RESOMOST SAMPLE TEST PAPER TARGET : AIPMT 2015 FOR CLASS XII (APPEARED) & XII PASSED STUDENTS Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 800 INSTRUCTIONS v uq ns'k A. General : A. lkekU; : 1. 1. This Question Paper contains 200 (50 Chemistry, 50 Physics & 100 Biology) questions. 2. The question paper CODE is printed on the right hand 50 Physics & 100 Biology) 2. top corner on this sheet of this booklet. 3. Rough work is to be done on the space provided for Blank paper, clipboard, log tables, slide rules, 3. The answer sheet, a machine-gradable Objective iz'u i=k d k d ksM CODE izLrqr i`"B d sÅ ij nk,¡d ksusesa jQ d k;Zijh{kkiq fLrd kes ad soy fu/kkZ fjr t xg ij ghd hft ,A ;g t xg iz R;s d i` "B ij uhpsd h vks j gS A 4. calculators, cellular phones, pagers and electronic gadgets in any form are not allowed. 5. iz'u gSaA Nik gSA this purpose in the Test Booklet only. This space is given at the bottom of each page. 4. ;g iqfLrd kvkid kiz'u i=kgSA ft lesa200 (50 Chemistry, ijh{kk Hkou d svUnj d ksjsd kxt ] fDyi cksMZ] ykWx Vscy] LykbM : y]d Sy d qy sVj]lsy qy j Q ksu]ist j vkSj bysDVªkfud mid j.k fd lh Hkh : i esafuf"k) gSaA 5. Response Sheet (ORS), is provided separately. mRrj i=k],d ;a =kJs .khd j.k;kXs; i=kObjective Response Sheet (ORS) gSt ksfd vyx lsfn;st k;s xs a A a 6. Do not Tamper / mutilate the ORS or this booklet. 6. iq fLrd k vFkok ORS es au rksgs j Qs j d js au gh mlsfod r` d js Aa 7. Do not break the seals of the question-paper booklet 7. t c rd ifjos"kd funsZ'k ughansarc rd iz'u i=k d h lhy before instructed to do so by the invigilators. d ksugha[kksay sA B. Question paper format and Marking scheme : B. iz 'ui=k xzUFkkd kj 8. The question paper consists of 3 Parts (Part-A (Chemistry), PART-B (Physics) & PART-C (Biology)). 8. For each question, you will be awarded 4 marks if you darken the bubble corresponding to the correct 9. 9. answer and zero marks if no bubble is darkened. In case of bubbling of incorrect answer, minus one (–1) mark will be awarded. v kSj v ad u v k;kst u : iz'ui=k3 Hkkxksad kgS(Hkkx-A (Chemistry), Hkkx-B (Physics) rFkk Hkkx-C (Biology) gSA [k.M –I d s izR;sd iz'u d s fy,] ;fn vkius flQ Z mfpr mRrjokyscqYysd ksgh d kyk fd ;k gSrksvkid ks4 v ad fn;s t k,axsA ;fn fd lh Hkh cqYysd ksd kyk ughafd ;k gSrks'kwU; v ad fn;k t k,xkA xyr mRrj d scqYysd ksd kyk d jusij _ .kkRed ,d (–1) v ad fn;k t k,xkA PART-A Atomic masses : [H = 1, D = 2, Li = 7, C = 12, N = 14, O = 16, F = 19, Na = 23, Mg = 24, Al = 27, Si = 28, P = 31, S = 32, Cl = 35.5, K = 39, Ca = 40, Cr = 52, Mn = 55, Fe = 56, Cu = 63.5, Zn = 65, As = 75, Br = 80, Ag = 108, I = 127, Ba = 137, Hg = 200, Pb = 207] Straight Objective Type This section contains 50 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE is correct. 1. Incorrect statement about interhalogen compound is : (1) These compound can be used as non aqueous solvent. (2) Interhalogen compound are very useful fluorinating agents. l h/ksoLrqfu"B izd kj bl [k.M es a50 cgq& fod Yihiz 'u gS A iz a R;sd iz 'u d s 4 fod Yi (1), (2), (3) rFkk (4) gS a]ft uesalsfl Q Z,d l gh gSA 1. vUrjgS y kst u ;kSfxd d sfy , vlR; d Fku gS: (1) bu ;kS fxd ksad ksvt y h;&foy k;d d s: i esaiz;qDr fd ;k t krk gSA (2) vUrjgS y kts u ;kfSxd cgq r mi;kxsh¶ykjshuhd r` ;kfSxd gksrsgSA (3) These all are covalent & dimagnetic in nature. (3) ;g lHkh iz d `fr esalgla;kst hrFkkizfrpqEcd h; gksrs (4) Generally interhalogen compound are less reactive then halogens. (4) lkekU;r% vUrjgS y kst u] gSy kst u d h vis{kk d e 2. Choose the incorrect statement : (1) Size of 4d & 5d series elements is almost same. (2) Generally negative value of standard reduction potential (M2+/M) of 3d-series element decreases across the period. gSA fØ ;k'khy gksrsgSaA 2. vlR; d Fku d kspq fu;s: (1) 4d o 5d Js .khd srRoks ad kvkd kj y xHkx leku gks rk gSA (2) lkekU;r%3d-Js .khrRoksad svkorZesaekud vip;u foHko d s_ .kkRed eku (M2+/M) esad eh vkrh gSA (3) Cr2O72– has one type Cr–O bond length. (3) Cr2O72– es a,d izd kj d h Cr–O cU/k y EckbZgSA (4) Generally actinide and lanthanide shows +3 oxidation state. (4) lkekU;r% ,fDVukbM o y S UFksukWbM +3 vkWDlhd j.k 3. Correct fact about tyndall effect is : voLFkk n'kkZrk gSA 3. fVa My izHkko d sckjsesalR; d Fku fuEu gS: (1) The diameter of dispersed particles is much smaller than the wave length of light used. (1) ifjf{kIr d .k d k O;kl] iz ;qDr d h xbZizd k'k d h (2) Refractive indices of the dispersed phase and the dispersion medium differ greatly in magnitude. (2) ifjf{kIr iz koLFkk o ifj{ksi.k ek/;e d k