UT-V-GE 14:00 From-SAI{TU LWB + SAHTU Land & Water Board P.O. Box 1 Fort Good Hope, NT XOE QUO T-0G Pflt P.01/lB Maft.n,. Vai.p S Was, bardLand JUL212005 Telephone: 867 598-2413 Ap$cj., * Fax: 867 598-2325 E-mail: sa$Cexd@allstream.net Cad To /7 File: MVOGP-OO18 Facsimile Cover Sheet To: Bob Wooley Executive Director, MVLWS Fax Number: 861 873-6610 From: George Govier Number of Pages inch cover 16 Date July 211 2006 Comments: Enbrkfge Pipelines NW Inc Land Use Permit MVO6P-0018 Application for Renewal Reference: F-fl? aTelecon with Adrian Paradis dated July 21 lOS 1, Information requested at Reference a is attached, and should be made known to Adrian Paradis. 2. Adrian, my apology. After reviewing pur File S99P-OO$ for the Enbridge Pipeline I discover that no Preliminary Screening was done by SLWB for the Land Use Permit issued in 1999. The reason is explained in the attached correspondence beten DIAND- South Mackenzie District and MVEIRB. More explanation is provided in our Staff Report No. 2 dated Sept. 28, 1999. 3. Your thoughts and comments always welcome. Regards George Govier Executive Director 7 UT-V-CE 14:00 $EP27-fl fl:fl I *1 From-SANTU LWB rom:INAC- SOUTH MAC P1ST. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada 4033592720 Atfaires indiennes at ds.i Nord Canada #16 Vellowknife Airport veflowknifa, N.w,’r. XIA $T2 Telephone: 867 6692761 Facsimile: 8671 669-2120 we ttfSo MMrnnoa Nttiefeoce September 27,1999 gNSRDOE PIPEIJNgt INC. PD BOX 398 EMONTON AS T"006 P.02/16 F221 7473 P.01/07 Job437 + N19OPOO7O TSJ 2J9 Attn: Paula Di Iorio Dear Madame: Land USe Permit NI 099P0079 Pipeline operation and Maintenance BlacKwater River to Alberta Border Enclosed is your copy of Land use Permit N1999P0079 authorizing your project as Re: described in your application dated August13, 1999. Please ensure that you adhere to the operating conditions annexed to your permit Am, conditions or recommendations forwarded to you by other departments or agencies are not part of this approval and do not form jaft of Lana use Permit N1999P0079. aecause tnis operation is an unchanged continuation of an operation previously screened pursuant to the Canadian En vironmental Assessment Act, no preliminary screening has been conducted pursuant to the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act. should you have any questions or concerns reQarding your permit please contact our Resource Management Officer, M. Kent Kalvorson at 867 695-2626. Yours truly, - Edward a. Horn V Land use Adminlstcatqr South Mackenzie District RMO, Fort SJmJson Sub District Sabtu Land and Water Board -0. Govier ELFORDJ Cc: Jariad!i. Rsceived 27-Sep-BB 11 04aj rcsyaoo pet To-SAHT1J LWS Pgu 01 07-21-06 I +1 14’OO Prom-IANTU LWI ndian and Northern Affairs Canada + P.03,16 P-U? Affafres indiennes at du Nord Canada Telephone 867 669 2761 Facsimile 867 669 2720 #14 Yellowknife Airport YELLOWKNIFE NT Xl A 3T2 RECEIVED 3 September, 1999 t.s hs orre reference Q.jr Vi.. Nave ,e/e,ence SEP 2 9 1999 Sahm Land and Water Board P.O. Box 1 FORT GOOD HOPE NT XOE 0110 Attention: Mr. George Govier Executive Director Dear Sir: Re: 7-006 N1999P0079 rjt: ScdIO0d1 C0 p V Land Use Permits Enbridge Pipelines NW Inc. Operation and Maintenance of Norman Wells to Zama Pineline - I am enclosing a copy of a letter I have received from Mr. LoWe Azzolini of the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board, MVEIRB regarding the preliminary screening process for the application relating to the Blackwater River/Alberta Border portion. I intend to confirm to the MVEIRB that in fact this operation has been screened previously, and in fact the permit is for an on-going activity, essentially unchanged for its previous scope or activities. Therefore, I will not be completing a preliminary screening of this application. It may still be useful to exchange the results of our consultation, reviews, and draft permits, to strive for similar, but not necessarily identical permits, if possible. To that end, I will be forwarding any comments I receive to your office for consideration. Yours truly, Edward R, Homby// Land Use AdminI’tator South Mackenzie District CC: RMO- Fort Simpson -MVEIRB - Canaa Ptuir& oa fec ycwa pww_InwimS Stir p!9f rSCyCtt QT-V-06 14’OO Prom-$AHTU LWB + T’QQ P.04/il P’ZZ? Mackenzie Vafley Environmental impact Review Board Box 938 200 Scotia Centre, 5102-50th Avenue Yeuowknife, N? XIA 2N7 Fax; 887 926-4761 August 30, 1999 