COVER SHEET 9 9 9 0 5 S.E.C. Registration Number P H I L I P P I N E C O R P O R A T I O R E A L T Y A N X D H O L D I B A L E T E E W M A N N G S I L A N (Company's Full Name) A N D R E D R I V E Q U E Z O A C N N O O R C I R T N T H D C O M P L E O M I N G O N Y (Business Address : No. Street Company / Town / Province) MS. RACHELLE R. GATPANDAN 636-1170 Contact Person 0 9 3 Month Day 0 Company Telephone Number 1 7 Q FORM TYPE Month Day Annual Meeting N/A Secondary License Type, If Applicable Dept. Requiring this Doc. Amended Articles Number/Section Total Amount of Borrowings Total No. of Stockholders Domestic To be accomplished by SEC Personnel concerned 1 Foreign SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION SEC FORM 17-Q QUARTERLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 17 OF THE SECURITIES REGULATION CODE AND SRC RULE 17(2)(b) THEREUNDER 1. For the quarterly period ended September 30, 2013 2. Commission identification number 99905 3. BIR Tax Identification No. 000-188-233 4. Exact name of issuer as specified in its charter PHILIPPINE REALTY AND HOLDINGS CORPORATION 5. Province, country or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization PHILIPPINES 6. Industry Classification Code: (SEC Use Only) .......................................................................................................................................... 7. Address of issuer's principal office Postal Code Andrea North Complex, Balete Drive cor. N. Domingo, New Manila, Quezon City Satellite Office: E-512/513 East Tower, PSE Center, Exchange Rd., Ortigas Center, Pasig 8. Issuer's telephone number, including area code (632) 636-1170/631-3179 9. The Registrant has not changed its corporate name and fiscal year. Prior to its transfer to the above address the registrant held its office at 3rd Floor Magnitude Bldg., 186 E. Rodriguez, Jr. Avenue, Quezon City 10.Securities registered pursuant to Sections 8 and 12 of the Code, or Sections 4 and 8 of the RSA Title of each Class Number of shares of common stock outstanding and amount of debt outstanding Common 4,922,324,908 shares 11. Are any or all of the securities listed on a Stock Exchange? Yes [ X ] No [ ] If yes, state the name of such Stock Exchange and the class/es of securities listed therein: Philippine Stock Exchange 2 rz. lndicate by checl< marl< whether the registrant: (a) has filed all reports required to be filed by section r7 of the code and 5RC Rule r7 thereunder or sections rt of the RSA ind nin nutu r(a)-r thereunder, and sections z6 and 't4t of the corporation code of the pnirippin"r, during the preceding twelve (lz) months (or for such shorter period the registrant was required to file such reports) yes [X] No I J (b) has been subject to such firing requirements for the past ninety (9o) days. yes [x] ruo [ ] PART I-FINANCTAL INFORMATION Item r. Financial Statements. A copy of the comparative statements as of and for the quarters ended september 30' 2013 and 2ot2, is submitted as part of this report. The financial statements were prepared in accordance with accounting standards generally accepted in the Philippines' The accounting policies and riethods of computations followed in the interim financial statemenis are the ,m. .o*pared with the audited financial statements for the period ended December 3r, rorrr. changes affecting balance sheet and income statement items are further disclosed in the Management Discussion and Analysis. There are no material events subsequent to the end of the interim period that have not teen refrected in the financiar statements for.tle interim period. The compary il rectassified accounts such as dividends, capitar and foreign exchang" g"inr, ini"."ra, and equity earnings to investment income during thJperiod. fil"i;ffnagementrs Discussion and Analysis of Financiat condition and Results of Refer to the Tli:d.quarter Analysis of unaudited consolidated Financial statement attached as Exhibit l, comparative Financialsoundness Indicators as Exhibit ll, and Business Segments as Exhibit ilt. SIGNATURES o code, the issuer has dury l^H',:il'"'?"li:nX::*T'^:ljil"^::::T::T n'e" o o: ta-b€ isn d o n its ir