NEELACHAL ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED IRON AND STEEL PLANT KALINGA NAGAR INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX DUBURI, ORISSA - 755026 GENERAL SPECIFICATION ON PAINTING (GS-02) NINL-PHASE-II MECON LIMITED RANCHI - 834002 INDIA NO.MEC/GS/Q693/11/37/02, Rev.3 JANUARY, 2006 NEELACHAL ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED IRON AND STEEL PLANT DUBURI, ORISSA 01 GENERAL 01.01 This speci fication covers t he m ateri als, tools, facilities and qualit y requi rement for surface preparation and p aintin g of steel stru ctures, equipm ent, pipin g, ducts, chutes , wood work et c. requi red for Neelach al Ispat Ni gam Ltd. (NIN L), Duburi , Orissa 01.02 This is onl y a gen eral guid eline o f th e painting s ch eme to be followed b y t he Tend erer. Ho wev er, in case a s pecifi c painting p roced ure is stipulat ed i n an y t enderin g speci fication , then this general guideline shall be superceded. An y speci al cas e which m a y arise from tim e to time shall be dealt with individuall y on the merit o f each cas e The term “paintin g” referred herei n cov ers rust prev entive , fun gus/ins ects preventive and decorativ e coating along with surface protection o f the follo wing area but not limit ed to the areas indicated b elow. 01.03 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Structu ral st eel works Mechani cal equipm ent Elect rical equipment Instrum ent ation and control eq uipment. Pipe wo rk Ox ygen plant, etc. 01.04 Surfaces made o f asbestos, aluminu m, brass , bronze, galvanized st eel , stai nless steel, cast iron and oth er corrosion resistant allo ys and rubb er/s yn thetic pol ym er/ fiber reinforcem ent plastic and bu ried pi pe work are not requi red to be paint ed unles s specifi ed ex cept fo r aesthetic purposes or for id entifi catio n bands, wh erever rel evant. 01.05 All machined mating s urfaces (eg. fl an ges) sh all b e properl y cleaned, greased and prot ect ed b efo re dispatch. - 01 - NEELACHAL ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED IRON AND STEEL PLANT DUBURI, ORISSA 01.06 The complet e paint s yst em for an y item includes th e followin g basi c acti vities : i) ii) iii) iv) Proper surface Application of Application of Application of prep aration p rimer co ats int ermediat e coats fi nis hed coats All the above coat s shall be of qu alit y p aint produ cts and o f approved make. Th e scop e o f work sh all also i nclud e s uppl y of all paint m aterial s as p er specifi catio n des crib ed h erein. 01.07 If the contract or d es ires to adopt alt ernat ive p aint s yst em fo r an y speci fic item for an imp rov ement or equivalent t o the s yst em sp eci fied here-in h e m a y do so su bject to purchaser’s approval. 01.08 Paintin g and surface preparation of th e equipm ent to be execut ed outside In dia shall be carried out and tested as per the code and practi ces indicated in the l atest sp eci fication o f steel structures. Pai nting Council (SSPC) USA or D IN 55928 or as per the Nation al Stand ards In stitut ion of t he countr y of ori gin. 02 SURFACE 02.01 Surface prep aration being a p re requ isite fo r an y paint application , shall be such as to cl ean th e surface thorou ghl y of an y mat eri al which will be cond ucive to prem ature failure o f the p aint s ubstrat es. 02.02 All surfaces shall be cl eaned of lo ose substan ces, an d forei gn mat erial s, such as dirt, rust, scale, oil, grease, welding flux , et c. irresp ectiv e of wheth er the sam e has been spelt out in the st andards in order th at the prime coat is ri gidl y anchored t o the virgin met al s urface. The surface preparation shall confirm to pict ori al repres entatio n of surface q ualit y grad e o f Swedish St andards Institution S IS – 055900 o r equiv al ent stand ards such as SSPC – VIS – 1.67 or D IN 55928(Part 4) or BS 4232 o r IS 1477 – 1 971 (Part I) PRE PARATION - 02 - NEELACHAL ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED IRON AND STEEL PLANT DUBURI, ORISSA 02.03 The acceptable surface prep aration q ualit y / grad e are describ ed under each paint s ystem. The procedu res covered are solvent cl eani ng, hand tool cleanin g, power tool cleanin g, blast cl eaning, wood surface cleaning, fl ame cleanin g and pickli ng to att ain desi red surface qualit y as requi red b y the sp ecific primer p aint. For read y reference surface preparatio n qualit y grade to be adopt ed in resp ect o f S IS 055900 and DIN 55928 (part-4 ) is gi ven in Ann ex ure-01. 