Qur Filc 99-0 129 INAC LtJP N1999P0079 Mr. Edward flomby Land Use Administrator South Mackenzie Disict #16 Yeilowknife Airport YeUowknife, NT X1A 3T2 Fax: 867-669-2720 RE: Preliminary Screening Notification fQr Operation and Maintenance of Pipeline from Blackiyater River to the Alberta Border The Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board was notified on August 20, 1999 that DIAND was starting a prelizninaiy screening of the proposed Land Use Permit. Ifthis is a renewal of an existin& Land Use Permit with a comparable scope of development then the development is exempt from preliminary screening as per 1b of Schedule 1, Section 2 Exempe Developments not situated in National Parks. National Park Reserves or National Historic Sizes. If the development is not exempt, please submit your competed preliminaxy screening report with an accompanying reasons for decision, Sincerely, Lotile Azzolini Environmental Assessment Officer 7671 E Dale Post-It" Fax Note To cc: MVLWWG tlcidi KJ&n, 8Mtcua Lmvcqise Gordon Swwan Wt&4k. &I&Z& 4*0! co.JoePtia,4, Co. ‘f6t 66127-6/ Pflona#fy.Jfqg’7 Faxd t6r-2120 f7 exuflc Dragtor Finance arid AdmiSahioi Ollicar nvironmcnmI Mscaunau Ofticcr Lou An flcwhunmsmui AMatSflitflt Officer Itulan8Sentjanon Cemmunjcitocw Ofliccr ljte4C6 - R67 873 .0020 867 873-5257 M7 fin4193 867 $73.9$9 86? 8fl-a636 07-21-06 14:00 From-SAHTU LW? + T-005 P.05/16 F-UT Sahtu Land and Water Board Staff Report Division: Land Program Report No.: Progress Report No. 2 Date Prepared: September 28, 1999 File No.: S99P-009 p Meeting Date: October 7, 1999 Subject: Type A Land Use Permit Application Pipeline Operation & Maintenance Norman Welts to Blackwater River, NT - 1. Purpose/Report Summary To bring the Board up-to-date on the progress of a Type A Land Use Permit Application by Enbridge Pipelines NW Inc. for pipeline operation and maintenance from Norman Wells Km. 0 to the Blackwater River Km. 225. 2. Background On August18, 1999 the SARTU Land & Water Board SLWB received a Land Use Permit application from Enbridge Pipelines NW Inc. for pipeline operation and maintenance from Norman Wells Km. 0 to the Btackwater River Km. 225. see Drawings Norman Welts to Zama Pipeline, Operation and Maintenance, Off Right-of-Way Activities, Norman Wells to Blackwater River Sheets 1-17 - The application describes pipeline operation and maintenance activities both within and "ow the right-of-way. It is understood that the application is only for "off" right-of-way land use activities, since work carried out within the pipeline right-of-way property and/or facility sites is performed in accordance with other agreements currently In place. The activities that will be performed and areas off the right-of-way that are expected to be used are the same as those covered in the existing Land Use Permit N98P631. Enbridge Pipelines NW Inc. owns and operates the Norman Wells-Zama pipeline. The 20m. right-of-way, described in Survey Plan #69975 is held by Enbridge Pipelines NW under the terms of an Agreement Norman Wells Pipeline Right-of-Way Agreement with DIAND, and with the Commissioner of the Northwest Territories for his lands at Norman Wells and Fort Simpson. The Norman Wells, Wrigley, and Mackenzie Highway Pump Stations are under title to Her Majesty and leased to Enbridge NW. The facility sites along the right-of-way are under lease from DIAND. Remote Maintenance Base Leases at Kilometre Post KP 160, KP 447, and KP 731. 1 01-21-06 14:01 From-SAHTU LY$ + T-005 P.06/16 The pipeline extends from Norman Wells, NWT adjacent to the Imperial Oil Resources Ltd. Central Process Facility and proceeds in a southerly direction on the east side of the Mackenzie River to Tulita, for a distance of approximately 79 Km. This section of pipeline route varies between 1.5 to 10 Km. east of the river. From Tulita to Wrigley the pipeline proceeds on the east side of the river to the highway for about 125 Km. South of Wrigley, the pipeline proceeds southeasterly along the shore of the river to a point south of Fort Simpson where it crosses the Mackenzie River. From there it proceeds in a southerly direction across the NWT/Alberta border to Zama, Alberta. Some of the key attributes of the pipeline operating and maintenance systems will better assist to understand the need for a Land Use Permit. This is a 323,9 mm. 12.7 inch outside diameter pipeline contained within a 20 tn. right-of-way for a distance of approximately 