Agenda Item Cover Sheet Agenda Item No. B-10 Meeting Date Consent Section x Regular Section January 23, 2014 Public Hearing Subject: Approval of Request for Proposal (RFP) No. S-0071-0-2014/CM for Self-Funded Medical Benefits Program Administration. Department Name: Human Resources - Professional Development Contact Person: Lori Krieck Sign-Off Approvals: Contact Phone: 813 276 2758 Assistant County Administrator 01/16/2014 Date Department Director 01/16/2014 Date Management and Budget – Approved as to Financial Impact Accuracy 01/16/2014 Date County Attorney – Approved as to Legal Sufficiency 01/16/2014 Date Staff's Recommended Board Motion: (1) Approve RFP No. S-0071-0-2014/CM for Self-Funded Group Health Benefits Program Administration, which includes self-funded group health administration, Employee Assistance Program (EAP), mental health and substance abuse benefits, stop loss coverage for self-funded group health administration, Flexible Spending (FSA) administration and Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) administration; and (2) Authorize the Business and Support Services Department, Procurement Services, pursuant to their policies, to issue an RFP for obtaining competitive proposals. There is no fiscal impact to the County as a result of this agenda item. Financial Impact Statement: There is no fiscal impact to the County as a result of this agenda item. Background: At present, the County contracts with Humana Insurance Company for self-funded group health plan administration, EAP, mental health and substance abuse benefits, excess medical stop-loss coverage, and for FSA and COBRA administration. The current contract will be up for an annual renewal (fifth year of a six year contract) on October 1, 2014. At its July 17, 2013 regularly scheduled meeting, the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) directed staff to prepare a Request for Proposal (RFP) to solicit proposals for a third party administrator to administer the County's self-funded medical benefits program. The Human Resources Department, with the assistance of the County's consultant, Gallagher Benefit Services, prepared the RFP. Through the RFP, the County will solicit proposals to provide administration not only for the County's self-funded group health plan, but also for mental health, substance abuse and EAP benefits, stop-loss, and FSA and COBRA administration for employees and retirees of all Hillsborough County agencies participating in the County's group medical benefits program. Pursuant to BOCC Policy, the Hillsborough County Insurance Committee met on January 9, 2014 and voted, unanimously, to recommend approval of the RFP to the BOCC, subject to any procedural modifications. The RFP is scheduled for release on or approximately January 31, 2014. Proposing vendors have until Tuesday, March 18, 2014 to submit a sealed proposal. At the time of release, the RFP will include the following attachments: employee census information, full plan descriptions, current rate structures, proposer pricing pages, and a comprehensive vendor questionnaire which includes detailed questions each proposing vendor must answer regarding selffunded group health plan administration, cost containment measures, disease and case management programs, reporting, claims administration, customer service, account management, communication, billing, on-line capabilities, rate guarantees, self-reported performance guarantees and associated liquidated damages, provider network (geography and diversity) and provider contracts, negotiated provider discounts and ease of administration for both County and employee. Pursuant to Hillsborough County Ordinance No. 13-24, there shall be a Cone of Silence for all procurement solicitations issued by the County in order to safeguard the integrity of the County's procurement and protest process. (See the RFP, page IP-7). List Attachments: RFP No S-0071-0-2014/CM 3 HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY RFP NO. S-0071-0-2014/CM REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR SELF-FUNDED MEDICAL BENEFITS PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION SERVICES FOR THE HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND SUPPORT SERVICES - PROCUREMENT J. THOMAS FESLER, DIRECTOR CHERYL MURPHY, SENIOR PROCUREMENT ANALYST IMPORTANT NOTICE: Hillsborough County issues its solicitations electronically through its contracted vendor, Onvia DemandStar. All addenda to such solicitations will be issued exclusively through Onvia DemandStar. If you have obtained this solicitation from a source other than Onvia DemandStar, you will not be listed on the plan holders list and may not receive notification of any addenda issued. Failure to receive any issued addenda shall not relieve the proposer from any obligation(s) contained in the addenda. To access Hillsborough County solicitations and any resulting addenda, please go to or call 1-800-711-1712. WEB SITE: EMAIL: 601 E. KENNEDY BLVD., COUNTY CENTER, 18TH FLOOR P. O. BOX 1110 TAMPA, FLORIDA 33601 TELEPHONE: (813) 272-5790 FAX NUMBER: (813) 272-6290 RFP-S-0071-0-2014 (CM) Self-Funded Medical Benefits Program Administration Services.doc (Rev. 09/12/13) 4 STATEMENT OF “NO BID” HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PROCURMENT SERVICES P.O. Box 1110, Tampa, Florida 33601 RFP Number: S-0071-0-2014/CM Title: SELF-FUNDED MEDICAL BENEFITS PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION SERVICES IMPORTANT NOTICE TO VENDORS: If you do not intend to submit a bid/proposal and wish to continue to receive notice of Hillsborough County procurements, please return this Statement of “No Bid.” If you elect not to submit a bid/proposal, please indicate the reason below and either Email this form to: OR Fax this form to: 813-272-6290 OR Mail this form to the above address. We do not offer this product/service or an equivalent Our schedule would not permit us to perform Insufficient time to respond to solicitation Unable to meet specifications Specifications not clear Unable to meet bond and/or insurance requirements Specifications “too tight”/restrictive (i.e. geared to specific brand or manufacturer) Subcontractor (submitted bid to General Contractor) Other (please explain):_________________________________________ _______________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature:_______________________________________ Date:____________________________________ Name: _______________________________________ Title: ______________________________________ Company: _______________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ Federal Tax Identification Number: _______________________ Telephone: _________________ Fax: _________________ E-Mail: ____________________ 535-STATEMENT OF NO (10-01-09) 5 RFP PACKAGE: SERVICE PROJECT CHECKLIST The Proposer is cautioned to read and become familiar with all sections of this HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY RFP PACKAGE. Failure to do so may result in the submission of an irregular PROPOSAL by the Proposer resulting in its possible rejection by Hillsborough County. The following itemized checklist identifies various items of the Hillsborough County RFP Package which should be particularly examined by the Proposer. The Proposer should carefully review the items specified in the checklist for purposes of assuring that a proper PROPOSAL is made. No representation is made that the following checklist is a complete guide to every point for consideration by the Proposer. The checklist merely calls attention to major problem areas experienced by Hillsborough County relative to past irregular PROPOSALS. PART A - INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS: 1. PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE INFORMATION: February ??, 2014 2. THE PROPOSAL OPENING TIME: February ??, 2014 3. THE PLACE OF THE PROPOSAL OPENING: Procurement, 18th Floor SECTION 2.(e) 4. The period of time that the Proposer's PROPOSAL shall remain in force after the PROPOSAL opening SECTION 2.(i) 5. The Proposal Security requirements, if required SECTION 3. 6. The responsibility for State Sales Tax SECTION 13. 7. The composition of the Contract Documents SECTION 14. 8. The Performance Bond Requirements SECTION 19. 9. Pre-Proposal Conference Information PART B – SPECIFICATIONS: EXHIBIT I: 10. The Performance Bond (if bonding is required). DO NOT COMPLETE these forms when submitting your Proposal 11. Complete all blanks and submit all information as requested 12. Have the "Acknowledgement" notarized EXHIBIT I: 13. Complete the Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Requirements, as appropriate EXHIBIT II: 14. If a Proposal Security is required, complete the Proposal Bond Form unless an acceptable alternate form of security will be submitted with the Proposal 15. Sign and seal the Proposal as requested PART C – PROPOSAL: PART D – AGREEMENT: EXHIBIT I: REV 03-91 RFP/CK/G 16. AGREEMENT - PART D - DO NOT COMPLETE THIS AGREEMENT WHEN SUBMITTING YOUR PROPOSAL 17. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS 1 6 HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA RFP NUMBER S-0071-0-2014/CM Table of Contents Description Page PART A: INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS PART B: SPECIFICATIONS IP 1 – 12 1. GENERAL CONDITIONS GC 1 – 11 2. MINIMUM SPECIFICATIONS MS 1 - 16 EXHIBIT I: Hillsborough County’s Group Health Plan Benefits Summary MS – 6 EXHIBIT II: Flexible Spending Account Booklet MS – 7 EXHIBIT II: COBRA Booklet MS – 8 EXHIBIT IV: Employee Assistance / Substance Abuse Program EXHIBIT V: Group Health Plan Monthly Rates MS - 11 EXHIBIT VII: Pharmacy Financial Exhibit MS - 12 EXHIBIT VIII: Employee Census (available on disc, when requested) MS - 13 EXHIBIT IX: Excess Medical Stop Loss Rates and Claims Experience (available on disc, when requested) MS - 14 EXHIBIT X: MS - 15 Rx4 Prescription Drug List EXHIBIT I: HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY/ AFFIRMATIVE ACTION REQUIREMENTS EXHIBIT II: W-9 Pricing Proposal Workbook REV 01-24-05 RFP/TC/G VQ - 1 PBVQ - 1 VP - 1 A1-5 AGREEMENT EXHIBIT I: EEO 1 - 4 W9 - 1 EXHIBIT IV: Prescription Benefits Program Vendor Questionnaire EXHIBIT V: MS - 16 P1-7 PROPOSAL EXHIBIT III: Medical Benefits Program Administration Vendor Questionnaire PART D: MS - 10 EXHIBIT VI: Medical, Pharmacy and High Cost Claims (available on disc, when requested) EXHIBIT XI: Medicare Advantage Plan Summary of Benefits PART C: MS - 9 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS TC - 1 IR 1 - 3 7 PART A RFP NUMBER S-0071-0-2014/CM INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS Proposal for: Self-Funded Medical Benefits Program Administration Services MANDATORY Pre- Proposal Conference: February 17, 2014, at 3:00 P.M., and/or February 18, 2014, at 10:00 A.M., th 17 Floor of the County Center, Rm 1745C, 601 East Kennedy Blvd., Tampa Florida PROPOSERS shall attend one (1) of the two available pre-proposal meetings. Proposal Opening Time: March 18, 2014, at 2:00 P.M. Place Of Proposal Opening: Department of Procurement Services 18TH Floor of the County Center, 601 East Kennedy Blvd. Tampa, Florida GENERAL TERMS AND PROVISIONS 1. EXPLANATION OF COMPETITIVE SEALED PROPOSAL METHOD OF PROCUREMENT: COMPETITIVE SEALED PROPOSALS DIFFER FROM COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDS IN SEVERAL AREAS: 2. (a) All criteria for evaluation will be set forth in the proposal documents in order of importance. Only these criteria will be used to determine the best proposal. (b) Discussions may be held with all responsible proposers after proposals are opened for purposes of clarification. The County also reserves the right to request written clarifications from Proposers after the proposals have been opened. Proposers will be given equal treatment with respect to discussions and all information obtained is to secure the best possible offers for the COUNTY. (c) Award shall be made to the responsible Proposer whose proposal is determined to be the most advantageous to the COUNTY taking into consideration only the evaluation factors set forth in the request for proposal. (d) The County reserves the right to issue one or more call(s) for Best and Final Proposals if it is in the best interest of the County. PROPOSALS (a) The herein included Instructions to Proposers (Part A); the Specifications (Part B); The Proposal (Part C); and the Agreement (Part D); together with all the attached documents therein identified, and Exhibits, constitute the entire "proposal package" (Contract Documents) concerning this present proposal matter. Said proposal package must be the basis upon which all proposals are offered and the same (the entire proposal package) must be kept together and returned intact (sealed from public view) to the Hillsborough County Department of Procurement Services at the time and place therein specified. The Proposer must manually sign the Proposal (Part C) and should complete the attached document titled Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Requirements, attached as Exhibit I of the Proposal (Part C). (b) Prices (proposals) must be quoted only upon the Proposal Form (Part C) herewith provided and no other Proposals will be accepted. Sealed Proposals may not be amended or otherwise changed by any writing placed outside the sealed Proposal package; except however, any such written "outside" communication by a Proposer shall be construed by Hillsborough County as indicating a withdrawal of the proffered sealed Proposal to which the communication relates (thereby causing the Proposer to have issued "No Proposal" for consideration by Hillsborough County). All prices quoted are to be F.O.B. job site in Hillsborough County, Florida where applicable. REV 01-24-05 RFP/TC/G IP - 1 8 (c) As applies to this present proposal matter, the Proposer is hereby directed to cause delivery of his proposal to the Hillsborough County Department of Procurement Services, 601 E. Kennedy Blvd., County Center 18th Floor, Tampa, Florida 33602, prior to the proposal opening time which is: 2:00 P.M. on March 18, 2014. The delivery of said Proposal to the Department of Procurement Services prior to the time and date stated in the preceding sentence is solely and strictly the responsibility of the Proposer. For informational purposes, the Proposer is hereby advised that United States Postal Service delivery is made to the County's Post Office Box. Such delivery is not made directly to the Department of Procurement Services street address even if the Proposer specifies the street address and/or even if Express Mail Service is utilized; therefore, use of United States Postal Service may cause a delay in the receipt of said proposal. Proposers are cautioned to plan necessary delivery time accordingly. The Director of Procurement Services will in no way be responsible for delays caused by the United States Postal Service or for delays caused by any other occurrence. All proposals must be manually and duly signed by an authorized corporate officer, principal, or partner (as applicable). All proposals must be marked: SEALED PROPOSAL FOR: S-0071-0-2014/CM, SELF-FUNDED MEDICAL BENEFITS PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION SERVICES TO BE OPENED AT DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT SERVICES 601 E. KENNEDY BLVD, COUNTY CENTER 18th FLOOR, TAMPA, FL 33602 Proposals must be signed by the Proposer with his signature in full. When a partnership is a Proposer, the proposal shall be signed in the name of the firm by one or more of the partners. When a corporation is a Proposer, the officer signing shall set out the corporate name in full beneath which he shall sign his name and give the title of his office. The Proposal shall also bear the seal of the corporation. Anyone signing the Proposal as agent must file with it legal evidence of his authority to do so. Proposers who are nonresident corporations shall furnish to the County a duly certified copy of their permit to transact business in the State of Florida along with the Proposal. Failure to promptly submit this evidence of qualification to do business in the State of Florida may be basis for rejection of the Proposal. (d) The Proposer is solely responsible for reading and completely understanding the requirements and the specifications of the items proposed. The proposal opening time will be scrupulously observed. Under no circumstances will proposals delivered after the delivery time specified be considered. (e) Proposals may be withdrawn on written or telegraphic requests dispatched by the Proposer in time for delivery in the normal course of business prior to the time fixed for the opening of proposals; provided, however, that written confirmation of any telegraphic withdrawal over the signature of the Proposer is placed in the mail and postmarked prior to the time set for the opening of proposals. Negligence on the part of the Proposer in preparing his proposal confers no right of withdrawal or modification of his proposal after such proposal has been opened by Hillsborough County at the appointed time and place. Proposers may not withdraw or modify their proposals after the appointed proposal opening time. Said Proposals shall be in force for a period of not less than ninety (90) days after the proposal opening time. Further, said Proposal shall continue in force after said ninety (90) day period, until thirty (30) days following the date of receipt by County of written notice from the Proposer of his/her intent to withdraw his/her proposal, or until the date specified in said written notice as the expiration date of the Proposal, whichever is later. The aforementioned Proposal times will remain in effect irrespective of whether an award has theretofore been made by Hillsborough County. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding sentence, the Proposer may extend his/her Proposal at any time prior to the scheduled expiration thereof. Proposers may not assign or otherwise transfer their Proposals prior to or after the Proposal opening time. (f) At the time and place fixed for the opening of proposals (see above), every proposal properly delivered within the time fixed for receiving proposals will be opened and publicly read aloud, irrespective of any irregularities found therein. Proposers and other persons interested may be present or represented. (g) Attorneys-in-fact who sign bonds or other surety instruments must attach with each bond or surety instrument a certified and effectively dated copy of their power of attorney. REV 01-24-05 RFP/TC/G IP - 2 9 3. (h) No interpretation of the meaning of the plans, specifications, or other contract documents will be made to any Proposer orally. Every request for such interpretation must be in writing, addressed to the Hillsborough County Director of Procurement Services. To be given consideration, such requests must be received at least ten (10) days prior to the date fixed for the opening of Proposals. Any and all such interpretations and any supplemental instructions will be in the form of a written addendum which, if issued, will be posted at, at least five (5) days prior to the date fixed for the opening of proposals. Failure of a Proposer to receive any such addendum or interpretation shall not relieve said Proposer from an obligation under their proposal as submitted. All addenda so issued shall become part of the Contract Documents. (i) Either a certified check, a cashier's check, an irrevocable letter of credit or in the alternative, submission of a Proposal Bond completed and signed by all required parties and submitted in the format detailed by Exhibit II to the Proposal (Part C), will not be required to accompany each proposal in a stated dollar amount which equals not less than five percent (5%) of the sum of the computed total amount of the Proposal. Any submitted certified check, cashier's check, or an irrevocable letter of credit shall be drawn on a solvent bank or trust company to the order of Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners and shall have all necessary documentary revenue stamps attached, if required by law. Surety on Proposal Bonds shall be a duly authorized surety company sanctioned to do business in the State of Florida; all such bonds shall be issued or countersigned by a local producing agent who is a resident of the State of Florida and satisfactory evidence of the authority of the person or persons executing such bonds shall be submitted with the bond. Personal checks, business checks and cash deposits are not acceptable to Hillsborough County and will render your bid nonresponsive. (j) Before submitting proposals, Proposers must carefully examine the site of the proposed work and make all necessary investigations to inform themselves thoroughly as to all difficulties involved in the completion of all services required pursuant to the mandates and requirements of this proposal package. No pleas of ignorance of conditions or difficulties that may exist, prior to the Proposal opening or of conditions or difficulties that may be encountered in the execution of the services pursuant to this proposal package as a result of failure to make the necessary examinations and investigations will be accepted as an excuse for any failure or omission on the part of the Successful Proposer/ Contractor to fulfill, in every detail, all of the requirements of the Contract Documents, nor will they be accepted as a basis for any claims whatsoever for extra compensation or for any extension of time. TAXES For purposes of this present proposal matter, State Sales Tax and Federal Excise Taxes cannot be included in the proposal, as Hillsborough County is tax exempt. The Director of Procurement Services will sign exemption certificates submitted by the successful Proposer. 4. PROPOSAL ERRORS Where proposals have erasures or corrections, each erasure or correction must be initialed in ink by the Proposer. In case of unit price contracts, if an error is committed in the extension of an item, the unit price as shown in the Contract Documents will govern. 5. DEVIATIONS As concerns this present proposal matter, all proposals must clearly and with specificity detail all deviations to the exact requirements imposed upon the Proposer by the Instructions to Proposers (Part A); the Specifications (Part B); and the Agreement (Part D). Such deviations must be stated upon the Proposal (Part C); otherwise Hillsborough County will consider the subject proposal as being made in strict compliance with said Instructions to Proposers (Part A); the Specifications (Part B); and the Agreement (Part D); the Proposer being held therefor accountable and responsible. Proposers are hereby advised that Hillsborough County will only consider proposals that meet the specifications and other requirements imposed upon them by this proposal package. In instances where a deviation is stated upon the Proposal (Part C), said proposal will be subject to rejection by Hillsborough County in recognition of the fact that said proposal does not meet the exact requirements imposed upon the Proposer by the Instructions to Proposers (Part A); the Specifications (Part B); and the Agreement (Part D); except, however, said proposal may not be subject to such rejection where, at the sole discretion of Hillsborough County, the stated deviation is considered to be equal or better than the imposed requirement and where said deviation does not destroy the competitive character of the request for REV 01-24-05 RFP/TC/G IP - 3 10 proposal process by affecting the amount of the proposal such that an advantage or benefit is gained to the detriment of the other Proposers 6. CONDITION OF MATERIALS AND PACKAGING In instances where the Specifications (Part B) make this subject applicable (and unless otherwise indicated), all goods and items offered for sale and/or shipped by the successful Proposer pursuant to the requirements imposed upon said Proposer by this proposal package, will be NEW and in FIRST CLASS CONDITION, all related containers being new and suitable for storage and shipment; all prices including the cost of standard commercial packaging. Successful Proposers will be solely responsible for making any and all claims against carriers as concerns missing or damaged items. 7. BRAND NAMES, ETC In instances where the Specifications (Part B) make this subject applicable, any use therein of brand names, manufacturers' makes, trade names, information and/or catalog numbers are so used for the purpose of providing description and for establishing acceptable quality levels. Such references are not intended for the purpose of placing restrictions upon Proposers (other than as to quality) and Proposers may propose and describe upon the Proposal (Part C) deviations believed to be equal or better than the otherwise imposed requirement; provided, however, at the sole discretion of Hillsborough County, said County may determine whether such deviations are or are not, in fact, deviations from said imposed requirements. In instances where a deviation is stated upon the Proposal (Part C), said proposal will be subject to rejection by Hillsborough County in recognition of the fact that said proposal does not meet the exact requirements imposed upon the Proposer by the Instructions to Proposers (Part A), the Specifications (Part B), and the Agreement (Part D); except, however, said Proposal may not be subject to such rejection where, at the sole discretion of Hillsborough County, the stated deviation is considered to be equal or better than the imposed requirement and where said deviation does not destroy the competitive character of the request for proposal process by affecting the amount of the proposal such that an advantage or benefit is gained to the detriment of the other Proposers. 8. INFORMATION AND DESCRIPTIVE LITERATURE Proposers must furnish all requested information in the spaces provided on the Proposal (Part C). Additionally, where required pursuant to the provisions of this proposal package, Proposers must submit with their Proposal; cuts, sketches, descriptive literature and/or complete specifications relative to the items proposed and offered; references to previously submitted material concerned with previous proposals not being acceptable to Hillsborough County. 9. COMPLIANCE WITH OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT (O.S.H.A.) In instances where such is applicable due to the nature of the proposal matter with which this proposal package is concerned, all material, equipment, etc., as proposed and offered by Proposers must meet and conform to all O.S.H.A. requirements; the Proposer's signature upon the Proposal (Part C) being by this reference considered a certification of such fact. 10. NO ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT As concerns this present proposal matter, and unless the Specifications (Part B) indicate otherwise, no successful Proposer may make any assignment of the resulting contractual agreement between parties, in whole or in part, without prior written authorization as may be given at the sole discretion of Hillsborough County. 11. AWARD OF CONTRACT/REJECTION OF PROPOSALS A contract will be awarded by the Board of County Commissioners of Hillsborough County to the responsible Proposer submitting the best proposal in compliance with the Specifications (Part B) and other requirements imposed by this proposal package, provided said proposal is considered (within the sole discretion of said Board of County Commissioners) reasonable, and in the best interest of Hillsborough County to accept. The Successful Proposer to whom a contract is awarded will be so notified by Hillsborough County at the earliest practical date. The Board of County Commissioners of Hillsborough County, however, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive any informality concerning proposals whenever such rejection or waiver is in the best interest of Hillsborough County and when the same is in conformance with standard competitive sealed proposal procedures. Hillsborough County, likewise, reserves the right to reject the proposal of any Proposer who has previously failed to perform properly or to complete on time, contracts of similar nature; who is not in a position to perform the contract; or who has habitually and without just cause REV 01-24-05 RFP/TC/G IP - 4 11 neglected the payment of bills or otherwise disregarded obligations to sub-contractors, materialmen or employees. The ability of a Proposer to obtain a Performance Bond and/or Proposal Bond shall not be regarded as the sole test of such Proposer's competency or responsibility. 12. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The following constitute the Contract Documents (Title, Subtitles, Headings, Running Headlines, Table of Contents, and Indices are used merely for convenience purposes): Instructions to Proposers Specifications Proposal Agreement (Part A) (Part B) (Part C) (Part D) All Addenda Issued by the County prior to the Receipt of Proposals. 13. PERFORMANCE BOND (Intentionally omitted) 14. SECURITY FORFEITURE If within ten days after notification by Hillsborough County of the COUNTY'S award of a contract, the Successful Proposer/Contractor refuses or otherwise neglects to execute the required written contract and fails to furnish the required Performance Bond, or acceptable alternative form of security as stipulated herein, the amount of the Proposer's security (check, Proposal Bond or other) shall be forfeited and the same shall be retained by Hillsborough County. No plea of mistake in the proposal or misunderstanding of the conditions of forfeiture shall be available to the Proposer for the recovery of his proposal security or as a defense to any action based upon the neglect or refusal to execute a written contract. 15. LAWS AND REGULATIONS The Proposer's attention is directed to the fact that all applicable Federal and State laws, municipal and County ordinances, and the rules and regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction over any part of the project shall apply to the contract throughout and they will be deemed to be included in the contract the same as though herein written. 16. HAND SANITIZER ORDINANCE (05-8) Pursuant to Hillsborough County Ordinance 05-8, as amended, every Portable Restroom in service in Hillsborough County which does not have a hand washing facility located within the Portable Restroom must have an operable hand sanitizer dispenser containing sanitation liquid affixed to the inside of the Portable Restroom or immediately adjacent to the Portable Restroom. The Contractor is solely responsible for ensuring that any and all Portable Restrooms owned or leased by the Contractor are in compliance with the ordinance. 17. SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL (SOLID WASTE ORDINANCE 96-34) Pursuant to Hillsborough County Ordinance 96-34, as amended, all solid waste accumulated as a result of this contract that the CONTRACTOR is required to remove and dispose, which the CONTRACTOR chooses not to self haul, shall be removed and disposed of by one of the three authorized Hillsborough County solid waste franchise collectors. For a list of the authorized franchise collectors, please contact the Solid Waste Management Department at (813) 272-5680. The use of any other company or entity for the collection and disposal of solid waste in the Hillsborough County solid waste service area may be a violation of Hillsborough County Ordinance 96-34, as amended. 18. APPLICABLE LAW Unless otherwise specified, all phases and provisions of this Agreement, including but not limited to interpretation, proposing, award, execution and implementation, shall be governed by the laws, rules, and regulations of the State of Florida. 19. EXECUTION OF WRITTEN CONTRACT The successful Proposer will be required to sign a written contract which has been made a part of this Proposal Package and identified as the Agreement (Part D). Said written contract will evidence in written form the agreement between the parties pursuant to the award having been theretofore made by the COUNTY to this Successful Proposer/Contractor; said signing to be accomplished within ten (10) REV 01-24-05 RFP/TC/G IP - 5 12 days after Notice of Award. The above mentioned signing will take place at an Award Conference, the date which will be set forth in the Notice of Award. 20. MANDATORY PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE A Pre-Proposal Conference concerning this present proposal matter will be conducted by Hillsborough County at: PLACE: Hillsborough County Center, 17th Floor Conference Room 1745C, 601 East Kennedy Blvd., Tampa, Florida TIME: February 17, 2014, at 3:00 P.M., and/or February 18, 2014, at 10:00 A.M., PHONE NUMBER (813) 276-2728 PROPOSERS shall attend one (1) of the two available pre-proposal meetings. 21. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION BUSINESS ENTERPRISE PROGRAM Hillsborough County hereby notifies all Proposers that Minority Business Enterprises (MBE's), Disadvantaged Minority Business Enterprises (DMBE's), and Disadvantaged Women Business Enterprises (DWBE's) will be afforded a full opportunity to participate in any award made by Hillsborough County pursuant to this present proposal matter and will not be subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, or national origin. Hillsborough County prohibits any person involved in Hillsborough County contracting and procurement activities, to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or physical handicap. 22. FISCAL NON-FUNDING CLAUSE In the event sufficient budget funds are not available for a new fiscal period, the COUNTY shall notify the vendor of such occurrence and the contract shall terminate on the last day of the current fiscal period without penalty or expense to the COUNTY. 23. ELECTRONIC PAYMENT SOLUTIONS (a) ePayables (b) The COUNTY has an ePayables electronic payment solution where the Proposer may choose to be paid by a VISA credit card account. If the Proposer requests to participate in the COUNTY’S ePayables electronic payment solution, the Proposer should indicate its acceptance in its Bid. If the Proposer has indicated that it will accept the COUNTY’S VISA credit card for payment, then the Proposer will be required to sign an ePayables Enrollment Form after the contract has been awarded. The Proposer must have the capacity to accommodate/accept VISA credit card payments in order to participate in the COUNTY’S ePayables electronic payment solution. ePayables payments will be processed via a credit card and merchant services fees will apply. Merchant services fees are determined by the vendor’s agreement with their Merchant Bank. Fees are generally up to 3%. ACH (Direct Deposit) The COUNTY has an ACH payment solution where the Proposer may choose to be paid with direct deposit. If the Proposer requests to participate in the COUNTY’S ACH electronic payment solution, the Proposer should indicate its acceptance in its Bid. If the Proposer has indicated that it will accept the COUNTY’S ACH for payment, then the Proposer will be required to sign a Direct Deposit Authorization Form after the contract has been awarded. For more information on both Electronic Payment Solutions, go to 24. PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES STATEMENT A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid, proposal, or reply on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid, proposal, or reply on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids, proposals, or replies on REV 01-24-05 RFP/TC/G IP - 6 13 leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, Florida Statutes, for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. Additionally, pursuant to COUNTY policy, a conviction of a public entity crime may cause the rejection of a bid, offer, or proposal. The COUNTY may make inquiries regarding alleged convictions of public entity crimes. The unreasonable failure of a proposer to promptly supply information in connection with an inquiry may be grounds for rejection of a bid, offer or proposal. 25. DRUG FREE WORKPLACE PROGRAM Pursuant to Section 287.087, Florida Statutes, proposers may submit a certificate certifying that they have implemented a drug free workplace program with their proposals. If two or more proposals are equal in price, quality, and service, preference will be given in the award process to the proposer who has furnished such certification with their proposal. Certificate forms are available from the Department of Procurement Services website at 26. BID RESULTS Preliminary results (or listings of Proposers in the case of RFP's) are available at 27. LICENSING Proposer shall be properly licensed for the appropriate category of work specified in this solicitation. All Proposers are requested to submit any required license(s) with their response to this solicitation. License(s) must be effective as of the solicitation opening date and must be maintained throughout the life of the contract. Failure to be properly licensed as stated above will result in the rejection of the bid as non-responsive. 