are Thai, our
brainstorming conclusion was to make an infographic website about Thailand for
travellers. Infographics in web pages mainly will present as symbols to make it
easy to understand for both native and non-native English speakers. It will
present approximately ten important basic topics that people should know before
they travel to Thailand. This project website will be available to anyone who can
access the Internet. Also, it will be available as a video guide for travellers in
aeroplane before landing at the Thailand airports. It will use a combination of
web language technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Flash. The
video version will be produced by screen capture of the website using keyboard
navigation and some recorded “voice over”. A variety of media technologies will
be combined in our project, graphic design, sounds, movies and animations. The
graphic design we propose will contain a large amount of information in one
page, which will be divided into small sections using client-side programming to
present one section at a time. Also, animation of transitions will be used while
changing between pages with sound effects. Moreover, Flash animations of
specific scenes and subjects will make our website more interesting to represent
the more complex movements and sound effects which are difficult or impossible
to make with more general web language technologies (at the present time). In
addition, movie clips will be used in our website to help users understand some
contexts more quickly with less reading of text. Our primary user target group is
twenty to forty years old and the secondary user target group is ten to, seventy
years old. We are focused on travellers to Thailand in these age groups as well
as those who are considering travel to Thailand and can access the internet to
find useful information before they go travelling. However, a lot of the information
currently available is relatively boring showing only text or images without
movement. Moreover, sometimes there is too much information to read and it is
difficult to find which part is the most important to know and it can be difficult to
find a version in the language in which the viewer is fluent. This leads to the idea
of a short but effective information presentation to allow multi-national users to
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understand the complex culture of our ancient land easily with interesting
images, sounds and animation.
Our concept is based in part on the fact that many people travel to learn about
other lands and cultures. If we provide useful and interesting information they
should be motivated to learn more about our land and culture and to choose it in
their trip plan. So, it can be promotional as well as informative and help them
enjoy their trip more.
What are you trying to achieve?
We are trying to help improve tourism to our country by catching the interest of
potential travellers and motivating them to visit Thailand and providing them with
information to make their trip more enjoyable so they will promote the idea to
their contacts.
We are trying to make a clear, interesting and humorous presentation of Thai
culture which a lot of people misunderstand and some do not know anything
about. Making an interesting and well designed graphic dynamic website will
help to spread relevant information to people around the world quickly and
impress them with useful information, beautiful graphics, exciting animations,
interesting movies, background sounds and sound effects.
Our goals are to learn to make a complete website which can be used in the real
world by using all of the knowledge that we are learning and have learned in
previous semesters.
What motivates your choice of this project?
Firstly, our group members are all Thai, we have lived in Australia for a while and
we all agree that our foreign friends and a lot of people around the world do not
understand our culture well. Many times we have been asked strange or curious
questions about our country. So, this is a good chance to make something really
useful for our friends we love and people around us who are interested in
Thailand. Secondly, we like the idea of presenting information in an interactive
infographic style which we have seen from several websites on the Internet. It
looks fantastic and attractive and is really effective at communicating complex
ideas, so we hope we can utilize a similar effective design to meet our goals.
What makes it special?
Interesting graphic design, information, movement, animation and sound effects
may make our website special and different from others. Especially, we are
going to use universal symbols and images to present and communicate to a
multi-cultural audience with limited English.
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The media will present ten important basic topics that travellers should know
about Thailand. It will address practical issues such as what to bring which
requires providing information on the weather and the cultural issues concerning
clothes and dressing appropriately, such as when visiting temples (Wats). This
will lead to more general topics about behaviour as well as dress and information
on norms and language, traditions and superstitions.
The project is special because “a picture is worth a thousand words” which can
transmit a message (sometimes without any text) in an easy way to understand.
All its information will be specific to a particular target group which is interested in
facts about Thailand. The information might help travellers to understand more
and enjoy their trip more while they are visiting our country.
It is also special because there is no other website which addresses this cultural
understanding issue with animated and entertaining illustration and it might be
very effective in promoting tourism and improving tourists’ enjoyment of their trip
to Thailand. There are many sites addressing behaviour in Thailand but they are
almost all text with few illustrations except for photographs of the Thai bow or
Are there any other works/websites/games that have influenced you?
