Weir Minerals Division Weir Minerals México MINERA MEXICO S.A. DE C.V. Manual Bomba Galigher Mod. 4SR35372YY-E No. Pedido: 110030-P002 No. Serie: WMM1112-BV025 No. TAG: 39-BP-165 Excellent Minerals Solutions Weir Minerals Mexico Data Sheet General Information 1110-110-RNT M3 Mexicana, S. de R.L. de C.V. Moly Plant 76,000 MTPD Copper Concentrator No. 1 Caliope Valencia 25 de octubre de 2011 13 Proposal #: Customer Project: Contact: Date: Total Items: Equipment Information Arrangement ITEM: TAG Nº: Description: Selected Model: Suction Flange: Discharge Flange: Impeller Diameter: Curve N°: Equipment Qty: 10 39-BP-165 NaHS Storage Area Sump Pump 4SA35172E 4" 13.5 in C4-5041/A 1 Operational Values Fluid: Design Flow: TDH Slurry Design: TDH Water: Slurry Density: Temperature: Viscosity: % Solid Weight: d50: Altitude Efficiency: HR ER BHP Max. Pump rpm Tip Speed: Discharge Press: In Serie: Suction Velocity Discharge Velocity Froth Factor NaSH 10% 528.3 31.0 1.23 <70 0.0 1600 42.0 14.30 804 47.36 0 1.0 Materials Pintura: Casing Casing Liners Impeller Impeller Liners Eje: Shaft Cover Epoxic Heavy Duty Elastomered Lined and Covered Nitrile Elastomered Lined and Covered Nitrile Hot Roller Steel, SAE 1045 SS316 / ASTM A743 G CF8M Test and Quality Control Hidroestatic Dynamic Performance Certificate Curve Yes, Included Yes, Included Not Included Not Included Documents and Drawings Certificate Drawing Part List Drawing Operation Manual Part List Brochure With purchase order With purchase order With purchase order With purchase order With Proposal gpm ft ft VT: Vertical Down Accessories Other: Base Include Base Material Protections ºC cP % microns masl % Yes, Included Structural Steel, ASTM A29-93 G 1030 Yes, Includes ASTM A29-93 G 1030 Coupling Coupling include Coupling type Yes, Included Pulleys and Belts Seal System ft/seg psi (each-total) each m/s m/s Seal Type Required Water Max Flow Water Seal Min Flow Water Seal Pressure Water Seal - gpm gpm psi *: 15 psi additional to discharge pressure Weight Pump Weight Motor Weight Total Weight Electric Motor Include Motor: Voltage Phases Frecuency Service Factor Poles Motor Power Start Method Enclosure Motor available to Yes 230/460 3 60 1.15 4 20 VDF TEFC 1600 Brand Norm IP RPM Frame Include VFD Suitable for VFD V Ph Hz HP masl Note: Pulleys and Velts are Refferential Only Power Transmision Type Brand Pulleys and Belts MartinsSprocket or similar Ratio Motor Pulley Pump Pulley Belts 2.24 - Aprox Aprox Aprox Motor Shaft Pump Shaft N° Velts - Aprox Aprox Aprox Note: Values are aproximation only 2774 Lb Lb Lb Note: TECO / US NEMA B 55 1800 256T No Yes Vertical Pump 4 5000 CURVE SHOWS APPROXIMATE PERFORMANCE FOR CLEAR WATER (ANSI/HI 1.6-2000 Centifugal Pump Test Standard unless otherwise specified). For media other than water, corrections must be made for density, viscosity and/or other effects of solids. WEIR MINERALS reserves the right to change pump performance and/or delete impellers without notice. Frame suitability must be checked for each duty and drive arrangement. Not all frame alternatives are necessarily available from each manufacturing centre. 200 Maximum RPM for Rubber Impeller is 1414 RPM 190 180 1700 rpm 20% 170 30% 40% 45% 160 1600 rpm 13.5'' Material Pump Length (Inches) 51.5% Drives No 2 130 47.5% CY 1400 rpm E FF ICIE N Head, H (ft) Impeller Vane ø Part No Max Pump Speed 140 110 1100 1100 1400 1700 48 1100 1300 1700 60 1200 1700 72 1100 1400 (Norm Max r/min) 70 1000 rpm 50 1700 Curve Revision 1 Revision Notes A Issued Jul 96 Duty Point Fluid = NaSH Flow = 528.3 usgpm Head = 31 ft Speed = 804 rpm Eff = 42 % NPSHr = - ft 45% BHP = 12.11 HP BHP max = 14.3 HP + 25% Motor recomended = 20 HP at Sm = 1.23 80 No 4 36 Unlined 90 1200 rpm No 3 24 Liner 100 60 4'' Frame (Rating - HP) 47.5% 150 120 Pump Discharge 40 800 