28. IRS FORM W-9, REQUEST FOR TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER AND CERTIFICATION All Proposers are requested to complete and submit the attached W-9 form with their response to this solicitation. 29. HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY BUSINESS TAX All Proposers are requested to submit a copy of their Hillsborough County Business Tax Receipt with their response to this solicitation, if applicable. The Business Tax Receipt must be current as of the opening date of this solicitation. 30. PROPOSER’S COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTY’S PROCUREMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURES AND HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY ORDINANCE – PROTEST PROCESS AND PROCEDURES Proposer is advised that by submitting a Bid/Proposal, Proposer hereby agrees to comply with the County’s Procurement Policy and Procedures, including, but not limited to, the County’s policy and procedures regarding Bid/Proposal protests and Hillsborough County Ordinance No. 13-24. The County’s Procurement Policy and Procedures can be found on the County’s website at: 31. CONE OF SILENCE: Pursuant to Hillsborough County Ordinance No. 13-24, there shall be a Cone of Silence for all procurement solicitations issued by the County in order to safeguard the integrity of the County’s procurement and protest process. The Cone of Silence shall go into effect on the date a procurement solicitation is issued by the County and shall end on the date the contract is awarded by the County or the date the procurement solicitation is canceled by the County. Unless otherwise provided for in Hillsborough County Ordinance No. 13-24, during the time period the Cone of Silence is in effect, no Proposer, interested party and/or their principals, officers, employees, attorneys or agents shall communicate with County employees, the Hearing Master assigned to hear the applicable protest appeal and/or members of the Board of County Commissioners, including their aides and employees regarding a procurement solicitation and/or its related protest. The Cone of Silence does not prohibit a Proposer from communicating with the Director of the County Department issuing the procurement solicitation, County staff listed as contacts in the procurement solicitation, or the attorney in the County Attorney’s office that is directly responsible for the applicable procurement solicitation (this information can be obtained by contacting the County staff person listed as the contact in the applicable procurement solicitation). A violation of the Cone of Silence will result in the disqualification of the REV 01-24-05 RFP/TC/G IP - 7 14 Proposer from consideration in the award of the procurement solicitation unless it is determined that the violation is unintentional and/or not material. 32. DISADVANTAGED MINORITY / DISADVANTAGED WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE and SMALL BUSINESS ENTRPRISE PARTICIPATION Disadvantaged Minority/Disadvantaged Women Business Enterprise and Small Business Enterprise (DM/DWBE and SBE) Participation: Proposers who have 10% or more DWBE/MBE/SBE participation can apply for bonus points. Qualified firms may receive five (5) percent of the maximum allowable points for DM/DWBE and SBE participation. The term “DM/DWBE and SBE” shall mean a business that is certified or registered as a bona fide DM/DWBE or SBE with Hillsborough County or has been granted Reciprocal Certification by Hillsborough County. Provisional Reciprocal Certification shall be granted for one six-month period to DM/DWBE firms which are principally domiciled in the State of Florida and certified by other jurisdictions within the State. It will be the responsibility of the proposing firm to furnish all the necessary information and documentation to the County as listed below in order to receive bonus points. 1. The request for bonus points shall be made on the proposing firm’s letterhead and must include the following: a. The RFP number and project name; and b. c. The name of the firm(s) to be utilized; and The percentage of fees that will be subcontracted to that firm which must be 10% or more; and A commitment from the proposing firm stating that 10% or more of its ultimate fees will be subcontracted to that DM/DWBE or SBE. d. 2. The following items should be attached to the above letter: a. b. A letter of intent from the DM/DWBE or SBE on its letterhead stating its intent to perform the services and the scope of work signed by its Chief Operating Officer. This letter must reference the project. A copy of the DM/DWBE current certification or the SBE’s current registration. NOTE: FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ANY OF THESE REQUIREMENTS MAY RESULT IN DENIAL OF THE REQUESTED BONUS POINTS. SPECIAL NOTE: If the successful proposer has received bonus points, that firm will be required to submit to the DM/DWBE & SBE Programs Section of the Economic Development Department a copy of the executed subcontract agreement with each DM/DWBE or SBE listed in the letter of commitment. Annual reports detailing the amount of money paid to each DM/DWBE or SBE must also be submitted. Failure to provide this information may result in the denial of future bonus points. 33. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: 33.1 Proposers are instructed not to contact County employees regarding this Request for Proposal, except staff from the Department of Business and Support Services - Procurement. This requirement remains effective from the advertisement date through the date that this solicitation is awarded or otherwise cancelled. 33.2 Members of County staff will comprise an evaluation committee and will individually review the submitted proposals. Once the review is completed the evaluation committee will meet and score the proposals as a group consensus. Selection will be based on the submitted proposals. In all cases, the County will be the sole judge as to whether a Proposer’s proposal has or has not satisfactorily met the requirements of this Request for Proposal. 33.3 Do not place County employees on any mailing, fax, telephone or e-mail list without the employee’s express prior consent. 33.4 The evaluation process is designed to award a contract to a vendor whose Proposal is judged through the evaluation and clarification process to be in the best interest of the County. Scores are based on the evaluation of the Proposer’s responses to the County’s Group Health Plan requirements, County’s questionnaire, supplemental questions and oral presentations, if any. Three-year (3) rate guarantees are required. Preference will be given to financially sound proposers with rate guarantees beyond the required three (3) years. Proposers must submit their best and final rates upon first submission. The REV 01-24-05 RFP/TC/G IP - 8 15 Evaluation Committee may short list the top ranked proposers, ask for clarification, and/or require program presentations to the Evaluation and/or Insurance Committee. 33.5 Quoted rates, administrative fees, intermediary fees, and any other fixed costs should not include commissions, finder’s fees, etc. It is desired by the County that all rates be quoted net of commissions. If commissions cannot be deleted from your proposal rates, indicate the amount and to whom commissions are payable. Commissioned agents shall provide written documentation in their proposals that grants binding authority to the agent from the Principal Insurer. The County reserves the right to rename any agents of record at any time. 33.6 Business and Support Services, Procurement Services will provide census data upon request. 33.7 Proposers are cautioned that deviations from the preferred programs must be clearly stated and described on the Proposal forms and on the Deviations and Exceptions forms in Part C. 33.8 Proposers are instructed that their proposal submission should contain their best proposal from a monetary and technical standpoint. 33.9 Any proposer must notify the County if it is conducting or intends to conduct separate negotiations with any other Participating Agency defined in this Request for Proposal. 34. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS The proposer shall: 34.1 Not be presently debarred or suspended from contracting with federal, state, or local governments. 34.2 Be properly licensed by and registered with the State of Florida. Florida Statutes 626.901 and 626.902 prohibit representing or aiding any unauthorized insurer of insurance product. Proposals that include insurance proposed by unauthorized insurers will be deemed non-responsive to the RFP. 34.3 Have the necessary organization, provider networks, operational controls, and technical skills to perform the required work. 34.4 Have at least five (5) years experience providing administration of Group Health Benefits to a similar Florida employer group. Similar means a group size of least 2,500 lives. The contract for the similar group shall have been in force for at least one year. The experience period included in this and the previous paragraph must have occurred within five (5) years prior to January, 2014. 34.5 Have an A.M. Best financial rating of A- or better. The proposer may not have been rated lower than Awithin the last two (2) years. Only the Proposer(s), which, in the opinion of the County, are financially capable of providing the services, will be considered. 34.6 Financial responsibility of a proposing downstream or subsidiary company must be guaranteed in writing by the parent company by endorsement of the Agreement as follows: 34.6.1 In the event that (the Proposer) is unable to pay any claim payable within the time and in accordance with the terms and provisions set forth in the above-referenced agreement, the (Parent Company) hereby agrees to make such payment therefore in accordance with the terms and provisions of such agreement.” 34.7 Submit proposals that meet or exceed the requested plan of benefits being procured. If proposing an enhanced plan design, it must be submitted separately from the requested plan of benefits being procured. The Vendor Questionnaires, Part C, Exhibit III & Exhibit IV, will have a separate worksheet for this purpose. 34.8 Provide rate guarantees for the first three (3) years of the contract period. Rate guarantees for years four (4) and five (5) are desired. If rate guarantees are not offered for renewal years four (4) and five (5), Hillsborough County would prefer that the renewal years have a maximum (cap) increase percentages in renewal year prices as expressly identified within their proposal. If maximum percentage increases are not provided, the County will negotiate pricing for years four (4) and five (5), if the Agreement is renewed. Proposer must be willing to disclose all pricing components of renewal proposals, including administrative costs and proposer’s tolerable loss ratio. 34.9 Submit a sample performance guarantee document with suggested liquidated damages associated with each performance guarantee dimension to include standard dimensions for the benefit being requested. The County will negotiate final performance guarantees with the successful proposer and upon REV 01-24-05 RFP/TC/G IP - 9 16 implementation of the contract and will be self-reported on an annual basis at the anniversary of the contract implementation 34.10 Disclose all fees associated with the administration of the County’s health plans, including, but not limited to, capitation, spread pricing, rebate share, disease management, network rebates, subrogation, that may show as a claim in the banking system or not readily displayed to the County. 34.11 Attend one of the scheduled pre-proposal conferences. This is a mandatory requirement and each Proposer shall be requested to sign in on the list provided by County staff. 35. EVALUATION CRITERIA The evaluation process is designed to award a contract to the Proposer whose proposal is judged through the evaluation and negotiation process to be in the best interest of the County. Scores are based on the evaluation of the Proposer’s responses to the RFP, questionnaire, and oral presentations, if any. After careful analysis and evaluation of the proposals received, a successful proposer will be recommended by the Insurance Committee to the Board of County Commissioners. The proposal will be evaluated for the following criteria: COST: 60 Points Overall price will be based on the fixed cost and other fees as displayed in the Pricing Section of the RFP. Gallagher Benefit Services will provide an estimated claim liability to the County based on each proposer’s Network Discounts, Disease Management Programs, Network Efficiency, Network Disruptions, Claim Management Tools and Resources, Wellness Program Initiatives, Prescription Drug Plan Pricing and Model, Prescription Drug Plan Rebates, Specialty Prescription Drug Programs, and other factors that impact the overall cost to the County. Lowest cost acceptable in terms, as mentioned above, will be awarded the full 60 points; each more costly proposer will have their cost divided by the lowest cost to determine the percentage of the 60 points they receive. Points shall be awarded for price based on the following formula: Lowest Price Proposal Other Proposer's Price (varies according to proposal being scored) x Maximum Points Given to Price TECHNICAL APPROACH: = Score 30 Points Includes, but is not limited to, cost containment measures, disease and case management program administration, provider network (geography and diversity), additional rate guarantees/max caps, reporting capabilities, claims administration, customer service, billing, electronic and online administrative capabilities, administrative enhancements, performance guarantees and associated liquidated damages. QUALIFICATIONS, EXPERIENCE, RATING/FINANCIAL STABILITY 10 Points Includes, but is not limited to, expertise and skills in providing Self-Funded Medical Benefits Program Administration , as well as documented successful, relevant experience in groups of like size and complexity as the County, A. M. Best Rating and Classification, or financial stability as determined by the County, historical claims payment and problem resolution experience, and client references. DM/DWBE Bonus Points 5 points Total Possible Points 105 points 36. PROPOSAL FORMAT, and CONTENT 36.1 Proposers are advised that all information disclosed as part of this RFP process is considered part of the public domain by the laws of the State of Florida and is subject to inspection by the public pursuant to Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, unless an exception applies. 36.2 Proposers shall provide responses using the electronic RFP Excel Questionnaire provided with this document and per access by way of the Demandstar website for this project. The Proposer response to the RFP Questionnaire must be provided with their proposal submission on a CD or flash/jump drive and REV 01-24-05 RFP/TC/G IP - 10 17 Proposer should provide a hard copy of the electronic RFP Questionnaire with their responses within their Original submission binder. 36.3 The proposal shall contain complete, detailed responses to requests for information contained in this RFP document and any subsequent addenda issued regarding this RFP. Failure to provide detailed responses may render a proposal non-responsive by the County. 36.4 When attaching additional pages for explaining answers or describing experience, restate the number and the short title of the requirement and write the response immediately after the short title. Referencing material presented elsewhere in the proposal shall be clearly identified. 36.5 All proposals shall conform to the proposal structure, order, and shall incorporate information regarding subcontractors where appropriate. Hillsborough County intends to contract directly for all the services described in this RFP. Any capability for which the Proposer shall be relying upon the services or assistance of a third party shall be disclosed. The Proposer should describe the nature of such relationships, including a description of all relevant agreements between the two parties. 36.6 Except where noted to submit in electronic format, all copies of your proposal should be submitted on 8 ½-inch by 11-inch typewritten or word processed paper. 36.7 Additionally, proposers are required to submit the Part C Exhibit III Rate Quote Worksheet and Exhibit III and Exhibit IV RFP Questionnaires EXCEL Worksheet in an electronic format (Compact Disc {CD}, or a flash/jump drive). 37. ORIGINAL BINDER DOCIMENT – ONE (1) BINDER CONTAINING: 37.1 Each proposer shall submit one (1) original of the following information in one (1) separate sealed envelope within the Proposer’s container marked: RFP-S-0071-0-2014/cm, Self-Funded Medical Benefits Program Administration Services and the Proposing entity name and provide at a minimum the following documents: 37.1.1 Part C, Proposal, Pages P-1 through P-6. 37.1.2 Exhibit III, RFP Questionnaire EXCEL Worksheet in a hardcopy and an electronic format (Compact Disc {CD}, or a flash/jump drive) Reference page VQ-1; RFP Questionnaire available for download on Demandstar. 37.1.3 Exhibit IV, RFP Pharmacy Benefits Questionnaire EXCEL Worksheet in a hardcopy and an electronic format (Compact Disc {CD}, or a flash/jump drive) Reference pages PBVQ-1; Questionnaire available for download on Demandstar. 37.1.4 Exhibit V, RFP Pricing Proposal EXCEL Worksheet in a hardcopy and an electronic format (Compact Disc {CD}, or a flash/jump drive) reference page VP1; Questionnaire available for download on Demandstar. 37.1.5 Acknowledge all addendums issued, as applicable, 37.1.6 Acknowledge the Drug Free Workplace Form, as applicable. 37.1.7 Provide Registration to conduct business in the State of Florida. 37.1.8 Provide Business Tax License to conduct business in Hillsborough County, as applicable. 37.1.9 Provide DM/DWBE participation information in accordance with page IP-7, Item 30, as applicable. 