Transportation Improvement Program State Planning Council One Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908 Project Prioritization Cover Sheet CONTACT Contact Information Town Of Hopkinton Entity/Organization _____________________________________________________________________ Town Manager William A. McGarry Contact Person ________________________________________________________________________ 1 Town House Road Address ______________________________________________________________________________ Hopkinton City _______________________________________ Rhode Island 02883 Zip Code __________________ (401) 377-7761 Phone ____________________________________ Email ______________________________________ Project Prioritization Priority Listed in TIP 2009 - 2012 Yes No Regional Project Yes No PROJECT PRIORITIZATION ✔ 1 2 3 4 5 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Project Name ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Wood River Bridge #261 Woodville Road Ashaway Road/Route 216 Laurel Street Chase Hill Road Maxson Street Please use an additional sheet if necessary. CERTIFICATION Applicant Certification The information provided on this application is in accordance with local regulations and ordinances. William A. McGarry ________________________________________ Town Manager __________________________________________ ________________________________________ October 17th, 2011 __________________________________________ Applicant Signature Official Certification - For Statewide Planning Use Only Title Date Submission Date _____________________________________ Accepted by ________________________________________ Transportation Improvement Program Application - State Planning Council One Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908 New Projects Only CONTACT Contact Information Town of Hopkinton Entity / Organization ____________________________________________________________________ Town Manager William A. McGarry Contact Person ________________________________________________________________________ 1 Town House Road Address ______________________________________________________________________________ Hopkinton City ______________________________________ Rhode Island 02883 Zip Code __________________ (401) 377-7761 Phone ____________________________________ Email ______________________________________ Project Information Woodville Road Project Project Title ___________________________________________________________________________ Woodville Road Location by Street Name _________________________________________________________________ Route 3 (Main Street) Richmond Town Line Project Limits - From _________________________________To ________________________________ Location Maps - ✔ 8 1/2” x 11” Attach Map of Site Indicating Project Limits 1 5 Priority Proposal Number _______________________ of a Total of _____________________ Proposals Regional Submission - Yes ✔ No Communities _________________________________________ PROJECT INFORMATION Brief Description of Proposed Project The work to be performed under this project consists of the pavement milling and overlay of existing bituminous asphalt pavement and re-pavement, along with drainage work. The pavement milling of this project includes the pulverization of asphalt, fine grading and compaction, surface preparation, and rolling. The pavement overlay includes a 2.5 inch binder and 1.5 inch finish coat of asphalt. The length of Woodville Road is 17,035 feet. The road begins at Route 3 (Main Street) and ends at the Richmond Town line. The GPS coordinates for Woodville Road/Main Street are N 41 27.680 and W 071 46669 and for Woodville Road/Richmond Town Line are N 41 27.593 and W 071 113. Describe Need for Proposed Project This State road is one of the worst roads in the Town of Hopkinton. It has been numerous years since it's been repaired and is in dire need of reconstruction. We have received numerous complaints from residents and business owners alike complaining about the road surface. Drainage is also a problem on the road, and a significant amount of drainage work needs to be completed prior to pavement milling and overlay. Enterprise Zone - Yes ✔ No Details ___________________________________________________ Located Within State Land Use Plan 2025 Map’s Designated Growth Center Yes ✔ No Located Within State Land Use Plan 2025 Map’s Urban Services Boundary Consistent with Local Comprehensive Plan - ✔ Yes Consistent with State Guide Plan Transportation 2030 - No ✔ Yes No Yes ✔ No INFORMATION Additional Information Information addressing the following categories of review criteria as described in the Transportation Improvement Program, Guidance on Applying Criteria for Evaluation of Project Proposals should be provided separately. Submission must not exceed 2 pages, single spaced, 12-point font: 1. Mobility Benefits 2. Cost-Effectiveness 3. Economic Development Impact 4. Environmental Impact 5. Degree of Support to Local and State Goals and Plan 6. Safety, Security, and Technology Project Estimates PROJECT ESTIMATES ROW Estimated Project Costs Study Design Construction $50,000 $150,000 $2,000,000 Total Cost Amount Requested Through TIP Process Funding from other sources committed to this project - Yes Total $2,200,000 $2,200,000 ✔ No Source Amount NOTIFICATION / CERTIFICATION Total Notification / Certification October 17th, 2011 Date of Local Public Hearing ______________________________________________________________ Municipal & Regional Planning Agency Projects Only Preferred TAC Public Hearing November 7 at 6:00 pm - South Kingstown Town Hall November 9 at 6:00 pm - Blackstone Valley Corridor ✔ November 8 at 9:00 am - Department of Administration November 10 at 6:00 pm - Middletown Town Hall Attest: The information provided on this application is true and accurate October 17th, 2011 Applicant’s Signature __________________________________________ Date _____________________ October 17th, 2011 Chief Executive Official’s Signature _______________________________ Date _____________________ Application Checklist - Submitted by October 28, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. ADMINISTRATIVE ✔ 8 Collated Copies of Completed Application Forms - Project Prioritization & Application Attached 2-page narrative Location Maps as PDF files ✔ Email a copy of competed application to or provide on a CD ✔ Mail to: Rhode Island Statewide Planning Program ATTN: Linsey Cameron, Supervising Planner One Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908 Statewide Planning Official Use Only Submission Date _____________________________________ Accepted by _________________________________________ Priority #1 Woodville Road Woodville Road is an approximately 3 mile, 2-lane State Highway running from Route 3 (Main