There are a lot of websites which have influenced us, helping to inspire and
explore our idea and desire to create an interesting website.
The most important influences and inspiration
1. The Evolution of the Web (Hyperakt & Vizzuality 2012)
1.1 interpret statistic and data in to timeline story (Figure 1.1)
Figure 1.1: Full frame of The Evolution of the Web ((Hyperakt & Vizzuality 2012))
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1.2 Interactive design
User can browse information by panning from left to right and click on icon
to link to another page (Figure 1.2).
Figure 1.2: Interactive action (Hyperakt & Vizzuality 2012)
2. The most interesting infographic sites are
2.1 Cellular Jerks: Where are your Mobile Manners? - Infographic (Krum
It uses simple but attractive cartoons presenting information. It has a lot of
images (cartoons), less text and is easy to understand. Although they are quite
contrasty, all the colours look nice, clean and well organized (Figure 2.1).
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Figure 2.1: An Interesting Infographic (Krum 2007)
2.2 Kitchen Cheat Sheet - Infographic (Everest Limited 2012)
This is another attractive infographic which presents well with an outline
drawing using soft colours between orange and gray. It is showing an interesting
idea that images do not need full realism, just the outline can be recognised
easily. For example, the pig does not have any eyes, mouth nor skin texture, but
the outline is enough information for the purpose.
Another interesting point is that it uses text arranged on the image to carry
information well.
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Figure 2.2: Another Interesting Infographic (Everest Limited 2012)
Sketchy idea of the website
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Summary of Content
Travelling to another country, travellers would most definitely want to know
information about where they are about to visit; what the weather is like during
the month, what they should wear, some basic conversation in that language and
more. However, regarding production time frame, we have scoped our website
to provide 9 interesting tips before travelling to Thailand, as followed:
Weather and seasons in Thailand
What to wear, lucky colours in Thai traditions
o Colours and days of the week (superstition)
What to bring
Basic Thai, everyday conversation
The head and social norms
Thai manners and the body
o E.g. the famous Thai smile.
o Thai bow (Wai)
o The feet
Days and Times
o Traditional times of the day in Thailand
Well-known Thai food among foreigners
3. Design
Outline your project’s visual design, sound design, interaction design, and
system architecture.
3.1 Visual design
As we have designed our project to target general travellers visiting Thailand,
regardless their native language, we decided to communicate with them mainly
through universal symbols which everyone can easily understand. Two credible
sources of symbols we will use are the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA)
and the Noun Project as referred later on.
3.1.1 Design Reference
The direction and style of our visual design is 2D vector graphic images on
opaque (non-luminous or solid) colour background. Design references are from
various types of media: websites e.g. HTML5 Lab (Figure 3), infographics e.g.
The Great Canadian Food Map: An Interactive Infographic (Figure 4) and apps
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e.g. Swackett: A Different Kind of Weather App (Figure 5). It is also in Figure 6
“The Noun Project”, a graphic design project (sources of symbols and icons) by
Boatman (2011).
Figure 3: HTML5 Lab Homepage (Dab Hand Studio 2012)
Figure 4: The Great Canadian Food Map (Canadian Living 2012)
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Figure 5: Swackett Weather App (AGLogic, LLC. 2012)
Figure 6: The Noun Project (Boatman 2011)
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3.1.2 Style Guide
Screen Dimensions
Screen size: 1280 x 800 px
The screen size selected is 1280 x 800 pixels as, according to W3schools’
Browser Display Statistics (W3Schools 2012), it is ranked the third most common
screen resolutions used as of January 2012 (Figure 7). Additionally, most
computers today have a screen resolution higher than 1024 x 768 pixels.
January 2010
January 2011
January 2012
3.6 %
10.1 %
18.7 %
18.2 %
14.8 %
11.5 %
17.3 %
14.4 %
10.7 %
Figure 7: Statistics for Higher Screen Resolutions (W3Schools 2012)
Typeface: Helvetica, Helvetica Neue (Figure 8)
Size: 12 points and above
Figure 8: Helvetica and Helvetica Neue fonts (Wikipedia 2012)
Colour Palette
Both warm and cool tones will be used in about 10 different shades. These
unique colours are quite tough to use together but it will make the website more
special and interesting. Green and blue come from beach and forest colours
which are very attractive the tourists these days. Moreover, orange is one of
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beautiful colours that will present to be a sunny day in Thailand which is warm
and lovely (Figure 9).
