"" ('I DEPARTMEN1": AGRICUL TURE REPUBLIC OF' SOUTH AFRICA Directorate Plant Health and Quality, Private Bag x258, PRETORIA, 0001 .Tel: (012) 319600( FAX COVER SHEET DATE: 12 February 2001 TO: ORGANISATION" FAX: REFERENCE: DISPENSATION: EXPORT OF LOCAL MARKI:T CLASS 1 AND CLASS 2 TABLE GRAPES TO "DESTINATION B" COUNTRIES (ALL PRODUCERS AND EXPORTERS) Dispensation extended on 01 November 2000, reference number 21/5/1/1, serial number 679 is hereby repealE replaced with the following: "Permission is hereby granted by the Executive Officer: Agricultural Product Standards in terms of section 4 (4) Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No.119 of 1990), to all producers and exporters of table gra export local market Class 1 and Class 2 table grapes which at least complies with the -- (a) quality standards (Table 1, Annexure A); (b) maturity indices (Table 2, Annexure A); (c) number of berries per kilogram (Table 3, Annexure A); (d) maximum permissible deviation by number (Table 4, Annexure A); (e) maximum permissible deviation by number per bunch (Table 5, Annexure A); and (f) marking requirements (Annexure A) herewith attached, to any country or territory which forms part of the Continent of Africa, as well as the Islands Southern Hemisphere around the Coast of Africa, excluding export standards and requirements Reunion: Provided that all other prescriptions Regarding Control of the Export of Table grapes are complied with . :1 and DISPENSATION: EXPORT OF LOCAL MARKET CLASS 1 AND CLASS 2 TABLE GRAPES TO "DESTINATION B" COUNTRIES (ALL PRODUCERS AND EXPORTERS) ,,~ u This permission is subject to the following conditions: (a) All other conditions of the export regulations as well as the standards and requirements shall be cc nplied with. (b) It may be withdrawn {c) All producers at any time should and exporters a valid complaint be received. of table grapes indemnify this Directorate and the Department detrimental effect, financially or otherwise, which may emanate as a result of this permission. 30 October 2001 ". DIRECTORATE Copies. PLANT HEALTH & QUALITY (1) Officer Responsible. Quality Auditing (DBN, STEL) (2) The Manager. Standards -P.P.E.C.B. (Attention. Mr F van Tiddens) fro rl any AANHANGSEL. TABEL A/ANNEXURE 1/TABLE A 1 GEHALTESTANDAARDE/ QUALITY Gehaltefaktor/ Quality Factor Klas ST ANDARDS 1 /Class 1 Klas 2/Class 2 2 1. Voorkoms van die tros/ Appearance of the bunch 2. Aigemene voorkoms 3 Gesond en aantreklik met 'n persentasie waas van minstens 10%/Sound and attractive with a percentage bloom of at least 10% Gesond en taamlik aa treklik/Sound and fairr attractive Vars en ferm/Fresh Vars/Fresh and firm 1- van korrels/General appearance of berries 3. Kleur/Colour Goed en tipies vir betrokke kultivar/Good and typical for cultivar concerned Taamlik goed vir betrc Kke kultivar/Fairly good for cultivar concerned 4. Vorm van trosse/Shape of bunches Goed uitgeknip, sonder lang punte of skouers en mag nie opvallend yl, of te dig wees sodat korrels mekaar misvorm nie: Met dien verstande dat die trosse sonder beskadiging draaibaar moet wees, wanneer die boonste en onderste gedeeltes daarvan in teen- Goed uitgeknip, SOndE lang punte of skouers 3n mag nie opvallend yl, )f te dig wees nie: Met die verstande dat die tros ;e sonder beskadiging dl :iaibaar moet wees, wanl eer die boonste en onder~ te gedeeltes daarvan in aen- oorgestelde rigtings gewring word/Well trimmed, without long ends or shoulders and shall not be noticeably straggly, or overtight that the berries malform one another: Provided that the bunches shall without damage be rotatable, when the upper and lower parts thereof are twisted in opposite directions oorgestelde rigtings gewring word/Well trir Imed, without long ends or shoulders and shall n :>t be noticeably straggly, or overtight: Provided th :it the bunches shall without damage be rotatable, the upper and lower p thereof are twisted in opposite directions DESTINATION B (GRAPES) -TP1 -2001-02-09 Nhen :lrtS 2 5. Eenvormigheid in korr~rootte/U n iform ity in size of berries Eenvormig en volwasse, uitgesonderd pitlose korrels van die kultivar Hanepoot wat taamlik eenvormig moet weest Uniform and mature, with the exception of seedless berries of the cultivar Hanepoot which shall be fairly uniform Eenvormig en volwas ie, uitgesonderd pitlose ~orrels van die kultivar HanelJoot wat taamlik eenvormi!J moet wees/Uniform and mclture, with the exception of: :eedess berries of the cult var Hanepoot which shall be fairly uniform 6. Letsels op korrels/ Blemishes 7, Feitlik vry/Practically free Taamlik vry/Fairly Minimum massa van individuele trosse/ Minimum mass of individual bunches 100 g: Met dien verstande dat een tros wat onder die mini- 75 g: Met dien versti lnde dat een tros wat onde ' die mum vereiste gewig is, toelaatbaar sal wees om die verklaarde gewig op te maak in die geval van voorafverpakte eenhede: Met dien verstande verder dat sodanige tros aan alle ander vereistes vir Klas I moet voldoen/1 OOg: Provided that one bunch, below the minimum required weight, is allowed to adjust the weight declared in the case of prepacked units: Provided further that such a bunch shall meet all other requirements for Class I minimum vereiste ge~ rig is, toelaatbaar sal wees }m die verklaarde gewig op t ~ maak in die geval var voorafverpakte eenhede: ~v1et dien verstande verdel dat sodanige tros aan allE ander vereistes vir Klc cS2 moet voldoen/75g: P ovided that one bunch, t !