ANNUAL PATHOLOGY DAY Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday, May 23, 2014
Medical Student & Alumni Centre, 2750 Heather St. (Poster Session)
Lecture Theatre (Grad Students); Multipurpose Room (Residents), VGH
Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Rm. G227 - 2211 Wesbrook Mall | Vancouver, BC V6T 2B5 |
Deadline: April 4, 2014, 5pm
The abstract must be singled line spaced, and fit within the frame allotted.
1 Title
Should be succinct and clearly state the nature of the investigation. Abbreviations should be avoided in the title but may be
used in the text if they are defined on first usage. Type the title in bold, center, font Arial 11, but DO NOT capitalize or
underline it.
2 Authors
Use full names, initials should precede the surname; omit degrees and titles. Use superscript numbers to indicate affiliations.
Please underline the name of the presenting author only. This section should be centered, font Arial 10.
3 Images
Please do not include graphs, diagrams or photographs in your abstract as we cannot be guarantee their reproduction as
4 Content
The content of the abstract should start without any indentations and should include:
I. Background/objectives – e.g. provide background, state specific objective of the study
II. Method – e.g. state method used, study design, patient sample etc, if pertinent
III. Results – e.g. summarize results obtained
IV. Conclusion – e.g. state conclusions reached based on the results presented
5 Digital Photo
Please attach a high resolution photo of the presenting author for inclusion in the abstract book (should be in either .jpeg, .tif,
.eps format with a print resolution of at least 300 dpi) and name it with your last_first name.
6 Helpful Info
If you use abbreviations, please place them in parentheses after the first usage. Please DO NOT use symbols or special
characters such as β (beta), α (alpha), μ (micro) etc, please spell them out in full as we cannot be guaranteed their
reproduction as submitted.
Please revise your abstract carefully for format requirements and errors as it will be printed as submitted. When saving your
file please add your last name to the original name of the file (LASTNAME_AbstractForm_PathologyDay_May2014.pdf).
After completing the abstract, please send it via e-mail to:
Please provide the following information:
Surname Name:
Given Name:
E-mail address:
Supervisor (if any):
Clinical Sciences
Position Title:
Graduate Student
Oral or Poster Presentation
Basic Sciences
Post-doctoral Fellow
Poster Presentation
Other (please specify)
Title [bold; centered; Arial 11]
Authors [full names, use superscript numbers to indicate affiliations, underline the presenting author, centered, font Arial 10]
Affiliations [not centered, font Arial 9]
Abstract [Arial 11]