Does education form se"al killers? TFH presented by Ivanovicova Marcela - 6PAY Athénée Léonie de Waha Ville de Liège 2011-2012 Acknowledgements I wish to thank my guide Mrs Nolf as well as the coordinator team for their invaluable assistance and support. I would also like to thank professor Dantinne and professor Papart who kindly accepted to answer all of my questions. 2 Introduction!.....................................................................................4 1. Definitions!....................................................................................6 1. 1. Mass Murder!................................................................................................6 1. 2. Spree Murder!...............................................................................................6 1. 3. Serial Murder!...............................................................................................7 1. 4. Cognitive Development/Education!..............................................................7 2. Male Serial Killers !.......................................................................9 2. 1. Psychopathic Serial Killers!..........................................................................9 2. 1. 1. Definition of Psychopathy! 2. 1. 2. Causality! 9 10 2. 2. Psychotic Serial Killers (legally insane)!.....................................................18 2. 2.1. Schizophrenia! 18 2. 2. 2. Vampirism (Renfieldʼs Syndrome)! 22 2. 2. 3. Lycanthropy! 25 2. 3. Comparative Conclusion!...........................................................................26 3. Female Serial Killer!...................................................................28 3.1. Kelleher and Kelleher Typology!.................................................................28 3. 2. Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome!.............................................................30 3. 3. Comparative conclusion!............................................................................31 4. Other Factors !............................................................................33 4.1. Presence in the world!.................................................................................33 4.2. Media, Celebrity and their influence on serial murder!................................33 4. 3. Brain Damage!...........................................................................................35 Conclusion!.....................................................................................36 Appendix!........................................................................................38 Bibliography !..................................................................................42 3 Introduction I have always wondered what “creates” a serial killer. Is it his genes or does he become a murderer during his childhood under the influence of his environment and his education? Serial killers are nothing like any other type of killer. They don't commit murders for simple reasons such as disputes, financial problems, drugs or protection. No feelings, no revenge or anger. They kill for the pleasure of killing and hurting. Why do some men find killing satisfying? How does that make them feel better about themselves? The only thing I could think of was education. What else could make someone want to torture and kill other people if it wasn't because he was taught to do so and had the impression that it was normal? But is it education that creates serial murderers? Is our society responsible for raising these individuals? They come from both rich and poor background. They live among us. Nevertheless, they are very unlike any other kind of killer and that is what makes them interesting. This is one of the reasons why I wanted to study them. The other reason is us. How come we are so scared – yet so impressed – of the phenomenon of serial murder? The popular media feeds us with rape and murder detailing news. They dramatise to excite us and we deliberately pay for it. It is as if we liked the idea that human beings such as serial killers exist. Yet, we deny their existence by idealising the act, minimising the victims' pain and families’ loss. We dehumanise the victim just as serial killers do. We forget that this is for real – unless it happens to us. Yet, we want to know more about them; we watch movies and series such as Criminal Minds, CSI, etc.; and our fascination with serial murder keeps growing… What creates them? Why do they do these things? I will try to answer these questions as my work progresses. I will talk about men and women killers. The first part of my work will be devoted to male serial murderers, which is why I will be referring to these individuals as 'he'. In the second part, I will concentrate on female serial murderers, and will refer to the killer as 'she'. I will not talk about men as according to Kelleher or Holmes typology1 but will concentrate on psychopaths and psychotics and try to find the link between these murderers' education and acts. I will also try to show their true nature, not the way the media does. I will analyse few serial killers concentrating on their childhood environment and the murders. My work will 1 Kelleher Typology and Holmes Typology were established to identify the killer based on the killerʼs routine like killing alone, in partnership, etc. 4 also contain definitions of terms important in serial murder such as psychopathy, schizophrenia, etc., in order to avoid any misinterpretation when I use them as these terms happen to be sometimes misunderstood. At the very beginning of my work, I will also explain the difference between mass, spree and serial murder. The main subjects are female serial killers as well male psychotic and psychopathic serial killers. Nevertheless, I will include other possible factors like society and media and explain the definition and role of education in my work. When referring to education I don't mean school or what our parents tell us is right. I mean education as nurture, as an influence that affects us coming from everywhere - school, media, home, friends, parents, environment,… Anything that has an impact on us growing up and that forms us as individuals. By education I mean what makes us what we are. Why are we what we are and more specifically why are serial killers what they are? This is the question that I will try to answer by analysing different serial killers and their childhood background. 5 1. Definitions 1. 1. Mass Murder A mass murder refers to the killing of at least four people at once in one specific location. Murderers’ trigger for killing can be the feeling of being excluded from the group that they wish they belonged to, a family breakup, or a job loss. Most of the time, these killers choose either a gun or a knife, unlike serial killers who prefer direct contact with their victims. Most mass murderers are mainly white, conservative males. There are three types of mass murderers: the family annihilators, the paramilitary and disgruntled workers. The victim is not as important as the crime itself and the purpose of it. Once mass murderers are on a spree they lose all of their self-control. At the end of the massacre, they either kill themselves or the police do. They are usually declared legally insane. Gene Simpson, for example, an American mass murderer, killed fourteen members of his family in Arkansas, on Christmas day, 1937. Lately, American high schools have become common places for mass murders as well. 1. 2. Spree Murder The definition of spree killing means at least two murders by the same offender without a cooling-off period. The fact that there is no break between each murder differentiates the spree murder from serial murder, where each killing is a different event. A major shock, like a break-up or someone’s death, usually provokes the killing. The offenders lose their sanity and start killing at one location but keep on moving while killing. It may take a certain amount of time until the killer is stopped. Spree killing is ended by either the police’s intervention or the criminal’s suicide. Here again, the victim is not as important as the act itself. Anyone who gets close enough to the killing might as well become one of the victims. Woo Bum-Kon, a South-Korean police officer, went on a spree after an argument with his girlfriend. Going from one house to another, he kept killing during eight hours on April 27, 1982. 6 1. 