20111209e.pdf IR-4 Ornamental Horticulture Program Research Report Cover Sheet Trial: 2011 CA Researcher(s) Mike Parrella Affiliation: University of California College of Agri.& Environ. Sciences One Shields Drive Davis CA 95615-8571 PhoneNumber: 530-752-8473 mpparrella@ucdavis.edu Email: ProjectTitle: Protocol #: PR# 29919 29908 29914 29911 30477 30335 29920 29909 29915 29912 30478 30395 Impact on Beneficial Organisms 11-017 Research Target Crop/Plant Product EPA Reg. # Production Site Amblyseius swirskii None Hachi-Hachi 71711-31 Amblyseius swirskii None Tolfenpyrad SePro Amblyseius swirskii None Kontos (BYI 8330 240SC) 432-1471 Amblyseius swirskii None Spirotetramat OHP Status Laboratory Test C Laboratory Test C Laboratory Test C Amblyseius swirskii None NNI-0101 - Amblyseius swirskii None Pyrifluquinazon Nichino Americ Amblyseius swirskii Amblyseius swirskii None None Overture 35WP Pyridalyl 59639-125 Valent Laboratory Test C C Amblyseius swirskii None Pylon 241-374-59807 Laboratory Test Amblyseius swirskii None Chlorfenapyr BASF Amblyseius swirskii Amblyseius swirskii None None Tolfenpyrad SC Tolfenpyrad Laboratory Test Nichino Americ C Laboratory Test C Hypoaspis miles None Hachi-Hachi 71711-31 Hypoaspis miles None Tolfenpyrad SePro Hypoaspis miles None Kontos (BYI 8330 240SC) 432-1471 Laboratory Test C Hypoaspis miles None Spirotetramat OHP Hypoaspis miles Hypoaspis miles None None NNI-0101 Pyrifluquinazon Laboratory Test Nichino Americ C Hypoaspis miles None Overture 35WP 59639-125 Laboratory Test C Hypoaspis miles None Pyridalyl Valent Hypoaspis miles Hypoaspis miles None None Pylon Chlorfenapyr 241-374-59807 Laboratory Test BASF C Hypoaspis miles None Tolfenpyrad SC - C Hypoaspis miles None Tolfenpyrad Nichino Americ Laboratory Test Ornamental Horticulture Program Research Report Form Researcher: Project Title: Protocol #: Parrella and Casey Date: p1 11/22/2011 Impact of Thrips Management Tools on Beneficial Organisms 11-017 PRnumbers: 29908, 29909, 29911, 29912, 29914, 29915, 29919, 29920, 30335, 30395, 30477, 30478 Narrative Summary (Results/Discussion) Please keep text to one page if possible. Include summary of trial results and a brief discussion including how any changes from the protocol may have affected results. Results for multiple PRnumbers can be summarized together, but please list all PRNumbers in the header and in the summary data table. Click here to enter text. The objective of this trial was to determine the contact mortality caused by western flower thrips insecticides to two western flower thrips natural enemies. This information is important to growers who wish to combine biological and chemical control in their integrated pest management programs. We tested the two most commonly used thrips natural enemies, both of which are predatory mites: Amblyseius swirskii (Phytoseiidae), which is active on foliage and feeds on thrips first instar larvae; and Hypoaspis miles (Laelapidae), which is active in the soil and feeds on thrips pupae. Experiments were conducted in a laboratory on the UC Davis campus in Davis, CA, USA. Uniform quantities of each natural enemy were dispensed into Petri dishes and the treatments were immediately applied; mortality was determined 24 and 48 hours after treatment. H.miles: In trial 1 there was excessive mold growth by the 48-hour count, so in subsequent trials we used only a moist piece of cotton and honey water as moisture and food sources (see Figure 1 for an example). We repeated the trial because of this and included a treatment in which the mites and carrier were not sprayed directly but were placed onto the Petri dishes one hour after the dishes were sprayed directly with pesticide (all materials had dried by this time) to see if this would be another option for creating a drier environment. The results of the individual trials are shown in Tables 1, 2, and 3; the three trials are summarized in Table 4. The dry residue seemed to be more toxic to the mites, with high mortality seen in all treatments and no mites, dead or alive, seen by 48HAT (Table 3). When no mites are seen, it was assumed that they had died within the carrier. High mortality, including high control