IODP Proposal Cover Sheet 849 - Apl Indian Peninsula Paleoclimate Title Proponents Keywords The monsoon and pre-monsoon climate of the Indian Peninsula since the Paleocene L. Giosan, S. Clemens, P. Clift, T. Collett, T. Eglinton, J. Flores-Villarejo, A. Gupta, E. Hathorne, T. Irino, J. Johnson, D. Naidu, D. Pandey, A. Singh, R. Singh, Monsooon, Paleoclimate, Paleoceanography, Erosion, Weathering Area Arabian Sea Contact Information Contact Person: Department: Organization: Address: Tel.: E-mail: Liviu Giosan Geology and Geophysics Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Fax: Abstract Scientific ocean drilling (DSDP, ODP, IODP) has never studied the proximal core regions of summer monsoon precipitation on peninsular India located south of the Himalayas. Our target is a uniquely continuous sedimentary sequence in the Kerala-Konkan Basin on the western Indian continental margin located offshore from the orographically-controlled high precipitation band of the Western Ghats Range. With India’s partnership in IODP, this region is now accessible. We aim to provide the first Cenozoic climate record with orbital resolution for peninsular India for monsoon and pre-monsoon climate. The proposed site, located on a bathymetric high immediately northward of the Chagos-Laccadive Ridge, was previously drilled by the Indian National Gas Hydrate Expedition 01 (Site NGHP-01 1A) and has yielded a continuous sequence of hydrate-free and turbidite-free, pelagic foraminifera-rich sediments extending into the upper Eocene. However, the NGHP-01-1A cores are not appropriate for paleoceanographic studies due to single hole recovery and full-core sampling for NGHP objectives. We propose to use this unique opportunity to fill this geographic/scientific gap by reconstructing monsoon-related temperature, precipitation/salinity and ocean circulation signals in marine and terrestrial biogenic components as well as the provenance, weathering, and run-off signals in terrigenous detrital sedimentary components. Our main objective is to understand the physical mechanisms underlying changes in monsoonal climate and paleoceanography. Based on sedimentation rates and seismics we also aim to extend recovery into the Paleocene to recover the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. Recovery of a pre-monsoonal Oligocene to Paleocene section is particularly important because a well-dated sequence of this age has never been recovered in the northern Indian Ocean and is critical for understanding climate-tectonic interactions in the region. These goals directly address challenges in the ‘Climate and Ocean Change’ theme of the IODP Science Plan. Our APL is complementary to the following proposals: iMonsoon (795Full2), 549-Full6 (Pakistani margin OMZ); 595-Full (Indus Fan/Murray Ridge); 793-CPP2 (distal Indus Fan), 820-Pre (Maldives coral based monsoon reconstruction), 818APL (Indian margin OMZ), 552-Full3 (Bengal Fan), and 823-Full (Bengal Bay monsoon). Page 1 of 2 generated: Wed Oct 9 00:04:38 2013 by if340_pdf / 2007 - 2013 (user 0.3992) 849 - Apl Scientific Objectives We propose to recover a Paleocene through Holocene sedimentary sequence within the proximal core region of summer monsoon precipitation located along the western continental margin of India. We will reconstruct the pre-monsoonal and monsoonal salinity record as well as the erosion, weathering and run-off signals in the Eastern Arabian Sea. Our objectives are (1) to detect the onset, intensification phases and the complete Cenozoic evolution of the Indian monsoon at a location free of any direct influence from the glaciated Himalaya and Tibet; (2) to establish the sensitivity and timing of changes in monsoon circulation relative to external insolation forcing and internal boundary conditions; (3) to deconvolve the effects of tectonics and pre-monsoonal/monsoonal climate change on erosion, weathering, and run-off; and (4) to determine for the first time the expression of the Paleogene-Eocene Thermal Maximum in a foraminifera-rich pelagic setting in the northern Indian Ocean. Resolving these outstanding issues using the geological record is also critical to providing verification targets for climate models. Non-standard measurements technology needed to achieve the proposed scientific objectives. Proposed Sites Site Name KK-03A Position (Lat, Lon) 15.3061, 70.9032 Water Depth (m) 