38. DUPLICATE COPIES BINDER – SIX (6) CONTAINING: 38.1 In addition to the original documentation above, the Proposer shall also submit Six (6) exact duplicate hard (paper) copies of the Proposer’s response to Part C, Exhibits III and IV, RFP EXCEL Questionnaire Worksheets and provide same on a CD or flash/jump drive. Do not include copies of the price proposal pages with the six (6) duplicate copies binders. . REV 01-24-05 RFP/TC/G IP - 11 18 FP NUMBER S-0071-0-2014/CM PART B SPECIFICATIONS 1. GENERAL CONDITIONS ARTICLE 1 The Contract Except for Titles, Subtitles, Headings, Running Headlines, Table of Contents, and Indices (all of which are printed herein merely for convenience), the following, except for such portions thereof as may be specifically excluded, constitute the Contract Documents: PART A: INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS PART B: SPECIFICATIONS 1. General Conditions 2. Minimum Specifications 3. EXHIBIT I: Hillsborough County’s Group Health Plan Benefits Summary 4. EXHIBIT II: Flexible Spending Account Booklet 5. EXHIBIT III: COBRA Booklet 6. EXHIBIT IV: Employee Assistance/ Substance Abuse Program 7. EXHIBIT V: Group Health Plan Monthly Rates 8. EXHIBIT VI: Medical, Pharmacy and High Cost Claims 9. EXHIBIT VII: Pharmacy Financial Exhibit 10. EXHIBIT VIII: Employee Census 11. EXHIBIT IX: Excess Medical Stop Loss Rates and Claims Experience 12. EXHIBIT X: Rx4 Prescription Drug List 13. EXHIBIT XI: Medicare Advantage Plan Summary of Benefits PART C: PROPOSAL EXHIBIT I: EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY / AFFIRMATIVE ACTION REQUIREMENTS EXHIBIT II: W-9 EXHIBIT III: Medical Benefits Program Administration Vendor Questionnaire EXHIBIT IV: Prescription Benefits Program Vendor Questionnaire EXHIBIT V: Pricing Proposal Workbook PART D: AGREEMENT EXHIBIT I: INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS All Addenda Issued by the COUNTY Prior to the Receipt of Bids. All Supplementary Drawings Issued After Award of the Contract. All Provisions Required by Law to be a part of the Contract Documents, Whether Actually Inserted Therein or Not. REV 11-13 RFP/GC/UP GC - 1 19 ARTICLE 2 - DEFINITIONS The following words and expressions (or pronouns used in their stead) shall, wherever they appear in the Contract Documents, be construed as follows unless a different meaning is clear from the context. "Addendum" shall mean the additional contract provisions issued in writing by the COUNTY prior to the receipt of Proposal. "Agreement" shall mean the written agreement between the COUNTY and the CONTRACTOR covering the Work to be performed. The Agreement will be attached to and made a part of the Contract Documents. "Board of County Commissioners" shall mean the Board of County Commissioners of Hillsborough County, Florida. "Bonds" shall mean Proposal, Performance, and/or Payment Bond and other instruments of security furnished by the CONTRACTOR and his Surety in accordance with the Contract Documents. "Contract" or "Contract Documents" shall mean each of the various parts of the Contract referred to in Article 1 of the General Conditions both as a whole and severally. "CONTRACTOR" shall mean the successful Proposer and vice versa, whether a corporation, partnership, individual or any combination thereof, and its, their or his successors, personal representatives, executors, administrators, and assignees. "Contract Price" shall mean the total monies payable to the CONTRACTOR under the Contract Documents. "Contract Time" shall mean the number of calendar days stated in the Agreement for the completion of the Work. "Contract Work" shall mean any and all obligations, duties and responsibilities necessary for the successful completion of the project assigned to or undertaken by the CONTRACTOR under the Contract Documents, including the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment and other incidentals. "COUNTY" shall mean the Board of County Commissioners, Hillsborough County, Florida, for whom the Contract Work is being performed. “County Administrator” shall mean the County Administrator of Hillsborough County. "Day" shall mean one calendar day when used in the Contract Documents. “Designee” shall mean individual appointed by County Administrator to act on their behalf. "Minimum Specifications" shall mean the portion of the Specifications dealing with the technical requirements of the work to be performed under this Contract including materials, equipment and workmanship. "Modification Agreement" shall mean written order to the CONTRACTOR signed by the COUNTY authorizing an addition, deletion, or revision in the Work or an adjustment in the Contract Price issued after execution of the Agreement. "Notice" shall mean a written notice for the County and the Contractor. Notice shall be served upon the CONTRACTOR either personally or by leaving the said notice at the residence or with a designated agent in charge of the Work, or addressed to the CONTRACTOR at the residence or place of business given in the Proposal and deposited in a postpaid wrapper in any post box regularly maintained by the United States Post Office. "Notice of Award" shall mean the written notice given by the COUNTY to the successful Proposer. "Notice to Proceed" shall mean the written notice given by the COUNTY to the CONTRACTOR of the date for the work to start. "Project" shall mean the entire improvement of which the Contract forms a part. "Project Manager" shall mean the duly authorized representative of the Board of County Commissioners during the contract period. "Proposal" shall mean the offer or proposal of the Proposer submitted on the prescribed form setting forth the prices for the work to be performed. "Proposer" shall mean any person, partnership or corporation submitting a proposal for the Work. REV 11-13 RFP/GC/UP GC - 2 20 "Services" shall mean the improvement and/or the means or methods necessary for implementation and prosecution of this Project. "Site" shall mean the area upon or in which the CONTRACTOR’s operations are carried on and such other areas adjacent thereto as may be designated as such by the COUNTY. "Specifications" shall mean these General Conditions, any Special Conditions, and Minimum/Technical Specifications and Plans. "Subcontractor" shall mean any person, firm or corporation other than employees of the CONTRACTOR who or which contracts with the CONTRACTOR to furnish, or actually furnishes labor, materials, and/or equipment for the Project. "Surety" shall mean any corporation that executes, as Surety, the CONTRACTOR'S Proposal, Performance, and/or Payment Bond. "Work" shall mean the improvement and/or the means or methods necessary for its implementation and prosecution which constitutes this Contract. ARTICLE 3 -STARTING THE WORK The CONTRACTOR will start the Work on the date determined by the COUNTY. ARTICLE 4 - INTERPRETATION AND INTENT OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS It is the intent of the Specifications to describe services to be performed in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. If the CONTRACTOR finds a conflict, error or discrepancy in the Contract Documents, he will call it to the COUNTY'S attention in writing before proceeding with the Work affected thereby. In resolving such conflicts, errors and discrepancies, the documents shall be given preference in the following order: Agreement; Specifications; Instructions to Proposers. Within the Specifications the order of preference shall be as follows: Addenda; Special Conditions; General Conditions; Technical Specifications. Any work that may reasonably be inferred from the Specifications or Drawings as being required to produce the intended result shall be supplied whether or not it is specifically called for. Work, materials or equipment described in words which so applied have a well known technical or trade meaning shall be deemed to refer to such recognized standards. In case of conflict, the more stringent requirements shall take precedence. ARTICLE 5 - BONDS AND INSURANCE Performance Bond When required by the Instructions to Proposers (Part A), the CONTRACTOR will execute a Performance Bond or furnish acceptable alternative forms of security as stipulated in the Instructions to Proposers (Part A) as security for the faithful performance of all his obligations under the Contract Documents. Each such Bond (or acceptable alternative) shall be in an amount at least equal to the Contract Price and in such form and with such surety as is acceptable to the County. If the Contract is increased by Modification Agreement(s), the Performance Bond (or acceptable alternative) must be amended accordingly. Insurance Required Before starting and until acceptance of the Work by the COUNTY, the CONTRACTOR shall procure and maintain insurance of the types and to limits specified in the AGREEMENT (Part D), Exhibit I, attached to the Contract Documents as listed in the Instructions to Proposers (Part A); the Exhibit being incorporated as part of the AGREEMENT by reference. ARTICLE 6 - CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES The CONTRACTOR will give all notices and comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations applicable to the Work. If the CONTRACTOR observes that the Specifications are at variance therewith, he will give the COUNTY prompt written notice thereof, and any necessary changes shall be adjusted by an appropriate modification. If the CONTRACTOR performs any Work knowing it to be contrary to such laws, ordinances, rules and regulations and without such notice to the COUNTY, he will bear all costs arising therefrom; however, it shall not be his primary responsibility to make certain that the Specifications are in accordance with such laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. Emergencies In emergencies affecting the safety of persons, the Work or property at the site or adjacent thereto, the CONTRACTOR, without special instruction or authorization from the COUNTY, is obligated to act at his REV 11-13 RFP/GC/UP GC - 3 21 discretion to prevent threatened damage, injury or loss. He will give the COUNTY prompt written notice of any significant changes in the Work or deviations from the Contract Documents caused thereby, and a Modification Agreement shall thereupon be issued covering the changes and deviations involved. If the CONTRACTOR believes that additional work done by him in an emergency which arose from causes beyond his control entitles him to an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time, he may make a claim therefor; the same being included in the Modification Agreement. ARTICLE 7 - FLORIDA PUBLIC RECORDS LAW: In accordance with Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and, except as may be provided by other applicable State and Federal laws, all Proposers should be aware that this Invitation to Bid and all Bids are in the public domain and are available for public inspection. Proposers are requested, however, to identify specifically any information contained in their Bids which they consider confidential and/or proprietary, inclusive of trade secrets as defined in s. 812.081, Florida Statutes, and which they believe to be exempt from disclosure, citing specifically the applicable exempting law and including narrative explaining the applicable legal exemption as it relates specifically to Proposer’s confidential and/or proprietary information. All Bids received in response to this Invitation to Bid will become the property of the County and will not be returned. In the event of an award, all documentation produced as part of the Contract will become the exclusive property of the County. All materials that qualify for exemption from Chapter 119, Florida Statutes or other applicable law must be submitted in a separate envelope, clearly identified as "EXEMPT FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE" with Proposer’s name and the Invitation to Bid number marked on the outside. The County will not accept Bids when the entire Bid is labeled as exempt from public disclosure. Be aware that the designation of an item as exempt from public disclosure by a Proposer may be challenged in court by any person or entity. By designation of material in the Bid as exempt from public disclosure, Proposer agrees to defend the County (and its employees, agents and elected and appointed officials) against all claims and actions (whether or not a lawsuit is commenced) related to Proposer’s designation of material as exempt from public disclosure and to hold harmless the County (and its employees, agents and elected and appointed officials) for any award to a plaintiff for damages, costs and attorneys’ fees, incurred by the County by reason of any claim or action related to Proposer’s designation of material as exempt from public disclosure. If, under this contract, the Contractor is providing services and is acting on behalf of the County as provided under Section 119.011(2), Florida Statutes, the Contractor will comply with public records laws, and specifically will: Keep and maintain public records that ordinarily and necessarily would be required by the County in order to perform the services being performed by the Contractor; Provide the public with access to public records on the same terms and conditions that the County would provide the records and at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided in chapter 119, Florida Statutes, or as otherwise provided by law; Ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law; and Meet all requirements for retaining public records and transfer, at no cost, to the County all public records in possession of the Contractor upon termination of the contract and destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. All records stored electronically must be provided to the County in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of the County. ARTICLE 8 - CONTRACTOR MUST HAVE LEGALLY AUTHORIZED WORKFORCE CONTRACTOR is advised that the COUNTY has entered into an agreement (the IMAGE Agreement) with U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) wherein the COUNTY will, in part, seek to promote the principles of ethical business conduct, prevent knowingly hiring unauthorized workers through self-governance, and encourage voluntary reporting of the discovery of unauthorized workers to ICE. Accordingly, by submitting its Bid/Proposal, CONTRACTOR represents and warrants (a) that CONTRACTOR is in compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws, including, but not limited to, the laws related to the requirement of an REV 11-13 RFP/GC/UP GC - 4 22 employer to verify an employee’s eligibility to work in the United States, (b) that all of CONTRACTOR’S employees are legally eligible to work in the United States, and (c) that the CONTRACTOR has actively and affirmatively verified such eligibility utilizing the Federal Government’s Employment Eligibility Verification Form (the Form I-9). A mere allegation of CONTRACTOR’S intent to use and/or current use of unauthorized workers may not be a basis to delay the COUNTY’S award of a contract to the CONTRACTOR unless such an allegation has been determined to be factual by ICE prior to the date the contract is scheduled to be awarded by the COUNTY. Legitimate claims of the CONTRACTOR’S use of unauthorized workers must be reported to both of the following agencies: The COUNTY’S Compliance Services hotline at (813) 272-6554; and ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) at 1-866-DHS-2-ICE (1-866-347-2423). In the event it is discovered that the CONTRACTOR’S employees are not legally eligible to work in the United States, then the COUNTY may, in its sole discretion, demand that the CONTRACTOR cure this deficiency within a specified time frame, and/or immediately terminate the contract without any cost or penalty to the COUNTY, and/or debar the CONTRACTOR from bidding on all COUNTY contracts for a period of up to 24 months, and/or take any and all legal action deemed necessary and appropriate. CONTRACTOR is encouraged (but not required) to incorporate the following IMAGE Best Practices into its business and, when practicable, incorporate verification requirements into its agreements with subcontractors: 1. Use the Department of Homeland Security employment eligibility verification program (E-Verify) to verify the employment eligibility of all new hires. 2. Use the Social Security Number Verification Service and make a good faith effort to correct and verify the names and Social Security numbers of the current workforce. 3. Establish a written hiring and employment eligibility verification policy. 4. Establish an internal compliance and training program related to the hiring and employment verification process, to include, but not limited to, completion of Form I-9, how to detect fraudulent use of documents in the verification process, and how to use E-Verify and the Social Security Number Verification Service. 5. Require the Form I-9 and E-Verify process to be conducted only by individuals who have received appropriate training and include a secondary review as part of each employee’s verification to minimize the potential for a single individual to subvert the process. 6. Arrange for annual Form I-9 audits by an external auditing firm or a trained employee not otherwise involved in the Form I-9 process. 7. Establish a procedure to report to ICE credible information of suspected criminal misconduct in the employment eligibility verification process. 8. Establish a program to assess subcontractors’ compliance with employment eligibility verification requirements. Encourage contractors to incorporate the IMAGE Best Practices contained in this Article and, when practicable, incorporate the verification requirements in subcontractor agreements. 9. Establish a protocol for responding to letters received from Federal and State government agencies indicating that there is a discrepancy between the agency’s information and the information provided by the employer or employee; for example, “no match” letters received from the Social Security Administration. 10. Establish a tip line mechanism (inbox, e-mail, etc.) for employees to report activity relating to the employment of unauthorized workers, and a protocol for responding to employee tips. 11. Establish and maintain appropriate policies, practices, and safeguards against use of the verification process for unlawful discrimination, and to ensure that U.S. citizens and authorized workers do not face discrimination with respect to hiring, firing, recruitment or referral for a fee because of citizenship status or national origin. 