Agenda Item Cover Sheet Agenda Item No. A-49 Meeting Date Consent Section Regular Section August 07, 2013 Public Hearing Subject: Approve an increase to the change fund, from $50 to $100, for Library Services, Site 218. The change fund custodian would be Ms. Annamae Trypus at the Thonotosassa Branch Library Department Name: Clerk Of The Circuit Court Contact Person: Joe Harless Sign-Off Approvals: Contact Phone: 813-307-7091 Assistant County Administrator 07/26/2013 Date Department Director 07/25/2013 Date Management and Budget – Approved as to Financial Impact Accuracy 07/26/2013 Date County Attorney – Approved as to Legal Sufficiency 07/25/2013 Date Staff's Recommended Board Motion: Approve an increase to the change fund, from $50 to $100, for Library Services, Site 218. The change fund custodian would be Ms. Annamae Trypus at the Thonotosassa Branch Library Financial Impact Statement: Background: List Attachments: 2 MEMORANDUM Date: July 8, 2013 To: Dan Klein, Chief Deputy Clerk to the Board From: Peggy A. Caskey, Director of Subject: ITEM TO BE PLACED ON CONSENT AGENDA Increase Change Fund for Library Services County~ We concur with the request from Joe Stines, Director, Library Services, to increase the change fund for Site #218 from $50.00 to $100.00. The custodian ofthe change fund is Annamae Trypus at the Thonotosassa Branch Library. Please request the Board of County Commissioners to approve the increase for a total of $100.00. The request will be placed on the August 7, 2013, consent agenda for Board approval. Attached is a copy of the change fund memorandum request from Library Services. mph/mph attachment cc: Joe Stines, Director, Library Services David Wullschleger, Manager, Library Services Sheryl Herold, Accountant III, Fiscal and Support Services Catherine Edwards, Manager, County Finance 601 East Kennedy Boulevard- PO Box 1110 Tampa, Florida 33601- 1110 Telephone 813.276.8100 An Affirmative Action- Employer Opportunity Employer e 3 BOARD OF COUN1Y COMMISSIONERS Kevin Bcdcncr Vic:cor D. Crisr Ken Hagan AI Higinbodwn lAsley •w• Miller, Jr. Sandra L Murman Mark Sharpe CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HclmrMarks Hillsborougl: County Ronda CHIEF FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Office of the County Administrator Michael S. Merrill DEPt.m' COUNTY ADMINISTRATORS Lutia E. Cal$)'$ Sharon D. Subacbn Bonnie M. Wise MEMORANDUM To: Peggy Caskey, Director, County Audit From: Joe Stines, Director, Library Services Date: July 1, 2013 Subject: Request to Increase the Change Fund for Site #218 ~~ ~ ~~ f) ~ '7-/-/3 (7 ~ Please process request to increase the change fund for Site #218 by the amount of $50.00 (from $50.00 to $100.00) for the Thonotosassa Branch Library. The custodian of the change fund is Annamae Trypus. This cash collection site is experiencing a higher frequency of making change for small payments made with $20 bills. The current change fund is not sufficient to provide customers with correct change when paying fines. If you need further information, please call David Wullschleger, Section Manager, at 272-6791. Thank you for your attention to this. Attachment CC: Catherine Edwards David Wullschleger Sheryl Herold PoRt Office Box 1110 • Tampa, Florida 33601 ''" ,!JifTINtl/irr .·lrtiw/r"ff'<<IOPJ>II"IIIui(l·l~ 4 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT BOCC CASH COLLECTION SITE PROFILE ~ Ll OIPARTM!Htl AO!tfCY DMSION IUNn Dnii!CTORI cEo fllbrary ServiceS Library Services !Joe SUnes 8I1'E NAMe 813 273 3860 813 273 3707 TIUPHONII FAX I 218 Thonotosassa Branch Ub~ry 811'1 NUMIIER 1m1 COoRDINATOR Annamae Trypus TILI!PHONI!I 8139878218 813 987 8217 FAXI 11!