2674 Penetration (m) Sed 400 Bsm Total 0 Brief Site-specific Objectives 400 Priority 1: Reconstruction of oceanic and terrestrial monsoonal paleoclimate in the Arabian Sea and Indian Peninsula since Oligocene Priority 2: Reconstruction of oceanic and terrestrial pre-monsoonal paleoclimate in the Arabian Sea and Indian Peninsula in Eocene and upper Paleocene Page 2 of 2 generated: Wed Oct 9 00:04:38 2013 by if340_pdf / 2007 - 2013 (user 0.3992) The monsoon and pre-monsoon climate of the Indian Peninsula since the Paleocene Background and Justification The impetus for this APL, which targets a continuous sedimentary sequence in the KeralaKonkan Basin on the western Indian continental margin, comes from the opportunity to extend our records for monsoon and pre-monsoon climate in the eastern Arabian Sea and peninsular India into the Eocene and possibly the Paleocene. We propose to redrill Site NGHP-01 1A (proposed site KK03; Fig. 1a) [Collett et al., 2008] that was recently explored for its gas hydrate potential by the Indian National Gas Hydrate Expedition (NGHP) 01. The site is located on a bathymetric high immediately northward of the Chagos-Laccadive Ridge and has yielded a continuous sequence of hydrate-free and turbidite-free, pelagic foraminifera-rich sediments into the upper Eocene (Fig. 2). Preliminary data shows that a continuous paleoclimate record at orbital time scales can be recovered at this site by studying marine proxies and terrestrial materials originating from the nonglaciated part of the Indian subcontinent. Fig. 1. (a) upper panel: location of proposed Site KK relative to other IODP proposed in the region. (b) lower panel: location of proposed Site KK relative to the precipitation patterns during summer over monsoonal Asia (in mm/day; Liu et al., 2005). Similarly located sites (KK1&KK2) were originally part of the iMonsoon (795) drilling proposal. The PEP argued that due to “the oceanographic complexities within the Bay of 1 Bengal, and the long transit time from the Bay of Bengal to the Arabian Sea” the iMonsoon should focus on the Bay of Bengal. The imminent presence of JOIDES Resolution in the Arabian Sea for drilling sites on the Indus Fan (793CPP2) and the submission of 819APL for studying the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) makes our APL timely. Our site is located within 150 nautical miles from sites of either proposed expeditions. 1A Ti/Ca 2674 m 0 Pleistocene Pliocene 100 200 mbsf Oligocene 0.1 10 Fig. 2 50 100 Miocene ~32 M a 0.001 0 Relatively stable fluxes: relatively stable climatic regimes 150 Dissolutionevent: Miocene carbonate crash 200 Increasing detrital flux: under climatic forcing 250 Simplified lithology log and a proxy for terrigenous flux (scanning XRF Ti/Ca) for Site 1A (proposed Site KK) in the Arabian Sea (2674 m water depth; drilled to 290 mbsf; with the bottom age of ~32Ma) 300 Ti/Ca: fluxes of Ti of detrital origin and Ca of biogenic origin; dissolution events also detectable. Note logarithmic scale. A solid understanding of the physics behind the monsoons is of high societal relevance [IPCC, 2007]. Of particular relevance for our APL is the lack of consensus regarding the onset or intensification of the Indian monsoon (e.g., Allen and Armstrong, 2012). Some proxy records suggest that the initial intensification occurred at ~7 to 8 Ma (e.g., [Kroon et al., 1991; Prell et al., 1992]), whereas others suggest a considerably earlier onset, as early as ~22 Ma [Clift et al., 2008; Guo et al., 2002] or even during the Oligocene [Srivastava et al., 2013]. Alternatively, the events at ~8 Ma were linked to global cooling [Gupta et al., 2004] or coupled to productivity chnages [Filippelli, 1997]. Similarly, little consensus exists on the ultimate forcing of monsoon winds and precipitation at orbital time scales [e.g., An et al., 2011; Clemens et al., 2010; Ruddiman, 2006]. Detailed long-term monsoon records over the Indian peninsula, south of the Himalayas, are practically non-existent, although this is the area where humans are most affected by its vagaries. Site KK03 has been chosen to provide a detailed record of monsoon evolution since its inception for testing outstanding issues of the large-scale monsoonal circulation. Furthermore, sedimentation rates at the site coupled with seismics suggest that the paleoclimatic record can be extended into the Paleocene. This