02.03.01 Solvent Cl eaning The surface sh all b e cl ean ed b y wipin g, immersion, sp ra yi n g or v apour co ntactin g of a suit able s olv ent or washing with an em ulsion or alk aline solution t o rem ove oil, greas e, di rt, old paint , etc. Solvent cl eanin g sh al l not remo ve rust, scal es, mill scal es or weld flux. Therefo re, b efo re application of pai nt, solvent cleanin g shall be followed b y other cl eanin g procedures as stat ed in subsequ ent chapt ers. 02.03.02 Hand Tool Cleanin g The surface s hall be cleaned manuall y b y vi gorous wire brushing as per grade St-2 qu alit y o f Swedish Standard Institution S IS 055900 and DIN 555928. This m ethod effectivel y removes loosel y adh erent materi als, but wo uld not affect residu es of rust or mill scales that are int act are firml y adh erent. Finall y the surface is t o be cleaned with a vacu um cl eaner or with cl ean comp ress ed ai r o r with clean brush. Aft er prep aration th e su rface shall have a faint metallic sheen. The appearan ce shall co rrespo nd to the p rints desi gn ated St – 2. 02.03.03 Power Tool Cleaning The su rface shall be cleaned b y el ect ric or pneumati c tools, such as brus hes, sanding m achin es, di sc abrasiv e grinder, rotar y dis c s cal er et c. to St – 3 qualit y. The tools sh all b e used carefull y to prevent excessive ro ughenin g of surface and formatio n of rid ges an d burrs. This method will remov e loosel y adherent material s but would n ot affect residu es o f rust or mill scales th at are firml y adherent and int act. - 03 - NEELACHAL ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED IRON AND STEEL PLANT DUBURI, ORISSA 02.03.04 Blast Cl eaning The surface sh all be cleaned b y impin gement of abrasiv e materi als, such as grad ed s and at hi gh velocit y created b y clean and dr y co mpress ed air bl ast as per the grad e accordi n g to Swedis h Standard Instituti on S IS 0 55900 .Thi s method will remove loosel y adherent materi als as well as adherent scales and mill scal es .Prio r to application o f bl ast, heav y dep osit of o il and greas e are removed b y solvent cleanin g excessi ve s urface s cal es are removed b y hand tool s or power tool clean ing. Th e ex tent o f remov al of ad herent scal es is vari ed, depen din g on t he application an d are defined b y the surface qualit y grades Sa1, Sa2, Sa2.5 an d Sa3 in the ord er o f increasi n g cleanlin es s. The blast cleanin g is not recomm end ed for s heet met al work. 02.03.05 Wood Surface Prep aration All new wood work surfaces shall be dried, cleaned and rubbed down with sand paper follo wed b y removal of al l dusts. Resinous knot s, resin pat ch es, voi ds, cracks are to be seal ed properl y with mix of wood dusts and “Fevicol ” or an y suitable s ealer. Sealers should be al lowed to dr y after application for a p eriod of at l east 16 hrs or so. Th e woo d surface should be rubbed down smooth b y abrasiv e pap er followed b y fine talc/soapston e p owder co atin g before makin g read y for pri ming. 02.03.06 Flame Cleaning The surface is cleaned b y rapid heating b y means of ox yacet yl ene fl ame to loosen the adh erent s cal es, follo wed immediat el y b y wi re brushing. This method will remov e loosel y adherent material s as well as m ost of th e ad herent scal es and mill scales. In ord er to minimize or preven t distortion fl ame cutt ing shall not be used on members havin g thickness of 6 mm and lower. 