rpm Proposal #: 1110-110-RNT Client: M3 Mexicana, S. de R. L. de C.V. Project Name: Moly Plant 76,000 MTPD Copper Concentrator No. 1 Equipmet Type: Vertical Centrifugal Sump Pumps Item: NaHS Storage Area Sump Pump Tag No.: 39-BP-165 30 20 10 200 400 600 Flow Rate, Q (usgpm) Printed by SelectorProLauncher.exe on 25/10/2011 06:03:27 p.m. by GGonzalez2-PC\GGonzalez2 800 1000 1200 © 10/2011 Weir Minerals North America All Rights Reserved TYPICAL PUMP PERFORMANCE CURVE C4-5041/A EQUIPMENT OPERATING DATA SHEET (EODS) Date: Ref: Spec No.: 28-Sep-11 110030-2701, Rev. P3 Equipment Type: Vertical Centrifugal Sump Pumps Item: Tag No. NaHS Storage Area Sump Pump 39-BP-165 P002 Flow: Description: Flow TDH S.G. NPSH Available NaSH 528.3 30 1.23 gpm ft ft (abs) Flow description Viscosity pH Pump temperature S.G. Liquid S.G. Solid % (By weight) cp 12 °C 1.00 0.00% Operation Continuos Intermitent Required % Availability x 92 % Installation Interior Outdoor Pit depth Pump Lenght 1 1.5 2.7 m m Type of Seal By vendor Motor: Power Electric Service (v-Ø-Hz) Service Factor Casing Altitude M3 Specification Notes By Vendor 460-3-60 1.15 TEFC 1600 110030-4203 HP msnm Pump should have the lenght of the Pit Depth + 1.2 m 110030-2701 EDS P3.xls - EODS 39-BP-165 Page 1 of 1 EQUIPMENT VENDOR DATA SHEET (EVDS) Date: Ref. Spec. No.: 28-Sep-11 110030-2701, Rev. P3 Equipment Type: Vertical Centrifugal Sump Pumps Item: Tag No. NaHS Storage Area Sump Pump 39-BP-165 P002 Following Data to be Provided by Vendor WeirMinerals Mexico 5300 4" 804 1 C4-5041/A Manufacturer Model Size Speed Number of Stages Pump Characteristic Curve No. Impeller Diameter: Design Maximum Minimum 342.9 342.9 342.9 12.11/14.3 42 BHP (Design/Maximum) Design Efficiency NPSH Required Seal Water Flow Rate @ kPa @ rpm mm mm mm hp % m (abs) No required Rotation (Facing Drive End): CW CCW X Materials: Nitrile Nitrile Nitrile Casing Impeller (Rotor) Wear Parts Sleeves Shaft Lining Baseplate Steel Structural Steel Bearing (L10) life Seal Type hrs Pulleys and Bells Coupling V-Belt; Sheaves 110030-2701 EDS P3.xls - EVDS 39-BP-165 Page 1 of 2 EQUIPMENT VENDOR DATA SHEET (EVDS) Date: Ref. Spec. No.: 28-Sep-11 110030-2701, Rev. P3 Equipment Type: Vertical Centrifugal Sump Pumps Item: Tag No. NaHS Storage Area Sump Pump 39-BP-165 P002 Following Data to be Provided by Vendor Electric Motor: Manufacturer HP RPM Volts Phase Cycle Temperature Rise (°C over 40 °C ambient) Insulation Class Enclosure Frame Size FLA US Motors/Teco 20 1800 230/460 3 60 F TEFC 256T 53-48/24.1(230/460) hp rpm amps Weights: Shipping Heaviest Item for Installation Heaviest Item for Maintenance kg kg kg Remarks: 110030-2701 EDS P3.xls - EVDS 39-BP-165 Page 2 of 2 WEIR MINERALS MEXICO SA DE CV EQUIPMENT PARTS LIST Producto Item 4SR35372YY‐E Atributo GALIGHER VERTICAL PUMP 4"X 72" W/EXT Clave Descripción Cantidad Unidad 05170 05183 05184 05501 05502 05519 05596 05750 09014 09017 21149 21292 60578 21401 21446 21458 24004 24025 24028 24052 24053 24054 24056 24369 24471 24572 25132 48181 48913 5743 60442 V0360 V0606 V0606 V1714 V1728 V2592 V2631 V2649 V3696 V3721 V4366 V4399 V4405 V4426 V4441 V4441 ZSG47‐3489E02 ZSM47‐3413C22 SEAL,LIP GARLOCK 53 X 2321 LOCKNUT, TN‐14 LOCKWASHER, TW‐114 SEAL,LIP CHEKSEAL #9155‐0065 SEAL,LIP CHKSEAL#9155‐0075‐981 SEAL,LIP NATIONAL #472015 05596 RELIEF FTTING BEARING,CYL ROLLER #NU 411 O‐RING, PARKER 2‐353 O‐RING, PARKER 2‐254 SCREEN,UPPER, 4"‐5000 PIPE,DISCHARGE,4" X 72"LG PUMP PEDESTAL, 4"‐5000 X 72"LG PUMP IMPELLER, 4"‐5000 582 COVER PLATE, 4"‐5000 CASING, 4"‐5000 BEARING COLUMN, #3 CAPNUT, 1/2‐13UNC CAP LOWER BEARING #2, P/N 21157 SHAFT, #3 DRIVE X 72"LG PUMP SEAL RING, #3 CAP,UPPER BEARING, #3 FLINGER, #3 540 IMPELLER WASHER GALIGHER VERTICAL PUMP SCREEN,LOWER, 4"‐100 CAPNUT, 3/4‐10UNC CAPNUT, 3/8‐16UNC V‐RING, C/R #400550 VR1‐R SLINGER, #3 