viorZukad (3) It is shown by true solution. (3) blsokLrfod foy ;u }kjk n'kkZ ;k t krk gSA (4) All are correct (4) lHkh lgh gS A RESONANCE rjaxnS/;Zd h vis{kk d e gksrk gSA ifjek.k esavf/kd fHkUu gksrsgSA XIII ResoMost_STP – 1 4. Gold (atomic radius = 0.144 nm) crystallises in face - centred unit cell. What is the length of a side of the cell? (1) 0.407nm (3) 0.332 nm (2) 0.288nm (4) 0.432nm 5. What is the order of freezing point of aqueous solution if same mole of acetic acid, trichloroacetic acid and tri fluoroacetic acid are added in given amount of water (1) Acetic acid < Trichloroacetic acid Tri fluoroacetic acid < (2) Tri fluoroacetic acid > Trichloroacetic acid > Acetic acid 4. Q yd &d f sUnz r bd kbZd ks f"Bd kes axks YM ¼ijek.oh; f=kT;k = 0.144 nm) fØ LVy hd ` r fd ;k t krk gSA d ksf"Bd k d s fd ukjsd h y EckbZD;k gS? (1) 0.407nm (2) 0.288nm (3) 0.332 nm (4) 0.432nm 5. t y h; foy ;uks ad sfgekad d k Ø e D;k gksxkA ;fn fn;s x;st y esa,flfVd vEy ]VªkbDy ksjks,flfVd vEy rFkk Vªkb¶y ksjks,flfVd vEy d sleku eksy fey k;st krsgks (1) ,flfVd vEy < Vª kbDy ksjks,fl fVd v Ey < Vªkb¶y ksjks,flfVd vEy (2) Vª kb¶y ksjks,flfVd vEy > ,flfVd vEy > VªkbDy ksjks,flfVd vEy (3) Trichloroacetic acid > Tri fluoroacetic acid > Acetic acid (3) Vª kbDy ksjks,flfVd vEy > Vªkb¶y ksjks,flfVd vEy (4) Acetic acid > Trichloroacetic acid Tri fluoroacetic acid (4) ,flfVd vEy > 6. Determine the amount of CaCl2 dissolve in 2.5 lit of water such that its osmatic pressure is 0.75 atm. at 27ºC. If degree of dissociation of CaCl2 is 75%. (1) 3.38gm (2) 5.27gm (3) 4.25 gm (4) 52.7gm 7. The conversion of molecule X to Y follow second order kinetics. If concentration of X is increased to three times. How will it effect the rate of formation of Y (1) Rate increase by 8 times (2) Rate increase by 9 times (3) Rate increase by 6 times (4) Rate decrease by 8 times 8. What will be the correct order for wave length of absorption in the visible region for the following complex : (a) [Ni(NO2)6]4– (b) [Ni(NH3)6]2+ (c) [Ni(H2O)6]2+ (1) a < b < c (3) a > c > b RESONANCE (2) a > b > c (4) a < c < b > ,flfVd vEy > Vª kbDy ksjks,flfVd vEy > Vªkb¶y ksjks,flfVd vEy 6. 2.5 y hVj t y es afoy ; CaCl2 d h ek=kk Kkr d hft , ;fn 27ºC ij bl foy ;u d k ijklj.k nkc 0.75 ok;qe.My h; gSrFkk CaCl2 d sfo;kst u d h ek=kk 75% gSA (1) 3.38gm (2) 5.27gm (3) 4.25 gm (4) 52.7gm 7. v.kqX d kY es aifjorZ u f}rh; d ks fV cyxfrd hd kikyu d jrkgS A ;fn X d hlkUnz rkd ksrhu xq ukc<+ kfn;kt krk gS]rksY d sfuekZ.k d h nj ij D;k izHkko iM+sxk (1) nj 8 xq uk c<+t k;sxh (2) nj 9 xq uk c<+t k;sxh (3) nj 6 xq uk c<+t k;sxh (4) nj 8 xq uk d e gkst k;sxh 8. fuEu la d qy ksad sfy , n`'; {ks =kesavo'kksf"kr rjaxnS /;Zd k lgh Ø e D;k gksxk : (a) [Ni(NO2)6]4– (b) [Ni(NH3)6]2+ (c) [Ni(H2O)6]2+ (1) a < b < c (2) a > b > c (3) a > c > b (4) a < c < b XIII ResoMost_STP – 2 9. Hybridization and magnetic behaviour of complex K4[Mn(CN)6] is : 9. la dq y K4[Mn(CN)6] d sfy, la d j.ko pq Ecd h; O;ogkj fuEu gS: (1) d2sp3, diamagnetic (1) d2sp3, iz frpqEcd h; (2) d2sp3, paramagnetic (2) d2sp3, vuq p qEcd h; (3) sp3d2, diamagnetic (3) sp3d2, iz frpqEcd h; (4) sp3d2, paramagnetic (4) sp3d2 ] vuq p qEcd h; 10. A solution of CuSO4 is electrolysed for 10 minutes with a current of 1.5 amp what is the mass of copper deposite at cathode (atomic weight of copper = 63) : 10. CuSO4 d s,d foy ;u d k 1.5 ,fEi;j /kkjk d slkFk 10 fefuV d sfy , oS | qr vi?kVu fd ;kt krkgSA d SFkksM+ ij fu{ksfir d kWij d k nzO;eku D;k gS\ (d kWij d k ijek.oh; nzO;eku = 63) : (1) 0.29gm (2) 0.35gm (1) 0.29gm (2) 0.35gm (3) 0.0048gm (4) 0.7gm (3) 0.0048gm (4) 0.7gm 11. 14 moles of A and 20 moles of B , 8 moles of C is formed in the following reaction 3A + 4B 2C then. (1) 8 mole of B react 11. A d s14 eks y , B d s20 ekys lsC d s8 ekys fuEu vfHkfØ ;k (3A + 4B 2C) es acursgSarc % (1) B d s8 eks y fØ ;k d jrsgSa (2) A d s10 eks y fØ ;k d jrsgSa (2) 10 mole of A react (3) B d s4 eks y cps (3) 4 mole of B left (4) A d s8 eks y cps (4) 8 mole of A left 12. In which of the following ‘N’ atom is not sp2 hybridised (1) HNO4 (2) FNO3 (3) (4) B3N3H6 13. The first three successive ionisation energies of an element Z are 900, 1757 and 14850 kJ 12. fuEu ea slsfd l esa‘N’ ijek.kqsp2 lad fjr ughagSA (1) HNO4 (2) FNO3 (3) (4) B3N3H6 13. ,d rRo Z d h iz Fke rhu Ø ekxr vk;uu Å t k;ZsØ e'k% 900, 1757 rFkk14850 kJ mol–1 gS A rRo Z lEcfU/kr gS & mol–1 respectively. The element Z belongs to (1) oxZ -1 ls (2) oxZ -2 ls (1) group-1 (3) group-15 (3) oxZ -15 ls (4) oxZ -17 ls (2) group-2 (4) group-17 