02.03.07 Pi ckling In this method the s urface is cleaned o f mill scales, rust or rust scal es b y chemi cal reactio n or el ect rol ysis or both. - 04 - NEELACHAL ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED IRON AND STEEL PLANT DUBURI, ORISSA 03. PAINT APPLICAT ION 03.01 Pain ts 03.01.01 Paint shall b e applied in accordance with paint manufact urer’s recommendatio ns. Th e work shall generall y follow IS 1477 – 19 71 (P art II) for jobs carri ed out in In dia and SSPC-PA-1 or DIN 559 28 or eq uiv alent fo r jobs carried out outsid e India. 03.01.02 General compati bilit y bet ween primer and finishing pai nts shall be est ablished by th e p aint m anufacturer suppl yi n g th e paints. 03.01.03 In the ev ent of con flict b etween thi s general p ro cedure on painting and the pai nt manufactu rer’s sp eci fication, the sam e shall be immedi atel y b rou ght to the not ice of the Pu rchas er. Generall y in cas es of such confli cts, manufactu rer’s speci fications/ recom mendatio ns sh all prevail. 03.01.04 Befo re bu yin g t he p aint in b ulk, it is recommended to obt ai n sample of paint and establish “Control Area o f Pai ntin g”. On Control Area, su rface preparation and paintin g shall b e carri ed out. 03.01.05 If required, sampl es of paint sh all b e t ested in lab oratori es to establish qualit y of p aint with respect to: (i) Viscosit y (ii) Adhes hion/ Bond of paint in st eel surfaces (iii) Adhes hion/Simulat ed salt sp ra y test. (iv) Chemical an al ysis (p ercent age of solids b y wei ght) (v) Norm al wear resi stance as en cou ntered du rin g handling & erection. (vi) Resistance against exposure to aci d fum es, etc. 03.01.06 Whole quantit y o f paint for a parti cular s yst em of p aint sh all be obt ained from th e same m anu factu rer. 03.01.07 The main Cont ract or shall b e res ponsible fo r suppl y of paints and this resp onsibilit y shall not be p assed on to the sub-contractor. - 05 - NEELACHAL ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED IRON AND STEEL PLANT DUBURI, ORISSA 03.01.08 The p aintin g m aterial as deli vered t o the Contractor, must b e in the manufacturer’s ori gin al cont ai ner bearing theron manufact urer’s nam e brand and descri ption. Paint/Paintin g materi al in contai ners without l ab els or with illegibl e lab els shall be rejected , removed from th e area and shall not be used. 03.01.09 Thinners wherev er used sh all be thos e recommen ded b y the paint manufacturers and shall b e obt ained in cont ain ers with manufact urer’s nam e and brand nam e of thinner legibl y printed , failing whi ch the thinner is liabl e to be rej ect ed and shall not be used. 03.01.10 All paint containers shall be clearl y l abel ed to sho w the paint identifi cation , date o f manufact ure, bat ch number, speci al inst ructi on, shel f life etc. Th e contain er shall b e opened onl y at the ti me of use. 03.01.11 All paints sh all be requi rem ents o f laid manufact urer. 03.01.12 All ingredi ents i n a paint cont ainer s hall b e th orou ghl y mix ed to break -up l umps and dispers e pigm ents before use and during appli cati on to maint ain homo geneit y. 03.01.13 The proposed m ake, qualit y and sh ade o f the paint shall hav e the approval of the client. 03.01.14 The colou r cod e o f the finishing paint t o be follo wed shall be intim ated t o the success ful Tend erer aft er fin alisaiton of order. The underco at shall have differen t tint to distinguish the sam e from t he fi nishing coat. 03.01.15 The Cont ractor shall furnis h pai nt man ufacturer’s t est repo rt or t echni cal data sheet pertainin g to t he paint sel ect ed. The data sheet s hall i ndicat e amon g other thin gs th e rel evan t standards, i f an y, composition in wei ght p ercent of pigm ents, v ehi cles , additiv es, dr yin g tim e, vis co cit y, spreadin g rat e, fl ash point, method o f ap plication, qualit y o f surface preparatio n requi red, corrosion resist ance prop erties and colou r shades av ailabl e. 03.01.16 For det ails o f p aint materi als refer Annex ure - 0 2 stored down - 06 - in accordance with the proced ure b y th e pai nt NEELACHAL ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED IRON AND STEEL PLANT DUBURI, ORISSA 03.02 General 03.02.01 Each