uy i i; ffi 1:q'ru:19n ;',illt iI I *,".]l,i;Ti ;TilJn: : " " 7*9. r) :5 . Amador C. Bacani President November oB,2o1j s e o r, -a/4,rt Robirose tu. n#ot Vice-pres ident Finance/Adm in November oB, zor3 PHILIPPINE REALTY AND HOLDINGS CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION Unaudited September 30 2013 ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Financial Assets Trade and other receivables - net Trading investments Available-for-sale investments Held to maturity investments Prepayments and other current assets - net Real estate inventories Real estate held for sale and development - net Investments in and advances to associates - net Investments in joint ventures - net Investment property Property and equipment - net Deferred tax assets Goodwill LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Trade and other payables Unearned income Funds held in trust Unearned premiums Retirement benefit obligation Deferred tax liabilities Funds held for reinsurers Equity Capital stock Reserves Deficit Treasury stock Equity Attributable to Equity Holders of the Parent Minority interest See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. Audited December 31 2012 427,947,280 P 569,014,062 573,179,985 25,702,649 158,952,133 65,842,307 241,259,525 985,475,846 899,518,696 222,667 61,078,738 389,428,646 62,004,444 20,301,195 5,374,610 3,916,288,722 739,491,593 20,502,751 324,389,699 50,308,581 195,665,329 857,339,901 899,518,696 222,667 60,142,943 386,654,919 63,367,088 20,301,194 5,374,610 P4,192,294,033 293,739,789 115,589,476 653,087,170 45,949,556 57,661,290 11,042,649 1,917,930 1,178,987,862 P 357,189,181 143,387,726 653,087,170 49,655,207 52,516,210 11,042,650 3,674,080 1,270,552,224 4,493,915,266 226,722,201 (1,848,659,519) 2,871,977,948 (163,383,895) 2,708,594,053 28,706,807 2,737,300,861 P3,916,288,722 4,493,913,645 385,547,010 (1,817,642,318) 3,061,818,337 (163,383,895) 2,898,434,442 23,307,367 2,921,741,809 P4,192,294,033 PHILIPPINE REALTY AND HOLDINGS CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME For the Nine Months Ended September 30 2013 2012 Income Sale of condominium unit Rent Net underwriting income Management fees Commission Interest Miscellaneous income Costs and Expenses Cost of condominium units sold General and administrative Loss on sales cancellation Finance Costs Interest expense Income (Loss) Before Tax Income Tax Expense (Benefit) Net Income (Loss) Attributable to: Equity holders of the parent Minority interest 153,120,385 19,030,208 22,607,388 18,719,437 4,295,960 11,382,438 2,067,600 231,223,415 171,351,067 17,269,554 27,379,364 17,775,979 5,770,924 12,788,946 12,412,033 264,747,867 143,560,439 117,025,312 260,585,751 149,293,336 123,825,045 273,118,381 (29,362,336) 921,225 (30,283,561) (8,370,514) 727,672 (9,098,186) (31,017,201) 733,640 (30,283,561) (11,699,345) 2,601,159 (9,098,186) (165,276,403) (195,559,964) 10,149,000 1,050,814 (0.006359) (0.006359) (0.002398) (0.002398) Other Comprehensive Income Unrealized holding gain(loss) on AFS investments Total Comprehensive Income (Loss) Income per share Basic Diluted Number of shares outstanding Basic (net of treasury stock 125,644,005) Diluted (net of treasury stock 125,644,005) 4,877,907,002 4,877,907,002 4,877,907,002 4,877,907,002 PHILIPPINE REALTY AND HOLDINGS CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS For the Third Quarter Ended September 30, 2013 2012 Income Sale of condominium unit Rent Net underwriting income Management fees Commission Interest Miscellaneous Income Costs and Expenses Cost of condominium units sold General and administrative Loss on sales cancellation Finance Costs Interest expense Income (Loss) Before Tax Income Tax Expense (Benefit) Net Income (Loss) Attributable to: Equity holders of the parent Minority interest 32,577,954 6,301,105 5,481,936 6,362,139 1,052,082 3,936,130 (42,939) 55,668,407 63,236,570 5,864,580 9,573,079 5,991,331 2,100,571 3,039,154 2,313,135 92,118,422 37,171,878 38,513,790 75,685,667 63,193,071 47,670,519 110,863,591 (20,017,260) 312,654 (20,329,914) (18,745,168) 326,821 (19,071,989) (20,136,404) (193,511) (20,329,914) (19,696,153) 624,163 (19,071,990) (152,416,880) (172,746,794) (1,618,460) (20,690,450) (0.004128) (0.004128) (0.004038) (0.004038) Other Comprehensive Income Unrealized holding gain(loss) on AFS investments Total Comprehensive Income (Loss) Income per share Basic Diluted Number of shares outstanding Basic (net of treasury stock 125,644,005) Diluted (net of treasury stock 125,644,005) 4,877,907,002 4,877,907,002 4,877,907,002 4,877,907,002 PHILIPPINE REALTY AND HOLDINGS CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY For the Nine Months Ended September 30 Notes Capital Stock 2013 2012 3,688,679,636 - 3,688,679,636 - 3,688,679,636 3,688,679,636 1,314,901,371 509,780,492 1,314,901,371 509,782,113 805,120,879 805,119,258 114,751 114,751 4,493,915,266 4,493,913,645 250,000,000 660,988 250,660,988 250,000,000 660,988 250,660,988 119,770,865 (158,826,175) 105,039,395 10,514,690 (39,055,310) 115,554,085 15,116,523 13,451,903 25 Authorized 8,000,000,000 common shares Issued and outstanding 3,688,679,636 shares in 2013; 3,687,461,960 shares in 2012 Capital stock, December 31 Issuance of capital stock Subscribed capital stock 1,314,901,371 shares in 2013; 1,316,119,047 shares in 2011 Less: Subscription receivable Additional paid-in capital Capital stock, September 30 Reserves Appropriated retained earnings for Treasury stock acquisition Catastrophe loss Unrealized holding gain (loss) on avilable-for-sale investments Balance, beginning Unrealized holding gain (loss) Balance, end Revaluation of property and equipment Balance,beginning Transfers to retained earnings from depreciation valuation reserves Balance,end - - 15,116,523 13,451,903 226,722,202 379,666,976 Deficit Balance, beginning Net income (loss) (1,817,642,318) (31,017,201) (1,821,942,766) (11,699,345) Balance, end (1,848,659,519) (1,833,642,111) Treasury Stock 2,871,977,949 (163,383,895) 3,039,938,510 (163,158,652) 2,708,594,055 2,876,779,858 23,307,367 4,665,800 733,640 19,317,604 2,270,624 2,601,159 Minority Interest Balance, beginning Additional investment Share in net income Share in fluctuation of market value of investments in shares of stocks See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. - 190,118 28,706,807 24,379,505 P2,737,300,861 P2,901,159,363 PHILIPPINE REALTY AND HOLDINGS CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS For the Nine Months Ended September 30 2013 2012 Cash flows from Operating Activities Net Income Adjustments for: Prior Period Adjustment Equity in net losses (earnings) of subsidiaries and affiliates Depreciation and amortization Provision for tax Minority Interest Gain ( Loss ) from operations before working capital changes Decrease (Increase) in: Real estate inventories Real estate held for sale Receivables Prepayments and other current assets Increase (Decrease) in: Accounts payable and accrued expenses Funds Held in Trust/ for Reinsurers Unearned premiums Finance Lease Obligation Deferred Tax Liability Retirement Benefit Obligation Unearned Income Loans Payable Net cash used in operating activities Cash Flows from Investing Activities Decrease (Increase) in: Other assets Deferred Tax Assets Computer Software Investments in joint venture Held to maturity investments Investments and advances Trading Investments Available-for-sale investments Investment Property Net disposals (additions) to property and equipment Net cash from investing activities Cash Flows from Financing Activities Proceeds (payments) of bank loans - net Increase in capital stock Unrealized holding gain (loss) on available-for-sale investments Transfer to consolidated statements of income on sale of available-for-sale invetsments Revaluation of property and equipment Reserve for fluctuation in MV of investment in stocks Increase(decrease) in minority interest Treasury stock transactions Net cash from (used in) financing activities Net Decrease in Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning Cash and Cash Equivalents, End (31,017,201) 7,790,135 733,640 (22,493,426) (11,699,345) 20,585,713 2,601,159 11,487,526 (128,135,945) (0) 166,311,608 (45,594,196) (424,386,581) 503,244,245 (5,042,791) (1,134,077) (63,449,392) (1,756,150) (3,705,651) 