~Iow the minimum requirec weight, is allowed to c djust the weight declared irl the case of prepacked units: Provided further that [;uch a bunch shall meet all other requirements 8. Stingels/Stems Vars en groen/Fresh and Vreemde Foreign ilnd green stow we/ matter (a) Chemiese residul Chemical residue Mag afwyk Tabel10 in en -vereistes vir tafel- druiwe uiteengesit/May de- to the extent set out in Table 10 of the export stan- dards and requirements for table B (GRAPES) -TP1 .2001-02-09 tot die mate van die uitvoerstan- daarde viate DESTINATION for Class 2 Vars en groen/Fresh green 9. free on berries grapes Mag afwyk tot die ma :~ in Tabel10 van die uitvc ~3rstandaarde en -verei~ :es vir tafeldruiwe uiteenges :/May deviate to the extent ~~3tout in Table 10 of the exJ:::>rt standards and requirE rnents for table grapes 3 (b) Sigbare chemiese residu'~sible chemical residues (c) (i) Geen opsigtelike druppelmerke; of/No conspicuous drop marks; or (ii) ander aaneenlopende; of/other continuous; or (ii) ander aaneenlopl inde; of/other continual S; or (iii) gelokaliseerde neerslae sal toegelaat word nie/ localized deposits shall be allowed (iii) gelokaliseerde nE 3rslae sal toegelaat wor~ i nie/ localized deposit~ shall be allowed Stofneerslae/Dust Soos in Aanhangsel deposits uitvoerstandaarde en -vereistes vir tafeldruiwe uitgebeeld/As depicted in Annexure 4 of the export standards and requirements for table grapes Soos in Aanhangsel L van die uitvoerstandaarde en -vereistes vir tafeldrui' ve 4 van die (i) Geen opsigtelike :Iruppelmerke; off No :onspicuous drop mc rks; or uitgebeeld/As depicte 1 in Annexure 4 of the ex~ :)rt standards and require 'nents for table grapes (d) Ander/Other Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall not occur Mag nie voorkom nie/' )hall not occur 10. Gewaste of nat trosse, uitgesonderd trosse wat nat is as gevolg van kondensasie/Washed or wet bunches, excluding bunches that are wet due to condensation Mag nie voorkom occur Mag nie voorkom not occur 11 .Ongespesifiseerde inwendige of Mag afwyk uitwendige gehaltegebreke (korrel of tros) nie hierbo genoem nie/Unspecified internal or external quality defects (berry or bunch) not specified above DESTINATION B (GRAPES) -TP1 -2001-02-09 nie/Shall tot die mate not in Mag afwyk Tabelle 4 en 5 uiteengesit/May Tabelle deviate to the extent May deviate Tables 4 and 5 set out in nief tot die ma1 4 en 5 uiteen~, to the exj set out in Tables 4 an :ihall 3 in esit/ ant i5 4 12. Bios/Blush Mag voorkom: Met dien verstande dat die blos nie tot . sonbrandbeskadiging oorgaan nie/Mayoccur: Provided that blush shall not deteriorate to sunburn damage 13. Bederf/Decay 14. Insekbeskadiging/Insect damage damage Geen/None Geen/None Geen/None DESTINATION nie/No specification. B (GRAPES) -TP1 -2001-02-09 !3n ; nie ing oorgaan nie/May occ .r: Provided that blush sI"lall not deteriorate to sun burn Geen/None NOT A/NOTE: Geen spesifikasie Mag voorkom: Met d verstande dat die blo tot sonbrandbeskadi~ 5 T ABEL 2/T ABLE 2 RYPHEIDSINDEKSE/ MATURITY INDICES Klas Kultivar/ Cultivar 1/class Klas 2/Class 2 1 Verhouding van suiker tot suur (Minimum)*/ Sugar to acid ratio (Minimum)* **Totale oplosbare vaste- Kultivar/ Cultivar . stow we (Minimum persentasie)*/ **Total . soluble solids Verhouding van suiker tot suur (Minimum)*/ Sugar to acid ratio . (Minimum)* (Minimum Alphonse Lavellee 16:1 @ Dare (Mini Inum persE Intasie)*1 Total solut le solid: tage) 15,5 Almeria 23:1 12,5@ Alphonse 16:1 15,5 @ 12,5@ Lavellee Barlinka 15,0 Barbarossa 20:1 Belair 20:1 Bellevue Bien Donne Barlinka 15,0 Barbarossa 20:1 15,0 Belair 20:1 15,0 20:1 16,0 Bellevue 20:1 16,0 22:1 7,0 Bien Donne 22:1 7,0 Black 18:1 16,5 Emporer Black Monukka 17:1 Black Monukka 17:1 Black Prince 15:1 Black Prince 15:1 Bonheur 22:1 17,0 Bonheur 22:1 17,0 Bonita 20:1 16,0 Bonita 20:1 16,0 Bonnoir 20:1 15,0 Bonnoir 20:1 15,0 Cardinal 20:1 Cardinal 20:1 DESTINATION B (GRAPES) -TP1 -2001-02-09 lIe num percE 11- tage)* 23:1 oplo~ vastE stoW' (Mini percen- Almeria lotal . 