Prepared By Property Inspection Engineers, Inc. PO Box 2395 Birmingham, MI 48012 (248) 644-8798 HUD 203(k) Work Write-Up Consultant's Report Borrower Mark Beard Property Location 405 Fairgrove Royal Oak, MI Specification Of Repairs PO Box 2395 Birmingham, MI 48012 Phone: Fax: Borrower: Mark Beard Property Address: Loan Type: (248) 644-8798 (248) 644-8947 Christopher J. Daggy Consultant: Email: Consultant's ID No: P1255 Months To Completion: Phone: Lender's Address: Contact Name: 0 Contractor JCH Builders Loan No. Lender: HUD 203(k) FHA Case #: 405 Fairgrove Royal Oak, MI Fair_102710 Consultant's File No.: Property Inspection Engineers, Inc. John Adams Mortgage-West Bloomfield 7091 Orchard Lake Road Suite 110 West Bloomfield, Michigan 48322 Loan Originator: Contact Phone: Applicant's Phone: Loan Originator Phone: Applicant's Cell Phone: Inspection Date: 10/27/2010 Occupied During Construction: Borrower: Mark Beard Not Occupied Consultant's File No.: Fair_102710 STEP-BY-STEP PROCEDURE 1. The HUD accepted consultant who prepares this work write-up for an architect, engineer to home inspection service needs to inspect the property to assure: (1) That there are no rodents, termites, and other infestations: (2) that there are no defects that will affect the health and safety of the occupants: (3) the adequacy of the existing structural, heating plumbing, electrical, and roofing system: and (4) the upgrading of thermal protection (where necessary). The inspection report will be attached to the document. 2. Complete each item below as necessary by either filling out the information on the work to be preformed with a brief explanation, or entering “NONE” in the “SUB-TOTAL” portion if no work is being performed in that particular subsection. 3. The proposed work, and the materials used, should be explained in detail to assure a complete understanding on the required work by the contractor and the HUD authorized fee inspector. For major items (ie. kitchen cabinets, appliances, heating && air conditioning, etc.), the description or the item should enclose the make and model number (manufacturer’s brochure can be attached). 4. Attach a copy of any proposals from all contractors and/or subcontractors. 5. Provide other drawings as necessary to assure a complete understanding of the required work by the contractor and the HUD authorized fee inspector. The following architectural exhibits are required: a) A Plot Plan of the Site is required only if a new addition is being made to the existing structure. Show the location of the structure(s), walks, drives, streets, and other relevant detail. Include finished grade elevations at the property corners and building corners to assure proper drainage of water off the site. Show the required flood elevation. b) Proposed Interior Plan of the Dwelling. Show where structural or planning changes are contemplated; include any addition to the dwelling. c) Provide kitchen cabinet elevations, deck drawings and other exhibits as necessary to properly describe the required work. Architectural exhibits for a new addition are the same as for a newly constructed home. 6. Cost estimates must include labor and materials sufficient to complete the work by a contractor. 7. A homebuyer who would like to do any of the work must submit a letter to the lender stating his/her qualifications to perform the work in timely and workmanlike manner. If approved by the lender, the homebuyer cannot eliminate the cost estimate for labor because if the homebuyer cannot complete the work there must be sufficient money in the escrow account to get a subcontractor to do the work. 8. If this is a purchase transaction and not a refinance, then attach a sales contract (the loan should go contingent upon obtaining FHA 203(k) financing). 9. 10. Transfer costs shown on the last page to the Draw Request (HUD 9746-A, VMP-436). Meaning of Abbreviations: Linear foot = LF Each = Ea M = Mandatory By HUD, Square Foot = SF Lump Sum = LS Square Yard = SY R = Recommended By Consultant/Other, * = required D = Desired By Homeowner EA=Each LF=Linear Foot LS=Lump Sum SF=Square Foot Sq= Square SY=Square Yard Copyright 2008 - Corporate Niche (406) 522-8856 Pages 1 To 12 Borrower: Mark Beard Fair_102710 Consultant's File No.: 2 . Siding Siding-Fiber Cement Location Exterior Walls Level M Level M Unit Unit Cost Total 1 LS 6,000.00 6,000.00 Tax/Margin Labor 1 LS 8,000.00 8,000.00 Material/LS 1 LS 1,500.00 1,500.00 Labor 1 LS 1,845.00 1,845.00 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: Cap existing and proposed walls with Pre-Finished Fiber Cement Board Siding. /Approximately 23 square. Trim/Soffits Location Exterior Qty Material/LS 0.0% 0.00 Grand Total $14,000.00 0 $3,345.00 Completion Hrs: 0 Install Aluminum break metal around new windows to match / Wrap all fascias in aluminum and install vinyl soffits Sub-Total This Section: 7KLVZRUNZLOOEHGRQHE\ 2ZQHU &RQWUDFWRU Cost Estimate Attached: 6XEFRQWUDFWRU $17,345.00 Permit Required: 6XPPDU\1DUUDWLYH2I:RUN7R%H'RQH 3 . Gutters/Downspouts Install new gutters Location Exterior Level D Qty Unit Unit Cost Total Material/LS 1 LS 105.00 105.00 Tax/Margin Labor 1 LS 300.00 300.00 0.0% Grand Total 0.00 Completion Hrs: Extend gutter for addition 20 L.F. / Extend exsiting downspouts away from structure./ Attach loose downspouts. $405.00 0 $405.00 Sub-Total This Section: 4 . Roof Roof Shingles Location Exterior Level D Unit Unit Cost Total 3.7 LS 75.00 277.50 Tax/Margin Labor 3.7 SQ 175.00 647.50 0.0% Grand Total 0.00 Completion Hrs: $925.00 0 Install layer of asphalt composite shingles at addition. / Similar to existing. / Approximately 3.5 square. / Permits. Roof Shingles Location Porch Qty Material/LS Level D Material/LS 1 LS 75.00 75.00 Labor 1 LS 200.00 200.00 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: $275.00 0 Remove and replace porch roof shingles with similar to match house. Sub-Total This Section: 7KLVZRUNZLOOEHGRQHE\ 2ZQHU &RQWUDFWRU 6XEFRQWUDFWRU Cost Estimate Attached: $1,200.00 Permit Required: 6XPPDU\1DUUDWLYH2I:RUN7R%H'RQH EA=Each LF=Linear Foot LS=Lump Sum SF=Square Foot Sq= Square SY=Square Yard Copyright 2008 - Corporate Niche (406) 522-8856 Pages 2 To 12 Borrower: Mark Beard Fair_102710 Consultant's File No.: 6 . Exteriors Sewer Repair Location Exterior Level M Level D Level M Level M Level M Tax/Margin Labor 1 LS 2,250.00 2,250.00 Material/LS 1 LS 800.00 800.00 Labor 1 LS 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: Material/LS 1 LS 200.00 200.00 Labor 1 LS 600.00 600.00 0.0% Grand Total $3,400.00 0 $1,800.00 0 0.00 Completion Hrs: Material/LS 1 LS 100.00 100.00 Labor 1 LS 300.00 300.00 0.0% $800.00 0 0.00 Completion Hrs: Material/LS 1 LS 200.00 200.00 Labor 1 LS 700.00 700.00 Material/LS 1 LS 100.00 100.00 Labor 1 LS 100.00 100.00 0.0% $400.00 0 0.00 Completion Hrs: Repair garage structure to stop addiitional movement. / Repair defective siding and trim to make weather tight. Soffit vents Location Exterior Walls 1,150.00 Reset front steps to provide even gate (Eliminate trip hazard). Garage Siding and Framing Location Garage Total 1,150.00 Repair and or replace all defective wood at front porch. / Paint and caulk. Step Repair Location Exterior Unit Cost LS Extend deck and eliminate rear steps as per drawing. Porch Repair Location Exterior Unit 1 Replace defective section of sewer line. / Permits Deck Repair Location Exterior Qty Material/LS Level M 0.0% $900.00 0 0.00 Completion Hrs: $200.00 0 Install additional soffits vents. Sub-Total This Section: 7KLVZRUNZLOOEHGRQHE\ 2ZQHU &RQWUDFWRU Cost Estimate Attached: 6XEFRQWUDFWRU $7,500.00 Permit Required: 6XPPDU\1DUUDWLYH2I:RUN7R%H'RQH 9 . Painting (Ext.) Paint Exterior Location Exterior Level M Qty Unit Unit Cost Total Material/LS 1 LS 250.00 250.00 Tax/Margin Labor 1 LS 400.00 400.00 0.0% Grand Total 0.00 Completion Hrs: $650.00 0 Paint garage. Sub-Total This Section: 7KLVZRUNZLOOEHGRQHE\ 2ZQHU &RQWUDFWRU 6XEFRQWUDFWRU Cost Estimate Attached: $650.00 Permit Required: 6XPPDU\1DUUDWLYH2I:RUN7R%H'RQH EA=Each LF=Linear Foot LS=Lump Sum SF=Square Foot Sq= Square SY=Square Yard Copyright 2008 - Corporate Niche (406) 522-8856 Pages 3 To 12 Borrower: Mark Beard Fair_102710 Consultant's File No.: 10 . Caulking Caulk: Exterior Location Exterior Walls Level M Qty Unit Unit Cost Total Material/LS 1 LS 250.00 250.00 Tax/Margin Labor 1 Ea 400.00 400.00 0.0% Grand Total 0.00 $650.00 Completion Hrs: 0 Caulk exterior walls to make weather tight. $650.00 Sub-Total This Section: 7KLVZRUNZLOOEHGRQHE\ 2ZQHU &RQWUDFWRU Cost Estimate Attached: 6XEFRQWUDFWRU Permit Required: 6XPPDU\1DUUDWLYH2I:RUN7R%H'RQH 12 . Grading/Landscaping