14. Moles fraction of benzene in vapour phase which is in equilibrium with solution of toluene (P° = 80 mm) and benzene (P° = 120 mm) having one mole of each (1) 0.80 (2) 0.20 (3) 0.40 (4) 0.60 RESONANCE 14. ok"i voLFkkes acsUt hu d heksy fHkUu D;kgS]t ksVkWy wbu (P° = 80 mm) rFkkcs at hu (P° = 120 mm) d sfoy ;u d slkFk lkE;koLFkk esagSrFkk ;g foy ;u izR;sd ?kVd d s,d eksy j[krk gSA (1) 0.80 (2) 0.20 (3) 0.40 (4) 0.60 XIII ResoMost_STP – 3 15. If 40 ml of 0.2 M CH3COOH is titrated with 0.2 M NaOH. How many ml of base must be added to form a buffer solution with greatest buffering capacity (1) 10 ml 15. ;fn 0.2 M CH3COOH d s40 ml d ks0.2 M NaOH d s lkFkvuqekfir fd ;kt krkgSA rc lokZf/kd cQ j {kerk] oky scQ j foy ;u d kscukusd sfy , {kkj d sfd rusmL fey kuspkfg;s\ (1) 10 ml (2) 20 ml (3) 30 ml (4) 40 ml (2) 20 ml (3) 30 ml (4) 40 ml 16. Suppose that a hypothetical atom gives a red, green, blue and violet line spectrum . Which jump according to figure would give off the red spectral line. (1) 3 1 (2) 2 1 (3) 4 1 (4) 3 2 17. Calculate the potential of hydrogen electrode in contact with a solution of 5 × 10–3M of Ba(OH)2 at 1 atm pressure and 298K temperature. (1) –0.059V 16. ekukfd ,d d kYifud ijek.kq,d yky]gjk]uhykrFkk cSaxuh js[kh; LisDVªe nsrk gSA fp=k d svuql kj d kSulk laØ ky LisDVªy js[kknsxkA (1) 3 1 (2) 2 1 (3) 4 1 (4) 3 2 17. 1 atm nkc o 298K rki ij 5 × 10–3M Ba(OH)2 d slkFk lEid Zes agkbMª kts u byS DVª kMW d kfoHko ifjd fyr d hft ,A (1) –0.059V (2) 0.059V (2) 0.059V (3) 0.59V (3) 0.59V (4) – 0.59V (4) – 0.59V 18. Which of the following statement is incorrect ? (1) Among O 2+ , O 2 and O 2 - the stability decreases as O2+ > O2 > O2(2) He2 molecule does not exit as the bonding and anti-bonding influence cancel each other. (3) C2 ,O22 - and Li2 are diamagnetic (4) In F2 molecule, the energy of 2 Pz is more than 2px and 2 Py 18. fuEu es alsd kSulk d Fku xy r gS? (1) O2+, O2 rFkkO2- es aLFkkf;Ro O2+ > O2 > O2- d s Ø e esa?kVrk gSA (2) He2 v.kqughacurk D;ks afd cU/kh vkSj vcU/kh izHkko ,d nwl jsd ksfujLr d j nsrsgSA (3) C2 ,O22 - rFkkLi2 iz frpqEcd h; gSA (4) F2 v.kqes a2 Pz d hÅ t kZ] 2px rFkk 2 Py lsT;knk gksrh gSA RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP – 4 19. H and S for a reaction are +30.558 kJ mol–1 and 0.666 kJ mol–1 at 1 atm pressure. The temperature at which free energy is equal to zero and the nature of reaction below this temperature are (1) 483 K, spontaneous (2) 443 K, non-spontaneous (3) 443 K, spontaneous (4) 463 K, non-spontaneous 19. 1 ok;q e.My h; nkc ij ,d vfHkfØ ;k d sfy , H rFkk S Ø e'k% +30.558 kJ mol–1 rFkk 0.666 kJ mol–1 gSA og rki ft l ij eqDr Å t kZ'kwU; d scjkcj gkst krh gSrFkk bl rki d suhpsvfHkfØ ;k d h izd `fr fuEu gS& (1) 483 K, Lor%iz Øe (2) 443 K, vLor%iz Øe (3) 443 K, Lor%iz Øe (4) 463 K, vLor%iz Øe 20. Consider the modes of transformation of a gas from state ‘A’ to state ‘B’ as shown in following P–V diagram. Which one of the following is true 20. voLFkk‘A’ lsvoLFkk‘B’ es axS l d sLFkkukraj.kes arjhd @siz Øe d ksnsf[k;s]t Sl kd hP–V vkjs[kesan'kkZ;kx;kgSA fuEu esad kSulk ,d d Fku lR; gSA (1) H = q along A C (1) A C d sfy , H = q (2) S is same along both A B and A C B (2) A B rFkkA C B nks uks ad sfy, S leku gS A (3) W is same along A B and A C B (4) W > 0 along both A B and A C (3) A B rFkk A C B d sfy , W leku gS A (4) A B rFkk A C nks uksad sfy , W > 0 gSA 21. Dinitrogen can be purified from the impurities of NO and NH3 by passing through : (1) concentrated HCl. . (2) alkaline solution of pyrogallol. (3) an acidified solution of potassium dichromate. (4) an aqueous solution of KOH. 21. MkbZ ukbVªkst u esalsNO rFkkNH3 d hv'kqf) d ksfd lesa izokfgr d j 'kq) fd ;k t krk gSA (1) lkUnzHCl. (2) ikbjks xSy ksy d k {kkjh; foy ;uA (3) iks VSf'k;e MkbZØ ksesV d svEy hd `r foy ;u lsA (4) KOH d st y h; foy ;u ls A 22. White phosphorus when boiled with strong solution of caustic soda produces : 22. d kf WLVd lkMss+d siz cy foy;u d slkFkt c 'os r Q kLQ kjsl d ksxeZfd ;k t krk gSt ksmRiUu gksxk& (1) sodium phosphide (1) lks fM;e Q kLQ kbM (2) sodium phosphate (2) lks fM;e Q kLQ sV (3) sodium hypophosphite (4) red phosphourus RESONANCE (3) lks fM;e gkbiksQ kLQ kbZV (4) y ky Q kLQ ks jl XIII ResoMost_STP – 5 23. Which of the following statements is true ? 23. fuEu es alsd kSulk d Fku lR; gS\ (1) Cl2 can not be dried over H2SO4. (1) Cl2 d ksH2SO4 ij 'kq "d ughafd ;k t k ld rk gSaA (2) Available chlorine is obtained from caustic soda by treating with HCl. (2) HCl d slkFkd kfLVd lkM skd ksmipkfjr d j Dyks jhu (3) Conc. HCl + conc. HNO3 is Marshall's acid. (4) All neutral interhalogen molecules are diamagnetic in nature. 