coat of paint s hall be continuous, free o f pores an d of even film thi ckn ess without thin s pots. 03.02.02 Each coat of pai nt shall application of n ext coat. 03.02.03 Paint shall be applied at m anu facturer’s recommen ded rates. The numb er of co ats shall be such that t he minimum dr y film thickness sp eci fied is achiev ed. The d ry film thi ckness o f painted surfaces sh all be checked wit h ELC OMETER of measurin g gauges to ensure appli catio n of specifi ed DFT. 03.02.04 Zinc rich primer paints which have b een expos ed several months before finis hing coat is applied shall be washed down thorou ghl y to remove soluble zin c salt deposits. 03.02.05 The machine fini sh ed surfaces shall b e co ated with white lead and tallow b efo re shipm ent or before bein g put out into the op en air. 03.02.06 Areas which becom e inaccessibl e after assembl e sh all b e painted before ass embl y (after obtaini n g p aintin g cl earance from the inspecting authorit y) after requi site surface cleanin g as sp eci fied. 03.02.07 Paint shall not be applied when the ambi ent temperat ure is 5 deg C and below or 45 deg C and ab ove. Also p aint sh all not be appli ed in rain, wind, fog or at rel at ive humidit y of 80 % and abov e u nless the m anu facturer’s recommen dation s permit. Application s of pai nt sh all be onl y be sp ra yin g o r brushing as per IS 486 – 198 3 an d IS 4 87 – 1985 . 03.02.08 Primer paint shall be applied not l ater t han 2 – 3 hours after preparation of surface, unless specifi ed otherwise. 03.02.09 Edges, corners , crevices, d epressions, jo ints an d welds shall receive speci al att en tion to ensu re th at t he y receiv e painti n g coats of th e req uired thickness. - 07 - be suffi cientl y dry before NEELACHAL ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED IRON AND STEEL PLANT DUBURI, ORISSA 03.02.10 Surfaces which can not be painted but require p rotection shall be given a co at of rust in hibitive greas e accordin g t o IS 958 – 1975 o r s olvent d eposited co mpound accordin g t o IS 1153 – 1975 or IS 1674 – 1960. 03.02.11 Surfaces in co ntact durin g sho p assembl y sh all not be painted. Surfaces which will be in acces sible aft er assem bl y shall receiv e minimu m two coats of s pecified prim er. 03.02.12 Surfaces to be in co ntact with wood , bri ck o r ot her masonr y shall be given on e s hop-coat of the specified p rimer. 03.02.13 For woo d surfaces t he p aint appli cation shall be as p er paint manufact urer’s reco mmendation 03.03 Site/ Field Painting 03.03.01 Wherever shop pri mer pai nting is scrat ched , abrad ed o r damaged, the su rface shall be tho rou ghl y cl eaned usin g emer y p aper and power driven wire brush wh erever warranted, and touched up with co rresponding prim er. Touchin g up paint s hall be mat ched and blend ed to eliminat e conspi cuous m arks. 03.03.02 If more than 50% o f the p ainted s urface of an item req uires repair, the entire it em sh all b e m echanicall y cl eaned an d new prim er coats sh all be ap plied followed b y int erm ediat e and finishing coats as per painti ng sp eci fication. 03.03.03 All field welded areas on shop pai n ted items shall b e mech anicall y cl ean ed (in cludin g the weld area proper, adjacent areas cont aminat ed b y weld s patter o r fum es and areas where existing p rimer pai nt is burnt) Subs equ entl y, new primer and fini shing co ats of p aint shall be applied as per paintin g specifi cation. 03.03.04 The first coat of finish p aint at sit e sh all be appli ed preferabl e wit hin three m onths of the shop paint. - 08 – NEELACHAL ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED IRON AND STEEL PLANT DUBURI, ORISSA 03.04 Structural 03.04.01 All fabricated steel structu re, fab ricat ed steel pipes , et c. shall h av e a minim um of t wo coats of primer p aint before dispatch to sit e. 03.04.02 Parts of st eel st ru ct ures emb edded in concrete shall be given a prot ective coat o f portl and cement slurr y immediat el y aft er fabrication and aft er surfaces o f thi s part is th oroughl y cleaned from grease, rust, mill scales, etc. No paint shall be applied on this part. 03.04.03 All stru ctu res shall receive ap propriat e numb er of p rimer and finishing coats in order to achieve overall DFT as per desi gn d rawings/specification. 