Grading Location Exterior Level M Qty Unit Unit Cost Total Material/LS 1 LS 0.00 0.00 Tax/Margin Labor 1 LS 625.00 625.00 0.0% Grand Total 0.00 $625.00 Completion Hrs: 0 Re grade exterior to provide positive drainage. Cut back all vegetation against house.Remove shrubs at front and side. $400.00 Sub-Total This Section: 7KLVZRUNZLOOEHGRQHE\ 2ZQHU &RQWUDFWRU Cost Estimate Attached: 6XEFRQWUDFWRU Permit Required: 6XPPDU\1DUUDWLYH2I:RUN7R%H'RQH 13 . Windows Move window Location Exterior Walls Level D Level M Unit Cost Total Ea 0.00 0.00 Tax/Margin Labor 1 LS 300.00 300.00 0.0% Grand Total 0.00 Completion Hrs: $300.00 0 Material/LS 1 LS 100.00 100.00 Labor 1 LS 75.00 75.00 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: $175.00 0 Replace missing screens and make all windows operable. Vinyl Windows Location Exterior Unit 1 Move window from proposed front bedroom closet to proposed bathroom area. Window Repair Location Exterior Walls Qty Material/LS Level D Material/LS 1 LS 700.00 700.00 Labor 1 LS 525.00 525.00 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: Supply and install tempered window in bathroom (1) / Supply and install first floor windows to match (2) Sub-Total This Section: 7KLVZRUNZLOOEHGRQHE\ 2ZQHU &RQWUDFWRU 6XEFRQWUDFWRU Cost Estimate Attached: $1,225.00 0 $1,700.00 Permit Required: 6XPPDU\1DUUDWLYH2I:RUN7R%H'RQH EA=Each LF=Linear Foot LS=Lump Sum SF=Square Foot Sq= Square SY=Square Yard Copyright 2008 - Corporate Niche (406) 522-8856 Pages 4 To 12 Borrower: Mark Beard Fair_102710 Consultant's File No.: 15 . Doors (Ext.) Garage Vehicle Doors Location Garage Level M Level M Unit Cost Total EA 500.00 1,000.00 Tax/Margin Labor 2 EA 300.00 600.00 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: Grand Total $1,600.00 0 Material/LS 1 EA 300.00 300.00 Labor 1 Ea 100.00 100.00 Material/LS 1 EA 1,600.00 1,600.00 Labor 1 EA 300.00 300.00 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: $400.00 0 Replace garage entry door with Jeldwen steel door. Exterior Doors Location Exterior Unit 2 Reframe and install (2) garage vehicle doors with operators./ Clopay uninsulated 9' X 7'. Garage Entry Door Location Garage Qty Material/LS Level D 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: $1,900.00 0 Supply and install Milliken Millwork Fiberglass Entry Door and hardware. Sub-Total This Section: 7KLVZRUNZLOOEHGRQHE\ 2ZQHU &RQWUDFWRU Cost Estimate Attached: 6XEFRQWUDFWRU $3,900.00 Permit Required: 6XPPDU\1DUUDWLYH2I:RUN7R%H'RQH 16 . Doors (Int.) Doors and Trim Location Second Floor Level D Qty Unit Unit Cost Total Material/LS 1 LS 2,100.00 2,100.00 Tax/Margin Labor 1 LS 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: Install 6 panel masonite doors as per plan. / Install casing at doors. Install base as required. / Install handrails. Sub-Total This Section: Grand Total $3,100.00 0 $3,100.00 17 . Partition Wall Framing of new walls and partitions Location All Level D Unit Unit Cost Total 1 LS 4,230.00 4,230.00 Tax/Margin Labor 1 LS 8,000.00 8,000.00 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: Grand Total $12,230.00 0 Frame roof deck assembly. / Frame exterior walls. / Frame interior partitions / As per plan. / Permits. Repair framing Location All Qty Material/LS Level M Material/LS 1 LS 100.00 100.00 Labor 1 LS 900.00 900.00 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: $1,000.00 0 Repair deflection at floor decks. Sub-Total This Section: 7KLVZRUNZLOOEHGRQHE\ 2ZQHU &RQWUDFWRU 6XEFRQWUDFWRU Cost Estimate Attached: $13,230.00 Permit Required: 6XPPDU\1DUUDWLYH2I:RUN7R%H'RQH EA=Each LF=Linear Foot LS=Lump Sum SF=Square Foot Sq= Square SY=Square Yard Copyright 2008 - Corporate Niche (406) 522-8856 Pages 5 To 12 Borrower: Mark Beard Fair_102710 Consultant's File No.: 18 . Plaster/Drywall Drywall Location All Level Unit Unit Cost Total 1 LS 1,300.00 1,300.00 Labor 1 LS 2,900.00 2,900.00 D Tax/Margin 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: Grand Total $4,200.00 0 Install drywall at new walls, ceilings and open walls and ceilings. 1/2". / Approximately 3,500 sq. ft. Plaster Repair--Custom Location All Qty Material/LS Level Material/LS 1 LS 100.00 100.00 Labor 1 LS 200.00 200.00 D 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: $300.00 0 Repair damaged plaster as required. Sub-Total This Section: 7KLVZRUNZLOOEHGRQHE\ 2ZQHU &RQWUDFWRU Cost Estimate Attached: 6XEFRQWUDFWRU $4,500.00 Permit Required: 6XPPDU\1DUUDWLYH2I:RUN7R%H'RQH 19 . Decorating Paint Location All Level D Qty Unit Unit Cost Total Material/LS 1 LS 600.00 600.00 Tax/Margin Labor 1 LS 1,400.00 1,400.00 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: Grand Total $2,000.00 0 Paint all interior finishes. Sub-Total This Section: 7KLVZRUNZLOOEHGRQHE\ 2ZQHU &RQWUDFWRU Cost Estimate Attached: 6XEFRQWUDFWRU $2,000.00 Permit Required: 6XPPDU\1DUUDWLYH2I:RUN7R%H'RQH 23 . Wood Floors Flooring--Wood Custom Location Kitchen Level D Level D Level D Total 3.00 645.00 Tax/Margin Labor 215 SF 4.00 860.00 Material/LS 50 LS 3.00 150.00 Labor 50 EA 4.00 200.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% Grand Total $1,505.00 0 0.00 Completion Hrs: $350.00 0 Material/LS 1 LS 100.00 100.00 Labor 1 LS 300.00 300.00 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: $400.00 0 Repair hardwood floors as required to accomidate partition relocation. Flooring--Wood Custom Location All Unit Cost LS Replace existing wood floor in Closet 3 with 2-1/4" T&G Oak. Includes finish. 50 sq.ft. Flooring--Wood Custom Location Second Floor Unit 215 Completion Hrs: Replace existing wood floor in kitchen and laundry (nook) with 2-1/4" T&G Oak. Includes finish. 215 sq.ft. Flooring--Wood Custom Location Closet 3 Qty Material/LS Level D Material/LS 1000 LS 1.00 1,000.00 Labor 1000 SF 3.00 3,000.00 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: $4,000.00 0 Refinish balance (Non new) of wood floors. Approximately 1,000 sq.ft. Sub-Total This Section: 7KLVZRUNZLOOEHGRQHE\ 2ZQHU &RQWUDFWRU 6XEFRQWUDFWRU Cost Estimate Attached: $6,255.00 Permit Required: 6XPPDU\1DUUDWLYH2I:RUN7R%H'RQH EA=Each LF=Linear Foot LS=Lump Sum SF=Square Foot Sq= Square SY=Square Yard Copyright 2008 - Corporate Niche (406) 522-8856 Pages 6 To 12 Borrower: Mark Beard Fair_102710 Consultant's File No.: 25 . Ceramic Tile Ceramic Tile, Floor & Wall Qty Unit Unit Cost Total Material/LS 1 LS 2,000.00 2,000.00 Labor 1 LS 4,000.00 4,000.00 Level Location Bath 2 Tax/Margin 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: Sub-Total This Section: Grand Total $6,000.00 0 $6,000.00 26 . Bath Accessories Bathroom fixtures and accessories Location Bath 2 Level Unit Cost Total LS 432.44 432.44 Tax/Margin Labor 1 EA 0.00 0.00 0.0% Grand Total 0.00 Completion Hrs: $432.44 0 Bath Accessories as per attached proposal by Herald Wholesale Level Material/LS 1 LS 0.00 0.00 Labor 1 LS 75.00 75.00 Material/LS 1 LS 1,317.00 1,317.00 Labor 1 LS 300.00 300.00 D 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: $75.00 0 Install bath accessories. Glass Shower Enclosure Location Bath 2 Unit 1 D Bathroom fixtures and accessories Location Bath 2 Qty Material/LS Level D 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: $1,617.00 0 Supply and install glass shower enclosure. Sub-Total This Section: 7KLVZRUNZLOOEHGRQHE\ 2ZQHU &RQWUDFWRU Cost Estimate Attached: 6XEFRQWUDFWRU $2,124.44 Permit Required: 6XPPDU\1DUUDWLYH2I:RUN7R%H'RQH 27 . Plumbing Plumbing--Systems Location All Level Unit Cost Total LS 1,300.00 1,300.00 Tax/Margin Labor 1 LS 1,700.00 1,700.00 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: Grand Total $3,000.00 0 Modify water and waste lines to comply with proposed floor plan and comply with code requirements. / Install fixtures (Labor only). / Move laundry to basement. Level Material/LS 1 LS 3,547.00 3,547.00 Labor 1 EA 0.00 0.00 D 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: $3,547.00 0 Fixtures and faucets as per attached proposal from Herald Wholesale Bath Fixtures Location Bath 2 Unit 1 D Bath Fixtures Location Bath 2/Kitchen Qty Material/LS Level Material/LS 1 LS 736.70 736.70 Labor 1 LS 0.00 0.00 D 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: $736.70 0 Surface mount tub - Archer 5' X 19" H Sub-Total This Section: 7KLVZRUNZLOOEHGRQHE\ 2ZQHU &RQWUDFWRU 6XEFRQWUDFWRU Cost Estimate Attached: $7,283.70 Permit Required: 6XPPDU\1DUUDWLYH2I:RUN7R%H'RQH EA=Each LF=Linear Foot LS=Lump Sum SF=Square Foot Sq= Square SY=Square Yard Copyright 2008 - Corporate Niche (406) 522-8856 Pages 7 To 12 Borrower: Mark Beard Fair_102710 Consultant's File No.: 28 . Electrical Electrical Location All Level Unit Cost Total LS 2,000.00 