6 18:1 Cereza 18:1 Crimson Seedless 25:1 17,0 Crimson Seedless 25:1 17,0 Dan-benHannah 19:1# 14,5# Dan-benHannah 19:1# 14,5# 16,0 Datal 16,5& Dauphine 17,0 [)awn Seedless Datal Dauphine 30:1& Dawn Seedless Early Muscat 18:1 Eclipse Seedless Early Muscat 17,0 16,0 30:1& 17,0 18:1 Eclipse Seedless 17,0 Erlihane 17: E:rlihane 17:1 Fiesta 17:1 Fiesta 17:1 Flame Seedless 17,0 Flame Seedless 17,0 18:1 Flaming Tokay 18:1 Golden City 18:1 Golden City 18:1 Golden Hill 17:1 Golden Hill 17:1 Gras Nair 20:1 Gras Nair 20:1 Hanepoot (Rooi en Wit/Red and 18:1 Hanepoot (Rooi en Wit/Red and 18:1 Flaming Tokay 15,0 White) 15,0 White) Italia 23:1 La Rochelle 20:1 Lady Ann Majestic 21 :1 Muscat 20:1 Hamburg DESTINATION 16,5& Italia 23:1 16,0 La Rochelle 20:1 17,0 Lady Ann 16,5 Majestic 21:1 Muscat 20:1 Hamburg B (GRAPES) -TP1 -2001-02-09 16,0 17,0 16,5 7 Muscat - 25:1 16,0 Muscat Seedless 25:1 16,0 25:1 16,0 Seedless 25:1 Muscat 16,0 Muscat Supreme Supreme Muska 19:1 New Cross 20:1 Olivette Muska 19:1 New Cross 20:1 18:1 Olivette 18:1 Pearl of Csaba 18: Pearl of Csaba 18:1 Pirobella 17: Pirobella 17:1 Prune de Cazouls 17:1 Prune de Cazouls 17:1 Queen of the 17:1+ Queen of the 17:1+ 13,5+ 15,0 13,5+ Vineyard 15,0 Vineyard Red Emperor 20:1 16,0 Red Emperor 20:1 16,0 Red Globe 26:1 16,0 Red Globe 26:1 16,0 Regal Seedless 25:1 16,5 Regal Seedless 25:1 16,5 15,0 Ronelle Ronelle 15,0 Rosete 18:1 Rosete 18:1 Rubistar 18:1 Rubistar 18:1 Ruby 17:1 Ruby Seedless 17:1 Salba 17:1 15,5 Sugraone 25:1 : 16,0 16,5$ Seedless Salba 17:1 15,5 Sugraone 25:1 : 16,0 (Superior : (Superior Seed- Seed- @ @ less : less ) ) Sultana Seedless 19:1$ 16,5$ Sultana Seedless 19:1$ Sundance 25:1 16,0 : Sundance 25:1 DESTINATION : B (GRAPES) -TP1 -2001-02-09 : 16,0 : 8 25:1 17,0 Sunred Seedless 25:1 17,0 Thompson Seedless 19:1$ 16,5$ Thompson Seedless 19:1$ 16,5$ Victoria 21:1 16,0 Victoria 21:1 16,0 21 :1 ++ 13,5+ Waltham Cross 21 :1 ++ 13,5+ White Cross 21: 16,0 White Cross 21: 16,0 White Prince 17:1 16,0 White Prince 17:1 16,0 Sunreu Seedless Waltham Cross NOT AS/NOTES ** Geen afwyking sal op die voorgestelde minimum perke vir die totale )plosbare vastestowwepersentasie (TOVS) toegelaat word nie/No deviation shall be allo~ !~d on the suggested minimum tolerance for the total soluble solids percentage (TSS). * Alle tafeldruifkultivars, uitgesonderd Alphonse Lavallee, Dan-ben-Hannah, Muscat Supreme, Queen of the Vineyard, Sultana Seedless, Sugraone 1 )auphine, (Superior Seedless@), Sundance, Thompson van die genoemde rypheidsindekse Lavallee, Dan-ben-Hannah, Seedless en Waltham Cross moet aan min :tens een voldoen/AII table grape cultivars, excluding /\Iphonse Dauphine, Muscat Supreme, Queen of the Vineyar( , Sultana Seedless, Sugraone (Superior Seedless@), Sundance, Thompson Seedless Cross shall comply with at least one of the mentioned maturity indices. @ Alphonse Lavallee moet aan albei die genoemde anc Waltham rypheidsindekse, of aan 'n minin lum totale oplosbare vastestowwepersentasie van 14,5 voldoen/Alphonse Lavallee shall C( mply with both the mentioned maturity indices, or with a minimum total soluble solids perc :~ntage of 14,5. # Dan-ben-Hannah moet aan albei die genoemde rypheidsindekse, of aan 'n minifT .Jm totale oplosbare vastestowwepersentasie van 16,5 voldoen/Dan-ben-Hannah shall cc nply with both the mentioned maturity indices, or with a minimum total soluble solids perc :!ntage of 16,5. Muscat Supreme moet aan albei die genoemde rypheidsindekse, of aan 'n minirr .Jm totale oplosbare vastestowwepersentasie van 17,0 voldoen/Muscat Supreme shall co nply with both the mentioned maturity indices, or with a minimum total soluble solids perc ;~ntage of 17,0. & Dauphine moet aan albei die genoemde rypheidsindekse, of aan 'n minim( Im tatale oplosbare vastestowwepersentasie van 17 ,0 voldoen/Dauphine shall comply witl ) bath the mentioned maturity indices, or with a minimum total soluble solids percentage c 117,0. DESTINATION B (GRAPES) -TP1 -2001-02-09 9 Q~n of the Vineyard moet aan albei die genoemde rypheidsindekse, of aan 'n 'ninimum totale oplosbare vastestowwepersentasie van 15,0 of aan 'n minimum verhou jing van suiker tot suur van 19: 1 voldoen/Queen of the Vineyard shall comply with both the mentioned maturity indices, or with a minimum total soluble solids percentage o 15,0, or with a minimum sugar to acid ratio of 19: 1. Sugraone (Superior Seedless @) en Sundance moet aan albei die genoemde ry Jheidsindekse, of aan 'n minimum totale oplosbare vastestowwepersentasie van 15,5 E 11aan 'n minimum verhouding van suiker tot suur van 20: 1 voldoen/Sugraone (Superior Se!:!dless @) and Sundance shall comply with both the mentioned maturity indices, or with a ,ninimum total soluble solids percentage of 15,5 and with a minimum sugar to acid ratio of 20: 1 . $ Sultana Seedless en Thompson Seedless moet aan albei die genoemde rypheidsir Ijekse of aan 'n minimum totale oplosbare vastestowwepersentasie van 18,0 voldoen/ Sultana Seedless and Thompson Seedless shall comply with both the mentioned maturity indices, or with a minimum total soluble solids percentage of 18,0. ++ Waltham Cross moet aan albei die genoemde rypheidsindekse, of aan 'n miniml Im totale oplosbare vastestowwepersentasie van 15,0 voldoen/Waltham Cross shall comply Ivith both the mentioned maturity indices, or with a minimum total soluble solids percentagE of 15,0. . Slegs in die geval van Klas 2 mag die suiker-tot-suurverhouding met 0,5 