3. Serial Murder The term serial murder was coined by an FBI agent, Robert K. Ressler, in the 1970s. The phenomenon of serial murder has been studied since then and although new facts have been discovered, scientists agree more research need to be done. Serial killers are described as individuals that murdered two or more people with a required period of time between each murder. Unlike mass murderers, they don't kill a lot of people at once but usually only one person at a time. The murders must have common features in order to be called serial. Serial killing requires one or more offenders and two or more murdered victims in separate events. These killers usually work alone and are mostly well-organised. Their killing routine evolves as they continue killing and become more experimented. There are four recognised types of serial murder: • Anger - The individual feels anger towards a certain group of people and takes revenge on them. • Ideology/ Missionary - The individual eliminates certain people in order to support the ideas of a group he belongs to, like a religious cult. • Power-thrill/ Hedonistic - the subject feels empowered while killing. It provides him excitement and pleasure. He enjoys seeing a person suffer. He can as well derive sexual pleasure from killing and torturing. • Psychosis/ Visionary - The killer is suffering from a mental disease like schizophrenia and while killing he can't make the difference between good and evil. It may include severe visionary or auditory delusions. Serial killers might also turn into spree killers if they discover that the police are after them. 1. 4. Cognitive Development/Education Cognitive development is used to describe the acquisition of knowledge about environment, in other words learning. The development starts at birth. By observing its surroundings the baby learns about relationships between 7 elements. For example, round objects rule. Those observations become rules or principles in children’s mind. It is what scientists call mental modelling. At the early stage of life, all knowledge comes from the characteristics of an environment. But how much can an environment affect individuals’ later life? The first education children receive comes from their surroundings. What they learn in this period of life they will remember for the rest of it, consciously or not. It was first Sigmund Freud who proposed the existence of an unconscious element in the mind that influences consciousness. A child coming from a poor or violent background might develop cognitive distortions which are inadequate thinking patterns according to our society. The child would then have incorrect ideas regarding offending behaviours and react differently compared to a child from a non-violent background. Getting in contact with the outside world where the patterns the subject learned don't apply would confuse him and might be the cause of him becoming a serial killer in order to relieve his frustrations. Education is transmitted from school, media, family and also environment. Any kind of information can influence a child, the way he sees the world and his development. 8 2. Male Serial Killers 2. 1. Psychopathic Serial Killers 2. 1. 1. Definition of Psychopathy Characteristics and assessment of Psychopathy The terms psychopathy, sociopathy and antisocial personality were all used to describe pretty much the same thing not so long ago. Since then, further scientific research have revealed some new criteria that don’t fit into the common diagnosis but determine several different terms. While APD (antisocial personality disorder) and psychopathy share the antisocial criteria, they’re not completely the same. Antisocial disorder is diverse “with respect to interpersonal and affective characteristics”2 meaning that every patient’s approach towards people is a little different but they rarely tend to get involved with crime, whereas people suffering from psychopathic disorder are more often associated with persistent criminality. Sociopathy is, like psychopathy and APD, a personality disorder. Sociopaths come from inadequate and poor environment. This personality disorder is usually developed due to bad parenting. We recognise four types of sociopaths: common sociopaths, alienated sociopaths, aggressive sociopaths and dyssocial sociopaths. Common sociopaths develop a lack of remorse or shame like psychopaths and they often break the law. Alienated sociopaths are incapable of love and empathy. Aggressive sociopaths are described as sadistic and they enjoy hurting others, whereas dyssocial sociopaths is a term used to describe any other criminal behaviour related to sociopathy which does not fit within the previously described types. Psychopathy does not appear on traditional neuropsychological tests. In order to diagnose the syndrome a 22-item Psychopathy Check-list (PCL) and 20-item Psychopathy Check-list revision3 were developed by professor Hare in 1980. These lists consist “of a set of clinical personality traits considered fundamental to psychopathy”4. Each item is scored on a three-point scale established on 2 - Psychopathy and Crime Across the Life Span, p.285 3 - To see Psychopathy Check-List see Appendix p. 38 4 - Psychopathy and Crime Across the Life Span, p. 287 9 institutional files and interviews. The whole scale ranges from zero to forty (if an individual reaches 40, he is officially considered as a psychopath). Several of the PCL/PCL-R items are directly or indirectly related to criminal behaviours and allow investigators to diagnose a potential criminal or serial killer. Diagnosed psychopathy defines an individual unable to feel empathy, guilt, and remorse. In other words, it is a personality disorder with a profound lack of any emotion. Psychopaths show themselves as “glib, egocentric, manipulative, impulsive, sensation-seeking, irresponsible, and without “conscience” 5 It is not surprising that they offend against the law on regular basis, disrespecting social conventions and obligations. Association between psychopathy and criminal behaviour The feeling of guilt is unknown to such individuals. Their conscience punishes good intentions and rewards evil ones instead. The so-called ‘evil intent’ or ‘ill will’ has become essential to the subject’s existence. Psychopaths are, indeed, more involved in crime and violence worldwide than other offenders. The psychopathy-violence association is apparent. Recidivism is also more common for these subjects. We can find them among serial killers and rapists as well as among doctors, terrorists, cult leaders and corrupt politicians. 2. 1. 2. Causality In this chapter, I’ll try to explain the cause of serial murder. I will talk about few serial killers and try to find out if there is a link between their childhood education and the crimes they later committed. I will concentrate on their childhood, their motives and their victimology. Everything has a cause and understanding the cause helps us to understand the consequences because they are related to each other. Psychopathic serial killers most often target, stalk, kidnap, torture and kill without remorse. The whole process is always prepared in advance and wellplanned. They usually choose a certain type of victims that drags their attention or that they ‘need’ to eliminate like children, old women or prostitutes. Yet, we have not been able to precisely explain the criminal development of serial killers. However, understanding them could be useful in preventing their further 5 - Hare, R. D., Forth, A. E., & Strachan, K. E., Psychopathy and Crime Across the Life Span, 1992, p. 285 10 development as well as avoiding more killings. Were psychopaths born to become serial killers or do some of them just happen to evolve into serial killers? Ed Kemper Ed Kemper, for example, is an American serial killer arrested in 1973. He killed ten people; all of them were women except his grandfather. During his childhood, he chronologically wetted his bed and was caught fire-setting and torturing small animals. These three factors seem to be common in most cases of serial murder or sadism. These behaviours seem to be developed due to parental neglect, cruelty or trauma and can evolve into criminal behaviour. Fig. 1: Ed Kemper 6 Edmund Kemper also played with his sister’s dolls exercising odd sexual rituals and separating the head from the body. He also liked to pretend he was dying in a gas chamber. Because of his bizarre behaviour, his mother would often lock him in the basement especially after his father’s departure. Kemper also claimed that she constantly humiliated him. He was sent to live with his grandparents in 1961 where he was bullied by his classmates. He disliked his grandfather