REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP COVER SHEET Administrative Information: Microsoft Dynamics GP software RFP TITLE OF RFP: with implementation services and Number: support Agency: Iowa Lottery Lottery seeks to Available to Political Microsoft Dynamics GP purchase: Subdivisions? software with Implementation Services and Support Number of mos. or yrs. Implementation Number of possible of the initial term of the annual extensions: date plus contract: One (1) Year 14-01 Yes Five (5) years Issuing Officer: Tammy Cooper Phone: 515-725-7877 Fax: 515-725-7901 E-Mail: Mailing Address: Iowa Lottery 2323 Grand Avenue Des Moines, IA 50312 PROCUREMENT TIMETABLE—Event or Action: Lottery Posts Notice of RFP on TSB website Lottery Issues RFP RFP written questions, requests for clarification, and suggested changes from Contractors due: Lottery’s written response to RFP questions, requests for clarifications and suggested changes due: Proposals Due Date: Proposals Due Time: Date/Time (Central Time): October 15, 2013 October 15, 2013 October 23, 2013 3:00 p.m. October 25, 2013 November 14, 2013 3:00 p.m. Anticipated Date to issue Notice of Intent to Award: November 25, 2013 Award of Contract presented for Lottery Board approval (if necessary) December 9-20, 2013 Anticipated Date to execute contract: December 2013 Relevant Websites: Internet website where Addenda to this RFP will be posted: Web-address: and Number of Copies of Proposals Required to be Submitted: Firm Proposal Terms Per Section 3.2.14, the minimum Number of Days following the deadline for submitting proposals that the Contractor guarantees all proposal terms, including price, will remain firm: 1 original plus 5 photocopies and 1 electronic copy 120 Days Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Purpose 1.2. Definitions 1.3. Overview of the RFP Process 1.4. Background Information 2. ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION 2.1. Issuing Officer 2.2. Restriction on Communication 2.3. Downloading the RFP from the Internet 2.4. Procurement Timetable 2.5. Questions, Requests for Clarification and Suggested Changes 2.6. Amendment to the RFP 2.7. Amendment and Withdrawal of Proposal 2.8. Submissions of Proposals 2.9. Proposal Opening 2.10. Costs of Preparing the Proposal 2.11. No Commitment to Contract 2.12. Rejection of Proposals 2.13. Nonmaterial Variances 2.14. Reference Checks 2.15. Information from Other Sources 2.16. Verification of Proposal Contents 2.17. Proposal Clarification Process 2.18. Disposition of Proposals 2.19. Public Records and Requests for Confidential Treatment 2.20. Copyright Permission 2.21. Release of Claims 2.22. Evaluation of Proposals Submitted 2.23. Award Notice and Acceptance Period 2.24. No Contract Rights until Execution 2.25. Choice of Law and Forum 2.26. Restrictions on Gifts and Activities 2.27. No Minimum Guaranteed 2.28. Appeals 3. FORM AND CONTENT PROPOSALS 3.1. Instructions 3.2. Technical Proposal 3.3. Cost Proposal OF 4. SPECIFICATIONS AND TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 4.1. Overview 4.2. Mandatory (Pass/Fail) Technical Requirements 4.3. Scored Mandatory Requirement 5. EVALUATION AND SELECTION 5.1. Introduction 5.2. Evaluation Committee 5.3. Overview of Evaluation 5.4. Evaluation Criteria 5.5. Preferences 6. CONTRACTUAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 6.1. Preface 6.2. Acceptance of Terms and Conditions 6.3. Agreement Terms and Renewal 6.4. Contract Length 6.5. Performance Security 6.6. CPI Cost Adjustments ATTACHMENT 1 – Proposal Compliance and Certification Statement ATTACHMENT 2 – Authorization to Release Information Statement ATTACHMENT 3 – Contractor Requirement Check List ATTACHMENT 4 – Cost Proposal Format ATTACHMENT 5 – Lottery Applications Security Policy ATTACHMENT 6 – Lottery Logging Policy ATTACHMENT 7 – Class O Background form ATTACHMENT 8 – Sample Contract SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1. Purpose The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to solicit proposals from Responsible Contractors to provide the goods and/or services identified on the RFP cover sheet and further described in Section 4 of this RFP to the Lottery. The Lottery intends to award a Contract beginning and ending on the dates listed on the RFP cover sheet, and the Lottery, in its sole discretion, may extend the Contract for up to the number of annual extensions identified on the RFP cover sheet. 1.2. Definitions For the purposes of this RFP and the resulting contract, the following terms shall mean: 1.2.1. “Proposal” or “Technical Proposal” means the Contractor’s proposal submitted in response to the RFP. 1.2.2. “Contract” means the contract(s) entered into with the successful Contractor(s) as described in Section 6.2. 1.2.3. “Contractor” means a vendor submitting Proposals in response to this RFP. 1.2.4. “Lottery” means the agency identified on the RFP cover sheet that is issuing the RFP and purchases from the Contract. 1.2.5. “Responsible Contractor” means a Contractor that has the capability in all respects to perform the requirements of the Contract. In determining whether a Contractor is a Responsible Contractor, the Lottery may consider various factors including, but not limited to, the Contractor’s competence and qualifications to provide the goods or services requested, the Contractor’s integrity and reliability, the past performance of the Contractor and the best interest of the Lottery. 1.2.6. “Responsive Proposal” means a Proposal that complies with the material provisions of this RFP. 1.2.7. “RFP” means this Request for Proposal and any attachments, exhibits, schedules or addenda hereto. 1.2.8. “Software” means Microsoft Dynamics GP. 1.2.9. “I/3” refers to State of Iowa Accounting System Integrated Information for Iowa. 1.2.10. “GMS” refers to games management system provided by Scientific Games International, Inc. (SGI). 1.3. Overview of the RFP Process Contractors will be required to submit their Proposals in hardcopy and on CD-ROM. It is the Lottery’s intention to evaluate Proposals from all Responsible Contractors that submit timely Responsive Proposals, and award the Contract(s) in accordance with Section 5, Evaluation and Selection. 1.4. Background Information This RFP is designed to provide Contractors with the information necessary for the preparation of competitive Proposals. The RFP process is for the Lottery’s benefit and is intended to provide the Lottery with competitive information to assist in the 3 selection process. It is not intended to be comprehensive. Each Contractor is responsible for determining all factors necessary for submission of a comprehensive Proposal. Currently the lottery uses OSAS® Open Systems Accounting Software version 7.03. Only the general ledger module is used. The lottery processes Contractor payments through the State of Iowa Accounting System Integrated Information for Iowa (I/3) as required by statute. The lottery also utilizes a games management system (GMS) provided by Scientific Games International, Inc (SGI) as the main accounts receivable system. The lottery is seeking to expand the use of an accounting software application offering several modules that will provide for an integrated accounting system. The software system must allow information from I/3 and GMS to be integrated into the accounting system. After review of various accounting software applications, the Lottery has determined Microsoft Dynamics GP as the software that best fits our needs to accomplish our goals. Software requirements are described in Section 4. 4 SECTION 2 ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION 2.1 Issuing Officer The Issuing Officer identified in the RFP cover sheet is the sole point of contact regarding the RFP from the date of issuance until a Notice of Intent to Award the Contract is issued. 2.2 Restriction on Communication From the issue date of this RFP until a Notice of Intent to Award the Contract is issued, Contractors may contact only the Issuing Officer. The Issuing Officer will respond only to written questions regarding the procurement process. Questions related to the interpretation of this RFP must be submitted as provided in Section 2. Oral questions related to the interpretation of this RFP will not be accepted. Contractors may be disqualified if they contact any State employee other than the Issuing Officer about the RFP except that Contractors may contact the State Targeted Small Business Office on issues related to the preference for Targeted Small Businesses. 2.3 Downloading the RFP from the Internet The RFP and any addenda to the RFP will be posted at and The Contractor is advised to check the website periodically for Addenda to this RFP, particularly if the Contractor downloaded the RFP from the Internet as the Contractor may not automatically receive addenda. It is the Contractor's sole responsibility to check daily for addenda to posted documents. 