Group Fitness Schedule FORT MILL/GOLD HILL YMCA - April 2013 Fort Mill Tween Cardio Funk – 6 pm on Friday nights in the Large Group Fitness Room. 10-‐14 years olds GROUP FITNESS/AQUATICS SCHEDULE come join the party! Dance your way to fitness with Cardio Funk with popular music with a Zumba twist. This class is designed for ages 10-‐14 year olds. No experience necessary! Follow 2nd 31st 2013 the instructors wJanuary hile they lead you i-n January age appropriate music and steps. Cardio Funk enhances self-‐esteem, coordination, and endurance. You won’t even know you are exercising! Endurance Boot Camp -‐ The Thursday 11am class will now be offered starting at 10:45am and running until 11:45am due to member requests and to help increase attendance levels. Vinyasa Yoga – The Monday 9:45am Vinyasa Yoga will now be taught by Lisa and the Wednesday 9am class will now be taught by Anastacia. Yoga – The Thursday 6pm Yoga has been cancelled due to low attendance levels. Gold Hill Custom Cuts – The Monday 8:10am Endurance Boot Camp has been changed to Custom Cuts due to its similarity to the other Custom Cut classes. It will still be taught by Paige and it will run from 8:10am until 9:05am. Zumba – The Wednesday 6:20pm Zumba will now be taught by Amanda. Nia –Thursday 7pm Nia has been cancelled due to low attendance levels. Please check out our schedule for other Nia times and offerings! Fort M ill YMCA 857 Promenade Walk Fort Mill, SC 29808 (803) 548-‐8020 Facility Hours Mon-‐Fri 5am – 9:30pm Saturday 7:30am – 6pm Sunday 1 – 6 pm Child Watch Hours: Mon-‐Sat. morning: 8am – 12noon Mon-‐Thurs evening: 4-‐8pm Friday evening: 4-‐7pm Gold Hill YMCA 1785 Gold Hill Road Fort Mill, SC 29708 (803) 548-‐9622 Facility Hours Mon-‐Fri 5am – 9:30pm Saturday 7:30am – 6pm Sunday 1 – 6 pm Child Watch Hours: Mon-‐Sat. morning: 8am – 12noon Mon-‐Thurs evening: 4-‐8pm Friday evening: 4-‐7pm Group Fitness Contact: Jen Cooley, Fitness Coordinator For Classes and Cancellations please go online to: or visit us online at: Fort Mill Group Fitness Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Abs Lab 5:15-‐5:30am Lori -‐ L2 -‐ F Abs Lab 5:15-‐5:30am Lori -‐ L2 -‐ F Abs Lab* 5:15-‐5:30am Lori -‐ L2 -‐ F Zumba* 8:10-‐8:55am Dominique -‐ L2-‐3 -‐ F Abs Lab 5:15-‐5:30am Lori -‐ L2 -‐ F Custom Cuts 3-‐4pm Holly -‐ L3 -‐ F Athle=c Condi=oning 5:30-‐6:15am Lori -‐ L3 -‐ F Cardio Challge/Abs Lab 8-‐8:55am Kim K. -‐ L3 -‐ F Interval Challenge* 5:30-‐6:30am Lori -‐ L3 -‐ F Abs Lab 9-‐9:15am Terri -‐ L2-‐3 -‐ F Endurance Boot Camp 8:05-‐9am Deb & Paige -‐ L2-‐3 -‐ G Cardio Sculpt 8-‐8:55am Denise -‐ L1-‐3 -‐ F Sweatshop* 9:15-‐10:10am Bonnie -‐ L2-‐3 -‐ F Cycle Cross* 6:30-‐7am Leonard -‐ L2 -‐ F KeLlebell Kick 9:15-‐10:10am Terri -‐ L2-‐3 -‐ F Nia 9:10-‐10:10am Kat -‐ L2-‐3 -‐ F Saturday Rota+on* 8:30-‐9:25 AM 6th -‐ Zumba Sarah -‐ F 13th -‐ Bollywood Natasha -‐ F 20th -‐ Zumba Jaime -‐ F 27th -‐ Zumba Alisha -‐ F Abs Lab 9-‐9:15am Silvia -‐ L3 -‐ F Shape and Flex* 10:15-‐11:25am Sheila -‐ L1-‐2 -‐ F Custom Cuts* 8:15-‐9:10am Silvia -‐ L3 -‐ F Shape and Flex* 10:15-‐11:25am Sheila -‐ L1-‐2 -‐ F HIIT Condi=oning 9:15-‐10am Bonnie -‐ L3 -‐ G Boot Camp Circuits 9:15-‐10:10am Silvia -‐ L3 -‐ F Nia Gold 11:30-‐12:15pm Demi Y. -‐ L1 -‐ F Cycle Cross 9:15-‐9:45am Cheryl -‐ L2-‐3 -‐ F Ageless Grace 11:30-‐12:20pm Demi -‐ L1 -‐ F Cardio Funk 10:15-‐11:10am Julie -‐ L2-‐3 -‐ G Silver Sneakers* 11:30-‐12:25am Bethany -‐ L1 -‐ F Athle=c Condi=oning 4:30-‐5:15pm KrisW -‐ L3 -‐ G Zumba 9:15-‐10:10am Dominique -‐ L2-‐3 -‐ G Endurance Boot Camp 10:45-‐11:45am Deb or Paige -‐ L2-‐3 -‐ O Sil.Sneak. Cardio Circuit 11:45-‐12:35pm Je^ -‐ L2 -‐ F KeLle Bell Pump 12:30-‐1pm Terri -‐ L2-‐3 -‐ F Custom Cuts 5:30-‐6:25pm Trish -‐ L2-‐3 -‐ F Silver Sneakers* 11:30-‐12:25pm Bethany -‐ L1 -‐ F Athle=c Condi=oning 4:30-‐5:15pm Sue -‐ L3 -‐ G Power Sculpt 12:40-‐1:10pm Bethany -‐ L1-‐2 -‐ F Zumba 4:15-‐5:15am Dominique -‐ L2-‐3 -‐ G Nia 6:30-‐7:30pm Kat -‐ L2-‐3 -‐ F Power Sculpt 12:40-‐1:10pm Bethany -‐ L1-‐2 -‐ F Body Sculpt 5:50-‐6:25pm Leonard -‐ L1-‐3 -‐ F Zumba 5-‐5:55pm Jaime -‐ L2-‐3 -‐ F Cardio Funk 6:30-‐7:25pm Alexis -‐ L2-‐3 -‐ F Tween Yoga 6-‐6:45pm -‐ 12&26th Melanie (12th) -‐ L1 -‐ F Demi (26th) -‐ L1 -‐ F Core Challenge 5:20-‐5:55am Pam -‐ L2 -‐ F Cardio Challenge 6-‐6:55pm Pam -‐ L3 -‐ F Zumba 7-‐8pm Sarah -‐ L2 -‐ F Tween Cardio Funk 6-‐6:45pm -‐ 5&19th Julie (5th) -‐ L1 -‐ F Sarah (19th) -‐ L1 -‐ F Classes Requiring Tickets: Classes with a star (*) aVer the Wtle may require a Wcket. Tickets can be obtained on the fitness floor 30 min. prior to the class. Only members who are present and able to pick up their own Wcket will be given one. Tickets are first come first serve. How to read the new schedule: Example: Zumba = Class 5-‐5:55pm = Time Jaime = Instructor L2-‐3 = Level Intermediate to Advanced F = Fitness Room Class Loca=on Descrip=on: F = Large Group Fitness Room C = Cycle Room Y = Yoga Room O = Outside on Sports Field G = Gym Fort Mill Group Cycle Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Cycle Cross* 5:45-‐6:30am Leonard -‐ L2 -‐ C Cycle 5:30-‐6:30am Lori -‐ L2 -‐ C Cycle Cross* 5:45-‐6:30am Leonard -‐ L2 -‐ C Cycle 8-‐8:55am Suzanne -‐ L2-‐3 -‐ C Cycle 5:30-‐6:30am Lori -‐ L2 -‐ C Cycle 8-‐8:55am Cheryl -‐ L2 -‐ C Cycle 8-‐8:55am Suzanne -‐ L2-‐3 -‐ C Cycle 8-‐8:55am Rebecca -‐ L1-‐3 -‐ C Cycle Challenge* 6:35-‐7:30pm Leonard -‐ L1-‐3 -‐ C Cycle 8:30-‐9:25am Marion -‐ L3 -‐ C Saturday Rota+on 8-‐8:55am* 6th -‐ Melanie 13th -‐ Melanie 20th -‐Melanie 27th -‐Suzanne Sunday Rota+on 2-‐3pm 7th -‐ Barb 14th -‐ Eileen 21st -‐ Barb 28th -‐ Eileen Cycle 9:30-‐10:25am Barb -‐ L3 -‐ C Cycle Plus* 6:30-‐7:30pm Leonard -‐ L2 -‐ C Cycle Cross 9:45-‐10:30am Cheryl -‐ L2-‐3 -‐ C Cycle 5-‐5:45pm Holly -‐ L2 -‐ C Cycle 5:45-‐6:30pm Holly -‐ L2 -‐ C Cycle 6-‐7pm Amy -‐ L1-‐3 -‐ C Cycle 101 10th&24th 6:35-‐7:30pm Suzanne -‐ L1 -‐ C Cycle 5:30-‐6:25pm Barb -‐ L3 -‐ C 9:30-‐10:25am* 6th -‐ Leonard 13th -‐ Leonard 20th -‐Janet 27th -‐Suzanne Fort Mill Mind & Body Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Pilates 8:30-‐9:30am Kim K. -‐ L2 -‐ Y Power Yoga 9:25-‐10:25am Nadeene -‐ L3 -‐ Y Power Yoga 5:15-‐6:15am Melanie -‐ L1-‐3 -‐ Y Pilates 8-‐9am Kim K. -‐ L2 -‐ Y Power Yoga 5:30-‐6:30am Anastacia/Lisa-‐L1-‐3-‐Y Power Yoga* 10-‐11:30am Anastacia -‐ L1-‐3 -‐ F Yoga 4:15-‐5:15pm Demi -‐ L2-‐3 -‐ F Vinyasa Yoga 9:45-‐11am Lisa -‐ L2 -‐ Y Yoga Mixed Levels* 10:30-‐11:45am Terri -‐ L1-‐3 -‐ Y Vinyasa Yoga 9-‐10:15am Anastacia. -‐ L2 -‐ Y Yoga Mixed Levels 9-‐10:15am Jayne -‐ L1-‐2 -‐ Y Ashtanga Yoga 9-‐10:15am Lisa -‐ L1-‐3 -‐ Y Beginner Yoga* 10:15-‐11:25am Sheila -‐ L1-‐2 -‐ F Pilates 5:30-‐6:30pm Ashley -‐ L1-‐2 -‐ Y Beginner Yoga* 10:15-‐11:25am Janice -‐ L1-‐2 -‐ F Yoga Mixed Levels 10:30-‐11:45am Terri -‐ L1-‐3 -‐ Y Beginner Yoga 10:20-‐11:35am Pam -‐ L1 -‐ F Pilates Mixed Levels 6:30-‐7:30pm Mitch -‐ L1-‐3 -‐ Y Core Strength&Condi. 