03.05 Electrical Equipment 03.05.01 Small machiner y, motors, electri cal equipment instrument s, et c. s hall be p ainted in th e s hop. 03.05.02 Large machiner y, l arge moto rs, cranes, conve yors, etc. shall be shop pai nted as per the paintin g s ch eme. 03.06 Hot Surfaces 03.06.01 Total DFT for heat resist ant p aints s hou ld not ex ceed 10 0 – 120 microns, otherwise fl akin g occurs (as p er paint manufact urer’s recommendations ). 03.06.02 Heat resistant paints should b e applied by b rush. 03.06.03 Primer co at is not necess ar y for t he surfaces temperatu re con ditio n more that 120 d eg C. - 09 - an d having NEELACHAL ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED IRON AND STEEL PLANT DUBURI, ORISSA 04 PAINTING SCHEMES For a compl ete p ain ting s chem e of an y item bein g print ed, all t ypes of p aints are to be pro cured from the sam e manufact urer as app roved b y th e pu rchas er. 04.02 Legend SP 2P1 1 I1 2F1 DFT CRT - Surface preparation qualit y as p er S IS st andard Two (2) coats of Pri mer p aint t ype P1 One (1) coats o f Int ermedi ate paint t ype I1 Two (2) coats of Finish paint t ype F1 Dr y Film Thi ckn ess in micro ns d eveloped Clean and R etouch Typ e of p aint produ cts like P1 to P9, I1 to I4 and F1 to F10 have been s pecifi ed under Annex ure-02. 04.03 The painting s ch eme to be foll owed for various structure/ equipm ent ex posed to different conditio n is briefl y given in Ann ex ure-0 3 for guid ance to t he tenderer. - 10 - NEELACHAL ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED IRON AND STEEL PLANT DUBURI, ORISSA GUARANTEE 05.01 The Contract or shall guarant ee th at the ph ysical and chemi cal prop erti es of the pai nt materials conforms with th e speci fication o f p aint produ cts. 05.02 The Contractor sh al l submit int ernal t es t reports from paint manufact urers regarding the qu alit y o f p aint when ev er asked b y t he Pu rchas er/Co nsultant. 05.03 Guarant ee period shall comm en ce from th e dat e of completio n of finishing co at o f pai nt. The guarant ee p eri od will be indi cat ed depending on th e t ype of su rface preparation and s ys t em o f paintin g. To fulfill this obligations the Co ntractor ma y obt ain from the p aintin g manufact urer, gu arantee for th e perfo rm ance of paint/p ainted surfaces. - 11 - NEELACHAL ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED IRON AND STEEL PLANT DUBURI, ORISSA Annexure-01 Surface Preparation Grade Sl. No. 1 Surface Preparation Sa 2.5 Sa 2 Sa 2 Sa 1 Sa 1 St 3 St 3 St 2 St 2 Power tool cleaning: Very thorough scrapping and wire brushing to remove loose mill-scale, rust and foreign matters to have pronounced metallic shine. 6 Sa 2.5 Brush-off blast cleaning: Removal of all loose mill-scales, rust and foreign matters etc. 5 Sa 3 Blast cleaning to commercial quality: At least 2/3 of any section of the surface area is free from all rusts, mill-scales and visible residues. 4 Sa 3 Blast cleaning to near white metal: 95% of any section of surface area is free from all rusts, mill-scales and visible residues. 3 DIN Std. Din 55928 (Part 4) Blast cleaning to white metal Removal of all visible rusts, mill-scales, paint and foreign matters. 2 Swedish Std SIS 055900 Hand tool cleaning: Removal by hand brushing of loose mill-scale, loose rust and foreign matters. - 01 - NEELACHAL ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED IRON AND STEEL PLANT DUBURI, ORISSA Annexure - 02 PAINT MATERI AL S 01. PRIME R PAI NTS (P) Primer p aint produ ct s shall b e applied o nl y on dr y and cl ean surfaces. 