2,000.00 Tax/Margin Labor 1 LS 1,750.00 1,750.00 0.0% 0.00 Grand Total $3,750.00 Completion Hrs: 0 Replace exterior service. / Replace panel with 200 Amp Service. / Install interconnected smoke detectors. / Modifify electrical per plan. / Install light fistures(Labor only). / Install GFCI outlets as required. / Permits / Install Audio video cables / TV Level Material/LS 1 LS 0.00 0.00 Labor 1 LS 250.00 250.00 Material/LS 1 Ea 967.05 967.05 Labor 1 Ea 0.00 0.00 D 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: $250.00 0 Prep for future exterior tub. Light Fixtures Location All Unit 1 M Electrical Location Exterior Qty Material/LS Level D 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: $967.05 0 Supply light fixtures as per proposal provided by Herald Wholesale Sub-Total This Section: 7KLVZRUNZLOOEHGRQHE\ 2ZQHU &RQWUDFWRU Cost Estimate Attached: 6XEFRQWUDFWRU $4,967.05 Permit Required: 6XPPDU\1DUUDWLYH2I:RUN7R%H'RQH 29 . Heating HVAC System Location All Level Unit Cost Total LS 800.00 800.00 Tax/Margin Labor 1 LF 1,300.00 1,300.00 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: Grand Total $2,100.00 0 Modify ductwork for second floor modifications and addition. Includes permits Level Material/LS 1 LS 100.00 100.00 Labor 1 LS 150.00 150.00 Material/LS 1 LS 100.00 100.00 Labor 1 LS 150.00 150.00 D 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: $250.00 0 Supply and install bathroom exhaust fan. Kitchen Exhaust Fan Duct Location Kitchen Unit 1 D Bathroom Exhaust Fans Location Bath 2 Qty Material/LS Level D 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: $250.00 0 Install ducting for kitchen exhaust fan Sub-Total This Section: 7KLVZRUNZLOOEHGRQHE\ 2ZQHU &RQWUDFWRU 6XEFRQWUDFWRU Cost Estimate Attached: $2,600.00 Permit Required: 6XPPDU\1DUUDWLYH2I:RUN7R%H'RQH EA=Each LF=Linear Foot LS=Lump Sum SF=Square Foot Sq= Square SY=Square Yard Copyright 2008 - Corporate Niche (406) 522-8856 Pages 8 To 12 Borrower: Mark Beard Fair_102710 Consultant's File No.: 30 . Insulation Insulation--Custom Location All open wall, ceiling and floor cavities Level M Qty Unit Unit Cost Total Material/LS 1 LS 800.00 800.00 Tax/Margin Labor 1 LS 400.00 400.00 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: Grand Total $1,200.00 0 Install fiberglass installation at new constuction to bring to code / new energy codes. Insulate balance of attic. Sub-Total This Section: 7KLVZRUNZLOOEHGRQHE\ 2ZQHU &RQWUDFWRU Cost Estimate Attached: 6XEFRQWUDFWRU $1,200.00 Permit Required: 6XPPDU\1DUUDWLYH2I:RUN7R%H'RQH 31 . Cabinetry Kitchen cabinets Location Kitchen Level D Level D Unit Cost Total LS 5,608.00 5,608.00 Tax/Margin Labor 1 EA 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: Grand Total $5,608.00 0 Material/LS 1 LS 0.00 0.00 Labor 1 LS 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.0% Material/LS 1 LS 2,000.00 2,000.00 Labor 1 LS 1,100.00 1,100.00 0.00 Completion Hrs: $1,000.00 0 Install kitchen cabinets. Kitchen Countertop Location Kitchen Unit 1 Supply kitchen cabinets as per proposal and attached drawings. Kitchen cabinets Location Kitchen Qty Material/LS Level 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: $3,100.00 0 Supply and install granite counter top and SS sink. Sub-Total This Section: 7KLVZRUNZLOOEHGRQHE\ 2ZQHU &RQWUDFWRU Cost Estimate Attached: 6XEFRQWUDFWRU $9,708.00 Permit Required: 6XPPDU\1DUUDWLYH2I:RUN7R%H'RQH 32 . Appliances Appliances Location Kitchen/Laudry Level D Level D Unit Unit Cost Total 1 LS 3,718.20 3,718.20 Tax/Margin Labor 1 Ea 0.00 0.00 Material/LS 1 LS 0.00 0.00 Labor 1 LS 200.00 200.00 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: Dryer: Kenmore(49032) / Washer: Kenmore(89032) / Refridgerator: Kenmore SS(71603) / Stove: Kenmore SS(36903) / Microwave SS(85063/ Dishwasher:: Kenmore SS (13213) / Proposal by the Great Outdoors. Appliances Location Kitchen/Laudry Qty Material/LS 0.0% Grand Total $3,718.20 0 0.00 Completion Hrs: $200.00 0 Install appliances. Sub-Total This Section: 7KLVZRUNZLOOEHGRQHE\ 2ZQHU &RQWUDFWRU 6XEFRQWUDFWRU Cost Estimate Attached: $3,918.20 Permit Required: 6XPPDU\1DUUDWLYH2I:RUN7R%H'RQH EA=Each LF=Linear Foot LS=Lump Sum SF=Square Foot Sq= Square SY=Square Yard Copyright 2008 - Corporate Niche (406) 522-8856 Pages 9 To 12 Borrower: Mark Beard Fair_102710 Consultant's File No.: 34 . Cleanup Cleaning--General Requirement Location All Qty Unit Unit Cost Total Material/LS 1 EA 0.00 0.00 Labor 1 LS 200.00 200.00 Level Tax/Margin 0.0% Grand Total 0.00 Completion Hrs: $200.00 0 Broom clean property prior to turn over to client $200.00 Sub-Total This Section: 7KLVZRUNZLOOEHGRQHE\ 2ZQHU &RQWUDFWRU Cost Estimate Attached: 6XEFRQWUDFWRU Permit Required: 6XPPDU\1DUUDWLYH2I:RUN7R%H'RQH 35 . Miscellaneous Profit and Overhead Level Location Qty Unit Unit Cost Total Material/LS 1 LS 10,353.64 10,353.64 Labor 1 LS Material/LS 1 LS 0.00 0.00 Labor 1 LS 300.00 300.00 Material/LS 1 LS 0.00 0.00 Labor 1 LS 1,950.00 1,950.00 M Tax/Margin Grand Total 0.0% Completion Hrs: 0 General Contractor Profit and Overhead Demolition Location Basement Level D 0.00 Completion Hrs: $300.00 0 Remove all finishes Demolition Location All 0.0% Level D 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: $1,950.00 0 Remove finishes, walls and roof to comply with drawings Dumpster Level Location D Material/LS 1 Ea 0.00 0.00 Labor 1 LF 450.00 450.00 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: Sub-Total This Section: 7KLVZRUNZLOOEHGRQHE\ 2ZQHU &RQWUDFWRU 6XEFRQWUDFWRU Cost Estimate Attached: $450.00 0 $2,700.00 Permit Required: 6XPPDU\1DUUDWLYH2I:RUN7R%H'RQH EA=Each LF=Linear Foot LS=Lump Sum SF=Square Foot Sq= Square SY=Square Yard Copyright 2008 - Corporate Niche (406) 522-8856 Pages 10 To 12 Borrower: Mark Beard Fair_102710 Consultant's File No.: RECAP SUBTOTALS Construction Sub-Totals Allowable Fees & RecapTotals 1 . Masonry 0.00 2 . Siding 3 . Gutters/Downspouts ALLOWABLE FEES 405.00 4 . Roof Note 1,200.00 5 . Shutters 0.00 6 . Exteriors 7,500.00 7 . Walks 0.00 8 . Driveways 0.00 9 . Painting (Ext.) $103,536.39 Construction Costs Subtotal : 17,345.00 Discount Fee Combined Services ($100.00) Allowable Fees Total : ($100.00) Contingency Reserve: 10% $10,353.64 Grand Total: $113,790.03 650.00 10 . Caulking 650.00 11 . Fencing 0.00 12 . Grading/Landscaping 400.00 13 . Windows 1,700.00 14 . Weatherstrip 0.00 15 . Doors (Ext.) 3,900.00 16 . Doors (Int.) 3,100.00 17 . Partition Wall 13,230.00 18 . Plaster/Drywall 4,500.00 19 . Decorating 2,000.00 20 . Wood Trim 0.00 21 . Stairs 0.00 22 . Closets 0.00 23 . Wood Floors 6,255.00 24 . Finished Floors 0.00 25 . Ceramic Tile 6,000.00 26 . Bath Accessories 2,124.44 27 . Plumbing 7,283.70 28 . Electrical 4,967.05 29 . Heating 2,600.00 30 . Insulation 1,200.00 31 . Cabinetry 9,708.00 32 . Appliances 3,918.20 33 . Basements 0.00 34 . Cleanup 200.00 35 . Miscellaneous 2,700.00 Construction Cost Subtotal: $103,536.39 All repairs must be performed in conformance with local zoning ordinances and codes. Applicant(s) and Contractor (if any) to sign and date upon final acceptance. Date of Final Acceptance: ______________ Consultant/Plan Reveiwer: ___________________________ Date: 2/9/2011 Christopher J. Daggy ID No: P1255 Applicant(s): ________________________ Date: __________ Applicant(s): ________________________ Date: __________ Applicant(s): ________________________ Date: __________ Applicant(s): ________________________ Date: __________ Contractor: ______________________________ Date: _______________ EA=Each LF=Linear Foot LS=Lump Sum SF=Square Foot Sq= Square SY=Square Yard Copyright 2008 - Corporate Niche (406) 522-8856 Pages 11 To 12 Borrower: Mark Beard Consultant's File No.: Fair_102710 CONSULTANT'S COMMENT EA=Each LF=Linear Foot LS=Lump Sum SF=Square Foot Sq= Square SY=Square Yard Copyright 2008 - Corporate Niche (406) 522-8856 Pages 12 To 12 U.S. Department of Housing and OMB Approval No. 2502-0527 (exp. 413012004) Urban Development HUD 203(k) Office of Housing Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average I hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. This agency may not collect this information, and you are not required to complete this form, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Draw Request This information collection involves an expanded information requirement for lenders that originate and service Section 203(k) mortgages. The purpose of the information is to help mitigate program abuses. The expanded information focuses on the loan origination process and requires increased documentation and strengthened internal control procedures. Periodic reporting of the