will enable the recovery of a unique northern Indian Ocean Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) event record in 2 a foraminifera-rich setting. Finally, acquisition of a climate record into the Paleocene (i.e., before the earliest widely accepted date for the India-Asia collision) will be central to testing models linking the climatic evolution of South Asia to the development of Himalaya. Drilling/Logging Objectives and Expected Results Western India has a well-defined Cretaceous escarpment, the Western Ghats, which runs parallel to the coast (Fig. 1a) at an average height of 1200 m. Monsoonal rains fall preferentially between the coast and the Ghats (Fig. 1b) under an orographic influence (Xie et al., 2006). As such, our coastal Arabian Sea Site KK03 is fed by low-salinity summer monsoon waters directly from short high discharge Ghats rivers and from the Bay of Bengal coming around the southern tip of India in winter [Jensen, 2001]. Drilling in the KK Basin during the Indian NGHP has provided a 290 m long record of the upper sedimentary sequence at Site NGHP-01-01-A (Fig. 2). The sequence recovered is dominated by calcareous oozes [Collett et al., 2008]. Core recovery was very good and the quality of cores are outstanding even in the XCB coring interval, with weak biscuiting occurring only in the lithified chalk at the base of the hole. The current age model uses 28 nannofossil datums [Flores et al., 2008] showing that sedimentation was continuous since 32 Ma. Although large sections utilized for gas hydrate studies at Site 1A prevents attempts to improve the age model via cyclostratigraphy, prospects are high because XRF scanning shows clear orbital cyclicity (Fig. 3) [Giosan et al., in prep.]. Although initially thought to have potential for gas hydrate, the data collected at Site NGHP-01 show no evidence of or proxies for gas hydrate (Collett et al., 2008), thus the proposed redrilling should result in good recovery and be ideal for paleoclimate reconstructions. Fig. 3 Examples of color cyclicity at Site 1A representing variable terrigenous vs. carbonate contributions as indicated by high resolution Ti/Ca XRF scanning data. 3 The proposed drilling at Site KK03 is designed to take advantage of the monsoonal control on the precipitation, ocean circulation, and sediment delivery by reconstructing the precipitation/salinity on the western coast of India as well as erosion and run-off from the Western Ghats. Preliminary data on the NGHP01-1A sediments [Johnson et al., 2009; Giosan et al., in prep.] suggest that good salinity and terrestrial signals are recorded by organic biomarkers as well as by surface dwelling foraminifera. There is a clear opportunity for development of orbital chronologies into the Oligocene (and possibly even the Paleocene), thus complementing and enhancing the results from fan settings targeted in Proposals 552 and 793 (but which will reconstruct Himalayan erosion and weathering, not monsoon strength), as well as providing zonal contrast to iMonsoon (795) sites in the Bay of Bengal. On the basis of NGHP Site 01A results, our Site KK03 targets the top 400m of section (2674 m water depth). This will be accomplished with triple APC and half APC to refusal followed by triple XCB to 300 m (i.e., the top of the Eocene) and double XCB from 300 to 400m (i.e., Eocene-Oligocene). Based on the sedimentation rates between 32 and 25 Ma, we anticipate recovery spanning the past ~60 m.y. with the same lithologies as at Site 01-A. Logging is proposed for one of the longer holes to 400m (neutron density, litho-density, NGR, Resistivity, acoustics, magnetic susceptibility and FMS). Including 1.5 days of logging, this will require 7.5 days on site (less than 15% of a 60 days expedition). A rapid version with elimination of logging and double APC to 400m would keep the time at ~3days. Recovery of an Oligocene to Paleocene section is particularly important because a well-dated sequence of this age has never been recovered in the northern Indian Ocean and is critical for climatetectonic science objectives. Potential Risks The site benefits from the experience of the Indian NGHP [Collett et al., 2008]. NGHP recovered sediments that are not optimal for paleoclimate work because large sections of core were used for hydrate studies and because of the single-hole approach, precluding construction of continuous