11:15-‐12pm Terri -‐ L1-‐3 -‐ Y Yin Yoga 5:30-‐6:45pm Pam -‐ L1 -‐ Y Yoga for Athletes 6-‐7:15pm Terri -‐ L2-‐3 -‐ F Simply Stretch 11-‐11:40am Bethany -‐ L1 -‐ Y Fort Mill Kids Fitness Schedule w/Donna Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Wee Fit 9-‐9:30am Max 10 Kids Gym Court B Wee Fit 9-‐9:30am Max 10 Kids Gym Court B Wee Fit 9-‐9:30am Max 10 Kids Li3le Gym Wee Fit 9-‐9:30am Max 10 Kids Gym Court B Wee Yoga 9-‐9:30am Max 10 Kids Li3le Gym Wee Fit 9:30-‐10am Max 10 Kids Gym Court B Wee Fit 9:30-‐10am Max 10 Kids Gym Court B Wee Fit 9:30-‐10am Max 10 Kids Li3le Gym Wee Fit 9:30-‐10am Max 10 Kids Gym Court B Wee Yoga 9:30-‐10am Max 10 Kids Li3le Gym Kids Boot Camp 4-‐4:30pm Grades K-‐5 Gym Court B HSPE 10:30-‐11:30am K-‐5 Gym Court B Wee Yoga 10-‐10:30am Max 10 Kids Li3le Gym Kids Boot Camp 4:30-‐5pm Grades K-‐5 Gym Court B HSPE 11:30-‐12:30am 6-‐12 Gym Court B HSPE 10:30-‐11:30am K-‐5 Gym Court B CLASS DESCRIPTIONS Classes are rated per instructor on the fitness schedule ranging from Level 1 to Level 3 (L1-‐3) with level 1 as beginner, level 2 as intermediate, and level 3 as advanced. Class levels vary by instructor teaching style. Abs Lab: If you want firmer abs and stronger back, this is the class for you. Ageless Grace: fitness and wellness program consisting of 21 simple exercise Tools designed for all ages and abilities. These anti-‐aging exercises, based on everyday movements that are natural and organic, focus on the healthy longevity of the body and mind. Alignment-‐Based Yoga: We work to penetrate deeper into the yoga experience through intense focus and longer holds so that students can pay close attention to the precise muscular and skeletal alignment this system demands. We use props such as belts, chairs, walls, blocks and blankets. Teachers trained in this tradition are skilled at adapting poses for students with physical limitations and are known for making hands on adjustments. Ashtanga Yoga: A dynamic system of yoga linking together a distinct set of postures by way of a vinyasa, which is a marriage of physical movement and breathing techniques. Athletic Conditioning: A combination of high energy, fast-‐paced cardio sports drills and interval training incorporating upper and lower body conditioning, using weights, bands, body bars and stability balls. Beginner Cycle 101: Geared towards the beginner. It will provide an introduction to indoor cycling, bike set-‐up and safety, proper body alignment, and a short ride consisting of level 1 drills. Please bring a towel and bottle of water with you! It will be offered twice this month as a trial to see if there is a demand. Beginner Yoga: Learn the basics of yoga along with how to breathe and relax Body Sculpt -‐ this class will use body weight exercises to sculpt the entire physique as well as strengthen the core. Budokon Yoga: brings grace, concentration, fluidity, power, and creativity to hatha yoga in an authentic expression. Experience this dynamic blend of contemporary yoga asana influenced by ancient martial arts. Bollywood Dance Aerobics: Inspired by Indian dance this class is sure to be fun and get you moving. Cardio Challenge: A power-‐packed workout that incorporates step, hi/lo, kickboxing and athletic conditioning. Cardio Circuit Gold: The Gold classes are low impact and challenging workouts designed for beginners or seniors. Have fun with fitness to increase your cardiovascular and muscular endurance power with a standing circuit workout. Upper body strength work with hand-‐held weights, elastic tubing with handles, and a SilverSneakers ball is alternated with non-‐impact aerobic choreography. A chair