BRAZOS RIVER AUTHORITY ANNUAL OPERATING PLAN FY2013 TECHNICAL SERVICES Technical Services DESCRIPTION Technical Services provides technical support for the basins for water supply and drought management; project planning, design, and construction; property services; environmental services including water quality monitoring; and emergency programs including safety, security, and regulatory compliance. MAJOR INITIATIVES Provide technical support to secure System Operation Permit and continue development of Water Management Plan and Water Accounting Plan. Successfully manage Brazos River Authority water supply system (drought and/or flood) and meet all contract and reporting requirements. Provide monitoring, analysis, quality assurance and data management in support of regional initiatives and Brazos River Authority operations. Develop programs, procedures and protocols to help protect Brazos River Authority assets by mitigating hazards in the workplace, reducing risks associated with the hazards and minimizing the consequences of hazard exposures. Continue to conduct the Texas Clean Rivers Program in the Brazos River basin. Support Industrial Pretreatment Program (IPP), Environmental Compliance, Emergency Management, Security, and Health and Safety programs as needed to include facility acquisitions and maintain regulatory compliance. Create a database of all right-of-way and inundation easements held by the Brazos River Authority. Provide engineering and construction support for improvements to Brazos River Authority and customer facilities. Support initiatives for groundwater acquisition. Internalize project design effort for appropriate capital and maintenance projects. 7-1 BRAZOS RIVER AUTHORITY ANNUAL OPERATING PLAN FY2013 TECHNICAL SERVICES TECHNICAL SERVICES MANAGEMENT Technical Services Management DESCRIPTION OBJECTIVES FOR 2013 • Technical Services Management Department provides technical support to the Upper, Central and Lower Basins for water services, infrastructure operations, development and environmental assessments as well as provides support for emergency management programs. Technical Services assumes responsibility for developing additional water resources, including the development of a Water Management Plan that will be a component of the Systems Management and Drought Protection Plan permit. • • • • ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR 2012 • • • • • • • • • • • Completed Water Management Study for the PK – Granbury – Whitney portion of the Brazos River Authority’s reservoir system and implemented new protocol. • Recruited and hired qualified personnel to complete the staffing of ASG and PSG to the approved staff level. • Provided engineering management for a number of design projects performed by outside consultants. • Conducted Clean Rivers Program stakeholder and multi-agency coordination workshops to facilitate planning of environmental activities for FY 2013. • Established internal static and transient hydraulic modeling capability and undertook modeling of the West Central Brazos pipeline. Completed and submitted to TCEQ the Brazos Basin Summary Report, a 5-year comprehensive assessment of the status of water quality in the basin. • Participated in the SB3 Brazos Basin, Bay and Basin Expert Science Team to develop environmentally based instream flow recommendations for consideration by TCEQ. • Developed BRA Water Management and Accounting Plans required by the System Operation Permit for submittal to TCEQ in November 2012. • Initiated and managed TWDB hydrographic surveys of four reservoirs to develop updated estimates of sedimentation. Completed emergency action plans for all three dams, approved by TCEQ. Implemented the written Health and Safety Program to support the Brazos River Authority’s Enterprise Risk Management Program. 7-2 Complete construction of the Lake Granger Raw Water Intake and Pipeline. Provide technical support to secure System Operation Permit and continue development of the permit required Water Management Plan and Water Accounting Plans. Conduct hydrographic surveys Limestone and Lake Proctor. at Lake Continue to provide engineering management for the completion of active design work being performed by outside consultants. Conduct water quality sampling and analysis to assess compliance of basin waters with state water quality standards. Assist TPWD, TWDB and TCEQ with data collection efforts to support development of the Texas In-stream Flow Program. Successfully manage BRA water