mortality, in many of the treatments by 48HAT suggest that these data may be less useful for making decisions about product compatibility. At this time point it is difficult to separate out the effects of the treatments from the effects of the artificial rearing environment. We recommend limiting future trials to 24 hours. In evaluating the 24HAT data, we see that despite variations in mortality between trials, certain trends are apparent. Pylon, Hachi-Hachi, and Overture were generally the most harmful materials, causing either the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd highest mortality in most of the trials. Kontos and NNI were the safest products, ranking near the bottom in nearly all trials. Tolfenpyrad was moderately harmful and the most consistent product, ranking as the 4th most toxic material in all trials. A. swirskii: Very low mortality was seen in the A. swirskii trial (Table 5). During counting, mites were often found “hiding” in the crevices in the vermiculite particles, which may have provided refugia from the pesticide-treated surfaces. The low mortality we observed makes drawing conclusions about pesticide-caused mortality difficult. Ornamental Horticulture Program Research Report Form Researcher: Project Title: Protocol #: Date: Parrella and Casey p2 11/22/2011 Impact of Thrips Management Tools on Beneficial Organisms PRnumbers: 29908, 29909, 29911, 29912, 29914, 29915, 29919, 29920, 30335, 30395, 30477, 30478 11-017 Please insert results table here. Include PRnumbers for each treatment if multiple PRnumbers are included in this summary. Please include product, active ingredient, and statistics. Click here to enter text. Hypoaspis miles trial 1 August 24-26, 2011 Direct contact Treatment PR number Pylon Overture NNI Tolfenpyrad Hachi-Hachi Kontos Water control 30478 29912 29915 30395 29920 29909 Mean % mortality 24 HAT 1 2 Immatures Adults 83.89±8.21a 12.02±5.13 75.56±5.30a 26.33±7.85 74.41±7.85a 10.00±6.67 65.91±6.08ab 12.83±4.40 55.88±8.71ab 37.41±12.36 39.89±6.67bc 3.75±2.67 14.73±4.42c 16.29±3.95 Mean % mortality 48 HAT 3 4 Immatures Adults 99.38±0.63a 12.60±4.55 93.43±3.00ab 20.50±7.76 91.81±4.33ab 7.78±5.72 84.44±7.59ab 49.24±10.57 70.98±6.69b 25.00±13.36 88.07±2.52ab 8.13±5.50 40.84±11.81c 30.83±12.79 Table 1. Hypoaspis miles mortality after direct contact with pesticide spray, trial 1. All means separation was done with Tukey’s test. Numbers within a column followed by different letters are significantly different. 1 df=6,69; F=12.2646; p=0.0001 df=6,68; F=2.1878; p=0.0560. Data was Log10 transformed to meet the assumptions of ANOVA. Raw data is reported. 3 df=6,24.96; F=9.9465; p=0.0001. Welch ANOVA was used as data could not be transformed to meet the assumptions of ANOVA. 4 df=6,60; F=2.1660; p=0.0606 2 Ornamental Horticulture Program Research Report Form Researcher: Project Title: Protocol #: Date: Parrella and Casey p3 11/22/2011 Impact of Thrips Management Tools on Beneficial Organisms PRnumbers: 29908, 29909, 29911, 29912, 29914, 29915, 29919, 29920, 30335, 30395, 30477, 30478 11-017 Hypoaspis miles trial 2 September 26-28, 2011 Direct contact Treatment Hachi-Hachi Pylon Overture Tolfenpyrad Kontos Untreated control NNI Water treated control PR number 29920 30478 29912 30395 29909 29915 Mean % mortality 24 HAT 1 2 Immatures Adults 74.05±8.53a 1.33±1.33 60.83±4.89ab 0.00 58.40±15.71ab 0.00 53.09±9.24ab None observed 30.97±7.79ab 0.00 24.42±15.12b 50.00±50.00 Mean % mortality 48 HAT 3 4 Immatures Adults 81.63±5.61ab None observed 73.97±10.03abc 0.00 93.76±2.36a 100.00 85.29±5.82ab None observed 45.00±9.57bc None observed 40.73±15.74c None observed 22.04±6.83b 15.25±12.74b 56.65±10.86abc 96.88±1.57a 6.67±6.67 33.33 None observed None observed Table 2. Hypoaspis miles mortality after direct contact with pesticide spray, trial 2. All means separation was done with Tukey’s test. Numbers within a column followed by different letters are significantly different. 1 df=7,39; F=4.0898; p=0.0026 df=6,19; F=1.5425; p=0.2404. Data was Log10 transformed to meet the assumptions of ANOVA. Raw data is reported. 