24. The catalyst used in Decons process is : izkIr d h t k ld rh gSA (3) lkUnzHCl + lkUnzHNO3 ek'kZ y vEy gSA (4) lHkhmnklhu vUrjkgS y kts u v.kqiz d f`r es aiz frpq Ecd h; gksrsgSaA 24. Ms d u iz Ø e (Decons process) es aiz ;Dqr mRiz jsd fuEu gS% (1) CuCl2 (2) Cu (1) CuCl2 (2) Cu (3) CuSO4 (4) CuS (3) CuSO4 (4) CuS 25. Which of the following is not the characteristic of interhalogen compounds ? 25. fuEu es alsd kSulk vUrjgSy kst u ;kSfxd ksad k vfHky {k.k (1) They are more reactive than halogens. (1) ;g gS y kst u d h vis{kk vf/kd fØ ;k'khy gksrsgSaA (2) They are quite unstable but none of them is explosive. (2) ;g iw .kZr;k vLFkk;h gksrsgSay sfd u foLQ ksVd ugha (3) They are covalent in nature. (4) They have low boiling points and are highly volatile. ughagS\ gksrsgSA (3) ;g lgla ;kst d izd `fr d sgSA (4) ;g U;w u DoFkukad fcUnqj[krsgSarFkkmPp ok"i'khy gksrsgSA 26. In the clathrates of xenon with water, the nature of bonding between xenon and water molecule is : (1) covalent 26. t y d slkFkt huks u d sDy sFkjsV esat huks u rFkkt y v.kq d schp cU/ku d h izd `fr fuEu gS% (1) lgla ;kst h (2) gkbMª kst u cU/ku (2) hydrogen bonding (3) mi&lgla ;kst h (3) co-ordinate (4) dipole-induced dipole interaction 27. Producer gas is a mixture of : (4) f}/kq zo&izsfjr f}/kqzo vUr%fØ ;k 27. mRiknd xS l (Producer gas) feJ.k gS% (1) CO + H2 (2) CO + N2 (1) CO + H2 (2) CO + N2 (3) H2 + N2 (4) CO + CO2 (3) H2 + N2 (4) CO + CO2 28. Which one of the following is the correct statement ? (1) Beryllium exhibits coordination number of six (2) Chlorides of both beryllium and aluminium have bridged chloride structures in solid phase (3) B2H6.2NH3 is known as 'inorganic benzene' (4) Boric acid is a protonic acid RESONANCE 28. fuEu es alsd kSulk d Fku lR; gS? (1) cs fjfy;e milgla ;ks t u la[;kN%iz nf'kZr d jrkgS A (2) cs fjfy ;e rFkk ,sy qfefu;e nksuksad sDy ksjkbMksad h Bksl voLFkk esalsrqDy ksjkbM lajpuk,¡gksrh gSaA (3) B2H6.2NH3 d ksvd kcZ fud csUt +hu’ d grsgSaA (4) cks fjd vEy ,d izksVkWfud vEy gSA XIII ResoMost_STP – 6 29. Calculate value of 'n Keq' for the reaction at 250 K. N2O4 (g) Given : 29. 250K rki ij fuEu vfHkfØ ;k d sfy ,] 'n Keq' d k eku Kkr d hft ;sA 2NO2 (g) Hºƒ (NO2)g = + 40.407 kJ / mol N2O4 (g) fn;k gS: Hºƒ (N2O4)g = + 70 kJ / mol Sºr = 10 2NO2 (g) Hºƒ (NO2)g = + 40.407 kJ / mol Hºƒ (N2O4)g = + 70 kJ / mol JK–1 Sºr = 10 JK–1 (1) 4 (2) – 4 (1) 4 (2) – 4 (3) 1.2 (4) – 1.2 (3) 1.2 (4) – 1.2 30. The INCORRECT statement is : (1) In metallurgy, flux is a substance used to convert infusible impurities to fusible mass. (2) Cryolite is Na 3AlF 6 and is used in the electrolysis of alumina for lowering the melting point of alumina. (3) Extraction of iron metal from iron oxide ore is carried out by heating with coke and lime stone. (4) Haematite, Cassiterite and argentite are oxide ores. 31. Identify correct structure for the following IUPAC name. 3-Methyl -4, 5-dioxopentanoicacid. (1) (2) (3) 30. v l R; d Fku gS% (1) /kkrq d eZesa] xky d og inkFkZgSft ld k mi;ksx vxyuh; v'kq f) ;ks ad ks]xyuh; nz O;eku esaifjofrZ r d jusd sfy ,]fd ;k t krk gSA (2) Na3AlF6, Ø k;ks y kbV gSbld kmi;ksx],Y;q qfeukd s oS |q r vi?kVu esa ],Y;q feukd sxyuka d d ksd e d jus d sfy , fd ;k t krk gSA (3) vk;ju vkW DlkbM lsvk;ju /kkrqd kfu"d "kZ.kd ksd o y kbeLVksu d slkFk xeZd jd sfd ;k t krk gSA (4) gs eVskbV]d fslfVjkbV rFkkvt UZsVkbV vkDWlkbM v;Ld gSA 31. fn;sx;sIUPAC uke d h lgh la jpuk igpkuksA 3-es fFky -4, 5-MkbZ v kWDlksisUVsuksbd vEy (1) (2) (3) (4) (4) RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP – 7 32. How many positional isomers of Bromochloro benzene are possible : (1) 3 (3) 5 32. cz kseksDy ksjkscsUt hu d sfd rusfLFkfr leko;ohlEHko gSa\ (2) 4 (4) 6 33. Write down total number of geometrical isomer for the following compound : (1) 4 (3) 8 (2) 4 (3) 5 (4) 6 33. fn;sx;s;kS fxd d sT;kferh; leko;oh d h d qy la[;k gksxh% (2) 2 (4) 3 34. Which of the following option is enantiomer of given compound ? (1) 3 (1) 4 (2) 2 (3) 8 (4) 3 34. fn;sx;s;kf Sxd d k iz frfcEc : ihleko;ohd kuSlsfod Yi es agS\ (1) (2) (3) (4) H / Ni 35. 2 A (1) (2) (3) (4) H / Ni 2 A 35. H / Pt 2 B H / Pt 2 B A & B are (1) Chain isomer (3) Identical RESONANCE (2) Position isomer (4) Geometrical isomer A vkS j B gS\ (1) J` a[ky k leko;oh (2) fLFkfrleko;oh (3) le: i (4) T;kferh; leko;oh XIII ResoMost_STP – 8 36. Two compounds react with tollen's reagent which give white and black ppt respectively, these are ? 