supply system (drought and/or flood) and meet all contract and reporting requirements. Update BRA Drought Contingency and Water Conservation Plans, update the vulnerability assessments for the Brazos River Authority dams, conduct annual training on emergency action plans, and conduct exercises of the dams’ Site Security Plans. Conduct risk management audits and regular safety inspections, training, accident investigations and hazard safety analysis to minimize employee exposures to safety hazards in the workplace. Provide engineering management for the construction of the Controlled Outlet Conduit, PK miscellaneous improvement projects and complete the assessment of cracks and spalls at PK, and develop long term repair program to extend the service life of the dam. Provide in-house design and engineering oversight for modifications at the West Central Brazos Lake Intake, Lake Granbury’s DeCordova Bend and Hunter Parks. Provide engineering management for the construction of hydraulic and coating improvements to the low flow facility, mechanical improvements to the tainter gate hoist units, access improvements throughout facility, as well as coating improvements and structural repairs to the steel elements at Sterling C. Robertson Dam. BRAZOS RIVER AUTHORITY ANNUAL OPERATING PLAN FY2013 TECHNICAL SERVICES TECHNICAL SERVICES MANAGEMENT Technical Services Management Expense Comparison 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 FY 11 Actual FY 12 Budget FY 12 Projected FY 13 Proposed Technical Services Management Management: Budget Salaries Benefits Materials & Supplies Utilities Outside Services Repair & Maintenance Rent Travel Employee Development Regulatory Miscellaneous Operating Direct Labor Overhead Central Office Common Capital Outlay TOTAL FY2011 Actual FY2012 Budget FY2012 Projected FY2013 Proposed 215,258 59,789 6,990 885 647 519 288 (179) 65,512 14,063 - 217,618 62,757 10,515 900 30,684 210 2,200 1,708 75,401 17,923 - 216,845 62,442 8,100 900 562 3,250 1,100 (4,229) 83,452 15,784 - 222,635 63,136 10,300 500 30,607 210 2,200 2,408 (183) 58,310 14,575 - 363,772 419,916 388,206 404,698 7-3 BRAZOS RIVER AUTHORITY ANNUAL OPERATING PLAN FY2013 TECHNICAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION AND PROPERTY SERVICES Construction and Property Services DESCRIPTION Construction and Property Services provides construction management, and real property acquisition and management to support the Upper, Central, and Lower Basins and other operational units. This support is provided by using sound principals and practices related to the acquisition, disposal, transfer, leasing and management of properties, construction of projects (i.e., new water supply, treatment and distribution systems, wastewater collection and treatment systems and the rehabilitation and expansion of existing systems, etc.), and oversees and coordinates interregional projects. The Construction and Property Services Department is composed of personnel who have knowledge, experience and expertise regarding, but not limited to, engineering, surveying, property operty acquisition, property appraisal, cost estimating and construction of assets. ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR 201 2012 • • • • • Completed construction Phase II Pumps. of WCRRWL Assisted with the requirements toward conveying property in compliance with H.B. 3032 at Possum Kingdom Lake. OBJECTIVES FOR 2013 13 • Completed construction of Contract B Pipeline Project for the Lake Gra Granger Intake and Pipeline. • Completed the acquisition of easeme easements required for the new Lake Granger Intake and Pipeline. • Worked with Brazos River Authority personnel at various projects on real property related issues. • 7-4 Complete construction of the Lake Granger Intake and Pipeline. Complete construction of DeCordova Dam Improvement Projects. Assist in analysis of remaining commercial and residential properties at Possum Kingdom Lake. Complete construction of the Controlled Outlet Conduit at Possum Kingdom. BRAZOS RIVER AUTHORITY ANNUAL OPERATING PLAN FY2013 TECHNICAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION & PROPERTY SERVICES Construction and Property Services Expense Comparison 300,000 225,000 150,000 75,000 0 FY 11 Actual FY 12 Budget FY 12 Projected FY 13 Proposed Construction and Property Services: Budget Salaries Benefits Materials & Supplies Utilities Outside Services Repair & Maintenance Rent Travel Employee Development Regulatory Landfill/Sludge Hauling Miscellaneous