FORM NO. 4 CONSIGNMENT LIST COVER SHEET (Please include GA number and agency title) When requesting items from this list Please quote this number GA GRS Contact Officer: Email: Agency Transferring the Records / /P Phone Number: Fax Number: Series Title: Date Range of Consignment: Range of Control Symbols: Description of Records: Files Dockets Volumes Microforms Plans Film/Tapes Cards Printout Other (please specify) : Type of Unit: Type 1 Type 10 Type 2 Type 3 Type 5 Quantity: Disposal Authority: GDS / RDS For an item list please see the excel spreadsheet consignment list. STATE RECORDS OF G P O B O X 1 0 7 2 , A D E L A I D E SA 5000 DX: 467 SOUTH AUSTRALIA Ph: (08) 8226 7750 Fax:(08) 8204 8777 I:\CorpServ\RecMgmtProj\Disposal Schedules\RMP website\state_records\StateRecords-FormsCirculars\State Records Form 4 - Consignment List v3 20030806.doc July 2003 (V3) The following information will help you to complete the excel spreadsheet consignment list: UNIT NUMBER: The number of the Unit. Units are usually a box or a volume. Numbers will follow a sequence e.g. 1, 2, 3 etc. This is a mandatory field. UNIT DETAILS 1- 3: Only enter in this field if there are no Items within the Unit (e.g. A box is a Unit and can have a number of items within it. A volume by itself is a Unit, but contains no Items). If Items are located within the Unit, please use the range of control symbols. Only enter into Details 1. UNIT DATE RANGE START QUALIFIER: Please use one of the following qualifiers before entering the start date of the Unit date range: ? (Query) BY (By a certain date) ND (No Date) = (Exact Date) CT (Continuing) CIRCA (Circa) UNIT DATE RANGE START: Enter the start date of the Unit date range. UNIT DATE RANGE END QUALIFIER: Please use one of the following qualifiers before entering the start date of the Unit date range ? (Query) BY (By a certain date) ND (No Date) = (Exact Date) CT (Continuing) CIRCA (Circa) UNIT DATE RANGE END: Enter the end date of the Unit date range. UNIT STORAGE TYPE: Please enter the storage type for the records: e.g TYP1 (Type 1 box) TYP2 (Type 2 box) etc. This is a mandatory field. UNIT CONTENTS FORMAT: Enter the format of the contents of the Unit e.g. files, cards, etc. This is a mandatory field. UNIT RETENTION STATUS: All consignments being transferred to State Records will be permanent. Please enter “P” for permanent in this field. This is a mandatory field. UNIT DESTRUCTION REVIEW DATE: Do not enter in this field. This field applies only to temporary records. UNIT ACCESS CATEGORY: Please enter the appropriate access determination code for the Unit. This is a mandatory field. Select from one of the following (enter the code only): OPEN (Unrestricted Access) U20 (Unrestricted after 20 years) U30 (Unrestricted after 30 years) U50 (Unrestricted after 50 years) U60 (Unrestricted after 60 years) U80 (Unrestricted after 80 years) U100 (Unrestricted after 100 years) SUB (Subject to legislative requirements) STATE RECORDS OF G P O B O X 1 0 7 2 , A D E L A I D E SA 5000 DX: 467 SOUTH AUSTRALIA Ph: (08) 8226 7750 Fax:(08) 8204 8777 I:\CorpServ\RecMgmtProj\Disposal Schedules\RMP website\state_records\StateRecords-FormsCirculars\State Records Form 4 - Consignment List v3 20030806.doc July 2003 (V3) UNIT ACCESS REVIEW DATE: Please enter the date on which the access determination for the Unit may be reviewed. UNIT CONSERVATION STATUS: To be used to identify any conservation needs of the particular Item. The whole Unit can be identified by using the Unit Conservation Status field instead. Please select a code from the list provided if conservation is an issue: BLANK MIN (Mould In) MOUT (Mould Out) DIS (Disintegrating) FRAG (Fragile) BRIT (Brittle) WATER (Water Damage) NONOPEN (Unable to Open) INSECT (Insect Damage) COVER (Binding/Cover) SPINE (Spine Damage) LOOSE (Loose Pages) TREATED (Treated) UNIT CONSERVATION COMMENT: Please enter a general comment about the conservation status of the Unit if necessary. Free text is acceptable. ITEM DETAILS 1 - 5: This is a mandatory field if entering Items within a Unit. Provide the record title, control symbol or description. You are only required to enter into Details 1. Please enter Items in the order in which they appear within the Unit. ITEM DATE RANGE START QUALIFIER: Please use one of the following qualifiers before entering the start date of the Unit date range: ? (Query) BY (By a certain date) ND (No Date) = (Exact Date) CT (Continuing) CIRCA (Circa) ITEM DATE RANGE START: Enter the start date of the Item date range. ITEM DATE RANGE END QUALIFIER: Please use one of the following qualifiers before entering the start date of the Unit date range: ? (Query) BY (By a certain date) ND (No Date) = (Exact Date) CT (Continuing) CIRCA (Circa) ITEM DATE RANGE END: Enter the end date of the Item date range. ITEM IMAGE LOCATION: Full pathname to the image file of the Item. Only to be used for digitised Items. STATE RECORDS OF G P O B O X 1 0 7 2 , A D E L A I D E SA 5000 DX: 467 SOUTH AUSTRALIA Ph: (08) 8226 7750 Fax:(08) 8204 8777 I:\CorpServ\RecMgmtProj\Disposal Schedules\RMP website\state_records\StateRecords-FormsCirculars\State Records Form 4 - Consignment List v3 20030806.doc July 2003 (V3) ITEM CONSERVATION STATUS: To be used to identify any conservation needs of the particular Item. The whole Unit can be identified by using the Unit Conservation Status field instead. Please select a code from the list provided if conservation is an issue: BLANK MIN (Mould In) MOUT (Mould Out) DIS (Disintegrating) FRAG (Fragile) BRIT (Brittle) WATER (Water Damage) NONOPEN (Unable to Open) INSECT (Insect Damage) COVER (Binding/Cover) SPINE (Spine Damage) LOOSE (Loose Pages) TREATED (Treated) ITEM CONSERVATION COMMENT: Please enter a general comment about the conservation status of the Item if necessary. Free text is acceptable. If any assistance is required, please contact State Records of South Australia on (08) 8226 7750 or STATE RECORDS OF G P O B O X 1 0 7 2 , A D E L A I D E SA 5000 DX: 467 SOUTH AUSTRALIA Ph: (08) 8226 7750 Fax:(08) 8204 8777 I:\CorpServ\RecMgmtProj\Disposal Schedules\RMP website\state_records\StateRecords-FormsCirculars\State Records Form 4 - Consignment List v3 20030806.doc July 2003 (V3)
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