Agenda Item #6 12/12/12 First 5 Yolo Children and Families Commission Agenda Item Cover Sheet Attachments None Agenda Item- Commission Meeting Minutes Background Commissioners review and approve minutes from the previous First 5 Yolo Children & Families Commission meeting. Executive Director Overview First 5 Yolo Children and Families Commission held a regularly scheduled meeting on October 10, 2012 from 3:00 - 5:00pm at 403 Court Street, Woodland, CA 95695 Additional Information The next regular Commission meeting will be held February 12, 2012 Action Requested Approve minutes as submitted. 12/12/12 Comission Meeting Packet Page 3 of 101 Agenda Item # 7 12/12/12 First 5 Yolo Children and Families Commission Agenda Item Cover Sheet Attachments None Agenda Item - Commission Calendar December 2012 and January 2013 Background Commission Calendar of Meetings and Events during the months of December 2012 and January 2013 Executive Director Overview Commission Calendar includes dates for upcoming Commission and committee meetings and other First 5 Yolo trainings and events. Additional Information Action Requested Adopt calendar as presented. 12/12/12 Comission Meeting Packet Page 6 of 101 Agenda Item # 8 12/12/12 First 5 Yolo Children and Families Commission Agenda Item Cover Sheet Attachments Committee –Program & Policy Meeting Minutes None Committee Members Present Commissioners- R. Baker (Chair), K. Ziebron, S. Heitman Staff- J. Gallelo, L. Price Others- L. Aldrete Meeting Dates November 28, 2012 Report Synopsis Committee discussed the following items: • • • • • • EFRC- Parent Education Registry and Sole Source Contract w/YFSA EFRC- Access in Davis State of Childcare in Yolo County Community Grants Update EFRC Media Plan Long Range Calendar 2013 Next Meeting Scheduled TBD Action(s) Requested Accept Program and Policy Committee meeting minutes as submitted. 12/12/12 Comission Meeting Packet Page 9 of 101 Agenda Item #9 12/12/12 First 5 Yolo Children and Families Commission Agenda Item Cover Sheet Attachments None Agenda Item: Approve Community Grants Background At the October 2011 Commission Meeting, Commissioners approved $66,000 in additional program funding as a result of cost savings experienced during FY10-11. At this time, Community Grants were funded in the amount of $40,000 for FY 12/13. In June 2012, First 5 Yolo awarded $29,000 of the available $40,000 in Community Grants for FY12/13. Executive Director Overview On September 10, 2012, First 5 Yolo released the second round of its 2012/13 Community Grant applications to award the remaining $11,000 in funding. The Commission received a total of nine Community Grants applications for a funding request total of $42,680.01. The review panel (consisting of F5Y Commissioner, F5Y staff and a community member) is recommending full funding for 2 projects. Child Care Priority Area • Childcare Feasibility Study, Capay Valley Vision (Fund in Full $4,620) Social Emotional Health Priority Area • Strengthening Families: 5 Protective Factors, WarmLine FRC (Fund in Full $3,500) Physical Health Priority Area • WIC Children's Garden, Yolo County Health Department (Fund at $2,880) Additional Information Upon funding approval, staff will work closely with agencies to discuss funding conditions and review panel recommendations for contract terms. Action(s) Requested Approve Community Mini-grants totaling $11,000 as recommended by the review panel. 12/12/12 Comission Meeting Packet Page 12 of 101 Agenda Item # 10 12/12/2012 First 5 Yolo Children and Families Commission Agenda Item Cover Sheet Attachments None Agenda Item- FY 11/12 First 5 Yolo Evaluation Findings & Impact Presentation Background First 5 Yolo contracts with Davis Consultant Network (DCN) to provide local evaluation assistance. DCN has been working with staff on program level evaluation data collection and analysis, as well as with the Executive Director on overall agency-wide evaluation measures. As part of their contract obligation, DCN will provide Commissioners with a brief presentation on the impact of our investments in FY11-12. Executive Director Overview DCN will highlight First 5 Yolo’s 2011-2012 evaluation & outcome highlights. This data is gathered from our partnering agencies’ quarterly reports as well as from additional local evaluation efforts (focus groups, kinder enrollment surveys, etc.) conducted by staff and DCN. A report on the 2011-2012 