29 Elk Street Albany, NY 12207 518‐434‐1583 518‐427‐0067 FAX grants@ptny.org www.ptny.org Capacity Building Grants Building strong, sustainable park and trail organizations to foster the expansion, stewardship, and promotion of New York’s parks and trails Applications must be postmarked, faxed, or emailed by 5:00 p.m., November 19, 2012. Selections will be announced on January 17, 2013. APPLICATION COVER SHEET Applicant Organization ______________________________________________________________________________ Number of members _______________ Year Organized _______________ Size of Board _________________________ Address ___________________________________City ___________________State _____ Zip Code _______________ Phone _______________________ Email __________________________ Website _____________________________ Applicant status (check one) 501 (c)(3) Acting under Fiscal Sponsor ____________________________________ Name of Park or Trail _________________________________________ Project Summary (2 sentences maximum) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Person _____________________________________________________________________________________ Title/affiliation with project ___________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________ City _________________________________State ______________ Zip Code _________________________________ Phone _______________________________ work home cell Total Project Budget ____________ Prior applicant yes no Amount Requested ___________ Prior grant recipient yes no Email _______________________________ Annual Organizational Budget _____________ Participated in Q&A call yes no Application Checklist Completed Cover Sheet Narrative (2 pages maximum) Project Budget, including estimates from service providers to substantiate expenses Timeline Organization Financial Statement from last fiscal year – Income Statement (revenues and expenses) and Balance Sheet Copy of IRS 501 (c) (3) determination letter and, if applicable, MOU with Fiscal Sponsor Two support letters from agencies, public officials, not-for-profits or other organizations. Letters must be specific to the funding request. APPLICATION 1. Project Type: trail park Estimate of annual number of visitors/users: __________________ 2. Park/trail Ownership: town village city county state private unknown On separate sheets (maximum two pages total), please provide a brief answer to each of the following questions: 1. Expertise and Experience: Briefly describe your group’s mission and history, including any past experience with park or trail projects and your vision for the organization in the next five years. 2. Project Description: Describe: the project for which funds are requested; what you ultimately wish to achieve with this grant; why your group needs to undertake this project at this time; how this project will initiate, grow, strengthen or transform your organization; and how this project will affect your organization’s ability to foster the expansion, stewardship, and promotion of your park or trail. 3. Publicity: How will you publicize the initiation of the project and the grant award and the project completion and results? 4. Results and Evaluation: What quantifiable changes do you expect to result from this project? How will you measure those changes and evaluate project success? Please be specific. 5. Community Connections and Partnerships: Who will you work with to undertake your project? Briefly describe the role of these partnerships and the level of support for the project with park or trail management and within the surrounding community. 6. Organizational Commitment: How will your board and membership be involved in the project? How will you sustain the project after funding ends? 7. Need: Convince us that you need funding from Parks & Trails New York to undertake this project. Detailed Project Budget - On a separate page, provide an itemized budget. See model budget at www.ptny.org 1. Income: In addition to the amount requested from Parks & Trails New York, list the amounts of other grants or sources of funding, value of donated materials or in-kind services, and volunteer labor that will be used to carry out the project and indicate for each whether they are in hand, expected, or will be sought. 2. Expenses: Include total project cost, and list all projected expenses for the project. Include one (preferably two) estimates from service providers/material vendors or other supporting documentation to substantiate these expenses. Project Schedule – Attach a project timeline describing when tasks will be performed and by whom. Certification and Release The undersigned certifies that he or she is a principal officer of the applicant with authority to obligate it and has knowledge of the information presented herein. Signature: __________________________________________ Print: ______________________________________________ Title: ______________________________________________ Date:__________________________________ PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Parks & Trails New York’s Growing the Grassroots Capacity Building Grants enhance the long-term sustainability of park and trail not-for-profit organizations by helping them better fulfill their missions; improve their reach, effectiveness, and impact; leverage resources, and increase community support for and involvement in park and trail planning, development and/or stewardship. ELIGIBILITY Awards will be made to local or regional organizations that are classified by the IRS as 501 (c)(3) or who operate under the fiscal sponsorship of a 501 (c)(3) and whose primary mission is stewardship of a specific New York park or trail that is or will be open to the public. Include a copy of the IRS ruling letter with the application. FISCAL SPONSOR A 501 (c)(3) fiscal sponsor is needed if a group does not have 501 (c)(3) status. Applicants must include the IRS determination letter for the fiscal sponsor as well as a copy of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the applicant and the fiscal sponsor. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE CALL All potential applicants are strongly encouraged to participate in a pre-application conference call to be held Tuesday, October 16, 2012 at noon. This call will be designed to review the application form and answer questions from potential applicants. The call in number is (712) 432-0180. Participant Access Code: 786019#. APPLICATION DEADLINE Applications must be postmarked, faxed, or emailed by 5:00 p.m., Monday, November 19, 2012. GUIDELINES Grants of up to $3000 will fund activities that help develop and strengthen the skills, processes and resources that not-forprofit organizations need to survive: Organizational start-up – e.g., incorporation, initial staff, equipment purchase Professional consulting services that aid organizational development – e.g., fundraising, communication, marketing, membership, strategic planning, financial management Board and staff training Volunteer recruitment, training and/or recognition program Communications – graphic design, development or enhancement of a logo, website, newsletter, or other communication tool; printing and distribution of brochures, newsletters, or other educational or outreach materials Brochures and maps can include information on the trail or park but their primary purpose must be organizational information and solicitation of membership. Grants cannot be used to fund: General operating expenses, existing staff salaries, or support of ongoing or new programs Capital costs associated with construction, maintenance, and infrastructure for a park or trail (signs, benches, etc., equipment, or tools Endowments Lobbying or political activities Giveaways (e.g. T-shirts, patches, etc.), refreshments or other entertainment expenses Projects that increase your capacity to raise funds by developing items for sale, such as calendars or t-shirts, are allowed. Please be specific how they will be used. SELECTION CRITERIA Awards will be based on: Ability to initiate, grow, strengthen, or transform the organization Demonstrated financial need; preference will be given to organizations with annual budgets of less than $100,000 Detailed, documented, and realistic budget Clearly articulated project goals, tangible outcomes and well-defined, objective measures of success Applicant support for the project as demonstrated by financial and/or in-kind commitment Ability to leverage other opportunities, such as partnerships and funding sources Creativity and the ability of the project to serve as a model for other groups Visibility – degree to which project will promote the organization and foster public use, appreciation, stewardship, and development of applicant’s park and/or trail If applicable, plan for sustainability of the project after grant period ends Preference will be given to: Projects that leverage the amount of funds requested with significant cash or in-kind contributions from project partners. Organizations who have not received a Growing the Grassroots grant within the last three years. Organizations with annual budgets of less than $100,000. AWARD AMOUNTS Grants will be awarded up to $3000. GRANTEE REQUIREMENTS All grantees will execute a signed contract with Parks & Trails New York prior to receiving an initial payment of 65% of the grant award. Grantees will be required to submit a brief, six-month progress update. The remainder of the grant award will be paid upon receipt of a final accounting and project report. All reports must be submitted by February 7, 2014 to receive the final 35% of the award. Successful completion of funded projects and timely submission of reports will affect eligibility for future grant awards. Mail, fax or email to: Capacity Grants Parks & Trails New York 29 Elk Street, Albany, NY 12207 518-434-1583 518-427-0067 FAX grants@ptny.org.
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