36. nks;kS fxd VkWy su vfHkd kjd lsvfHkfØ ;k d jd sØ e'k% 'osr o d ky k vo{ksi nsrsgSA osfuEu gSA (1) (1) (2) (2) (3) (3) (4) (4) 37. Which does not have conjugate system ? (1) CH2 = CHCl (2) CH2 = CHCHO (3) CH3CH = CH2 (4) 38. Which of the following statement is CORRECT regarding the inductive effect ? (1) Electron-donating inductive effect(+I effect) is generally more powerful than electronwithdrawing inductive effect(-I effect) (2) It implies the shifting of electrons density from more electronegative atom to the lesser electronegative atom in a molecule (3) It implies the shifting of electrons density from less electronegative atom to the more electronegative atom in a molecule (4) It increases with increase in distance. 39. The structure of the major product formed in the following reaction is 37. d kS ul k l a;qfXer ra=k ughaj[krk gS\ (1) CH2 = CHCl (2) CH2 = CHCHO (3) CH3CH = CH2 (4) 38. iz sjf.kd izHkko lslEcfU/kr d kSulk d Fku lR; gS\ (1) by s DVªksu nsusoky k izsjf.kd izHkko (+ I) lkekU;r;k% vf/kd izHkkohgksrkgSA by s DVªksu [khpusoky sizjsf.kd izHkko (–I) ls (2) bl ?kVukes av.kqes avf/kd fo|q r_ .khijek.kqlsd e fo|q r_ .khijek.kqd hvks j bysDVª kW u d kfoLFkkiu gksrk gSA (3) bl ?kVukes av.kqes ad e fo|q r_ .khijek.kqlsvf/kd fo|q r_ .khijek.kqd hvks j bys DVª kW u d kfoLFkkiu gks rk gS A (4) ;g nw jh c<+usd slkFk c<+rk gSA 39. fuEufy f[kr vfHkfØ ;kes aeq[; mRikn d hlajpukgksxh% H O / Acetone H O / Acetone 2 2 (1) (2) (1) (2) (3) (4) (3) (4) RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP – 9 40. Which alcohol cannot be prepared on reaction of carbonyl compound with grignard reagent. (1) CH3OH (2) CH3CH2OH (3) (4) 41. When benzene reacts with HNO3/H2SO4 structure of intermediate formed is : (1) (2) (3) (4) 42. Friedel craft reaction can be possible for 40. fuEu es alsfd l ,Yd kgsy d ksfxz U;kj vfHkd eZ d d hd kckfZsuy ;kS fxd d h vfHkfØ ;k lsugh cuk;k t k ld rk gS A (1) CH3OH (2) CH3CH2OH (3) (4) 41. t c cs Ut hu d h fØ ;k HNO3/H2SO4 d slkFkd h t krh gSrc e/;orhZD;k gksxk & (1) (2) (3) (4) 42. fuEu es afd lesafÝ M~y Ø k¶V vfHkfØ ;k lEHko gSA (1) (2) (1) (2) (3) (4) (3) (4) 43. In the reaction, the product (C) is : NaNO2 HCl CuCN (A) (B) C6H5NH2 0 – 5 ºC KCN 43. fuEu vfHkfØ ;k es amRikn (C) gS% H / H2 O (C) (1) C6H5CH2NH2 (2) C6H5COOH (3) C6H5OH (4) none of these 44. An aldol condensation reaction is possible in (1) H – C C – CHO (2) CCl3CHO (3) CD3CHO (4) C6H5CHO RESONANCE NaNO2 HCl CuCN (A) (B) C6H5NH2 0 – 5 ºC KCN H / H O 2 (C) (1) C6H5CH2NH2 (2) C6H5COOH (3) C6H5OH (4) bues alsd ksbZugha 44. ,YMks y la?kuu vfHkfØ ;k fd lesalEHko gS (1) H – C C – CHO (2) CCl3CHO (3) CD3CHO (4) C6H5CHO XIII ResoMost_STP – 10 45. Denaturation of protein : 45. iz ksVhu d k fod `frd j.k : (1) Destroyed the primary or secondary or tertiary structure of protein (1) iz ksVhu d hizkFkfed ;k f}rh;d ;k r`rh;d lajpuk (2) Destroyed the secondary and tertiary structure only (2) iz ksVhu d hf}rh;d rFkkr`rh;d lja p ukd ksrksM+ukA d ksrksM+ ukA (3) iz ksVhu d h izkFkfed ]f}rh;d rFkk r` rh;d ;gkard (3) Destroyed the primary, secondary and tertiary and even the quaternary structure of protein d hprq"d lja p ukd ksrksM+ ukA (4) okLrfod t S fod fØ ;k'khyrkij d ksbZiz Hkko ughagSA (4) Will not affect the original biological activity 46. Green Chemistry means such reaction which : 46. gjh jlk;u d k rkRi;Z: (1) uq d lkunk;d jlk;uksad kmi;ksx rFkkmRIkknu d e (1) Reduce the use and production of hazardous chemicals d juk fufgr gSA (2) Are related to the depletion of ozone Layer (2) vks t ksu ije d k vo{k; fufgr gSA (3) Study the reaction in plants (3) ikS /kks aes avfHkfØ ;kvksad k v/;;u gSA (4) Produce colour during reactions (4) vfHkfØ ;kvks aesajax d k fuekZ .k fufgr gSA 47. X is ? X gks xk \ 47. (1) (1) (2) (2) (3) (3) (4) (4) RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP – 11 48. Ph – CH – CH CH2 | CH3 dil. H SO 4 2 X(major product), ruqH SO 2 4 48. Ph – CH – CH CH2 [; mRikn). X(eq | CH3 mRikn 'X' d ksigpkfu,A Identify product 'X' is : (1) Ph – CH – CH2 – CH2 (1) Ph – CH – CH2 – CH2 | CH3 | CH3 | OH | OH (2) Ph – CH – CH – CH3 (2) Ph – CH – CH – CH3 | | CH3 OH | | CH3 OH OH | (3) Ph – C – CH2 – CH3 | CH3 OH | (3) Ph – C – CH2 – CH3 | CH3 (4) Ph – CH – CH – CH3 | | OH CH3 (4) Ph – CH – CH – CH3 | | OH CH3 49. The anomeric carbon atom in glucose and fructose is 49. Xy w d ksl o Q zDVksl esa,uksesfjd d kcZu ijek.kqgSA (1) C1 (1) C1 (2) C2 (2) C2 (3) C5 (3) C5 (4) Xy w d ksl esaC1 rFkk Q zDVksl esaC2 (4) C1 in glucose and C2 in fructose 50. The amino acid pH exist as (1) (2) (3) at high 50. vehuksvEy vf/kd pH ij fd l izd kj d h fLFkfr esagksxk % (1) (2) (3) (4) (4) RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP – 12 PART–B PART–B Straight Objective Type l h/ksoLrqfu"B izd kj This section contains 50 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE is correct. bl [k.M es a50 cgq& fod Yihiz'u gSaA iz R;s d iz'u d s4 fod Yi (1), (2), (3) rFkk (4) gSa] ft uesalsfl Q Z,d l gh gSA 51. Two masses of 9 g and 6 g are tied to a string 51. 