Appendix 3.1 MEETING: Haringey Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body meeting DATE: Thursday, 28 November 2013 TITLE: LEAD DIRECTOR/ MANAGER: AUTHOR: Commissioning Intentions 2014/15 – update Sarah Price, Chief Officer CONTACT DETAILS: Alison de Metz, Senior Commissioning Support Manager SUMMARY: The purpose of this paper is to update Governing Body members on the development of the 2014/15 commissioning intentions, the work to incorporate feedback from the recent stakeholder event and previous public engagement and network meetings and align the commissioning intentions with national and London ‘Call for Action’ and further planning requirements. This paper provides a summary of both the commissioning intentions and the stakeholder event feedback. CCG commissioning and functional leads are working with support from the relevant CSU teams to flesh out the details of the proposed commissioning intentions and identify the costs, potential efficiencies and benefits. The draft commissioning intentions were agreed by the Governing Body on 25th September 2013 following initial discussion at the 25th July Governing Body meeting. The development of the commissioning intentions is also regularly reported to the CCG Clinical Cabinet, QIPP Delivery Group and the Commissioning Strategy Plan (CSP) Development Group. Recent letters from NHS England have set out further information and some of the expectations about the planning process for 2014/15 and beyond. There are a number of key objectives of the planning process, including: The need to improve outcomes while delivering NHS Constitution rights and pledges 5 year strategic and 2 year operating plans. 5 year strategic plan will have 2 years with more granular detail. Expectation of joint planning across health economy Preparation of draft plans between November and December, refine plans when the final guidance is issued in December. The first submission is expected to be midFebruary 2014. Essential that all health commissioners and providers, and social care work together to develop local plans Plans need to reflect the local health and wellbeing strategy and provider plans need to reflect CCG commissioning intentions Wider than CCG planning is required to develop long term strategic plan. Another letter from the Local Government Association and NHS England set out information about preparing and planning for the Integrated Transformation Fund (ITF). The next step will be to develop the Haringey CCG 5-year plan and a consolidated plan across North Central London. In terms of the commissioning intentions, finalising and securing CCG agreement of the commissioning intentions and the 2014/15 QIPP programme and consolidating them into provider contracts for 2014/15 – 2016/17 will feed into this process. SUPPORTING PAPERS: None RECOMMENDED ACTION: The Governing Body is asked to: NOTE the commissioning intentions update Objective(s) / Plans supported by this paper: Supports meeting the commissioning objectives of the CCG Audit Trail: The Commissioning Intentions have been shared at the stakeholder event on 17 October 2013. The full stakeholder event feedback report is on the Haringey CCG website. Patient & Public Involvement (PPI): This paper builds on feedback from recent public engagement events including two public meetings in June and meetings of the CCG’s engagement network. Equality Analysis: The commissioning intentions for 2014/15 aim to reduce health inequalities. The development of the commissioning intentions will build on and encourage on-going community engagement which was raised as a priority in recent public events. Risks: Development of the 2014/15 commissioning intentions though a transparent and open approach will enhance commissioning in 2014/15 and support the achievement of the CCGs vision, values and priorities. Resource Implications: Resource implications will become clear as the commissioning intentions are developed.
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