APSC FILED Time: 10/21/2013 10:40:53 AM: Recvd 10/21/2013 10:36:02 AM: Docket 12-060-R-Doc. 96 Arkansas Public Service Commission Docket Summary Cover Sheet (For all dockets other than Rate Cases, "TD", "C" and "TF" Dockets Must be filed with each new docket filed at the Commission STYLE OF DOCKET: (Style may be changed by Secretary of Commission) Docket Number: IN THE MATTER OFAMENDENTS TO THE ARKANSAS PUBLIC 12-060-R SERVICE COMMISSION'S RULES CONCERNING METER AGGREGATION AND COMBINED BILLING FOR NET-METERING CUSTOMERS DOCKET DESIGNATOR: U A R P RELATED DOCKETS: Nature of Action: (See second sheet) PETITIONER/INITIATING PARTY* South Central Arkansas Electric Cooperative, Inc. ATTORNEYS' NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE, FAX AND E-MAIL Mr. Edward McCorkle P. O. Box 607 - 929 Main Street Arkadelphia, AR 71923 (870) 246-2468 Fax (870) 246-3851 *If the initiating party is not a jurisdictional utility in Arkansas, please provide mailing address, phone, fax and e-mail for the company Pursuant to Rule 2.03(b) of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure, please provide name, address, phone, fax, e-mail of at least one, but not more than two names to appear on the Service List for this docket Kevin Brownlee, CEO/General Manager and A. Eugene Smith, P.E. South Central Arkansas Elec. Coop. 3121 Bartlett Corporate Dr. P.O. Box 476 - 1140 Main Street Suite 102 Arkadelphia, AR 71923 Bartlett, TN 38133 (870) 246-6701 (901) 373-7278 k.brownlee@scaec.com aes@msuc.net Write a brief statement, limited to the space provided herein describing the case that you are filing. Please provide enough information to assure that the nature of your docket is clear. South Central is submitting this filing to reflect the revisions to their Net-Metering Rate Schedule 15 to comply with the Amendents to the Net Metering Rules as approved in Order 7 of this Docket. The revisions conform to the Staff's proposed Standard Net Metering Tariff, Appendix B, as approved in Order 10 of this Docket. Form completed by: A. E. Smith Date: 10/18/13 Time: 10/21/2013 10:40:53 AM: Recvd Representing: APSC SouthFILED Central Arkansas Electic Cooperative, Inc.10/21/2013 10:36:02 AM: Docket 12-060-R-Doc. 96 NATURE OF ACTION: Please choose at least one, but no more than three docket types Accounting Acquisition/Sales Act 31 of 1981 (Surcharge) Act 821 of 1987 (Cooperatives Rate Change) Administrative Procedures Affiliate Rules Annual Reports/Assessment Ar Energy Conservation Act (Efficiency Programs) Arbitration Arkansas High Cost Fund Arkansas Intralata Toll Pool Arkansas Universal Service Fund ARSI Arkansas Relay Service, Inc. Auto Adjustment Avoided Cost CCN Cancellation CCN Facility CCN License CECPN Cost of Gas/Energy seasonal/unscheduled Customer release/Abandonment Declaratory Judgment Depreciation Dialing/Numbering Disabilities Act of 1990 Earnings Review Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Designation Energy Policy Act Energy/Fuel Purchasing Practices EWG Exempt Wholesale Generator Extended Area Service Extension of Telecommunications Facilities Fund Extraordinary Property Loss FCC Finance (Bonds/issue & sell; stock; prom note) Grand Gulf Integrated Resource Planning Interconnection Agreements Interest/Customer Deposit Investigation/Inquiry Lifeline/link up Market Power Merger/Transfer Municipal Franchise Tax Net Metering Nuclear Decommissioning One Call Pipeline Safety Pole attachment issues Protective Order Public Utility Holding Company Act Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act Purchase Power Railroad Rates Refund Reports Resource Plan Restructuring Retail River Crossing Regional Transmission Organization Rulemaking Service Quality Shielded Outdoor Lighting Show Cause Stranded Costs Sustainable Energy Resources Terms and Conditions Territory/release/unallocated territory Transition costs Unbundling USOA (Uniform System of Accounts) Waiver/Exemption Weather Wholesale Wholesale Rate Adjustment APSC FILED Time: 10/21/2013 10:40:53 AM: Recvd 10/21/2013 10:36:02 AM: Docket 12-060-R-Doc. 96 BEFORE THE ARKANSAS PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF AMENDMENTS TO THE ARKANSAS PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION’S RULES CONCERNING METER AGGREGATION AND COMBINED BILLING FOR NET-METERING CUSTOMERS ) ) ) ) ) DOCKET NO. 12-060-R PREPARED TESTIMONY OF A. EUGENE SMITH, P.E. MIDSOUTH UTILITY CONSULTANTS, LLC ON BEHALF OF SOUTH CENTRAL ARKANSAS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. OCTOBER 18, 2013 APSC FILED Time: 10/21/2013 10:40:53 AM: Recvd 10/21/2013 10:36:02 AM: Docket 12-060-R-Doc. 96 SOUTH CENTRAL ARKANSAS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. DOCKET NO. 12-060-R TESTIMONY OF A. EUGENE SMITH - 1 1 Q. Will you state your name and business address? 