findings is provided in your Commission packet. A PowerPoint presentation has been prepared and there will be time for questions and answers about the success of our various programs. Additional Information Information gleaned from the report will be used to develop the "Annual Report to the Community" publication which is inserted into the local newspapers in January. Action Requested Receive presentation on First 5 Yolo funded program evaluation & outcomes for 2011-2012 from DCN. 12/12/12 Comission Meeting Packet Page 13 of 101 Agenda Item # 11 12/12/2012 First 5 Yolo Children and Families Commission Agenda Item Cover Sheet Attachments None Agenda Item- Parent Education Contract w/YFSA for Incredible Years Background As a component of the Expanded Family Resource Center Initiative, the Commission allocated a budget of $40,000 for parent education in FY12/13 and $65,000 in FY13/14 and FY14/15. First 5 Yolo is developing a Parent Education Registry which will be comprised of agencies and individuals with expertise in a variety of parent education topics. The FRCs will have access to this cadre of professional parent education providers to choose from, based on their location’s individualized parent education needs assessment. In addition to the multiple individuals and agencies to become F5Y vendors through the Parent Education Registry process, some agencies may also become contractors through a sole source process. One such agency, Yolo Family Services Agency, currently provides The Incredible Years parent education series. Executive Director Overview YFSA is the only agency in the county certified to provide The Incredible Years parent education curriculum. F5Y invested in the purchase of the curriculum last year and also paid for the YFSA staff to be trained. Staff are recommending that the Commission engage in a sole source contract with YFSA in the amount of $12,325 for January - June 2013. The scope of work for the sole source contract would include 3 series of The Incredible Years workshops, each series consisting of 12 workshops. The locations would include: • West Sacramento- parents of State Preschool children as well as pregnant and parenting teens in the independent study program at the Alyce Normal Education Center in Broderick. • Woodland- parents of children living at Casa del Sol mobile home park. • Davis- location to be determined, however, targeting parents of children at State Preschool and Head Start, as well as YFRC clients at Margarite Montgomery Elementary School. The budget for the contract is $3,275 per twelve week series for a total budget not to exceed $12,325. Funding this sole source contract would result in approximately $28,000 remaining in the Parent Education line item to support providers enrolled in the Parent Education Registry for the remaining 6 months of the fiscal year. Staff believe that this is an adequate amount of funds to provide workshops, support groups and individual parent counseling across the county. Additional Information 12/12/12 Comission Meeting Packet Page 70 of 101 A copy of the sole source form, required by F5Y's policies and procedures manual, is attached for your review. Action Requested Approve sole source contract with YFSA for $12,325 for 3 series of The Incredible Years parent education workshops to take place January - June 2013. 12/12/12 Comission Meeting Packet Page 71 of 101 Agenda Item # 12 12/12/2012 First 5 Yolo Children and Families Commission Agenda Item Cover Sheet Attachments None Agenda Item- EFRC Media Plan Background Commissioners approved the FY12/13 Annual Operating Budget at its June 2012 meeting. Within the budget was a line item for $10,000 to coordinate a media campaign to increase awareness of FRCs (and the services available therein) among parents with young children in Yolo County. The Program and Policy Committee and F5Y Chair reviewed a draft media plan in August 2012. Formative research was conducted in October/November to determine the most timely and cost effective way to ensure messages will be heard. The P&P Committee reviewed and approved a modified version of the media plan at its meeting on November 27th. Executive Director Overview Staff and volunteers conducted an EFRC Media Survey October 15 through November 9th at the following locations: YCCA WS FRC, RISE FRCs in Winters and Esparto, YFRC in Woodland, WIC in Woodland, DESS in Woodland and CommuniCare Health