who apparently was a heavy drinker and a violent man. At the age of fifteen, he killed his grandmother because in his words he “just wanted to see what it felt like to kill grandma” 7 and shortly after he killed his grandfather 6 - (02/04/12) 7 - (14/02/12) 11 because he knew he would get angry at him for what he had done. Immediately after he called the police, he was placed into a specialised institution for teenagers, where he was diagnosed with extremely high IQ (135) and later released at the age of 21. After that he moved back in with his mother. When he got enough money to buy a car he would drive around the city and pick up young female hitchhikers – some of them he killed. He would then take their bodies home, separate the head from the body with which he would then have sex. By doing so the police nicknamed him Co-ed Killed at the time. He later admitted that all of his victims were all surprisingly alike. His spree ended after he killed his mother cutting her head off and having oral sex with it. He said it seemed appropriate to do so after all the years she yelled and screamed at him. He then killed her friend and drove away, although he would call the police later and get himself arrested. Kemper said he had wanted to kill his mother since the age of seven. He often killed after an argument with her. He also buried one of his victims’ head in his mother’s garden as a joke because she “always wanted people to look up to her”. He had a difficult childhood and hated his mother very much, which might be the reason why he started killing young women. On the other hand he showed some psychopathic traits at a very early age like torturing animals. He also liked to play sexual games with his sister’s dolls. In the first case, his childhood and his relationship with his mother would be the cause of his killing. In the second one, his desire to kill would be inborn meaning he was born to become a serial killer as if it was in his genes. During his trial, he was examined by a psychiatrist, Donald T. Lunde, who claimed his patient to be absolutely aware of his doings and enjoying them. He also judged that his perversion originated from his childhood anger since he enjoyed torturing animals. His lust to kill his mother seems to be common among sexual sadists. The cause of his anger would be his father’s departure for which he blamed his mother. Kemper felt a strong desire to kill women even during his childhood but instead he killed cats and other small animals. He desperately wanted to start a relationship with a woman but, because of his violent impulses, he never dared to. He killed them instead. The treatment he underwent in the institution he was placed in after he killed his grandparents was obviously not effective. Doctor Lune said that he should have been placed in an institution much earlier. 12 Albert Fish or the Gray Man, Werewolf of Wysteria Albert Fish was an American child serial killer as well as a cannibal, rapist and sadist at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th. Some described him as insane, others as deeply disturbed but sane. Fish certainly had many issues. One of his hobbies was to insert needles in his body to experience pain. He claimed that his family had a long history of mental insanity. He had three siblings but was the youngest. He also said that, because his mother was unable to take care of him, he was put into an orphanage where he was constantly beaten, which he actually enjoyed. He later moved to New York where he got married and started working as a house painter. Before he indulged into murder, he would often send obscene letters to women listed in newspapers as looking for partners. His letters were so obscene and disgusting that they were held as evidence at court. After his wife ran away with a man, Fish took care of his six children but he also asked them to take part in his sexual sadist games, such as hitting him until blood with paddles or needles. Fig. 2: Albert Fish8 As a house painter he often travelled. Some suggest he chose states populated with Afro-Americans because he believed the police wouldn't care if he killed 8 - (02/04/12) 13 one of them. This theory was, however, never validated. We know, on the other hand, that he was attracted by children – boys and girls. He enjoyed killing them, raping them and eating them. Once he said: "I like children, they are tasty." He confessed to one of his psychiatrists that after killing one of his victims he carried his ears and nose on a train back to New York because he found it exciting. At the age of 58, in 1928, Albert Fish contacted the Budd family responding to their 18-year-old son's ad for work. He seemed to be a very nice gentleman when he showed up at their house well-dressed and very polite. He offered the boy a job for $15 a week. The family instantly trusted him. He promised to come back for the boy to show him the farm where he would work – and which actually never existed. He failed to show up on the day he promised but arrived a day later with gifts for children. Mr Howard, as he introduced himself, seemed to be a lovely person. The same day he explained to the family he had to attend a children's birthday party and that he wanted to bring their 10-year-old daughter Grace with him. The parents agreed and never saw their daughter again. It took the police six years to identify Grace’s murderer and find the place where she was killed. In 1934, Mr Budd received an anonymous letter with detailed description of his daughter's murder.9 By tracing the letter, the police were able to track down Albert Fish. Once arrested Albert Fish quickly admitted killing then cutting into pieces and eating Grace’s body. He also admitted doing the same to other several hundred children. As he was describing the details of the tortures and murders he had committed, the police said he was smiling. Many psychiatrists described Albert Fish as mentally insane but the jury found him sane and guilty. He was executed by electrocution in 1936. About Mr Fishes' psychological state his doctor Frederic Wertham said: "His state of mind while he described these things in minute detail was a peculiar mixture. He spoke in a matter-of-fact way, like a housewife describing her favorite methods of cooking....But at times his voice and facial expression indicated a kind of satisfaction and ecstatic thrill. I said to myself: However you define the medical and legal borders of sanity, this certainly is beyond that border.”10 9 - To read the letter see appendix p. 39 10 - (15/02/12) 14 I do not necessarily agree with that. Mr Fish seems to be deeply troubled but he responds better to the profile of a psychopath than one of a mentally insane person. Despite his sexual desires, he was capable of taking care of himself and could control his emotions like with the Budd family. He managed to hide Fig. 3: This is the house where many of Fish’s victims were brought. 11 his true personality from the rest of the world for over 30 years. His plan to kidnap and kill Grace was prepared in advance, which is also more common among psychopathic serial killers than among mentally insane killers. The term psychopathy was however not recognised by any institution before 1980, which would explain why Mr Fish was considered as insane by his psychiatrist at that time. His childhood was not ideal but he didn’t experience any sexual abuse. He was being beaten during his stay in an orphanage but, as he said, he was enjoying the experience. So was it his childhood that made him a sadist? Does his desire to kill children come from what he had experienced at the orphanage or was he a sadist before he even got there? 