-l Directols Script Scdpt3 "TOO [ATE" Text Cenesis6-9 Story:Noahand the Flood Purposeof the Scdpt: To teachthe listenerto believewhat Cod saysand to trust parentsand friends.Also, to learnwhat happenswhen one findsout too latethat what waspromisedis true. PropsNeeded: Nonenecessary CharacterDescriptions: Eddie- Sarcastic, smart-alec, latersad Nancy- Eddie'ssister,excitedand happy Bill- Eddie'sfriend,alsoexcitedaboutthe party Mom - Sympathetic, yet teachesEddiea lesson Suggestions for Directingthe Script: This scriptoffersno real difficulttechnicalproblems.lt is importantfor the charactersto be reallyexcitedabout the prospectsof goingto the party.Eddieshouldreallybe stunnedwhen he findsout that the partyisfor real. Noahand the Flood "TOO LATE/ NANCY: (excitedly) Eddie,you justwon't believeit. Youjustwon't believeid!! EDDIE: What won't I believe? NAN€Y: Well, you know aboutour classparty,don't you? EDDIE: Yeah?Sowhat? NANCY: Theteacherjusttold usthat RonaldMcDonaldis goingto be thereat the partyasa surprise! EDDIE: You'reright.I don't believeyou! NANCY: l'm serious!He'sreallygoingto be there! EDDIE: (sarcastically) Sure,and my nameis DaffyDuck. NANCY: Ok, don't believeme!Youjustwait and seefor yourself. TDDIE: I don'tthinkl'm going.Thosedumbold partiesareboring! NANCY: Butyou'llmissseeingRonaldMcDonald! EDDIE: Aw, he'snot reallygoingto be there.Theyjust saidthat to makeeveryonewant to come! NANCY: Well, whateveryou think.l'vegot to hurryand get readyso I won't be late.(exilr,)(enterBill) BILL: Hey,Ed,did ya hearaboutRonaldMcDonald?! Betterhurryor you'll missthe bus! EDDIE: You don't reallybelievethat stuff,do you? BILL: Sure,why not?He'sreallycoming!Betterhurry! EDDIE: No thanks.l'm not goingto makea fool of myself. BIL[: Well, l'vegottago. The buswill be herein a minute.(exits) MOM: (offstage) Eddie. . . Eddie? Whereareyou? EDDIE: f'm in here,Mom. (enterMom) MOM: Eddie,what areyou doing?Why aren'tyou gettingreadyfor the party? EDDIE: l'm not going,Mom. They lied to us about havingRonaldMcDonaldat the party,so I just don't want to go! MOM: ButEddie,ifs true!He reallyis goingto be there!ljust talkedto your teachermyself. EDDIE: You mean he reallyis coming?Wow! l'd better hurry and get ready!Oh, no! The bus is alreadyhere! (beep!beep/)Hey,wait!Oh . . . it'stoo late. MOM: l'm sorry, Eddie.Maybe next time you'll believeand be ready on time! You'll just have to learn the hardway! EDDIB Yeah,I guessso. Mom, you know what?lt isn'tvery easyto learnthe hardway. Next time l'll be ready!!! (both exit) NOAH AND THE FLOOD Page5 of6 WHAT HAPPENSWHEN WE DISOBEY? SKIT 1 John: "Mrs. Williams hasso manypretty flowersin her garden." Melissa: *I'd like to pick someof themto takehome." Tom: *My parentsalwayssaynot to take anythingwithout askingfirst." Annie: *But don't your parentsalwaystell you to share?Mrs. Williams shouldshareher flowers. Sheoncetold my motherit wasok to pick some." hhn: *Thenit's probablyok for us to pick a few." (picking flowers) Melissai"I'm goingto pick oneof thesered onesandtwo of thoseyellow onesover there." (picking) Tom: "I don't feel right aboutthis." (picking) Annie: 'olt's fine. I sawmy mom pick a lot of thesefor aparty shewashaving." (All arepicking flowersnow.) Mrs. Williams: "What areyou childrendoingin my yard? Why haveyou pickedall of thoseflowers? Don't you haveanyrespectfor otherpeople'sproperty?I will call your parentsandtell themwhat you havedone." Jghg: "Annie, we shouldn'thavelistenedto you." Melissa: "Now we're all in troublewith our parents." Tom: "My parentsaregoingto be very unhappythat I took somethingthat wasn'tmine." Annie: "You didn't haveto listento me. You haveyour own minds." SKIT 2 http://www.kirkofkildaire.org/quest/FQlessons/AdamEvePuppets.htn 6125/2004 .e NOAH A}D THE FLOOD JqhU Page6 of6 "Where'sAnnie? I haven'tseenher in two weeks." Melissa: 'oHerparentsmusthavegroundedher andnot let herplay outsidesincewe got into troublefor picking Mrs. Williams' flowers." Tom: "Let's go find out." (threemoveto houseandringing doorbellor knock) Mrs. Wood: "Ohnhello. Do you want to seeAnnie?" John: "Yes, cansheplay outsidewith us?" Mrq-$lqa4 "Yesoshecan. Annie...Annie" Alue: "Hi John,Melissa,Tom. Whatdo you want?" Meli$a: *Your mom saidyou canplay outside today. Wereyou grounded?,, "I Annre: wasfor a few dayi. And I hadto write an apologyto Mrs. Wiltiams. Do you wantme to play? I thoughtyou wouldnntwantto be friendswith me afterI got everyone in trouble.'o Iqm: 'oIdon't careaboutthat. You wereright, we didn't haveto listento you." John:"We wouldn't let somethinglike that endus beingfriends." Melissa:"C'mon out andplay." http://www.kirkofkildaire.org/quest/FQlessons/AdamEvePuppets. htn 6/2512004
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