2.4 Procurement Timetable The dates provided in the procurement timetable on the RFP cover sheet are provided for informational and planning purposes. The Lottery reserves the right to change the dates. If the Lottery changes any of the deadlines for Contractor submissions, the Lottery will issue an addendum to the RFP. 2.5 Questions, Requests for Clarification, and Suggested Changes Contractors are invited to submit written questions and requests for clarifications regarding the RFP. Contractors may also submit suggestions for changes to the requirements of this RFP. The questions, requests for clarifications, or suggestions must be in writing and received via email in PDF or Microsoft Word format, by the Issuing Officer before the date and time listed on the RFP cover sheet. Emails should indicate “Software RFP” in the subject line. Oral questions will not be permitted. If the questions, requests for clarifications, or suggestions pertain to a specific section of the RFP, Contractor shall reference the page and section number(s). The Lottery will send written responses to questions, requests for clarifications, or suggestions received from Contractors on or before the date listed on the RFP cover sheet. The Lottery’s written responses will become an addendum to the RFP. If the Lottery decides to adopt a suggestion that modifies the RFP, the Lottery will issue an addendum to the RFP. 5 The Lottery assumes no responsibility for oral representations made by its officers or employees unless such representations are confirmed in writing and incorporated into the RFP through an addendum. 2.6 Amendment to the RFP The Lottery reserves the right to amend the RFP at any time using an addendum. The Contractor shall acknowledge receipt of all addenda in its Proposal. If the Lottery issues an addendum after the due date for receipt of Proposals, the Lottery may, in its sole discretion, allow Contractors to amend their Proposals in response to the addendum. 2.7 Amendment and Withdrawal of Proposal The Contractor may amend or withdraw and resubmit its Proposal at any time before the Proposals are due. The amendment must be in writing, signed by the Contractor and received by the time set for the receipt of Proposals. Electronic mail and faxed amendments will not be accepted. Contractors must notify the Issuing Officer in writing prior to the due date for Proposals if they wish to completely withdraw their Proposals. 2.8 Submission of Proposals The Lottery must receive the Proposal at the Issuing Officer’s address identified on the RFP cover sheet before the “Proposals Due” date listed on the RFP cover sheet. This is a mandatory requirement and will not be waived by the Lottery. Any Proposal received after this deadline will be rejected and returned unopened to the Contractor. Contractors mailing Proposals must allow ample mail delivery time to ensure timely receipt of their Proposals. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to ensure that the Proposal is received prior to the deadline. Postmarking by the due date will not substitute for actual receipt of the Proposal. Electronic mail and faxed Proposals will not be accepted. Contractors must furnish all information necessary to enable the Lottery to evaluate the Proposal. Proposals that fail to meet the mandatory requirements of the RFP will be rejected. Oral information provided by the Contractor shall not be considered part of the Contractor's Proposal unless it is reduced to writing. 2.9 Proposal Opening The Lottery will open Proposals after the deadline for submission of Proposals has passed. The Proposals will remain confidential until the Evaluation Committee has reviewed all of the Proposals submitted in response to this RFP and the Lottery has issued a Notice of Intent to Award a Contract. See Iowa Code Section 72.3. However, the names of Contractors who submitted timely Proposals will be publicly available after the Proposal opening. The announcement of Contractors who timely submitted Proposals does not mean that an individual Proposal has been deemed technically compliant or accepted for evaluation. 2.10 Costs of Preparing the Proposal The costs of preparation and delivery of the Proposal are solely the responsibility of the Contractor. 6 2.11 No commitment to Contract The Lottery reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals received in response to this RFP at any time prior to the execution of the Contract. Issuance of this RFP in no way constitutes a commitment by the Lottery to award a contract. 2.12 Rejection of Proposals The Lottery may reject outright and not evaluate a Proposal for reasons including but not limited to: 2.12.1 The Contractor fails to deliver the cost proposal in a separate envelope. 2.12.2 The Contractor acknowledges that a mandatory requirement of the RFP cannot be met. 2.12.3 The Contractor's Proposal changes a material requirement of the RFP or the Proposal is not compliant with the mandatory requirements of the RFP. 2.12.4 The Contractor’s Proposal limits the rights of the Lottery. 2.12.5 The Contractor fails to include information necessary to substantiate that it will be able to meet a requirement of the RFP as provided in Section 3 of this RFP. 2.12.6 The Contractor fails to timely respond to the Lottery's request for information, documents, or references. 2.12.7 The Contractor fails to include Proposal Security, if required. 2.12.8 The Contractor fails to include any signature, certification, authorization, stipulation, disclosure or guarantee as provided in Section 3 of this RFP. 2.12.9 The Contractor presents the information requested by this RFP in a format inconsistent with the instructions of the RFP or otherwise fails to comply with the requirements of this RFP. 2.12.10 The Contractor initiates unauthorized contact with state employees regarding the RFP. 2.12.11 The Contractor provides misleading or inaccurate responses. 2.12.12 The Contractor’s Proposal is materially unbalanced. 2.12.13 There is insufficient evidence (including evidence submitted by the Contractor and evidence obtained by the Lottery from other sources) to satisfy the Lottery that the Contractor is a Responsible Contractor. 2.12.14 The Contractor alters the language in Attachment 1, Certification Statement or Attachment 2, Authorization to Release Information Statement. 2.13 Nonmaterial Variances 7 The Lottery reserves the right to waive or permit cure of nonmaterial variances in the Proposal if, in the judgment of the Lottery, it is in the Lottery or State’s best interest to do so. Nonmaterial variances include but are not limited to: minor failures to comply that do not affect overall responsiveness, that are merely a matter of form or format, that do not change the relative standing or otherwise prejudice other Contractors, that do not change the meaning or scope of the RFP, or that do not reflect a material change in the requirements of the RFP. In the event the Lottery waives or permits cure of nonmaterial variances, such waiver or cure will not modify the RFP requirements or excuse the Contractor from full compliance with RFP specifications or other Contract requirements if the Contractor is awarded the Contract. The determination of materiality is in the sole discretion of the Lottery. 2.14 Reference Checks The Lottery reserves the right to contact any reference to assist in the evaluation of the Proposal, to verify information contained in the Proposal and to discuss the Contractor’s qualifications and the qualifications of any subcontractor identified in the Proposal. 2.15 Information from Other Sources The Lottery reserves the right to obtain and consider information from other sources concerning a Contractor, such as the Contractor’s capability and performance under other contracts, the qualifications of any subcontractor identified in the Proposal, the Contractor’s financial stability, past or pending litigation, and other publicly available information. 2.16 Verification of Proposal Contents The content of a Proposal submitted by a Contractor is subject to verification. If the Lottery determines in its sole discretion that the content is in any way misleading or inaccurate, the Lottery may reject the Proposal. 2.17 Proposal Clarification Process The Lottery reserves the right to contact a Contractor after the submission of Proposals for the purpose of clarifying a Proposal. This contact may include written questions, interviews, site visits, a review of past performance if the Contractor has provided goods and/or services to the State or any other political subdivision wherever located, or requests for corrective pages in the Contractor’s Proposal. The Lottery will not consider information received from or through Contractor if the information materially alters the content of the Proposal or the type of goods and/or services the Contractor is offering to the Lottery. An individual authorized to legally bind the Contractor shall sign responses to any request for clarification. Responses shall be submitted to the Lottery within the time specified in the Lottery's request. Failure to comply with requests for additional information may result in rejection of the Proposal. 