752 Km. within the NWT. A pump station, control centre, and administration office ecjst in Norman Wells. Within the Sahtu region there is a maintenance base at KP 160 Little Smith Creek. During the day shift the pipeline is operated from a computerized control room in Norman Wells. At night the pipeline is operated from a control centre in Edmonton. - Visual inspections of the pipeline right-of-way are conducted weekly using helicopter aircraft. Aerial inspections are used to observe any abnormal conditions along the rightof-way which could require ftirther ground inspection. These conditions may include such items as visible crude oil, crude oil vapours, withering vegetation, excavation work on or approaching the right-of-way by others, and erosion, thaw settlement, and slope instability. Mainline valves are inspected every 6 months or less to ensure the hydraulic systems are functioning properly. All remote operating valve facilities, including thermal electric generator units, hydraulic valve actuators and mainline gate valves are inspected and maintained on a regular basis. Propane tanks, used to provide power for the operation of remote vaRies are resupplied with fuel as required. Each pump station and maintenance building is resupplied with diesel fuel, aircraft fuel and other material as required. To monitor any movement of the pipeline associated with settlement, an inertial geometry tool GEOPIG is used yearly to measure movement, ovalties, dents, and other anomalies in the pipeline. Analysis of these data has shown that little pipe movement has occurred within the Sahtu region. Hydrological surveys of the Great Bear River and Mackenzie River crossings are conducted every 5 years to ensure the pipeline has maintained adequate coverage. Depending on the type and scope of maintenance activity to be undertaken, temporary campsites may be required. The campsite locations indicated on the maps sheets 1-17 are included in this Land Use Permit application and were used during pipeline construction. No facilities are currently present at these sites. Enbridge NV has staff headquartered at Norman Walls and Fort Simpson. All are directly involved with operations and maintenance work on the pipeline. There are 3 administrative personnel and 17 maintenance staff. The Manager of the Norman Wells pipeline is located in Edmonton and commutes to Norman Wells, Fort Simpson, Wrigley, and Yellowknife on a regular basis. 2 F-UT 07-21-06 14:01 Fram-SAHTU LV$ + T-005 P.07/16 A Type A Permit is required for the the use of vehicles, the use of earth-moving equipment, the establishment of a fuel storage facility, and for erosion control1 preparation of lines, trails, or rights-of-way. The total area of proposed land use activity off right-of-way is calculated to be 82.1 hectares. The applicant was notified by fax on August 27, 1999 that the application was "deemed complete". On August 31,1999 the application was sent to 24 referral agencies requesting that they complete their reviews by September 24, 1999. In a telecon on September 15, 1999 with Paula Di lorlo, Associate Environmental Engineer, Eribridge Pipelines Inc., she agreed to send copies of the Norman Wells Pipeline Agreement and the Lease for KP 160 They have not yet arrived in our office. . Responses have been received from 8 of 24 agencies on the referral list: Four of the eight agencies responding had no comments or concerns. Three government agencies had comments One local agency expressed a concern The permit application does not require a Preliminary Screening under the terms of the Exemption Regulations1 .2b Schedule 1. 2.1 Attachments Land Use Permit Application S99P-009, Enbridge Pipelines Inc., August 6, 1999 Drawings Norman Wells to Zama Pipeline, Operation and Maintenance, Off Right-ofWay Activities, Norman Wells to Blackwater River Sheets 1- 17 Fax letter to Greg Mime, Enbridge Pipelines NW Inc., August 27, 1999 - - 3. Comments Assuming timely co-operation from other contributors, it will be possible to complete Preliminary Screening, respond to enquiries from referral agencies, prepare a draft ‘Terms and Conditions", and seek the Board’s approval to issue the Land Use Permit by the end of the 42 day period which will be on October 8, 1999. 