Street) to the Richmond town line and continuing an additional 1.5 miles into Richmond to the intersection of Switch Road. The Hopkinton Police Station and Department of Public Works Animal Control headquarters are facilities that must utilize Woodville Road in order to serve the entire town, oftentimes in emergency situations. The condition of existing pavement and underlying roadbed have deteriorated to the degree that motorists often must veer into the opposite lane of travel to avoid rough spots. In addition, there are hazardous rock outcroppings butting up to the eastbound lane of travel just before the intersection of Woodville-Alton Road, making it difficult for a school bus and car to simultaneously pass, and virtually impossible for safe bicycling. At a minimum, Woodville Road requires resurfacing, widening and/or reconstruction in places as well as drainage improvements. Mobility Benefits While Woodville Road is a low-volume 2-lane State Highway, it is nevertheless a route used by school buses traveling to regional Chariho Middle School and regional Chariho High School located on Switch Road in the Town of Richmond. In many areas, shoulders need to be widened to accommodate bicycles. Woodville Road serves a regional need for access to the Chariho school complex and providing a smooth pavement will serve to encourage attendance at parent/teacher activities and greater participation in various public meetings that must be held there from time to time. Cost Effectiveness Improving Woodville Road by principally resurfacing with minor widening/removal of hazards and drainage improvements is a cost effective way of reducing travel time to access the Chariho Middle/High School complex, which serves as a regional venue for a myriad of public activities, including site of the designated Emergency Shelter; cutting access time to this shelter is clearly a public benefit. Economic Development Impact Thompson Saw Mill, a long-established local business, is located along Woodville Road. Improving road conditions will serve to encourage the retention of jobs and facilitate the movement of goods in a safe and efficient way. Improving conditions along Woodville Road will also encourage tourism, as the Hopkinton Land Trust north/south trail, an asset that is intended to enable users to gain an appreciation for the natural environment of Hopkinton, begins near the Saw Mill site Environmental Impact Improving drainage control along Woodville Road can improve overall surface and groundwater quality, with there being a significant amount of wetlands along its path. The Hopkinton Land Trust continues to expand a north/south walking trail that begins on property fronting on Woodville Road which should further encourage walking and biking activities. Improving Woodville Road will also serve to facilitate access to, and encourage the ongoing improvement of the historic village of Woodville, which is located on the Wood River and separates the town of Richmond from Hopkinton. Degree of Support to Local and State Goals and Plan An overarching goal of the Rhode Island Land Use Plan 2025 is for “[f]irst class supporting infrastructure that protects the public’s health, safety and welfare, fosters economic well-being, preserves and enhances environmental quality, and reinforces the distinction between urban and rural areas” (See LUG 4). An objective in support of this goal is to “[m]aintain the functional integrity of existing and planned roadways” (See LUO 4G). A goal of State Guide Plan Element 611 Transportation 2030 is to “[m]aintain the highway and bridge network in a safe, attractive, and less congested condition to carry passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles, government vehicles, and transit vehicles, as well as bicycles and pedestrians.” State objectives in support of this goal are to: Maintain infrastructure (See H. 1. A), Improve deficiencies (See H. 1. B), and Increase safety (See H. 1. E). The State of Rhode Island approved the Town of Hopkinton Comprehensive Plan (Plan) on September 28, 2011. The Circulation Element contained therein seeks “[t]o improve and maintain a safe, convenient and efficient traffic circulation system throughout the town” (Goal C 1). In support of that goal, it is the policy of the town to “[e]ncourage and support RIDOT in maintaining and improving state roads system in Hopkinton” (Policy C1) and to “[m]aintain a formal program for road maintenance, new road construction, and accompanying drainage facilities” (Policy C 2). As stated in the Plan, a town objective is to “[c]orrect existing road deficiencies to improve safety and traffic flow” (Objective C 3). Safety, Security, and Technology The existing condition of Woodville Road pavement makes for an unsafe situation which is compounded by the inherent hilly nature of the road that makes forward visibility difficult under even optimum conditions. As the Hopkinton Police Station is on this road, police vehicles must often travel along it quickly in response to emergencies throughout town. Also of concern is the fact that Woodville Road is a major route to the Chariho Middle/High School complex, which serves the Charlestown, Richmond, and Hopkinton area as a site for various regional meetings and as a designated Red Cross Hurricane Shelter. D AR N A EV R OD LN N CED LN O FOX RED CE D OO W DV S LE IL BA D D NR ER L N SA ND YP WAY RD TO AL FRIEL FA RM ON D D 5 SL HOPKINTON, RHODE ISLAND R DER I9 CRESTWOOD DR AR W NO R T H R D RD DR EC L OK N SE K L HI WOODVILLE ROAD O BR O NO L BOU TOWNHOUSE RD D R O 95 § ¦ ¨ ON L N TOMAQU AG RD EX I T I9 5 N K EN Y TH S PL N R VIL LE WOOD ER MA I RD C ST CLA R KE FAL LS MAXO N HILL R D DO RM A Legend RR D Woodville Rd. - 17,035 ft. COURTNEY LN Interstate RD FRONTIER G VL RD KN BU C DR W ER VIE RD ILL RI V FA W 1,000 2,000POPLAR AVE 4,000 FO Feet D 0 RD RD BR A W Town Line RIVER ST L R EA BE CHURCH ST ILL DH RD Created 10/2011 by the Hopkinton GIS Department. For informational purposes only. Not to be used for legal description or conveyance. Sources: Hopkinton GIS and Assessor's Office, RIGIS The Horizontal Datum is NAD83 RI State Plane (feet). A LT ON HI D AL N MO DIA DE E R AY ST DR ESTAS WAY L OL KN RD T I Town Road H EC H R DA CE HILL CO L ON D N DR RHO D ES LO XS ON State Road DR COLLIN SR ¼ AM LN Ramp MA MA ¬ «3 ¬ «3 Transportation Improvement Program Application - State Planning Council One Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908 New Projects Only CONTACT Contact Information Town of Hopkinton Entity / Organization ____________________________________________________________________ Town Manager William A. McGarry Contact Person ________________________________________________________________________ 1 Town House Road Address ______________________________________________________________________________ Hopkinton City ______________________________________ Rhode Island 02883 Zip Code __________________ (401) 377-7761 Phone ____________________________________ Email ______________________________________ Project Information Woodville Road Project Project Title ___________________________________________________________________________ Woodville Road Location by Street Name _________________________________________________________________ Route 3 (Main Street) Richmond Town Line Project Limits - From _________________________________To ________________________________ Location Maps - ✔ 8 1/2” x 11” Attach Map of Site Indicating Project Limits 1 5 Priority Proposal Number _______________________ of a Total of _____________________ Proposals Regional Submission - Yes ✔ No Communities _________________________________________ PROJECT INFORMATION Brief Description of Proposed Project The work to be performed under this project consists of the pavement milling and overlay of existing bituminous asphalt pavement and re-pavement, along with drainage work. The pavement milling of this project includes the pulverization of asphalt, fine grading and compaction, surface preparation, and rolling. The pavement overlay includes a 2.5 inch binder and 1.5 inch finish coat of asphalt. The length of Woodville Road is 17,035 feet. The road begins at Route 3 (Main Street) and ends at the Richmond Town line. The GPS coordinates for Woodville Road/Main Street are N 41 27.680 and W 071 46669 and for Woodville Road/Richmond Town Line are N 41 27.593 and W 071 113. Describe Need for Proposed Project This State road is one of the worst roads in the Town of Hopkinton. It has been numerous years since it's been repaired and is in dire need of reconstruction. We have received numerous complaints from residents and business owners alike complaining about the road surface. Drainage is also a problem on the road, and a significant amount of drainage work needs to be completed prior to pavement milling and overlay. Enterprise Zone - Yes ✔ No Details ___________________________________________________ Located Within State Land Use Plan 2025 Map’s Designated Growth Center Yes ✔ No Located Within State Land Use Plan 2025 Map’s Urban Services Boundary Consistent with Local Comprehensive Plan - ✔ Yes Consistent with State Guide Plan Transportation 2030 - No ✔ Yes No Yes ✔ No INFORMATION Additional Information Information addressing the following categories of review criteria as described in the Transportation Improvement Program, Guidance on Applying Criteria for Evaluation of Project Proposals should be provided separately. Submission must not exceed 2 pages, single spaced, 12-point font: 1. Mobility Benefits 2. Cost-Effectiveness 3. Economic Development Impact 4. Environmental Impact 5. Degree of Support to Local and State Goals and Plan 6. Safety, Security, and Technology Project Estimates PROJECT ESTIMATES ROW Estimated Project Costs Study Design Construction $50,000 $150,000 $2,000,000 Total Cost Amount Requested Through TIP Process Funding from other sources committed to this project - Yes Total $2,200,000 $2,200,000 ✔ No Source Amount NOTIFICATION / CERTIFICATION Total Notification / Certification October 17th, 2011 Date of Local Public Hearing ______________________________________________________________ Municipal & Regional Planning Agency Projects Only Preferred TAC Public Hearing November 7 at 6:00 pm - South Kingstown Town Hall November 9 at 6:00 pm - Blackstone Valley Corridor ✔ November 8 at 9:00 am - Department of Administration November 10 at 6:00 pm - Middletown Town Hall Attest: The information provided on this application is true and accurate October 17th, 2011 Applicant’s Signature __________________________________________ Date _____________________ October 17th, 2011 Chief Executive Official’s Signature _______________________________ Date _____________________ Application Checklist - Submitted by October 28, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. ADMINISTRATIVE ✔ 8 Collated Copies of Completed Application Forms - Project Prioritization & Application Attached 2-page narrative Location Maps as PDF files ✔ Email a copy of competed application to or provide on a CD ✔ Mail to: Rhode Island Statewide Planning Program ATTN: Linsey Cameron, Supervising Planner One Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908 Statewide Planning Official Use Only Submission Date _____________________________________ Accepted by _________________________________________ Priority #2 Ashaway Road Ashaway Road is an approximately 2.5 mile, 2-lane State Highway serving as a Major Rural Collector connecting Route 91 (Alton-Bradford Road) and Route 3 (Main Street). The condition of existing pavement and underlying roadbed have deteriorated in spots to the degree that motorists often must veer into oncoming traffic in the opposite lane of travel. The State has recently made critical repairs to a few of the more troublesome spots, but even these are in need of a more permanent fix to the roadbed as it appears that frost heaves and poor drainage may be the root cause of the problem. Mobility Benefits Ashaway Road is a 2-lane State Highway used by school buses traveling to Ashaway Elementary School and regional Chariho Middle/High School. In addition to serving Hopkinton residents, it is also used extensively by motorists from Charlestown and Westerly commuting to points north via Route 95 at Exit 1. In 2011, the State made substantial improvements to the roadbed on Route 91 going toward Westerly from Bradford – making similar improvements to Ashaway Road would solve the remaining issues on the pathway to Route 95. Cost Effectiveness Improving Ashaway Road by principally resurfacing and improving drainage in spots is a cost effective way of reducing travel time to access Route 95. Economic Development Impact Improving road conditions will serve to encourage the retention of jobs and facilitate the movement of goods in a safe and efficient way. Trucks have a particularly difficult time travelling over certain rough spots and it is possible that at some point a tractor could disengage from a trailer. Improving conditions along Ashaway Road will also encourage tourism, as it is located at the southern end of the Hopkinton Land Trust north/south trail. The Town of Hopkinton has recently approved the development plans for the Ashaway Pines Campground near the Route 91 end in close proximity to Pete’s Grocery and a gas station which will soon be renovated. Successful economic development will depend on large recreational vehicles having the ability to access the camp site and surrounding amenities with ease. Environmental Impact Improving drainage along Ashaway Road can improve overall surface