28,401,156 4,146,227 (6,121,914) (1) 5,145,080 (27,798,250) 1 218,271 (121,476,322) 110,812,063 (1) (935,795) (15,533,726) 0 (5,199,898) 165,437,566 (2,773,727) (6,427,491) 134,566,927 (9,790,004) 10,535 (1,967,500) (51,128,754) 13,058,012 (15,684,338) (65,502,049) 1,621 (158,824,809) 4,665,801 (0) (154,157,387) (141,066,782) 569,014,062 427,947,280 24,945,983 2,460,744 225,243 27,631,970 72,941,982 443,320,122 516,262,104 PHILIPPINE REALTY AND HOLDINGS CORPORATION AGING OF ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE-TRADE AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 PARTICULARS PRHC PPMI CURRENT OVER DUE 31-60 DAYS UTC GRAND TOTAL OVER 91 DAYS TOTAL 133,303,352 41,329,952 350,000 322,215,347 497,198,651 503,776 503,776 60,648 899,353 1,967,554 TIBI MAC 61-90 DAYS 10,840,049 3,299,767 1,971,264 5,044,259 10,840,049 38,130,970 409,212 137,516,107 48,446,260 409,212 43,804,993 16,294,956 361,245,670 558,861,726 (0) Accounts Receivable - Trade Accounts Receivable - Others Total 558,861,726 14,318,259 573,179,985 - Exhibit I MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS FOR THE FIRST NINE (9) MONTHS OF 2013 The Company posted a net loss of P30.28 million and P9.10 million for the first nine months of 2013 and 2012, respectively; of which loss of P31.02 million and P 11.70 million, are attributable to equity holders of the Parent Company. Sale of condominium units dropped by 10.64% from P171.35 million in 2012 to P153.12 million in 2013 due to lower recognized sales for Skyline and Icon Plaza towers during the period. Rent income increased by 10.20% from P17.27 million in 2012 to P19.03 million in 2013 due to escalation of contract price. Net underwriting income went down from P27.38 million to P22.61 million due to lesser bookings by Meridian Assurance Corporation (MAC). Management fees by subsidiary PRHC Property Managers, Inc. (PPMI) rose by 5.31% due to escalation in fees and new clients. Commission income dropped from P5.77 million in 2012 to P4.30 million in 2013 due to lower premiums written during the year. Interest income dropped to P11.38 million in 2013 from P12.79 million in 2012 due to usage of some invested funds for Skybreeze Tower. Miscellaneous income, on the other hand, decreased to P2.07 million in 2013 from P12.41 million in 2012. General and administrative expense decreased from P123.83 million in 2012 to P117.03 million in 2013 as the net effect of the decrease in payment of condominium dues and realty taxes on account of turned-over Skyline units as well as lower marketing and selling expenses due to lesser units available for sale, and the additional provision for retirement both for the Parent and subsidiary, Tektite Insurance Brokers, Inc. (TIBI). The table below shows the material change from period to period in the Statement of Comprehensive Income. Material shall refer to changes or items amounting to five percent (5%) of the relevant accounts. Sale of condominium units Rent Net underwriting income Management fees Commission income Interest income Miscellaneous income Cost of condominium unit sold General and administrative expense Vertical Analysis 2013 2012 66.22% 64.72% 8.23% 6.52% 9.78% 10.34% 8.10% 6.71% 1.86% 2.18% 4.92% 4.83% 0.89% 4.69% 62.09% 56.39% 50.61% 46.77% Inc./ (Dec.) 2013 vs. 2012 (18,230,682) 1,760,654 (4,771,976) 943,458 (1,474,964) (1,406,508) (10,344,433) (5,732,897) (6,799,733) Horizontal Analysis 2013 (10.64%) 10.20% (17.43%) 5.31% (25.56%) (11.00%) (83.34%) (3.84%) (5.49%) Trade and other receivables comprise 14.64% of the total assets as of September 2013. It dropped by 22.49% from 2012 level, brought about by recoupment of advances from contractors and collection of receivables both by the Parent Company and subsidiary, MAC. Trading investments increased by 25.36% due to additional investments made by subsidiary, MAC. Available-for-sale investments dropped by 51% due to adjustment in market prices of investments and termination of debt securities of subsidiary, Universal Travel Corp. (UTC), as at end September 2013. Increase of Held to maturity investments by 30.88% was due to additional investment in Treasury bills by