afwyk: \'.'et dien verstande dat die voorgeskrewe minimum TOVS vir die betrokke kultivar steeds r :agekom moet word/Only in the case of Class 2 may the sugar to acid ratio deviate with 0,5: :>rovided that the prescribed minimum TSS for the cultivar concerned shall still be complie I with. . Slegs in die geval van Klas 2 mag die TOVS afwyk met 0,5%: Met dien verstand :~dat die voorgeskrewe minimum suiker-tot-suurverhouding vir die betrokke kultivar steeds I'agekom moet word/Only in the case of Class 2 may the TSS deviate with 0,5%: Provide( that the prescribed minimum sugar to acid ratio for the cultivar concerned shall still be com~ ied with. Geen spesifikasie DESTINATION nie/No specification. B (GRAPES) -TP1 -2001-02-09 -11- 1998-2 u Kultivars/Cu Itivars Klas 2/ Class 2 Mlaksimum getal korrels Maksimum p'er kg/Maximum number of berries per k9/Maxirr of berries pel per Kla~ 2/ Cia! ~; 2 91 tal kg k!~ Ronelle (Black Gem) Rubistar Salba Sugraone (Superior Seedless@) Sultana Seedless Sundance Sunred Seedless Thompson Seedless Victoria Waltham Cross White Gem Enige ander geskikte kultivars nie hierbo genoem nie en wat deur die Uitvoerende Beampte goedgekeur is/Any other suitable cultivars not mentioned above and which has been approved by the Executive Officer DESTINATION B (GRAPES) -TP1 -2001-02-09 korrels IJm number 4 LJ 265 275 265 350 400 350 275 400 285 255 160 300 26 27 26 35 ) 40 35 27 40 28 25 ) 16 30 -12- 1998-2 T ABEL 4/T ABLE4 MAKSIMUM TOELAATBARE AFWYKINGS VOLGENS GETAL [VERWYS ASSEBLIEF NA ITEM 6(2)(g) IN DIE UITVOERSTANDAARDE EN -VEREISTES WAT SAL GELD VIR BEIDE KLAS 1 EN KLAS 2]/ MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE DEVIATIONS BY NUMBER [PLEASE REFER TO ITEM 6(2)(g) IN THE EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS WHICH SHALL BE APPLICABLE TO BOTH CLASS 1 AND CLA :>8 2] Gehaltefaktor/ Quality Factor 1 1. 2. Bederf , Botrytis cinerea en korrels wat met asynvlieg of ander larwes besmet is /Decay, Botrytis cinerea and berries which are infested with vinegar fly or other larvae Plantskadelike organismes van fitosanitere belang/Plant injurious organisms of phytosanitary importance 3. Klas 1/Class 1 Klas 2/Class 2 2 3 Twee korrels gemiddeld per paletvrag of gedeelte daarvan, met inbegrip van die inspeksiemonster, in die besending of 'n ekwivalente aantal houers/Two berries on average per pallet load or part thereof, taking into account the inspection sample, in the consignment or an equivalent number of containers Twee korrels gemidc paletvrag of gedeeltl van, met inbegrip va inspeksiemonster, ir sending of 'n ekwiva aantal houers/Two t average per pallet Ic part thereof, taking i account the inspectil sample, in the consil or an equivalent nun containers Soos bepaal deur die Direkteur van die Direktoraat Plantgesondheid en Gehalte/ As specified by the Director of the Directorate Plant Health and Quality Soos bepaal deur di Direkteur van die Direktor iat Plantgesondheid en 3ehalte/ As specified by the lirector of the Directorate PI, lnt Health and Quality (i) 2,5 kg tafeldruifhouers en kleiner: Een tros in twee houers in 50% van die houers in die inspeksiemonster: Met dien verstande dat geen oidium op die stingels voorkom nie/ 2,5 kg table grape con- (i) leld per ~daar die die be 13nte :~rries on ld or ItO In Inment Der of Arthropodabesmetting/ Arthropoda infestation (a) Wolluisbesmetting/Mealy bug infestation DESTINATION B (GRAPES) -TP1 -2001-02-09 2,5 kg tafeldruift ouers en kleiner: Een ros in twee houers in E 1)% van die houers in diE inspeksiemonster: Me dien verstande dat gE ,en oidium op die st 1ge1s voorkom nie/2,5 kg table -13- 1998-2 tainers and smaller: One bunch in two containers in 50% of the containers in the inspection sample: Provided that no o'idium occurs on the stems (b) Besoedeling deur wol- luisafskeiding/Pollution by mealy bug excretion (c) Arthropodabesmetting van druiwe, met inbegrip van die organismes wat volgens paragraaf (d) nie DESTINATION B (GRAPES) -TP1 -2001-02-09 grape container~ and smaller: One bL 'lch in two containers ir 50% of the containers ir the inspection samf .le: Provided that no o"idium occurs on the Stl ms (ii) 2,6 kg tot 5 kg-tafeldruifhouers: Een tros per houer in 50% van die houers in die inspeksiemonster: Met dien verstande dat geen o"idium op die stingels voorkom nie/2,6 kg to 5 kg table grape containers: One bunch per container in 50% of the containers in the inspection sample: Provided that no o"idium occurs on the stems (ii) (iii) 5,1 kg tot 10 kg tafeldruifhouers: Twee trosse per houer in 50% van die houers in die inspeksiemonster: Met dien verstande dat geen o"jdium op die stingels voorkom nie/5,1 kg to 10 kg table grape containers: Two bunches per container in 50% of the containers in the inspection sample: Provided that no o"jdium occurs on the stems (iii) 5,1 kg tot 1 a kg 1 :lfeldruifhouers: Tw~ ,e trosse per houer in 50% van die houers ir die : Met inspeksiemonste dien verstande d Jltgeen oidium op die stil' 1ge1s voorkom nie/5,1 I <g to 10 kg table grap~ containers: Two bur ches per container in ! 