and groundwater quality, with there being a significant amount of wetlands along its path. The Hopkinton Land Trust continues to work on completing a north/south walking trail that ultimately runs uninterrupted from Woodville Road to the Ashaway Road locale. Degree of Support to Local and State Goals and Plan An overarching goal of the Rhode Island Land Use Plan 2025 is for “[f]irst class supporting infrastructure that protects the public’s health, safety and welfare, fosters economic well-being, preserves and enhances environmental quality, and reinforces the distinction between urban and rural areas” (See LUG 4). An objective in support of this goal is to “[m]aintain the functional integrity of existing and planned roadways” (See LUO 4G). A goal of State Guide Plan Element 611 Transportation 2030 is to “[m]aintain the highway and bridge network in a safe, attractive, and less congested condition to carry passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles, government vehicles, and transit vehicles, as well as bicycles and pedestrians.” State objectives in support of this goal are to: Maintain infrastructure (See H. 1. A), Improve deficiencies (See H. 1. B), and Increase safety (See H. 1. E). State Economic Development objectives also contained in Transportation 2030 that support improving Ashaway Road include moving people efficiently to and from work and school (See ED. 1. A) and moving freight efficiently to, from, and within Rhode Island by all modes (See ED. 1. B). The State of Rhode Island approved the Town of Hopkinton Comprehensive Plan (Plan) on September 28, 2011. The Circulation Element contained therein seeks “[t]o improve and maintain a safe, convenient and efficient traffic circulation system throughout the town” (Goal C 1). In support of that goal, it is the policy of the town to “[e]ncourage and support RIDOT in maintaining and improving state roads system in Hopkinton” (Policy C1) and to “[m]aintain a formal program for road maintenance, new road construction, and accompanying drainage facilities” (Policy C 2). As stated in the Plan, a town objective is to “[c]orrect existing road deficiencies to improve safety and traffic flow” (Objective C 3). Safety, Security, and Technology The existing condition of Ashaway Road makes for an unsafe situation – any public safety vehicles responding to an emergency situation at a higher than normal speed risks a loss of control, thereby endangering the public as well as the responders. T EC PA L M ER AI M ST E G YP CT AND RE AQ U ASHAWAY ROAD AG V A LLEY R D HOPKINTON, RHODE ISLAND T ST RE L IE TO LAU IERA WE LL ST T NS SO R D D SR KUGLE R LN HOWA RD ST E JAM N TO AL AM N N U _1 ED RD RD FO D A BR 52 GRILLS LN TR L LN ST AL CT RA ND PL AMELIA ST BS CO O N Ashaway Rd. - 12,247 ft. GU R N S E Y A Town Road CHU VE ¼ AY 3,000 Feet O D OD NE DO LAU Created 10/2011 by the Hopkinton GIS Department. For informational purposes only. ST for legal description or conveyance. TON CANto Not be used Sources: Hopkinton GIS and Assessor's Office, RIGIS WO RD VARS O D TheLHorizontal Datum is NAD83 RI State Plane (feet). Y HI L RD W W ETT 750 1,500 RC ST S AN IL L R D Town Line YH RD S H ET L A DR State Road H AG BR AD FO RD Ramp ND ST MAIN RR NA 0 Interstate N NG LI W E DR ST MAIN VARS LN RSID KNOWLES ST R ST R RD LN LL HI E RI V C SE HA Legend DOR JA BO CR AN DA LL OA K EDGEWOOD AVE LN AS HA W AY A EX NO VUO PEQUOT VE SA RD A W ED SPR UC E WAY ELM ND H D BROOKD ALE DR D I A MO ILL R CHURCH ST S ST T OMAQUAG RD E LN AV HILLSIDE X MA QU C PAN ST ST N E LN E ST M CE RY TE PIER C H I GH S WEST LAK TO M T CT JUN IPER DR MAPLE AK DR Transportation Improvement Program Application - State Planning Council One Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908 New Projects Only CONTACT Contact Information Town of Hopkinton Entity / Organization ____________________________________________________________________ Town Manager William A. McGarry Contact Person ________________________________________________________________________ 1 Town House Road Address ______________________________________________________________________________ Hopkinton City ______________________________________ Rhode Island 02883 Zip Code __________________ (401) 377-7761 Phone ____________________________________ Email ______________________________________ Project Information Woodville Road Project Project Title ___________________________________________________________________________ Woodville Road Location by Street Name _________________________________________________________________ Route 3 (Main Street) Richmond Town Line Project Limits - From _________________________________To ________________________________ Location Maps - ✔ 8 1/2” x 11” Attach Map of Site Indicating Project Limits 1 5 Priority Proposal Number _______________________ of a Total of _____________________ Proposals Regional Submission - Yes ✔ No Communities _________________________________________ PROJECT INFORMATION Brief Description of Proposed Project The work to be performed under this project consists of the pavement milling and overlay of existing bituminous asphalt pavement and re-pavement, along with drainage work. The pavement milling of this project includes the pulverization of asphalt, fine grading and compaction, surface preparation, and rolling. The pavement overlay includes a 2.5 inch binder and 1.5 inch finish coat of asphalt. The length of Woodville Road is 17,035 feet. The road begins at Route 3 (Main Street) and ends at the Richmond Town line. The GPS coordinates for Woodville Road/Main Street are N 41 27.680 and W 071 46669 and for Woodville Road/Richmond Town Line are N 41 27.593 and W 071 113. Describe Need for Proposed Project This State road is one of the worst roads in the Town of Hopkinton. It has been numerous years since it's been repaired and is in dire need of reconstruction. We have received numerous complaints from residents and business owners alike complaining about the road surface. Drainage is also a problem on the road, and a significant amount of drainage work needs to be completed prior to pavement milling and overlay. Enterprise Zone - Yes ✔ No Details ___________________________________________________ Located Within State Land Use Plan 2025 Map’s Designated Growth Center Yes ✔ No Located Within State Land Use Plan 2025 Map’s Urban Services Boundary Consistent with Local Comprehensive Plan - ✔ Yes Consistent with State Guide Plan Transportation 2030 - No ✔ Yes No Yes ✔ No INFORMATION Additional Information Information addressing the following categories of review criteria as described in the Transportation Improvement Program, Guidance on Applying Criteria for Evaluation of Project Proposals should be provided separately. Submission must not exceed 2 pages, single spaced, 