Operating Direct Labor Overhead Central Office Common Capital Outlay TOTAL FY2011 Actual FY2012 Budget FY2012 Projected FY2013 Proposed 247,592 74,464 737 3 1,109 3,995 11,798 3,590 (197,687) 33,218 9,375 16,889 247,592 78,416 5,227 3,735 2,860 1,000 19,800 7,315 (217,179) 39,020 11,949 5,000 244,582 80,367 5,225 1 1,332 2,400 25,300 8,505 (214,433) 28,786 10,523 - 253,369 96,419 7,775 3,938 3,570 500 26,800 9,340 (191,397) 33,225 9,716 - 205,083 204,735 192,588 253,255 7-5 BRAZOS RIVER AUTHORITY ANNUAL OPERATING PLAN FY2013 TECHNICAL SERVICES WATER SERVICES Water Services, Federal Reservoirs and Purchased Water • DESCRIPTION Water Services provides three vital functions to the Brazos River Authority: (1) day-to-day operational control of the Brazos River Authority’s water resources; (2) administration and monitoring of the Brazos River Authority’s water rights and water supply contracts; and, (3) water resource planning to meet projected future water needs. Water Services employs proven water supply procedures and state-of-theart analyses to manage the Brazos River Authority’s water resources and supply water to its customers. Staff collects, maintains, analyzes, and reports information concerning hydrology, water supply, and water use in managing the water supply in eleven reservoirs. Staff also directs floodgate operations at the three Brazos River Authority-owned reservoirs. Staff monitors customer water use and compliance for 250+ water contracts and fifteen water right permits. Staff reviews, tests and revises its operating procedures for droughts, floods, and other emergencies. Staff performs and supports water resource planning functions and provides project management of important water supply development initiatives. • • • • • • Provided support and technical expertise for implementing the Senate Bill 3 environmental flow process in the Brazos Basin. Developed new operational protocol (pumping triggers) for the Williamson County Regional Raw Water Line. Provided support and project management for various new water supply development initiatives and Regional Water Planning activities. Morris Sheppard Dam 4-Gate Release, June 2007 OBJECTIVES FOR 2013 • • ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR 2012 • Developed BRA Water Management and Accounting Plans required by the System Operation Permit for submittal to TCEQ in November 2012. Managed BRA water supply system through end of worst single year drought on record. • Developed recommendations and coordinated sale of 2012 Interruptible Water in two phases in light of exceptional drought. • Initiated and managed TWDB hydrographic surveys of four reservoirs to develop updated estimates of sedimentation. • Developed new software for use in high flow gate release events at PK, Granbury, and Limestone that will better help BRA safely pass excess runoff through the reservoirs. • 7-6 Successfully manage BRA water supply system (drought and/or flood) and meet all contract and reporting requirements. Complete and submit Water Management and Accounting Plans to TCEQ and support TCEQ review process. Update BRA Drought Contingency and Water Conservation Plans. Complete development of new Water Services contract database and reservoir data processing software; retire old database and “Morning” program. Provide water supply planning support (Regional Water Planning, Groundwater & Conjunctive Use, Aquilla Pool Rise, Allens Creek, Belton-Stillhouse Pipeline, etc.). Initiate Morning Report phase of Water Services Database Project. BRAZOS RIVER AUTHORITY ANNUAL OPERATING PLAN FY2013 TECHNICAL SERVICES WATER SERVICES Water Services Expense Comparison 1,000,000 750,000 500,000 250,000 0 FY 11 Actual FY 12 Budget FY 12 Projected FY 13 Proposed Water Services: Budget Salaries Benefits Materials & Supplies Utilities Outside Services Repair & Maintenance Rent Travel Employee Development Regulatory Miscellaneous Operating Direct Labor Overhead Central Office Common Capital Outlay TOTAL FY2011 Actual FY2012 Budget FY2012 Projected FY2013 Proposed 381,609 109,671 1,499 4,442 45,393 1,276 3,119 2,070 175 (135,256) 65,618 28,125 - 406,729 125,084 9,650 5,600 141,640 370 5,046 14,215 (71,205) 81,151 35,847 - 401,413 119,917 6,400 5,000 61,625 370 4,163 5,458 (41,909) 81,335 34,199 - 416,091 128,255 10,150 5,600 116,715 370 5,046 12,398 (223,222) 96,772 31,578 - 507,741 754,127 677,971 599,753 7-7 BRAZOS RIVER AUTHORITY ANNUAL OPERATING PLAN FY2013 TECHNICAL SERVICES WATER SERVICES This page left blank