information is not required. The information also includes information that was voluntarily accepted by the 203(k) lending community. The information provides a more comprehensive basis for evaluating lender underwriting practices and thereby improves risk management of the 203(k) loan portfolio. Responses are required under Section 203(k) of the National Housing Act (12 U.S.C. 1703). No assurance of confidentiality is provided. Borower's Name & Property Address Lender's Name & Address FHA Case Number Mark Beard John Adams Mortgage-West Bloomfield 405 Fairgrove Royal Oak, MI 7091 Orchard Lake Road Suite 110 This Draw Number Date Initial I certify that I have carefully inspected this property for compliance with the general acceptability requirements (including health and safety) in Handbook 4905.1. I have reviewed the attached architectural exhibits and the estimated rehabilitation costs listed in column 1 below; they are acceptable for the rehabilitation of this property. I have no personal interest, present or prospective, in the property, applicant, or proceeds of the mortgage. To the best of my knowledge, I have reported all items requiring correction and that the rehabilitation proposal now meets all HUD requirements for 203(k) Rehabilitation Mortgage Insurance. HUD-Accepted Consultant / Plan Reviewer's Signature & Date X Construction Item 1 . 2 . Masonry Siding Suggested Contingency Reserve Amount Property Inspection Engineers, Inc. 2/9/2011 Total Cost of Rehabilitation Total Escrow Previous Draw Totals Request for This Draw Col. 1 % Col. 2 Col. 3 $10,353.64 Inspector/Lender Adusted Amounts Col. 4 % 10% % 1 . 2 . $0.00 $17,345.00 $0.00 3 . 4 . 5 . $7,500.00 6 . $0.00 $0.00 7 . 8 . 9 . 3 . 4 . 5 . Shutters 6 . Exteriors 7 . 8 . 9 . Walks Driveways Painting (Ext.) $650.00 10 . 11 . 12 . Caulking Fencing $650.00 $0.00 $400.00 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . Windows $1,700.00 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . Weatherstrip Doors (Ext.) $0.00 $3,900.00 14 . 15 . 16 . Gutters/Downspouts Roof Grading/Landscaping Doors (Int.) $405.00 $1,200.00 $3,100.00 17 . 18 . 19 . Partition Wall Plaster/Drywall Decorating $2,000.00 17 . 18 . 19 . 20 . Wood Trim $0.00 20 . 21 . 22 . 23 . Stairs Closets $0.00 $0.00 Wood Floors $6,255.00 21 . 22 . 23 . 24 . 25 . 26 . Finished Floors Ceramic Tile $0.00 $6,000.00 Bath Accessories $2,124.44 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . Plumbing $7,283.70 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . Electrical Heating $4,967.05 $2,600.00 Insulation $1,200.00 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 . Cabinetry Appliances $9,708.00 $3,918.20 34 . Cleanup 35 . Miscellaneous 36 . Basements Totals $13,230.00 $4,500.00 $0.00 31 . 32 . 33 . $200.00 34 . $2,700.00 35 . $103,536.39 36 . Page 1 of 2 ref.Handbook 4240.4 form HUD-9746-A (8/95) I hereby certify that all the information stated herein, as well as any information provided in the accompaniment herewith, is true and accurate. Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties.(18 U.S.C. 1001,1012;31 U.S.C. 3729,3802) This draw request is submitted for payment. All completed work has been done in a workmanlike manner. I hereby certify to the actual cost of rehabilitation as shown above in column 3. I understand that I cannot obtain additional monies from the rehabilitation account without the approval of the lender. I also understand that a 10% holdback will not be released until all work is complete and it is determined that no mechanic's and materialmen's liens have been placed on the property. After the final inspection, the monies in escrow account will be distributed as required by the 203(k) program procedures. Owner-Occupied Borrower's Signature Investor-Builder Date X This draw request is submitted for payment. All completed work has been done in a workmanlike manner. I understand that a 10% holdback will not be released until all work is completed and it is determined that no mechanic's and materialmen's liens have been placed on the property. General Contractor's Signature (If any) Date X I certify that I have carefully inspected this property on this date. The draw amounts are acceptable except as modified in column 4. I further certify that I have not accepted any work that is not yet completed in a workmanlike manner and I recommend that the rehabilitation escrow funds be released for the completed work. Date P1255 I.D. Number Inspector's Signature X Approved for Release This Draw The Lender is herby authorized to release the following funds from the escrow account. Totals to Date Total from Above $ $ Less 10% Holdback $ $ Net Amount Due Borrower $ $ Payable to the Borrower Payable to the Fee Inspector $ Payable To $ Signiture & Date Lender-Authorized Agent X DE Underwriter Lender Holding Rehabilitation Escrow Account (name, address, & phone number) Originating Lender Sill Retains Funds Rehab Funds Transfered to: FHA Case Number Rehabilitaion Inspection Report I. Inspection of On-Site Repairs and/or Improvements Reveals: 1. 2. Unable To Make Inspection. (explained Below) Correction essential as explained below. a. Will examine at next inspection. b. Do not conceal until reinspected. 3. No noncompliance observed. 4. Acceptable variations as described below. 5. On-site improvements acceptably completed. Inspection Number II. Explanation of statements checked above. Draw Inspection Contingency Reserve Inspection Final Inspection Change Order Other (explain) No. No. Certification: I certify that I have carefully inspected this property on this date. I have no personal interest, present or prospective, in the property, applicant, or proceeds of the mortgage. To the best of my knowledge, I have reported all noncompliance, work requiring correction, and unacceptable work. I also certify that this Draw Request is for completed work and I have not accepted any work that is not properly installed in a workmanlike manner. Signature & Date X Consultant/Inspector Fee Inspector DE Staff Inspector X Page 2 of 2 Inspector Fee ID Number P1255 ref.Handbook 4240.4 form HUD-9746-A (8/95) Consultant's Identity-Of-Interest Certification Borrower's Name(s) Property Address Mark Beard 405 Fairgrove Royal Oak, MI FHA Case No. "I hereby certify that I have carefully inspected this property for compliance with the general acceptability requirements (including health and safety) in Handbook 4905.1. I have required as neccessary and reviewed the architectural exhibits, including any applicable engineering and termite reports, and the estimated rehabilitation cost and they are acceptable for the rehabilitation of the property. I have no personal interest, present or prospective, in this property, applicant or proceeds of the mortgage. I also certify that I have no identity-of-interest or conflict-of interest with the borrower, seller, lender, realtor, appraiser, plan reviewer, contractor or subcontractor. To the best of my knowledge, I have reported all items requiring correction and that the rehabilitation proposal now meets all HUD requirements for Rehabilitation Mortgage Insurance." Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001, 1010, 1012; 31 U.S.C 3729, 3802). Date: Consultant/Plan Reviewer's Signature: P1255 Consultant's ID Number 1/30/2011 Property Information & Inspection Property Inspection Engineers, Inc. (248) 644-8798 Phone: PO Box 2395 Birmingham, MI 48012 Fax: (248) 644-8947 Property Address Email: Cdaggy@PropertyInspectionEngine Fair_102710 Consultant's File Number: 405 Fairgrove Royal Oak, MI Inspection Date: Inspector: Applicant's Information 10/27/2010 Christopher J. Daggy Picture Mark Beard Address: 271 East Cambourne Ferndale, MI 48220 Cellular: Home Phone: Office Phone: Email: Other Contact Name: Other Phone: Details Lender Information Lending Institution: Number of Units John Adams Mortgage-West Bloomfield Lender Loan #: At Start: 1 At Completion: Months To Completion: Origination Date: Inhabited: HUD 203(k) Loan Type: 1 0 Not Occupied Owner Occupied Investor/Builder Loan Originator: Phone: HUD Information Ext: FHA Case No.: Contingency Reserve %: 10% Number of Draws: 5 HUD Date Assigned: Contractors On Project JCH Builders 2141 Deering St West Bloomfield, MI 48323 (810) 240-9310 Copyright 2008 - Corporate Niche (406) 522-8856 Page 1 of 2 Property Address Fair_102710 Consultant's File Number: 405 Fairgrove Royal Oak, MI 10/27/2010 Inspection Date: Inspector: Christopher J. Daggy Initial Inspection Information 54/Clear Inspection Weather Conditions Building Physical Information Lot Size 42 X 125 1500 Building Size Number of Dwellings 1 Type