12. Maintain copies of any documents accepted as proof of identity and/or employment authorization for all new hires. ARTICLE 9 - PROJECT MANAGER'S STATUS COUNTY's Representatives The PROJECT MANAGER shall be the Board of County Commissioner's representative during the contract period. The duties and responsibilities and the limitations of authority of the PROJECT MANAGER as the REV 11-13 RFP/GC/UP GC - 5 23 COUNTY'S representative during the contract period are set forth in these General Conditions and shall not be extended without written consent of the Board of County Commissioners. Rejecting Defective Work The PROJECT MANAGER will have authority to disapprove or reject Work which is "defective" (which term is hereinafter used to describe Work that is unsatisfactory, faulty or defective, does not conform to the requirements of any inspection, test or approval). He will also have the authority to require special inspection or testing of the Work. ARTICLE 10 - CHANGES IN THE WORK Without invalidating the Agreement, the COUNTY may at any time or from time to time order additions, deletions or revisions in the Work the same being thereupon authorized by Modification Agreements. Only upon receipt of a Modification Agreement, shall the CONTRACTOR be authorized to proceed with the Work involved. All such Work shall be executed under the applicable conditions of the Contract Documents. Additional Work performed by the CONTRACTOR without authorization of a Modification Agreement will not entitle him to an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time except in the case of an emergency as provided in Article 6. The effect of this paragraph shall remain paramount and shall prevail irrespective of any conflicting provisions contained in these Contract Documents. The COUNTY will execute appropriate Modification Agreements prepared by the PROJECT MANAGER covering changes in the Work to be performed as provided in this Article, Work performed in an emergency as provided in Article 6, and any other claim of the CONTRACTOR for a change in the Contract Time or the Contract Price which is approved by the county. It is the CONTRACTOR'S responsibility to notify his Surety of any changes affecting the general scope of the Work or change of the Contract Price and the amount of the applicable Bonds shall be adjusted accordingly. ARTICLE 11 - CHANGES OF CONTRACT PRICE The total compensation payable to the CONTRACTOR for performing the work in accordance with the terms of this contract shall be based upon the following described factors: A. Application of unit prices to the actual quantities (as measured in the field by appropriate COUNTY representatives of those items designated in Proposal (Part C) as being a Unit Price item; B. Application of unit shown in Proposal (Part C) to items designated as original plan quantity items; and, The Proposal price shown in Proposal (Part C) represents an estimate of the total compensation due to the CONTRACTOR under the terms of these Contract Documents which is based upon the quantities of items listed therein. The actual total compensation paid to the CONTRACTOR for the project described in these Contract Documents may vary from that amount stated in Proposal (Part C) due to: (a) Adjustments in pay quantity/quantities resulting from changes in item quantity/quantities; and/or, (b) Adjustments in pay quantity/quantities as otherwise permitted by these Contract Documents. ARTICLE 12 - CHANGES OF CONTRACT TIME The Contract Time will be extended in an amount equal to time lost due to delays beyond the control of the CONTRACTOR if he makes a claim. ARTICLE 13 - PAYMENT AND COMPLETION Approval of Payments The PROJECT MANAGER, within fifteen (15) days after receipt of each Application for Payment, will either indicate his approval of payment or return the Application to the CONTRACTOR indicating, in writing, the reason for refusing to approve payment. In the latter case, the CONTRACTOR may make the necessary corrections and resubmit the Application. Within thirty (30) days of approval of an Application for Payment, the COUNTY will pay the CONTRACTOR the amount approved. The PROJECT MANAGER'S approval of any payment requested in an Application for Payment shall constitute a representation by him to the COUNTY that the conditions precedent to the CONTRACTOR'S being entitled to payment as set forth in the Article have been fulfilled. REV 11-13 RFP/GC/UP GC - 6 24 The PROJECT MANAGER'S approval of final payment shall constitute an additional representation by him to the COUNTY that the conditions precedent to the CONTRACTOR'S being entitled to final payment as set forth in the Article have been fulfilled. The PROJECT MANAGER may refuse to approve the whole or any part of any payment if, in his opinion, he is unable to make such representations to the COUNTY. He may also refuse to approve any such payment, or, because of subsequently discovered evidence or the results of subsequent inspections or tests, nullify any such payment previously approved, to such extent as may be necessary in his opinion to protect the COUNTY from loss because: A. B. C. The Work is defective; Claims have been filed or there is reasonable evidence indicating the probable filing thereof; The Contract Price has been reduced because of Modification Agreements. ARTICLE 14 - EPAYABLES ELECTRONIC PAYMENT SOLUTION (a) ePayables If the CONTRACTOR is enrolled in the COUNTY’S ePayables electronic payment solution, all payments will be made using the ePayables electronic payment solution. The CONTRACTOR will be issued a VISA credit card account number with zero ($0) available funds until an invoice is approved by the COUNTY for payment. Once the COUNTY has approved payment, an electronic remittance advice will be sent to the CONTRACTOR via e-mail or fax along with approval for the CONTRACTOR to charge the VISA credit card account for that amount. The CONTRACTOR will only have the ability to charge up to the monetary limit available to the account. ePayables payments will be processed via a credit card and merchant services fees will apply. Merchant services fees are determined by the vendor’s agreement with their Merchant Bank. Fees are generally up to 3%. Once the CONTRACTOR is enrolled in ePayables electronic payment solution and then requests to opt out, the CONTRACTOR will not be eligible to re-enroll in ePayables for a minimum of twelve (12) months. (b) ACH (Direct Deposit) If the CONTRACTOR is enrolled in the County’s ACH electronic payment solution, all payments will be made using the direct deposit. The CONTRACTOR’S bank account information will remain confidential to the extent provided by law and necessary to make direct deposit payments. Once the COUNTY has approved payment, an electronic remittance advice will be sent to the Contractor via e-mail. ARTICLE 15 - SUSPENSION OF WORK AND TERMINATION Upon seven (7) days written notice to the CONTRACTOR, the COUNTY may without cause and without prejudice to any other right or remedy elect to abandon the Project and terminate the Agreement. In such case the CONTRACTOR shall be paid for all Work executed. ARTICLE 16 - FAILURE TO PERFORM If, during the term of this contract, the Vendor/Contractor should refuse or otherwise fail to perform any of its obligations under the contract, the County reserves the right to: a) b) c) d) Obtain the goods or services from another Vendor/Contractor; and/or Terminate the contract; and/or Suspend/Debar the Vendor from bidding on Hillsborough County procurement/contracts for a period of up to 24 months and/or Pursue any and all other remedies available to the County. ARTICLE 17 – TERMINATION FOR CONTRACTOR BEING ON THE SCRUTINIZED COMPANIES WITH ACTIVITIES IN THE SUDAN LIST AND/OR SCRUTINIZED COMPANIES WITH ACTIVITIES IN THE IRAN PETROLEUM ENERGY LIST Contractor is advised that section 287.135, Florida Statutes, prohibits agencies from contracting with companies for goods or services of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) or more that are on either the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Sudan List and/or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy List. Both lists are created pursuant to section 215.473, Florida Statutes. The County reserves the right to terminate the Contract if the County discovers that the Contractor has submitted a false certification regarding the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Sudan List and/or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy List, and/or if, during the Contract Period, the REV 11-13 RFP/GC/UP GC - 7 25 Contractor has been placed on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Sudan List and/or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy List. ARTICLE 18 - MISCELLANEOUS Should the COUNTY or the CONTRACTOR suffer injury or damage to its person or property because of any error, omission or act of the other or of any of his employees, agents or others for whose acts he is legally liable, claim should be made in writing to the other party within a reasonable time of the first observance of such injury or damage. ARTICLE 19 - MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS The CONTRACTOR will keep adequate records and supporting documentation applicable to this contractual matter. Said records and documentation will be retained by the CONTRACTOR for a minimum of seven (7) years from the date of termination of this contract. The COUNTY and its authorized agents shall have the right to audit, inspect and copy all such records and documentation as often as the COUNTY deems necessary during the period of this contract and during the period of seven (7) years thereafter. The seven (7) year time period will be extended until audit findings are issued if an audit is initiated during the seven (7) year period. Such activity shall be conducted only during normal business hours. The COUNTY, during the period of time expressed by the preceding sentence, shall also have the right to obtain a copy of and otherwise inspect any audit made at the direction of the CONTRACTOR as concerns the aforesaid records and documentation. ARTICLE 20 - FUNDING The award of this Proposal and continuation of resulting contract will be contingent upon the availability of funds in Hillsborough County's Budget. ARTICLE 21 - PAYMENT TO SUBCONTRACTORS By submission of an Application for Payment, the prime CONTRACTOR certifies that all subcontractors and suppliers have been paid for work and materials from previous progress payments received (less any retainage) by the prime CONTRACTOR prior to receipt of any further progress payments. During the contract and upon completion of the contract the COUNTY may request documentation to certify payment to subcontractor's suppliers. This provision in no way creates any contractual relationship between any subcontractor and the COUNTY or any liability on the COUNTY for the CONTRACTOR'S failure to make timely payment to the subcontractor. ARTICLE 22 - HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY EQUAL OPPORTUNITY CLAUSE APPLICABLE TO ALL CONTRACTS AND SUBCONTRACTS IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,000 OR MORE. During the performance of this contract, the CONTRACTOR agrees as follows: (1) General. The CONTRACTOR will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, physical handicap or marital status. The CONTRACTOR will take affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, physical handicap or marital status. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The CONTRACTOR agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the provisions of this non-discrimination clause. (2) Recruitment. The CONTRACTOR will in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the CONTRACTOR state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap or marital status. (3) Unions. The CONTRACTOR will send, to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice advertising the labor union or worker's representative of the CONTRACTOR'S commitments under this assurance, and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment. (4) Compliance Reports. The CONTRACTOR will maintain records and information assuring compliance with these requirements and shall submit to the designated Hillsborough County official timely, complete and accurate compliance reports at such times and in such form containing such information as the responsible official or his designee may determine to be necessary to enable him to ascertain whether the CONTRACTOR has complied or is complying with these requirements. The CONTRACTOR will permit access to his books, records and accounts by Hillsborough County for purposes of investigation REV 11-13 RFP/GC/UP GC - 8 26 to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations and orders. In general, the CONTRACTOR and subcontractors should have available racial and ethnic data showing the extent to which members of minority groups are beneficiaries under these contracts. (5) Sanctions. In the event of the CONTRACTOR'S non-compliance with the non-discrimination clauses of this contract or with any of such rules, regulations or orders, this contract may be cancelled, terminated or suspended in whole or in part and the CONTRACTOR may be declared ineligible for further Hillsborough County contracts by rule, regulation or order of the Board of County Commissioners of Hillsborough County, or as otherwise provided by law. (6) Subcontractors. The CONTRACTOR will include the provisions of paragraphs (1) through (6) in every subcontract under this contract so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor. The CONTRACTOR will take such action with respect to any subcontractor as the contracting agency may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for non-compliance. In addition, the Contractor, with regard to the work performed during the Contract Period, shall not discriminate on the basis of familial status in the selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment. (7) Federal Requirements. In the event this contract is paid in whole or in part from any federal governmental agency or source, the specific terms, regulations and requirements governing the disbursement of these funds shall be specified herein and become a part of this clause. APPLICABLE STATUTES, ORDERS AND REGULATIONS FEDERAL ----Section I of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. ----Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. ----Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended by the Equal Opportunity Act of 1972 and 1975. ----Civil Rights Acts of 1866 and 1870. ----Standards for a Merit System of Personnel Administration, 45 CFR 70. ----Revised Order Number 4, 41 CFR 60-2.10. ----Rehabilitation Act of 1973, P.L. 93-112. ----Interagency Agreement dated March 23, 1973. ----Executive Order 11914, Non-discrimination with Respect to the Handicapped in Federally Assisted Programs. ----Age Discrimination Act of 1967, P.L. 94-135 ----Civil Rights Act of 1968, P.L. 90-284 ----Veterans Readjustment Act. --------------------------------------------- Section 14001 of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, (State and Local Assistance Act of 1972, as amended) Office of Management and Budget Circular 102, Attachment O. Age Discrimination in Employment Act, as amended. Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987. Federal Civil Rights Act of 1991. Americans with Disabilities Act General Accounting Procedures, 45 CFR, Part 74 and/or Part 92 Clean Air Act, 42 USC 1857(h), section 306 Clean Water Act, 33 USC 1368, section 508 Executive Order 11738 Environmental Protection Agency Regulations, 40 CFR, Part 15 STATE ----State Constitution, Preamble and Article I, Section 2 protects citizens from discrimination because of race, national origin, or religion, national origin, sex or physical disability. ----Florida Statutes, Chapter 112.042, requires non-discrimination in employment by counties and municipalities, because of race, color, national origin, sex, handicap, or religious creed. ----Florida Statutes, Chapter 112.043, prohibits age discrimination in employment. ----Florida Statutes Chapter 413.08, prohibits discrimination against the handicapped in employment. ----Florida Statutes, Chapter 448.07, prohibits wage rate discrimination based on sex. ----Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992, as amended HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY ----- Hillsborough County Ordinance #00-37, (Human Rights Ordinance) prohibits discrimination in housing, employment, public accommodations, and procurement and contracting. REV 11-13 RFP/GC/UP GC - 9 27 ----- Hillsborough County Ordinance #83-9, (Homerule Charter) Article IX, Section 9.11, provides that no person shall be deprived or any right because of race, sex, age, national origin, religion, physical handicap, or political affiliation. (Rev 02-01) ARTICLE 23 - SEVERABILITY If any provision, or any portion thereof, contained in this agreement is held unconstitutional, invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this agreement, or portion thereof, shall be deemed severable, shall not be affected and shall remain in full force and effect. ARTICLE 24 - PATENT/COPYRIGHT INDEMNITY The CONTRACTOR, in accepting this Contract/Agreement, agrees to indemnify the County and hold it harmless from and against all claims, liability, loss, damage or expense, including attorneys' fees, arising from or by reason of any actual or claimed trademark, patent or copyright infringement or litigation based thereon, with respect to the goods or any part thereof covered by this order, and such obligation shall survive acceptance of the goods and payment therefore by the County. ARTICLE 25 - SUPPLEMENTAL UNILATERAL EXTENSION PERIODS The COUNTY, through its Director of Financial Services (Procurement), has the option and reserves the right to unilaterally extend this contract or renewal period for up to three (3) additional one (1) month periods or any portion thereof, at the same terms and conditions. Notice of the County's intent to extend shall be provided by the COUNTY in writing to the CONTRACTOR prior to the expiration of the contract, or the renewal period if the contract has been previously renewed. ARTICLE 26 - COUNTY AS INTENDED BENEFICIARY OF SUBCONTRACTS The COUNTY shall be an intended substantial beneficiary of the written agreements between the CONTRACTOR and its subcontractors. ARTICLE 27 - CONTRACTOR USE OF HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY FOR MARKETING PROHIBITED The CONTRACTOR shall in no way use any statements, whether written or oral, made by the COUNTY'S employees to market, sell, promote or highlight the CONTRACTOR and/or the CONTRACTOR'S product(s) and/or service(s) unless authorized to do so, in writing, by the County Administrator or his/her designee. In addition, the CONTRACTOR shall not use subjective or perceived interpretations, even if factual, regarding the COUNTY'S opinion of the CONTRACTOR'S performance, product(s) and/or service(s) in any document, article, publication or press release designed to market, promote or highlight the CONTRACTOR and/or the CONTRACTOR'S product(s) and/or service(s). This does not prevent the CONTRACTOR from including the COUNTY on its client lists and/or listing or using the COUNTY as a reference. ARTICLE 28 - UNILATERAL CHANGE ORDERS Without invalidating the Contract, the COUNTY, through its Director of Procurement Services, reserves the right to, at any time or from time to time, unilaterally issue change orders (the cumulative total of which shall not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00)) for additions, deletions, or revisions in the services to be rendered under this Contract. Once the $25,000.00 cap is reached, all other additions, deletions, or revisions in the services shall be valid and enforceable only when evidenced by a written modification executed and approved by the Contractor and the COUNTY. ARTICLE 29 - CONTRACT TERM The term of this contract shall be a three (3) year period from the effective date of the County’s Notice to Proceed. 