BEARING , TPR ROLLER # 90030 TIM BEARING COLUMN BASE,#3, 3"PUMP FS SCR,HEX 1/2‐13UNCX1‐3/4LG SCR,HEX 5/8‐11 UNCX2‐1/4LG SCR,HEX 5/8‐11 UNCX2‐1/4LG FS FITTING,GREASE ALE 1610‐BL FS FITTING,GREASE ALE #1684‐B FS NUT,HEX 1‐1/2‐6UNC GR5 BLK FS NUT,HEX 3/4‐10UNC 316SS FS NUT,HEX 5/8‐11UNC STUD,1/2‐13UNCX2‐3/4 LG 316SS STUD,3/4‐10UNCX5‐1/4 LG 316SS FS WASHER,FLAT 5/8 STL USS FS WASHER,LOCK 1‐1/2 MEDIUM FS WASHER,LOCK 1/2 MEDIUM FS WASHER,LOCK 3/4 STD 316SS FS WASHER,LOCK 5/8 MEDIUM FS WASHER,LOCK 5/8 MEDIUM SHAFT GUARD 5000 SERIES #3, 3" SHIM SET NO.4 BEARNG COLMN BAS 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 4.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 22.00000 4.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 12.00000 6.00000 2.00000 1.00000 1.00000 6.00000 22.00000 2.00000 4.00000 16.00000 4.00000 3.00000 12.00000 22.00000 6.00000 2.00000 1.00000 1.00000 PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA PIEZA Unidad PIEZA Pertenece a ISSUED ENCLOSURE PERFORMANCE DATA 05/07/07 TYPE 3-PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR AEHH8B TEFC CATALOG# HB0204 NAMEPLATE INFORMATION OUTPUT HP KW 20 14.9 POLE FRAME SIZE 4 256T VOLTAGE HZ 460 RATED AMBIENT INS. CLASS NEMA DESIGN TIME RATING SERVICE FACTOR 40oC F B CONT. 1.15 60 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE FULL LOAD RPM EFFICIENCY FULL LOAD 3/4 LOAD 1/2 LOAD MIN. % NOM. % % % 1760 91.7 93 CURRENTS FULL LOAD NO LOAD 7.31 92.4 92.4 145 G FULL LOAD lb-ft LOCKED ROTOR %FLT PULL UP %FLT BREAK DOWN %FLT ROTOR 2 WR 2 lb-ft 59.66 210 145 240 2.871 APPROVED: 27 ALLOWABLE STARTS PER HOUR COLD HOT 2 84.5 NEMA KVA CODE LETTER TORQUE 39 87.5 LOCKED ROTOR 23 SAFE STALL TIME IN SECONDS COLD HOT POWER FACTOR F. L. 3/4 LOAD 1/2 LOAD % % % 1 M. PRATER 78.5 INERTIA MAX NEMA ALLOWABLE LOAD 2 2 WK WK 2 lb-ft lb-ft 2 99 234 MAXIMUM POWER FACTOR CORRECTION 6 KVAR ACCEL TIME MAX NEMA ALLOWABLE LOAD 2 2 WK WK Sec Sec 4.72 10.98 SOUND PRESSURE LEVEL @ 3 FT dB(A) 65 DRAWING NO. 31057HB0204 REVISION 0 ® VERTICAL PUMPS Installation and Operation Instructions (Document No. A392154_01) Table of Contents Introduction……………. ……………………………………………………..1 Safety Precautions……. .…………………………………………………….2 General Installation Recommendations ................................................. 3 Operating and Servicing Recommendations ......................................... 7 System and Pump Trouble Shooting ..................................................... 9 Ordering Parts………….. .................................................................... 10 (Document No. A392154_01) Introduction Galigher Vertical Pumps are rugged, cantilevered, centrifugal slurry pumps that can handle fluids with abrasive solids, pulps, acids, chemical slurries, and froths with ease. These pumps can be furnished with ® abrasion resistant ELASTOGUARD covered parts for long life, acid-proof parts for corrosion protection, or with metal construction for higher pressure and higher temperature service. Materials of construction can be mixed to provide unique arrangements of elastomer and metal for special application requirements. The double-suction design and construction provides a thrustless impeller that will not air lock. A rugged heavy duty bearing assembly supports the shaft and bearings and is designed to provide dependable operation and long life. A three point mounting and adjustment feature allows easy setting of impeller clearances while maintaining pump shaft and case alignment. The discharge pipe terminates above the heavy-duty mounting plate to provide easy access for connections to external piping. The Galigher Vertical Pumps can be furnished with special features and arrangements. Suction pipe extensions are available to allow moderate increase in sump depth operation. By adding proven submerged