3.1 Consultations In support of the application, a public notification initiative was undertaken by Enbridge NW in April, 1999 to inform communities, bands, corporations, and regulatory bodies that the existing Land Use Permit would expire in October, and that an application to renew the Permit would be made. Consultations by the applicant regarding the proposed pipeline operation and maintenance activities have included; April 28, 1999 Tulita Band April 28, 1999 Ernie McDonald Land Corporation Sahtu Land and Water Board April29, 1999 Fort Good Hope Band April 29, 1999 - - - Sahtu Secretariat Inc. July 14, 1999 S F-227 14u01 QT-21-OI From-IA$TU LWD + T-QO5 P01/i P-UT A presentation of Enbridge NW’s Environmental Management System was delivered to each organization. It covered Enbridge’s environmental mission and policy, emergency response procedures, waste management plan, as welt as details regarding environmental due diligence in operation and maintenance of the pipeline. During the public involvement process concerns that were raised were recorded and addressed at the meetings. The following concerns and mitigative measures are notable; training of band members in emergency response. Enbridge NW committed to hiring 2 individuals from the communities directly adjacent to the specific location of the Emergency Response Exercises. Those individuals will work with Enbridge NW personnel and will attend and participate fully in the exercises. hiring of aboriginal people for full-time employment Enbridge NW explained that the operations and support staff have been downsized. The company practices "northern preferenc&’ during the recruitment and selection process for new employees who are qualified candidates. Enbridge NW employs Summer students and has in the past recruited temporary positions. - - 3.2 Potential Environmental and Resource Imoacts The majority of maintenance work associated with the pipeline will occur on existing right-of-way and station property. Off right-of-way roads, campsites, and quarries may be required to perform this work. Enbridge NW has established comprehensive environmental protection procedures to assist personnel in minimizing adverse effects on the environment. These are documented in several manuals including; "Environmental Guidelines for Pipeline and Facility Construction" "Waste Management Plane "Enbridge NW Emergency Response Plan5’ - - Potential adverse environmental concerns from pipeline maintenance and operation include disturbance to nesting raptors, degradation of permafrost, sedimentation of watercourses, as well as the handling and disposal of waste. Water * deleterious material deposited or leached into water bodies from vehicle crossings * potential impacts on fish habitat if water quality is altered * potential for contamination from sewage and greywater campsite waste * potential fuel spill Soil * * * * * * potential for fuel spill /leakage contamination potential contamination from sewage and garbage potential hazardous materials spill potential for disturbance to permafrost if activity takes place too late in season potential erosion of stream/river banks during vehicle crossings potential erosion resulting from run-off at cleared areas 4 07-21-06 14:01 From-SANTU LYlE + 1-005 P09/16 Vegetation * * * potential loss of vegetative cover due to vehicular traffic potential loss of vegetative cover due to clearing activities potential obstruction to trails and/or drainage courses from cleared vegetation Wildlife * * * potential disruption during migration if work is too early or late in season potential disturbance to wildlife due to noise potential for disturbance to fish and/or habitat Traditional Use * * * possible conflict with hunting, fishing, trapping potential disruption of archaeological sites I sacred sites potential conflict with local cabin owners 3,3 Mftiaaffon Measures/Restoration Plans Mitigation measures are summarized under the following headings. Water * * * * * * * * deleterious material accidentally put in water will be prevented by storing equipment and fuel at least 100 metres from any watercourse maintain a sewage pit set-back distance of at least 100 metres from any watercourse. Fuel Spill Contingency Plan in place regulatory agencies will be notified if vehicle water crossing is to occur vehicles and machinery used to ford streams will be free of fuel, oil, leaks, lubricants, or sediments prior to crossing ice bridges shall be constructed only from ice and snow consisting of a minimum of 1.3 m. deck of compacted snow to prevent full-depth freezing. all ice bridges shall be completely