0% of the containers in t.he inspection sampl :!: Provided that no o'jd urn occurs on the ste ms Mag nie voorkom nie/Shall not occur Mag nie voorkom not occur Drie Arthropoda Orie Arthropoda gem per paletvrag of gedE daarvan, met inbegril die inspeksiemonster per paletvrag daarvan, gemiddeld of gedeelte met inbegrip inspeksiemonster, van die in die 2,6 kg tot 5 kg-tc feldruifhouers: Een tro: per houer in 50% va 11die houers in die ins :Ieksiemonster: Met dil !n verstande dat geen :)"idium op die stingels VI lorkom nie/2,6 kg to 5 k~ table grape container~ .One bunch per contai nerin 50% of the contcl iners in the inspection Sc mple: Provided that no o"idium occurs on the StEms nie :Shall ddeld elte Ivan in die ..14 1998-2 , as ~ntskadelike organismes beskou word nie, uitgesonderd organismes wat 'n gevaar vir die mens mag inhou/ Arthropoda infestation of grapes, including the organisms which according to paragraph (d) do not form part of plant besending of 'n ekwivalente aantal houers/Three Arthropoda on average per pallet load or part thereof, taking into account the inspection sample, in the consignment or an equivalent number of containers besending of 'n ekw 'valente aantal houers/Three Arthropoda on average pE (' pallet load or part thereof , taking into account the insl Jection sample, in the consi ;Inment or an equivalent nur llber of containers Een per paletvrag/One per pallet load Een per paletvrag/O pallet load injurious organisms, excluding organisms which may be a source of danger to the human being (d) Enige Arthropodabesmetting van die houer, paletvrag of gedeelte daarvan in 'n besending, ingesluit organismes wat 'n gevaar vir die mens mag inhou/Any Arthropoda infestation of a container, pallet load or part thereof in a consignment, including organisms which may be a source of danger to the human being 3. le per a'jdium: (a) Op die stingel/On stem DESTINATION the B (GRAPES) -TP1 -2001-02-09 (i) 2,5 kg tafeldruifhouers en kleiner: Een tros gemiddeld per twee houers waarvan die stingel onder die eerste sytakkie met o"idium aangetas is: Met dien verstande dat geen wolluisbesmetting voorkom nie/2,5 kg table grape containers and smaller: One bunch on average per two containers of which the stem below the first sideshoot is affected (0 2,5 kg tafeldruif~ ouers en kleiner: Een ros gemiddeld per twel J houers waarvan die stin lei onder die eerste :sytakkie met oidium aan~ !3tas is: Met dien verstar de dat geen wolluisbesl netting voorkom nie/2,5 kg table grape container~i and smaller: One bu lch on average per two containers of which I'he stem below the first si,[jeshoot -15- 1998-2 with o"idium: Provided that no mealy bug infestation occurs (ii) 2,6 kg tot 5 kg tafeldruifhouers: Een tros gemiddeld per houer waarvan die stingel onder die eerste sytakkie met o"idium aangetas is: Met dien verstande dat geen (b) Op die korrel/On the berry DESTINATION B (GRAPES) -TP1 -2001-02-09 is affected with :)idium: Provided that n, J mealy bug infestation Jlccurs wolluisbesmetting voorkom nie/2,6 kg to 5 kg table grape containers: One bunch on average per container of which the stem below the first sideshoot is affected with o"idium: Provided that no mealy bug infestation occurs 2,6 kg tot 5 kg t Jlfeldruifhouers: Een tr< :3 gemiddeld per hol ,er waarvan die stingel ~,nder die eerste sytakkie 'net o"idium aangeta :1is: Met dien verstande jat geen wolluisbesmetti Ig voorkom nie/2,6 kg o 5 kg table grape con ,ainers: One bunch on c I"erage per container 01 which the stem below :he first sideshoot is aff~ "cted with o"idium: Provid~ Id that no mealy bug infes ::ation occurs (iii) 5,1 kg tot 10 kg tafeldruifhouers: Twee trosse gemiddeld per houer waarvan die stingel onder die eerste sytakkie met oidium aangetas is: Met dien verstande dat geen wolluisbesmetting voorkom nie/5,1 kg to 10 kg table grape containers: Two bunches on average per container of which the stem below the first sideshoot is affected with o"jdium: Provided that no mealy bug infestation occurs (iii) 5, 1 kg tot 10 kg tafeldruifhouers: Tw ~e trosse gemiddeld per t ouer waarvan die stir !gel onder die eerstE sytakkie met o"idium aan }etas is: Met dien versta Ide dat geen wolluisbe~ !netting voorkom nie/5,1 kg to 10 kg table gra~ e containers: Two bL rlches on average per cor tainer of which the stem )elow the first sideshoot i~ affected with o.idium: Pr( Jvided that no mealy bl Ig infestation occu s (i) 2,5 kg tafeldruifhouers en kleiner: Maksimum drie korrels per tros in 50% van die trosse per twee houers#/2,5 kg table grape containers and smaller: Maximum three (ii) (i) 2,5 kg tafeldruifl en kleiner: Mak drie karrels per 50% van die tra twee hauers#/2, table grape can" and smaller: Ma louers 3imum ros in :se per :> kg :liners ~:imum -161998-2 u berries per bunch in 50% of the bunches per two three berries pel bunch in 50% of the bL 1ches per two containE:rs# containers# (jj) 2,6 kg tot 5 kg tafeldruifhouers: Maksimum drie korrels per tros in 50% van die trosse per houer#/ 2,6 kg to 5 kg table grape containers: Maximum three berries per bunch in 50% of the bunches per container# {jii) 5, 1 kg tot 10 kg tafeldruifhouers: Maksimum drie korrels per tros in 50% van die trosse per houer#/ 5,1 kg to 10 kg table grape containers: Maximum three berries per bunch in 50% of the bunches per container# 4, Afwykings in items 1 en 3(a) van hierdie tabel, met inbegrip van ongespesifiseerde gebreke, gesamentlik: Met dien verstande dat sodanige afwykings individueel binne die gespesifiseerde perke is/Deviations in items 1 and 3(a) of this table, including unspecified defects, collectively: Provided that such deviations are individually within the specified limits DESTINATION B (GRAPES) -TP1 -2001-02-09 Twee korrels gemiddeld per paletvrag of gedeelte daarvan, uitgesonderd die inspeksiemonster, in die besending of 'n ekwivalente aantal houers/ Two berries on average per pallet load or part thereof , excluding the inspection sample, in the consignment or an equivalent number of containers (ii) 2,6 kg tot 5 kg tc feldruifhouers: Maksirr lJm drie korrels per tros i 1 50% van die trosse pI Ir houer#/2,6 kg to 5 kg table grape cont Jliners: Maximum three I)erries per bunch in 50~,o of the bunches per coritainer# (iii) 5,1 kg tot 1 0 I !J tafeldruifhouers: 1llaksimum drie korl als per tros in 50% Vc n die trosse per hoI1er#/ 5,1 kg to 10 kJ table grape contain :~rs: Maximum thrE 13 berries per bL 'lch in 50% of the bLnches per containerr! Twee korrels gemidc 131dper paletvrag of gedeeltl daarvan, uitgesonderd di :t inspeksiemonster, in die be !)ending of 'n ekwivalente aar Ital houers/Two berries ~In average per pallet load I !r part thereof, excluding th;! inspection sample, in the o Insignment or an equivalent number of container ; 17- 1998-2 5. 15 korrels gemiddeld per inspeksiemonster/15 berries on average per inspection 20 korrels gem id del :1per inspeksiemonster/21 I berries on average perins~ :~ction sample sample (a) Alle kultivars, uitgesonderd die pitlose kultivars/AII cultivars, excluding the seedless cultivars 20 korrels gemiddeld per inspeksiemonster/20 berries on average per inspection 25 korrels gemiddel inspeksiemonster/2~ on average per insp sample sample (b) Pitlose kultivars/ Seedless cultivars 25 korrels gemiddeld per inspeksiemonster/25 berries on average per inspection 30 korrels gemiddel, I per inspeksiemonster/31 on averageperinsp :!ction sample sample I nsLbeskadiging/1 nsect damage 6. Gebarste, gesnyde, gesplete, waterige, rosyntjiekorrels of korrels wat tekens van roubandsiekte of donsige skimmel toon/Cracked, cut, split, watery , raisin berries or berries showing signs of pedical girdling or downy mildew 7. Los korrels/Loose berries :!ction berries berries (a) Alle kultivars, uitgesonderd die pitlose kultivars/AII cultivars, excluding the seedless cultivars (b) Pitlose kultivars/ Seedless cultivars 8. Afwykings in items 5, 6 en 7 van hierdie tabel gesamentlik: Met dien verstande dat sodanige afwykings individueel DESTINATION I per B (GRAPES) -TP1 -2001-02-09 30 korrels gemiddeld per 35 korrels gemiddell I per inspeksiemonster/30 berries on average per inspection inspeksiemonster/3! on averageperinsp sample sample 60 korrels gemiddeld per inspeksiemonster/60 berries on average per inspection 100 korrels gemidde Id per inspeksiemonster/1 ( ID berries on average per insp :iction sample sample berries ;~ction -18- 1998-2 seerde perke is/Deviations in items 5, 6 and 7 of this table collectively: Provided that such deviations are individually within the specified limits (a) Alle kultivars, uitgesonderd die pitlose kultivars/AII cultivars, excluding the seedless cultivars 30 korrels gemiddeld per inspeksiemonster/30 berries on average per inspection 35 korrels gemiddelc sample sample (b) Pitlose kultivars/ Seedless cultivars 60 korrels gemiddeld per inspeksiemonster/60 berries on average per inspection 100 korrels gemidde Ij per inspeksiemonster/1 C :) berries on average per insp' !ction sample sample (a) Alle kultivars, uitgesonderd die pitlose kultivars/AII cultivars, excluding the seedless cultivars 20 korrels gemiddeld per inspeksiemonster/20 berries on average per inspection 25 korrels gemiddelc sample sample (b) Pitlose kultivars/ Seedless cultivars 25 korrels gemiddeld per inspeksiemonster/25 berries on average per inspection 30 korrels gemiddelc per inspeksiemonster/3C on average per insp, ~ction sample sample inspeksiemonster/3E on average per insp' per berries )ction 9. Gekneusde of swaelgebrande korrels/Bruised berries or berries burned with sulphur inspeksiemonster/2~ on average per inspl per berries Jction berries NOT A/NOTE: # Daar sal geen onderskeid getref word tussen aktiewe (grys) en onaktiewe (E Hart) oidium op korrels nie: Met dien verstande dat die stingel vry moet wees van o.jljiumbesmetting/No distinction is to be made between active (grey) and inactive (t Ilack) oidium on berries: Provided that the stem shall be free from o"jdium infestation. DESTINATION B (GRAPES) -TP1 -2001-02-09 -19- 1998-2 u T ABEL 5/T ABLE 5 MAKSIMUM TOELAATBARE AFWYKINGS PER TROS VOLGENS GETAL [VERWYS ASSEBLIEF NA ITEM 6(2)(g) IN DIE UITVOERSTANDAARDE EN -VEREISTES WAT SAL GELD VIR BEIDE KLAS 1 EN KLAS 2]/ MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE DEVIATIONS BY NUMBER PER BUNCH [PLEASE REFER TO ITEM 6(2)(g) IN THE EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS WHICH SHALL BE APPLICABLE TO BOTH CLASS 1 AND CLAS: ;,2] Gehaltefaktor/ Quality Factor Letsels, son brand (blos), minimum kleur, ylheid, kompaktheid, swak vorm, vuil trosse of trosse met onegalige korrelgroottes, of waarvan die voorkoms onaantreklik is met on lae persentasie of geen waas/ Blemishes, sunburn (blush), minimum colour, straggliness, compactness, poor shape, dirty bunches or bunches with varying berry sizes, or of which the appearance is unattractive with a low percentage or no bloom Klas (a) Hoogstens drie trosse per houer in 50% van die houers in die inspeksiemonster: Met dien verstande dat die oorblywende gedeelte (50%) van die inspeksiemonster geheel en al vry is van die genoemde defekte --/Not more than three bunches percontainer in 50% of the containers in the inspection sample: Provided that the remaining portion (50%) of the inspection sample is entirely free from the mentioned defects -- (i) ten opsigte van onegalige korrelgroottes (dit is korrels wat kleiner is as die helfte van die gemiddelde korrelgrootte van die tros) vir die kultivars Dawn Seedless, Sugraone (Superior Seedless~, Flame Seedless, Muscat Seedless, Sultana Seedless en Thompson Seedless 'n maksi mum DESTINATION B (GRAPES) -TP1 -2001-02-09 Klas 2/Class 2 1/Class (a) Hoogstens vier trosse per houer in 5( :Vovan die houers in d !3 inspeksiemonste ": Met dien verstande tjat die oorblywende g !deelte (50%) van die i lspeksiemonster get eel en al vry is van diE genoemde defek1 :! --/Not more than four bunches per contarner in 50% of the con tainers in the inspectic 1 sample: Provid :~dthat the remaining I'Drtion (50%) of the in ;pection sample is ~ ntirely free from the rr E3ntioned defects .. (i) ten opsigte var onegalige korrelg IDottes (dit is korrels ~ :It kleiner is as diE helfte van die gemidc 131de korrelgrootte v; n die tros) vir die kut ivars Dawn Seed le~ !), Sugraone (Su~ erior @ Seedless ), FI,lme Seedless, Mus ~at Seedless, Suit. lna Seedless en TI1Omp- -201998-2 van 25 korrels per tros toelaatbaar sal weest with regard to bunches with varying berry sizes (that is berries smaller than half the size of the average berry size of the bunch) in the cultivars Dawn Seedless, Sugraone (Superior Seedless~, Flame Seedless, Muscat Seedless, Sultana Seedless and Thompson Seedless, a maximum of 25 berries per bunch shall be allowed 2. Minder as die minimum massa per enkel tros, uitgesluit die enkele trossie wat toegelaat word om die verklaarde gewig op te maak, in die geval van voorafverpakte eenhede/ Less than the minimum mass per single bunch, excluding the single bunch allowed to adjust the declared weight, in the case of prepacked units 3. Trosse met papkorrelvoorkoms/Bunches with soft berry appearance 4. Sigbare spuitstofresidu'st Visible spray residues DESTINATION B (GRAPES) -TP1 -2001-02-09 Orie trossies per houer in 50% van die inspeksiemonster mag afwyk tot 'n minimum massa van 75g: Met dien verstande dat die oorblywende inspeksiemonster geheel en al vry is van die genoemde afwyking/Three bunches per container in 50% of the inspection sample may deviate to a minimum mass of 75g: Provided that the remaining inspection sample is entirely free from the mentioned deviation son Seedless , simum van 30 ;\orrels per tros toelaaj' oaar sal wees/with r Jigard to bunches witl varying berry s zes (that is berries ;mailer than half the si 'e of the average be 'ry size of the bunch) ir the '", cultivars Dawn :,ee d less, Sugraone (Supe- rior Seedless@) Flame Seedles Muscat Seedle Sultana Seedle Thompson See a maximum of berries per bun shall be allowe, ~, IS, :)S and jless, jQ ch Vier trossies per hc .Jer in 50% van die inspe~ :)iemonster mag afwy~ tot 'n minimum massa va 1759: Met dien verstandE dat die oorblywende in: peksiemonster geheel ~n al vry is van die genol 1mde afwyking/Four bunc hes per container in 50c;6 of the inspection saml: )le may deviate to a minimLI m mass of 75g: Provi jed that the remaining i spection sample is :~ntirely free from the menti Jned deviation Een tros gemiddeld per paletlOne bunch on average Een tros gemiddelc palet/One bunch or per pallet average 0% 1 mak- per pallet 0% per -21 1998-2 5. TroV met droe of verlepte stingels/Bunches with dry or wilted stems Trosse met verlepte stingels wat verplooiing toon is Trosse aanvaarbaar: Met dien verstande dat geen verbruining voorkom nie: Met dien verstande verder dat hoogstens is aanvaarbaar: 30% van die trosse in 'n inspeksiemonster