2.18 Disposition of Proposals All Proposals become the property of the State and shall not be returned to the Contractor. Once the Lottery issues a Notice of Intent to Award the Contract, the contents of all Proposals will be in the public domain and be available for inspection by interested parties, except for information for which Contractor properly requests 8 confidential treatment or according to exceptions provided in Iowa Code Chapter 22 or other applicable law. 2.19 Public Records and Requests for Confidential Treatment The Lottery will treat all information submitted by a Contractor as public records unless the Contractor properly requests that specific parts of the Proposal be treated as confidential at the time of submitting the Proposal. The Lottery’s release of public records is governed by Iowa Code chapter 22. Contractors are encouraged to familiarize themselves with Chapter 22 before submitting a Proposal. The Lottery will copy and produce public records as required to comply with Chapter 22 or other applicable law. Any request for confidential treatment of specific information must be included in the transmittal letter with the Contractor’s Proposal. In addition, the Contractor must enumerate the specific grounds in Iowa Code Chapter 22 or other applicable law which support treatment of the material as confidential and explain why disclosure is not in the best interest of the public. Pricing information cannot be considered confidential information. The request for confidential treatment of information must also include the name, address, and telephone number of the person authorized by the Contractor to respond to any inquiries by the Lottery concerning the confidential status of the materials. Any Proposal submitted which contains information for which Contractor is requesting Confidential treatment must be conspicuously marked by the Contractor on the outside as containing confidential information, and each page upon which confidential information appears must be conspicuously marked as containing confidential information. Failure to properly identify specific information as confidential shall relieve Lottery personnel from any responsibility if confidential information is viewed by the public or a competitor, or is in any way released. If Contractor identifies its entire Proposal as confidential, the Lottery may reject the Proposal as non-responsive. If the Contractor designates any portion of its Proposal as confidential, the Contractor must submit a copy labeled as “Public Copy” from which the confidential information has been excised. This excised copy is in addition to the number of copies requested in Section 3 of this RFP. The confidential material must be excised in such a way as to allow the public to determine the general nature of the material removed and to retain as much of the Proposal as possible. If the Lottery receives a request for information that includes information Contractor has marked as confidential, Lottery will give written notice to the Contractor at least seven calendar days prior to the release of the information to allow the Contractor to seek injunctive relief pursuant to Section 22.8 of the Iowa Code. After seven calendar days, the Lottery will release the information marked confidential unless a court of competent jurisdiction determines the information is confidential under Iowa Code Chapter 22 or other applicable law. The Contractor’s failure to request confidential treatment of material will be deemed a waiver of any right to confidentiality the Contractor may have had. 9 2.20 Copyright Permission By submitting a Proposal, the Contractor agrees that the Lottery may copy the Proposal for purposes of facilitating the evaluation of the Proposal or to respond to requests for public records. By submitting a Proposal, the Contractor consents to such copying and warrants that such copying will not violate the rights of any third party. The Lottery shall have the right to use ideas or adaptations of ideas that are presented in Proposals. 2.21 Release of Claims By submitting a Proposal, the Contractor agrees that it will not bring any claim or cause of action against the Lottery based on any misunderstanding concerning the information provided in the RFP or concerning the Lottery's failure, negligent or otherwise, to provide the Contractor with pertinent information in this RFP. 2.22 Evaluation of Proposals Submitted Proposals that are timely submitted and are not rejected will be reviewed in accordance with Section 5 of the RFP. The Lottery will not necessarily award a contract resulting from this RFP to the Contractor offering the lowest cost. Instead, the Lottery will award the Contract to the Responsible Contractor whose Responsive Proposal the Lottery believes will provide the best value to the Lottery and the State. 2.23 Award Notice and Acceptance Period Notice of Intent to Award the Contract(s) will be sent to all Contractors submitting a timely Proposal and may be posted at the website shown on the RFP cover sheet. Negotiation and execution of the Contract(s) shall be completed no later than thirty (30) days from the date of the Notice of Intent to Award or such other time as designated by Lottery. If the successful Contractor fails to negotiate and deliver an executed Contract by that date, the Lottery, in its sole discretion, may cancel the award and award the Contract to the remaining Contractor the Lottery believes will provide the best value to the State. 2.24 No Contract Rights until Execution No Contractor shall acquire any legal or equitable rights regarding the Contract unless and until the Contract has been fully executed by the successful Contractor and the Lottery. 2.25 Choice of Law and Forum This RFP and the Contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Iowa. Changes in applicable laws and rules may affect the award process or the Contract. Contractors are responsible for ascertaining pertinent legal requirements and restrictions. Any and all litigation or actions commenced in connection with this RFP shall be brought in the appropriate Iowa forum. 2.26 Restrictions on Gifts and Activities Iowa Code Chapter 68B restricts gifts which may be given or received by State employees and requires certain individuals to disclose information concerning their activities with State government. Contractors are responsible to determine the applicability of this Chapter 68B to their activities and to comply with its requirements. In addition, pursuant to Iowa Code section 722.1, it is a felony offense to bribe or attempt to bribe a public official. 10 2.27 No Minimum Guaranteed The Lottery does not guarantee any minimum level of purchases under the Contract. 2.28 Appeals A Contractor whose proposal has been timely filed and who is aggrieved by the award of the Lottery may appeal the decision by filing a written notice of appeal before the Iowa Lottery Authority Board, 2323 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa 50312-5307, within three days of the date of the award, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and state legal holidays. The notice of appeal shall state the grounds upon which the Contractor challenges the lottery’s award. Following receipt of a notice of appeal which has been timely filed, the board shall notify the aggrieved Contractor and the Contractor who received the contract award of the procedures to be followed in the appeal. The board may appoint a designee to proceed with the appeal on its behalf. A notice of appeal may not stay negotiations with the apparent successful Contractor. 11 SECTION 3 3.1. 3.1.1. FORM AND CONTENT OF PROPOSALS Instructions These instructions prescribe the format and content of the Proposal. They are designed to facilitate a uniform review process. Failure to adhere to the Proposal format may result in the rejection of the Proposal. The Proposal shall be typewritten on 8.5" x 11" paper (may be double sided), size 12 Arial font, exceptions may apply to schematics, attachments, diagrams, etc. and sent in sealed envelope. The proposal shall also be provided electronically on a CD or a flash drive. The Proposal shall be divided into two parts: (1) the Technical Proposal and (2) the Cost Proposal. The Technical Proposal and the Cost Proposal shall be labeled as such and placed in a separate sealed envelope. The envelopes shall be numbered in the following fashion: 1 of 4, 2 of 4, etc. The envelopes shall be labeled with the following information: RFP Number: IL 14-01 Tammy Cooper Iowa Lottery 2323 Grand Avenue Des Moines IA 50312 [Contractor's Name and Address] The Lottery shall not be responsible for misdirected packages or premature opening of Proposals if a Proposal is not properly labeled. 3.2 3.1.2. One (1) original and one (1) electronic copy of both parts of the Proposal, each in a sealed envelope, plus five (5) photocopies of the technical proposal in a sealed envelope(s) shall be timely submitted to the Issuing Officer. The electronic copy of the cost proposal shall be in a separately sealed envelope, along with the original paper copy of the cost proposal. 