9 xz ke o 6 xzke d snksnzO;eku ,d fpd uh f?kjuh ls which passes over a smooth pulley. Then xqt j jgh ,d Mksjh lsca/ksgSA rksmHk;fu"B Roj.k common acceleration will be : gksxkA (1) 1.96 cm/s2 (2) 48 cm/s2 (1) 1.96 cm/s2 (2) 48 cm/s2 2 (3) 98 cm/s (3) 98 cm/s2 2 (4) 196 cm/s (4) 196 cm/s2 52. A block of mass 5 kg and surface area 2 m2 52. 5 kg nz O;eku o 2 m2 i`"Bh; {ks=kQ y okykxq Vd k30º just begins to slide down on an inclined plane >qd ko oky sur ry ij fQ ly uk izkjEHk d j nsrk gSA when the angle of inclination is 30º. Keeping mass same, the surface area of the block is doubled. The angle at which this starts ;fn nzO;eku leku j[krsgq, i`"Bh; {ks=kQ y nqxukd j nsarksfQ ly u izkjEHk gksusd sfy , d ks.k gksxk : sliding down is : (1) 30º (1) 30º (2) 60º (2) 60º (3) 15º (3) 15º (4) d ks bZugha (4) none 53. A position dependent force F = 7 – 2x + 3x2 53. fLFkfr ij fuHkZ j cy F = 7 – 2x + 3x2 U;wVu , 2 kg newton acts on a small body of mass 2 kg nzO;eku d h ,d NksVh oLrqij d k;Zd jrk gS,oabls and displaces it from x = 0 to x = 5m. The x = 0 lsx = 5m rd foLFkkfir d jrk gS A fd ;k x;k work done in joules is d k;Zt wy esagS& (1) 70 (1) 70 (2) 270 (2) 270 (3) 35 (3) 35 (4) 135 (4) 135 RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP – 13 54. A body of mass m is kept on a rough fixed 54. m nz O;eku d k ,d Cy kW d d ks .k oky sfLFkj [kqjnjs inclined plane of angle of inclination . It urry ij j[kk t krk gSA ;g fLFkj voLFkk es agSrks remains stationary. Then magnitude of force acting on the body by the inclined plane is equal to: (1) mg (2) mg sin Cy kWd ij urry d s}kjk y xk;sx;scy d k ifj.kke gks xkA (1) mg (2) mg sin (3) mg cos (3) mg cos (4) none (4) d ks bZugha 55. Two mirrors are inclined at an angle as shown 55. nkslery niZ .kksad ksfp=kkuql kj d ks.k ij >qd kd j in the figure. Light ray is incident parallel to one j[kk t krk gSA fd lh ,d niZ.k d slekukUrj vkifrr of the mirrors. Light will start retracing its path after third reflection if : iz d k'kfd j.krhljsijkorZu d sckn viusiqjkusiFkd k vuql j.k (retrace) d jsxh ;fn& (1) = 45° (2) = 30° (1) = 45° (3) = 60° (2) = 30° (4) all three (3) = 60° (4) rhuks ad sfy , RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP – 14 56. Velocities of blocks A, B and pulley p2 are shown in figure. Velocity of block C is : (1) 2.5 m/s (2) 1.5 m/s (3) 1 m/s (4) 2 m/s 57. A plane mirror is moving with velocity 56. fp=k es aiqy hp2 rFkkCy kWd A, B d sosx çnf'kZr gSrks Cy kWd C d k osx K kr d jks\ (1) 2.5 m/s (2) 1.5 m/s (3) 1 m/s (4) 2 m/s 57. ,d l ery niZ .k 4 ˆi 5 ˆj 8 kˆ d sosx l sxfreku 4 ˆi 5 ˆj 8 kˆ . A point object in front of the gSA n iZ.k d s l keu s ,d fcUn qor oLr q mirror moves with a velocity 3 ˆi 4 ˆj 5 kˆ . x l sxfreku gSA ;gk¡ kˆ l ery 3 ˆi 4 ˆj 5 kˆ os Here kˆ is along the normal to the plane mirror and facing towards the object. The velocity of the image is : (1) 3 ˆi 4 ˆj 5 kˆ (2) 3 ˆi 4 ˆj 11 kˆ (3) 3 ˆi 4 ˆj 11 kˆ niZ.k d svfHky Ecor rFkk oLrqd h vksj gSA izfrfcEc d k osx gksxk & (1) 3 ˆi 4 ˆj 5 kˆ (2) 3 ˆi 4 ˆj 11 kˆ (3) 3 ˆi 4 ˆj 11 kˆ (4) 7 ˆi 9 ˆj 11kˆ (4) 7 ˆi 9 ˆj 11kˆ RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP – 15 58. If the mass of earth is 80 times of that of a planet and diameter is double that of planet & g on earth is 9.8 m/s2, then the value of g on that planet is 58. i` Fohd knzO;eku ,d xz g d snz O;eku d k80 xq ukgS,oa O;kl xzg d sO;kl d k nksxquk gSA ;fn i`Foh ry ij xq: Roh; d keku 9.8 eh/lSd .M+2 gSrksxzg ij (1) 4.9 m/s2 g d k eku gks xk (2) 0.98 m/s2 (1) 4.9 m/s2 (3) 0.49m/s2 (2) 0.98 m/s2 (4) 49 m/s2 (3) 0.49m/s2 (4) 49 m/s2 59. A particle mass m and charge q is placed at 59. ,d d .kft ld knz O;eku m rFkkvkos 'kq gSfd lh,d rest in a unifrom elecrtic field E and then leku fo|qr {ks=kE esafLFkj gSfQ j blseqDr d j fn;k released.The kinetic energy attained by the t k;srksy nwjhpy usd si'pkr bld s}kjkizkIr xfrt particle after moving a distance y is (1) qEy2 (2) qE2y (3) qEy (4) q2Ey Å t kZgksxh (1) qEy2 (2) qE2y (3) qEy (4) q2Ey 60. Two infinetly