11 - (09/04/12) 15 Marc Dutroux Marc Dutroux is an unemployed electrician and father of three children but also a Belgian serial killer who kidnapped and raped an unknown number of teenage girls. He is told to be the most evil serial killer in his country's history. He was born in 1956 in Brussels. Out of five children, the parents – who often fought and yelled at each other – would choose to beat their son, Marc Dutroux. After they got separated, Dutroux left home. He was fifteen years old. He then lived on the street making money as a homosexual prostitute. His first marriage did not last long but his second wife, Michelle Martin, became Dutroux's devoted partner in life as well as in crime. Dutroux had two sons in the first marriage, and then he had three more children with Martin. Fig. 4: Marc Dutroux 12 They managed to live a rather wealthy life owning seven houses but also being criminally active. In 1986, the couple was charged with the rape and killing of five young girls and sent to prison. Three years later however, Dutroux was prematurely released. After his release, he convinced his psychiatrist to declare him as legally disable, which gave him the right to receive a pension and sleeping pills. At the same time, he started the construction of a secret room in his house to hide his future victims in. With the use of his sleeping pills he managed to abduct two seven-year-old girls in 1995 and two other teenage girls joined them in August the same year. The girls were repeatedly raped and used 12 - (09/04/12) 16 for pornographic videos. The two teenagers were killed several weeks later. Meanwhile, Dutroux was arrested for drug distribution and car stealing. Because there was no one left to feed the two young girls – except Dutroux's partner who neglected any action – they starved to death, which left Dutroux no choice but to find new victims, Sabine Dardenne and Laetitia Delhez. However an eye witness contacted the police and gave the description of Dutroux and his accomplice, Lelievre. Dutroux, Martin and Lelievre were then arrested and the house was searched. At the same time, Dutroux confessed his crimes and led the police to the secret room, the hidden bodies of his previous victims and his accomplice who had been drugged and buried alive. After his arrest, the killer was examined by four psychologists who all agreed he was an antisocial psychopath. He was not diagnosed to be a pedophile. The age of his victims was not important to him but it was easier to manipulate them if they were very young. He also used the girls as pornographic material and gain money on the internet. Dutroux was involved in a Belgian pedophile network. As a psychopath he was self-obsessed and was always looking for personal gain. The psychiatrists also testified that Dutroux knew exactly what he was doing during the murders and should be judged as sensible. They described him as manipulative and narcissist. “This is the third psychopath that I have met in my career and likely the worst case,”13 said Dutroux's psychiatrist, Walter Denis. As Ed Kemper and Albert Fish, Dutroux experienced bad parenting and child abuse. After leaving his house at the age of fifteen, he worked as a male prostitute which, we could assume, traumatized him. On the other hand, his psychologists said he was a psychopath and his choice of victims was purely practical14. In order to manipulate them easily, Dutroux chose young girls who he also used as pornographic material on the internet. As a pure psychopath, he acted in cold blood for personal profit. Whether he became a criminal because of the child abuse he underwent or not is hard to tell as he seemed to be choosing victims for rather practical reasons. 13 - (26/02/12) 14 - (09/04/12) 17 2. 2. Psychotic Serial Killers (legally insane) There are many differences between psychopathic and psychotic serial murderers. But the most important one is that psychotic murderers are delusional. They are usually declared legally insane at court because they can't tell the difference between wrong and right. Schizophrenics, for example, may hear voices or see things that don't exist and that lead them to the murders. These killers suffer from severe psychosis that can be induced by alcohol or drug use. Their killings are unorganised and their victims are opportunistic as opposed to psychopathic serial killers who tend to follow the same pattern from beginning to end. A perfect example of a psychotic serial killer is American David Richard Berkowitz, accused of killing six people, who believed he was commanded by a demon dog. 2. 2.1. Schizophrenia Definition The term was first described by Kraepelin in 1896. It is a mental disorder that disconnects an individual from reality. Sometimes the individual can create his own reality. Schizophrenia is a brain illness that engenders into a mental disorder causing auditory or visionary delusions, abnormal ideas, etc. People with schizophrenia don't make sense; they can talk absolute nonsense or not talk at all. They may believe someone's after them, someone wants to harm them or that someone can read their minds, which terrifies them and can put them into a situation where they feel obliged to hurt or even to kill someone in order to survive. The disorder usually manifests itself in early adulthood (20-35). Women and men are equally affected. Single status and reduced reproduction are related to this syndrome but are considered more often as associated consequences rather than symptoms. Schizophrenia is often defined as an interaction of individual’s genotypes and environment. 18 Symptoms The symptoms may vary from one individual to another. The following ones are the most common among schizophrenics. There are fundamental symptoms, which are always present, and accessory symptoms, which depend on the individual and can be seen in other psychoses as well. I decided to talk only about the most important ones, the ones that can be related to serial murder. Abnormal ideas Abnormal ideas in schizophrenia are also called delusions, defined as a judgement or a conviction that is completely false but believed to be genuine by the patient. It is impossible to explain to the person that it is false. • Delusion Delusion is probably the most significant symptom of schizophrenia. A delusion can be transitory or permanent. During this period the schizophrenic is completely out of touch with his social or cultural background. They lack any systematisation and logic, which psychiatrists sometimes describe as ‘delusional chaos’. Its origins may have persisted in the background for years and it is not surprising if the same theme regularly reappears. • Delusional mood The subject's feeling about his environment has suddenly changed in a way he is unable to describe but in a significant way for him. He may become suspicious and may feel threatened. • Delusion of reference, misinterpretation, and misidentification Events that don’t appear to have any special significance to anyone have one to the patient. He may see a reference to himself on the radio or TV, for example. He can have the feeling of being recorded or followed. Neutral things or people's way of acting can have a special meaning to him. 19 • Delusion of persecution The patient believes someone or some organisation is trying to harm him or to damage his reputation. He feels in danger and may search for a way to escape. • Delusion of assistance Delusion of assistance is a variant of the delusion of persecution. In this case, the patient believes some higher power is trying to help him, like God or an angel. This power starts directing his life in a way that the individual believes his life will significantly improve if he listens to it. • Grandiose delusions The patient believes he has special powers, unusual talent or a special mission he must accomplish. Religious delusion is the same as grandiose but has a religious meaning – the individual believes he has a purpose that he is a saint or maybe even a god. Abnormal perceptions The phenomenon of hallucinations is the most common one among other abnormal perceptions in the case of schizophrenia. Although there are other abnormalities that can’t be neglected, I will concentrate on hallucinations only. “A hallucination is a perception without an object. Others authors have added that hallucinations occur simultaneously with and alongside real perceptions, and that they have the force and impact of real perceptions, and that they are outside voluntary control.”15 • Auditory hallucinations A patient suffering from hallucinations is most probably hearing voices. Auditory hallucinations are the most common in schizophrenia. They can happen once, sometimes at the very beginning of the disorder as patient’s first syndrome, but it is not unusual if they persist for years. They vary from simple noises to 15 - Schizophrenia and Related Syndromes, P.J. McKenna, 1997, Great Britain, Guildford, Kingʼs Lynn, Jaspers 1959, Slade 1976, Sims 1988, p. 6. 