Chesapeake Conservation Corps Host Organization Cover Sheet 2014– 2015 / 410-974-2941 1. Applicant Information Name of Organization/Legal Applicant: Coastal Heritage Alliance Street Address: P.O. Box 313 City/State/Zip: St Michaels, MD, 21663 County: Talbot Main Telephone: 410-708-4813 Web Page: Facebook: Coastal Heritage Alliance Legal Applicant Federal I.D. Number: 56-2421814 State Legislative District: 37B U.S. Congressional District: 1st Executive Director: A. Michael Vlahovich Executive Director’s Telephone: 253-820-7292 Executive Director’s Email: Name of Application Writer/Initial Contact: Mark Wiest Contact’s Title: Assistant Director Contact’s Telephone: 410-708-4813 Contact’s Email: Name of Corps Volunteer Mentor: Mark Wiest Mentor’s Title: Assistant Director Mentor’s Telephone: 410-708-4813 Mentor’s s Email: Number of Corps Volunteers Sought 1 2. Type of Organization (check one): Non-profit organization School Community associations Service, Youth, or Civic Groups Institutions of Higher Education x Local government (county or municipality) Unit of State Government 3. Organization Mission: The mission of the Coastal Heritage Alliance(CHA)is to assist communities in sustaining the culture of commercial fishing families---their vessels, their skills and their stories. The Alliance is continually seeking out innovative ways to address the threats posed to the preservation of the watermen's way of life in the State of Maryland. CHA's passion, work and expertise lies in the realm of historic vessel restoration, traditional maritime skills education (apprenticeships), heritage tourism and cultural sustainability. 4. Types of Activities in which a Volunteer Corps Member will be engaged: (see “Corps Volunteer Eligible Activities” section above for description of each activity type. Check all that apply. Watershed Restoration Energy Conservation Agricultural Forestry Environmental Education x 5. Short Description: Please provide a short numbered list (5 maximum) of the Corps Volunteer’s responsibilities and activities. Keep in mind, this description will be posted online and used to solicit Corps Volunteer Applicants (about 100 words maximum). 1. Manage existing Watermen Heritage Tour program that connects watermen with the public interested in understanding and experiencing the lives of Maryland’s commercial fishermen 2. Spend time in the field recruiting additional watermen guides interested in participating in the program 3. Collaborate with partner organizations to expand the reach and audience of the program 4. Market the program in conjunction with existing Maryland state tourism initiatives 5. Facilitate interaction and communication between watermen communities, state-level agencies, and non-profit organizations 6. General Liability Insurance: Does your agency currently have general liability insurance for its volunteers? Yes x No Partnership Application Electronic Signatures In submitting this partnership application to become a Chesapeake Conservation Corps Host Organization, we attest that all information provided is true to the best of our knowledge. Signature of Legal Applicant Director 2/20/14 Date Signature of the Host Organization Mentor 2/20/14 Date Chesapeake Conservation Corps Application-2014 Coastal Heritage Alliance Narrative Introduction The Coastal Heritage Alliance is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to the preservation of commercial fishing culture in the Chesapeake Bay and beyond. We pursue our mission through three primary avenues: hands-on restoration of commercial fishing vessels, public education and apprentice training, and outreach in commercial fishing communities. Our organization is seeking a motivated Chesapeake Conservation Corps Volunteer interested in working with us to further our mission by working closely with our partner organizations and Chesapeake Bay watermen involved in the Watermen Heritage Tour Program. The Watermen Heritage Tour program (WHT) is an ongoing collaboration between the Coastal Heritage Alliance, the Chesapeake Conservancy, the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, and the Maryland Watermen’s Association. Initial funding for the program was provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the 2008 Blue Crab Fishery Disaster Declaration. The program aims to provide watermen with a means of earning supplemental income by still working on the water, while at the same time, helping to reduce pressure on the resource. Additionally, watermen are educating the general public about their livelihoods, culture, and the natural resources they rely upon. Initial funding was dedicated to training watermen guides and now our organizations are seeking additional resources to build upon the existing website and network of guides involved in the program offering educational tours. This program aligns with our organizational mission and the aim of the Chesapeake Conservation Corps in that it seeks to promote cultural and environmental conservation. By providing alternative