3.1.3. If the Contractor designates any information in its Proposal as confidential pursuant to Section 2, the Contractor must also submit one (1) copy of the Proposal from which confidential information has been excised as provided in Section 2 and which is marked “Public Copy”. 3.1.4. Proposals shall not contain promotional or display materials. 3.1.5. Attachments shall be referenced in the Proposal. 3.1.6. If a Contractor proposes more than one solution to the RFP requirements, each shall be labeled and submitted separately and each will be evaluated separately. Technical Proposal The following documents and responses shall be included in the Technical Proposal in the order given below: 12 3.2.1 Transmittal Letter (Required) An individual authorized to legally bind the Contractor shall sign the transmittal letter. The letter shall include the Contractor’s mailing address, electronic mail address, fax number, and telephone number. Any request for confidential treatment of information shall be stated in the transmittal letter in accordance with the provisions of Section 2. 3.2.2 Table of Contents The Contractor shall include a table of contents of its Proposal and submit the check list of submittals per Attachment 3. 3.2.3 Executive Summary The Contractor shall prepare an executive summary and overview of the functions available in the software and the services associated with installation and implementation. Statements that demonstrate that the Contractor has read, understands and agrees with the terms and conditions of the RFP including the contract provisions in Section 6. An overview of the Contractor’s plans for complying with the requirements of this RFP. Any other summary information the Contractor deems to be pertinent. 3.2.4 Specifications and Technical Requirements The Contractor shall answer whether or not it will comply with each requirement in Section 4 of the RFP. Where the context requires more than a yes or no answer or the specific requirement so indicates, Contractor shall explain how it will comply with the requirement. Merely repeating the Section 4 requirements may be considered non-responsive and result in the rejection of the Proposal. Proposals must identify any deviations from the requirements of the RFP or requirements the Contractor cannot satisfy. If the Contractor deviates from or cannot satisfy the requirement(s) of this section, the Lottery may reject the Proposal. 3.2.5 Contractor Background Information The Contractor shall provide the following general background information: Name, address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of the Contractor including all d/b/a’s or assumed names or other operating names of the Contractor and any local addresses and phone numbers Form of business entity, i.e., corporation, partnership, proprietorship, limited liability company State of incorporation, state of formation, or state of organization The location(s) including address and telephone numbers of the offices and other facilities that relate to the Contractor’s performance under the terms of this RFP 13 3.2.6 3.2.7 3.2.8 Number of employees Organizational chart Name, address and telephone number of the Contractor’s representative to contact regarding all contractual and technical matters concerning the Proposal Name, contact information and qualifications of any subcontractors who will be involved with this project the Contractor proposes to use and the nature of the goods and/or services the subcontractor would perform. Contractor’s accounting firm The successful Contractor will be required to register to do business in Iowa before payments can be made. For Contractor registration documents, go to: Experience The Contractor must provide the following information regarding its experience: Number of years in business. Number of years’ experience with providing the types of goods and/or services sought by the RFP. The level of technical experience in providing the types of goods and/or services sought by the RFP. Letters of reference from three (3) previous customers or clients knowledgeable of the Contractor’s performance in providing goods and/or services similar to the goods and/or services described in this RFP and a contact person and telephone number for each reference. Personnel The Contractor must provide resumes for all key personnel who will be involved in providing the goods and/or services contemplated by this RFP. The following information must be included in the resumes: Full name Education Relevant qualifications and experience, particularly as it relates to the requirements of the RFP. Financial Information The Contractor must provide the following financial information: 14 3.2.9 Copies of audited financial statements for its’ three (3) most recent fiscal periods. If audited financial statements are not available, Contractor must provide a completed W-9 containing information necessary to perform a credit check and a minimum of three (3) letters of financial reference; one of which must be a letter from the Contractor’s financial institution. Terminations, Litigation, Debarment The Contractor must provide the following information for the past five (5) years: Has the Contractor had a contract for goods and/or services terminated for any reason? If so, provide full details regarding the termination. Describe any damages or penalties assessed against or dispute resolution settlements entered into by Contractor under any existing or past contracts for goods and/or services. Provide full details regarding the circumstances, including dollar amount of damages, penalties and settlement payments. Describe any order, judgment or decree of any Federal or State authority barring, suspending or otherwise limiting the right of the Contractor to engage in any business, practice or activity. A list and summary of all litigation or threatened litigation, administrative or regulatory proceedings, or similar matters to which the Contractor or its officers have been a party. Any irregularities discovered in any of the accounts maintained by the Contractor on behalf of others. Describe the circumstances and disposition of the irregularities. Failure to disclose these matters may result in rejection of the Proposal or termination of any subsequent Contract. The above disclosures are a continuing requirement of the Contractor. Contractor shall provide written notification to the Lottery of any such matter commencing or occurring after submission of a Proposal, and with respect to the successful Contractor, following execution of the Contract. 3.2.10 Criminal History and Background Investigation The Contractor hereby explicitly authorizes the Lottery to conduct criminal history and/or other background investigation(s) of the Contractor, its officers, directors, shareholders, partners and managerial and supervisory personnel, and any staff who will be involved in the performance of the Contract. Because the resulting contract includes access to the Lottery IT data room and equipment, all staff to perform work as part of this contract are required to undergo a DCI background investigation to be conducted by the Iowa Department of Public Safety, Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) before any work may begin. The background investigation will require the submission of Class O Lottery Background, found as Attachment 7, and two completed fingerprint cards, by any staff that will be working on-site or may have remote access to the Lottery system. Once a Notice of Intent to Award has been issued, the awarded Contractor will be 15 required to submit the background forms. The Lottery may refuse a Contractor’s or subcontractor’s employee from working or terminate the resulting contract based upon the results of these background checks and disclosures. The Contractor is advised that any person who knowingly provides false or intentionally misleading information in connection with any investigation by the Lottery may cause a subsequent contract to be canceled. 3.3 3.2.11 Acceptance of Terms and Conditions The Contractor shall specifically agree that by submitting the Proposal, the Contractor is accepting all terms and conditions stated in the RFP and attachments. However, if the Contractor objects to any term or condition, the Contractor must specifically refer to the RFP page and section number and provide the reason for the objection. Objections or responses that materially alter the RFP may be deemed non-responsive and result in rejection of the Proposal. 3.2.12 Certification Letter The Contractor shall sign and submit with the Proposal, the document included as Attachment #1 (Certification Statement) in which the Contractor shall make the certifications included in Attachment #1. 3.2.13 Authorization to Release Information The Contractor shall sign and submit with the Proposal the document included as Attachment #2 (Authorization to Release Information Statement) in which the Contractor authorizes the release of information to the Lottery. 3.2.14 Firm Proposal Terms The Contractor shall guarantee in writing the goods and/or services offered in the Proposal are currently available and that all Proposal terms, including price, will remain firm 120 days following the deadline for submitting Proposals. Cost Proposal The Contractor shall provide its cost proposal in a separately sealed envelope for the proposed goods and/or services. See Attachment 4. 