Centers in Davis and Woodland. Many surveys were conducted in person with bilingual volunteers to ensure parents with low literacy rates were represented in the sample. Nearly 200 surveys were completed, with about 50% in English and 50% in Spanish. There was coverage throughout the county. Survey results are included in the packet for your review. Based on the survey results, staff worked with Aldrete Communications to determine the best use of the limited funds and updated the media plan to reflect the findings. Please see the attached EFRC Media Plan. In addition to the survey, staff also conducted one focus group of 13 Latino West Sacramento mothers at the YCCA FRC to obtain qualitative information on key messages and advertisement designs (colors, layout, etc.). A description of the focus group highlights is included in your packet. This information was critical to developing our logo, key messages and photo shoot scheme. Once approved, Aldrete Communications will purchase print and radio ads, as well as use media relationships to obtain earned media coverage. Staff will continue work on social media, maximizing coordination with existing F5Y partners and leveraging F5Y partnerships with cross promotions. The majority of allocated funds will be spent on a mixture of newspaper ads and radio spots. The breakdown for radio is: KLMG – Latino 97.9 (Adelante Radio) Spanish: 180 fifteen second spots over a 5-week period. Campaign begins on January 28, 2013 and runs through March 2, 2013. Includes a banner on and an appearance on its public affairs programming. Cost: $4,500. KSFM LOVE 102.5 (CBS Radio) English: 140 thirty second spots over a 4-week period (B.O.G.O Sale = buy one week and get one week free). Campaign begins on December 31, 2012 for two weeks 12/12/12 Comission Meeting Packet Page 74 of 101 ending January 12, 2013 --- then again beginning on January 28, 2013 and ending on February 16, 2013. Includes 160 streaming commercials (40 per week) and weekly sponsorships on “Traffic Jam” at 7:30 a.m. Cost: $3,000 . Additional Information A key component of the campaign and its main "call to action" is to have viewers call 211 for information on their local FRC and other services. Action Requested Approve EFRC Media Plan as outlined and recommend approval by full Commission. 12/12/12 Comission Meeting Packet Page 75 of 101 Agenda Item # 13 12/12/2012 First 5 Yolo Children and Families Commission Agenda Item Cover Sheet Attachments None Agenda Item- UCD MPH Preceptor Program Background In October 2011, the Commission approved working with the UC Davis Graduate School of Public Health to hire a student intern to work on First 5 Yolo’s public education and outreach activities including launching a public education campaign entitled "Rethink Your Drink", highlighting Potter the Otter. Throughout 2012, our intern enhanced partnerships with community based organizations and conducted numerous outreach events to get the word out about drinking healthy beverages as a preventive measure for childhood obesity. First 5 Yolo's partners and families benefited from the initial campaign planning, ordering of materials and creation of educational activities. Our intern was even able to worked directly with parents at events to educate them on how to reduce their child's consumption of sugar sweetened beverages, although she was only able to do this at a handful of outreach events. Additionally, she provided an hour long training to 40 partner agency staff at a Family Focus Forum meeting. Executive Director Overview Staff recommend partnering with UCD Graduate School of Public Health in 2013, to build on the foundation created through last year's preceptor program. We have the opportunity to hire an intern for the academic year to complete the activities outlined below. Because much of the work is universal to all First 5s promoting Potter the Otter/Rethink Your Drink, we are able to leverage funds from First 5 San Joaquin to offset 50% of the cost for the 2013 intern. The intern will work on universal health messages targeting obesity prevention, oral health, etc. These messages will be delivered via "e-toolkits" to parents and providers of Fist 5 Yolo and First 5 San Joaquin. The total cost for this intern is $1,500 for service from January-August 2013. First 5 Yolo's share of the expense would be $750. Staff are committed to continue the distribution of Potter books