3 df=7,39; F=5.9862; p=0.0002 4 Too few observations for statistical analysis 2 Hypoaspis miles trial 2 September 26-28, 2011 Dry residue contact Treatment 2 Tolfenpyrad 2 Pylon 2 Water treated control Hachi-Hachi Kontos Overture NNI Untreated control PR number 30395 30478 29920 2909 29912 29915 Mean % adult mortality 24HAT 65.161±2.98 64.423±8.66 63.578±14.07 58.458±2.38 53.307±6.63 49.747±2.98 47.099±1.92 37.132±1.76 1 Table 3. Hypoaspis miles mortality after contact with dried pesticide residue. No immatures were observed at 24HAT; neither life stage was observed at 48HAT. 1 df=7,13.508; F=10.6120; p=0.0001. Welch ANOVA was used as data could not be transformed to meet the assumptions of ANOVA. 2 Significantly different from the untreated control by Dunnett’s test Ornamental Horticulture Program Research Report Form Researcher: Project Title: Protocol #: Date: Parrella and Casey p4 11/22/2011 Impact of Thrips Management Tools on Beneficial Organisms PRnumbers: 29908, 29909, 29911, 29912, 29914, 29915, 29919, 29920, 30335, 30395, 30477, 30478 11-017 Summary of H. miles mortality 24 HAT Mean % immature mortality 24 HAT Kontos Hachi-Hachi NNI Overture Pylon Tolfenpyrad Water control Untreated control Mean % adult mortality 24 HAT Kontos Hachi-Hachi NNI Overture Pylon Tolfenpyrad Water control Untreated control August 24-26 Direct contact 39.89±6.67bc 55.88±8.71ab 74.41±7.85a 75.56±5.30a 83.89±8.21a 65.91±6.08ab 15.25±12.74b n/a Rank 6 5 3 2 1 4 7 September 26-28 Direct contact 30.97±7.79ab 74.05±8.53a 22.04±6.83b 58.40±15.71ab 60.83±4.89ab 53.09±9.24ab 15.25±12.74b 24.42±15.12b Rank 5 1 7 3 2 4 8 6 Dry residue None observed None observed None observed None observed None observed None observed None observed None observed August 24-26 Direct contact 3.75±2.67 37.41±12.36 10.00±6.67 26.33±7.85 12.02±5.13 12.83±4.40 16.29±3.95 n/a Rank 7 1 6 2 5 4 3 Table 4. Comparison of Hypoaspis miles mortality trials. All means separation was done with Tukey’s test. Numbers within a column followed by different letters are significantly different. Ornamental Horticulture Program Research Report Form Researcher: Project Title: Protocol #: Date: Parrella and Casey p5 11/22/2011 Impact of Thrips Management Tools on Beneficial Organisms PRnumbers: 29908, 29909, 29911, 29912, 29914, 29915, 29919, 29920, 30335, 30395, 30477, 30478 11-017 Amblyseius swirskii September 14-16, 2011 Direct contact Treatment Water treated control Pylon Untreated control Tolfenpyrad Hachi-Hachi Kontos NNI Overture PR number Mean adult % 1 mortality 24 HAT 3.17±1.80 Mean adult % 2 mortality 48 HAT 0.00 30477 2.06±1.38 1.88±1.33 0.63±0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.11±1.11 0.00 0.00 1.00±1.00 0.71±0.71 30335 29919 29908 29914 29911 Table 5. Amblyseius swirskii mortality after direct contact with pesticide spray. 1 df=7,79; F=1.6754; p=0.1287 df=7,79; F=0.7274; p=0.6493 2 Ornamental Horticulture Program Research Report Form Researcher: Project Title: Protocol #: Date: Parrella and Casey p6 11/22/2011 Impact of Thrips Management Tools on Beneficial Organisms PRnumbers: 29908, 29909, 29911, 29912, 29914, 29915, 29919, 29920, 30335, 30395, 30477, 30478 11-017 Materials & Methods/Recordkeeping Please fill out the information below or attach a separate document with comparable information. Name(s) of Personnel Conducting Research: Christine Casey Location of Trial (city/state): Davis, CA Use Site (greenhouse/shadehouse/field container/etc): Greenhouse Crop History Crop Cultivar/Variety: Date of Seeding: Date of Emergence: Date of Transplanting: Potting Mix: Pot size & spacing: Row spacing: n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Product(s) applied prior to start of experiment: Product Rate Application Type None Add more rows as needed. Date of Application Crop Growth Stage Application Volume Ornamental Horticulture Program Research Report Form Researcher: Project Title: Protocol #: Date: Parrella and Casey p7 11/22/2011 Impact of Thrips Management Tools on Beneficial Organisms PRnumbers: 29908, 29909, 29911, 29912, 29914, 29915, 29919, 29920, 30335, 30395, 30477, 30478 11-017 Experiment Information Experimental Design: Number of Reps: Completely randomized Ten Materials & Methods: Insert materials & methods here only if information is