12-point font: 1. Mobility Benefits 2. Cost-Effectiveness 3. Economic Development Impact 4. Environmental Impact 5. Degree of Support to Local and State Goals and Plan 6. Safety, Security, and Technology Project Estimates PROJECT ESTIMATES ROW Estimated Project Costs Study Design Construction $50,000 $150,000 $2,000,000 Total Cost Amount Requested Through TIP Process Funding from other sources committed to this project - Yes Total $2,200,000 $2,200,000 ✔ No Source Amount NOTIFICATION / CERTIFICATION Total Notification / Certification October 17th, 2011 Date of Local Public Hearing ______________________________________________________________ Municipal & Regional Planning Agency Projects Only Preferred TAC Public Hearing November 7 at 6:00 pm - South Kingstown Town Hall November 9 at 6:00 pm - Blackstone Valley Corridor ✔ November 8 at 9:00 am - Department of Administration November 10 at 6:00 pm - Middletown Town Hall Attest: The information provided on this application is true and accurate October 17th, 2011 Applicant’s Signature __________________________________________ Date _____________________ October 17th, 2011 Chief Executive Official’s Signature _______________________________ Date _____________________ Application Checklist - Submitted by October 28, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. ADMINISTRATIVE ✔ 8 Collated Copies of Completed Application Forms - Project Prioritization & Application Attached 2-page narrative Location Maps as PDF files ✔ Email a copy of competed application to or provide on a CD ✔ Mail to: Rhode Island Statewide Planning Program ATTN: Linsey Cameron, Supervising Planner One Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908 Statewide Planning Official Use Only Submission Date _____________________________________ Accepted by _________________________________________ Priority #3 Laurel Street Laurel Street is an approximately 1 mile, 2-lane State Highway that serves as a Minor Rural Collector connecting Route 216 (High Street) to Maxson Street. Laurel Street serves as a significant route for children travelling to the Ashawwy Elementary School on intersecting Hillside Avenue via bus, bike and foot. In many areas, the pavement conditions and travel lanes are not conducive for a safe route to school. The condition of existing pavement and underlying roadbed have deteriorated to a degree that it is difficult for safe bicycling. At a minimum, Laurel Street requires resurfacing and widening and/or reconstruction. Mobility Benefits While Laurel Street is a low-volume 2-lane State Highway, it is nevertheless a route used by school buses traveling to Ashaway Elementary School and the regional Chariho Middle/High School located on Switch Road in the Town of Richmond. In some areas, shoulders need to be widened to accommodate bicycles. Cost Effectiveness Improving Laurel Street by principally resurfacing and minor widening is a cost effective way of reducing travel time to school. Economic Development Impact Ashaway Line & Twine, the oldest family-owned company in the United States, is located at the Route 216 end of Laurel Street. Improving road conditions will serve to encourage the retention of jobs and facilitate the movement of goods in a safe and efficient way. Laurel Street will also probably carry a certain amount of traffic coming into Rhode Island from Connecticut via Route 216 to access the Potter Hill Mill site in Westerly, which has been discussed for development as a destination of sorts for visitors. Environmental Impact Improving drainage control along Laurel Street can improve overall surface and groundwater quality as there are wetlands along its path. The Town of Hopkinton owns land on Laurel Street, adjacent to Ashaway Elementary School that could be used for recreational purposes. Degree of Support to Local and State Goals and Plan An overarching goal of the Rhode Island Land Use Plan 2025 is for “[f]irst class supporting infrastructure that protects the public’s health, safety and welfare, fosters economic well-being, preserves and enhances environmental quality, and reinforces the distinction between urban and rural areas” (See LUG 4). An objective in support of this goal is to “[m]aintain the functional integrity of existing and planned roadways” (See LUO 4G). A goal of State Guide Plan Element 611 Transportation 2030 is to “[m]aintain the highway and bridge network in a safe, attractive, and less congested condition to carry passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles, government vehicles, and transit vehicles, as well as bicycles and pedestrians.” State objectives in support of this goal are to: Maintain infrastructure (See H. 1. A), Improve deficiencies (See H. 1. B), and Increase safety (See H. 1. E). State Economic Development objectives also contained in Transportation 2030 that support improving Ashaway Road include moving people efficiently to and from work and school (See ED. 1. A) and moving freight efficiently to, from, and within Rhode Island by all modes (See ED. 1. B). The State of Rhode Island approved the Town of Hopkinton Comprehensive Plan (Plan) on September 28, 2011. The Circulation Element contained therein seeks “[t]o improve and maintain a safe, convenient and efficient traffic circulation system throughout the town” (Goal C 1). In support of that goal, it is the policy of the town to “[e]ncourage and support RIDOT in maintaining and improving state roads system in Hopkinton” (Policy C1) and to “[m]aintain a formal program for road maintenance, new road construction, and accompanying drainage facilities” (Policy C 2). As stated in the Plan, a town objective is to “[c]orrect existing road deficiencies to improve safety and traffic flow” (Objective C 3). Safety, Security, and Technology The existing condition of Laurel Street pavement makes for an unsafe travelling situation for vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians which is compounded when in simultaneous, mixed-mode use. LAUREL STREET HOPKINTON, RHODE ISLAND M CE CT ST ST HT IG KN L PA M AI M ER ST ST Legend Laurel St. - 4,730 ft. Interstate CLAY ST Ramp State Road PO ICE LN T OFF POTT ER H S ON Town Road T Town Line 0 ILL PEQUOT RR RIVE RD LN 250 500 ¼ OAK S T SPR UC E WAY BROOKD ALE DR XS MA ST WELLS ST LA UR EL CHURCH ST EL M S N AVE ST E HILLSID LN H G HI KE LA E RY TE 1,000 Feet Created 10/2011 by the Hopkinton GIS Department. For informational purposes only. Not to be used for legal description or conveyance. Sources: Hopkinton GIS and Assessor's Office, RIGIS The Horizontal Datum is NAD83 RI State Plane (feet). D Transportation Improvement Program Application - State Planning Council One Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908 New Projects Only CONTACT Contact Information Town of Hopkinton Entity / Organization ____________________________________________________________________ Town Manager William A. McGarry Contact Person ________________________________________________________________________ 1 Town House Road Address ______________________________________________________________________________ Hopkinton City ______________________________________ Rhode Island 02883 Zip Code __________________ (401) 377-7761 Phone ____________________________________ Email ______________________________________ Project Information Woodville Road Project Project Title ___________________________________________________________________________ Woodville Road Location by Street Name _________________________________________________________________ Route 3 (Main Street) Richmond Town Line Project Limits - From _________________________________To ________________________________ Location Maps - ✔ 8 1/2” x 11” Attach Map of Site Indicating Project Limits 1 5 Priority Proposal Number _______________________ of a Total of _____________________ Proposals Regional Submission - Yes ✔ No Communities _________________________________________ PROJECT INFORMATION Brief Description of Proposed Project The work to be performed under this project consists of the pavement milling and overlay of existing bituminous asphalt pavement and re-pavement, along with drainage work. The pavement milling of this project includes the pulverization of asphalt, fine grading and compaction, surface preparation, and rolling. The pavement overlay includes a 2.5 inch binder and 1.5 inch finish coat of asphalt. The length of Woodville Road is 17,035 feet. The road begins at Route 3 (Main Street) and ends at the Richmond Town line. The GPS coordinates for Woodville Road/Main Street are N 41 27.680 and W 071 46669 and for Woodville Road/Richmond Town Line are N 41 27.593 and W 071 113. Describe Need for Proposed Project This State road is one of the worst roads in the Town of Hopkinton. It has been numerous years since it's been repaired and is in dire need of reconstruction. We have received numerous complaints from residents and business owners alike complaining about the road surface. Drainage is also a problem on the road, and a significant amount of drainage work needs to be completed prior to pavement milling and overlay. Enterprise Zone - Yes ✔ No Details ___________________________________________________ Located Within State Land Use Plan 2025 Map’s Designated Growth Center Yes ✔ No Located Within State Land Use Plan 2025 Map’s Urban Services Boundary Consistent with Local Comprehensive Plan - ✔ Yes Consistent with State Guide Plan Transportation 2030 - No ✔ Yes No Yes ✔ No INFORMATION Additional Information Information addressing the following categories of review criteria as described in the Transportation Improvement Program, Guidance on Applying Criteria for Evaluation of Project Proposals should be provided separately. Submission must not exceed 2 pages, single spaced, 12-point font: 1. Mobility Benefits 2. Cost-Effectiveness 3. Economic Development Impact 4. Environmental Impact 5. Degree of Support to Local and State Goals and Plan 6. Safety, Security, and Technology Project Estimates PROJECT ESTIMATES ROW Estimated Project Costs Study Design Construction $50,000 $150,000 $2,000,000 Total Cost Amount Requested Through TIP Process Funding from other sources committed to this project - Yes Total $2,200,000 $2,200,000 ✔ No Source Amount NOTIFICATION / CERTIFICATION Total Notification / Certification October 17th, 2011 Date of Local Public Hearing ______________________________________________________________ Municipal & Regional Planning Agency Projects Only Preferred TAC Public Hearing November 7 at 6:00 pm - South Kingstown Town Hall November 9 at 6:00 pm - Blackstone Valley Corridor ✔ November 8 at 9:00 am - Department of Administration November 10 at 6:00 pm - Middletown Town Hall Attest: The information provided on this application is true and accurate October 17th, 2011 Applicant’s Signature __________________________________________ Date _____________________ October 17th, 2011 Chief Executive Official’s Signature _______________________________ Date _____________________ Application Checklist - Submitted by October 28, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. ADMINISTRATIVE ✔ 8 Collated Copies of Completed Application Forms - Project Prioritization & Application Attached 2-page narrative Location Maps as PDF files ✔ Email a copy of competed application to or provide on a CD ✔ Mail to: Rhode Island Statewide Planning Program ATTN: Linsey Cameron, Supervising Planner One Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908 Statewide Planning Official Use Only Submission Date _____________________________________ Accepted by _________________________________________ Priority #4 Chase Hill Road Chase Hill Road is an approximately 2 mile, Federal Aid System eligible roadway that serves as a Minor Rural Collector connecting Ashaway Road and Route 3 (Main Street). The existing pavement condition makes it a prime candidate for resurfacing. In addition, there are a few rock outcroppings and a narrowing of the road at points that make it difficult for a school bus and car to simultaneously pass, as well as problematic for safe bicycling. At a minimum, Chase Hill Road requires resurfacing and shoulder improvements to better accommodate truck traffic at the Route 3 intersection. Mobility Benefits While Chase Hill Road is a low-volume road, it is nevertheless a route used by school buses traveling to Ashaway Elementary School and regional Chariho Middle/High School located on Switch Road in the Town of Richmond. In many areas, shoulders need to be widened to accommodate bicycles. Cost Effectiveness Improving Chase Hill Road by principally resurfacing is a cost effective way of reducing travel time to Route 3. Economic Development Impact The Town of Hopkinton is presently reviewing a proposal from LBI, Inc., a small defenserelated contractor from Groton, Connecticut referred to the town by the RI Economic Development Corporation, to locate in a vacant industrial facility on Chase Hill Road near the Route 3 end. Improving road conditions here will serve to encourage the creation of high skill, well-paying jobs in the State and facilitate the movement of goods in a safe and efficient way. Shoulder improvements are needed to better accommodate truck traffic at the Route 3 intersection. Improving conditions along Chase Hill Road will also encourage tourism, as the Hopkinton Land Trust and Nature Conservancy have been assembling parcels immediately south of this road that will serve as a walking trail along the Pawcatuck River, thereby enabling users from across the region to experience the natural beauty of Hopkinton. Improving the