HSV 0 0 17
RGB 43 43 43
193 90 67
17 136 170
178 59 69
73 177 174
161 64 78
72 200 160
0 0 100
255 255 255
HSV 25 86 93
RGB 238 119 34
HEX #EE7722
32 77 96
246 156 56
39 93 100
255 170 17
60 8 80
204 204 187
60 7 93
238 238 221
Figure 9: The colour palettes were created with Adobe Kuler (Kuler 2012), webhosted application for generating colour themes.
3.2 Sound design
Sound design requires creating a soundscape for each page and will be
synchronized with each click and scene.
Background music will have a control to turn it on or off.
Ambient music will be prompted and cued to each click to assist in conveying the
For example: here is a link to the website which has sound as a background
music with some animation making the still image alive (Gorillaz 2011).
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3.3 Interaction design
Users are able to control and navigate page using their mouse/ keyboard or
touch pad. The main contents of the website will be communicated via symbols
in the first page, where users can rollover, click or tap on a symbol to see a box
of text popping up. They then can click or tap again on the box if they wish to
read more detailed information about that topic, whereupon they will be
presented with another page via an animated transition.
Additionally, a simple dotted navigation bar (dot slider) will be provided at the
bottom of every page with a page name showing when users rollover/ click or tap
to facilitate navigation from page to page without going back to the home page
every time.
3.4 System architecture
Overall project will be RGB 24 bit colour depth which is suitable for user screen
viewing and smoothly blended with different format of images (Wong 2009).
3.4.1 Multimedia specification
Media Format
Image PNG, JPG
Browser Plug-in : Adobe Flash
Player, Quicktime,Java Applets
Video Real Video
24-32 bit color
Real Player
H.264 25
Audio Wave,
Windows Media Player
Direct X, QuickTime Player
48,000 HZ sampling rate
and 16 –bit
128 KBPS (Stereo)
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Notes: Some small screens may have a problem from limited of display and
colour perception (AVA Academia 2005).
3.4.2 Hardware Recommendations
Processor Speed
Pentium 4
Built in speaker
Wi-Fi (802.11b/g)
PC /Mac OS
27 Inch
2.4 GHz Intel
Stereo Speaker
Wi-Fi (802.11b/g/n)
3.4.3 System Architecture Diagram
Figure 10: System Architecture Diagram
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This website generally aims to work with web technical languages such as
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript which are all in the client side system. The web
server will used for storing multimedia files, images and animations and all web
pages to be available when the users request our URL from their web browsers
(Figure 10).
4. Media
4.1 Visual media (Flash files, movie clips, vector graphics)
Short Flash intro wireframes
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Webpage wireframes
There are some example web pages in the website which mostly presents as
universal symbols to help user have better understanding of the context.
Figure 11.1: Home
page it will be active
when mouse-over
the objects which
also work as a
button link to the
other pages.
Figure 11.2:
Weather page it will
active when mouse
over the objects
which work as a
button showing
information details.
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Figure 11.3: Food
page, when click on
a food image it will
show on the spicemeter level how hot
that food is with a
sound effect
Figure 11.4: What to
bring page, when
mouse over an
image on the left it
will show the
information text
inside the suitcase.
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Movie clip story board for “time and day” page
This movie is designed to help travellers have a better understanding of why Thai people usually stop walking at 8 am and
6 pm while they listen to Thailand’s national anthem. There are two reasons for that; firstly, it is a tradition and secondly,
many Thai people like too show they really love and respect their country.
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Storyboard images are from various sources cited under Images references, in Reference section below.
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Animation plan (Guide only)
Main character will be a 2D animation which represent anonymous visitor
(ForeverGeek 2011).
Walking animation (Roots 2006).
This can be a guide for an example of human walking animation.
4.2 Audio Media (sound effects, sound clips, background music)
Sound will be embedded in html and JavaScript
Background music
Free license music download from
Page | 21 (Serif 2012)
● Sound will be embedded in html and JavaScript
Sound effect for click (Sound Jay 2012)
● Communication sound in Thai language.