20 murmuring up to elaborate conversations between several people. The voices can come from one specific place just like from everywhere or from the inside of the body. They can show themselves as neutral, encouraging, reassuring, observing or nice but most often they are insulting.16 • Third person and commenting hallucinations The patient hears voices in his head talking about him, commenting on each and every one of his thoughts, actions, in the third person. There can be one voice or several. • Imperative hallucinations The voice is commanding the person to do as it wishes, but can be easily ignored. If not, the consequences can be terrible. • Extracampine hallucinations These hallucinations present themselves as beyond limits - like hearing a woman screaming in another city. Causes • Genes and Environment and their interaction Genes are inherited within a family, which means that an individual is born with a higher or lower risk of developing schizophrenia depending on his ancestors, whereas the environment contributes on his physical and psychical development throughout his life span. Environment’s effects include nonspecific stressors – as stress or war exposure – obstetrical complication and illicit drug abuse. The interaction between genes and environment can increase the probability of developing schizophrenia. Scientists believe some chromosomes, especially 6 and 8, carry genes directly related to schizophrenia. This theory has, however, not yet been confirmed. Some suggest that schizophrenia can also be caused by a disruption of foetal neural development or may be connected to child's delivery complication that 16 - To see an example of auditory hallucination see appendix p. 40 21 can damage some brain areas. Recent studies talk about a "Key" gene that affects brain into developing schizophrenia. However, more research needs to be done in order to understand brain chemistry and its relation to schizophrenia. The Finnish Adoptive Study of Schizophrenia has studied the interaction between genes and environment and claims it to be increasing the risk of developing schizophrenia. If twins are born in a family with schizophrenic ancestors, they both have equal chances of developing schizophrenia. However, if they are separated shortly after birth and placed into two different families, their chances of developing the syndrome will vary depending on the environment they will live in. • Brain chemistry Other theories have shown a certain imbalance between certain chemicals inside the brain, for example with neurotransmitters, which help the cells to communicate. Schizophrenics' brain has also a slightly different structure. Fluidfilled cavities are larger at the centre of the brain and they also have less grey material. Their brain also shows more or less cerebral activity in certain areas than that is usual. The autopsy of some schizophrenics has revealed that their brain structure was most likely formed before birth and can lead to faulty connexions between different parts of the brain. 2. 2. 2. Vampirism (Renfieldʼs Syndrome) Definition Clinical vampirism is, like clinical lycanthropy, a psychosis. In this case, the individual is fixated on blood and feels a desire to drink it, which may evolve into a delusion of actually being a vampire. This attraction may be of erotic origin or may be encouraging the idea of blood giving special powers to those who drink it. This disorder might be encouraged by a childhood experience in which blood played a major part and that the patient might have found attractive. The individual usually begins with drinking his own blood but after a certain period of time some feel an urge to attack animals or people to obtain more blood. In extreme cases, nothing but murder and blood will satisfy them. 22 The table below shows the different types of vampirism acknowledged by psychologists 17: Haematomania A strong psychological craving for blood Haematophilia An erotic attraction to the taste, sight or smell of blood. Haemosexuality A strong relationship between blood and sexuality, including but not limited to fetishism. Haematodipsia A stronger, more compelling form of haematophilia Autovampirism Consuming one's own blood Zoophagia The consumption of blood from animals True Vampirism Patient requires human blood Fig. 5: Types of vampirism Joshua Rudiger In 1998, Joshua Rudiger attacked several homeless people with a knife and drank their blood. When arrested he was diagnosed with schizophrenia – he claimed to be a ninja and a vampire – and with a bipolar disorder. Despite his mental illness, he was sent to prison for 23 years. He believed he was a 2000-year-old vampire and that he needed blood for survival. At his trial, his psychiatrist claimed that he did not know right from wrong at the time of the crime. Rudiger grew up in a family of a homeless drug addicted prostitute and never met his father. He lived with his mother but was later placed into four different foster houses. As a child, he would force himself to vomit, bite his tongue and bang his head. He was deeply troubled and mentally retarded. He once tried to kill himself with a knife like a ninja would do. He spent some time in different institutions for mentally ill but his mental state even worsened. After his release, the murders started. When he was arrested by the local police and brought to the station he explained his murders by 17 Inspired by:, (06/03/12). 23 saying: "Prey is a prey."18 Nevertheless, he was found guilty and responsible for the murders. The Vampire of Dusseldorf The Vampire of Dusseldorf, real name Peter Kurten, was a German psychopath who killed and then sucked the blood of his victims in the 1920’s. He targeted weak individuals, mostly women and young girls. Like many other psychopathic serial killers, he admitted he became interested with killing people when his neighbour showed him how to torture animals. Kurten strangled, raped and stabbed to death. He also drank the blood of his victims because he found it exciting. Fig. 6: Peter Kurten19 As many other serial killers, Kurten’s childhood was difficult. He was the third of thirteen children living in a poor family with an abusive father who repeatedly sexually assaulted the mother as well as Kurten’s sisters. Kurten himself followed his father’s steps and soon started assaulting his sisters as well. All of his murders were committed in order to provide him sexual pleasure. They were 18 - (10/03/12) 19 - (09/03/12) 24 also all very violent demonstrating that this satisfaction could only be obtained through violence. Nevertheless, the Vampire of Dusseldorf didn’t only enjoy sexual murder but was also an arsonist. "I committed my acts of arson for the same reasons — sadistic propensity. I got pleasure from the glow of the fire, the cries for help."20 Kurten was fully aware of what he was doing during all of his murders, which clearly demonstrates his cruelty and cold-blooded character. He was a pure psychopath who didn’t regret any of his acts and who put his own (sexual) pleasure and satisfaction before everything else including other people’s sufferance. He knew he wasn’t a vampire and knew he could live without killing and drinking blood, whereas Joshua Rudiger was a schizophrenic with a severe psychosis. Peter Kurten doesn’t really fit the definition of a clinical vampire, he was called so because he drank the blood of his victims but it was more of a choice in addition to everything else he did to them (rape, stabbing...). Rudiger’s murders were sloppy and he didn’t target his victims. If most of his victims were homeless people, it is because they were easy targets, the first thing he saw and, in his delusion, attacked. Although, Kurten and Rudiger were both called vampires, they are very different from each other. One is calmer and prepares his murders carefully, whereas the other one suffers from a mental disease and kills because he believes he is a vampire. 2. 2. 3. Lycanthropy Clinical lycanthropy is a psychosis often diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenia or pseudo-neurotic schizophrenia, where the patient believes being a wild animal, usually a werewolf but also a snake, an elephant, a lion, etc. The delusion presents itself in episodes of minutes or hours during which the patients believe they metamorphosed into a wild animal and they act as one. During this period they can be a serious threat to others. External witnesses see these patients growl, bark, etc. Sometimes sexuality is expressed throughout this syndrome. Sometimes alcohol can be involved and some individuals suffering from lycanthropy suffer from epilepsy as well. These delusions of being an animal are rare in industrialised countries but are not an exception in 20 - (10/03/12). 25 countries like China, India and continents like Africa or South America. Lycanthropy is rare but exists. In most cases, the patients are diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia sometimes boosted with drugs or alcohol. But in some cases it seems that the patient is suffering from a psychotic depression, which is why some psychiatrists believe lycanthropy is a temporary relief/escape from a (sexual) conflict that the patient is undergoing in life. 2. 