long parallel conducting plates 60. nksvuUr yEckbZd hlekukUrj pkyd ifV~ Vd k;s a(Iys Vl~ ) having surface charge densities + and – ft ud slrgh vkos'k ?kuRo Ø e'k%+ vkSj – gS, ,d respectively , are separated by a small FkksMh nwjh d svarjky ij j[kh gSaA bu ifV~Vd kvksd s distance. The medium between the plates is vaccum. If 0 is the dielectric permittivity of chp d k ek/;e fuokZr gSA vxj fuokZr d k ijkoS| qrkad vaccum, then the electric field in the region 0 gS , rksifV~ Vd kvksad se/; between the plates is (1) 0 oks YV/ehVj fo|qr {ks=k d k eku gS (1) 0 volts/meter (2) 2 oks YV/ehVj 0 (2) 2 volts/meter 0 (3) volts/meter 0 2 (4) volts/meter 0 RESONANCE (3) oks YV/ehVj 0 2 (4) oks YV/ehVj 0 XIII ResoMost_STP – 16 61. The resistance of a wire is R. If the length of the wire is doubled by stretching, then the resistance will be 61. fd lh rkj d k iz frjks/k R gSA ;fn rkj d h y EckbZ [khap d j nksxquh d j nh t k;sarksizfrjks/k gksxk (1) 2R (1) 2R (2) 4R (2) 4R (3) R (3) R (4) R/4 (4) R/4 62. As we go from the equator to the poles , the value of g 62. Hkw e/; js[kk l s/kzqoksad h vksj t kusij g d k eku (1) l eku jgrk gS (1) Remains the same (2) Decreases (2) ?kVrk gS (3) c<rk gS (3) Increases (4) Decreases upto a latitude of 45° 63. The radii of two planets are respectively R1 and R2 and their densities are respectively 1 and 2. The ratio of the accelerations due (4) 45°vk{kka 'k rd ?kVrk gS 63. nksxz gksad h f=kT;k;saØ e'k%R1 rFkkR2 gSarFkk mud s ?kuRo Ø e'k%1 rFkk2gSaA mud hl rgksaij xq: Roh; Roj.kksad k vuqikr gksxk & to gravity at their surfaces is 1 2 (1) g 1 : g 2 = R 2 : R 2 1 2 (2) g 1 : g 2 = R1R2: 1 2 (3) g 1 : g 2 = R12 : R2 1 (4) g 1 : g 2 = R1 1 : R2 2 64. A parallel plate capacitor is charged to a potential difference of 100 V and disconnected from the source of emf. A slab of dielectric is 1 2 (1) g 1 : g 2 = R 2 : R 2 1 2 (2) g 1 : g 2 = R1R2: 1 2 (3) g 1 : g 2 = R12 : R2 1 (4) g 1 : g 2 = R1 1 : R2 2 64. ,d lekUrj Iy s V la/kkfj=k d ks100 V foHkokUrj ij vkosf'kr d jd semf fo-ok- cy d slzksr lsvy x d j then inserted between the plates. Which of the fn;k x;k gSA vc Iy sVksad se/; ijkoS| qr iêh Mky h following three quantities change? t krh gSA fuEu rhuksesalsfd lesaifjorZu gksxk ? (i) The potential difference (i) foHkokUrj (ii) /kkfjrk (iii) Iy s Vksaij vkos'k (ii) The capacitance (iii) The charge on the plates (1) d s oy (i) vkSj (ii) (1) only (i) and (ii) (2) d s oy (i) vkSj (iii) (2) only (i) and (iii) oy (ii) vkSj (iii) (3) d s (3) only (ii) and (iii) (4) All (i), (ii) and (iii) RESONANCE (4) lHkh (i), (ii) vkS j (iii) XIII ResoMost_STP – 17 65. One plate of a parallel plate capacitor(5 F) 65. lekUrj Iy s V la/kkfj=k(5 F) d h,d Iy sV ij 10 C has a fixed charge 10 C. The charge q(in d kvkos'kfLFkj gSA vU; IysV ij vkos'kq(C es a) le; C)on the other plate is varied with time t(in seconds) as q = 2t. The potential difference (in volts) between the plates will vary as t(lS d .M esa) d slkFkq = 2t d svuql kj ifjofrZr gksrk gSA Iy sVksad se/; foHkokUrj (oksYV esa) fd l çd kj ifjofrZr gksxkA (1) 1 0.2 t (1) 1 0.2 t (2) 1 0.2 t (2) 1 0.2 t (3) 0.5t (4) 0.2t (3) 0.5t (4) 0.2t 66. A 1 µF capacitor is connected in the circuit 66. 1 µF d k la /kkfj=k ifjiFk esafp=kkuql kj t qM+k gSA lSy shown below. The e.m.f. of the cell is 3 volts d k fo0 ok0 cy rFkk vkarfjd izfrjks/k Ø e'k%3 oksYV and internal resistance is 0.5 ohms. The resistors R1 and R2 have values 4 ohms and 1 ohm respectively. The charge on the rFkk 0.5 vkse gSA R1 rFkk R2 izfrjks/kksad seku Ø e'k% 4 vks e rFkk 1 vkse gSaA LFkk;h voLFkk esala/kkfj=k ij capacitor in steady state must be : vkos'k gksuk pkfg,A (1) 2 C (1) 2 C (2) 1 C (2) 1 C (3) 1.33 C (3) 1.33 C (4) zero (4) 'kw U; RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP – 18 67. In which of the following states is the potential energy of an electric dipole maximum- 67. fuEu es ad kSulhfLFkfr esaoS| qr f}/kqz o d hfLFkfrt Å t kZ vf/kd re gks xh& +q +q +q -q +q E (1) (2) E (1) (2) -q E -q +q +q -q +q -q E (3) -q E (4) +q E E -q (3) (4) E -q 68. For which of the following colour, the magnifying power of a microscope will be maximum : (1) White colour (2) Red colour (3) Violet colour (4) Yellow colour 68. fd l o.kZd sfy ;s,d lw +{en'khZd h vko/kZu {kerk 69. A particle of mass 11 × 10–12 kg is moving with a velocity 6 × 10 –7 m/s. Its de–Broglie wavelength is nearly : 69. ,d 11 × 10–12 kg nz O;eku d k d .k 6 × 10–7 m/s (1) 10–20 m (2) 10–16 m (3) 10–12 m (4) 10–8 m 70. The decreasing order of wavelength of infrared, microwave, ultraviolet