removed upon completion of maintenance activities vehicle crossings will be attempted at right angles to the channel where possible to reduce contact with the stream and banks and decrease the likelihood of erosion Soil * * * * Fuel Spill Contingency Plan in place any areas that are scoured or rutted by machines will be appropriately repaired and vegetated as required all areas will be restored and stabilized immediately following any maintenance activity prior to sump excavation, mineral and organic topsoil will be stripped and piled separately fnm subsurface material 5 F-UT 0T-2l-0S 14:02 * * * * * * * From-SAHTU LWB + 1-005 pious F-UT upon abandonment, stockpiled material shall be replaced in the original sequence to provide a minimum cover depth of I m of compacted fill over the waste any debris, including sandbags, shall be removed from the right of way and adjacent lands once reclamation activities are complete all wood-chip insulated slopes wil be maintained and monitored for breakage or deterioration wood chip cribs will be maintained to avoid migration of chips off slopes travel will be restricted until the frost has penetrated to a depth of 15cm. only tracked vehicles or those with low ground pressure will be used to minimize vegetative damage mushroom shoes will also be used as required Vegetation * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * will monitor areas that have been travelled by vehicles to ensure vegetation is present clearing activities will not commence until all necessary permits and approvals have been obtained any obstruction to natural drainage caused by clearing and the disposal of debris and spoil shall be removed excess spoil material will not be deposited in push piles on the pipeline right of way nor will spoil material be located within loom of a nearby watercourse or below the high water marks of streams clearing shall be restricted to the minimum width required to facilitate the work impact of clearing activities will be minimized to preserve the surface organic mat in areas with thaw-sensitive or erodible soils trees will be cut off as close to ground level as practicable when possible, stumps and roots shall be left in the ground to maintain soil cohesion trees and shrubs shall be felled into the area within the clearing boundary and away from watercourses clearing debris will be spread over the cleared area and compacted using heavy equipment at borrow sites, spoil sites, and access roads, cleared debris will be stored in windrows and spread over the site following application of seed and fertilizer excess spoil will be disposed of in locations adjacent to the right-of-way, or off the right-of-way as authorized by permit, and will not obstruct natural drainage debris shall not be burned during summer months unless authorized by a burning permit obtained from the GNWT Forest Fire Officer burning operations shall be attended by at least two Enbridge employees or contractors equipped with appropriate fire control equipment burn piles shall be monitored after they are extinguished to ensure there is no smoldering debris or spot fires mitigative measures for forest fires outlined in the EnbridgeNW Emergency Response plan will be implemented 6 or-zi-aa Fram-SAHTU L 14’02 + HOt P.11/it Wildlife * * * * maintenance actMties wilt occur outside the April15 to September 15 sensitive time period, unless otherwise approved by regulatory authorities Representatives of RWED will be contacted regarding any raptor observations when conducting weekly reconnaissance, helicopter only flies the pipeline corridor and will not circle hover or perform multiple passes unless absolutely necessary helicopter maintains a minimum altitude of 300 feet above ground level to avoid disturbing nesting areas and sensitive waterfowl Traditional Use * * * * * consultation with local communities will ensure minimal disturbance to traditional land use activities obstructions to trails used by hunters or trappers, caused by clearing activities, shall be removed if any work is proposed in proximity to known archaeological sites, the sites shall be clearly flagged prior to the initiation of earthwork and the site shalt not be disturbed if any new archaeological sites are discovered, appropriate government authorities will be immediately contacted and all work will cease until permission is granted to continue work access to any worksite will be restricted to