of Construction Number of Stories 2 Estimated Age Frame 91 Commercial Units Number of Commercial Units 0 Commercial Units Ratio 0 Utilities At Inspection # Electric Services 1 On # of Gas Services 1 On Smoke Detectors Water Public On Smoke Detectors at Inspection Type Of Sewer Type Required Public 110 Voltage Recommendations "Check Mark Indicates Yes" Underground Oil Tank Certification Needed Termite - Woodboring Treatment Needed: Utilities On At Time Of Inspection: Radon Gas Test Preformed: Lead Paint Certification Needed: Seperate Plumbing Certification Recommened Water Certification Needed: Seperate Electrical Certification Recommened Septic Certification Needed: Seperate Heating Certification Recommened Septic Municipal Availability Present: Seperate Structural Engineers Report Recommened Smoke Detectors Needed: Asbestos Report Neeed: Note: The Home Inspection is performed to identify those items that are obviously required for a property to comply with HUD's Minimum Property Standards as defined in HUD Handbook 4905.1. This Inspection is NOT INSPECTION OR CERTIFICATIONS BY LICENSED PROFESSIONALS WHICH MAY BE BENEFICIAL FOR THE BORROWER. The Borrower may wish to consider the above recommended inspections to further protect their interests beyond scope of the inspection. Christopher J. Daggy Copyright 2008 - Corporate Niche (406) 522-8856 Page 2 of 2 Property Inspection Engineers, Inc. PO Box 2395 Birmingham, MI 48012 Phone: (248) 644-8947 Fax: Inspector Inspection Date Christopher J. Daggy 10/27/2010 (248) 644-8947 Property Review Minimum Property Standards Checklist Applicant's Information Loan Type HUD 203(k) Mark Beard Lender Information Address 271 East Cambourne Ferndale, MI 48220 John Adams Mortgage-West Bloomfield Loan Originator Property Address 405 Fairgrove Royal Oak, MI Applicants Phone Phone Cell Cell Phone Ext: Fax Office Phone Email Email Property Picture Copyright 2008 - Corporate Niche (406) 522-8856 Page 1 of 6 Property Review Minimum Property Standards Checklist Inspection Conditions Weather Temp.: Property Details Number of Units Owner Occupied 54 Number Of Stories Investor/Builder Weather Conditions 91 Lot Size: Total Elec. Amps: Number Of Dwellings 42 X 125 Occupied # Electric Services: 2 Clear Age of Dwelling: Inhabited Units At Completion 1 Building Size: Construction Type: 1 Electric On Water Type: Residential/Commercial : Water On Commercial % Space Gas On Public # of Gas Services Is Public Gas Available: Frame Residential Number of Commercial Units: Public 0 Gas Ownership: 1500 0 0 Yes Sewer Type Comments: Public 1 Yes 1. Is this property appear to be singlely marketable? 2. If property is constructed on a property line, is it seperate from the adjoining building by a wall extending the full height of the building from foundation to roof? N/A 3. Does adequate space between building exist to permit maintenance of exterior walls? Yes 4. Can living units be maintained without tresspassing onto adjacent property? .............. Yes Yes 5. Are utilities independent in each living unit? Yes 6. Does Units have a separate utility shut off? N/A 7. Are there shared baths or kitchens between units? 8. Each living unit has ...............: Yes A. Contunuous, Safe, Potable Water: B. Safe sanitary sewage disposal: Yes E. Electricity in each unit: Yes Individual Yes C. Adequate, healthful, comfortable & heated living Environment: 9. Does property have individual water supply & sewage disposal systems? A. Does water meet health authority requirements? 10. Units will be used for? Public Yes None N/A C. Is public/community water/Sewage connection feasible? Yes Yes Yes B. Safe sanitary sewage disposal as required by public health authority? Residential Yes D. Domestic hot water: Non-Residential No A. Is non-residential use subordinate to residential use? No B. Is non-residential usage greater than 25% (1 to 4 story dwelling)? C. If dwellings are detached , NOT greater than 49% (2 story dwelling)? No Yes 11. Regarding property access: A. Is access safe & adequate for pedestrian or vehicals from Public or Private Street? B. Does streets have all weather surface? Yes C. Are private streets protected by permanent easement & maintained by private or public agreements? Copyright 2008 - Corporate Niche (406) 522-8856 Yes N/A Page 2 of 6 1 1 Property Review Minimum Property Standards Checklist 11. Regarding property access: (Cont.) Yes D. Are living units freely accessable? (Independent accessability): Yes E. Is access to rear yard freely accessable? (Independent accessability): Yes 12. Does the property have apparent defective conditions requiring remedy? None A. Defective Construction? Yes B. Poor construction workmanship? No C. Evidence of continual settling? No D. Excessive dampness: No E. Leakage: No F. Decay: No pest inspection performed. G. Termites: H. Other Conditions: 13. Does each living unit have suitable living, sleeping, cooking, dinning,accommodations & sanitary facilities? Yes 14. Does the property have apparent defective conditions requiring remedy? A. HAVC: Functional B. Plumbing: Functional C. Electrical: Numerous electrical defects. Missing smoke detectors D. Smoke Detectors: 15. Attic Is: Access via hatch. A. Accessible: Yes B Natural Ventilated: Yes C. Adequately Insulated: 16. Crawl Space: Minimal Yes Yes A. Adequate Access To Crawl Space: B. Crawl Space Ventilated: Yes Yes C. Access to maintain plumbing: D. Is cawl space clear of debris, properly graded & have a vapor barrier: 17. Dwelling walls & landscape Properly Graded: 18. Is property free of hazards: Copyright 2008 - Corporate Niche (406) 522-8856 Yes No Yes Page 3 of 6 Property Review Minimum Property Standards Checklist Foundation, Basement & Structural Foundation Type Basmnt/Crawl Foundation Material Block Foundation Notes Siding Information Siding Wall Type Frame Siding Material Cedar Roof Information Roof Type Gabled Roof Notes Materials Asphalt Number Of Layers One Layer Gutters Aluminum Roof Attic Ventilation Roof Attic Acces Method Roof Passive Plumbing Information Water Public Water Notes Sewer/Waste Disposal Public Sewer/Waste Disposal Notes Public Water Available Yes Public Septic Available N/A Water Piping Type Sewer/Waste Piping Type Hot Water Heater Hot Water Heater Capacity Copper CI/Galv/PVC Yes 40 Plumbing Notes Copyright 2008 - Corporate Niche (406) 522-8856 Page 4 of 6 Property Review Minimum Property Standards Checklist Electrical Information Number of Services 1 Amps Main Service Capacity 220 Volts Service Entry Conductor Type Aluminum Location Of Main Panel Basement Location Of Outside Panel Overhead 100 Outside Panel Seal Intact Weatherproofing Of Service Entrance Satisfactory Panel Box Type Breaker Additional Spaces Available No Number Of Disconnections To Cut Power 1 House Wiring Romex Receptacles Mixed Electrical Polarity Unsatisfactory Electrical Gound Fault Ciruit Interrupters No Electrical Operating Yes Electrical Location Of Distribution & Sub Panels Distribution Of Receptacles 1 Marginal Construction Items Additional Certifications/Inspections Required & Recommended Copyright 2008 - Corporate Niche (406) 522-8856 Page 5 of 6 Property Review Minimum Property Standards Checklist The 203(k) Home Inspection is performed to identify those items that are obviously, visually, readily observable and required for a property to comply with HUD's Minimimum Property Standards as designed in Handbook 4905.1 and subsequent Mortgage Letters. This inspection is expressly NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A COMPREHENSIVE HOME INSPECTION OR CERTIFICATION BY A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL WHICH MAY BE BENEFICIAL FOR THE CONSUMER. This inspection is not subject to standard and practices or other rules and regulations in states that require Home Inspectors to be licensed. The consumer may wish to consider the above - RECOMMENDED inspections to further protect their interests beyond ther scope of the 203(k) Inspection. Inspector Signature: Christopher J. Daggy Copyright 2008 - Corporate Niche (406) 522-8856 ID No.: P1255 Date Page 6 of 6 Certification Letter Property Inspection Engineers, Inc. HUD 203(k) PO Box 2395 Birmingham, MI 48012 Date: Buyer's Name: Address: 1/30/2011 Mark Beard 271 East Cambourne Ferndale, MI 48220 Phone Number: FHA Case Number: I hereby certify that I have carefully inspected the following property at: 405 Fairgrove Royal Oak, MI for compliance with the general acceptability requirements (including health and safety) in Handbook 4905.1 or its successors. I have reviewed the attached architectural exhibits and the estimated rehabilitation costs