composite sections, a fundamental basis of all paleoceanographic research. However, the NGHP has demonstrated that Site KK03 can be safely drilled with the JOIDES Resolution and that paleoclimate records can be derived from the extant lithologies. From a safety standpoint, NGHP Site 01 (at our Site KK03) showed no evidence of, or proxies for, gas hydrate or significant amounts of free gas. 4 Analysis and Interpretation of Expected Results We anticipate the generation of complete composite sections from triple coring at least as far back as the Eocene. Microfossil, paleomagnetic datums and highly resolved benthic δ18O records will provide the age control (including astronomical). Salinity is expected to be reconstructed from surface foraminifera, various combinations of sea surface temperature (SST from foraminiferal Mg/Ca, alkenone UK37’, or archaeal lipid-based TEX86), planktonic δ18O, and sea level reconstructions to derive δ18O of seawater (δ18Osw) as well as via organic biomarkers such as δD of alkenones. Compound-specific leaf-wax D/H (δDwax) will be used as a proxy for the D/H of precipitation (δDppt) while the carbon isotopic composition of terrestrial plant biomass will be used to reconstruct past changes in the balance of C3 vs. aridadapted C4 type flora. Analysis of both leaf-wax δD and δ13C will be used to distinguish between changes in moisture source and/or availability. The Sr-Nd isotope composition of the silicate fraction, coupled with bulk sediment major and trace element analysis, will provide information on provenance, weathering and run-off. The influence of the Deccan and Indian craton, with vastly different radiogenic signatures is important in detecting oceanic circulation patterns at our site, specifically whether it is dominantly from the north or south. The narrow west Indian margin is an excellent environment for elemental XRF scanning and mineralogical analysis of terrigenous sediments in order to constrain chemical weathering, as well as provenance changes. XRF scanning work on NGHP01-1A cores show clear variability of terrigenous elements on orbital time scales (Fig. 3) [Giosan et al., in prep.]. Relationship With Existing Proposals In addition to iMonsoon (795Full2), our APL is complementary to the following proposals (Fig. 1a): 549-Full6 (Pakistani margin OMZ); 595-Full (Indus Fan/Murray Ridge); 793-CPP2 (distal Indus Fan), 820-Pre (Maldives coral based monsoon reconstruction), 818APL (Indian margin OMZ), 552-Full3 (Bengal Fan), and 823-Full (Bengal Bay monsoon). Our APL will provide the longest pelagic-derived monsoon and pre-monsoon record, extending into the Paleocene, and allow for a better parsing of the relative effects of tectonics and climate on weathering and erosion in a core region of the Indian monsoon. Site Survey Status We believe site KK03 is sufficiently well characterized on the basis of existing well data and seismic grid density to justify redrilling. It-is located at the same location as the already drilled NGHP01-1A on a seismic line, but not on a crossing line. 5 References Allen, M.B. and Armstrong, H.A. (2012), Reconciling the Intertropical Convergence Zone, Himalayan/Tibetan tectonics, and the onset of the Asian monsoon system, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 44: 36-47, 10.1016/j.jseaes.2011.04.018 An Zhisheng; Clemens, Steven C.; Shen, Ji; et al. (2011), Glacial-Interglacial Indian Summer Monsoon Dynamics, Science, 333, 10.1126/science.1203752 Clemens, Steven C.; Prell, Warren L.; Sun, Youbin (2010), Orbital-scale timing and mechanisms driving Late Pleistocene Indo-Asian summer monsoons: Reinterpreting cave speleothem delta O-18, Paleoceanography, 25, 10.1029/2010PA001926 Clift, P. D., et al. (2008), Correlation of Himalayan exhumation rates and Asian monsoon intensity, Nature Geoscience, 1(12), 875-880, 10.1038/ngeo351 Collett, T. S., et al. (2008), Indian National Gas Hydrate Program, Expedition 01 Initial Reports, Directorate General of Hydrocarbons, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (India), New Delhi. Filippelli, G., 1997, Intensification of the Asian monsoon and a chemical weathering event in the late Miocene early Pliocene: Implications for late Neogene climate change, Geology, 25, 10.1130/0091-7613(1997)025<0027:IOTAMA>2.3.CO;2 Flores, J.