is offered for support, stretching and relaxation exercises. Cardio Funk: Dancercise that will challenge the novice and experienced dancer by taking you through the land of hip hop, pop, Latin, techno, and reggae, all while having fun and burning calories. Core Challenge: Abs PLUS total lower body shaping. Custom Cuts: Designed not only to boost your caloric expenditure but to redefine, reshape and strengthen the body you were born with. May include short cardio “spurts” to increase overall endurance. Cycle: Come ready for an intense workout aimed for all levels on a spin bike. Bring your water bottle and towel with you too! Cycle Challenge: This group cycling class is designed for all fitness levels. It involves various cycling drills that offer an exhilarating cardiovascular workout. Cycle Cross: 40 minutes of cycling and then 25 minutes of strength conditioning. Each class combines various cycling drills that offer an exhilarating cardiovascular workout and strength conditioning that provides challenging and dynamic whole body muscle conditioning using body weight, dumbbells, exercise balls, & body bars as resistance tools. This is not a beginner class, but participants are offered alternate exercises to fit their individual fitness levels. Cycle Plus: This unique and challenging class is designed to give you a great cardio workout while incorporating carefully thought-‐out sculpting exercises to condition your upper body during the group cycle class. Endurance Boot Camp: A combination of equipment is used to keep your heart rate elevated as you rotate through a variety of cardio and strength circuits. HIIT Conditioning: High intensity, short burst efforts in a sports conditioning format, such as jumps, sprints, drills, strength and agility work. Interval Challenge: A well rounded workout that challenges the major muscle groups while allowing v\ for a strong cardio session; moving from cardio to strength including plyometric moves to keep the heart rate from dropping during the strength portions of the class. Kettlebell Kick: A combination of Kettlebell Pump class and kickboxing. Kettlebell Pump: Ideal for anyone who wants to: burn fat, increase flexibility and build strength. This 30 minute sculpting class provides unique multi-‐joint movements that exercise all the large muscle groups while simultaneously providing a high level of cardiovascular training Kickboxing: This class combines martial arts and fitness aerobics into heart-‐pumping, energizing choreographed punches and kicks what emphasizes proper execution of martial arts movements, making it safe for all levels. Kid’s Boot Camp: All children invited. A FUN workout for grades K-‐5. Move into Stillness: This is a non-‐guided meditation helping participant move into quiet stillness and into “the place between thoughts” Nia: A dynamic blend of dance arts, martial arts and healing arts which brings the body, mind and spirit to optimum health through great music, creative movement and self-‐expression. Nia Gold: Nia for beginners or seniors -‐ chair available for balance or stretching if needed. See ‘Nia’ description for class details. Pilates: Learn skills to achieve balance and flexibility while lengthening and strengthening through mat work developed by Joseph Pilates. PiYo: a fusion of Yoga and Pilates with a twist. This is not your regular mind/body class! Challenging moves and contemporary pop music blend for a great workout unlike anything you may be used to. Power Sculpt: Sculpt and tone your