3.3.1 CPI Contract Options The resulting contract shall allow for a price increase or decrease adjustment of the Contractor’s price beginning with each of the contract extensions. Each contract extension will allow for an adjustment of the Contractor’s price based on a percentage of the change in the National All Urban Consumer Price Index for the "all items" classification. The applicable percentage of the total change will be based upon the percentage quoted by the Contractor. Contractors are required to complete the CPI markup/markdown percent even if the future increase or decrease in price is to be zero (0) percent. • • For example, if the Contractor rate is to be $100.00, the CPI increase is five (5) percent and the Contractor bids a fifty (50) percent markup, then the new rate will be $102.50. If the Contractor bids one-hundred (100) percent markup, then the new rate will be $105.00. The CPI is an annual rate determined by the U.S. Department of Labor. The change will be computed from October to October. 16 • The CPI markup percentage provided as part of the Cost Proposal would be applicable for all contract extensions. The Lottery will not accept CPI markup percentage proposals that vary by year and the Lottery will not allow a percentage greater than one-hundred (100) percent. The Contractor shall be required to complete the CPI markup percent in the cost proposal format provided as Attachment 4. 17 SECTION 4 4.1 SPECIFICATIONS AND TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Overview The successful Contractor shall provide the goods and/or services to Lottery and other agencies using the Contract in accordance with the specifications and technical requirements as provided in this Section. The Contractor shall address each requirement in this Section and indicate whether or not it will comply with the requirement. If the context requires more than a yes or no answer or the section specifically indicates, Contractor shall explain how it will comply with the requirement. Proposals must address each requirement. Merely repeating the requirements may be considered non-responsive and may disqualify the Contractor. Proposals must identify any deviations from the requirements of this RFP or requirements the Contractor cannot satisfy. If the Contractor deviates from or cannot satisfy the requirement(s) of this section, the Lottery may reject the Proposal. There are two types of requirements addressed in Section 4: 4.2 • Mandatory (pass/fail) Requirements: A Contractor must be able to satisfy all these requirements to be deemed a Responsible Contractor. • Scored Mandatory Requirements: Proposals which pass the Mandatory Requirements review will be reviewed by the evaluation committee and scored in accordance with the evaluation criteria described in Section 5. Compliance with the Scored Mandatory Requirements is also mandatory. Mandatory (Pass/Fail) Technical Requirements All items listed in this section are Mandatory Requirements. A pass/fail evaluation will be utilized for these requirements. Contractors must mark either “yes” or “no” to each requirement in their Proposals Checklist. By indicating “yes” a Contractor agrees that it shall comply with that requirement throughout the full term of the Contract, if the Contractor is successful. In addition, if specified by the requirements or if the context otherwise requires, the Contractor shall provide references and/or supportive materials to verify the Contractor’s compliance with the requirement. The Lottery shall have the right to determine whether the supportive information and materials submitted by the Contractor demonstrate the Contractor will be able to comply with the Mandatory Requirements. If the Lottery determines the responses and supportive materials do not demonstrate the Contractor will be able to comply with the Mandatory Requirements, the Lottery may reject the Proposal. 4.2.1 Implementation Services The successful contractor shall perform the initial install of the software, on-site, in coordination with the Lottery IT department. Implementation will also include transitioning data from the current Open Systems software to the Microsoft Dynamics GP software. Contractor shall be capable of completing the implementation by the desired milestone dates set out as follows: 18 Contract to begin December 2013 Review current practices and business needs; make recommendations January 2014 Implementation February 2014 Training March 2014 Testing period April to June 2014 Parallel system operational May 2014 Go live date July 1, 2014 4.2.2 Security Contractor shall be capable of completing the configuration and implementation of the system and shall follow common and known application security best practices necessary to protect State information and information systems. Proposed security architecture must be capable of meeting the Iowa Lottery Applications Security Policy. The successful contractor shall review the policy and acknowledge they will abide by these guidelines. The Iowa Lottery Applications Security Policy is attached as Attachment 5. The software will meet all security policy guidelines set by Lottery policies, procedures and standards. The software must enforce audit logging for all transactions in a manner which may not be altered or turned off in accordance with Iowa Lottery Logging Policy. The Iowa Lottery Logging Policy is attached as Attachment 6. The software should address internal quality assurance (Q/A) procedures to protect against data entry errors. 4.3 Scored Mandatory Requirements Contractor shall demonstrate the capabilities of providing the requirements of this section. Each Technical Proposal shall contain the following elements. 4.3.1 Hosting The Contractor shall provide the Lottery with the best practice installation recommendation that is a cost effective solution to house the servers, software and databases within the lottery’s building and control. Contractor shall be capable of providing setup and installation instructions of the application and database. The Contractor shall work with Lottery IT staff to ensure compatibility, interoperability and security and that the infrastructure enables appropriate availability of the system. 4.3.2 Software The successful Contractor shall provide the Microsoft Dynamics GP software and must be a certified Microsoft Dynamics partner. The Lottery is seeking the software to provide for an integrated accounting system. The lottery intends to utilize the following modules of the software: • General Ledger with AFA 19 • Payables Management • Purchase Order Processing/Receiving • Management Reporter Designer User which shall produce the following: o Statement of net position o Statement of revenues, expenses and changes in net position o Budget to actual comparison o Other reports as needed (to be identified during implementation) • Fixed Asset Management • Inventory Control • Receivables Management • Other modules as recommended by Contractor Software must provide for file imports from the GMS system and State of Iowa I/3 financial system. The successful Contractor shall recommend the number of software licenses needed to implement the modules listed above. For purposes of this RFP, Contractors should base responses on the support of fifteen (15) users with write access including four (4) concurrent users with write access and an additional six (6) users with read only access. Contractor is to propose the appropriate licensing and detail the annual software support costs for all additional one year option periods in the separately sealed cost proposal. Contractor shall indicate the version and service pack of software to be provided. The Lottery will provide all infrastructure software and equipment necessary for the operation of the above. All Contractors shall provide the system specifications required to support the software. 4.3.3 Transition from Open Systems to Microsoft Dynamics GP Contractor shall describe the method to be used to transition from the current Open Systems software program to the new Microsoft Dynamics GP software program. Describe any experience in transitioning from one software system to another. Include references from prior clients relating to transitioning services if different than those provided in Section 3.2.6. References provided should include company name, contact person and telephone number and email address. 4.3.4 Initial Installation Contractor shall describe the method to be used for initial installation of the Software. Include in the description the number of Contractor staff members involved and their physical location during the initial installation. 4.3.5 Ongoing Support Contractor shall describe the method to be used for ongoing support including assistance with user questions and technical questions. Include in the description the intended use of any software with remote viewing capability. Specify the hours 20 available for support services, process required to request support services and the average response time during the implementation period and after final Lottery acceptance. 