-MAn. ADDRUs IITILOcAnotUADilRHI) 10715 Main Street, Thonotoaaasa, FL 33592 &-MAIL ADDRUs IJBT NAMII OF EMPLOYDS AUTHORIZED: ·- cou.ecriRICBPr (CAIKIIRit Annamae Trypus Robert Bemardez Plt!PAili!IDII.IVM BANK DI!POSIH Annamaa Trypus PIUIPARII1'HI DR Annamai TI'YPU& (DIPNITIU!NI' Ccu.ICTIOH REPoRT\ APPaovl THI! DR CouiCT ReTuaNI!D CKECJCS CKANGI FuND CUITODIAN I ... Martha Marshall Ronald Smith Martha Marshall Robert Bamardez .. Martha Marshall Robert Bemardez Annamae Trypus Robert Bamardez Annamaa Trypus Robart Bemardez Annamae Trypus ' Martha Marshall 100.00 AMOUNT CHANG£ FUND CUilODWI ..... $AMoUNT I .'em CAstt CU8TooiAII I AMouNT CHECK Au. THAT APPLY BILOW! REc!IPT TYPI Utlll: ExPLAIN OTHIR: [] ITMIDARD D CASH R!G1ST!II eJ OTHIR Eleclron Clrbon Receiptl CJ DEPosrT DILMIRY: I2J 0 IHOICATI AVAI.AIIUTY AT 1m: IZJ BOCC APPRCMIO FIIICHI&IIU 0 FAMISON.f.INIACCIIS ltl l2J l2J lANK IAANCH UIIO FOR DBPoiiTI: DAY DIPOIIT NIOHTDROP [] AMIORID CAR 0 OROUP DIP. SIT! Wells Fargo 5580 E Fowler Ave 33617 TIMe OF PICK-uP: ODS NAMEIIITU: 8POOLVI&W QN.t.INI ACCESS' COIN AcCESS INTIRNIT AecUI COP\' OP ITAHOAIUII & GUIDIUNU• COLLICTIOH OP COUNTY FUNDI COMPLETE THI! SECTION Baow FOR FUNDS COu.ECTED AT THIS SITI!: FAIQUINCY RICIM!D Dally Overdue fines Lost book fines Collection fees Bookaalaa ·- Retum.check fee oany Occasionally Occasionally Occasionally u t DIRICTOR'a SIGNATURE:ltW ~ r RITUIIH COIIPLET&O FOAM TO .fcc INDIX CODa LSR12214 LSR12214 LSR12214 LSR12214 . -·· LSR.12214- SU808J!CT /SUallaiARY !0248 0248 0225 0297 .. 0267 ...... C.... }'1.Jr-:r y~ - ACCOUNTING·Rff.NUE, 12• FLOOR, COUN'I'Y CENTER. / DATE: 7 ·--- J 5 RECElVEO JUN 2.610\l BOCC SIGNATURE AUTHORIZATION AND DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY FQRM This fonn Is 10 be used to delegate algnatura authority In accotdanca with Admlnlalrativa orrecllve #AO.Q&. Special d;slgnatlons or exceptions to Ao.o& are only by written aulhorlutfon of the Counly Administrator. When property executed, this delegatiOn may be reBed upon until p!Oper written noUce, memo ore-maD, of ils revocation Is received. Guidelines for CDIIIplallcn: • Check "AD Incumbent wllh Poslllon" next to the posHlon level to delegate slgnatura aiJthorlty far all Items at and below Javel. • Check apeclllc ftems a\ or below level to defegatespaclfic signature authority. ! • Chedc Uems above a posillon level only when delegaUng In an acting capacity. ana level below In an BOCC Workshop Scheduling Correspondence to BOCC Monlhly Automablta Allowance Purchasing Can:t Transaction Report Appfoval 8 ~0 All PeiiOnnal Acllcns for Classlned & Unclaulhd Personnel (except dismissals, euapwlona. reclasslftcaUons, regrades, and eslablistlment of new posiUons) Requlll far Legal Oplnlans Purcllase Requlslllons BOCC Agenda Items and Steff Reports (department IPPIOVIQ BlldgaiAmendmanta (dapaltment approval) Admlntstrallve ReteJrDI Transmittal Form Out-of-Town Traval Authorization and Reimbursement Radio Repairs through Sherllts Oflce Inter-organizational Charges ·limit St .000 Requests for Direct Pays· Dmft $1,000 Purdl. card Trans. ReportApprovat·llmk SS,OOO 06/27113 07/05/13 • De u County Administrator, PS&CS Date: 06/24/13 Manager, Programming 0e1eg111 oepanmeat1 Ubrary Services oa~eg~~eTllte: lrllllfMIIHTI'Imu,DDCAti1HIDU.IGA'II'S uvn: CAssr.CQU!nvAIIUIIIISniAtOR ClDIII£e'IOR 0DMSIOIIDMC1CR !BISEcna~~NGA CtwaWCIR REniRNOIUGIIW. SIQNED FORM TO CLERK OF THE CIRClDT COURT, BOCC ACCDUN11NG EPARl'MENT, 12 FL. COUN1Y CmER , lat.ID07
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