not presented elsewhere. Include any changes from protocol. Click here to enter text. Natural enemies were shipped from Koppert overnight and arrived at UC Davis by 11am the following morning. Upon arrival, five samples of each species examined by microscope to verify that the predators were alive and active. All trials were conducted in four-inch Petri dish arenas under a fume hood. In the August H. miles trial, the Petri dish was lined with moistened filter paper, which was supplemented with a honey water food source. Due to excessive mold growth by the 48-hour count, in subsequent trials we used only a moist piece of cotton and honey water as moisture and food sources (see Figure 1 for an example). The dishes were set up prior to the arrival of the natural enemies so that the predators would be as fresh as possible. To dispense equivalent amounts for each replicate, the container was inverted ten times to ensure even distribution of natural enemies within the vermiculite (A. swirskii) or peat (H. miles) carrier. A uniform quantity (enough to contain about 20 adults) of the carrier was measured from the dispenser of the species to be evaluated (Figure 2) and placed into the Petri dish. This was followed by airbrush application of the pesticide. To ensure uniform amounts of material were delivered to each replicate, the airbrush was held over each Petri dish for three seconds. This delivered a sufficient volume to wet the Petri dish surface. A barrier was placed around the Petri dish to prevent dispersal of the predators during application. The dish was then immediately covered and sealed with Parafilm. After all treatments were been applied, the Petri dishes were arranged under the fume hood in a completely randomized design and maintained under ambient light (natural light and fluorescent light from 8am to 5pm) and temperature (72 degrees F) conditions over the course of the trial. Operation of the fume hood prevented crosscontamination of adjacent treatments by any pesticide vapors. Mold growth and excessive predator mortality were observed in the first (Trial 1; August) H. miles trial at the 48 HAT count so this trial was repeated (Trial 2; September). In the second trial we also included a treatment in which the Petri dishes were sprayed directly with each pesticide and allowed to dry for one hour, at which time the mites were introduced. In order to do this within a day, there were only five replications of each treatment in this second trial. This additional application method and reduced number of replications are both changes from the protocol. At 24 and 48 hours after treatment, each Petri dish was examined under a dissecting microscope and the number of live and dead mites were counted. A grid was placed under the Petri dish to facilitate counting (Figure 3). Mites that were moving, or moved after being probed, were counted as live. Mites that were desiccated or did not move after probing were counted as dead. The Petri dishes were re-sealed with Parafilm after the 24 hour count and re-randomized under the fume hood. Ornamental Horticulture Program Research Report Form Researcher: Project Title: Protocol #: Date: Parrella and Casey p8 11/22/2011 Impact of Thrips Management Tools on Beneficial Organisms PRnumbers: 29908, 29909, 29911, 29912, 29914, 29915, 29919, 29920, 30335, 30395, 30477, 30478 11-017 Application Equipment: Airbrush Product(s) applied during experiment (including treatments, fertilizers, etc): Product Rate(s) Application Type Date of Application Crop Growth Stage Application Volume Kontos Hachi-Hachi NNI-0101 Overture Pylon Tolfenpyrad 3.4oz/100gal (0.13ml/500ml) 21oz/100gal (0.82ml/500ml) 6.38oz/100gal (0.25ml/500ml) 8oz/100gal (0.3mg/500ml) 5.2 oz/100gal (0.21ml/500ml) 21oz/100gal (0.82ml/500ml) Airbrush Airbrush Airbrush Airbrush Airbrush Airbrush 8/24; 9/14; 9/26 8/24; 9/14; 9/26 8/24; 9/14; 9/26 8/24; 9/14; 9/26 8/24; 9/14; 9/26 8/24; 9/14; 9/26 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3 sec count 3 sec count 3 sec count 3 sec count 3 sec count 3 sec count Note: All products mixed as 500 ml solutions Photos Figure 1. Trial set-up under fume hood. Figure 2. Amount of A. swirskii