existing roads, EnbridgeN right-ofway and approved shooflies Other * * the following hazardous substances are stored at remote maintenance bases and pump stations: methyl hydrate, kerosene, lubricating oil and hydraulic fluids, acetylene, diesel fuel, varsol, gasoline, ethylene glycol antifreeze, methanol, jet fuel Propane and liquifled propane is stored in 6000 litre tanks and is located adjacent to the remote valve sites on the right of way $.4 Traditional Environmental Knowledqe The pipeline route underwent a series of Environmental and Socio-Economic Assessments as part of the application to the National Energy Board for pipeline construction. "Norman Wells Pipeline Project Environmental Impact Statement" May, 1980 These assessments included detailed information on archaeological sites, and wildlife. Archaeological sites located in close proximity to the pipeline are marked on the maps provided. sheets 1-17 In the event that a new archaeological site is encountered during maintenance activities, all work would cease and the appropriate regulatory agencies would be notified. 7 FlU QT-21-OI 14u02 + rom-$AHTU LWI T-OQ$ .iziie At least 175 bird species have been identified in the vicinity of the pipeline. Of these, 17 raptor species are reported in the area of the pipeline and their habitat are indicted on the maps provided. sheets 1-17 Approximately 39 species of mammals are known to occur along the pipeline right-ofway. They include caribou, moose, beaver, bears, lynx, mink, and muskrat. In the Sahtu region moose are common, and prime beaver and muskrat habitat is also present. Grizzly bears are rare, however black bears may be expected. The company has contacted GNWTJRWED and the Sahtu Renewable Resources Board SRRB to determine if they have any wildlife concerns associated with the pipeline operation within the Sahtu area. No issues or concerns were identified. People of the Mackenzie Valley depend heavily upon game, furbearers, and fish for their survival and livelihood. Major hunting and trapping areas are along the major rivers and their tributaries closest to the communities. The pipeline right-of-way is commonly used for hunting and trapping since wildlife use the right-of-way as a travel corridor. Enbridge NW recognizes that traplines and cabins exist in areas off the right-of-way. If maintenance actMties are scheduled to occur in the vicinity of traplines and cabins, the company would notify the trapper and trapper associations in the vicinity of the work area at least 5 days prior to the commencement of work From land ownership information presented in Attachment 3- Work Data Sheet of the apphcaton, it is clear that a significant area for off right-of-way activities is owned by Sahtu Dene and Metis, as surface rights were transferred as part of the Land Claim Agreement. Presumably the land is held in the name of the Tulita District Land Corporation. Local businesses will be used where possible to provide goods and services required to operate and maintain the pipeline. 3.5 Preliminary Screening Section 1241 of the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act requires the SAHTU Land & Water Board to undertake a Preliminary Screening of any proposed development prior to the issuance of a licence, permit, or authorization. Ed Homby, Land Use Administrator, South Mackenzie District, DIAND, in a letter of August 18, 1999 notified tfle SLwB that he was commencing a Preliminary Screening on a Land Use Permit application by Enbridge NW for operation and maintenance of the pipeline from the Blackwater River to the Alberta border. This Preliminary Screening would be sent to the MVEIRB on or before September 23, 1999. He suggested that since our permit applications serve the maintenance of the same pipeline, it might be useful to collaborate on screening information and development of permit conditions. In a fax letter received on September21 1999, Ed Homby informed us that he had received a letter attached from Luciano Azzolini, MVEIRB stating that under the Exemption Regulations 2b Schedule 1. Preliminary Screening is not necessary for the operation of a pipeline from Blackwater River to the Alberta border since the Enbildge NW permit application is a renewal that was previously screened under the Canadian S F-UT 01-21-06 14:02 From-SAHTU LYIB + 1-005 P.13/16 F-UT Environmental Assessment Act CEAA,. This was confirmed in a telecon with Luciano Azzolini, MVEIRB on September 24, 1999. It is recommended that the SLWB allow this permit application to proceed with no Preliminary Screening under the Exemption Regulation cited above. DIAND, South Mackenzie District, in a fax of September 28,1999 forwarded to us a copy of the Land Use Permit N1999P0079 for Pipeline operation and maintenance issued to Enbridge on August 13, 1 999,The Terms and Conditions of the Permit are attached. 