29.1 Renewals. At the sole option of the COUNTY, this agreement may be renewed for Two (2) additional one-year periods at the same terms and conditions and at no more than the guaranteed rate, maximum cap, or a mutually agreed upon price. Renewal is contingent upon the satisfactory performance of the CONTRACTOR during the initial term of the contract and the needs of the COUNTY for the CONTRACTOR’S service. 29.2 Termination Endorsement. Notwithstanding any provision in the agreement(s) to the contrary, the CONTRACTOR shall give written notice to the COUNTY at least 270 days prior to cancellation, nonrenewal, restriction of coverage, or restriction of contractual obligations. REV 11-13 RFP/GC/UP GC - 10 28 Agreement(s) are non-cancelable by the CONTRACTOR for any period in which rates and fixed cost guarantees are in effect, subject to the 270 day notice requirement, for any reason other than nonpayment of premiums and other fixed costs. Notwithstanding any provisions in the Agreement to the contrary, the COUNTY may cancel at any time with a 7-day advance written notice delivered to the selected vendor. ARTICLE 30 - PRICE ESCALATION/DE-ESCALATION CLAUSE – Intentionally Omitted ARTICLE 31 - HIPAA COMPLIANCE CONTRACTOR affirms that compliance with all applicable HIPAA rules and regulations will be maintained during the course of the contract. Contractor must insure that its agents or sub-contractors agree to the same restrictions and conditions. REV 11-13 RFP/GC/UP GC - 11 29 RFP NUMBER S-0071-0-2014/CM PART B SPECIFICATIONS 2. MINIMUM SPECIFICATIONS 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 It is the intent of Hillsborough County and its affiliated agencies (County) to contract with an experienced, well-qualified vendor to provide administration of its self-funded Group Health Plan benefits for the employees and retirees of Hillsborough County. Medical Plan Program Benefits means the Employee and Retiree Group Health Plan, Mental Health and Substance Abuse, and Excess Medical Stop Loss. In addition, the County intends to contract with the selected Group Medical Benefits Program vendor to administer the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) and COBRA. 1.2 Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners and other affiliated County Agencies/Constitutionals are located within Hillsborough County, Florida. The County employs approximately 9,000 full time employees. 1.3 The County has retained Gallagher Benefits Services as its Consultant for the purpose of assisting the County with the preparation of the RFP, Proposal(s), analysis, verification meetings, and the recommendation of a Proposer that will be awarded the Agreement. Under the terms of its Agreement with Hillsborough County, Gallagher Benefits Services acts solely in the capacity of consultant and is remunerated directly by the County on a fee basis. No commissions are to be paid to Gallagher Benefits Services. 1.4 The County is in the process of evaluating its Employee Benefit Program with the assistance of Gallagher Benefit Services, its contracted Employee Benefits Consultants. It is the intent of the County to review all programs to help to reduce the cost to the County while still providing plan participants with the highest quality of health related services. An important part of our future may include partnering with the selected vendor to support a Patient Centered Care model by integrating programs, services, network providers, ancillary providers and non-affiliated service providers for the purpose of supporting all patient care. In the event that a Patient Centered Care model is adopted by the County, the proposing vendor needs to be capable of reacting to and supporting this model. Additionally, the County is considering and evaluating the incorporation of On-Site Health Clinics, Incentive Based Health Plans and Funding Plan Alternatives into our Employee Benefit Program for the benefit of our plan participants. Also being considered is the carve-out of certain programs or services. 2. 2.1 EMPLOYEE GROUPS Hillsborough County Government has nine (9) separate agencies that participate in the COUNTY’S Medical Benefits Program. Each agency provides benefit programs administration to its employees. Participating Agencies in Hillsborough County’s Self-Funded Medical Benefits Program Administration are: • Administrative Offices of the Court • Arts Council • County Administrator* • Clerk of the Circuit Court • Children’s Board • Expressway Authority • Property Appraiser • Tampa Port Authority (Rev 2-98) RFP/P/UP MS - 1 30 • Tampa Sports Authority *Includes all agencies for which benefits are administered by the County Administrator’s Human Resources Department. 3. PLAN BENEFITS, ELIGIBILITY, ENROLLMENT AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION 3.1 Plan Benefits are described in detail in Part B, Exhibit II and Exhibit III of this RFP document. 3.2 Employees are eligible to enroll in Health Plan benefits upon employment, with benefits becoming effective the first of the month following 60 days of employment. Health Plan benefits are a pre-tax deduction and new employees may elect to enroll within 30 days of employment. All employees are eligible to enroll in or make changes to the Health Plan benefits during the annual open enrollment period. 3.3 Final numbers and distribution of participating employees and dependents will not be known prior to enrollment. For comparison purposes, rates and fixed costs are to be proposed exactly as shown on the Proposal pages, if applicable. Variation in actual enrollment must have no effect on rates/fixed costs quoted, i.e. the Proposal must be valid regardless of variations in the actual enrollment mix. Proposal must not be quoted with minimum participation requirements. 3.4 Variations of employee eligibility of 15% or less shall have no effect on rates/fixed costs quoted. 3.5 Eligible classes of employees are those who are permanent employees, occupying a regularly established position, and who work a minimum 20 hour work week. However, Agencies, at their discretion, may define its own benefits eligible class workweek to be greater than 20 hours but less than full time, provided it is compliant with Eligibility for Coverage Requirements under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. It is the desire of the County to meet employees/retirees needs when it comes to the administration of the entire Employee Benefit Package. The County Administrator may make changes in the eligibility for coverage of employees, retirees, dependents, to include the addition of domestic partner coverage. The County’s Employee Benefits Consultant, Gallagher Benefits Services, is working with the County in establishing eligibility guidelines for the County programs moving forward. Retirees are eligible to enroll in the Hillsborough County Group Health Plan following termination of employment for the purpose of retirement. 3.6 The County may decide to sponsor a group Medicare Plan for eligible retirees in the future. The Contractor must be able to provide Medicare Plan proposals which include at least one HMO and one PPO plan, and at least one of these plans must include fixed prescription benefit coverage which extends through or eliminates a donut hole. This would be a fully-insured product and wholly administered by the Contracted vendor, to include enrollment, administration, and premium payment collection. 3.7 All plans are to comply with federal guidelines and requirements, including but not limited to, Cafeteria Plans pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Section 125, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), as well as all Florida-mandated benefits. (If current plan(s) does not comply, indicate the plan changes that would be required to bring the plan(s) into compliance.) 3.8 All employees, retirees and dependents enrolled as active members as of September 30, 2014 are eligible for selecting this coverage with no actively at work exclusion. Flexible Spending and Employee Assistance Program are not retiree eligible benefits. 3.9 All Medicare eligible retirees and spouses of retirees who are enrolled in the County’s Group Health Plan as of September 30, 2014 are eligible to continue the County’s Plan as secondary coverage to Medicare parts A & B. 3.10 With respect to acts, errors or omissions in the performance of professional services, the Contractor agrees to pay on behalf of and hold harmless, indemnify and defend the County, elected officials, and members from and against any and all claims, actions, loss, demands, defense costs, liability or (Rev 2-98) RFP/P/UP MS - 2 31 consequential damages of any kinds or nature (including, but not by way of limitation, attorneys’ fees and court costs) arising out of, or incidental to, the performance of the Agreement to be executed or work performed thereunder. 3.11 The County desires to contract with a single Contractor and proposals will be evaluated accordingly. 3.12 The Contractor shall allow the County to self-bill on a monthly basis. All benefit plans will be administered on a self-accounting rate and fixed cost remittance basis. 3.13 Hillsborough County is a governmental entity. The Contractor shall have no references to Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) in its contract, certificates, or communications. 3.14 The County must to agree to the termination of any contracted provider or provider group within the Contractor’s network of providers, if over 10% of the County plan participants have used said provider within the preceding 12 months from the date of termination. 3.15 The Contractor must notify the County of any change in financial ratings by the A.M. Best rating service, the Standard and Poors’ rating service or any other industry rating service by which it is rated. This notification must be given by certified mail to the Director of Human Resources’ address no later than ten (10) County business days after the Proposer has been apprised of such change. If no rating exists, financial documentation acceptable to the County will be requested to determine viability. 3.16 Hillsborough County Government is a large group with a complex benefits program. The administration complexities are such that proposers must be willing to be flexible in order to meet these needs. In addition, the County’s primary focus is on customer service to their membership. In this regard, should disagreement arise over matters such as the timing or details of benefits not otherwise clearly covered in the RFP, the Contractor must be willing to comply with decisions made by the County and/or its consultant. 3.17 Certain reports are required by the County at no additional cost. Proposer must confirm reporting capability in the Electronic Questionnaire. Reports must be split out by each agency and then by employees, retirees, Medicare participants regardless of age, dependents, and COBRA participants. Plan Performance & Eligibility Reports • Standard Quarterly Experience Reporting Package such as the reports that Humana provides for its administration of the County’s Self-Funded Group Health Plan • Quarterly Premium vs. Claims and then a cumulative annual report • Quarterly Plan Performance • Quarterly Report of Disease Management & Case Management Administration • Monthly Eligibility • Monthly Financial Recovery Report • Monthly Subrogation Report • Monthly Stop Loss Report • Monthly Medical Claims Payment Report • Monthly Dependent Ineligibility Due to Age • Semi-annual (minimum two) analysis by Medical Director of claims experience, cost drivers, pharmacy usage and recommendations for cost control. Must be written report, but presented by Medical Director to selected County Staff and, upon request, to a selected County Group Financial Reports (Reports must reflect experience by line of coverage and also split out as indicated above) • Weekly Medical Claims Utilization (if self-funding) • Monthly Rx Claims Utilization (if self-funding) (Rev 2-98) RFP/P/UP MS - 3 32 4. • Weekly FSA Claims • Monthly COBRA • Prepare and submit annual Retiree Drug Subsidy Cost Report to The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) ADMINISTRATION PROVISIONS 4.1 All benefit plans will be administered on a self-accounting rate and fixed cost remittance basis. Proposers must be willing to accept County-generated billing statements. These should balance as of the same date of County’s coverage tape, that is, the carrier should “freeze” eligibility to match the County’s Electronic Data Integration (EDI). County desires the ability to transfer invoices via modem or electronic mail. 4.2 Upon award of the contract, the successful Proposer must provide a local account manager (Hillsborough County area) to conduct the following (list is illustrative and not limited to): 4.3 4.4 • Provide assistance to County staff as requested for issues such as, special reporting, quarterly meetings on plan performance, guidance on industry standards, medical trend, annual premium rate projections, network and/or provider issues, etc. • Coordinate special/unique projects that need elevation to specialized staff within the local or corporate office. Monitor and report to County on project progress. • Be the liaison between County staff and specialized staff within the local or corporate office. • Research and resolve elevated eligibility and claim issues. • Attend Insurance Committee or other designated meetings (County to provide notification and schedule). Upon award of the contract, the successful Proposer must provide a full-time customer service representative that will work out of the County Center office. This office must be staffed normal business hours every day that the County offices are operational. If assigned customer service representative is absent, proposer must provide alternate staffing. The County will provide an office, telephone line, and computer connection for retrieval of internal emails from employees and staff. The successful proposer must provide all other operational materials. In addition, the on-site customer service representative shall conduct the following (list is illustrative and not limited to): • Administer the plan in accordance with plan document. • Research and resolve eligibility and claim issues. • Provide assistance to employees with plan coverage and provider issues. • Document all concerns/complaints on eligibility, claims, provider, and miscellaneous issues, and provide a quarterly report to County. • Attend annual open enrollment briefings (County to provide notification and schedule). • Attend Insurance Committee meetings (County to provide notification and schedule). • Provide support as required to assist with open enrollment, health fairs, benefit briefings, etc. It is preferred that capability of online reporting and administrative access for each Hillsborough County participating agency listed in these Minimum Specifications is available. The Board of County Commissioners and the County Administrator’s Office shall have full online and administrative capabilities, while all other agencies should only have access for its own agency’s employees. One agency should not have access to the other. Example, the Sheriff’s Office must not have access to the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s data and vice versa. The reporting and administrative capabilities must include the ability to combine reports for all agencies. (Rev 2-98) RFP/P/UP MS - 4 33 5. CURRENT PROGRAMS See Exhibit I, II, III of Part B 6. CONTRIBUTIONS 6.1 See Exhibit V of Part B and also the Electronic Questionnaire for contribution schedules for each plan requested. 6.2 For some employees, the benefits and contribution schedules are subject to collective bargaining units 7. IMPLEMENTATION AND COMMUNICATION SERVICES 7.1 Contractor shall prepare an implementation schedule for an October 1, 2014 effective date. 7.2 The current vendor is providing ID cards. The Contractor will provide ID cards on or before the effective date of coverage to the home address of each participating County employee/retiree. If another method of distributing ID cards is the Contractor’s current practice, it must be disclosed in the proposal and the County will evaluate the distribution method and consider if the practice is a viable distribution option for the County. 7.3 The Contractor must provide benefit booklets and Provider networks. Each must also be made available to the County in electronic format for posting on its intra/internet sites. The electronic networks must be updated at least monthly and sent to the County representative for updated posting on intra/internet sites. 7.4 Contractor must provide comprehensive online capabilities, such as claims, provider search and selection, request ID cards, etc. 7.5 The Contractor must be able to provide online access to personalized customer service information for its membership. 7.6 An annual transfer/enrollment period is made available to all active and retired employees. The timing of this period will be determined at the discretion of the County, but traditionally occurs in the summer months. Contractor will coordinate with and support the County during these enrollment periods. 