4.3.6 Work Plan Contractor proposals shall include a detailed Work Plan explaining how the Contractor intends to complete all tasks (as defined by Contractor), for review of current practices and business needs, implementation, delivery, training and on-going support, and obtain the Lottery’s acceptance of all items and deliverables. The Work Plan shall include, but is not limited to: a. A detailed description of how the Contractor proposes to complete each of the tasks. b. A detailed schedule/timeline for completing each of the tasks based on the number of hours, days and weeks required for completing each task, specifying start and end dates for each task, and having final drafts of all deliverables submitted to the Lottery for approval by specific dates. Schedule shall include testing and training. The schedule shall also include weekly coordination meetings with Lottery user representatives and IT staff. c. The Contractor’s Project Manager should be specifically identified, along with the percentage of his or her time to be devoted to the contract. Contractor shall describe any planned staffing changes required for the contract effort. The Contractor shall include similar information for any subcontractors to be engaged for any projects under this contract. d. A description of what methodology, tools, standards and procedures shall be used to obtain Lottery acceptance of the work performed by the Contractor under the contract. e. A description of how the project shall be managed and controlled. 4.3.7 Project Management and Status Meetings Coordination meetings shall be held with the user as needed, but no less than weekly. Meetings may be in person or by phone, upon agreement of both Lottery and the contractor. Status meeting notes including action items shall be provided to the Lottery project manager. The Contractor shall be required to provide weekly status reports listing: • Accomplishments during the previous period, • Tasks completed or deliverables produced during the previous period, • Any problems or concerns encountered since the last meeting, and • An explanation of any deviations from the financial and hourly expenditures contained in the Proposal Response, • Activities planned for the upcoming period, • An updated schedule of upcoming deliverables. 4.3.8 Testing Contractor shall be expected to test the implementation and configuration prior to 21 turning it over for acceptance testing by the Lottery. 4.3.9 Deployment into Production Installation and configuration of the software will be the responsibility of the Contractor in cooperation with Lottery IT staff. 4.3.10 Create New Documentation and Training Materials Contractor shall update any existing documentation and plans as necessary to accurately reflect the actual project approach and resulting changes. Documentation shall include, at a minimum, technical documentation of the specifics of the Lottery implementation and a user manual. Technical Documentation The technical documentation shall include details on the application and database design and system administration functions. The technical documentation shall include the following in an easy to follow format: General Overview Utilities and Functions Used in Development Installation Instructions Application Overview Database Configuration Management How To Purpose of Document and Application; Acronyms and Definitions List any utilities or functions used to set up the chart of accounts, reports or other functions. Checklist and/or installation guide, List special drivers required and/or DLL’s and OCXs System Requirements Installation and Configuration Instructions Checklist, configuration guide Overview of application functions and Help , How to Add a User and set permissions User Manual The software shall include a user manual or a link to the on-line manual. Training Training shall be conducted for finance, purchasing and IT staff. All training sessions will be conducted at the Lottery office location. 4.3.11 Post-Production Support: Contractor shall state the warranty period for the software and any warranty associated with the implementation services offered by the Contractor. Contractor shall provide an hourly rate in the cost proposal for post-production assistance. 4.3.12 Subcontractors If the prospective Contractor intends to use subcontractors to fulfill the primary purposes of the RFP, the prospective Contractor shall respond to each of the above questions for each such subcontractor it proposes to use. If the prospective Contractor intends to use subcontractors to perform services ancillary to the primary purposes of the RFP, the prospective Contractor shall disclose for each such 22 proposed subcontractor the information requested in this chapter. Only the primary contractor may negotiate with the Lottery. The Contractor, which submits the proposal, must certify that they are the prime contractor and that they as prime contractor accepts full responsibility and liability for its proposal and for any subsequent contract with the Lottery. Lottery reserves the right to reject the use of any subcontractor for any reason. 23 SECTION 5 EVALUATION AND SELECTION 5.1 Introduction This section describes the evaluation process that will be used to determine which Proposal provides the greatest benefit to the Lottery. The Lottery will not necessarily award the Contract to the Contractor offering the lowest cost to the Lottery. Instead, the Lottery will award the Contract whose Responsive Proposal the Lottery believes will provide the best value to the Lottery and State. 5.2 Evaluation Committee The Lottery intends to conduct a comprehensive, fair, and impartial evaluation of Proposals received in response to this RFP. The Lottery will use an evaluation committee to review and evaluate the Proposals. 5.3 Overview of Evaluation Technical Proposals will be opened, and a determination will be made that the prospective Contractor’s Technical Proposal complies with the proposal format instructions for submitting a proposal. Non-compliant Technical Proposals and correspondingly sealed Cost Proposals will be rejected and no further evaluation of the proposal will be made. Non-compliant Technical Proposals and their respective sealed Cost Proposals shall be handled by the Lottery pursuant to Section 2 herein. During the evaluation process, all information concerning proposals submitted will remain confidential and not be disclosed to anyone whose official duties do not require such knowledge. All Cost Proposals will remain unopened and separated from the Technical Proposals until the committee has completed its evaluation of the Technical Proposals. After the committee has completed its evaluation of all Technical Proposals, the Department shall open the Cost Proposals for all technically compliant prospective Contractors achieving the minimum score. A determination will be made by the Lottery that the prospective Contractor’s Cost Proposal complies with the proposal format instructions for submitting a proposal. Non-compliant Cost Proposals and their respective Technical Proposals may be rejected and no further evaluation of the proposal will be made. A non-compliant proposal shall be handled by the Lottery pursuant to Section 2. Technical and Cost Proposals will be awarded points (2000 points maximum) as follows: The compliant prospective Contractor’s Technical Proposal will be evaluated by the committee and points will be awarded for each category, as applicable, identified in section 5.4 below based upon the information, responses, and documentation provided by the prospective Contractor. Seventy percent (70%) of the maximum number of points available is derived from the Technical Proposal. The criteria used to evaluate the Technical Proposals will be weighted to reflect the importance of the criteria in the evaluation. Thirty percent (30%) of the maximum number of points available is derived from the Cost Proposal. No prospective contractor is promised a minimum or maximum number of points. 24 The final ranking and recommendation(s) of the Evaluation Committee shall be presented to the Lottery CEO for consideration. This recommendation may include, but is not limited to, the name of one contractor recommended for selection or a recommendation that no contractor be selected. 5.4 Evaluation Criteria Evaluation of Proposals will be based on the following criteria, which are not listed in any particular order of importance. Maximum Score Possible - 2,000. 