3.6 Conformity with Land Use Plan A request was sent to The Sahtu Land Use Planning Board to confirm that the proposed land use conforms with the applicable land use plan. A fax was received on September 17,1999 stating that there is no applicable land use plan for the area affected by the application and that the SLWB has therefore met its referral obligations under the MVRMA. 3.7 Attathments Site Plan, Tulita Water Supply Improvements Draft Pre-design Brief, Reid Crowther Engineering, dated July 1998 Letter from Ed Homby, Land Use Administrator, South Mackenzie District, DIAND dated August 187 1999 Fax from Ed Hornby, South Mackenzie District, DIAND dated September 21,1999 Fax from Ed Homby, DIAND, South Mackenzie District, dated September 28, 1999 Fax from Sahtu Land Use Planning Board, Fort Good Hope, dated September17, 1999 4. Other Agency Comments Responses have been received from 8 of 24 agencies on the referral list: Four of the eight agencies responding had no comments or concerns. Three government agencies had comments One local agency expressed a concern Karen Ditz, Area Habitat Biologist, Department of Fisheries and Oceans DFO in a fax of September 11, 1999 notified us that the project was not likely to result in the harmful alteration, disruption or destruction of fish habitat pursuant to the Fisheries Act. This determination was based on Enbridge’s previous submissions of environmental protection procedures containing the following documents; "Environmental Guidelines for Pipeline and Facility Construction", "Waste Management Plan" and "Enbridge NW Emergency Response Plan" A Letter of Advice from DFO was sent to the applicant outlining mitigation measures designed to enforce recommendations in relation to fish and fish habitat. These measures included: -all machinery fording streams must be free of fuel and oil leaks and cleaned of all lubricants and sediments prior to crossing -streams should be crossed at iight angles where allowable to minimize potential erosion problems and in areas of least desirable in-stream habitat, Where areas are scourea and/or rutted by machinery, appropriate repairs and revegetation should occur. 9 07-21-06 1403 From-$AHTU LWB + 7-005 P.14/IC -any fording or instream activities should not take place during spring or fall fish spawning periods -ice bridges should not interfere with winter flows in any streams and only ice or snow may be used to construct a temporary crossing unless authorized by a Fishery Officer! Ice thickness and strength must be measured to ensure load bearing capacity for vehicle crossing. -all slash and debris from ROW maintenance activities must be deposited above the high water mark so it doesn’t enter the water -any locally sourced water for camp use or otherwise and any instream activities other than fording or winter road crossings is subject to further review by GPO -all sumps, wastes,sewage contaminants and fuel caches be located a minimum of 30 metres from the normal high water mark of any water body and be sufficiently bermed or otherwise contained to prevent These substances from entering the water body -all spills of oil, fuel or other deleterious materials shall be reported immediately to the 24 Hour Spill Line at 867 920-8130 Luciano Azzolini, Environmental Assessment Officer, Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board MVEIRB, Vellowknife in a fax of September 20, 19991 informed us that they were in receipt of a Preliminary Screening notification for the pipeline maintenance proposal. Dan Carmichael, Senior Lands Officer, Municipal and Community AffairsMACA, Inuvik, in an e-mail of September 21, 1999 stated that they have no comments or concerns, Wade Romanko, in a fax of September 22, 1999, Aquatic Environmental Office, Environmental Protection Branch EPB, Environment Canada, Yellowknife supplied the following comments and recommendations; -no chemicals, fuel or wastes associated with the project must enter the fish-bearing waters. All surnps, wastes and fuel caches be located