MAC. Prepayments and other current assets increased by 23.30% due mainly to the creditable tax remittance for Skyline units and input taxes from purchase of goods and services from various contractors for the Skybreeze Tower of the Parent Company. Real estate inventories increased by 14.95% as the net effect of ongoing construction cost for Skybreeze Tower and the recognition of cost of sold units at Skyline Tower and Icon Plaza. Trade and other payables decreased by 17.76% on account of lower customer deposits from decreasing Skyline sales and release of retention to Skyline contractors by the Parent Company, as well as decrease in premiums ceded to reinsurers and claims outstanding due to fire loss by our subsidiary, MAC. Unearned income dropped by 19.39% since additional sold units for Icon Plaza Towers were recognized as revenues based on the percentage of completion as of September 2013. Unearned premiums decreased by 7.46% from 2012 level due to lesser booked premiums of MAC. Retirement benefit obligation rose by 9.80% due to additional provision for retirement both for the Parent Company and subsidiary, TIBI. Funds held for reinsurers decreased from P3.7 million to P1.9 million due to prompt release of premiums collected on behalf of reinsurers in the latter part of 2013. The table below shows the material change from period to period in the Statement of Financial Position. Material shall refer to changes or items amounting to five percent (5%) of the relevant accounts. Cash and cash equivalents Trade and other receivables Trading investments Available for sale investments Held to maturity investments Prepayments and other current assets Real estate inventories Trade and other payables Unearned Income Unearned premiums Retirement Benefit Obligation Funds held for reinsurers Vertical Analysis 2013 2012 10.93% 13.57% 14.64% 17.64% 0.66% 0.49% 4.06% 7.74% 1.68% 1.20% 6.16% 4.67% 25.16% 7.50% 2.95% 1.17% 1.47% 0.05% 20.45% 8.52% 3.42% 1.18% 1.25% 0.09% Inc./ (Dec.) 2013 vs. 2012 Horizontal Analysis (141,066,782) (166,311,608) 5,199,898 (165,437,566) 15,533,726 45,594,196 2013 (24.79%) (22.49%) 25.36% (51.00%) 30.88% 23.30% (128,135,945) (63,449,392) (27,798,250) (3,705,651) 5,145,080 (1,756,150) 14.95% (17.76%) (19.39%) (7.46%) 9.80% (47.80%) The consolidated stockholders’ equity as of end September 2013 stood at P2.74 billion. Top Five Performance Indicators Gross Revenue Current Assets Current Ratio = Current Liabilities Liabilities Debt-to-Equity Ratio= Equity Book value per share=SHE + Subs. Rec. # of shares outstanding Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization 2012 2013 P 217,773,377.93 2,478,359,727 1,108,365,992 = 2.24 0.00 3,218,374,545 4,877,907,002 (P 32,954,639) P 239,546,888.00 2,302,641,606.00 841,188,950.00 = 2.74 0.00 = .66 3,386,561,971 4,877,907,002 = .69 ( P573,747) Gross revenue includes sale of real estate, rent, commission, management fees and underwriting income. The increase in leased areas, rental rates and number of customers contribute significantly to the cash inflows of the Company. The Company’s current ratio is at 2.24 and 2.74 for 2013 and 2012, respectively. As of September, the Company’s debt-to-equity ratio remains at zero. Book value per share is at 0.66 and 0.69 in 2013 and 2012, respectively. There were no issuances, repurchases and repayments of neither debt and equity securities nor dividends paid during the interim period. MAC distributed P32.97 and P40.00 million stock dividends last June 2012 and May 2013, respectively. The dividends form part of the increase in capitalization by MAC from P125 million end of 2011 to P175 million end of 2012, and to P250 million end of 2013. Segment revenue and segment result for business segments or geographical segments is presented as Annex IV of this report. The Company filed with the court a petition for corporate rehabilitation with prayer for suspension of payments in 2002. Settlement has been reached with all the five creditor banks through dacion en pago, cash payments from the sale of assets and loan restructuring. The Company completed another major component of the rehabilitation plan which is the