01.01 Pri mer Paint – P1 (Ph enolic – Alkyd B ased) A singl e pack air dr yin g phenoli c composition with zinc phosphate as conforming generall y to IS : 2 074. Air drying time modified alk yd a primer p aint - About 60 minutes (touch dry) - Overnight (hard dry) 01.02 Dry film thickness (DFT)/Coat - 40 microns (min) Temperature resistance - Upto 1000C dry heat Primer Paint – P2 (Chlororubber Based) A singl e p ack air dryi n g hi gh build chlorinat ed rubb er bas ed zinc phosph ate prim er. Percent chlororubber - 20 to 22 (% Chlorine above 65% in chlororubber) Air drying time - About 15 minutes (touch dry) - Overnight (hard dry) DFT/ Coat - 50 microns (min) Temperature resistance - Up to 650 C dry heat . - 01 - NEELACHAL ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED IRON AND STEEL PLANT DUBURI, ORISSA 01.03 01.04 Primer Paint – P3 (PVC Copolymer Alkyd Based) Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) - Alkyd zinc phosphate – redoxide based primer Ratio : PVC copolymer + alkyd resin (1:1) Pigments : Zinc phosphate & Fillers Air drying time - 24 hours DFT/Coat - 80 microns Temperature resistance - Upto 800C dry heat Primer Paint – P4 (Epoxy Based) A two pack ai r dryi n g Epox y pol yam ide resin b as ed red ox ide-zinc pho sphat e prim er. Epoxy content (% wt.) - 15 to 18 Air drying time - About 30 minutes (touch dry) - overnight (hard dry) DFT/Coat - 30 microns (min) Temperature resistance - Upto 1200C dry heat - 02 – NEELACHAL ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED IRON AND STEEL PLANT DUBURI, ORISSA 01.05 Primer Paint – P5 (Epoxy Based) A two pack ai r dr yi ng Epox y pol yamide with zinc dust of at least 92% zinc dust on the dr y film 01.06 Epoxy content (% wt.) - 8 to 10 Air drying time - Less than 10 minutes (touch dry) - Less than 2 hours (hard dry) DFT/Coat - 40 microns (min) Temperature resistance - Upto 3000C dry heat Primer Paint – P6 (Poly – Vinyl Butyral Resin Based) A two pack air dr ying pol yvin yl but yr al resin b as ed wash primer with rust in hibitive pi gm ents. 01.07 Air drying time - 5 to 7 minutes (touch dry) - 2 hours (hard dry) DFT/Coat - 8 microns Temperature resistance - Upto 650C dry heat Application for - Galvanised iron, aluminium, light alloys etc. on which the adhesion of conventional paints are poor. Primer Paint – P7 (Ethyl Zinc Silicate, EZS Based). A two pack heav y d ut y zinc dust ri ch si licat e prim er which protects the surface with just a sin gl e coat. Total solids (3 wt) Densit y ( g / cc ) Air drying time DFT / coat Temperature resistance - 03 - - 84 +/- 2 3.07 +/- 0.05 To top coat 16 hours 60 microns Upto 450 deg C dry heat NEELACHAL ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED IRON AND STEEL PLANT DUBURI, ORISSA 01.08 Primer Paint – P8 (High Build Coal Tar Epoxy) A two pack cold cured H.B. epoxy coal tar coating – no primer is required. 01.09 Mixing ratio Air drying time - DFT / Coat - Base: Hardener (4:1by vol.) 48 hours (hard dry) Full cure 7 days 100 microns Wood Varnish-P9 Treated oil based primer pigmented with suitable pigments : Air drying time - 16 hours for application of top coat. Coverage - 10 to 14 sq. m/litre - 04 - NEELACHAL ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED IRON AND STEEL PLANT DUBURI, ORISSA 02. INTERMEDIATE PAINTS (I) These paints shall be applied over primer coats as an intermediate layer to provide weather proof seal of primer coats. 02.01 Intermediate Paint-II ( Phenolic alkyd based) A single pack high build phenolic based paint with micaceous iron oxide (M10) . Air Drying Time DFT /Coat Temperature resistance Compatible with 02.02 - 4 to 6hours (touch dry) 2 days (hard dry) 75 microns (min) Upto 100 deg C dry heat Primer P1 Intermediate Paint-I2 (Chlororubber based) A single pack air drying high build chloro based paint with MIO. Air Drying Time DFT/Coat Temperature resistance Compatible with 02.03 - 15 minutes (touch dry) 24 hours (hard dry) 70 microns (min) Upto 65 deg C dry heat Primer P2,P3 & P4 Intermediate Paint-I3 (PVC – Alkyd Based) PVC Coplo ymer Pigments - DFT/Coat Temperature resistance Compatible with - Resin 1 : 1 Micaceous iron oxide (M IO) 80 microns (min) Upto 80 deg C dry heat Primer P2 & P3 NEELACHAL ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED IRON AND STEEL PLANT DUBURI, ORISSA - 05 02.04 Intermediate paint-I4 A two pack air drying high build epox y resin based paint with MIO. Air drying time DFT / coat Temperature resistance Compatible with - 6 to 8 hours (touch dry) 7 days (full cure) 100 microns Up to 180 0 C dry heat Primer P4 & P5 NEELACHAL ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED IRON AND STEEL PLANT DUBURI, ORISSA - 06 - NEELACHAL ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED IRON AND STEEL PLANT DUBURI, ORISSA 03. FI NISH PAI NTS (F) Finish p aint costs shall be applied over prim er co ats and interm ediat e coats aft er p rop er cl eani ng and tou ch up o f primed surface. 