3. Comparative Conclusion We now know that a serial killer is a person who kills with no apparent motive at least two times in a row. Some of them are diagnosed as mentally ill and some as psychopathic, which doesn't mean that all psychopaths are or will become serial murderers. It doesn’t mean either that mentally ill people are more likely to kill than any other person. However psychotic people can be a danger to themselves or the society itself. Suffering from a severe delusion, they can believe they must kill a certain kind of people in order to survive, etc. Psychotic killers most often happen to be schizophrenics. Psychopathic serial murderers are the complete opposite of psychotic serial murderers. They are organised, fully aware of what they are doing. They target their victims and tend to choose the same type. Unlike mentally ill killers who usually kill because they feel threatened, psychopaths enjoy the whole process of kidnapping, torturing and killing. Their motivation is power, amusement or sexual satisfaction. Some see the murder as an opportunity to express the desires they don't dare to show on public. Edmund Kemper admitted that he felt very uncomfortable in front of women and only went on one date. He targeted young women who he raped and strangled because it was the only moment when he didn't have to hide his sexual desires. The murder usually makes psychopaths feel better, especially those who feel frustrated in their everyday life. The power the killer can have over his victim makes him feel better and relieves the frustration. Once the victim is dead, the subject feels a need to relive the experience through another victim and starts over. Psychopaths dehumanise their victims. Unlike psychotic killers they feel no fear, no guilt. Many psychopathic serial killers claimed having a difficult childhood. They witnessed child abuse – sexual or physical, prostitution or violence. Some grew up in an alcoholic family but not all of them. Their childhood is very often somehow present in their murders. Ed Kemper had a difficult relationship with 26 his mother – all of his victims were women and he ended up killing his mother as well. Gary Wayne Gacy21 had a physically abusive father and all of his victims were men. Some psychotic serial killers had a difficult childhood as well. On top of that, it is believed that mental illnesses like schizophrenia are developed due to genes and environment. Psychopathy is a mental disorder that doesn't necessarily lead to serial murder but makes it easy to kill. Some psychopaths can become violent – depending on their childhood background, their happiness, their quality of life. Nevertheless, every case of serial murder is very specific and personal, which makes it difficult to talk about serial murder in general. What psychotic and psychopathic serial killers have in common are a difficult childhood and a genetic prognosis to murder. In my opinion, it is the interaction between the two that creates a killer. Their motives, on the other hand, are completely different. Psychotic killers are motivated by some delusion that makes them feel threatened or makes them believe they have a special mission to accomplish, etc. Psychopaths, on the other hand, kill for their own pleasure and enjoy every second of their murders. They are also very organised unlike mentally ill killers who don't target their victims. Overall, psychopaths and psychotics share some characteristics in murder but their motivation and technique of process is completely different. 21 - American serial killer convicted of the murder and rape of 33 men from 1972 to 1978 27 3. Female Serial Killer Female serial murder is less common and less known compared to male serial murder. There are indeed more male serial murderers than female. Men tend to be more violent and many of them kill for the pleasure of being in power or for the sexual thrill. Women’s motivations are more personal and their victims are often somehow connected to the killer by family or by friendship, for example. Men’s motivations for a kill are most often personal pleasure, whereas women most often kill for money. They share some motivations however: control, enjoyment, sex, drugs and cult involvement. 3.1. Kelleher and Kelleher Typology The phenomenon of female serial murder remains a mystery to scientists. According to the Kelleher and Kelleher’s typology, there are nine types of female serial killers: • Angel of Death The victims are in the killer’s medical care, either at hospital or at home. She decides to relieve their pain and ‘let them go’. These killers often happen to be nurses. • Black Widow This is the most common type of serial murder among females. They systematically kill their partners, close family friends or children, other family members, etc. • Sexual Predator This is the rarest type of female serial kill. There has been only one case of sexual predator so far, or at least only one the police are aware of – Aileen Wuornos. She was a prostitute who murdered seven men in Florida. These women kill for pleasure and personal satisfaction. 28 • Avenger These killers kill for satisfaction as well. They do not seek for attention. They target people who have somehow offended them in the past and take revenge by killing them. Revenge murders happen only occasionally because the killer usually kills only once. That makes it more difficult for the police to target the killer. • Partner in Crime A female can become a man’s partner in crime. Usually, the male dominates the female. She might help targeting the victim, bringing the victim home, etc. • Profit or Crime These killers are seen as the most intelligent and resourceful. They set up operation to cheat their victims from their money or life. • Question of Sanity Sometimes female serial killers suffer from paranoia, delusions or schizophrenia. They can hear voices or have hallucinations just like male serial killers in which case they cannot make the difference between right and wrong while killing. • Unexplained Unexplained murders are those committed by a woman randomly with no apparent reason or chronology and logic. The motives usually remain inexplicable. • Unsolved There are some murders or crimes that are still unsolved but believed to be done by a woman. 29 3. 2. Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome Definition The term comes from the exaggerated stories of the Baron von Munchausen who lied about his unlikely adventures such as going onto the moon or being kidnapped by UFOs. This syndrome concerns female mainly, especially mothers who deliberately induce the child‘s illness so that they can get medical but also personal attention. The mother denies any knowledge of the illness’s origins. In some cases, the mother kills her child to get more attention and affection from her environment. This can happen repeatedly until the woman dies or is arrested. This type of serial murder can also be associated with Black Widows because a member of the family is killed in order to get more attention and sympathy. Mary Beth Tinning Mary Beth Tinning started killing after her first child’s natural death when she noticed how much attention she received from her family and friends. After that, she got into killing all of her eight children to receive more attention and sympathy. Fig. 7: Marybeth Tinning 22 As a child Tinning tried to kill herself multiple times while having an average life, being an average student. In 1965 she met her husband and they got married. 22 - (09/04/12) 30 After six years of marriage, the couple had two children – Barbara and Joseph. When their third child Jennifer was born, she got sick and died at the hospital after eight days. Her death is presumed as natural – though we will never know what really happened. Because of the attention she received after her child's death, she killed her second daughter Barbara and two years later her son Timothy. After seventeen years she managed to give birth and death to nine of her children, one of them adoptive. Doctors presumed her children had a genetic disease which is why they all died. However, after her ninth child's death, the deaths were finally reanalysed. As most babies were blue when they arrived at hospital and died suddenly, their death could not have been natural but homicidal. Babies with genetic disease die slowly. On top of that, one of her children was adopted so there was no chance there was a genetic illness that could have killed the babies. The mother was brought to the police station where she first denied but then confessed the murders. She was described as a sympathy junkie with the Munchausen syndrome by Proxy. 