intentionally 7-8 BRAZOS RIVER AUTHORITY ANNUAL OPERATING PLAN FY2013 TECHNICAL SERVICES WATER SERVICES Federal Reservoirs and Purchased Water Expense Comparison 10,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 0 FY 11 Actual FY 12 Budget FY 12 Projected FY 13 Proposed Federal Reservoirs and Purchased Water Water: FY2011 Actual FY2012 Budget Benefits Materials & Supplies Utilities Outside Services Repair & Maintenance Travel Employee Development Regulatory Miscellaneous Operating Direct Labor Overhead LCRA Purchased Water Capital Outlay SubTotal 141 1,087 2,734,969 1,157 558 502 89,524 689,460 2,291,751 5,809,149 1,300 2,949,021 13,449 450 600 467,798 177 897,879 2,141,042 6,471,716 591 38 1,536,946 7,808 520 502 465,000 834,805 2,359,500 5,205,710 214,396 1,850 2,992,832 5,714 500 600 514,533 177 973,728 2,359,500 7,063,830 Debt Service 2,530,371 2,429,411 2,388,682 2,178,423 TOTAL 8,339,520 8,901,127 7,594,392 9,242,253 1,384 250,300 58,210 374,203 Budget Grant Funding 7-9 FY2012 Projected FY2013 Proposed BRAZOS RIVER AUTHORITY ANNUAL OPERATING PLAN FY2013 TECHNICAL SERVICES ENGINEERING Engineering • DESCRIPTION The Engineering Services Group (ESG) includes the Automated Systems Group (ASG) and the new Power Systems Group (PSG) and is composed of personnel who have experience and expertise in, but not limited to, water and wastewater engineering, dam safety, power and process control, and system automation as well as project management. ESG provides engineering, automation and power services for planning, budgeting, designing and implementing facility improvements and expansions as well as new facilities. OBJECTIVES FOR 2013 • ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR 2012 • • • • • Provided engineering management for the construction of the East Williamson County Regional Water System new pump station and pipeline; the low flow outlet facility Improvements at DeCordova Bend Dam. design for the encasement of the Williamson County Regional Raw Water Pipeline at the relocation of State Highway 195, and completion of the corrosion and stability assessments recommended for the DeCordova Bend and Sterling C. Robertson Dams. Provided engineering oversight of PK Controlled Outlet Conduit, Powerhouse window replacement and power restoration; PK miscellaneous improvement projects; and West Central Brazos Lake Intake pump replacement. Provided internal engineering support for equipment replacement or repair procurement packages including replacement of the belt filter press at CluteRichwood, replacement of chemical tanks, high service pump improvements, and rebuild of belt press #2 at T-B WWTP. Provided engineering management for the 2012 FERC Part 12 Dam Safety Inspection and for the further evaluation of the repair of erosion of both river banks just downstream of Morris Sheppard Dam as recommended in the 2008 FERC Part 12 Dam Safety Inspection Report. Provided engineering support and oversight for the construction of the WCRRWL Intake Phase II pump expansion project, SWATS Transmission Storage Tank modifications and SWATS Electrodialysis Reversal demolition. Completed design, permitting and installation of stand-by power generation at the Central Office facility. • • • • • • 7 - 10 Complete on-time construction of the PK Controlled Outlet Conduit including critical milestone for release of water. Complete the assessment of cracks and spalls at PK and develop long-term repair program to extend the service life of the dam. Complete a survey of Brazos River Authority owned power transformers and develop an emergency replacement plan in the event of a failure. Complete an electrical system compliance evaluation at the West Central Brazos Lake Intake using in-house staff. Provide design and engineering oversight for modifications at the West Central Brazos Lake Intake, Lake Granbury’s DeCordova Bend and Hunter Parks. Provide engineering management for the design and construction of improvements to DeCordova Bend Dam including a new hoist and trolley system, interior lighting and improved access and concrete repairs. Provide engineering management for the construction of hydraulic and coating improvements to the low flow facility, mechanical improvements to the tainter gate hoist units, access improvements throughout facility, as well as coating improvements and structural repairs to the steel elements at Sterling C. Robertson Dam. BRAZOS RIVER AUTHORITY ANNUAL OPERATING PLAN FY2013 TECHNICAL SERVICES ENGINEERING Engineering Expense Comparison 