completion of the construction of the Andrea North Skyline Tower. This led to the Company’s filing of the Motion to terminate rehabilitation proceeding on account of successful implementation of the Rehabilitation Plan last February 2011. The Rehabilitation Court denied our petition on the account that the Company has still substantial obligation to settle per Rehabilitation Plan. On July 16, 2012, the Company received a Writ of Execution from the RTC of Makati on the case of Ley Construction and Development Corporation (LCDC) vs. PRHC wherein the company was ordered to pay LCDC the sum of P57 million plus legal interest from the time of filing of the case. As the Company is still under Rehabilitation, the case is now under the jurisdiction of the Rehabilitation Court. Planning and redesigning of the next tower at Andrea North Towers to be called “Skybreeze”, is in its final stages. Construction of the joint venture project, Icon Plaza in the Bonifacio Global City with Xcell Property Ventures, which commenced mid 2010 is ongoing. As of this report, there are no other known events that will trigger direct or contingent financial obligation that is material to the Company. Moreover, there are no material off-balance sheet transactions, arrangements, obligations and other relationships of the company with unconsolidated entities or other persons created during this period. The Group’s activities expose it to a variety of financial risks. The Group’s overall risk management program seeks to minimize potential adverse effects on the financial performance of the Group. The policies for managing specific risks are summarized below: FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT Foreign Exchange Risk The Company has foreign curency denominated receivable from its associate, Alexandra, USA amounting to $3.01 million which has already been fully provided for impairment due to uncertainty of collection. The sensitivity rate used in reporting foreign currency risk internally to key management personnel is 10% and it represents management’s assessment of the reasonably possible change in foreign exchange rates. The sensitivity analysis includes only outstanding foreign currency denominated monetary items and adjusts their translation at the period end for a 10% change in foreign exchange rates. Credit Risk The Group’s credit risk is primarily attributable to its trade and other receivable and advances to associates. The Group has adopted stringent procedure in extending credit terms to customers and in monitoring its credit risk. The Group has no significant concentration of credit risk. It has policies in place to ensure that services are rendered to customers with an appropriate credit history. The Group’s exposure to credit risk arises from default customer, with a maximum exposure equal to carrying amount of the related receivables particularly those relating to its leasing operations. Interest Rate Risk Interest on loans payable were arranged at fixed interest rates as stated in the amended rehabilitation plan, eliminating the possible exposure of the Group to fair value interest rate risk fluctuation. The Group has no outstanding loans Liquidity Risk The Group maintains adequate highly liquid assets in the form of cash and cash equivalents to assure necessary liquidity. Free cash flows have been restricted primarily for the settlement of the Parent’s Company’s debt obligation, in conformance with the rehabilitation plan. In compliance with SEC Memorandum Circular No. 3, Series of 2011 in which the adoption has been deferred by the Financial Reporting Standard Council (FRSC) to January 1, 2015, the Company decided not to early adopt PFRS 9 for their 2013 financial reporting and hereby provides the following information in our interim FS as of September 30, 2013: i) After consideration of the result of its impact evaluation, the Company has decided not to early adopt PFRS 9 for its annual reporting; ii) It shall conduct in early 2014 another impact evaluation using the outstanding balance of FS as of December 31, 2013; iii) A statement that the Company’s decision whether to early adopt either PFRS for