-A., et al. (2008), Calcareous Nannofossil Biostratigraphy from Sediment Cores Recovered in the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, and Andaman Sea during NGHP Expedition 01, paper presented at International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Noida, India. Giosan, L., et al. (in prep.), Chemostratigraphy of continental margin sediments around India from XRF scanning of NGHP-01 cores, Journal of Marine and Petroleum Geology, Special NGHP Issue, 2014. Guo, Z. T., et al. (2002), Onset of Asian desertification by 22 Myr ago inferrred from loess deposits in China, Nature, 416, 159-163, Gupta, AK; Singh, RK; Joseph, S; et al. (2004), Indian Ocean high-productivity event (10-8 Ma): Linked to global cooling or to the initiation of the Indian monsoons? Geology, 32, 10.1130/G20662.1 6 IPCC (2007), IPCC climate change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, edited by M. L. Parry, et al., pp. 315-357, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Jensen, T. G. (2003), Cross-equatorial pathways of salt and tracers from the northern Indian Ocean: Modelling results, Deep-Sea Research Part Ii-Topical Studies in Oceanography, 50(12-13), 2111-2127, 10.1016/s0967-0645(03)00048-1 Johnson, J. E., et al. (2009), Long-term variability of carbon and nitrogen in the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea: Results from NGHP Expedition 1., Eos Trans. AGU Fall Meet. Suppl.,, 90(5), OS44A-40, Kroon, D., et al. (1991), Onset of monsoonal related upwelling in the western Arabian Sea as revealed by planktonic foraminifers, in Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, edited by W. L. Prell and N. Niitsuma, pp. 257-264, Ocean Drilling Program, College Station, Texas. Prell, W. L., et al. (1992), Evolution and variability of the Indian Ocean summer monsoon: Evidence from the western Arabian Sea Drilling Program, in Synthesis of results from scientific drilling in the Indian Ocean, edited by R. A. Duncan, et al., pp. 447-469, AGU, Washington DC. Ruddiman, W. F. (2006), What is the timing of orbital-scale monsoon changes?, Quaternary Science Reviews, 25, 657-658, Srivastava, P., S. Patel, N. Singh, T. Jamir, N. Kumar, M. Aruche, and R. C. Patel (2013), Early Oligocene paleosols of the Dagshai Formation, India: A record of the oldest tropical weathering in the Himalayan foreland, Sedimentary Geology, 294, 142–156, doi:DOI:10.1016/j.sedgeo.2013.05.011. Xie, S.-P., et al. (2006), Role of narrow mountains in large-scale organization of Asian monsoon convection, Journal of Climate, 19(14), 3420-3429, 10.1175/jcli3777.1 7 Proponents Relevant Expertise Liviu Giosan • Indian Monsoon: Morphodynamics and sedimentation of continental margins; paleoceanography/paleoclimatology; and human-climate-landscape interactions • Geology and Geophysics, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, USA ( Steven Clemens • Paleoclimate and paleoceanography with emphasis on Indian and Asian monsoon systems • Geological Sciences, Brown University, Providence, RI. USA ( Peter Clift • Geology of continental margins with focus on Asia. Climate-tectonic interactions. • Geology and Geophysics, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA ( Tim Collett • Geologic and geochemical controls on the occurrence of gas hydrates with emphasis on the Indian and Andaman margins. Co-Chief, National Gas Hydrate Program Expedition 01 • U.S. Geological Survey, Denver Federal Center, Denver, CO, USA ( Tim Eglinton • Organic signatures preserved in the geologic record; Carbon cycle. • Geological Institute, ETH Zurich, Switzerland ( José Abel Flores Villarejo • Biostratigraphy. Paleoclimate and paleoceanography • Departamento de Geología, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain ( Anil K. Gupta • Paleoclimate and paleoceanography with emphasis on Indian-Asian monsoons • Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun-248001, India ( Ed Hathorne • Isotope and trace element geochemistry of marine biogenic carbonates • GEOMAR l Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research, Kiel, Germany ( Tomohisa Irino • Sedimentology, Paleoclimate and paleoceanography with emphasis on Asian monsoon 8 • Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan ( Joel E. Johnson • Marine geology with an emphasis on continental margin gas hydrate systems, submarine canyon and slope sedimentology,and structural geology/tectonics. • Earth Sciences, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA ( Divakar Naidu • Paleoceanography & Paleoclimatology with emphasis on Indian monsoon • National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa, India ( Dhananjai K. Pandey • Geodynamics and links to Indian monsoon • National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Research, Vasco da Gama, Goa, India 403804 ( Arun Deo Singh • Marine Micropaleontology, Oceanic biostratigraphy, Paleoceanography & Paleoclimatology with emphasis on Indian monsoon • Geology, Center of Advanced Study, Banaras Hindu University. Varanasi-221005, India ( Raj Kumar Singh • Paleoclimatology and Paleoceanography, Micropaleontology, Hydrogeology with emphasis on Indian monsoon • School of Earth, Ocean and Climate Science, IIT Bhubaneshwar, Bhubaneswar-751 013, India ( 9 IODP Site Summary Forms: 849 - Apl Form 1 – General Site Information Section A: Proposal Information Title of Proposal: The monsoon and pre-monsoon climate of the Indian Peninsula since the Paleocene Date Form Submitted: 2013-10-05 10:09:33 Site Specific Priority 1: Reconstruction of oceanic and terrestrial monsoonal paleoclimate in the Objectives with Arabian Sea and Indian Peninsula since Oligocene Priority Priority 2: Reconstruction of oceanic and terrestrial pre-monsoonal paleoclimate in the (Must include general objectives in proposal) List Previous Drilling in Area: Arabian Sea and Indian Peninsula in Eocene and upper Paleocene NGHP-01 1A Section B: General Site Information Site Name: KK-03A Area or Location: Kerala-Konkan Basin, Arabian Sea If site is a reoccupation of an old DSDP/ODP Site, Please include former Site# Latitude: Deg: 15.3061 Longitude: Deg: 70.9032 Coordinate System: Priority of Site: Page 1 of 2 generated: Wed Oct 9 00:04:42 2013 by if351_pdf / planiglobe 2007 - 2013 (user 0.2444) Jurisdiction: Indian EEZ Distance to Land: 290 (km) WGS 84 Primary: yes Alt: Water Depth (m): 2674 Section C: Operational Information Sediments Basement 400 0 Proposed Penetration (m): Total Sediment Thickness (m) 900 Total Penetration (m): 400 General Lithologies: Coring Plan: (Specify or check) Coring Plan: Nannofossil and foraminifera oozes Triple APC and half-length APC to refusal followed by triple XCB to 300 m (i.e., the top of the Eocene) and double XCB from 300 to 400 m (i.e., Eocene-Oligocene). APC VPC APC XCB Wireline Logging Standard Measurements Plan: WL ✘ MDCB ✘ PCS RCB Special Tools Magnetic Susceptibility LWD ✘ Magnetic Field Formation Image (Acoustic) Formation Fluid Sampling Porosity ✘ Borehole Temperature Density ✘ Nuclear Magnetic Resonance ✘ Formation Temperature & Pressure Gamma Ray ✘ Geochemical ✘ VSP Resistivity Sonic (∆t) Formation Image (Res) Re-entry Side-Wall Core Sampling ✘ Others: ✘ ✘ Check-shot (upon request) Max. Borehole Temp.: 28 °C Mud Logging: Cuttings Sampling Intervals (Riser Holes Only) from m to m m intervals from m to m m intervals Basic Sampling Intervals:5m Estimated Days: Drilling/Coring: Logging: 6 1.5 Observatory Plan: Longterm Borehole Observation Plan/Re-entry Plan Potential Hazards/ Weather: Shallow Gas Complicated Seabed Condition Hydrothermal Activity Hydrocarbon Soft Seabed Landslide and Turbidity Current Shallow Water Flow Currents Gas Hydrate Abnormal Pressure Fracture Zone Diapir and Mud Volcano Man-made Objects Fault High Temperature H2S High Dip Angle Ice Conditions CO2 Sensitive marine habitat (e.g., reefs, (e.g., sea-floor cables, dump sites) vents) Other: Page 2 of 2 generated: Wed Oct 9 00:04:42 2013 by if351_pdf / planiglobe 2007 - 2013 (user 0.2444) Total On-site: Preferred weather window October to April Form 2 - Site Survey Detail IODP Site Summary Forms: Proposal #: Site #: 849 KK-03A Date Form Submitted: 2013-10-05 10:09:33 * Key to SSP Requirements X=required; X*=may be required for specific sites; Y=recommended; Y*=may be recommended for specific sites; R=required for re-entry sites; T=required for high temperature environments; † Accurate velocity information is required for holes deeper than 400m. SSP Require- Exists ments * in DB 1 High resolution Primary Line(s) Location of Site on line (SP or Time only) Data Type In SSDB SSP Req. seismic reflection no Details of available data and data that are still to be collected K-95-8B-Gas-Gail-Stk SP 7327 1a High no resolution seismic reflection 2 Deep Penetration (primary) K-95-8B-Gas-Gail-Stk Crossing Line(s) no Location of Site on