1,000,000 900,000 800,000 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 FY 11 Actual FY 12 Budget FY 12 Projected FY 13 Proposed Engineering: Budget Salaries Benefits Materials & Supplies Utilities Outside Services Repair & Maintenance Rent Travel Employee Development Regulatory Miscellaneous Operating Direct Labor Overhead Central Office Common Capital Outlay TOTAL FY2011 Actual FY2012 Budget FY2012 Projected FY2013 Proposed 548,901 142,343 50,965 5,894 19,545 11,247 9,388 23,116 4,123 (457,133) 133,826 23,438 43,226 667,447 181,355 46,940 10,100 58,106 19,890 16,500 48,980 34,024 (712,941) 181,034 41,821 60,000 583,375 158,279 39,600 8,300 55,746 12,000 16,500 43,980 24,980 (542,719) 170,642 26,307 60,000 784,762 226,475 24,050 6,500 37,938 32,820 16,500 48,980 34,774 (548,873) 214,443 26,720 35,000 558,879 653,256 656,990 940,089 7 - 11 BRAZOS RIVER AUTHORITY ANNUAL OPERATING PLAN FY2013 TECHNICAL SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Environmental Services • DESCRIPTION Environmental Services conducts comprehensive water quality monitoring, analysis, and data management that provides scientific information on basin environmental conditions. This information is used to develop and implement effective watershed-based strategies to maintain and improve water quality throughout the Brazos River Basin. The Environmental Services staff identifies changes in water quality conditions, evaluates effectiveness of watershed projects, and promotes public awareness and education on watershed management. • Began collecting samples under a CWA 106 Grant Agreement with TCEQ to support development of nutrient criteria for surface water. Successfully completed third NELAC audit to maintain laboratory accreditation. ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR 2012 • • • • • • • Conducted water quality sampling and analysis to assess compliance of basin waters with state water quality standards. OBJECTIVES FOR 2013 Conducted Clean Rivers Program stakeholder workshop to facilitate stakeholder input in the planning of environmental activities for FY2013. • Completed field data collection activities for Two Data Collection Initiatives in the Brazos River Basin project with the TCEQ. • Assisted Water Services in development of environmental components of the System Operations Permit. • Assist Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Texas Water Development Board and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality with data collection efforts to support development of the Texas Instream Flow Program. • • Completed 5-Year Basin Summary Report, a comprehensive evaluation of the status of water quality in the basin. • Two staff members served on the Brazos Basin and Bay Area Expert Science Team, which developed environmental flow recommendations to support Senate Bill 3 requirements. 7 - 12 Provide environmental services in support of regional activities and needs as they arise, such as adding sampling locations in the central and lower regions to support potential future treatment plant operations. Conduct water quality sampling and analysis to assess compliance of basin waters with state water quality standards. Continue development of environmental components of the System Operations Permit. Complete the Two Initiatives Project. Data Collection Complete nutrient data collection for CWA 106 grant. Continue to assist Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Texas Water Development Board and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality with data collection efforts to support development of the Texas Instream Flow Program. BRAZOS RIVER AUTHORITY ANNUAL OPERATING PLAN FY2013 TECHNICAL SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Environmental Services Expense Comparison 1,800,000 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 FY 11 Actual FY 12 Budget FY 12 Projected FY 13 Proposed Environmental Services: Budget Salaries Benefits Materials & Supplies Utilities Outside Services Repair & Maintenance Rent Travel Employee Development Regulatory Miscellaneous Operating Direct Labor Overhead Central Office Common Capital Outlay TOTAL Grant Funding FY2011 Actual 688,375 201,264 86,537 5,222 21,841 32,738 3,480 33,179 4,826 112 (51,032) 159,620 65,625 20,621 FY2012 Budget 700,931 208,196 110,584 5,300 16,903 55,248 3,500 47,278 10,843 1,200 800 (159,754) 185,854 83,643 25,500 FY2012 Projected FY2013 Proposed 697,241 206,267 84,250 4,700 15,226 40,000 3,500 28,475 5,810 1,265 800 (85,226) 