on-the-water income the Watermen Heritage Tour program keeps the Chesapeake’s fishing-dependent communities viable, while sustaining fishery stocks and allowing declining resources an opportunity to recover. Staff Member Activities We are seeking a Corps Volunteer for the WHT program who will continue to build this program that aims to restore fishery stocks through diverting harvesting pressure while educating the public about the culture and ecology of the Chesapeake Bay. The successful applicant will be responsible for providing continued support for watermen currently involved in the program as well as recruiting new participants. Time will be split between the CHA office in St. Michaels and in the field in communities such as Rock Hall, Tilghman Island, Neavitt, Solomons, Annapolis, and Deal Island. By continuing to build stakeholder support within watermen communities, the Corps Volunteer is contributing to Baywide restoration efforts by providing alternative and supplemental on-the-water income for watermen communities struggling to maintain their cultural identities because of declining harvests. In addition, he or she will assist watermen in developing educational programming for their trips. The Corps Volunteer should have a basic background in Chesapeake Bay ecology and history and a willingness to deepen his or her knowledge base regarding fishery-related issues in the Bay. The position also involves interacting with the public participating in the trips and representatives from other non-profit agencies as well as state officials from Maryland DNR and the Office of Tourism. Because of our proximity to many of the communities in which we work and the location of our office we hope that the Volunteer would reside in our around the town of St. Michaels. We feel that living in or near the communities in which the Volunteer is working is key to outreach efforts that will be essential for the success in the position. Understanding that it is often difficult to find and expensive to rent housing on the Eastern Shore, our organization will assist in securing a residence and/or partially covering costs associated with renting (up to $500/month). Please contact Mark Wiest for more details about the assistance CHA is willing to provide to the Corps Volunteer. Outcomes The Corps Volunteer is expected to contribute to the expansion of the Watermen Heritage Tour program by: 1. Continuing to maintain relationships with the 13 existing watermen currently offering tours who are represented on the Watermen Heritage Tour website. This involves helping them to refine their tour content, business plans, and marketing. 2. Recruiting 12 additional watermen to participate in the program. This involves contacting watermen from the existing database of approximately 100 watermen that completed the NOAA sponsored training program and assisting them in writing descriptions of themselves and their tours. 3. Organizing 12 promotional tours for state officials, leaders of related non-profit organizations, and the press. These promotional trips will serve as both a means of spreading the word about the program and provide an opportunity for recently recruited watermen to practice their newly designed trips. 4. Representing CHA and the Watermen Heritage Tour program at approximately 6 public events including the Deal Island Skipjack Race, Downrigging Weekend in Chestertown, Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum’s Oysterfest, Maryland Traditions Festival, and the Watermen’s Expo in Ocean City. This involves educating the public about the program and promoting it to potential clients. 5. Making two professional presentations about the development of the program and their experience working for the program. One presentation should be made at a professional conference of the Volunteer’s choosing and one will be made in a classroom setting to undergraduate students and faculty members at Washington College in Chestertown. Advancement of CHA mission The Corps Volunteer will play a lead role in developing and expanding the Watermen Heritage Tour program. CHA is committed to ensuring the continuation of the commercial fishing tradition of the Chesapeake Bay in a sustainable fashion. We seek to maintain a balance between promoting the history, heritage, and contemporary culture associated with the Bay’s watermen and the conservation of the natural resources on which this unique livelihood rely. By assisting watermen develop heritage tourism enterprises, the Corps Volunteer is contributing to this mission by enabling watermen to maintain water-based livelihoods and identities, educate the general public about their communities, and reduce harvesting pressures on key species through alternative income generation. Key Staff The Corps Volunteer will work directly with CHA Assistant Director, Mark Wiest, who manages the Watermen Heritage Tour program. Mark will provide direct oversight and guidance to the Volunteer as he or she seeks to expand the program. Mark has