intermediate stabilizer bearings, operation at depths up to 25 feet is possible. Liquid level sensors and controls are available which will allow automatic operation. Weir Slurry Group, Inc. stands ready to assist in solving performance, operational, or maintenance problems that may be experienced. For assistance call (608) 221-2261. Warranty LIMITED WARRANTY: Weir Slurry Group, Inc. warrants products of its own manufacture to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of one year after the date of startup or eighteen months after shipment, whichever comes first. The company's obligation under this warranty is limited to repairing or replacing the defective parts without charge, F.O.B. its plant, or, at its sole option, returning the purchase price to the purchaser by crediting the purchaser's account or otherwise. The company reserves the option of requiring the return of the defective parts (transportation prepaid) if necessary to establish a claim. The foregoing warranty is the sole and exclusive warranty, expressed or implied, and there are no warranties which extend beyond the description on the face hereof including specifically but not limited to warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The limited warranty shall not apply to machine work, labor charges or other expenses incurred on products later found to be defective, or for normal wear and tear, equipment or parts thereof which have been altered or repaired other than by Weir Slurry Group, Inc. representative, or damaged by improper installation or application, or subjected to misuse, abuse, neglect or accident. Weir Slurry Group, Inc. will not approve or accept returns or back charges for labor, materials or other costs incurred by the Purchaser or others in modification, adjustment, service or repair of equipment furnished by Weir Slurry Group, Inc. unless such returns or back charges have been previously approved in writing by an authorized representative of Weir Slurry Group, Inc.. The foregoing warranty applies only to goods manufactured by Weir Slurry Group, Inc. With respect (Document No. A392154_01) to goods not manufactured by this company, Weir Slurry Group, Inc.makes no warranty expressed or implied and any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose are expressly excluded and there are no other warranties which extend beyond the description herein presented. For more detailed information concerning the limited warranty and any remedy between parties refer to Terms and Conditions of Sale. (Document No. A392154_01) Safety Precautions Centrifugal pumps can be dangerous if used improperly. Disregarding any of the following precautions may result in a pump which does not function properly and which could cause damage or injury. Operation and maintenance instructions must be read before starting the pump. The following list is not comprehensive, but is provided as examples of actions that can damage a pump and cause injury. 1. Check motor rotation before installing belts or couplings. Pump must rotate in the direction indicated on the pump and equipment tags. 2. Do not work on a pump unless the drive system is locked out and the pump is disconnected from the drive system. 3. Do not operate a pump when the bearing temperature measured on the outside of the housing exceeds 220° F. 4. Do not continue to operate a pump when there are indications of internal rubbing, binding or knocking. 5. Do not operate a pump with the belt or coupling guard removed. 6. Do not operate the pump with the discharge line restricted or plugged or against a closed or partially closed discharge valve. 7. Do not start a pump which is “windmilling” in reverse direction due to back flow through the pump. 8. Do not insert fingers, hands, arms, legs or any other objects into the rotating components of the pump or motor. Loose clothing should not be worn when working with rotating equipment. 