its 2014 financial reporting shall be disclosed in its interim FS as of December 31, 2013. The Company shall, likewise, state that if the decision of the company will be to early adopt the subject standard for its 2014 financial reporting, its interim reports as of March 31, 2014, will already reflect the application of the requirement under the said standard and will contain a qualitative and quantitative discussion of the results of the company’s impact evaluof December 2013n. Likewise, in compliance with SEC Memorandum Circular No. 6, Series of2013 the company has recognized the impact of the pertinent new standards enumerated below. Per our final analysis, the following standards will be applicable to the company: Standard Applicable i. Separate Financial Statements PAS 27 (Amended) Yes ii. Investments in Associate and Joint Ventures PAS 28 Yes iii. Government Loans (Amendments to PFRS 1) N/A iv. Disclosure-Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities (Amendments to PFRS 7) N/A v. Consolidated Financial Statements (PFRS 10) Yes vi. Joint Arrangements (PFRS 11) Yes vii. Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities (PFRS 12) Yes viii. Fair Value Measurement (PFRS 13) Yes These relevant standards will only require additional disclosures and will have no material impact on the December 2013 audited financial statements of the Company. For the impact of PAS 19 amendment, our actuary is currently updating the actuarial report and we will disclose the impact in the year-end reporting. Total Revenues/ Ave. Total Assets Asset Turnover: Shows efficiency of asset used in operations Interest Rate Coverage Ratio: Determine how easily a company can pay interest on outstanding debt EBIT/ Interest Expense Liabilites (Loans Payable) Total Equity Net Income(Loss)/ Total Revenues Net Profit Margin: Shows how much profit is made for every peso of revenue Leverage Ratio (D/E Ratio): Measure of how much of a company's assets are funded through borrowing and how much through equity Current Assets/ Current Liabilities Current Ratio: Indicates ability to cover short term obligations PHILIPPINE REALTY AND HOLDINGS CORPORATION FINANCIAL SOUNDNESS INDICATORS (32,954,639) - 0 2,737,300,861 231,223,415 4,054,291,377 (30,283,561) 231,223,415 2,478,359,727 1,108,365,992 0 0 0.06 -13.10% 2.24 2013 (8,370,514) - 0 2,901,159,363 264,747,867 4,000,879,998 (9,098,186) 264,747,867 2,302,641,606 841,188,950 0 0 0.07 -3.44% 2.74 2012 Exhibit II (45,001,039) 8,465,446 36,632 Segment Result Interest expense/Bank charges Interest income Dividend income Equity in net income of subsidiaries Income taxes Income before minority interest Minority interest Net Income Other Information Segment assets Investment at equity method Unallocated corporate assets Consolidated Total Assets Segment liabilities Unallocated corporate liabilities Consolidated Total Liabilities Capital expenditure Depreciation Non-cash expenses other than depreciation 1,982 3,449,829,426 172,803,471 9,442,813 3,632,075,710 999,116,334 572,133 999,688,467 1,613,820 3,441,901 - 172,150,592 Revenue Sale of Real Estate and Leasing 26,613,188 26,613,188 12,456,040 1,325,839 13,781,879 7,724 698,529 30,143,720 3,496,118 33,639,838 19,129,137 19,129,137 108,149 167,556 - 11,553 1,134 - (401,560) 3,791,390 Insurance Brokerage 1,672,793 18,719,437 Property Management PHILIPPINE REALTY AND HOLDINGS CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES BUSINESS SEGMENTS AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 7,362,264 407,562,073 125,345,835 9,144,677 134,490,512 4,722,399 3,382,104 400,199,809 - 1,958,232 2,755,678 1,312,134 22,607,388 Underwriting 28,178,069 53,386,898 53,386,898 (24,599) 100,045 28,178,069 148,626 (1,040,799) 504,570 Travel Services - 718,833 718,833 Other Income - - (41,489,032) (211,780,158) (41,489,032) (38,196,937) (173,583,221) Elimination 1,982 3,896,767,276 (779,750) 20,301,195 3,916,288,722 1,167,945,212 11,042,649 1,178,987,861 6,427,491 7,790,135 (42,093,540) 11,382,438 1,348,766 (921,225) (30,283,561) 733,640 (31,017,201) 218,492,211 Consolidated Exhibit III
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