3. 3. Comparative conclusion Female serial killers’ motivation is more personal compared to male murder. It is also less violent. Females represent motherhood and love and affection in our society. They are less violent and it is hard to imagine a woman serial killer. Nevertheless, they do exist. Their motives are more personal. Except for sexual predators and mentally ill females, which are both very rare, the killer always knows her victim. Black widows and women with Munchausen by proxy syndrome kill in order to get pity and attention from the others. Avengers, angels of death, and those who kill for profit, kill for satisfaction like men. Women often target weak and sick people like children, old people, etc. probably because they are not as strong as men. For most certainly the same reason, they often choose poison to kill – less aggressive, silent and precise. There is only one case of a sexual female predator, Aileen Wuornos, and this woman is the only one known to have a difficult childhood. She had an abusive father. Later she became a prostitute and killed her clients. Women mostly kill to get attention maybe because they didn't get enough as children. Some women target abusive spouses or fathers and kill them in exchange of money from their wives. The field of female serial murder is still a mystery to scientists. They are very unusual compared to male serial murder. 31 They are also less common, which makes the research in this field difficult. We don't know a lot about female serial killers yet, so it is hard to talk about them and to compare them to men. 32 4. Other Factors 4.1. Presence in the world According to the statistics, serial murder most often happens in the US – that is about 85%. Some claim that the statistics are not reliable because the research on serial murder in the USA is more sophisticated and developed than in other countries and continents. Their program to catch serial killers has been working for a longer period of time than in any other countries. Especially in countries like Russia or Kongo, the police devices and resources to catch criminals are very limited. On top of that, recognising a serial killer in a country where a revolution is taking place is very difficult because of the number of casualties. The war or terrorist attacks also make the investigation difficult. Some killers are able to travel from one country to another and commit murders wherever they go. The absence of any mutual program or database for this type of killer in Europe helps the killer to go unnoticed because the police never find out the link between the different murders that took place in different locations. 4.2. Media, Celebrity and their influence on serial murder Popularisation of the serial murder phenomenon has not helped with its limitation. A significant number of movies, series and books have been published over the years where the serial murderer is seen under a different angle. They seem to be powerful, incredibly intelligent and the police are helpless against them. In a film called Zodiac, telling the story of this famous serial killer who has never been caught, the killer seems to be so smart that we wish – just for a moment – we were as smart as he is. That is not the only movie which popularised the phenomenon of serial murder and woke up a fascination, an obsession in us. Terrifying but fascinating though. Although, most people are satisfied with only watching the movies, others – most likely psychopaths with a criminal past – want to become the object of fascination. They become intrigued. They want themselves to be part of this. But these movies are only a work of fiction inspired by true stories. The script writer never truly studied the subject. On top of that, as someone who’s promoting the movie, he tries to show the killer as interesting and as serious as he possibly can. Consequently, many people are attracted by this subject and some might as well want to resemble – as much as possible – a certain serial killer, by imitating him, hoping that one day they’ll become as famous as he is. 33 The serial killer BTK aka Dennis Rader admitted he was an active reader of books about serial killers and that they were a source of inspiration to him. In fact, we know that some serial killers love to be talked about. They feel like celebrities. They contact the police or the media. They get angry if we don't talk about them. They want to show off. They will propose to help searching for the kidnapped victim in order to hear other people talk about them. Psychopaths are well-known for being self-obsessed and arrogant. They like playing with the investigators, sending them letters sometimes written with their victims' blood – like Jack the Ripper23 – to see their reaction. They know it would be more sensible to stay away but they just can't. They want to prove everybody how smart they are and that no one can catch them. Power is one thing that attracts psychopathic serial killers. It can be the power they have over their victim or over the police who can’t catch them. This feeling of being in power satisfies them. Some serial killers enjoy their ‘popularity’ even more when they get arrested and go to court because it is a perfect place for showing off. Some appeal multiple times just to extend the time they are being talked about. There have been studies trying to find out if there is a link between serial murder and media but nothing has been proved yet. Of course, it wouldn’t be the major cause of serial murder but it is a subject that is worth studying. Copycat A copycat is one who closely mimics or tries to act as someone else. In criminology, copycat describes a person who copies another serial killer’s behaviour and crimes. For example, between 1990 and 1994, a Zodiac copycat appeared in the city of NY claiming to be the Zodiac and sending letters to the police. He killed three people and wounded four. Heriberto Seda was arrested in 1996 for being responsible for these murders. Impressionable individuals with antisocial personality – often with previous criminal records – can easily get attracted to serial murder through media and then start copying and killing. In this case, the murderer can appear as an idol to the copycat. 23 - To read one of Jack the Ripperʼs letter, see appendix p. 41 34 4. 3. Brain Damage Some doctors claim that some serial killers have brain injuries. Henry Lee Lucas, who was judged of eleven murders, also had serious brain damage in the area of the frontal lobe, probably due to childhood abuse. Whether it was a cause of his killings or not is hard to tell. Lucas was abused as a child like many other serial killers. Frontal Lobe is mainly responsible for self-control and judgement. This part of brain stops us from being violent or offensive. This lobe has evolved together with humanity from an animal to human. People with damaged frontal lobe tend to struggle with controlling their aggressiveness. Nevertheless, 46% of serial killers have no brain damage. Other studies have raised the question of maladjusted brain chemistry like in schizophrenia. Of course, these studies on serial murderers are still on-going. 