7.7 If any amendment to this contract shall materially affect any benefits, the Contractor will be responsible for issuing new plan design booklets/certificates within a mutually agreed upon time frame. 7.8 Contractor (including current vendor, if selected) is to provide completed communication materials in a sufficient quantity not to exceed 1000 prior to the start date of the contract, with additional supplies as needed. The cost of printing communication materials for all plans requested are at no cost to the County. Agencies, upon request, may order sufficient quality of booklets for their employees following initial implementation of contract. 7.9 Director of Human Resources, or designee, must approve all booklets and any/all other employee communications prior to printing and converting to a portable document format (pdf). Materials requested shall be shipped directly to the ordering Agency. 7.10 All approved communications must be submitted to the County electronically for distribution to staff via countywide email or for posting on intranet/internet. 7.11 Communications are necessary only in English. No translations into other languages are required; however, Spanish would be desirable. (Rev 2-98) RFP/P/UP MS - 5 34 PART B EXHIBIT I GROUP HEALTH PLAN BENEFITS SUMMARIES Files available for download at Demandstar (1) EPO Open Access Plan (132 pages) (2) CoverageFirstSM Plan (132 pages) (3) HDHP Plan (128 pages) (Rev 2-98) RFP/P/UP MS - 6 35 PART B EXHIBIT II FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT BOOKLET Files available for download at Demandstar (Rev 2-98) RFP/P/UP MS - 7 36 PART B EXHIBIT III COBRA BOOKLET Files available for download at Demandstar (Rev 2-98) RFP/P/UP MS - 8 37 PART B EXHIBIT IV EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM / SUBSTANCE ABUSE PROGRAM Files available for download at Demandstar (Rev 2-98) RFP/P/UP MS - 9 38 PART B EXHIBIT V GROUP HEALTH PLAN MONTHLY RATES 1 Page (Rev 2-98) RFP/P/UP MS - 10 39 PART B EXHIBIT VI MEDICAL, PHARMACY, HIGH COST CLAIMS (available on disc when requested) (Rev 2-98) RFP/P/UP MS - 11 40 PART B EXHIBIT VII PHARMACY FINANCIAL EXHIBIT (XX pages) (Rev 2-98) RFP/P/UP MS - 12 41 PART B EXHIBIT VIII EMPLOYEE & RETIREE CENSUS (available on disc when requested) (Rev 2-98) RFP/P/UP MS - 13 42 PART B EXHIBIT IX EXCESS MEDICAL STOP LOSS RATES AND CLAIMS EXPERIENCE (claims experience available on disc when requested) (Rev 2-98) RFP/P/UP MS - 14 43 PART B EXHIBIT X Rx4 PRESCRIPTION DRUG LIST Files available for download at Demandstar (Rev 2-98) RFP/P/UP MS - 15 44 PART B EXHIBIT XI MEDICARE ADVANTAGE PLAN SUMMARY OF BENEFITS Files available for download at Demandstar (Rev 2-98) RFP/P/UP MS - 16 45 RFP NUMBER S-0071-0-2014/CM PART C PROPOSAL PROJECT NAME SELF-FUNDED MEDICAL BENEFITS PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR SERVICES By signing this Proposal, the undersigned affirms that said Proposal is made without any understanding, agreement, or connection with any other person, firm or corporation providing a Proposal for the same purpose and that this Proposal is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. The undersigned understands that this Proposal must be signed in ink and that an unsigned Proposal will be considered incomplete and subject to rejection by Hillsborough County. SUBJECT TO THE DEVIATIONS STATED IN PARAGRAPH 1 BELOW, THE UNDERSIGNED, BY THE SIGNATURE EVIDENCED, REPRESENTS THAT THE PROPOSER ACCEPTS THE TERMS, CONDITIONS, MANDATES, AND OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE FOREGOING INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS (PART A), THE SPECIFICATIONS (PART B), AND THE SUBSEQUENT AGREEMENT (PART D), SAID DOCUMENTS BEING THE STRICT BASIS UPON WHICH THE SAID PROPOSER MAKES THIS PROPOSAL. USE BLACK INK ONLY ALL THE FOLLOWING REQUESTED INFORMATION MUST BE HEREUPON GIVEN FOR THIS PROPOSAL TO BE CONSIDERED BY HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY Deviations: NOTE - ANY REPRESENTATION IN PARAGRAPH 1 OF DEVIATION(S) MAY CAUSE THIS PROPOSAL TO BE REJECTED BY HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY. ALL PROPOSERS SHOULD CAREFULLY READ PARAGRAPH 5 OF THE INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS (PART A). The following represents every deviation (itemized by number) to the foregoing Instructions to Proposers (Part A); the Specifications (Part B), and the Agreement (Part D) upon which this Proposal is based, to wit: 1. (Rev 2-98) RFP/P/UP P-1 RFP NUMBER: S-0071-0-2014/CM SELF-FUNDED MEDICAL BENEFITS PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR THE FOLLOWING ARE SUBMITTED BY THE PROPOSER FOR THE PURPOSE OF: A. ARRIVING AT AN ESTIMATED TOTAL BID PRICE B. ESTABLISHING PRICE FACTORS TO BE UTILIZED IN ADJUSTING THE ESTIMATED TOTAL PRICE RESULTING FROM MODIFICATION(S) ISSUED OR ANNUAL RENEWALS. NOTE: QUANTITIES LISTED ARE ESTIMATES ONLY. PRICING PAGES ARE LOCATED AND AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD ON DEMANDSTAR 46 REV 12-98 RFP/P/UP P-2 47 3. Name of Proposer (typed or printed: firm, corporation, business or individual) 4. Name of Contact Person 5. Our local (to Tampa, Florida) business and mailing address is: 6. Our primary business and mailing address is: 7. Our present business phone number is (_________) Our present business fax number (if any) is: (_________) Our e-mail address (if any) is: 8. Our business has been in operation under its present name since: 9. Our Federal Tax ID Number is: 10. Proposer is currently set up with a merchant account to accept payment by VISA credit card and will accept payment from the County by VISA account through the ePayables electronic payment solution. Yes ______ No ______ Proposer will accept payment from the County by direct deposit through the ACH electronic payment solution. Yes ______ No ______ NOTE: If Proposer is already enrolled in the County’s ePayables or ACH solution for an existing contract/award, the Proposer will automatically receive payment using their enrolled solution in the event Proposer is the Successful Proposer. 11. At this present time we understand all requirements and state that as a serious Proposer we will comply with all the stipulations included in the Proposal package. The above-named Proposer affirms and declares: (1) That the Proposer is of lawful age and that no other person, firm or corporation has any interest in this Proposal or in the contract proposed to be entered into. (2) That this Proposal is made without any understanding, agreement, or connection with any other person, firm or corporation making a Proposal for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. (3) That the Proposer is not in arrears to Hillsborough County upon debt or contract and is not a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to Hillsborough County. (4) That no officer or employee or person whose salary is payable in whole or in part from the County Treasury is, shall be or become interested, directly or indirectly, surety or otherwise in this Proposal; in the performance of this Contract; in the supplies, materials, equipment, and services or labor to which they relate; or in any portion of the profits thereof. (5) That the Proposer has carefully examined the site where the services are to be performed and that, from his/her own investigations, been satisfied to the nature and location of the Project; the character, quality and quantity of materials; the kind and extent of the equipment and other facilities needed for the performance of the services; the general and local conditions, all (Rev 6-13) RFP/P/UP P-3 48 difficulties to be encountered; and all other items which may in any way affect the performance of the services. (6) Proposer understands that Section 287.135, Florida Statutes, prohibits agencies and governmental entities from contracting with companies for goods and/or services that are One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) or more, that are on either the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List. Both lists are created pursuant to section 215.473, Florida Statutes. Proposer hereby certifies that Proposer is not listed on either the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List. Proposer understands that pursuant to section 287.135, Florida Statutes, the submission of a false certification may subject Proposer to civil penalties, attorney’s fees and/or costs. (Rev 7-12) RFP/P/UP P-4 49 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Proposal is hereby signed and sealed as of the date indicated. ATTEST: PROPOSER: BY: Witness Witness (SEAL) (Authorized Signature in Ink) (Printed Name of Signer) (Title of Person Signing) CORPORATE SEAL (Where appropriate) (Date Signed) (Phone Number of Signer) (Rev 7-12) RFP/P/UP P-5 50 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF PROPOSER, IF A CORPORATION STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this By (Date) (Name of officer or agent, title of officer or agent) of a corporation, (Name of corporation acknowledging) (State or place of incorporation) on behalf of the corporation, pursuant to the powers conferred upon said officer or agent by the corporation. He/she personally appeared before me at the time of notarization, and is personally known to me or has produced as identification and did certify to have knowledge of the matters stated (Type of Identification) in the foregoing instrument and certified the same to be true in all respects. Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me this (Date) Commission Number (Official Notary Signature and Notary Seal) Commission Expiration Date (Name of Notary typed, printed or stamped) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF PROPOSER, IF A PARTNERSHIP STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this By (Date) (Name of acknowledging partner or agent) partner (or agent) on behalf a partnership. He/she personally appeared before me at the time of notarization, and is personally known to me or has produced as identification and did certify to have knowledge of the matters stated (Type of Identification) in the foregoing instrument and certified the same to be true in all respects. Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me this (Date) Commission Number (Official Notary Signature and Notary Seal) Commission Expiration Date (Name of Notary typed, printed or stamped) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF PROPOSER, IF AN INDIVIDUAL STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this By (Date) (Name of acknowledging) who personally appeared before me at the time of notarization, and is personally known to me or has produced as identification and did certify to have knowledge of the matters stated (Type of Identification) in the foregoing instrument and certified the same to be true in all respects. Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me this (Date) Commission Number (Official Notary Signature and Notary Seal) Commission Expiration Date (Name of Notary typed, printed or stamped) (Rev 7-12) RFP/P/UP P-6 51 PART C EXHIBIT I HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY REQUIREMENTS STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE THE PROPOSER REPRESENTS THAT THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED HEREIN IS TRUE AND CORRECT. THE PROPOSER ASSURES HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY OF ITS COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE AND COUNTY AFFIRMATIVE ACTION AND EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY REQUIREMENTS. THE PROPOSER FURTHER ASSURES THAT IT AND ITS SUBCONTRACTOR'S/SUBRECIPIENT'S FACILITIES ARE ACCESSIBLE TO THE HANDICAPPED (IF APPLICABLE). INSTRUCTIONS As a proposer/contractor with the County, you are urged to carefully review the Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action Questionnaire and respond to it as it relates to your own employment practices. Please note particularly that: 1. Where federally-assisted contracts are involved, the proposer/ contractor is bound by Revised Order No. 4 (41 CFR Part 60-2) and Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965 as amended, by Executive Orders 11375 and 12086; or Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Federal contract Compliance "bid conditions" in the proposal package. 2. The proposer/contractor must complete ALL forms of this Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action Questionnaire if the total amount of the contract is equal to or exceeds $10,000. If at any time there arises a question, problem or need for assistance in meeting the equal opportunity requirements on County contracts, please contact Hillsborough County's Economic Development Department, DM/DWBE & SBE Programs Section, P.O. Box 1110, Tampa, Florida 33601, (813) 914-4028. (Rev 7-12) RFP/EEO/G EEO - 1 52 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY AFFIRMATIVE ACTION QUESTIONNAIRE PROJECT: SELF-FUNDED MEDICAL BENEFITS PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR SERVICES RFP NUMBER S-0071-0-2014/CM FIRM’S CIVIL RIGHTS STATUS All responding firms are requested to carefully review the following questions and provide responses as it relates to the firm's own affirmative action and equal opportunity practices. Please respond to the following: 1. *Provide a copy of your organization's Affirmative Action Plan or Program. (If not submitted within the past twelve (12) months.) 2. Workforce Analysis by race/sex and EEO Category. 3. If organization receives federal/state/local funding, please list source and dollar amount. 4. Name of person designated as EEO representative. 5. Is the organization receptive to on-site reviews? 6. Does the organization have a procedure for resolving discrimination complaints? 7. Has your firm been charged with discrimination within the past eighteen (18) months? If yes, how many charges, nature of charge; when; and where? 8. Do you anticipate hiring additional staff to perform this contract? If yes, please provide the number of positions and type of positions. 9. Please provide a copy of the company's Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Statement, signed and dated by the Chief Executive Officer. (If not submitted within the past twelve (12) months). A written Affirmative Action Plan or Program is required if the firm has fifteen (15) or more employees. If the firm has fewer than fifteen (15) employees, then an Affirmative Action Policy Statement is required. (Rev 8-00) RFP/EEO/G EEO - 2 53 SANCTIONS AND PENALTIES 1. Failure to comply with the Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action requirements adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Hillsborough County may result in suspension or debarment of the firms or individuals involved. Debarment of firms by Hillsborough County for activity contrary to this program will be carried out according to the debarment procedures contained in the Hillsborough County Procurement Manual. Said firm or individual will be notified by registered mail of said suspension or debarment and may appeal suspension or debarment through the procedure set forth in the Procurement Manual. 2. The Board of County Commissioners encourages each proposer to submit EEO documentation with the bid. 3. The Board of County Commissioners also reserves the right to reject any proposals from firms who have previously failed to perform properly and who have done so by commission or omission of an act of such serious or compelling nature that the act indicates a serious lack of business integrity or honesty or willingness to comply. (Rev 2-06) RFP/EEO/G EEO - 3 54 FIRM NAME: JOB CATEGORY TOTAL EMPLOYEES MALE FEMALE MALES WHT BLK HISP FEMALES API AI WHT BLK HISP Officials & Managers Professionals Technicians Sales Workers Office & Clerical Craftsmen (Skilled) Operatives (Semi-Skilled) Laborers (Unskilled) Service Workers TOTAL HISP: API: AI: Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander American Indian Job categories as provided herein are those categories identified and used in EEO (1-6) reporting requirements, required from employers by the Federal government. (DO NOT LEAVE THIS PAGE BLANK) (Rev 8-00) RFP/EEO/G EEO - 4 API AI 55 PART C EXHIBIT II Revised 9-27-10 W9-1 56 PART C EXHIBIT III MEDICAL BENEFITS PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION VENDOR QUESTIONNAIRE To be posted on Demandstar (XX pages) Revised 9-27-10 VQ-1 57 PART C EXHIBIT IV PRESCRIPTION BENEFITS PROGRAM VENDOR QUESTIONNAIRE To be posted on Demandstar (XX pages) Revised 9-27-10 PBVQ-1 58 PART C EXHIBIT V PRICING PROPOSAL WORKBOOK To be posted on Demandstar (XX pages) (Rev 01-06) RFP/A/UP VP - 1 59 PART D AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of , 20 (award date for projects subject thereto) by and between the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA, hereinafter called COUNTY; and , hereinafter called CONTRACTOR. WITNESSETH THAT: In consideration of the mutual covenants and provisions contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The CONTRACTOR, being the best responsible proposer, shall provide to the COUNTY the labor, services, materials and all appurtenances thereto per the requirements set forth in the Request for Proposal S-0071-0-2014/CM, Self-Funded Medical Benefits Program Administration Services. 2. PART A: INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS, PART B: SPECIFICATIONS, AND PART C: PROPOSAL of this Request for Proposals are hereby incorporated by this reference into this Agreement. 3. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish, at his own cost and expense, all equipment, tools, materials and labor of every description necessary to carry out and complete said service/work in a good, firm, substantial and workmanlike manner. 4. This Agreement shall be in effect for the initial period beginning October 1, 2014 and ending September 30, 2016. Beginning October 1, 2016, this AGREEMENT may be renewed at the sole option of the COUNTY, for two additional one year periods, at the same terms and conditions of the initial period, at the maximum rate cap proposed and/or provided the rates can be agreed upon by the COUNTY and the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall commence performance of services/work required hereunder on said beginning date unless otherwise specified herein or as otherwise necessary in order to commence performance on said date. 5. In order to provide for sufficient time to agree upon the subsequent rate for a renewal period, the CONTRACTOR shall provide in writing its proposed rate to the COUNTY for the next annual renewal period, no later than 270 days prior to the expiration of the AGREEMENT. 