193,464 73,660 25,500 717,336 211,485 107,150 3,380 5,481 66,266 4,940 46,188 16,632 1,700 1,000 (236,099) 210,533 68,015 54,766 1,272,408 1,296,026 1,294,932 1,278,773 585,113 464,700 533,526 449,981 7-13 BRAZOS RIVER AUTHORITY ANNUAL OPERATING PLAN FY2013 TECHNICAL SERVICES EMERGENCY, SAFETY, AND COMPLIANCE PROGRAMS Emergency, Safety, and Compliance Programs • DESCRIPTION The Emergency, Safety and Compliance Programs’ staff specializes in physical security, risk management (for environmental, health and safety compliance), worker’s compensation claims and accident investigations, comprehensive emergency management and related training in support of all Brazos River Authority facilities and personnel. Staff work closely with Brazos River Authority personnel and local, state and federal officials to ensure operational procedures and plans are commensurate with the threat environment and fully integrated with supporting organizations. Staff develop and conduct objective-based emergency management exercises and participate in actual emergency response or disaster recovery events. Additionally, staff develop and conduct specialized health and safety training courses to help minimize safety hazards and consequences of employee exposures. • • • • • The mission of the Emergency, Safety and Compliance Programs is to assist management in providing a safe work environment; protect property and the environment should an emergency occur; assist staff with security, safety and emergency management regulatory requirements; provide employee safety awareness through education and training; maximize employee safety and environmental compliance with minimal impact to daily work activities. • • Conducted meetings. quarterly Security Council Completed annual training and reports mandated by the Community Right to Know Act. Completed annual fit test and respiratory training requirements for employees that may encounter inhalation hazards in the workplace. Completed annual hazardous waste disposal through contracted services. Implemented the written Health and Safety Program to support the Brazos River Authority’s Enterprise Risk Management Program. OBJECTIVES FOR 2013 • • • • ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR 2012 • Completed the annual security assessment reports for the Security Council and Board of Directors. Updated various sections of the Federal Risk Management Program reports as mandated by the Clean Air Act. • Conducted internal and external training and drills required to update the PK emergency action plan and warning siren system recommendations from FERC. • Completed emergency action plans for all three dams, approved by TCEQ. 7- 14 Update the vulnerability assessments for the Brazos River Authority dams. Annual training on emergency action plans for all three dams. Conduct exercises of the dams’ Site Security Plans according to FERC/TCEQ rules. Work with various Councils of Governments to develop a FEMA-approved Mitigation Action Plan and Debris Management Plan. Conduct regular safety inspections, training, accident investigations and hazard safety analysis to minimize employee exposures to safety hazards in the workplace. Conduct Risk Management Program audits based on regulatory requirements. BRAZOS RIVER AUTHORITY ANNUAL OPERATING PLAN FY2013 TECHNICAL SERVICES EMERGENCY, SAFETY AND COMPLIANCE PROGRAMS Emergency, Safety, and Compliance Programs Expense Comparison 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 FY 11 Actual FY 12 Budget FY 12 Projected FY 13 Proposed Emergency, Safety, and Compliance Programs Programs: Budget Salaries Benefits Materials & Supplies Utilities Outside Services Repair & Maintenance Rent Travel Employee Development Regulatory Landfill/Sludge Hauling Miscellaneous Operating Direct Labor Overhead Central Office Common Capital Outlay TOTAL FY2011 Actual FY2012 Budget FY2012 Projected FY2013 Proposed 194,664 53,396 16,680 2,059 14,688 4,769 15,387 6,512 100 (113,081) 34,079 14,098 - 202,455 60,006 9,950 3,366 96,293 3,770 18,750 17,450 200 (110,876) 42,595 17,923 24,200 193,771 58,183 11,050 1,900 51,113 1,700 (2,000) 13,500 14,500 200 (152,194) 39,295 15,784 24,200 198,321 60,697 23,000 2,550 46,203 3,770 1,200 18,750 39,185 200 (151,600) 43,699 14,575 - 243,351 386,082 271,002 300,550 7 – 15 BRAZOS RIVER AUTHORITY ANNUAL OPERATING PLAN FY2013 TECHNICAL SERVICES EMERGENCY, SAFETY AND COMPLIANCE PROGRAMS This page left blank intentionally 7 - 16
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