of this property, and have determined them to be acceptable. I have no personal interest, present or prospective, in the property, applicant, or proceeds of the mortgage. To the best of my knowledge I have reported all items requiring correction and that the rehabilitation proposal now meets all HUD requirements for 203(k) Rehabilitation Mortgage Insurance (Handbook 4240.4 or its successors}. X _________________________________ Date: HUD Consultant: Christopher J. Daggy ID Number: P1255 1/30/2011 Notice To Contractor There are no funds available for up-front start up costs. This loan is in a mortgage program with set program requirements that must be followed. All funds are disbursed after work has been completed in a workmanlike fashion and signed off on by the inspector. All funds are released if work is completed as per the work write-up Do not complete work unless outlined in the specification of repairs form (work write-up). There will be no funds for changes unless approved by the Lender first. All disbursements will be less a 10% holdback. All disbursements will be made by two party checks to the contractor and borrower/homeowner. All contractors must: - Complete the enclosed Homeowner/Contractor Agreement - Attach a copy of your state business license or proof contractor by trade - Complete the enclosed W-9 form - Attach a copy of your insurance binder showing general liability and workers compensation if you have employees By signing this form you are acknowledging and agreeing to the above stated items. This notice does not supersede the Homeowner/Contractor Agreement. JCH Builders (810) 240-9310 Contractor's Company Name Contractor's Phone Number Contractor's Signature Print Contractor's Name Homeowner/Contractor Agreement Borrower's Name(s): Contractor's Name: Mark Beard Address: 271 East Cambourne Ferndale, MI 48220 JCH Builders Address: 2141 Deering St Telephone Number: Phone Number: FHA Case No. License No.: West Bloomfield, MI 48323 (810) 240-9310 THIS AGREEMENT, made this date, __________________, between the above mentioned Homeowner (Owner) and Contractor, is for the rehabilitation of the property located at __________________________________________________ _______________________________________________that has been approved for FHA mortgage insurance under Section 203(k) of the National Housing Act. The Owner(s) shall pay the Contractor the sum of $_________________ for completion of the work, including all sales tax due by law, together with such increases or decreases in the contract price as may be approved in writing by the Lender. The work will begin within 30 days of loan closing with the Lender and will be completed by ______________________, unless delayed beyond the Contractor's control. The General Provisions listed below are made a part of this Agreement. The contract documents consist of the architectural exhibits listed in the Rehabilitation Loan Agreement between the Owner(s) and the Lender, or as described below (or on an attached sheet): 1. Contract Documents: This Agreement includes all general provisions, special provisions and architectural exhibits that were accepted by the lender. Work not covered by this agreement will not be required unless it is required by reasonable inference as being necessary to produce the intended result. By executing this Agreement, the contractor represents that he/she has visited the site and understands local conditions, including state and local building regulations and conditions under which the work is to be performed. 2. Owner: Unless otherwise provided for in the Agreement, the owner will secure and pay for necessary easements, exceptions from zoning requirements, or other actions which must precede the approval of a permit for this project. If owner fails to do so then the contract is void. If the contractor fails to correct defective work or persistently fails to carry out the work in accordance with the agreement or general provisions, the owner may order the contractor in writing to stop such work, or a part of the work, until the cause for the order has been eliminated. 3. Contractor: The contractor will supervise and direct the work and the work of all subcontractors. He/she will use the best skill and attention and will be solely responsible for all construction methods and materials and for coordinating all portions of the work. Unless otherwise specified in the Agreement, the contractor will provide for and/or pay for all labor, materials, equipment, tools, machinery, transportation, and other goods, facilities, and services necessary for the proper execution and completion of the work. The contractor will maintain order and discipline among employees and will not assign anyone unfit for the task. The contractor warrants to the owner that all materials and equipment incorporated are new and that all work will be of good quality and free of defects or faults. The contractor will pay all sales, use and other taxes related to the work and will secure and pay for building permits and/or other permits, fees, inspections and licenses necessary for the completion of the work unless otherwise specified in the Agreement. The contractor will indemnify and hold harmless the owner from and against all claim, damages, losses, expenses, legal fees or other costs arising or resulting from the contractors performance of the work or provisions of this section. The contractor will comply with all rules, regulations, laws, ordinances and orders of any public authority or HUD inspector bearing on the performance of the work. The contractor is responsible for, and indemnifies the Owner against, acts and omissions of employees, subcontractors and their employees, or others performing the work under this Agreement with the contractor. The contractor will provide shop drawings, samples, product data or other information provided for in this Agreement, where necessary. 4. Subcontractor: Selected by the contractor, except that the contractor will not employ any subcontractor to whom the owner may have a reasonable objection, nor will the contractor be required by the owner to employ any subcontractor to whom the contractor has a reasonable objection. 5. Work By Owner or Other Contractor: The owner reserves the right to perform work related to the project, but which is not a part of this Agreement, and to award separate contracts in connection with other portions of the project not detailed in this Agreement. All contractors and subcontractors will be afforded reasonable opportunity for the storage of materials and equipment by the owner and by each other. Any costs arising by defective or ill-timed work will be borne by the responsible party. 6. Binding Arbitration: Claims or disputes relating to the Agreement or General Provisions will be resolved by the Construction Industry Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association (AAA) unless both parties mutually agree to other methods. The notice of the demand for arbitration must be filed in writing with the other party to this Agreement and with the AAA and must be made in a reasonable time after the dispute has arisen. The award rendered by the arbitrator(s) will be considered final and judgment may be entered upon it in accordance with applicable law in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Borrower's Initial: __________ Contractor's Initail: _________ Signature Required on Page 2 Page 1 Homeowner/Contractor Agreement (Cont.) 7. Cleanup and Trash Removal: The contractor will keep the owner’s residence free from waste or rubbish resulting from the work. All waste, rubbish, tools, construction materials, and machinery will be removed promptly after completion of the work by the contractor. 8. Time: With respect to the scheduled completion of the work, time is of the essence. If the contractor is delayed at anytime in the progress of the work by change orders, fire, labor disputes, acts of God or other causes beyond the contractor's control, the completion schedule for the work or affected parts of the work may be extended by the same amount of time caused by the delay. The contractor must begin work no later than 30 days after loan dosing and will not cease work for more than 30 consecutive days. 9. Payments and Completion: Payments may be withheld because of. (1) defective work not remedied; (2) failure of contractor to make proper payments to subcontractors, workers, or suppliers; (3) persistent failure to carry out work in accordance with this Agreement or these general conditions, or (4) legal claims. Final payment will be due after complete release of any and all liens arising out of the contract or submission of receipts or other evidence of payment covering all subcontractors or suppliers who could file such a lien. The contractor agrees to indemnify the Owner against such liens and will refund all monies including costs and reasonable attorney's fees paid by the owner in discharging the liens. A 10 percent holdback is required by the lender to assure the work has been properly completed and there are no liens on the property. 