For example:
Hello = Sa-Was-Dee ( 2012)
5. User requirements
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Personas and Scenarios
Sonja Koster
30, Female
Marketing Manager
Asian culture
Chantal Knauer
20, Female
Student and
internship at a
graphic design
Graphic design
Internet via her
Her laptop and
desktop at work
1st Language Italian
2st Language English & German
North Sydney,
Hyo Jin Shin
28, Female
English Student
Brent McSharry
36, Male
New Zealand
Michael Law
60, Male
Manly, Australia
Auckland, New
Brisbane, Australia
Languages and
Her laptop and
desktop at school
Travelling and
Desktop computer
Desktop computer
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Sonja is working as
a marketing
manager in a big
company in the
city. She has many
Asian colleagues
and she like them
very much. Many
times they show
pictures of beautiful
places from their
countries and that
inspires Sonja to go
to those countries
when she has
Especially, many
people said that
Thailand is a
beautiful country
and good for food
and shopping.
Last August, 2012
Sonja married and
they would like to
go for their
Chantal is half Thai
and half German.
She has been to
Thailand a long
time ago when she
was young and she
would like to visit
Thailand with her
family again. She
cannot remember
much about what
Thailand looks like
and how Thai
people live. She
knows from her
mother that Thai
people have a lot of
rules about
politeness and Thai
culture is quite
different from
Hyo Jin is an
student studying
English in Kaplan
at Manly beach.
She is a social girl
and a talkative
person who really
likes to
communicate with
foreign people.
She has many
Thai students in
the same school
and she likes them
very much. She
has a Thai
boyfriend in the
same class as
well. This is the
starting point which
inspired her to
learn more about
Thai culture. She
thinks Korean and
Thai culture have
some similarities;
although she
wants to learn
Brent is a doctor
working for
Auckland hospital.
He does not have
many Asian friends
but he has some
Asian patients.
One of them is a
Thai man and he
has been a repeat
patient in the last
three months, so
they meet each
other often. This
leads him to
become interested
in Thai culture.
For example, his
Thai patient smiles
and says thank
you so often, Brent
does not quite
understand why
but he thinks it is
better than having
a cranky patient.
Michael is recently
retired. He has
three children and
they all are
working in
Australia. He
sometimes goes to
visit them.
However, after his
retired life he
would like to travel
and find a place to
stay for a long
holiday. Michael
has been to
Thailand a few
times and he quite
likes it. He wishes
he would go to
stay there for a
while but he thinks
he should learn
more about Thai
culture first.
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Sonja and her
husband are
planning to go on a
honeymoon in
Thailand for three
months. They are
browsing many
websites about
Thailand on the
unfortunately there
is a heap of
available and they
get bored with long
pages of text.
However, they
keep searching and
after a few nights
they find an
interesting website.
It shows useful
information about
the basic things
people should
know before they
visit Thailand. The
website has a good
look with graphic
information and
sound effects.
Chantal is very
happy that her
parent will bring her
to go to visit
grandmother and
grandfather at
Thailand in summer
next year. She
starts to search for
information from
the internet. She
finds a nice looking
website which she
likes very much.
One of the reason
she really likes it, it
is because she is a
university student
studying graphic
design. So, the
graphic and colour
design of the site it
impresses her very
much, it is not too
busy and on the
other word is a
clean design. She
thinks the concept
of the website is
short, clear clean
Hyo Jin has a plan
to visit her
boyfriend at home
in Thailand in this
December. So,
she would like to
find some useful
information to
impress her
boyfriend's family.
Her friend
recommends a
website that might
be helpful, which
use plain English,
is short and not too
difficult to read.
She likes it very
much, although her
English is not so
fluent yet. The
pictures, sound
and animation help
her to have a
Also, the way of
interaction is really
easy to use but it is
She is quite
Brent has to go to
a conference in a
hospital in
Thailand next
month, so he
wants to gather
some information
before he goes.
He asked his Thai
patient about
Thailand and he
recommends the
website which he
can read and
understand in a
short time because
he is very busy.