35 Conclusion While working on my TFH, I have learned a lot about serial killers. I have tried to include every potential influence on the emergence of serial murder in my work. I concentrated my work on the killers’ childhood and murders to try to find a link between the two so that I could answer my question: does education form serial killers? Even now, I still can’t answer the question with a simple yes or no. There is a multitude of factors that creates a serial killer. First of all, our personality is defined by thousands of millions of genes meaning we are all different. These genes define our personality traits, which does not mean that some people are born to kill but they might have been born with genes that have the predisposition of killing more easily — like psychopathy. With no conscience and emotions, it is easy to kill. Some believe that damaged brain or maladjusted brain chemistry is responsible for violent behaviours including serial murder. Some serial killers had severe brain damage in the frontal lobe but many didn’t. Nevertheless, the influence of our culture and our education is also important in our evolution, especially during childhood, when the child learns about emotions and social patterns like love, how to act towards other people, how to talk to different people, etc. If these patterns are not learned correctly, the individual will grow up respecting values different from ours and may have problems integrating into the social structure. Being unable to interact with people normally, he may become frustrated and feel left-out. Frustration is a great motive for a serial killer to start to kill. It is an opportunity to let himself go and do whatever he wants, to act as it seems natural to him (due to his childhood education). However, frustration itself is not going to create a killer. More often, an individual with antisocial personality and lacking emotions becomes a serial killer – killing either for financial profit or personal(sexual). In the second case, this killer has most likely had a difficult childhood, growing up in an abusive family meaning his education is different from ours. Our education – the culture we are surrounded by, especially during childhood – can affect our thoughts but does not control our actions. Unlike in the case of psychotic serial killers, psychopaths are perfectly capable to control their actions. Psychotic serial killers are living in a delusion that has nothing to do with our reality. Their reactions are affected by their illness, by their DNA. Their thoughts are not clear. We can't say that they act according to their education or the 36 social patterns they learned because during the murder they are in a different reality where these rules might not apply. Their crime scenes are also very unorganised and chaotic which proves that the murder was not prepared in advance. Whereas, psychopathic serial killers’ crime scenes are always neat. Most of the times, the murder was planned and the victim chosen as it was the case with Albert Fish. Psychopathic serial killers tend to commit the same kind of murder all over again which leads me to the conclusion that they must enjoy it. There is not one single factor that influences the development of violent behaviour like serial killing but rather a multitude of biological, social and environmental factors that forms human beings including serial killers. They don't belong to any specific type of population according to their sex, age, race or religion. Though many sexually motivated serial killers witnessed sexual violence as children or had an education different from ours, it does not oblige them to kill. The killing is always their decision. They kill because they want to unless they are suffering from a mental illness. Nevertheless, the serial killer phenomenon remains a mystery. Recently, some have questioned the importance of brain damage in serial murder. Cases of extreme violence after a frontal lobe injury have been reported many times – not always related to serial murder. Certainly, more research needs to be done but if the cause of serial murder is, in some cases, a brain injury, will it be possible to heal it one day? There are still many aspects in serial murder that need to be studied and verified. Maybe one day we will be able to understand these individuals better and we will be capable to explain their desires. 37 Appendix Hare Psychopathy Checklist - Revised24 24 - (09/04/12) 38 Fish’s letter to the family25 My Dear Mrs. Budd, In 1894 a friend of mine shipped as a deck hand on the Steamer Tacoma, Capt. John Davis. They sailed from San Francisco for Hong Kong China. On arriving there he and two others went ashore and got drunk. When they returned the boat was gone. At that time there was a famine in China. Meat of any kind was from $1-3 Dollars a pound. So great was the suffering among the very poor that all children under 12 were sold to the Butchers to be cut up and used for food in order to keep others from starving. A boy or girl under 14 was not safe in the street. You could go in any shop and ask for steak-chops-or stew meat. Part of the naked body of a boy or a girl would be brought out and just what you wanted cut from it. A boy or girls behind which is the sweetest part of the body and sold as veal cutlet brought the highest price. John staid there so long he acquired a taste for human flesh. On his return to N.Y. he stole two boys one 7 one 11. Took them to his home stripped them naked tied them in a closet. Then burned everything they had on. Several times every day and night he spanked them-tortured them-to make their meat good and tender. First he killed the 11 yr old boy, because he had the fattest ass and of course the most meat on it. Every part of his body was Cooked and eaten except head-bones and guts. He was Roasted in the oven (all of his ass), boiled, broiled, fried, stewed. The little boy was next, went the same way. At that time, I was living at 409 E 100 st., near-right side. He told me so often how good Human flesh was I made up my mind to taste it. On Sunday June the 3-1928 I called on you at 406 W 15 St. Brought you pot cheese- strawberries. We had lunch. Grace sat in my lap and kissed me. I made up my mind to eat her. On the pretense of taking her to a party. You said Yes she could go. I took her to an empty house in Westchester I had already picked out. When we got there,I told her to remain outside. She picked wildflowers. I went upstairs and stripped all my clothes off. I knew if I did not I would get her blood on them. When all was ready I went to the window and Called her. Then I hid in a closet until she was in the room. When she saw me all naked she began to cry and tried to run downstairs. I grabbed her and she said she would tell her mamma. First I stripped her naked. How she did kick-bite and scratch. I choked her to death, then cut her in small pieces so I could take my meat to my rooms, Cook and eat it. How sweet and 25 - (09/04/12) 39 tender her little ass was roasted in the oven. It took me 9 days to eat her entire body. I did not fuck her tho I could of had I wished. She died a virgin. An example of auditory hallucination in schizophrenia26 26 - MC KENNA, P.J., Schizophrenia and related syndromes, Guildford Kingʼs Lynn, Great Britain, 1997 40 One of Jack the Ripper’s letters sent to the police27 Dear Boss I keep on hearing the police have caught me but they wont fix me just yet. I have laughed when they look so clever and talk about being on the right track. That joke about Leather Apron gave me real fits. I am down on whores and I shant quit ripping them till I do get buckled. Grand work the last job was. I gave the lady no time to squeal. How can they catch me now. I love my work and want to start again. You will soon hear of me with my funny little games. I saved some of the proper red stuff in a ginger beer bottle over the last job to write with but it went thick like glue and I cant use it. Red ink is fit enough I hope ha. ha. The next job I do I shall clip the ladys ears off and send to the police officers just for jolly wouldn’t you. Keep this letter back till I do a bit more work, then give it out straight. My knife’s so nice and sharp I want to get to work right away if I get a chance. Good luck. Yours truly Jack the Ripper 27 - Behavioral Analysis Unit-2, National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime, Critical Incident Response Group, Federal Bureau of Investigation Editors: Robert J. Morton 41 Bibliography In order to complete some parts of my work I have interviewed criminology professor Dantinne and doctor Papart whose answers helped me to better understand certain topics in serial murder. 1. BOOKS BOURGOIN, Stéphane, Serial Killer, Grasset, Paris, 1999 DAY, Deborah, (edited by Teresa F. Parnell), Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome, Sage Publication, USA, 1998 HARE, R. D., FORTH, A. E., & STRACHAN, K. E., Psychopathy and Crime Across the Life Span, USA, 1992 MC KENNA, P.J., Schizophrenia and related syndromes, Guildford King’s Lynn, Great Britain, 1997 NATHAN, Laetitia, Planète Serial Killer, la manufacture de livres, Paris, 2010 NEGRIER - DORMONT, Lygia, Tueurs en série, Flammarion, Paris, 2001 2. ARTICLES DEPARTMEN OF JUSTICE, Federal Bureau of Investigation Serial Murder, Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives for Investigators, U.S., September, 2005 ROSTENSTOCK, Harvey, (edited: M.D. and Kenneth R. Vincent), The American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 134, No. 10., U.S., October, 1977 3. INTERNET (12/02/12) (26/02/12) (10/03/12) (03/03/12) (03/03/12) (04/03/12) (03/03/12) (05/03/12) (09/04/12) (13/04/12) 42 43
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