Walpaara Anpa Award for Year 10 Aboriginal Secondary Students W

Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure
Walpaara Anpa Award
for Year 10
Aboriginal Secondary Students
Walpaara Anpa Award
Walpaara Anpa
Student Award
Are you an Aboriginal student?
Will you successfully complete Year 10?
Has your performance at school been
consistent and satisfactory all year?
Do you have a goal and believe in yourself?
Would having your own laptop and internet
access help you to stay at school and
complete years 11 and 12?
If your answers to these questions are yes, then
you should apply for the Walpaara Anpa Award
from the Department of Transport, Energy and
DTEI is offering 10 Awards aimed at
encouraging Year 10 Aboriginal secondary
students to remain at school, and complete years
11 and 12.
Walpaara Anpa is Arabunna for “clever one”. Permission to use this term
was given by Arabunna Elder, Sydney Strangways.
The term Aboriginal is inclusive of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
What is the Walpaara Anpa
The Walpaara Anpa Award is a lap top computer with two
years internet access.
Who is eligible to apply for an
Aboriginal students currently completing year 10 and enrolled
to complete your SACE.
You have attended school regularly and achieved consistent
results throughout the academic year.
Walpaara Anpa Award
1. The Student Application form and the Application
Support forms from your Teacher and Parent/Guardian
are completed and submitted by the due date.
2. A current copy of your School Report Card is attached to
your application forms.
3. The Laptop will be provided with software by your school.
Any ongoing upgrades will need to be negotiated with
your school.
4. Internet access will be paid only while you are attending
school and achieving consistently during Years 11 & 12.
5. One male and one female from each of the
designated Secondary Schools may be granted an award.
6. Your attendance at school must be consistent and your
academic achievement must be satisfactory.
Se le c ti o n P ane l
A selection panel of 3 people will be established to
assess the applications. A committee of 3 people
ensures a balanced assessment of applications and
minimises the possibility of patronage, favouritism and
The panel will be chaired by the Principal Consultant,
Aboriginal Engagement, Corporate HR, DTEI and
comprise of a representative from the relevant Secondary
School and an Aboriginal Elder from the local community.
A referee must not be a selection panel member.
Application forms are available from:
Cultural Consultant, Aboriginal Engagement
DTEI Human Resources
Phone: (08) 8343 2758
Email: dtei.aboriginalengage@saugov.sa.gov.au
or visit: http://dtei.sa.gov.au/careers.html
Applications must be submitted by the
first Friday in November
We have extended the applicants eligible to apply
this year from designated schools to all schools
Joyleen Thomas, Principal Policy Consultant
Send applications to:
PO Box 1
or email to: