Distributed Learning Course Proposal Cover Sheet Please complete this cover sheet and include it with your Distributed Learning Course Proposal and a copy of your Intellectual Property Agreement. It is not necessarY to submit an Intellectual Property Agreement for videoconference courses that are not being recorded for future distribution. Course proposals shall be submitted to the Office of the Vice Provost for Learning Enhancement for final consideration. Department: Teacher Education and Administration Course Number: EDBE 5560 Course Title: Fundamentals of Bilingual and ESL Education Mode of Instruction: 90% Online Location(s) (if site-based): From UNT Denton Effective Term: Summer 2008 Submission Date November 8, 1007 Is the proposed distributed learning course in the existing UNT course imentory') n: Ye~ No NOTE: If the course is not in the existing UNT course imentory. it must recei\e apprmal as a ne" course bdore this distributed learning course proposal is submitted. After apprmaJ. if mode of ddi\ery changes. a ne\\ course apprmal "ill be required (eg. \ideoconference changes to Web-based course) If this proposal is re\ic\\ed by the Center for Distributed Learning. pkase ha\e a n:presentati\e prmide a signature Date: CDL representative: i/o 7 f')-/t r ( ,/ Please attach a copy of the Intellectu~l Property Agreement (required) for this course. The copy must contain signatures of faculty member, department chair and dean. Other approvals may still be pending. REQUIRED SIGNATlJRES Department Chair: Date: Dean: Date: Enhancement: \I-"--¥-\f--"-""-"-'+-f'-f'----- Date: -------'--- --ii---'-f----'--- l Distributed Learning Course Proposal Form Please use this form in the preparation of a course or program proposal to be submitted for approval. Please attach the appropriate course or program cover sheet and secure the necessary signatures. Need and Marketing 1. Describe how this course or program fits within the Mission ofUNT The EDBE 5560 - Fundamentals of Bilingual and ESL Education course fits within the mission of UNT in that it promotes ideas through a culture of learning based on diverse viewpoints, creativity and disciplined excellence Additionally, iffits within the mission of the College of Education in that the course develops the cognitive human capacity in the students and ultimately in the society they serve. The is one of the courses required for certification in ESL or bilingual education for Post Baccalaureate students and it is aligned with the College's mission to develop these students to serve their communities 2. Describe how the need/market for the course or program has been established. --------------------- The need for the course has been established based on the demand for the course by students who live in different geographical areas who are seeking certification in English as a Second Language (ESL) or bilingual education. This is due to the increasing need of schools to have highlyqualitied teach~~_for limited English 2[oficient students 3. Describe the plans for marketing the course or program. ~ewillmMkct~-e-p-r-o-g-rn-n-l-u-s~in-g-,~b-rr-~~h-u-r-e-s,-n~y-e-r-s-,~th-e-B~il~ir-lb-'u-a~I~/E-S~L-p-r-o-g-ra-n-l--~ web age, advi sors, conferences, meeti n 's and word of mouth. _I Curriculum and Instruction I. Describe the program/course including content and type oflearning (factual, conceptual, application, psychomotor, attitudinal) and type of student (motivation, individual/group learnec special needs, and other relevant characteristics) The course will examine historical and cultural perspectives, theoretical underpinnings, instructional models and approaches, and the research suppOli base of bilingual and ESL education. This course includes a review and critique of policies and procedures promulgated by both the federal government and the Texas Education Agency Ten hours offield experiences are required. The type oflearning is conceptual and the 10 hours offield experiences required will be in the form of teacher interviews, classroom observations, and parent literacy development. The type of student in this course already has a baccalaureate degree and will be enhancin his knowledge through interaction with classmates via discussion forums, will I of 6 I Distributed Learning l Course Proposal Form I perform work in pairs, and individually This type of student possesses self-discipline, I maturity, organ ization sk ills, and the teehn 01 ogi cal ski II s to be successful ill a 90% on Ii ne course. 2. List any special challenges that the distributed learning environment poses for the students Not using compatible word processing software, having slow Internet connections, not reading the instructions carefully and therefore missing assignment deadlines, overall students may have technical difficulties with their com uter. 3. Describe how the necessary interaction between faculty and students will be provided 4 Describe how the course/program differs from the corresponding course/program offered in a non-di stri buted mode. The course differs in that the students will be responsible for their own text readings and reviews Question and answer activities will be conducted via e-mail and not face to face. The forms that are normally distributed in class will be posted in the course for students to download as well as other course content. For example, students will return assignments via the dropbox and will receive them back from the instructor in the same way. The students will be able to monitor their progress logging on the gradebook online which is not possible for face to face students The students will use a high level of analysis and interpretation of the content to be able to respond and be successful in the course. S Describe how comparable student learning is assured The same content, expectations, and grading will be part of the course compared to the course offered face to face. 2 of 6 Distributed Learning) Course Proposal Form Resources I. Explain how faculty will have the time to develop the course(s) The faculty will develop the course as part of their regular duties with the assistance of the Office of Distributed Learning. -----"''-----------------------~ 2. Describe which sources of funding have been identified (course fees, contracts, internal and external grants, and distributed learning funding model) The students will pay for the cours.e through normal tuit.ion and fees rates T. he Office of Distributed Learning offers assistance for course development free of charge -,. J --~-_._---_.