2 A. My name is Eugene Smith and my business address is 3121 Bartlett Corporate Drive, 3 Suite 102, Bartlett, Tennessee 38133. 4 Q. By whom are you employed and what is your position? 5 A. I have been employed by MidSouth Utility Consultants since the company was formed in 6 January, 2005. I am currently serving as President and Co-Owner of the company. Besides the 7 overall responsibility for all the work of the company, I am directly responsible for the 8 preparation of Cost of Service and Rate studies, Construction Work Plans and Long Range 9 Plans for rural and municipal electric power systems. 10 Q. 11 Have you testified before the Arkansas Public Service Commission or any other state commission before? 12 A. Yes. I have filed testimony in many previous rate cases concerning REA cooperatives. 13 Q. Which company is your firm representing? 14 A. We are representing South Central Arkansas Electric Cooperative, Inc. (SCAEC). 15 Q. What is the purpose of your testimony? 16 A. My testimony is to support the filing of the necessary revisions to SCAEC’s Net Metering - Rate 17 Schedule No. 15 as required by Order 10 of this Docket. 18 Q. Why are the revisions to this tariff necessary? 19 A. These revisions incorporate the Amendments to the Net Metering Rules as recently approved 20 by the Public Service Commission under Order 7 of this Docket. 21 Q. What changes have been made to SCAEC’s tariffs to comply with Order 7? 22 A. The changes to the Rate Schedule No. 15 - Net Metering conform to the Staff’s proposed 23 changes to the Standard Net Metering Tariff, Appendix B of the Net Metering Rules, as shown 24 in Staff’s response to Order No. 8 and as maintained in Order 10 of this Docket. The actual 25 changes to the tariff are as noted on sheets 50 and 51 of the revised Schedule 15 as included 26 with this filing. Revisions to the Table of Contents have also been made as applicable. APSC FILED Time: 10/21/2013 10:40:53 AM: Recvd 10/21/2013 10:36:02 AM: Docket 12-060-R-Doc. 96 SOUTH CENTRAL ARKANSAS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. DOCKET NO. 12-060-R TESTIMONY OF EUGENE SMITH - 2 1 Q. Does this conclude your testimony? 2 A. Yes. APSC FILED Time: 10/21/2013 10:40:53 AM: Recvd ARKANSAS PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION 4th Revised Replacing 3rd Revised Sheet No. 50 Sheet No. 50 10/21/2013 10:36:02 AM: Docket 12-060-R-Doc. 96 SOUTH CENTRAL ARKANSAS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. Name of Company Kind of Service: Electric Class of Service: _As Applicable__ Part III. Rate Schedule No.: Title: 15. 15 NET METERING PSC File Mark Only NET METERING 15.1 15.1.1 AVAILABILITY To any residential or any other customer who takes service under Rate Schedule 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 or 11 and has installed a net metering facility and signed a Standard Interconnection Agreement for Net Metering Facilities with the Cooperative. Such facilities must be located on the Customer’s premise and intended primarily to offset some or all of the Customer’s energy usage. 15.1.2 The net metering facility shall have a generating capacity of not more than 25 kW for residential use or 300 kW for non-residential use. 15.1.3 The provisions of the Customer’s standard rate schedule are modified as specified herein. 15.1.4 Net-metering customers taking service under the provisions of this tariff may not simultaneously take service under the provisions of any other alternative source generation or co-generation tariff except as provided in the Net Metering Rules. 15.2 (AT) (RT) (CT) (CT) (AT) MONTHLY BILLING 15.2.1 On a monthly basis, the net metering Customer shall be billed the charges applicable under the currently effective standard rate schedule and any appropriate rider schedules. Under net metering, only the kilowatt-hour (kWh) units of a Customer’s bill are affected. 15.2.2 If the kWhs supplied by the Cooperative exceeds the kWhs generated by the netmetering facility and fed back to the Cooperative during the billing period, the netmetering Customer shall be billed for the net billable kWhs supplied by the Cooperative in accordance with the rates and charges under the customer’s standard rate schedule. (CT) (CT) 15.2.3 If the kWhs generated by the net-metering facility and fed back to the Cooperative during the billing period exceeds the kWhs supplied by the Cooperative to the netmetering customer during the applicable billing period, the Cooperative shall credit the net-metering customer with any accumulated net excess generation in the next applicable billing period. (CT) (CT) (CT) (CT) (RT) 15.2.4 Net excess generation shall first be credited to the net-metering customer’s meter to which the net-metering facility is physically attached (designated meter). (AT) (AT) 15.2.5 After application of 15.2.4 and upon request of the net-metering customer