over 10 years of experience working in watermen communities in a variety of capacities and will make sure the Volunteer is introduced into the communities in which he or she will be working and will accompany the Volunteer in the field on most occasion. In addition to the WHT program, Mark is a journeyman shipwright who manages a number of CHA’s hands-on vessel restoration projects and is a lead instructor in CHA’s work in undergraduate experiential education. Mark is also a lecturer in the Anthropology Department at Washington College and works closely with the Washington College Center for Environment and Society in its Chesapeake Semester program. The many capacities in which Mark is involved in issues facing Chesapeake Bay fisheries will be of direct benefit to the Corps Volunteer working with him. In addition to Mark, the Volunteer will have daily interaction with the Founding Director of CHA, Mike Vlahovich. Mike is a master shipwright, commercial fishermen, and educator. He has worked in watermen communities since the 1980s where he became recognized as one of the best historic vessel restoration experts in the Bay. He went on to lead the state-sponsored Skipjack Restoration program and has worked on nearly every skipjack that is still floating in the Chesapeake. He founded CHA knowing that the projects he was leading had larger societal implications and were not just about preserving boats, but preserving the culture associated with the vessels. He was sought out to be the lead instructor and designer of the Watermen Heritage Tour training program because of his expertise in authentic heritage tourism and his passion for preserving the cultures and ecology of the Chesapeake. Mike has been recognized as a Master Tradition Bearer by the Maryland State Arts Council for his expertise in maritime cultures and his dedication as a teacher. Work Skills Training Formal Skill Training With the guidance of the Assistant Director and CHA project partners the Volunteer will be trained in grant-writing, making public presentations, website management, and community outreach and coordination. Specifically Volunteers will: -Assist CHA staff and project partners with grant proposals to state and non-profit granting agencies for the continued support of the Watermen Heritage Tour program. -Be assisted by CHA staff in order to develop his or her skills in order to make two formal presentations and interact with the public in 6 events around the Eastern Shore. -Instructed in managing the existing Watermen Heritage Tour website and creating additional content including biographical pieces on new watermen tour guides and descriptions of the tours being offered. -Interact with state officials and non-profit leaders in professional settings and watermen and other community members within the waterfront towns where the Volunteer is conducting outreach activities. Informal Skill Training The Volunteer will have the opportunity to develop a number of informal skills that will benefit him or her in future professional pursuits. They include: -Balancing and communicating varying stakeholder interests as represented by watermen communities, state agencies, and the public. -Interacting with a diverse group of people from different socio-demographic backgrounds and maintaining sensitivity to different perspectives about the Bay. -Developing the flexibility to go from a meeting in Annapolis with project partners and state officials to visiting a waterman at his or her boat to discuss potential tour venues. -Building a rapport with a wide range of stakeholders from state agencies to watermen communities to centers of higher education. Budget of Matching Resources Example Budget Lines Value Type of Match (Cash or In-kind) Parking - required N/A Mileage Reimbursement - required $0.55/mile @ ~1200 miles= $660 Cash Conference attendance costs - optional up to $340 Cash Telephone/Internet - required $400 In-kind Office Space - required $400 In-kind Volunteer training supplies - optional N/A 10% of the Volunteer stipend ($1500) required for three-consecutive-year Hosts N/A Other: ______Cost of Living Allocation_______ 12 mos @ $500/mo= $6000 Cash TOTAL $7800 $7000 Cash/ $800 In-kind CHA Organizational Chart Board of Directors Heron Scott (President), John Moist (Treasurer), Jacqueline DeHaven (Secretary) Founding Director A. Michael Vlahovich Assistant Director Mark Wiest Special Projects Anthony Vlahovich Special Projects Zachary Hall Conservation Corps Volunteer Coastal Heritage Alliance Draft Budget for F/Y 2014 beginning on December 1, 2013 Revenue Projections: 1) H. M. Whitney Foundation = $25,000 2) Washington Heritage Capital Project Fund = $40,000 3) Historic Vessel Restoration = $40,000 4) Consulting Services = $22,500 5) Commencement Field Trips = $20,000 6) Fundraising Events = $15,000 7) Grants = $6,000 8) Prior Year`s Reserves = $20,000 Total F/Y 2014 Revenues = $188,500.00 Estimated Expenses: 1) COMMENCEMENT GENERAL UPKEEP (not programming costs): * Hull & Charter Insurance = $2,000 * General Annual/Routine Maintenance = $5,000 * Ongoing Upgrade Fund = $3,000 TOTAL #1-A Line Item = $10,000 2) SKANSE NET SHED (basic package for operations; assumes volunteer operation; not programming or HCPF costs): * Insurance = $1,000 * Marketing & Signage = $1,000 * Misc. = 1,000 TOTAL #2-A Line Item = $3,000 3) PEACOCK HILL EXHIBIT SHOP: * Rent = $13,000 * Utilities = $500 * Misc., tools/supplies = $1,000 TOTAL #3 Line Item = $14,500 4) CHA VAN (no program mileage): *Insurance = $1,000 *Maintenance = $750 * Repairs = $1,500 * License & fees = $250 TOTAL #4 Line Item = $3,500 5) CHA OFFCE: *Rent (east coast) = $1,200 * Utilities (electric, phone, internet) = $ 1,200 *Office supplies = $700 * Postage & P.O. Box = $300 * Professional memberships = $500 * Printing/copies (admin general) = $700 TOTAL #5 Line Item = $4,600 6) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/STATE FEES: *Legal counsel = $250 *Business fees/taxes/licenses = $600 * Quick-books accounting =$1,500 * CPA (year end 990 return) = $1,650 TOTAL #6 Line Item = $4,000 7) ADMINISTRATIVE *Executive Director = 0 (volunteer service) * Office Assistant = $2,600 * Web, graphics, photography = $2,600 * Admin related travel = $1,200 TOTAL #7 Line Item = $6,400 8) BOARD & STAFF DEVELOPMENT: * Executive Director Education = $12,000 * Meetings = $1,000 * Travel = $1,000 TOTAL #8 Line Item = $14,000 SUB-TOTAL = $60,000 (on-going CHA costs) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------ESTIMATED EXPENSE SIDE: PROGRAMS/ACTIVTIES 9) SKANSIE NETSHED/HCPF GRANT PROJECT: * Hands-on Labor: $28,000 * Admin. Labor: $1,500 * Tools/Equipment: $3,000 * Materials/Supplies: $5,000 * Travel: $2,500 TOTAL #9 Line Item = $40,000 10) HISTORIC VESSEL RESTORATION: * Hands-on Labor: $30,000 * Admin. Labor: $1,500 * Materials/Supplies: $4,000 * Tools/Equipment: $2,000 * Travel: $2,500 TOTAL #10 Line Item = $40,000 11) F/V COMMENCEMENT FIELD TRIP/EDUCATION: * Hands-on Labor: $13,500 * Admin. Labor: $2,000 * Fuel: $3,500 * Equipment: $2,000 * Materials/Supplies: $2,000 * Food: $3,000 * Travel: $2,000 TOTAL #11 Line Item = $28,000 12) CONSULTING: * Labor: $8,000 * Admin. Labor: $1,000 * Materials/Supplies: $500 * Equipment: $1,000 * Travel: $500 TOTAL #12 Line Item =$ 11,000 13) FUNDRAISING: * Labor: $1,500 * Materials: $500 * Travel: $500 TOTAL #13 Line Item = $2,500 14) CCC VOLUNTEER SUPPORT *Housing: $6,000 *Mileage: $660 *Conference Fees: $340 TOTAL #14 Line Item= $7000 TOTAL F/Y EXPENSES = $188,500 Coastal Heritage Alliance Profit & L o s s 12:12 PM 11/13/13 Accrual Basis December 1, 2012 through November 13, 2013 Dec1,'12-Nov13, 13 VEHICLE EXPENSE AUTO INSURANCE Tag/Registration/Renewal VEHICLE REPAIR VEHICLE EXPENSE - Other Total VEHICLE EXPENSE 797.00 51.00 1,568.66 435.00 2,851.66 Total Expense 124,655.22 Net Ordinary Income 22,820.64 Net Income 22,820.64 Page 2 Coastal Heritage Alliance Profit & L o s s December 1, 2012 through November 13, 2013 Dec1,'12-Nov13,13 Ordinary Income/Expense income DIRECT PUBLIC SUPPORT CORPORATE CONTRIBUTIONS GRANTS INDIVIDUAL DONATIONS PROGRAM SERVICES Total DIRECT PUBLIC SUPPORT INTEREST INCOME REIMBURSEMENT Total Income Expense ADMINISTRATIVE ACCOUNTING/BOOKKEEPING BANK CHARGES BUSINESS L L C COMMUNICATIONS (phone/internet) CONTRACTED LABOR DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS INSURANCE OFFICE RENT OFFICE SUPPLIES OTHER POSTAGE PRINTING/COPYING/FAXING REIMBURSEMENT TAXES UTILITIES (CHA office electric) ADMINISTRATIVE - Other Total ADMINISTRATIVE DOCUMENTATION CONTRACTED LABOR Total DOCUMENTATION EDUCATION CONTRACTED LABOR DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS GIG HARBOR FESTIVAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT TRAVEL EDUCATION - Other Total EDUCATION PRESERVATION CONTRACTED LABOR EQUIPMENT MATERIALS/SUPPLIES MOORAGE NET SHED INSURANCE OTHER REIMBURSEMENT RENT (shop) RESEARCH/DOCUMENTATION TRAVEL UTILITIES (Shop) V E S S E L INSURANCE Total PRESERVATION 328.50 51,069.79 33,677.85 61,845.88 146,922.02 165.91 387.93 147,475.86 1,543.75 115.71 24.00 150.00 5,260.87 714.95 30.75 3,850.00 1,137.71 3,351.57 365.74 516.96 1,078.00 60.89 175.00 1,625.00 20,000.90 1,013.00 1,013.00 6,974.50 40.00 4,470.48 1,330.59 80.00 572.60 5,149.44 18,617.61 37,821.12 836.14 15,169.23 3,360.00 791.28 1,578.03 -393.45 10,780.00 75.00 10,207.70 360.00 1,587.00 82,172.05 12.22 PM 11/13/13 Accrual Basis Coastal Heritage Alliance Balance Sheet As of August 31, 2013 Aug 31, 13 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings Festival Checking Account Heritage Bank - Checking Heritage Bank - Savings Skipjack Kathryn 2,046.60 7,699.23 130,033.12 2,762.54 Total Checking/Savings 142,541.49 Total Current Assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES & EQUITY Equity Opening Balance Equity Unrestricted Net Assets Net Income Total Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 142,541.49 142,541.49 131,463.37 -2,581.49 13,659.61 142,541.49 142,541.49
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