condition of Chase Hill Road will also be of benefit to National Grid, which owns property adjacent to the facility to be acquired by LBI, and for which a new, electric substation has been discussed. Environmental Impact Improving pavement conditions along Chase Hill Road should also benefit overall surface and groundwater quality in the area. The Hopkinton Land Trust and Nature Conservancy have been assembling parcels immediately south of this road which should further encourage walking and biking activities. Degree of Support to Local and State Goals and Plan An overarching goal of the Rhode Island Land Use Plan 2025 is for “[f]irst class supporting infrastructure that protects the public’s health, safety and welfare, fosters economic well-being, preserves and enhances environmental quality, and reinforces the distinction between urban and rural areas” (See LUG 4). An objective in support of this goal is to “[m]aintain the functional integrity of existing and planned roadways” (See LUO 4G). A goal of State Guide Plan Element 611 Transportation 2030 is to “[m]aintain the highway and bridge network in a safe, attractive, and less congested condition to carry passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles, government vehicles, and transit vehicles, as well as bicycles and pedestrians.” State objectives in support of this goal are to: Maintain infrastructure (See H. 1. A), Improve deficiencies (See H. 1. B), and Increase safety (See H. 1. E). State Economic Development objectives also contained in Transportation 2030 that support improving Ashaway Road include moving people efficiently to and from work and school (See ED. 1. A) and moving freight efficiently to, from, and within Rhode Island by all modes (See ED. 1. B). The State of Rhode Island approved the Town of Hopkinton Comprehensive Plan (Plan) on September 28, 2011. The Circulation Element contained therein seeks “[t]o improve and maintain a safe, convenient and efficient traffic circulation system throughout the town” (Goal C 1). In support of that goal, it is the policy of the town to “[e]ncourage and support RIDOT in maintaining and improving state roads system in Hopkinton” (Policy C1) and to “[m]aintain a formal program for road maintenance, new road construction, and accompanying drainage facilities” (Policy C 2). As stated in the Plan, a town objective is to “[c]orrect existing road deficiencies to improve safety and traffic flow” (Objective C 3). Safety, Security, and Technology The existing condition of Chase Hill Road pavement makes for an unsafe situation which is compounded by the inherent curvature and hilly nature of the road that makes forward visibility difficult. It is essential to maintain pavement on Chase Hill Road to enable National Grid trucks to access and service transmission lines that run to their property (AP 1 Lot 12). E W ELL 3 « ¬ LN ME M N PEQUOT ER EDGEWOOD AVE RI V RD RD AM EL LIMA DR OA K WO O RI DGE IA S T AL R A EX ND RA CT D ST M JA E D AV ES RD 216 « ¬ LN HO J AC N SO OB L TR OL D MA IN ST P KI N GT ON CE ME TA RY R D PO TT ER H IL L CR AN DA LL AS HA W AY N SPR UC E WAY L CE L ST FFI TO N ST VE SA RD WA D E D LAU RE S PO X SO MA 216 « ¬ ST LR HIL BROOKD ALE DR DI A ND ELM HOPKINTON, RHODE ISLAND MO CHURCH ST CHASE HILL ROAD S ST OR YL AV HILLSIDE E AS CH RD LI Chase Hill Rd. - 12,280 ft. Interstate WA YA Ramp VE ES TA L RD AN AG RR Town Road Y E DR Town Line WA H AW AY TT SE E AV BOY SCOUT DR IL K S CH State Road NA 3 « ¬ DR E OS LR MI ¼ W MI D R FOR AS NG X LN Legend IS C O AVE GA TO RA A S RD 0 625 1,250 BO H LL HI 2,500 Feet Created 10/2011 by the Hopkinton GIS Department. For informational purposes only. Not to be used for legal description or conveyance. Sources: Hopkinton GIS and Assessor's Office, RIGIS The Horizontal Datum is NAD83 RI State Plane (feet). Transportation Improvement Program Application - State Planning Council One Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908 New Projects Only CONTACT Contact Information Town of Hopkinton Entity / Organization ____________________________________________________________________ Town Manager William A. McGarry Contact Person ________________________________________________________________________ 1 Town House Road Address ______________________________________________________________________________ Hopkinton City ______________________________________ Rhode Island 02883 Zip Code __________________ (401) 377-7761 Phone ____________________________________ Email ______________________________________ Project Information Woodville Road Project Project Title ___________________________________________________________________________ Woodville Road Location by Street Name _________________________________________________________________ Route 3 (Main Street) Richmond Town Line Project Limits - From _________________________________To ________________________________ Location Maps - ✔ 8 1/2” x 11” Attach Map of Site Indicating Project Limits 1 5 Priority Proposal Number _______________________ of a Total of _____________________ Proposals Regional Submission - Yes ✔ No Communities _________________________________________ PROJECT INFORMATION Brief Description of Proposed Project The work to be performed under this project consists of the pavement milling and overlay of existing bituminous asphalt pavement and re-pavement, along with drainage work. The pavement milling of this project includes the pulverization of asphalt, fine grading and compaction, surface preparation, and rolling. The pavement overlay includes a 2.5 inch binder and 1.5 inch finish coat of asphalt. The length of Woodville Road is 17,035 feet. The road begins at Route 3 (Main Street) and ends at the Richmond Town line. The GPS coordinates for Woodville Road/Main Street are N 41 27.680 and W 071 46669 and for Woodville Road/Richmond Town Line are N 41 27.593 and W 071 113. Describe Need for Proposed Project This State road is one of the worst roads in the Town of Hopkinton. It has been numerous years since it's been repaired and is in dire need of reconstruction. We have received numerous complaints from residents and business owners alike complaining about the road surface. Drainage is also a problem on the road, and a significant amount of drainage work needs to be completed prior to pavement milling and overlay. Enterprise Zone - Yes ✔ No Details ___________________________________________________ Located Within State Land Use Plan 2025 Map’s Designated Growth Center Yes ✔ No Located Within State Land Use Plan 2025 Map’s Urban Services Boundary Consistent with Local Comprehensive Plan - ✔ Yes Consistent with State Guide Plan Transportation 2030 - No ✔ Yes No Yes ✔ No INFORMATION Additional Information Information addressing the following categories of review criteria