9. Wear parts should be inspected regularly to prevent damage to other components and to avoid personal injury. Insure that all wear parts are in good working order. Worn parts should be replaced with new O.E.M. parts. 10. Do not weld attachments to the pump. 11. When the top screen of the vertical pump is exposed while pumping, it is normal for splashing of the sump fluid to occur. Proper splash protection should be provided. 12. Lubrication water, when required, must be turned on before starting the pump. 13. Do not operate the pump if solids have settled in the casing and the rotating element does not turn freely. 14. Check all fasteners to insure they are the proper material, properly sized and tightened to the torque ratings of the fasteners and/or specifications. 15. Do not apply heat to the impeller to assist in removing it from the shaft. (Document No. A392154_01) For maximum safety and reliability, use only genuine Galigher pump replacement parts. Only Galigher pump parts meet all original manufacturing specifications. ELASTOGARD proprietary rubber compounds insure maximum abrasion and corrosion resistance. The use of non-Galigher pump parts in the Company's products is not authorized, and may result in voiding the Company's factory warranty and in providing factory service support. Further, the Company disclaims product liability for any product in which non-Galigher pump parts are used. (Document No. A392154_01) General Installation Recommendations Inspection Upon Arrival Your pump has been carefully inspected prior to shipment to insure that it meets your requirements. Please inspect the pump upon arrival for any damage, which may have occurred during shipment. Report any damage immediately to the carrier. Leave all shippping covers and shaft blocking attached until ready for installation. Spare parts should be inspected with equal care for shipping damage. Storage locations for rubber components should be made in cool shaded areas away from electrical equipment to extend shelf life as long as possible. Pump Location Select the pump location so that the unit is accessible for inspection during operation and during maintenance operations involving removal and disassembly. Piping A check valve and a gate valve are often installed in the discharge line. The check valve is used to prevent fluid from flowing back through the pump while it is shut down. The gate valve blocks the discharge line during maintenance. When rigid discharge piping is used, caution should be exercised so that external stresses are not applied to the pump discharge flange from mis-alignment, lack of support, or vibration. It is recommended that an expansion joint and independent pipe support be used so that the pump will not have to support the weight of the discharge piping. It is recommended that provisions be made to supply clear water to allow flushing out the casing and piping after pumping settling type solids. Mounting Instructions Heavy-duty mounting plates are furnished on all Galigher Vertical Pumps. These pumps may be mounted on tanks, sumps, barges, or floats (with motor properly electrically grounded). The pump should be firmly mounted on a level mounting plate or crossbeams and should not rest on the pump casing or screen. Minimum recommended sump dimensions for proper operation are shown below in Table 1 on next page. (Document No. A392154_01) PUMP MINIMUM MINIMUM SUMP SIZE SUMP DIMENSION WITH DIMENSION* FLOAT CONTROL 1½ 16 x 16 20 x 17 2½ 24 x 22 24 x 30 3½ 27 x 27 27 x 30 4 48 x 32 48 x 32 6 56 x 35 56 x 35 42 x 42 42 x 44 8 *Allow 2” for minimum clearance between sump bottom and bottom of pump. TABLE 1 V-Belt Tension V-belts are not installed at the