On the other hand,
Brent thinks if he
has enough time
he prefers to read
more information
about Thailand,
because the
website he just
read is quite short
and he believes
there are still a lot
of things he has to
learn. Also, this
website is too
Michael needs to
have a long
holiday in
Thailand. He is
not good at
computers, so he
has someone to
help him find
information about
Thailand. There is
a lot of information
and that makes
him really
However, he has
to fly in to Thailand
tonight and his
Thai friend will
come to pick him
up. He is a bit
worried but he is
not too nervous.
Before the
aeroplane landing
the small TV
screen in front of
him shows a good
video about the
things that people
should know
before visiting
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Especially, in the
homepage shows
some animations of
an aeroplane
landing at a Thai
airport and they
immediately are
excited, feeling
they are already
arriving, it is quite
different from other
websites they have
seen. They keep
clicking to see the
next page for more
information and the
pages react quickly
and move in
interesting ways
like their iPad. The
website contains
many important
things travellers
should know with
short and clear
explanations and
clear images and
but effective,
focused and
attractive. The
pictures, symbols
and animation also
make the website
more interesting.
She likes the sound
effects which she
think are a good
combination of
graphics and
multimedia. Also,
Chantal likes the
pop up information
box that comes up
most of the time
when she click the
active graphic.
This makes her
very happy, she
can learn important
basic topics about
Thailand as well as
interact with some
beautiful graphic to
read more details.
surprised at how
the normal
behaviour in
Thailand is
different from her
country. She now
understands why
her boyfriend looks
a bit surprised
when she does
some things that
are normal in her
culture but impolite
in Thai culture. It
has improved her
relationship as well
as her
understanding of
the Thai society.
fancy for him. He
does not like the
sound which
disturbs others in
the hospital and he
does not know how
to turn it off and it
disturbs his young
children when he
uses it at home at
night. However, at
least he is satisfied
with all the
information and he
thinks it is better
that he should
know these things
before he goes to
the conference.
And he hopes this
might help him to
have more
confidence to live
in Thailand for a
Thailand. It is
interesting that
some of that
information he has
not heard before.
He is really happy
to know this and
wants to learn
more about how to
dress and behave.
However, this is
just a short video
and it does not
allow people to
interact with it, so
he decides to ask
his hotel
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AGLogic, LLC. 2012, Swackett: A Different Kind of Weather App, viewed 18
August 2012, <>.
Boatman, E. 2011, The Noun Project, viewed 28 August 2012,
Canadian Living 2012, The Great Canadian Food Map: An Interactive
Infographic, viewed 18 August 2012, <>.
Dab Hand Studio 2012, HTML5 Lab, viewed 18 August 2012,
Everest Limited 2012, Kitchen Cheat Sheet, viewed 20 August 2012,
ForeverGeek 2011, Swackett, viewed 29 August 2012,
Gorillaz 2011, Plastic Beach, viewed 30 August 2012,
Hyperakt & Vizzuality 2012, The Evolution of the Web, viewed 21 August 2012,
Jatujak Market, Shopping Guide Directories Online, viewed 1 September 2012,
Krum, R. 2007, Cellular Jerks: Where are your Mobile Manners?, viewed 20
August 2012, < >.
Kuler 2012, Kuler: Adobe Systems Incorporated, viewed 30 August 2012,
Migrationology, Chatuchak Market Video, viewed 1 September 2012,
Pay respect, weblog, viewed 1 September 2012,
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People in market, Pixgang, viewed 1 September 2012,
Roots 2006, Sprite Design Evolution, a case study, GameDev, viewed 28 August
2012, <>.
Serif 2012, Rickvanman’s (all new!) Free Royalty Free Music Website, viewed 1
September 2012, <>.
Soldier, Soldier image, viewed 1 September 2012,
Sound Jay 2012, Button Sounds, viewed 1 September 2012,
Thai Flag, Fish Sauce, weblog, viewed 1 September 2012,
<> 2012, Internet Resource for the Thai Language, viewed 1
September 2012, <>.
Wikipedia 2012, Helvetica, viewed 30 August 2012,
Wong, Y. L., 2009, Digital Media Primer : Digital Audio, Video ,Imaging and
Multimedia Programming, Pearson Prentice Hall, USA.
W3Schools 2012, Statistics for Higher Screen Resolutions, viewed 20 August
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