10. Protection of Property and Persons: The contractor is responsible for initiating. maintaining, and supervising all necessary or required safety programs. The contractor must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, ordinances, orders or laws of federal, state, county or local governments. The contractor will indemnify the owner for all property loss or damage to the owner caused by his/ her employees or his/her direct or subtier subcontractors. 11. Insurance: The contractor will purchase and maintain such insurance necessary to protect from claims under workers compensation and from any damage to the owner(s) property resulting from the conduct of this contract. 12. Changes in the Contract: The owner may order changes, additions or modifications (using form HUD-92577) without invalidating the contract. Such changes must be in writing and signed by the owner and accepted by the lender. Not all change order requests may be accepted by the lender, therefore, the contractor proceeds at his/her own risk if work is completed without an accepted change order. 13. Correction of Deficiencies: The contractor must correct promptly any work of his/her own or his/her subcontractors found to be defective or not complying with the terms of the contract. 14. Warranty: The contractor will provide a one-year warranty on all labor and materials used in the rehabilitation of the property. This warranty must extend one year from the date of completion of the contract or longer if prescribed by law unless otherwise specified by other terms of this contract. Disputes will be resolved through the Construction Industry Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association. I5. Termination: If the owner fails to make a payment under the terms of this Agreement, through no fault of the contractor, the contractor may, upon ten working days written notice to the owner, and if not satisfied, terminate this Agreement. The owner will be responsible for paying the contractor for all work completed. If the contractor fails or neglects to carry out the terms of the contract, the owner, after ten working days written notice to the contractor, may terminate this Agreement. Owner Signature(s) And Date Owner Signature(s) And Date Owner Signature(s) And Date Owner Signature(s) And Date Contractor's Signature(s) And Date Page 2 .. .. .. .. . JCH Builders 2141 Deering St. West Bloomfield, MI 48323 (810)240-9310 JCH Builders February 9, 2011 405 Fairgrove Royal Oak, MI 48067 This estimate is regarding repairs to the above address. BREAKDOWN OF COSTS: Grading / Misc. / Foundation Add Fill material to provide adequate Drainage away from home Cut back any vegetation that is contacting exterior of home Remove specified shrubs per customer request Material $ 300.00 Labor $ 325.00 TOTAL $ 625.00 Equipment $ 650.00 Fuel $ 100.00 Material $ 400.00 Labor $ 2,250.00 TOTAL $ 3,400.00 Sewer Repairs City Permits / Bonds Excavate / repair faulty sewer leads Equipment Rental / Fuel Backfill & Cleanup ............................ February 9, 2011 Page 2 Demolition Remove existing steps at rear entry door Remove existing steps at Front Porch Remove Existing Flat Roof / Walls from rear of home Remove Existing Wood Siding / Trims / Shutters Remove any rotted areas of Existing Soffits / Overhangs Remove any rotted areas of Front Porch Remove Glass Block window from upstairs bathroom & Gable Vents Remove (3) windows / (1) Entry Door Remove any rotted structure / siding on Garage Remove existing vehicle doors in garage Remove any unforeseen issues w rotted wood. Remove Drywall / Trims / Doors per plan Remove Existing Wiring / Insulation per plan Remove Fireplace Unit from upstairs bedroom Remove Bedrooms / Closets / Bathroom Partitions per plan Remove Kitchen Cabinetry / Countertops / Appliances Remove Existing Wood Flooring per plan Remove Basement Partitions / Finishes Remove Existing Roofing from Porch area Remove Concrete Driveway Slabs 4 sewer Repairs Remove / Cleanup Debris Rough Carpentry Dumpster $ 450.00 Labor $2,250.00 TOTAL $2,700.00 SUBCONTRACT Building Permit Correct First Floor Deflection as needed February 9, 2011 Page 3 Construct new partitions to accommodate Kitchen Layout Lumber Packages Construct new walls, roof structure per plan Construct second floor interior partition walls per plan Correct / Repair any existing structural defects to existing house Verify exposed load bearing points from top to bottom Extend deck in rear of home to accommodate existing entry door Repair any misc. areas of rot to garage structure Repair any misc. areas of rot to porch roof structure Misc. Tarping to provide protection to elements during construction Relocate upstairs window to Master Bedroom Construct Tub Deck to Master Bathroom per tub spec Correct any existing wall sheathing prior to siding Wrap entire house in weather resistant Housewrap Install Proper Roofing Ventilation per code Repair rotted areas of overhangs / Fascias Install Pre-Finished Fiber Cement Board siding on entire house Install New Frieze Boards/ Corner Trims / Bond Trim Misc. Cleanup / Demolition Lumber / Siding $10,000.00 Labor $12,000.00 TOTAL $22,000.00 Windows & Doors Supply & Install Milliken Millwork Fiberglass Entry Door Supply & Install Entry Hardware w/ deadbolt Supply & Install Master Bathroom Window (Tempered Glass) Supply & Install (2) First Floor Windows to match Replace missing screens on existing windows February 9, 2011 Page 4 Caulking Material $ 2,300.00 Labor $ 1,300.00 TOTAL $ 3,600.00 SUBCONTRACT Caulk entire exterior of Home / Garage TOTAL Brake Metal / Gutters $ 650.00 SUBCONTRACT Install Aluminum Brake Metal around new windows to match Correct / Repair any flashings as needed Removal / Reinstallation of all gutters/downspouts Extend Gutters to accommodate new addition Repair / Extend misc. defects to existing downspouts Wrap all Fascias in Aluminum / Install Vinyl Soffits TOTAL $ 3,750.00 Roofing Install Drip Edge, Underlayment, & Shingles to match in addition area Install Drip Edge, Underlayment, & Shingles to match in porch area Correct / Repair any flashings as needed in porch roof area. Garage Doors Material $ 352.50 Labor $ 847.50 TOTAL $ 1,200.00 SUBCONTRACT Install (2) Steel Vehicle Entry Doors to Garage Install (2) Vehicle Door Openers to Garage TOTAL $1,600.00 February 9, 2011 Page 5 Insulation Insulate Addition Walls / Ceilings per code Add additional insulation to existing attic space Plumbing Material $ 800.00 Labor $ 400.00 TOTAL $ 1,200.00 SUBCONTRACT Plumbing Permit Modify Waste and Water lines to accommodate proposed floor plans Correct misc. defects in existing plumbing to comply w/ code requirements Relocate Laundry to basement Finish Installation all Fixtures (Sinks, Faucets, Drains, Toilet, and Shower Valve) Installation of Surface Mount Tub & Drains Supply and install new garbage disposal Install dishwasher supply line Plumbing Fixtures Material $ 1,200.00 Labor $ 1,700.00 TOTAL $ 2,900.00 HERALD WHOLESALE $ 3,547.33 Surface Mount Tub -Archer 5’x 19” Hgt. TOTAL Bath Accessories HERALD WHOLESALE $ 736.70 $ 4,284.03 $ 432.44 Glass Shower Enclosure w/ installation $ 1,617.80 Installation of Bath Accessories / Tub Labor $ 75.00 TOTAL $ 2,125.24 February 9, 2011 Page 6 HVAC SUBCONTRACT Heating/Cooling Permit Repair any misc. defects in existing Ductwork Repair insulation around exterior A/C Linesets Modify Ductwork to accommodate floor plan revisions Install Bath Exhaust Fan & Venting Install Dryer Venting Install Kitchen Venting TOTAL Electrical $2,600.00 SUBCONTRACT Electrical Permit New 200 Amp Service / Panel / Overhead Install Interconnecting Smokes Add Additional circuits per proposed plan Re-Attach A/C power disconnect after siding Update existing Circuits as needed Supply & install Exterior Light fixtures (Builders Choice) Add Recess lighting to Master Bath / Kitchen QTY (8) Install Audio/Video cables per plan (customer supplied) Install Wall Mount Television / Mounting Bracket (customer supplied) Install Audio Speakers per plan (customer supplied) Finish Installation of all Fixtures Electrical Fixtures TOTAL $4,000.00 TOTAL $ 967.36 HERALD WHOLESALE February 