body utilizing tubing, weights, body resistance and power moves in only 30 minutes! Power Yoga: This yoga class focuses on using the power of the mind, body and breath to build strength and endurance while practicing yoga postures and it will integrate vinyasa flows with “power” holds of yoga postures that allow the student time to breath, sink into, and explore his/her mind, body and spirit while in a particular yoga asana. Shape & Flex: A vigorous class designed to challenge you to achieve stronger, leaner muscles and a stable core through the use of free weights and the step bench as a weight platform. Simply Stretch: Increase energy levels & flexibility. Improve posture & body alignment. Relieve pain & stress. RELAX. Silver Sneakers: Have fun and move to the music through a variety of exercises designed to increase muscular strength, range of movement and activities for daily living. Hand-‐held weights, elastic tubing with handles, balls are offered for resistance, and a chair is used for seated and/or standing support. Silver Sneakers Cardio Circuit: Build cardiovascular and muscular endurance power with a standing circuit workout. Upper body strength work with hand-‐held weights, elastic tubing with handles, and a ball is alternated with non-‐impact aerobic choreography. A chair is offered for support, stretching and relaxation exercises. Sweatshop: Intervals of cardio challenging exercises and sculpting. This is a great workout for increasing cardio endurance. Come join the party! Dance your way to fitness with Cardio Funk. Popular music with a Zumba twist. This class is designed for ages 10-‐14. No experience necessary! Follow the instructors while they lead you in age appropriate music and steps. Cardio Funk enhances self-‐esteem, coordination, and endurance. You won’t even know you are exercising! Tween Yoga -‐ This class is designed for kids who are ready to explore yoga postures and deep relaxation. Visualization and breathing exercises are used for overall balance and concentration, which can be applied toward everyday situations, promoting self-‐ confidence, awareness and control. Partner and group poses are emphasized. This class will also enhance physical performance needed in all sports, dance, or martial arts. Age appropriate yoga games and music are included in every class. Vinyasa Yoga: This class is good for all levels and focuses on breath and movement God-‐Centered Yoga: Worshiping the Lord through yoga by listening to Spiritual music, reading scripture, and focusing poses on the Holy Trinity. Wee Fit & Wee Yoga: Fitness class for the preschool child that uses gross motor skills and burns off some energy. Sign up for class in Child Watch. Yin Yoga: Targets the connective tissue of the hips, pelvis and lower spine. Yin postures are held 3 to 5 minutes at a time. This practice helps joints stay moist and supple. Yin Yoga is a great compliment to the more muscular style of yoga and other muscular forms of exercise. Yoga for Athletes: If you're a runner, cyclist, skier, hiker, or active person of any kind, discover how yoga will help you develop increased flexibility, aerobic capacity, strength, endurance and mental focus in this class designed to enhance your performance as an athlete or active individual. Zumba: Shake it up and sweat it out in this fun, high energy class that includes various dance and cultural influences. Zumba Gold is for beginners or people who may be limited physically.
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