5.4.1 Technical Proposal Evaluation Criteria (1,400 points available) A. Corporate Background and Experience Prospective Contractors will be evaluated on the integrity of the business entity which includes, but is not limited to evaluation of criminal, administrative and civil proceedings against a prospective Contractor in which the prospective Contractor fails or has failed to comply with applicable laws and regulations governing the business entity or displays a pattern or practice of failure to comply with applicable laws and regulations. Prospective Contractors will be evaluated on demonstrated experience and performance on past and current contracts similar in scope. (References will be utilized to verify information provided by prospective Contractors.) Prospective Contractors will also be evaluated on their financial stability and overall track record and reputation in the industry. In the sole discretion of the Lottery, a prospective Contractor may be disqualified from further consideration if the Contractor provides false or misleading information in its proposal. B. Project Plan Prospective Contractors will be evaluated on the plan to perform all of the functions and requirements of this RFP. Clearly show the effort for each stage/phase of the project. The use of graphs and charts is encouraged. The Project Plan will be evaluated on the Contractors demonstrated understanding of the Lottery’s requirements as described in the specifications of the RFP. Demonstrated understanding is reflected by such factors as: description and quality of work plan and attention to detail in the proposal. The work plan should demonstrate the Contractor’s comprehensive understanding of the required effort and any other factors necessary for successful completion C. Implementation Personnel Personnel proposed for the installation and implementation of the software will be evaluated based on the individuals’ education, IT experience & skills related to this project and the staffing levels available for each Prospective Contractor. D. Proposal Quality The proposal will be reviewed for thoroughness in addressing requirements, ability to be clear and concise, and demonstration of understanding of the project. Contractors are encouraged to include diagrams showing the tasks and milestones related to the project. 5.4.2 Cost Proposal Evaluation Criteria (600 points available) A. Price for delivery of requirements as specified in Section 4 shall be stated in Cost Proposal found as Attachment 4. 25 B. Cost Proposals will be evaluated and points awarded as follows: The maximum award for a Cost Proposal will be 600 points. The lowest bid shall receive the maximum number of points available in this section. To determine the number of points to be awarded to each Contractor, the lowest bid among all proposals will be used in all cases as the numerator. The bid of each respective Contractor will be used as the denominator. The resulting ratio for each Contractor will be multiplied by the maximum number of points (600) and the resulting number will be the Cost points awarded to each Contractor. The points awarded for the Cost will be added to the Contractors Technical Points to obtain the total points awarded for a proposal. Example for evaluating Cost: Contractor A quotes $15; Contractor B quotes $20; Contractor C quotes $25. Contractor A: $15 = receives 100% of available points or 600 points. $15 Contractor B: $15 = receives 75% of available points or 450 points. $20 Contractor C $15 = receives 60% of available points or 360 points. $25 Points will be rounded to the nearest higher whole value. If more than one Contractor proposes the same cost, each will be awarded same number of points. 5.5 5.5.1 5.5.2 Preferences Preference to Iowa Products and Services In accordance with the provisions of Iowa Code § 73.1 a preference will be given to products and provisions grown and locally produced within the State of Iowa, when they are found in marketable quantities in the State and are of a quality reasonably suited to the purpose intended, and can be secured without additional cost over foreign products or products of other states. Preferences required by applicable statute or rule shall also be applied, where appropriate. Tied Bid An award shall be determined by a drawing when responses are received that are equal in all respects by drawing lots unless only one of the tied bidders is an Iowa business. If only one of the bidders tied for an award is an Iowa business, the Iowa business shall be given preference over all tied out-of-state businesses. If it is necessary to draw lots, the drawing shall be held in the presence of the Contractors who submitted the tied bids or proposals whenever practical. If the tied Contractors are not present, the drawing shall be held in front of at least two persons, and the Lottery shall document the drawing. 26 SECTION 6 6.1 CONTRACTURAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Preface Any contract resulting from this RFP between the Lottery and the successful Contractor shall be a combination of the specifications, terms and conditions of this RFP; the offer of the Contractor contained in the Contractor’s proposal; written clarifications or changes made in accordance with the provisions herein; and any other terms deemed necessary or acceptable by the Lottery. Any resulting contract shall be available to the public as part of the public record in accordance with applicable law. 6.2 Acceptance of Terms and Conditions By submitting a proposal, each Contractor acknowledges its acceptance of the specifications, terms and conditions of a contract contained in this RFP, without change except as otherwise expressly stated in its proposal, and of the specifications, terms and conditions of the contract forms found in Attachment 8, “Sample Contract”. If a Contractor takes exception to a provision, it must state the reason for the exception and set forth in its proposal the specific contract language it proposes to include in place of the provision. Exceptions that materially change these terms or the requirements of the RFP may be deemed non-responsive by the Lottery, as determined in its sole discretion, resulting in possible disqualification of the Contractor’s proposal. With regard to the “Contract Conditions,” Lottery and the successful Contractor may agree to modifications to the terms of the “Conditions” as necessary to negotiate the terms of a contract. A Contractor’s failure to state an exception to any provision and propose alternative language may be deemed by the Lottery to constitute Contractor’s acceptance thereof. The Lottery reserves the right to refuse to enter into a contract with the successful Contractor for any reason, even after delivery of notice of selection or intent to award a contract. The terms and conditions as stated herein relate only to this RFP, and do not extend to other or future contracts a prospective Contractor may currently have or may have in the future with the Lottery, nor do the terms and conditions as stated herein relate to any other Lottery procurement which may be in process. No objection or amendment by a Contractor to the provisions or terms and conditions of the RFP shall be incorporated into the Contract unless Lottery has explicitly accepted the Contractor’s objection or amendment in writing. 6.3 Agreement Terms and Renewal The Lottery shall have the sole option to renew the Contract upon the same or more favorable terms and conditions for up to the number of annual extensions identified on the RFP cover sheet by executing a signed contract prior to the expiration of this Contract. The effective date of the contract shall not precede the date upon which both parties have signed the contract and the date upon which the contract is approved by the Lottery Board, if such approval is required. 27 6.4 Contract Length The term of the Contract will begin on the dates indicated on the RFP cover sheet. The Lottery shall have the sole option to renew the Contract upon the same or more favorable terms and conditions for up to the number of annual extensions identified on the RFP cover sheet. 6.5 Performance Security The contract will require the Contractor to provide for performance of the Contract through retained funds. The Lottery shall retain twenty percent (20%) of each payment due Contractor under the Contract. Lottery shall pay the retained amount only after all performance of the services has been completed by Contractor and accepted by the Lottery. Payment schedule to be negotiated as part of contract negotiations. 6.6 CPI Cost Adjustments The costs in this Agreement shall allow for an adjustment (increase or decrease) of the Contractor’s price for any contract extensions that may be exercised by the Lottery. This Agreement will allow for an adjustment of the Contractor’s price based on the percentage of the change in the National All Urban Consumer Price Index for the “all items” classification from October to October. The applicable increase for each renewal option period is equal to _____% of the CPI change. Contractors are required to complete the CPI markup/markdown percent even if the future increase or decrease in price is to be zero (0) percent. 28 RFP IL 14-01 Attachment #1 PROPOSAL COMPLIANCE AND CERTIFICATION STATEMENT I certify that the contents of the Bid Proposal are true and accurate. I also certify that no false statements have knowingly been made in this Bid Proposal. Certification of Independence By submitting a Bid Proposal in response to this RFP, I certify the following: 1. The Bid Proposal has been developed independently, without consultation, communication or agreement with any employee or consultant to the Lottery who has worked on the development of this RFP, or with any person serving as a member of the evaluation committee. 