as described in the Transportation Improvement Program, Guidance on Applying Criteria for Evaluation of Project Proposals should be provided separately. Submission must not exceed 2 pages, single spaced, 12-point font: 1. Mobility Benefits 2. Cost-Effectiveness 3. Economic Development Impact 4. Environmental Impact 5. Degree of Support to Local and State Goals and Plan 6. Safety, Security, and Technology Project Estimates PROJECT ESTIMATES ROW Estimated Project Costs Study Design Construction $50,000 $150,000 $2,000,000 Total Cost Amount Requested Through TIP Process Funding from other sources committed to this project - Yes Total $2,200,000 $2,200,000 ✔ No Source Amount NOTIFICATION / CERTIFICATION Total Notification / Certification October 17th, 2011 Date of Local Public Hearing ______________________________________________________________ Municipal & Regional Planning Agency Projects Only Preferred TAC Public Hearing November 7 at 6:00 pm - South Kingstown Town Hall November 9 at 6:00 pm - Blackstone Valley Corridor ✔ November 8 at 9:00 am - Department of Administration November 10 at 6:00 pm - Middletown Town Hall Attest: The information provided on this application is true and accurate October 17th, 2011 Applicant’s Signature __________________________________________ Date _____________________ October 17th, 2011 Chief Executive Official’s Signature _______________________________ Date _____________________ Application Checklist - Submitted by October 28, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. ADMINISTRATIVE ✔ 8 Collated Copies of Completed Application Forms - Project Prioritization & Application Attached 2-page narrative Location Maps as PDF files ✔ Email a copy of competed application to or provide on a CD ✔ Mail to: Rhode Island Statewide Planning Program ATTN: Linsey Cameron, Supervising Planner One Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908 Statewide Planning Official Use Only Submission Date _____________________________________ Accepted by _________________________________________ Priority #5 Maxson Street Maxson Street is a short (.3 mile), Federal Aid System eligible roadway that serves as a Minor Rural Collector connecting River Road and Route 3 (Main Street). Maxson Street gets a significant amount of traffic as it sits with the Ashaway Post Office at the intersection of Route 3 and serves as the principle connecting link to River Road, Laurel Street and the town of Westerly via the Potter Hill Mill Bridge. The degree of traffic has warranted the installation of a blinking yellow light on Route 3. To adequately serve existing needs as well as to accommodate the likely future development at the Westerly Potter Hill Mill site, at a minimum, Maxson Street requires resurfacing and widening and/or reconstruction in places in order to facilitate two-way traffic. Mobility Benefits While Maxson Street is a low-volume 2-lane town road, it is nevertheless a route used by school buses. In many areas, shoulders need to be widened to accommodate bicycles and to accommodate simultaneous, mixed-mode traffic. Cost Effectiveness Due to its short length and importance as a connecting link, improving Maxson Street by principally resurfacing and widening is an exceptionally cost effective use of scarce transportation funds. Economic Development Impact The Potter Hill Mill site in Westerly is expected to be developed in the interest of improving the local economy. Improving road conditions will serve to encourage the creation of jobs and facilitate the movement of goods in a safe and efficient way. Improving conditions along Maxson Street will also encourage tourism, as Potter Hill serves as a RIDEM recreational site. Environmental Impact Improving drainage control along Maxson Street can improve overall surface and groundwater quality, especially considering the close proximity to the Pawcatuck River. Improving Maxson Street will also serve to facilitate access to a RIDEM recreational site and encourage the preservation of the historic villages of Ashaway and Potter Hill. Degree of Support to Local and State Goals and Plan An overarching goal of the Rhode Island Land Use Plan 2025 is for “[f]irst class supporting infrastructure that protects the public’s health, safety and welfare, fosters economic well-being, preserves and enhances environmental quality, and reinforces the distinction between urban and rural areas” (See LUG 4). An objective in support of this goal is to “[m]aintain the functional integrity of existing and planned roadways” (See LUO 4G). A goal of State Guide Plan Element 611 Transportation 2030 is to “[m]aintain the highway and bridge network in a safe, attractive, and less congested condition to carry passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles, government vehicles, and transit vehicles, as well as bicycles and pedestrians.” State objectives in support of this goal are to: Maintain infrastructure (See H. 1. A), Improve deficiencies (See H. 1. B), and Increase safety (See H. 1. E). State Economic Development objectives also contained in Transportation 2030 that support improving Ashaway Road include moving people efficiently to and from work and school (See ED. 1. A) and moving freight efficiently to, from, and within Rhode Island by all modes (See ED. 1. B). The State of Rhode Island approved the Town of Hopkinton Comprehensive Plan (Plan) on September 28, 2011. The Circulation Element contained therein seeks “[t]o improve and maintain a safe, convenient and efficient traffic circulation system throughout the town” (Goal C 1). In support of that goal, it is the policy of the town to “[e]ncourage and support RIDOT in maintaining and improving state roads system in Hopkinton” (Policy C1) and to “[m]aintain a formal program for road maintenance, new road construction, and accompanying drainage facilities” (Policy C 2). As stated in the Plan, a town objective is to “[c]orrect existing road deficiencies to improve safety and traffic flow” (Objective C 3). Safety, Security, and Technology The existing condition of Maxson Street makes for an unsafe travelling situation for vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians which is compounded when in simultaneous, mixed-mode use. MAXON STREET EL M HOPKINTON, RHODE ISLAND ST BROOKD ALE DR CLAY ST OA K LAU RE ST L ST PO ST S ON T OFFICE LN MAIN ST XS MA PEQUOT RD LN Legend Maxon St. - 1,418 ft. Interstate Ramp 0 AME LIA ST 150 300 MS S Town Line WILL IA Town Road T State Road RIVER RD POTTER HILL ¼ 600 Feet Created 10/2011 by the Hopkinton GIS Department. For informational purposes only. Not to be used for legal description or conveyance. Sources: Hopkinton GIS and Assessor's Office, RIGIS The Horizontal Datum is NAD83 RI State Plane (feet).
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