line (SP or Time only) Location: SP 7327 Primary Line(s) 1b Highseismic reflection no resolution seismic reflection (crossing) Location: 2a Deep 3 Seismic Velocity penetration seismic reflection (primary) 4 Seismic Grid Location: 2b Deep penetration seismic 5a Refraction (surface) reflection (crossing) Location: Crossing Line(s) Location of Site on line (SP or Time only) Location of Site on line (SP or Time only) 3 Seismic Velocity 5b Refraction (near bottom) 4 Seismic Grid 5a Refraction 6 3.5 kHz (surface) Location of Site on line (SP or Time only) 5b Refraction (bottom) 7 Swath bathymetry 6 3.5 kHz 8a Side-looking 7 Swath bathymetry sonar (surface) 8a8b SideSide-looking looking sonar (surface) sonar (bottom) 8b Side looking 9 (bottom) sonar Photography or Video 9 Photography or 10 videoHeat Flow 10 Heat Flow 11a Magnetics 11a Magnetics 11b Gravity 11b Gravity 12 Sediment cores 12 Sediment cores 13 Rock sampling 13 Rock sampling 14a Water current data 14a 14b IceWater current data Conditions 14b 15 OBSIce Conditions microseismicity OBS microseismicity 1615 Navigation 17 Other 16 Navigation 17 Other Page 1 of 1 - Site Survey Details generated: Wed Oct 9 00:04:43 2013 by if352_t_pdf / kk+w 2007 - 2011 (user 0.4490) Site NGHP 1A Site NGHP 1A Form 3 – Detailed Logging and Downhole Measurement Plan IODP Site Summary Forms: Proposal #: 849 Site #: KK-03A Date Form Submitted: 2013-10-05 10:09:33 Water Depth (m): 2674 Sed. Penetration (m): 400 Basement Penetration (m): 0 Are high temperatures or other special requirements (e.g., unstable formations), anticipated for logging at this site? Estimated total logging time for this site: 1.5 Relevance Measurement Type (1=high, 3=low) Scientific Objective Check Shot Survey 0 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Core-log integration. 2 Geochemical Core-log integration. 2 Side-wall Core Sample 0 Formation Fluid Sampling 0 Borehole Temperature 0 Magnetic Susceptibility Core-log integration. 1 Magnetic Field 0 VSP 0 Formation Image (Acoustic) Core-log integration. Imaging of sedimentary structures, fractures 2 Formation Pressure & Temperature 0 Other (SET, SETP, ...) 0 Page 1 of 1 - Detailed Logging and Downhole Measurement Plan generated: Wed Oct 9 00:04:46 2013 by if353_t_pdf / kk+w 2007 - 2011 (user 0.2112) IODP Site Summary Forms: Proposal #: 849 Site #: Form 4 – Environmental Protection KK-03A Date Form Submitted: 2013-10-05 10:09:33 1 Summary OperationsHazard at site: Pollution &ofSafety Triple APC followed by half-stroke APC to refusal (estimated at 200 m), Triple XCB to 300 Comment (Example: to refusal, XCB 10 1. Summary ofTriple-APC Operations at site. m into basement, log as shown on form 3); include # of holes for APC/XCB, # of 2. All hydrocarbon occurrences temperature deployments) none based on previous DSDP/ODP/IODP drilling. 3.2All commercial drilling in this area Based on previous DSDP/ODP/IODP that produced or yielded significant drilling, list all hydrocarbon hydrocarbon shows. occurrences of greater than background levels. Give nature of show, age and depth of rock. From available information, list all commercial drilling in this area that produced of or gas yielded significant 4. Indications hydrates at this hydrocarbon shows. Give depths and location. ages of hydrocarbon - bearing 5. Are deposits. there reasons to expect hydrocarbon accumulations at this site? 3 6. What "special" precautions will be taken during drilling? 4 Are there any indications of gas at this location? Give 7. Whathydrates abandonment procedures need todetails. be followed? m; Double XCB to 400 m. Triple APC followed by half-stroke APC to refusal (estimated at 200 m), Triple XCB to 300 m; Double XCB to 400 m. “Eocene none to Middle-Miocene Carbonates & Paleocene to Middle Miocene Sandstones are the possible reservoirs of Kerala-Konkan. Extensive carbonate platforms and shelf margin reefal bodies developed during Eocene to early Middle Miocene post rift phase over almost the entire western part of the shelfal horst-graben complex which serve as the reservoirs. The slope basin transition zone, particularly in front of the major shelfal depressions, is favorable for development of turbidite reservoirs in deep-sea fan complexes. There is a possibility of extension of turbidite reservoir facies locally into the Laccadive Depression through submarine canyons. Carbonate platforms around