dispensed in each replicate. Figure 3. Grid used to facilitate counting. Ornamental Horticulture Program Research Report Form Researcher: Project Title: Protocol #: Date: Parrella and Casey p9 11/22/2011 Impact of Thrips Management Tools on Beneficial Organisms 11-017 PRnumbers: 29908, 29909, 29911, 29912, 29914, 29915, 29919, 29920, 30335, 30395, 30477, 30478 Data Collected Please describe data collected and scoring system. Also include the dates data were collected. Data collected: Hypoaspis miles, direct pesticide spray: 8/25/11: no. of live and dead immatures and adults 24 hours after treatment 9/27/11: no. of live and dead immatures and adults 24 hours after treatment 8/26/11 no. of live and dead immatures and adults 48 hours after treatment 9/28/11: no. of live and dead immatures and adults 48 hours after treatment Hypoaspis miles, dried residue contact: 9/27/11: no. of live and dead immatures and adults 24 hours after treatment 9/28/11: no. of live and dead immatures and adults 48 hours after treatment Amblyseius swirskii, direct pesticide spray: 9/15/11: no. of live and dead adults 24 hours after treatment 9/16/11: no. of live and dead adults 48 hours after treatment Mites that were moving, or moved after being probed, were counted as live. Mites that were desiccated or did not move after probing were counted as dead. Raw Data Insert raw data below or send separate file containing raw data Click here to enter text. See attached file 11-017 raw data.xlsx Ornamental Horticulture Program Research Report Form Researcher: Project Title: Protocol #: Parrella and Casey Date: p 10 11/22/2011 Impact of Thrips Management Tools on Beneficial Organisms 11-017 PRnumbers: 29908, 29909, 29911, 29912, 29914, 29915, 29919, 29920, 30335, 30395, 30477, 30478 Environmental conditions during the experiment: Insert temperature, precipitation and/or irrigation, and relative humidity with a minimum of high, low and average daily temperatures. Or send separate file with this information. Include a statement about any significant weather or environmental events during the course of the experiment. These trials were done in a laboratory under ambient light (sunlight and overhead fluorescent light from 8am to 5pm) and temperature (approx. 72 degrees F). Treatment Hachi-Hachi Hachi-Hachi Hachi-Hachi Hachi-Hachi Hachi-Hachi Hachi-Hachi Hachi-Hachi Hachi-Hachi Hachi-Hachi Hachi-Hachi Kontos Kontos Kontos Kontos Kontos Kontos Kontos Kontos Kontos Kontos NNI NNI NNI NNI NNI NNI NNI NNI NNI NNI Overture Overture Overture Overture Overture Overture Overture Overture Overture Overture Natural enemTreatment daTreatment m Replicate Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray Hypoaspis mi 8/24/2011 Spray 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Imm live 24h Imm dead 24 28 1 16 6 19 17 14 14 15 30 21 15 15 35 16 50 10 41 2 53 10 2 11 6 9 8 8 13 6 11 11 11 11 9 14 4 19 0 11 14 7 50 4 9 1 5 4 10 0 32 0 40 3 9 15 14 25 6 4 35 4 20 4 4 6 22 4 14 11 25 12 11 10 31 1 20 0 10 12 42 Pylon Hypoaspis mi Pylon Hypoaspis mi Pylon Hypoaspis mi Pylon Hypoaspis mi Pylon Hypoaspis mi Pylon Hypoaspis mi Pylon Hypoaspis mi Pylon Hypoaspis mi Pylon Hypoaspis mi Pylon Hypoaspis mi Tolfenpyrad Hypoaspis mi Tolfenpyrad Hypoaspis mi Tolfenpyrad Hypoaspis mi Tolfenpyrad Hypoaspis mi Tolfenpyrad Hypoaspis mi Tolfenpyrad Hypoaspis mi Tolfenpyrad Hypoaspis mi Tolfenpyrad Hypoaspis mi Tolfenpyrad Hypoaspis mi Tolfenpyrad Hypoaspis mi Untreated co Hypoaspis mi Untreated co Hypoaspis mi Untreated co Hypoaspis mi Untreated co Hypoaspis mi Untreated co Hypoaspis mi Untreated co Hypoaspis mi Untreated co Hypoaspis mi Untreated co Hypoaspis mi Untreated co Hypoaspis mi Untreated co Hypoaspis mi Water treatedHypoaspis mi Water treatedHypoaspis mi Water treatedHypoaspis mi Water treatedHypoaspis mi Water treatedHypoaspis mi Water treatedHypoaspis mi Water treatedHypoaspis mi Water treatedHypoaspis mi Water treatedHypoaspis mi Water treatedHypoaspis mi Hachi-Hachi Amblyseius sw 8/24/2011 8/24/2011 8/24/2011 8/24/2011 8/24/2011 8/24/2011 8/24/2011 8/24/2011 8/24/2011 8/24/2011 8/24/2011 8/24/2011 8/24/2011 8/24/2011 8/24/2011 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