factory when the pump is shipped. Motor direction of rotation must be checked before the V-belts are put on the sheaves. Use a straight edge to align sheaves horizontally. V-belts should then be adjusted so that the belts have from ½” to ¾” play when depressed midway between sheaves. Excessive belt tension will cause unnecessary load on the bearings and excessive belt wear. (Document No. A392154_01) Coupling Alignment When a direct-connected motor is used, alignment between the motor and the pump must be maintained for extended life and reliable service. After checking the motor direction of rotation, install and align the coupling using the following procedure. Check parallel and angular misalignment by measuring the dimensions shown on the sketch, Figure 1. Table 2 shows maximum allowable limits for the Woods type couplings. For other types of couplings, follow the manufacturer's recommendations. COUPLING SIZE "A" MAX "B" MINUS "C" MAX "G" REF 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 .015 .020 .020 .025 .025 .032 .032 .040 .070 .081 .094 .109 .128 .151 .175 .195 7/8 1 1-1/8 1-7/16 1-5/8 1-7/8 2-5/8 2-11/16 TABLE 2 Lower Screen Suction Extensions When replacing or adding a lower screen suction extension, the connection between the pump casing and the flange on the suction extension MUST BE AIR TIGHT. Always apply a coat of Silastic 732 RTV sealant on mating surfaces of acid-proof and abrasion-resistant models. Use the gasket provided on hard iron or alloy pumps. Tighten nuts and bolts evenly. See Figure 2. (Document No. A392154_01) Controls All Galigher Vertical Pumps can be controlled by a manual motor starting switch or by automatic liquid level controls with either a float, probe, or mercury switch. Probe type level controls are recommended for pumps longer than 6 feet. Minimum submergence required for Galigher Vertical Pumps to start pumping liquid is 3” above the upper screen. These pumps will continue pumping until liquid is pumped down to the lower screen, although the capacity will be slightly reduced when the liquid level is below the upper screen. Probe Type Level Control A probe type level control shown in Figure 3 consists of probes, probe housing and control box and is assembled in the following manner. 1. Screw the probe housing into the threaded opening provided on the mounting plate. After installing the probe housing, screw the probes in the bottom of the housing. Two probes are used for hard iron and abrasion-resistant pumps and three probes for acid-proof pumps for off/on control only. Additional probes may be used for other functions. 2. Cut one probe to desired depth where the pump is to start operating and one probe to the depth where the pump is to shut off. (Note: The third probe on acid-proof pumps is the electrical ground.) 3. Install the necessary wiring from the probe housing to the motor control box. The control box is usually mounted remotely from the pump. 127(,QVWDOODWLRQVNHWFKVKRZVWKHVHWXS IRUVLQJOHSXPSRSHUDWLRQRQO\)RUFRQWURO RIPXOWLSOHSXPSRSHUDWLRQRUDODUPLQFRUSRUDWLRQ UHIHUWRWKHZLULQJVFKHPDWLFSURYLGHGZLWKWKHSXPS (Document No. A392154_01) Float Type Level Control To assemble the float type level control, follow the procedure listed below referring to the drawings shipped with the pump and Figure 4. DO NOT USE A FLOAT TYPE LEVEL CONTROL ON PUMPS LONGER THAN 84”. 1. Secure the switch bracket (1) float switch (7) and float rod guide (3), if provided, to the pump mounting plate. 2. Screw the float rod (6) into the float ball (2). 