2. The Bid Proposal has been developed independently, without consultation, communication or agreement with any other Contractor or parties for the purpose of restricting competition. 3. Unless otherwise required by law, the information found in the Bid Proposal has not been knowingly disclosed and will not be knowingly disclosed prior to the award of the contract, directly or indirectly, to any other Contractor. 4. No attempt has been made or will be made to induce any other Contractor to submit or not to submit a Bid Proposal for the purpose of restricting competition. 5. No relationship exists or will exist during the contract period between the Contractor and the Lottery that interferes with fair competition or as a conflict of interest. Certification Regarding Debarment 6. I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the Contractor/Company (shown in signature box) and all of its principals: (a) are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by a Federal Agency or State Agency; (b) have not within a ten-year period preceding this Bid Proposal been convicted of, or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud, or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction, violation of antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; (c) are not presently indicted for or other criminally or civilly charged by a government entity (federal, state, or local) with the commission of any of the offenses enumerated in (b) of this certification; and (d) have not within a three year period preceding this Bid Proposal had one or more public transactions (federal, state, or local) terminated for cause. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which the Lottery has relied upon when this transaction was entered into. If it is later determined that the undersigned knowingly rendered an erroneous certification, in addition to other remedies available, the Lottery may pursue available remedies including suspension, debarment, or termination of the contract. Certification Regarding Registration, Collection, and Remission of Sales and Use Tax 7. Pursuant to Iowa Code sections 423.2(10) & 423.5(8) (2005 Code Supp.) a retailer in Iowa or a retailer maintaining a business in Iowa that enters into a contract with a state agency must register, collect, and remit Iowa sales tax and Iowa use tax levied under Iowa Code chapter 423 on all sales of tangible personal property and enumerated services. The Act also requires Contractors to certify their compliance with sales tax registration, collection, and remission requirements and provides potential consequences if the certification is false or fraudulent. 29 By submitting a Bid Proposal the undersigned certifies the following: (check the applicable box) ____________________ is registered with the Iowa Department of Revenue, collects, and remits Iowa sales and use taxes as required by Iowa Code chapter 432; or _____________________ is not a “retailer” or a “retailer maintaining a place of business in this state” as those terms are defined in Iowa Code subsections 423.1(42) & (43). By submitting a Bid Proposal and signing this statement, Contractor indicates understanding and acknowledges that the Lottery may declare the bid or resulting contract void if the above certification is false. The Contractor also understands that fraudulent certification may result in the Lottery or its representative filing for damages for breach of contract. I have the authority to bind the Contractor indicated below to the specific terms and conditions and technical specifications required in this RFP and offered in the Bid Proposal. Business Name: Authorized Signature: Printed Name: Title: Date: 30 RFP IL 14-01 Attachment #2 Authorization to Release Information Statement [Name of Contractor] hereby authorizes the Lottery or a member of the Evaluation Committee to obtain information regarding its performance on other contracts, agreements or other business arrangements, its business reputation, and any other matter pertinent to evaluation and the selection of a successful Contractor in response to Request for Proposal (RFP) Number IL 14-01. The Contractor acknowledges that it may not agree with the information and opinions given by such person or entity in response to a reference request. The Contractor acknowledges that the information and opinions given by such person or entity may hurt its chances to receive contract awards from the State or may otherwise hurt its reputation or operations. The Contractor is willing to take that risk. The Contractor hereby releases, acquits and forever discharges the State of Iowa, the Lottery, their officers, directors, employees and agents from any and all liability whatsoever, including all claims, demands and causes of action of every nature and kind affecting the undersigned that it may have or ever claim to have relating to information, data, opinions, and references obtained by the Lottery or the Evaluation Committee in the evaluation and selection of a successful Contractor in response to the RFP. The Contractor authorizes representatives of the Lottery or the Evaluation Committee to contact any and all of the persons, entities, and references which are, directly or indirectly, listed, submitted, or referenced in the Contractor's Proposal submitted in response to RFP. The Contractor further authorizes any and all persons and entities to provide information, data, and opinions with regard to its performance under any contract, agreement, or other business arrangement, its ability to perform, business reputation, and any other matter pertinent to the evaluation of the Contractor’s Proposal. The Contractor hereby releases, acquits and forever discharges any such person or entity and their officers, directors, employees and agents from any and all liability whatsoever, including all claims, demands and causes of action of every nature and kind affecting the Contractor that it may have or ever claim to have relating to information, data, opinions, and references supplied to the Agency or the Evaluation Committee in the evaluation and selection of a successful Contractor in response to RFP. A photocopy or facsimile of this signed Authorization is as valid as an original. I have the authority to bind the Contractor indicated below to the specific terms and conditions of this Release Statement. Business Name: Authorized Signature: Printed Name: Title: Date: 31 Attachment # 3 Contractor Requirement Check List RFP REFERENCE SECTION 3.1.2 3.2.3 1 Original Copy of the Technical Proposal, plus 5 photocopies & 1 electronic copy One (1) Public Copy with Confidential Information Excised-if applicable Transmittal Letter Table of Contents-including this attachment Executive Summary 3.2.5 Background Information 3.2.6 Experience 3.1.3 3.2.1 3.2.2 RESPONSE INCLUDED Yes No LOCATION OF RESPONSE Three (3) References 3.2.7 Personnel 3.2.8 Financial Information 3.2.9 Terminations, Litigation, Debarment 3.2.11 Acceptance of Terms and Conditions 3.2.12 Certification Letter 3.2.13 Authorization to Release Information 3.2.14 Firm Proposal Terms 3.3 Cost Proposal 4.2 Mandatory Pass/Fail Technical Requirements 4.2.1 Implementation Services 4.2.2 Security 4.3 Scored Mandatory Requirements 32 ATTACHMENT # 4 Cost Proposal Format Bidder’s Name: Mailing Address: City, State, & Zip Code: Telephone Number (Incl. Area Code): Signature of Officer: Printed Name: FAX Number: Email Address: Title: Date: Unless otherwise specified herein, Cost Proposal shall include an all-inclusive, itemized, total cost in U.S. Dollars (including all travel, expenses, etc. in prices). All pricing to be FOB Destination, freight cost and all expenses included; and based on Net 60 Days Payment Terms. The following template is required. Please use additional pages to provide any additional narrative support for the costing information. The cost proposal shall include each stage in the table below. Payment for each stage will be made according to the table below, and be contingent upon user acceptance. The cost proposal shall also specify the hourly rate for post-production support. Delivery Date Cost Software Review current practices and business needs; make recommendations Implementation and setup for Lottery funds, chart of accounts and reports Training Other (describe) Grand Total Hourly Rate for Post-Production support Annual maintenance agreement including software updates Annual Microsoft license fees (if any) CPI Markup/down Percent 33 ATTACHMENT # 5 Iowa Lottery Application Security Policy Effective 1/1/2011 34 ATTACHMENT # 6 Iowa Lottery Logging Policy Effective 1/20/2011 35 ATTACHMENT # 7 STATE OF IOWA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY DIVISION OF CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION CLASS “O” LOTTERY BACKGROUND VENDORS 36 ATTACHMENT # 8 Proposed resulting contract 37
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