and working with partners and parents on obesity prevention and other health messages. This is a great way to continue the work started in 2012 and leverage funds to ensure a cost effective project. Objectives: Implement a public education campaign targeting parents/caregivers of children ages 0-5 residing in Yolo County Effectively communicate health promotion and illness & injury prevention messages Activities: Implement ‘Potter the Otter’ Campaign ◦ Develop quarterly electronic toolkits for providers/parents related to healthy lifestyle ◦ Distribute “Potter the Otter: A Tale About Water” children’s book 12/12/12 Comission Meeting Packet Page 87 of 101 • Implement ‘Rethink Your Drink’ Campaign (RYD), a nutrition education initiative to combat obesity funded by Network for a Healthy CA/CDPH ◦ Attend “Train the Trainer” Workshop and become certified in "Sugar Savvy" curriculum ◦ Teach "Sugar Savvy" curriculum to providers and parents at outreach events Additional Information Action Requested Approve partnership with UC Davis Graduate School of Public Health for $750 to obtain an intern for FY12/13 to implement obesity prevention activities for parents and providers. 12/12/12 Comission Meeting Packet Page 88 of 101 Agenda Item # 14 12/12/2012 First 5 Yolo Children and Families Commission Agenda Item Cover Sheet Attachments None Agenda Item – Elect F5Y Officers for 2013 Background At its March 2009 Commission meeting, First 5 Yolo adopted an Officer Nomination protocol for the annual election of its officers. The Nomination protocol established a process to nominate officers for the positions of: • Vice-Chair • Treasurer • Program and Policy Committee Chair As stated in our current bylaws, the Vice-Chair shall serve as the Personnel Committee Chair and the Treasurer shall serve as the Finance Committee Chair. These positions don’t need to be elected specifically as they will automatically be filled once the Vice-Chair and Treasure positions are elected. Executive Director Overview Commissioners were asked to submit Officer Nomination Forms to the Executive Director by December 11 or to bring their nominations to the Commission meeting on December 12th. In addition to those who complete the nomination form, any Commissioner may be nominated for any office from the floor of the December Commission meeting. Once all nominated individuals have been identified, from nomination forms and the floor, the full Commission will vote for each office from among the identified nominees. Nominees with the majority vote of the Commission shall be considered elected into the offices for which they applied. Elected officers will serve from January - December 2013. Currently, the following Commissioners have been nominated for positions: • Donita Stromgren, Vice-Chair/Personnel Committee Chair • Rick Baker, Program and Policy Committee Chair • Jorge Ayala, Treasurer/Finance Committee Chair • Karen Ziebron, Community Grants Review Panelist Additional Information Please see attached Officer Job Descriptions and nomination forms for 2013. Action Requested Elect 2013 First 5 Yolo officers. 12/12/12 Comission Meeting Packet 1 Page 89 of 101 Agenda Item # 15 12/12/12 First 5 Yolo Children and Families Commission Agenda Item Cover Sheet Attachments None Agenda Item- Executive Director’s Report of Staff Activities Background The Executive Director submits a monthly update of staff activities. Executive Director Overview Attached is the Executive Director’s Report, including a synopsis of Integrated Family Support Initiative, Family Focus Forum, Communications, Evaluation, and Fiscal activities. Additional Information Also included is a staff priority task calendar detailing staff activities taking place currently and over the upcoming months. Action Requested Receive Executive Director’s Report. 12/12/12 Comission Meeting Packet Page 92 of 101 Agenda Item #16 12/12/12 First 5 Yolo Children and Families Commission Agenda Item Cover Sheet Attachments None Agenda Item- Receive Reports from Commissioners Background Commissioners are given an opportunity to provide an update on recent and upcoming activities and events relating to their role as commissioner and/or professional capacity in the county. Executive Director Overview None. Additional Information None. Action Requested None. 12/12/12 Comission Meeting Packet Page 101 of 101
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