03.01 Finish Pain t – F1 A singl e pack air dryi n g hi gh gloss ph enolic alk yd modi fied s ynt heti c en am el pai nt suitabl y pi gment ed. Air drying time - 3 to 4 hours (touch dry) - 24 hours (hard dry) DFT/Coat - 25 microns (min) Temperature resistance - Upto 1000C dry heat Compatible with - Primer P1 Intermediate I1 - Generally all shades Colour 03.02 Finish Paint – F2 A singl e pack air dryi n g pol yu reth an e enamel of hi gh gloss and hard finish suitabl y pi gment ed. Air drying time - 2 to 2 ½ hours (touch dry) - 6 hours (hard dry) DFT/Coat - 30 microns (min) Temperature resistance - Upto 1000C dry heat Compatible with - Primer P1 & P8 and Intermediate I1 - Generally all shades Colour - 07 - NEELACHAL ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED IRON AND STEEL PLANT DUBURI, ORISSA 03.03 Finish Paint – F3 A two pack ai r d r yin g bituminous alumin um paint. 03.04 Air drying time - 1 to 2 hours (touch dry) - 21 hours (hard dry) DFT/Coat - 25 microns (min) Temperature resistance - Upto 1000C dry heat Compatible with - Primer P1 and Intermediate I1 Colour - Bright metallic Finish Paint – F4 A read y mixed oil-alk yd b ased s yn thet ic en amel p aint of high gloss and hard wearing properti es. - Air drying time - 6 to 8 hours Coverage - Temperature resistance - Upto 600C dry heat Compatible with - P8 Colour - Generally all shades 08 14 to 16 Sq. m /litre - NEELACHAL ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED IRON AND STEEL PLANT DUBURI, ORISSA 03.05 Finish Paint – F5 A singl e pack air drying pl asticized chlororubber pain t suitabl y pi gm ent ed. Air drying time - 30 minutes (touch dry) - 24 hours (hard dry) DFT/Coat - 35 microns (min) Temperature resistance - Upto 650C dry heat Compatible with - Primer P2 & P3, Intermediate I2 & I3 - Nearly all shades except few. Colour 03.06 Finish Paint – F6 A PVC – Cop ol ymer alk yd bas ed enam el. Density - 1.17 + 0.05 Total solids (1 wt) - 55 + 2 DFT/Coat - 40 microns Compatible with - P2 and P3 - 09 - NEELACHAL ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED IRON AND STEEL PLANT DUBURI, ORISSA 03.07 Finish Paint – F7 A two pack air dryi ng ep ox y pol yam ide enam el suit abl y pigm ented. 03.08 Air drying time - 2 to 3 hours (touch dry) - 7 days (full cure) DFT/Coat - 40 microns (min) Temperature resistance - Up to 1300C dry heat Compatible with - Primer P4 & P5, Intermediate I4 Colour - Generally all shades. Finish Paint – F8 A sin gle pack s yn thetic rub ber based alu minium paint. Air drying time - 2 hours (touch dry) - 24 hours (hard dry) DFT/Coat - 25 microns (min) Temperature resistance - Upto 2000C dry heat Compatible with - No Primer paint except primer P6 is applicable in case of nonferrous substrate. Colour - Smooth aluminium. - 10 - NEELACHAL ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED IRON AND STEEL PLANT DUBURI, ORISSA Annexure-03 PAINTING SCHEME Sl. No. 1.0 1.1 Description Painting Scheme At Shop At Site Steel Structures (Temp. not exceeding 800C) Technological steel structures for plant and equipment Indoor Outdoor 1.2 CRT 2F1 130 SP – Sa 2.5 2P1 1I1 CRT 2F1 205 SP – St-2 and / or St-3 2P1 CRT SP – St-2 and / or St-3 2P1 CRT SP- St2 and/ or St-3 2P1 1I1 CRT SP – St-2 and / or St-3 2P1 1I1 CRT 2F1 130 Walkways, stairs, platforms etc. which are of wearing surface - Indoor - Outdoor 1.4 SP – Sa 2.5 2P1 Fabricated steel structures at site for rung ladders, cat-ladders, gates, rolling shutters, etc. (Springs/rubbing