Laccadive Islands are likely to provide abundant reservoir bodies in the region of “Eocene toRidge” Middle-Miocene Carbonates & Paleocene to Middle Miocene Sandstones are Laccadive (DGH India). However no hydrocarbons have been encountered in the the possible reservoirs of Kerala-Konkan. Extensive carbonate platforms and shelf Kerala-Kokan basin at large. http://www.dghindia. org/15.aspx# margin reefal bodies developed during Eocene to early Middle Miocene post rift phase none over almost the entire western part of the shelfal horst-graben complex which serve as the reservoirs. The slope basin transition zone, particularly in front of the major shelfal no depressions, is favorable for development of turbidite reservoirs in deep-sea fan complexes. There is a possibility of extension of turbidite reservoir facies locally into the Laccadive Depression through submarine canyons. Carbonate platforms around Core by core monitoring of hydrocarbons. Will sail with petroleum organic none geochemist if Safety Panel recommends. Standard operating conditions on advice of IODP and TransOcean drilling superintendant. Plug well with cement. 8. Natural or manmade hazards which Tropical cyclones (June to September) may effect ship's operations. 9.5Summary: What do to you consider Are there reasons expect the major risks in drilling at thisat site? hydrocarbon accumulations this no None. site? Please give details. 6 What “special” precautions need to be taken during drilling? Core by core monitoring of hydrocarbons. Will sail with petroleum organic geochemist if Safety Panel recommends. 7 What abandonment procedures need to be followed: Standard operating conditions on advice of IODP and TransOcean drilling superintendant. Plug well with cement. 8 Please list other natural or manmade hazards which may effect ship's operations: Tropical cyclones (June to September) (e.g. ice, currents, cables) 9 Summary: What do you consider the major risk in drilling at this site? Page 1 of 1 - Environmental Protection generated: Wed Oct 9 00:04:48 2013 by if354_t_pdf / kk+w 2007 - 2011 (user 0.3506) None. IODP Site Summary Forms: Proposal #: Subbottom depth (m) 849 - Key reflectors, Unconformities, faults, etc Form 5 – Lithologies Site #: Apl Age Assumed velocity (km/sec) KK-03A Lithology Date Form Subm.: 2013-10-01 18:31:40 Paleo-environment Avg. rate of sed. accum. (m/My) 170 Top Middle Miocene 11.5 1600 Nannofossil Oozes (Hemi)Pelagic 15 375 Top Eocene 34 1600 Nannofossil Oozes (Hemi)Pelagic 9 Page 1 of 1 generated: Wed Oct 9 00:04:50 2013 by if355_pdf / kk+w 2007 - 2011 (user 0.2379) Comments IODP Site Summary Forms: Proposal #: 849 - Subbottom Site depth (m) Key reflectors, Summary Unconformities, Figure Comment faults, etc Page 1 of 1 - Site Summary Figure generated: Wed Oct 9 00:04:53 2013 by if356_pdf / kk+w 2007 - 2012 (user 0.2014) Form 5 – Lithologies Form 6 - Site Summary Figure Site #: Apl Age Assumed velocity (km/sec) KK-03A Lithology Date Form Subm.: 2013-10-01 18:31:40 Paleo-environment Avg. rate of sed. accum. (m/My) Comments Line K-95-8B-Gas-Gail-Stk SP: Offset: 7400.0 7300.0 7200.0 7100.0 7000.0 6900.0 6800.0 6700.0 6600.0 6500.0 6400.0 6300.0 6200.0 6100.0 6000.0 5900.0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000 22000 24000 26000 28000 30000 32000 34000 36000 38000 Line K-95-8B-Gas-Gail-Stk SP: Offset: 2.500 2.600 2.600 2.700 2.700 2.800 2.800 2.900 2.900 3.000 3.000 3.100 3.100 3.200 3.200 3.300 3.400 3.500 3.400 Site NGHP 1A 3.500 3.600 3.700 3.700 3.800 3.800 3.900 3.900 4.000 4.000 KKGH01 4.100 4.200 4.200 4.300 4.300 4.400 4.400 4.500 4.500 4.600 4.600 4.700 4.700 4.800 4.800 4.900 4.900 5.000 5.000 5.100 5.100 KKGH01 NGHP-01-02 KK03 5-8 K-9 Depth (m) B I A-I 51 95- K- 15° 00' -2000 -2500 -3000 -3500 71° 00' 11.5 Ma 34 Ma KKGH01 Site Summary Form 6 Proposal *** Site KK03 15° 30' 70° 30' KK03 3.300 Site NGHP 1A 3.600 4.100 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000 22000 24000 26000 28000 30000 32000 34000 36000 38000 K-95-51A-II-Gas-Gail-Stk, 2697.94 2.500 7400.0 7300.0 7200.0 7100.0 7000.0 6900.0 6800.0 6700.0 6600.0 6500.0 6400.0 6300.0 6200.0 6100.0 6000.0 5900.0 0 71° 30' SSDB locations of this data: Data presented already for iMonsoon(795Full2) as Kingdom Suite project Seismic data figures K-95-8B.pdf SEGY data K-95-8B.sgy Navigation data West_coast_Nav
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