9, 2011 Page 7 Drywall SUBCONTRACT Hang Drywall / Corner bead / Mud / Tape / Sand Misc. Repairs as needed TOTAL $4,500.00 Painting Paint Exterior Trims of House Paint Interior walls / trims / interior doors & ceilings Paint Exterior of Garage Tile Materials $ 600.00 Labor $1,400.00 TOTAL $2,000.00 SUBCONTRACT Tile Package (TILE SHOP) Installation of Tile Flooring / Tub Deck / Shower Installation of Tile Backsplash in Kitchen TOTAL Flooring $6,000.00 SUBCONTRACT Supply & Install 2 ¼” Hardwood to match Existing Sand & Surface 2 coats Polyurethane all new floors Re-Surface Existing Hardwood Flooring TOTAL Kitchen Cabinetry $6,255.00 ACORN KITCHEN Cabinetry, Crowns, Trims, Kicks Cabinet Hardware (Knobs / Handles) TOTAL $5,608.00 February 9, 2011 Page 8 Kitchen Appliances THE GREAT OUTDOORS Washer / Dryer / Range / Refrigerator / Microwave / Dishwasher Installation of all appliances Granite Countertops Labor $ 200.00 GREAT $3,718.12 TOTAL $3,918.12 SUBCONTRACT Installation of Granite Slab (per cust. Approval) Polished Sink Opening / Beveled edges (per cust. approval) Installation of Stainless Steel under mount Sink (per cust. Approval) TOTAL $3,100.00 Finish Carpentry Install Kitchen Cabinetry / Crowns Install Interior Doors / Casings / Base Trims Material $ 2,100.00 Labor $ 2,100.00 TOTAL $ 4,200.00 Sub TOTAL Profit & Overhead 10% of Job Total JOB TOTAL Sincerely, Jeffrey Herweyer Owner No shortcuts, only Solutions! Æ $ 93,182.75 $ 10,353.64 Æ $103,536.39 11'6'' 3-0 6'6'' 9'4'' 15'2'' 4' 3-0 2-4 10'6'' 7' 2-8 2-4 12'6'' 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-8 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 9'4'' 11'3'' 2-4 2-4 ceiling height saybrooke rouge crown - monticello Pull Out Spice 166 38 " 1 2 3 " 3" 17" 12" 30" 1 8 50 38 " 27 38 " " 70 78 " 12" 97 78 " 30" 9" 18" 36" 12" Pots and Pans Cabinet 44" 45 45 W1230-R MW.HOOD W3014 W1830-L WEC1230R F342 L 03 12 BPP09 LRB36 W 30-GAS-RANGE1 L 15 B F342 BEC12RR RW3618 40" 8 78 " 124" LRB30 BEC12LL CNTYSB36 V573RA WEC1230R 6 18 " W3330 WEC1230L 1 4 7 8 29 " 19 38 " 12" 18" 3 8 67 " 3 8 19 " 12" 36" 27 18 " 24" 7 16 " 3 16 72 " 2 78 " LRB30 peg board system 1 8 29 " 9 16 " 4" 23 34 " 24.DISHW BEC12RRBWB18 2" 12" 15" 19" 23 43 " 30" 15" 4" F692 22" 140" 1 " PREPRP1.584 B24DD 36REF-2D W3630 23 78 " 80" 1 2 1 " 1 2 36" 132" 120" 108" 102" 36" 1 8 " 3" 27 165 " 17" 9 163 " 4 12 " 8" 18" 39 " 1 16 " 32 78 " 1 8 " 1 2 136 " bookcase window seat bookcase All dimensions size designations given are subject to verification on job site and adjustment to fit job conditions. JCH - Beard 8.1 This is an original design and must not be released or copied unless applicable fee has been paid or job order placed. Designed: 1/18/2011 Printed: 1/21/2011 All Drawing #: 1 Paint x Pewter Perfection Color Scheme from Perfect Palates o Gustavian Grey = Benjamin Moore Manor Blue 1627; Sherwin-Williams 6256 Serious Grey o Stainless Steel = Benjamin Moore Blue Lace 1625; Sherwin-Williams 6204 Sea Salt o Darkest Grape = Benjamin Moore Darkest Grape 2069-30; Francesca's Paints The STORM o Antique Lace = Benjamin Moore Antique Lace 922; Sherwin-Williams 7159 Gourd o Natural Canvas = Benjamin Moore Silver Satin OC-26; Fine Paints of Europe JL2 o Smoky Blue = Benjamin Moore Airway 828; Sherwin-Williams 7604 Smoky Blue Kitchen x x x x Kenmore White High Efficiency 4.0 cu. ft. Front Load (#49032) approx. $525 Kenmore White High Efficiency Dryer 7.3 cu. ft. Front Load (#89032) approx. $525 Kitchen appliances: o Kenmore (stainless steel) Refrigerator (#71603) approx. $1424 Dishwasher (#13213) approx. $547 Slide-In Range w/ Convection Oven 30"(#36903) approx. $1274 Microwave (#85063) approx. $382 Purchase at The Great Indoors comes with 25% off included in the above calculated prices. Delivery cost covered. Salesperson Bob. Kitchen sink o IKEA Domsjo Double Bowl approx. $299.00 x Demensions: Width: 36 5/8 " / Depth: 27 "/ Height: 9 1/8 " Master Bathroom x Tile (all available at The Tile Shop on Grand River Road) o Floor Penny Round Carmel or Matt Black approx. $5.59/square foot o Walls Imperial Bone Gloss 4 x 8 in approx. $6.99 Imperial Bone Gloss Pencil 8 in approx. $7.99 Imperial Bone Gloss Skirting 8 in approx. $14.99 Dune Brick Glass .65 x 1.85 in approx. $18.99 Back Porch x Spiral Staircase (available through Mylin Stairs, salesperson Todd, (800) 431-2155) o x Midgrade 4' diameter preformed steel rail 8' tall spiral staircase approx. $1899 (includes shipping cost of approx. $250) Hot tub (available at Viscount Waterford, salesperson Jason) o Nordic Warrior XL approx. $3829 x Dimensions: Height 40” / Diameter 84” x Electrical requirements (Voltage/Amps): 120/20 or 240/50 Cement pad requisite 1/7/2011 Page 1 of 2 MelissaE Acct # 00-067178 33827 1765 W. Maple Rd. Troy, Mi 48084 Ph: 248.398.4560 Fax: 248.398.2733 C28110BC 0D NOUND SHIPPING BI . C22221BC 0D C23230BC 0D NOUND SHIPPING . . NS01IIL BI Master Bath/Kitchen Beard, Mark 271 East Cambourne Ferndale MI 48220 Beard, Mark 271 East Cambourne Ferndale MI 48220 Item Number . . C26028BC 0D *** QUOTE *** Description === MASTER BATH === = Danze = 30" Pedestal Basin Biscuit Ordered 0 0 2 Price Quantity 1.00 1.00 1.00 Price 0.00 0.00 219.00 TotalTax 0.00 S 0.00 S 438.00 S Pedestal Column Biscuit 2 1.00 144.00 288.00 S Inbound Shipping & Handling. 2 Piece Toilet Tank Biscuit 1 0 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 90.00 0.00 138.00 90.00 0.00 S 138.00 S 2 Piece Toilet Bowl Biscuit 1 1.00 204.00 204.00 S Inbound Shipping & Handling. 1 0 0 1.00 1.00 1.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 S 0.00 S 2 1.00 335.11 670.22 S = Huntingbrass = WI N900-01 8I Intrigue Series Widespread Lav Faucet in Polished Chrome 8" C-C Intrigue Pressure Balance Trim Pol. Chrome 1 1.00 192.51 192.51 S L900-00 NM01IIl 8P RI 1/2" Rough-in Shower Valve. Intrique Deck-Mounted Tub Set Pol. Chrome 1 1 1.00 1.00 125.63 490.11 125.63 S 490.11 S Intrique Sq. Shower Arm 6" Pol. Chrome 1 1.00 36.89 36.89 S 896001 42 Hg Clubmaster Showerhead 1 1.00 115.70 115.70 S NA01PH NA01TR BI BI Intrigue Sng. Post Tissue Holder Pol. Chrome Intrigue Towel Ring Pol. Chrome 1 1 1.00 1.00 62.31 71.61 62.31 S 71.61 S NA01RH NA01TB BI BI Intrigue Robe Hook Pol. Chrome Intrigue 30" Towel Bar Pol. Chrome ( cut to length ) 2 2 1.00 1.00 40.61 96.41 81.22 S 192.82 S 0 0 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 575.40 0.00 S 0.00 S 575.40 S 0 0 0 3 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 88.20 0.00 S 0.00 S 0.00 S 264.60 S L1ASA-PC 0P . . 370ENE 83 V7601-NI . . . PD === KITCHEN === Bridgeford Pull Down Kitchen Faucet w/ Dual Spray- Brushed Nickel Infinity Finish === LIGHTING === = Master Bath = Aurora Series Wall Sconce 8" w x 9.5" h Acid Etched Glass/ Pol. Nickel Continued Next Page 1/7/2011 Herald Wholesale Expo Design Center 1765 W. Maple Road Troy, MI 48084 (248) 398-4560 V7610-SN PD Description = Kitchen = Aurora Series 3-Light Linear 5.5" w x 28.5" l Acid Etched Glass/ Satin Nickel Aurora Series Mini Pendant 5.5" l x 5.5" w Acid Etched Glass/ Satin Nickel . . . 415800 20 . -331-VS 6K . 4516 04 33827 Beard, Mark 271 East Cambourne Ferndale MI 48220 Beard, Mark 271 East Cambourne Ferndale MI 48220 Item Number . V7602-SN PD Page 2 of 2 ** OPTIONS FOR KITCHEN FAUCETS ** Hg Talis C Higharc Single Hole Faucet w/ Pull Down Dual Spray Steel Optik = or = Evoke Sng. Hndl. Pull-Out Kitchen Faucet Vibrant Stainless = or == Acclaim Kitchen Faucet w/Pullout Spray Satin Nickel Ordered 0 2 Price Quantity 1.00 1.00 Price 0.00 264.60 TotalTax 0.00 S 529.20 S 1 1.00 118.80 118.80 S 0 1.00 0.00 0.00 S 0 0 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 S 0.00 S 0 1.00 429.00 0.00 S 0 1.00 0.00 0.00 S 0 1.00 634.68 0.00 S 0 1.00 0.00 0.00 S 0 1.00 544.00 0.00 S Sub Total State Sales Tax 6% Total $4,735.02 $275.70 $5,010.72 Estimates are valid for 30 days. Special Orders must be paid for at time of order & are final sale unless they can be cancelled with the supplier. A $25 cancellation fee per supplier may apply. We are not responsible for errors / omissions. Stock items may be returned within 30 days. Returns are subject to inspection and may be subject to a restocking charge. Special order items are not returnable without prior consent, certain restrictions may apply. All returns must be in original packaging and in the condition received. Please contact customer service for specific directions. All orders must be picked up within 6 months unless written arrangements have been made. Any orders older than 6 months without arrangements will incur storage fees and/or forfeit deposit.
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