6. Indemnification (General Liability): The CONTRACTOR shall indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the COUNTY, their agents and employees and anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them, from and against any and all liabilities, losses, claims, damages, demands, expenses or actions, either at law or in equity, including court costs and attorneys’ fees, that may hereafter at anytime be made or brought by anyone on account of personal injury, property damage, loss of monies, or other loss, to the extent caused or incurred, as a result of any negligent, wrongful, or intentional act or omission of, or based on any act of fraud or defalcation by the CONTRACTOR, or anyone performing any act required of the CONTRACTOR in connection with performance of this Agreement awarded pursuant to this RFP. The CONTRACTOR’S indemnification obligations set forth herein shall remain in full force and effect during the performance of any duties/responsibilities associated with this AGREEMENT, and any renewal periods; the performance of any duties and responsibilities necessary to commence the AGREEMENT; or the performance of any duties and responsibilities after expiration of the AGREEMENT. 7. Including the provisions contained in this Agreement, the CONTRACTOR and the COUNTY shall adhere to all provisions contained in the Contract Documents (as listed in the Instructions to Proposers (Part A), the same being incorporated as part of this Agreement by reference. 8. The COUNTY shall pay and the CONTRACTOR shall accept as full compensation for all services/work done, materials furnished, and all costs and expenses incurred, the compensation outlined in the response to the RFP-S-0071-0-2014/CM, Self-Funded Medical Benefits Program. The CONTRACTOR guarantees all rates and costs as set forth in the CONTRACTOR’S response to the RFP through September 30, 2016. The rates and costs are attached as an exhibit to this AGREEMENT and incorporated by reference. (Rev 01-06) RFP/A/UP A-1 60 9. The CONTRACTOR agrees to the terms of the Performance Guarantees, which is attached as an exhibit to this AGREEMENT and incorporated by reference. 10. During the performance of this Agreement, the CONTRACTOR herein assures the COUNTY that said CONTRACTOR is in compliance with Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, as amended, and the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992 in that the CONTRACTOR does not on the grounds of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, handicap or marital status, discriminate in any form or manner against said CONTRACTOR’S employees or applicants for employment. The CONTRACTOR understands and agrees that this Agreement is conditioned upon the veracity of this Statement of Assurance. Furthermore, the CONTRACTOR herein assures the COUNTY that said CONTRACTOR will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 when Federal grant(s) is/are involved. Other applicable Federal and State laws, executive orders and regulations prohibiting the type of discrimination as hereinabove delineated are included by this reference thereto. This Statement of Assurance shall be interpreted to include Vietnam Era Veterans and Disabled Veterans within its protective range of applicability. 11. This Agreement shall be contingent upon the CONTRACTOR furnishing the COUNTY, when required, a Certificate of Competency, Certificate of Insurance, Performance Bond, Payment Bond, Errors and Omissions and Fidelity/Employee Honesty coverage, and any other such documents as required in this Agreement upon execution of this Agreement and will be kept in force at all times during the performance of this Agreement. Furthermore, CONTRACTOR warrants that it is qualified to do business in the State of Florida and is not prohibited by its articles of incorporation, bylaws, or the law of the state under which it is incorporated from performing the services required under this Agreement. CONTRACTOR further warrants that it has obtained, and shall at all times maintain, any and all necessary permits or licenses to do business in Florida, and to perform the services under this Agreement. 12. If, for any reason, any portion of this Agreement is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. 13. This Agreement may only be amended or modified by a written instrument executed by the COUNTY and the CONTRACTOR. 14. Unless otherwise specified, this Agreement shall be governed by the laws, rules, and regulations of Florida, or the laws, rules, and regulations of the United States when providing services funded by the United States government and venue shall be in Hillsborough County, Florida. 15. The CONTRACTOR must be in full compliance with HIPAA and its rules and regulations. The CONTRACTOR must ensure that its agents, subcontractors, subsidiaries and affiliated companies agree to the same restrictions and conditions. Should the CONTRACTOR fail to cure any unintentional HIPAA breach of which it has been notified, within the specified time, the COUNTY may terminate this AGREEMENT with 24 hours notice. Should the COUNTY determine that CONTRACTOR has intentionally violated any HIPAA rule or regulation, COUNTY may terminate this AGREEMENT with 24 hours notice. 16. Termination for breach: Unless the CONTRACTOR’S breach is waived, the COUNTY may, upon twenty four (24) hours notice, terminate this Agreement for said breach. Waiver of a breach of any provision of this Agreement shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other breach nor shall it be construed to be a modification of this Agreement. 17. The COUNTY may terminate this AGREEMENT for any other reason not otherwise specified herein by providing CONTRACTOR with seven (7) days written notice. 18. All notices of termination, as well as all other notices required herein, shall be considered received by the CONTRACTOR and the COUNTY if delivered in person with written proof thereof, or when deposited in the U.S. Mail, certified, return receipt requested, or any other method mutually agreed to by the authorized representative of the parties. 19. Notice - Any notice required by this Agreement shall be given to the following representatives of the parties unless otherwise mutually agreed to by the authorized representative of the parties: (Rev 01-06) RFP/A/UP A-2 61 COUNTY: CONTRACTOR: Director, Human Resources Dept __________________________________ P.O. Box 1110 __________________________________ Tampa, Florida 33601 __________________________________ 20. The foregoing constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter contained herein. In the event of a conflict, the express terms of this Agreement and all exhibits shall supersede and control over the RFP, responses to the RFP, and any other clarifications and/or addendums to the RFP. (Rev 01-06) RFP/A/UP A-3 62 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above. ATTEST: PAT FRANK CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT BY: COUNTY: HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY FLORIDA BY: DEPUTY CLERK CHAIRMAN, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: CONTRACTOR WITNESS AUTHORIZED CORPORATE OFFICER - OR INDIVIDUAL (SIGN BEFORE NOTARY PUBLIC WITNESS (Printed Name of Signer) (Title) (Phone) (Date) S-0071-0-2014/CM Approval Date Department Procurement Services County Attorney’s Office (Rev 01-06) RFP/A/UP A-4 63 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF CONTRACTOR, IF A CORPORATION STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this By (Date) (Name of officer or agent, title of officer or agent) of a corporation, (Name of corporation acknowledging) (State or place of incorporation) on behalf of the corporation, pursuant to the powers conferred upon said officer or agent by the corporation. He/she personally appeared before me at the time of notarization, and is personally known to me or has produced as identification and did certify to have knowledge of the matters stated (Type of Identification) in the foregoing instrument and certified the same to be true in all respects. Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me this (Date) Commission Number (Official Notary Signature and Notary Seal) Commission Expiration Date (Name of Notary typed, printed or stamped) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF CONTRACTOR, IF A PARTNERSHIP STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this By (Date) (Name of acknowledging partner or agent) partner (or agent) on behalf a partnership. He/she personally appeared before me at the time of notarization, and is personally known to me or has produced as identification and did certify to have knowledge of the matters stated (Type of Identification) in the foregoing instrument and certified the same to be true in all respects. Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me this (Date) Commission Number (Official Notary Signature and Notary Seal) Commission Expiration Date (Name of Notary typed, printed or stamped) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF CONTRACTOR, IF AN INDIVIDUAL STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this By (Date) (Name of acknowledging) who personally appeared before me at the time of notarization, and is personally known to me or has produced as identification and did certify to have knowledge of the matters stated (Type of Identification) in the foregoing instrument and certified the same to be true in all respects. Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me this (Date) Commission Number (Official Notary Signature and Notary Seal) Commission Expiration Date (Name of Notary typed, printed or stamped) (Rev 3-97) RFP/A/UP A-5 64 PART D EXHIBIT I INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Contractor's Liability Insurance: The CONTRACTOR shall procure and maintain in force such insurance as will protect him from claims under Workers' Compensation laws, disability benefit laws or other similar employee benefit laws; from claims for damages because of bodily injury, occupational sickness or disease, or death of his employees including claims insured by usual personal injury liability coverage; from claims for damages because of bodily injury, sickness or disease, or death of any person other than his employees including claims insured by usual personal injury liability coverage; and from claims for injury to or destruction of tangible property including loss of use resulting therefrom, any or all of which may arise out of or result from the CONTRACTOR'S operations under the Contract Documents, whether such operations be by himself or by any subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may be legally liable. This insurance shall be written for not less than any limits of liability specified in the Contract Documents or required by law, whichever is greater, and shall include contractual liability insurance. Before starting the work, the CONTRACTOR will file with the COUNTY certificates of such insurance, acceptable to the COUNTY; these certificates shall contain a provision for cancellation as found in paragraph 5 of Section B immediately below. Insurance Required: A. General Before starting and until acceptance of the Work by the COUNTY, the CONTRACTOR shall procure and maintain insurance of the types and to the limits specified in paragraphs B. (1) through (4) below. All policies of insurance under this contract shall include as additional insured Hillsborough County and its employees. All policies shall provide for separation of insured's interests such that the insurance afforded applies separately to each insured against whom a claim is made or a suit is brought. B. Coverage The CONTRACTOR shall procure and maintain in force during the life of this contract the following types of insurance coverage written on standard forms and placed with insurance carriers acceptable to the County and approved by the Insurance Department of the State of Florida. The amounts and type of insurance shall conform to the following requirements: 1. Worker's Compensation Insurance - The CONTRACTOR shall procure and shall maintain in force during the life of this Contract, Workers' Compensation Insurance providing statutory benefits, including those that may be required by an applicable federal statute, for all of his employees to be engaged in work on the project under this Contract. In case any class of employee engaged in hazardous work on the project under this contract is not protected under the Workers' Compensation statute, the CONTRACTOR shall provide employer's liability insurance for all said employees. a. Employer's Liability: $ $ $ 2. Limit each Accident Limit Disease Aggregate Limit Disease each Employee Commercial General Liability Insurance - Coverage must be afforded on a form no more restrictive than the latest edition of the Commercial General Liability Policy filed by the Insurance Service office with limits of not less than those listed below and must include: a. REV 07-09 RFP/IR/G General Aggregate: Products and Completed Operations: Personal and Advertising Injury: Each Occurrence: Fire Damage (anyone fire): Specific Contract Aggregate Limits: IR - 1 $ $ $ $ $ Same as above 65 3. Automobile Liability Insurance - Coverage must be afforded on a form no more restrictive than the latest edition of the Business Automobile Liability Policy filed by the Insurance Service office with limits not less than those listed below and must include: a. b. c. d. e. 4. $ combined single limits each accident, for bodily injury and property damage liability. Owned Vehicles Hired and Non-owned Vehicles Employer Non-ownership Garage Keepers Liability: Professional Liability: a. b. Minimum limits of $ per claim. Notice of cancellation and or restrictions: The policy must be endorsed to provide the county with forty-five days notice of cancellation and/or restrictions. 5. Builder's Risk: [ ] is/ [X] is not required. Installation Floater: [ ] is/ [X] is not required. If required, maximum deductible: $ . The policy should be issued for the cost of construction only. Labor and fees should not be included in the amount of coverage. 6. Pollution Liability: $ 7. Certificate of Insurance and Copies of Policies - Certificates of Insurance furnished by Hillsborough County evidencing the insurance coverage specified in the previous paragraphs B. 1. through 4. inclusive, and on request of the COUNTY certified copies of the policies required shall be filed with the Risk Management Division of the COUNTY on a timely basis. The required Certificates of Insurance not only shall list Hillsborough County as additional insured, for the operations of the CONTRACTOR under this contract (excluding the worker's compensation, automobile liability, and professional liability policies) and shall name the types of policies provided and shall refer specifically to this Contract. per occurrence. If the initial insurance expires prior to the completion of the Contract, renewal Certificates of Insurance shall be furnished thirty (30) days prior to the date of their expiration. The required limits for insurance may be achieved through a combination of primary and umbrella policies. These policies will provide that: the insurer(s) waive their rights of subrogation against the Hillsborough County Board of Commissioners, their officials, employees, agents, and consultants. Cancellation - Should any of the above described policies be canceled or non-renewed before the stated expiration date thereof, insurer will not cancel same until at least thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to the below named certificate holder. This prior notice provision is a part of each of the above described policies. Project Title: S-00781-0-2014/CM, Self-Funded Medical Benefits Program Administration Reviewed, Risk Management Division: SIGNED COPY IN FILE DATE: REV 07-09 RFP/IR/G IR - 2 66 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE Date: Producer, Address, Telephone No. Insurers Affording Coverage Insurer A: Insurer B: Insured, Address Insurer C: Insurer D; Insurer E: This is to certify that the insurance policies listed below have been issued to the insured and are in force at this time. It is further certified that these policies have been endorsed to provide that they will not be cancelled or changed so as to reduce the described coverages until 30 days after written notice of such cancellation or change has been delivered to the certificate holder at the address shown below. Insr Type of Insurance Policy Number Policy Policy Limits Ltr Effective Expiration Date Date General Liability Commercial General Liability Claims Made Occur General Aggregate Limit Applies per: Policy Project Loc Each Occurrence $ Fire Damage $ Personal & Advertising Injury General Aggregate $ Products – Completed Operations Aggregate $ Combined Single Limit (Each Accident) Automobile Liability Any Auto All Owned Autos Scheduled Autos Hired Autos Non-Owned Autos Garage Liability Any Auto $ Bodily Injury (Each Accident) $ Property Damage (Per Accident) $ Auto Only – Ea Acc $ $ $ Ea Acc Auto Only: Occur Aggregate Each Occurrence Claims Made Aggregate Deductible Retention $ Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability WC StatuOthtory Limits er E. L. Each Accident E. L. Disease – Ea Emp E. L. Disease – Pol Limit Other $ $ Bodily Injury (Per Person) Other than Excess Liability $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Contractual Liability Coverage is Included in listed General and Auto Liability Policies. “Hillsborough County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida” has been named as an Additional Insured on the listed General, Auto and Aircraft Liability Policies. Listed General Liability Policies include a Separation of Insureds (severability of interests) provision. Other Provisions/Limitations/Conditions: S-00781-0-2014/CM, Self-Funded Medical Benefits Program Administration Certificate Holder: Hillsborough County - BOCC Risk Management Division th 601 E. Kennedy Blvd, 26 FL Tampa, FL 33602 ICM – 015 (09/10) Fax No. 813-635-8284 Authorized Representative: Signature IR-3 _____________________________________
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