pursuant to 15.2.8, any remaining net excess generation shall be credited to one or more of the netmetering customer’s meters (additional meters) in the rank order provided by the customer. (AT) (AT) (AT) (AT) THIS SPACE FOR PSC USE ONLY (CT) APSC FILED Time: 10/21/2013 10:40:53 AM: Recvd ARKANSAS PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION 2nd Revised Replacing 1st Revised Sheet No. 51 Sheet No. 51 10/21/2013 10:36:02 AM: Docket 12-060-R-Doc. 96 SOUTH CENTRAL ARKANSAS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. Name of Company Kind of Service: Electric Part III. Rate Schedule No.: Title: Class of Service: _As Applicable__ 15 NET METERING PSC File Mark Only 15.2.6 Net excess generation shall be credited as described in 15.2.4 and 15.2.5 during subsequent billing periods; net excess generation credit remaining in a net-metering customer’s account at the close of an annual billing cycle, up to an amount equal to four (4) months’ average usage during the annual billing cycle that is closing, shall be credited to the net-metering customer’s account for use during the next annual billing cycle. (AT) (AT) (AT) (AT) (AT) (AT) 15.2.7 Except as provided in 15.2.6, any net excess generation credit remaining in a netmetering customer’s account at the close of an annual billing cycle shall expire. (AT) (AT) 15.2.8 Upon request from a net-metering customer the Cooperative must apply net excess generation to the net-metering customer’s additional meters provided that: (AT) (AT) (a) The net-metering customer must give at least 30 days’ notice to the Cooperative. (AT) (b) The additional meter(s) must be identified at the time of the request and must be in the net-metering customer’s name, in the same Cooperative service territory, and be used to measure only electricity used for the net-metering customer’s requirements. (AT) (AT) (AT) (c) In the event that more than one of the net-metering customer’s meters is identified, the net-metering customer must designate the rank order for the additional meters to which excess kWhs are to be applied. The net-metering customer cannot designate the rank order more than once during the annual billing cycle. (AT) (AT) (AT) (AT) (d) The net-metering customer’s identified additional meters do not have to be used for the same class of service. (AT) (AT) 15.2.9 Any renewable energy credit created as a result of electricity supplied by a net-metering customer is the property of the net-metering customer that generated the renewable credit. (MT) (MT) (MT) 15.2.10 A net-metering customer is defined as the owner of a net-metering facility. (AT) THIS SPACE FOR PSC USE ONLY APSC FILED Time: 10/21/2013 10:40:53 AM: Recvd 10/21/2013 10:36:02 AM: Docket 12-060-R-Doc. 96 ARKANSAS PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION 6th Revised____ Sheet No. TC‐3 ___ Replacing 5th Revised Sheet No. TC‐3 _ South Central Arkansas Electric Cooperative, Inc. Kind of Service: Electric TABLE OF CONTENTS Class of Service Single Phase‐ Except Commercial Commercial Commercial Industrial Commercial Industrial Agricultural Lighting All Industrial – GP All Schedule Name Sheet Number 1. Single Phase – Farm, Home, Community Facilities 5‐7 2. Single Phase – Small Commercial Service 8‐10 3. Commercial Service 11‐14 4. Large Power Service – Three Phase 15‐19 5. Optional General Service – Single Phase 20‐22 (AT) Reserved for Future Use 22‐24 (CT) 6. Optional Large Power – Load Control 25‐29 Reserved for Future Use 30‐32 8. Agricultural Water Pumping Service Optional 33‐35 9. Municipal Street Lighting Service 36‐37 10. Emergency Load Conservation and Curtailment Policy 38‐38.3 Reserved for Future Use 39 11. Industrial Power Service 40‐42 12. Tax Adjustments – All Rate Schedules, All Classes 43 _____________________________________________________________________ THIS SPACE FOR PSC ONLY APSC FILED Time: 10/21/2013 10:40:53 AM: Recvd 10/21/2013 10:36:02 AM: Docket 12-060-R-Doc. 96 ARKANSAS PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION 5th Revised____ Sheet No. TC‐4 ___ Replacing 4th Revised Sheet No. TC‐4 _ South Central Arkansas Electric Cooperative, Inc. Kind of Service: Electric TABLE OF CONTENTS Class of Service All All As Applicable As Applicable As Applicable As Applicable As Applicable As Applicable Schedule Name Sheet Number 13. Cost of Energy Adjustment 44‐46 14. Cost of Debt Adjustment 15. Net Metering Reserved for Future Use 47‐49 50‐51 (CT) 52 (CT) 16. Charges Related to Customer Activity 17. Extension of Facilities 18. Transient Voltage Surge Suppression Service 53‐57.2 58‐63 68.1 19. MVL Security Lighting 68.2‐68.3 20. Pre‐Pay Electric Service Program 69‐70 21. Reserved for Future Use _____________________________________________________________________ THIS SPACE FOR PSC ONLY
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