die bogenoemde verlepte voorkoms mag vertoon/Bunches with wilted stems that show wrinkling are allowed: Provided that no browning occurs: Provided further that a maximum of 30% of the bunches in an inspection sample may display the above-mentioned wilted appearance 6. Roubandaangetaste korrels/Berries affected by pedical girdling Rouband moet aileen as 'n defek getel word wanneer die korrels rimpels toon/ Pedical girdling should only be regarded as a defect when the berries show signs of shrivelling met verlept gels wat verplooiin! verstande B (GRAPES) -TP1 -2001-02-09 Itoon M, !t dien dat geer ver- bruining voorkom n ,e: Met dien verstande verI er dat hoogstens 30% val trosse in 'n inspeks monster die bogen, verlepte voorkoms vertoon/Bunches w wilted stems that si wrinkling are allowE Provided that no br occurs: Provided fl that a maximum of the bunches in an i tion sample may di: the above-mention. wilted appearance I die Rouband moet alle 'n defek getel word neer die korrels rim toon/Pedical girdlin should only be regc as a defect when tt berries show signs !n as shrivelling DESTINATION ! stin- 13,emde nag jth 'OW Ij: 'lwning rther :10% of lspec:play d ~IVan:leis rded )1 -22 1998-2 u MERKVEREISTES Aigemeen 1. Elke houer wat tafeldruiwe bevat, moet duidelik, onuitwisbaar, leesbaar en n onderstebo of skeef nie, in blokletters en syfers met die volgende besonderhede op enigl kort- of langkant van die deksel of houer, waar deksels nie gebruik word nie, gedruk, of gl of met spesiaal ontwerpte etikette gemerk word: Met dien verstande dat alle gege dieselfde kant gegroepeer moet word: a onnet, ! sigbare !stempel 'vens op (a) Die uitdrukking "Grapes": Met dien verstande dat indien die inhoud van buit J!sigbaar is, hierdie uitdrukking nie op die houer aangedui hoef te word nie. (b) Die toepaslike kultivar. (c) Die uitdrukking "RSA Klas 1" of "RSA Klas 2", na gelang van die geval. houer gestempel word. (d) Die land van herkoms: Met dien verstande dat geen afkortings "South Africa" alleenstaande gebruik mag word nie. (e) Die naam en adres van die uitvoerder. (1) Die produsent se kode of die pakhuiskode wat deur die produsent, uitvc ,erder of pakhuis, na gelang van die geval, by die Uitvoerende Beampte geregistreE " is: Met dien verstande dat -- (9) 2. bevat ward: dit nie (Mc ~t op die of die ui1 :jrukking (aa) die pakhuiskode slegs gebruik mag word indien die oorsprong van die tafeldruiwe nie tot by die produsent teruggespoor kan word nie; en (bb) indien 'n produsent meer as een plaas besit of bedryf, moet sodanige afsonderlik geregistreer word. Die taepaslike pakdatum ap ten minste 50 persent verstande dat indien die pakdatum in 'n kade uitgedruk Beampte geregistreer maet wees. plase van die hauers: I'1/1 et dien ward, dit by die Uit\roerende Behaudens die bepalings van item 1, maet elke buitehauer wat vaarafverpakte ;ienhede met 'n aanduiding van die tatale aantal vaarafverpakte eenhede per buitehauer gemerk Met dien verstande dat indien die tatale aantal vaarafverpakte eenhede van buite s gbaar is, ap die buitehauer aangedui haef te ward nie. DESTINATION B (GRAPES) -TP1 -2001-02-09 -231998-2 v MARKING RI=QUIREMENTS General 1. Each container containing table grapes shall be marked clearly, indelibly, legibl~ and not untidy, upside-down or askew in block letters and numerals on any visible short or long si :le of the lid or container, where lids are not used, by printing or stamping or by specially designe :llabels, with the following particulars: Provided that all particulars shall be grouped on the samE side: (a) The expression this expression "Grapes": Provided that if the contents are visible from the outside, does not have to be indicated on the container . (b) The appropriate (c) The expression "RSA Class 1" or "RSA Class 2", as the case may be. stamped on the container .) (d) The country of origin: Provided Africa" on its own shall be used. (e) The name and address (f) The producers' code or packhouse code, which is registered with the E <ecutive Officer by the producer, exporter or packhouse as the case may be: ProvidlJd that -- cultivar. that no abbreviations Shall be or the expressioll of the exporter. the packhouse code shall only be used if the origin of the table grape; be traced back to the producer; and if a producer "South has more than one farm, each farm shall be cannot registered separately. (9) The applicable packing date on at least 50 per cent of the containers: Prov :jed that if the packing date is expressed in a code, it shal be registered with the E <ecutive Officer. 2. Subject to the provisions of item 1, each outer container containing prepacked unit~ shall be marked with an indication of the total number of prepacked units per outer container: Prov ded that if the total number of prepacked units are visible from the outside, it does not have to be ii'dicated on the outer container . DESTINATION B (GRAPES) -TP1 -2001-02-09
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