surfaces excluded) - Indoor / Outdoor 1.3 Total DFT (Refer Note-1) 2F1 2F1 130 205 Steel doors and windows - Indoor / outdoor - 01- 2F2 215 NEELACHAL ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED IRON AND STEEL PLANT DUBURI, ORISSA Sl. No. 2.0 2.1 Painting Scheme At Shop At Site Description Total DFT MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT Mechanical equipment (Temp. not exceeding 800C) 2.1.1 Static equipment like storage tanks, vessels, bins, bunkers, heat exchangers, coolers, cyclones, scrubbers, etc. - Indoor SP – Sa 2.5 2P2/2P3 - Outdoor CRT 2F5/2F6 170/240 SP – Sa 2.5 CRT 2P2/2P3+1I2/1I3 2F5/2F6 240/320 SP – Sa 2.5 2P3/2P4 CRT 2F6/2F7 240/140 SP-Sa 2.5 2P3 + 1I3/1I4 CRT 2F6/2F7 320/340 2.1.2 Rotary/moving equipment and machineries like crushers, mills, vibratory screens, bin activators, blowers, fan, air/gas compressors, pumps, gear boxes, machine housings etc. - Indoor - Outdoor - 02 - NEELACHAL ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED IRON AND STEEL PLANT DUBURI, ORISSA Sl. No. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Description Painting Scheme At Shop At Site ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (Temperature upto 80 deg c ) Electric drives below 10 kw rating -- indoor / outdoor Electric drives above 10 kw rating - Indoor - Outdoor 3.3 Total DFT Stove Enamelling CRT 110 SP – Sa 2.5 2P4 CRT 2F7/2F2 140/120 SP – Sa 2.5 2P4 + 1I4 CRT 2F7/2F2 240/220 Stove Enamelling CRT 110 SP-Sa 2.5 2P4 CRT 2F7/2F2 140/130 SP – Sa2.5 2P4 + 1I4 CRT 2F7/2F2 240/230 SP – St2 and / or St3 2P2 CRT Transformer/Rectoformers 3.3.1 Small units - Indoor / outdoor 3.3.2 Large Units (air / oil cooled) - Indoor - Outdoor 3.4 Switch Gears, Structures -Indoor / outdoor (if not galvanized) - 03 - 2F5 170 NEELACHAL ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED IRON AND STEEL PLANT DUBURI, ORISSA Sl. No. 3.5 Description Motor control centres cubicles 3.6 Cable vaults, cable trays, etc. Painting Scheme At Shop At Site Stove CRT enamelling SP –St2 and / CRT or St3 Total DFT 110 2P1 2F1 To be hot-dip CRT galvanised with P5 130 120 3.7 Electric transmission towers 4.0 Instrumentation and Controls (Temperature up to 800C) 4.1 All field mounted instrument & control Stove valves and fixtures enamelling CRT 4.2 Control panel, desks etc. SP –St2 and / or St3 CRT 2P1 2F1 SP – St2 and or St3 2P1 SP – St2 and / or St3 2P1 + 1I1 CRT SP- St2 and/ or St3 Remove paint and insulate 5.0 Pipe / Duct work (Overground) 5.1 Non – insulated (temperature up to 800C) - Indoor - Outdoor 5.2 1P1 130 2F1 CRT 130 2F1 205 Insulated (hot) - Indoor/Outdoor 110 NEELACHAL ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED IRON AND STEEL PLANT DUBURI, ORISSA Sl. No. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Painting Scheme At Shop At Site Description Total DFT Oxygen Plant Outdoor steel structures Rotary equipment like air compressors SP – St2 and / or St3 CRT 2P1 + 1I1 2F3 205 Sa 2.5 2P4 CRT 2F7 140 7.0 Others 7.1 Standard mobile equipment like chasis of As per manufacturer’s standards trucks, dumpers, crawler cranes bulldozers, railway rakes, chasis of slag cars, ladle cars, etc. 7.2 Laboratory equipment like ovens, Stove screens, magnetic stirrers, samplers, etc. enamelling CRT 110 7.3 Wood works SP 2P9 CRT 2F4 - 7.4 Steel structures partly immersed in water SP – Sa 2.5 CRT 2P8 - 05 200 - NEELACHAL ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED IRON AND STEEL PLANT DUBURI, ORISSA Notes: 1. Paintin g scheme of all fab ricated steel structures , fabri cat ed pipe work, buildi ng stru cture, con ve yo r gall eri es, pipe trestles etc. is indicat ed in the Technical Specifi cation of steel st ructu res. 2. Primer P aint Primer coat shall be suitable for intended temperat ure ap plications as per manufact urer’s recommendatio n. The prim er sel ectio n shall be gen erall y in line with th e sp eci fication laid down in Ann ex ure02. 3. Finish P aint In cas e of Aluminium clad din g fi nal p ai nting will not be req uired. - 06 -
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