3. If the ball and rod are rubber covered (acid-proof), apply Silastic 732 RTV sealant to the joint between the ball and rod to insure an acid-proof seal. 4. Slip the float rod up through the rod hole in the mounting plate or guide and put the lower set collar (5) over the top of the rod (6). Push the rod through the clamp on the float switch arm and slip the upper collar (5) over the rod. 5. Adjust the ball to the position desired for the pump to shut-off, and set the upper collar securely just above the float switch arm. 6. Raise the ball to the position desired for the pump to start-up and set the lower collar securely just below the float switch arm. Be sure the float switch is tripped "off" by the upper rod collar before the lower rod collar hits the mounting plate. 7. Install the necessary wiring from the float switch to the motor controls in accordance with the Float Switch Assembly Drawing furnished with the pump. (Document No. A392154_01) FIGURE 4 NOTE: Installation sketch, Figure 4, shows a setup for single pump operation only. For controls for multiple pump operation or alarm incorporation, refer to the wiring schematic provided with the pump. (Document No. A392154_01) Operating And Servicing Recommendations Pre-Starting Recommendations 1. Visually check all main and auxiliary piping to insure that all connections have been properly made. 2. Check voltage, fuse size, starter, heater amperage ratings and frequency of the electrical supply against the motor nameplate. 3. Visually inspect all the electrical connections to the motor and the control circuit. 4. Check to be sure that the wood blocking has been removed between the pump shaft and the support tubes and that the upper screen is secured to the coverplate. 5. With the motor disconnected from the pump assembly, check the motor direction of rotation by momentarily starting the motor. Direction of rotation must be as shown on the name-tag on the pump (clockwise looking toward the impeller from the motor end of the shaft). CAUTION: STARTING AND RUNNING THE PUMP BACKWARD WILL CAUSE DAMAGE TO INTERNAL PARTS. 6. All pumps have been properly greased before shipping. For initial start up and subsequent servicing, we recommend using a superior general purpose grease with good high temperature characteristics such as TEXACO REGAL AFB-2, CHEVRON EP-2 or equal for the pump bearings, seals and motors. Start Up Recommendations 1. Visual inspection should be made of the pump and its installation before starting. Check that all mounting supports, external nuts, bolts and fittings are secure, and that the discharge piping is tight and secure. 2. It is normal to have the discharge valve 90% closed when the pump is started since much less horsepower is required under these conditions. DO NOT OPERATE THE PUMP IN A RESTRICTED FLOW CONDITION FOR LONGER THAN NECESSARY. 3. All flow, pressure and temperature gauges should be monitored to insure that the pump is operating within specified limits. If the bearing column temperatures are monitored, they should not exceed 220° F. General Operating Instructions 1. The unit should always be started under the lowest possible load. This is usually accomplished by starting with the discharge valve 90% closed. This is especially important when two pumps are operated in parallel or when switching to a standby unit. 2. Automatic level controls should be set to start the unit when the liquid is at least 3 inches above the upper inlet screen. 3. Do not start operating the pump while it is "windmilling" backwards from fluid running back through the pump case from the discharge line. (Document No. A392154_01) 4. Flush out the pump with clear fluid whenever possible prior to shut down to reduce solids settling problems that could load up the impeller on startup. 5. Completely drain the pump lines and sump, if the possibility exists of freezing while not operating. 