a minimum of thirty30metres from the normal high water mark of any water body. -all mitigated measures within the land use applicationtable 1 to minimize environmental impacts be carried out -EPB be notified of changes in the proposed or permitted activities Shannon Pagotto, Assistant Head, Regulatory Approvals. Water Resources DMsion, GlAND, Yellowknife in a letter of September20, 1999 confirmed that they have no concerns, but reiterated DFO recommendations that all machinery be free ot fuel, oil and sediments prior to stream crossing. Frederick Andrew, President, Tulita Renewable Resources Council in a fax of September 231 1999 expressed concern that contrary to mitigative measures stated by Enbridge in their application, the drinking water intake for Tulita has not yet been moved upstream of the pipeline nor has the issue been resolved. According to the Enbiidge NW permit application, the location of the drinking water intake for Tulita was previously located downstream from the pipeline but it has since been moved upstream and the issue resolved Detailed permit application -Attachment 1,Table 1, Page 2. The lastest con-espondence we have on file includes the Tulita Water Supply Improvements Draft Pre-design Brief to the NW Water Board dated July, 1998 from 10 F-227 01-21-06 14:03 Prorn-SARTU LYIB + 1-005 P.15/16 Reid Crowther Engineering Site Plan attached This draft plan is for the construction of a new water intake facility. The NWT Water Board received an application for an amendment to Water Licence N3L3-1112 for Improvements to the Water Intake for the Hamlet of Tulita. The Water Licence expires April 30, 2005. There is no indication that this amendment has been approved or completed. 4.1 Attachments Fax from Karen Ditz, Area Habitat Biologist, Department of Fisheries and Oceans DFO dated September11, 1999 Fax from Luciano Azzolini, Environmental Assessment Officer, Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board MVEIRB, Yellowknife dated September 20, 1999 E-mail from Dan Carmichael, Senior Lands Officer, Municipal and Community AffairsMACA, lnuvik, dated September21, 1999 Fax from Wade Romanko, Aquatic Environmental Office, Environmental Protection Branch EPB, Environment Canada, Yellowknife dated September 22, 1999 Letter from Shannon Pagotto, Assistant Head, Regulatory Approvals, Water Resources Division, DIAND, ‘Yellowknife dated September 20, 1999 Fax from Frederick Andrew. President Tulita Renewable Resources Council dated September 23, 1999 5. Conclusion Sufficient information has been provided to consider this permit application for approval. 6. Recommendation Since this is a permit renewal that has already undergone Preliminary Screening under CEAA, it is recommended that the SLWB approve this permit with Terms and Conditions. 1. Reference Material Attached 7.1 Site Plan, Tulita water supply improvements draft pre-design brief, Reid Crowther Engineering, dated July 1998 Letter from Ed Homby, Land Use Administrator. South Mackenzie District, DIAND dated August 18, 1999 Faxfram Ed Homby, South Mackenzie District DIAND dated September 21,1999 Fax from Ed Hornby, DIAND, South Mackenzie District, dated September 27, 1999 Fax from Sahtu Land Use Planning Board, Fort Good Hope, dated September 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 17, 1999 7,8 7.7 Fax from Karen Die, Area Habitat Biologist, Department of Fisheries and Oceans DFO dated September 11, 1999 Fax from Luciano Azzolini, Environmental Assessment Officer, Mackenzie Valley EnvironmGntoI Impact Review Qard MVlR, Yellowknife dated September 20, 1999 11 P-UT 07-21-96 14:03 7.8 7,9 7.10 7.11 7.12 From-SA}ITU LYlE 1-005 + P16/lB E-mail from Dan Carmichael, Senior Lands Officer, Municipal and Community AffairsMACA, Inuvik, dated September 21, 1999 Fax from Wade Romanko, Aquatic Environmental Office, Environmental Protection ranch EPB, Environment Canada, Yellowknife dated September 22, 1999 Letter from Shannon Pagotto, Assistant Head, Regulatory Approvals, Water Resources Division, DIAND, Yellowknife dated September 20, 1999 Fax from Frederick Andrew, President, Tuflta Renewable Resources Council dated September 23, 1999 Reasons for Decision Land Use Permit Approval 599P-009 - Respectfully submitted, §A/ Candace Ballard Land/Resource Geographer cm 4 Executive Director Comments: itrr4t-rcI G.T. 3ovier Executive Director 12 - F-227
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