~_.,-- 3 Describe what resources, if any, will be needed from the Center for Distributed Learning Assistance with the uploading of co~t~~Getting up the gradebook, bask~ts in the ~ dro box, addition of gra hics and com ressed video cli s if needed. _I Student Services I. Describe how will students be admitted, registered, and advised The students will be admitted by the Office of Graduate Ad~issions if they have a _ bachelor's degree and a 2R GPA They can mail the documentation to that Office Once admitted they will communicate via e-mail/telephone with one of the program advisors. Students will then register online for this course following a predetermined rooram sequence 2. Describe how will students be trained in the instructional technology used. Students will read the manual offered by WebCT and log in using the username and password assigned to them upon admission to liNT Students will contact the helpdesk for assistance Once in the course, the students will request assistance from the instructor as needed. Faculty Support I. Describe how faculty will be prepared to teach in the distributed learning environment. Faculty will already have experience teaching online and will have knowledge about the content matter of the course. 2. Describe how faculty will obtain access to the necessary instructional technology I Faculty will have access to a computer and an Internet connection at the location from 3 of 6 I Distributed Learning l Course Proposal Form [Where they will teach the course. 3. Describe what compensation the faculty will receive for teaching I The faculty will receive the same compensation as those teaching face to face courses. 4. Describe the arrangements that have been made regarding ownership of materials generated in the course(s). I Dr. Rossana Boyd has intellectual property of the content and materials for the course. 40f6 l Distributed Learning Course Proposal Form Resources for Learning 1. Describe how access to library materials and reading/viewing materials will be obtained. The students will access materials through the library tool already available in WebCt's homepage Also, the students will use the course's Webliography which contains links to websites relevant to the course content 2. Describe any special laboratories, equipment, or facilities that will be required for the course/program and how these will be provided The students will need to complete 10-15 hours of field experiences in schools. The field experiences site assignments will be provided by the Office of Field Experiences if those are carried out in Denton or Lewisville ISO Students will make their own arrangements if the field experiences are carried out in places other than the school districts mentioned Commitment for Support I. Designate who is the instructional leader(s) for the revision or creation of the distributed learning coursework. I Dr. Rossana Boyd of the Department of Teaching and Administration 2. Describe how a student will be able to finish a full program of studies I A student will take other courses of their program of studies face to face 3. Verify that the method of delivery being used is a supported item at UNT (Academic l Computing, Center for Distributed Learning, etc.) or designate how this technology will be supported The WebCT Vista Platf.orm is managed by the cen.ter for Distributed Learning of the University of Texas which supports the instructional delivery of the online course 4 _ Provide the names/affiliations of those who you have consulted with in preparing your distributed learning proposal (Center for Distributed Learning, departmental contacts, external consultants, etc), if any Center for Di stributed Learni ng staff and Department of Teachi ng and Admi ni strati on staff. 5 of 6 l Distributed Learning Course Proposal Form Evaluation and Assessment I. Describe how student learning, student retention, and student/faculty satisfaction are assessed. Students learning is assessed through the objectives of the course via the quality of required assignments, projects, discussions, and tield experiences. Students retention is assessed through consistent interaction between the faculty member and students, Student and faculty sati sfaction are assessed through evaluation surveys towards the end of the course 2 I Describe how support services, technology effectiveness, faculty and student training, and other program aspects are assessed Support services are assessed based on the assi stance provided to students via the instructor and the help desk. Technology effectiveness is assessed based on the effectiveness of the student and faculty to use the different components of the platform as well as the effective performance of the WebCT platform. J 3. Describe how program or course announcements are made The announcements feature of WebCT is used to share messages as well as the e-mail system that is already integrated in the course ... _ 4 Describe how distributed learning students keep in contact with the main campus and with each other. IThe students keep in contact~Tth the m~;~-ca~pus and with other students via e-mail and Lvia telephone .. l J lA course is considered delivered by distributed learning if the faculty and student are not physically present for at least 50% of the time and if the medium of transmission is digital (Web, Internet, Videoconference, CD-ROM, etc). A program is considered delivered by distributed learning if over 50% of the courses are delivered via distributed learning. 60f6
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