6. The pump must never be submerged above the mounting plate as serious damage to both the motor and bearing assembly could result. If submerged, the pump bearing assembly should be disassembled, cleaned, the bearings repacked with fresh grease, and the motor checked out before further operation. (Document No. A392154_01) Motor It is recommended that the motor be well ventilated when in operation. Please refer to the motor manufacturer for recommended service instructions. Periodic Servicing The following table contains recommended service checks, which should be performed on a periodic basis. PERIOD Head Flow Temperature Visual Noise Vibration Grease Bearings START UP EVERY WEEK X X X X X X X X X X X X X EVERY MONTH X (Document No. A392154_01) System and Pump Trouble Shooting The following table is provided to aid the operator in finding and correcting pump and system malfunctions. PROBLEM Failure To Deliver Liquid Motor Runs Hot Insufficient Capacity and Pressure Pump Vibrates or Is Noisy POSSIBLE CAUSE Insufficient pump speed Discharge head requirement too high Impeller or suction strainer plugged Wrong direction of rotation Discharge valves not opened Air leaking in suction extension Discharge piping plugged Low system head causing excessive flow Fluid specific gravity too high Fluid viscosity too high Improper impeller adjustment Speed too high Defective motor Lack of motor ventilation Low motor voltage Speed too low System head higher than pump rating Impeller or suction strainer partially plugged Wrong direction of rotation Discharge pipe partially plugged Froth or air in fluid Mechanical defects: Casing worn Impeller worn or damaged Misalignment of motor coupling Pump mounting plate not anchored Impeller partially plugged-unbalanced Mechanical defects in pump or motor: Shaft bent Rotating elements out of balance Worn bearings Discharge pipe not anchored Loose bolts or belt guard Sheaves not aligned or balanced Pump operating at no flow (Document No. A392154_01) Ordering Parts Several copies of the Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual are provided with each pump. A general assembly drawing and bearing column assembly drawing with detailed descriptions of all of the pump components are provided with every pump shipped and should be used in conjunction with this manual. These drawings should always be referred to when ordering replacement parts. Recommended spare parts are identified on these drawings. Orders for spare parts should specify quantity ordered, part number, item description, and type of material (i.e. rubber type, cast iron or alloy, etc.). If the general assembly drawing supplied with the pump is not available, refer to the pump serial number and use the item numbers on the General Assembly Drawing at the end of the Specific Maintenance Manual when ordering parts. Returning Damaged or Incorrect Parts Before any damaged or incorrect material is returned to Weir Slurry Group, Inc. 2701 S. Stoughton Road Madison, WI USA 5371, a RETURN MATERIAL AUTHORIZATION (RMA) must be obtained from either the factory or factory authorized distributor/representative from whom the parts were purchased. Once a Return Material Authorization has been obtained and unless directed otherwise, the damaged or incorrect parts are to be shipped FREIGHT PREPAID to Weir Slurry Group, Inc. 2701 S. Stoughton Road Madison, WI USA 53716 The packing list must be marked with the RMA number and show all returned parts by quantity, part number, item description, and whenever possible, the serial number of the pump to which the parts apply. If damage occurred to new pumps or parts in shipment, a claim must be made with the responsible carrier. All shipments are made F.O.B.Weir Slurry Group, Inc. 2701 S. Stoughton Road Madison, WI USA 53716 factory or warehouse.Weir Slurry Group, Inc. will not be responsible for damages which occur while material is in transit. (Document No. A392154_01) Document No. A392188_01
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