and gamma rays is: vf/kd jgrh gSA (1) 'os r o.kZ (2) y ky o.kZ (3) cS axuh o.kZ (4) ihy k o.kZ d sosx l spy jgk gSA bl d h Mh&czksxy h rjaxnS/;Z y xHkx gS: (1) 10–20 m (2) 10–16 m (3) 10–12 m (4) 10–8 m 70. vojDr fd j.kks a] l w{e rjaxksa] ijkcSaxuh rjaxksavkSj xkek fd j.kksad h rjaxnS/;Z?kVrsØ e esagS: (1) microwave, infrared, ultraviolet, gamma rays (1) l w {erjaxsa]vojDr]ijkcSaxuh] xkek fd j.ksa (2) gamma rays, ultraviolet, infrared, microwaves (3) l w {e rjaxsa] xkek fd j.ksa] vojDr] ijkcSaxuh (3) microwaves, gamma rays, infrared, ultraviolet (2) xkek fd j.ks a] ijkcSaxuh]vojDr]l w{e rjaxsa (4) vojDr] l w {erjaxsa]ijkcSaxuh] xkek fd j.ksa (4) infrared, microwave, ultraviolet, gamma rays RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP – 19 71. The specific activity (per gm) of radium is nearly 71. js fM;e d h fof'k"V lfØ ;rk gksrh gS]y xHkx & (1) 1 Bq (1) 1 Bq (2) 1 Ci (2) 1 Ci (3) 3.7 × 1010 Ci (3) 3.7 × 1010 Ci (4) 1 mCi (4) 1 mCi 72. The output of an OR gate is connected to both the inputs of a NAND gate. The combination will serve as a : 72. OR xs V d sfuxZr d ksNAND xsV d snksauksfuos'kksals t ksM+k t krk gSA la;kst u bl Hkkafr d k;Zd jsxk : (1) NOT xs V (1) NOT gate (2) NOR xs V (2) NOR gate (3) AND gate (3) AND xs V (4) OR gate (4) OR xs V 73. In the following, which one of the diodes is 73. fuEu es alsd kSulk Mk;ksM mRØ e vfHkurh esagSA reverse biased? R (1) R (1) 10 V (1) 10 V (1) 5 V 5 V R R (2) (2) 10 V 10 V (3) (3) R 5 V R 5 V (4) (4) 12 V R 12 V R 5 V 5 V RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP – 20 74. Choose the correct option for the forward biased characteristics of a p–n junction. I 74. p–n la f/k d h vxzvfHkurh d sfy, lgh y k{kf.kd oØ d sfy ,A I (1) I (2) (1) V (2) V I V I (3) I I (4) V V I (3) (4) V 75. The thickness of a plate which will produce a change in optical path equal to one fourth of the wavelength of the light passing through it normally. The refractive index of the plate is µ. V V 75. Iys V d heks VkbZD;kgks xhft l ij rja xnS /;Zd kiz d k'k yEcor~fxjusij t ksçd k'kh; iFkkUrj rja xnS /;Zd k,d pkS FkkbZnsrh gS A Iy s V d k viorZuka d µ gS aA (1) 2( 1) (1) 2( 1) (2) 4( 1) (2) 4( 1) (3) ( 1) (3) ( 1) (4) 6( 1) (4) 6( 1) RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP – 21 76. Which of the following four alternatives is not correct? 76. fuEufy f[kr fod Yiks aesalsd kSulk lgh ughagS\ We need modulation: gesaekMq y s'ku d h v ko' ; d r k gksr h gs% (1) to reduce the time lag between transmission and reception of the information signal (1) lw p ukflXuy d h lap j.kvkSj çkfIr d schp le; (2) to reduce the size of antenna (2) ,UVhuk d k vkd kj ?kVkusd sfy ,A (3) to reduce the e fractional band width, that (3) vka f'kd cS.M pkSM+kbZvFkkZr~flXuy cS.M pkSM+kbZd k is the ratio of the signal band width to the centre frequency (4) to increase the selectivity. 77. The current i in a coil varies with time as shown vUrjky d ks?kVkusd sfy ,A d sUnzh; vko`fÙk lsvuqikr ?kVkusd sfy ,A (4) oj.k {kerk es ao`f) d sfy ,A 77. fd lhd q .My hesafo|q r/kkjki d keku vkjs [kkuq l kj le; time would be: d slkFkifjofrZ r gksrkgS ]rksçsfjr fo|qr okgd cy d k eku le; d slkFk ifjofrZr gksxk : (1) (1) (2) (2) (3) (3) (4) (4) in the figure. The variation of induced emf with RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP – 22 78. In a step-up transformer the voltage in the 78. mPpk;h Vª kal Q keZj d h çkFkfed d q.My h esa foHko primary is 220 V and the current is 5A. The rFkk /kkjk d sifjek.k Ø e'k% 220 V rFkk 5A gSA secondary voltage is found to be 22000 V. The current in the secondary (neglect losses) is (1) 5 A (2) 50 A (3) 500 A (4) 0.05 A f}rh;d d q.My h esafoHko 22000 V çkIr gksrkgSrks f}rh;d esa/kkjk gksxhA (gkfu;ksad ksux.; ekuksa) (1) 5 A (2) 50 A (3) 500 A (4) 0.05 A 79. The magnetic materials having negative magnetic susceptibility are: (1) Non magnetic (2) Para magnetic (3) Diamagnetic (4) Ferromagnetic 79. fd l pq Ecd h; inkFkZd h pqEcd h; ços';rk _ .kkRed gS& (1) vpq Ecd h; (2) vuq p qEcd h; (3) çfrpq Ecd h; (4) y kS gpqEcd h; 80. If n drops of potential V merge, find new potential on the big drop : (1) n2/3 V (2) n1/3 V (3) nV n/3 (4) V 80. ;fn V foHko d h n cw anslfEefy r gks] rkscM+h cwan d k u;k foHko Kkr d hft ;sA (1) n2/3 V (2) n1/3 V (3) nV (4) Vn/3 81. The wavelength of most energetic X-rays 81. fd lh /kkrqy{; ij 40 keV d sby s DVªkWuksad h ceckjh emitted when a metal target is bombarded by d jusij mRlft Zr vf/kd re Å t kZokyh X-fd j.k d h 40 keV electrons is approximately (1) 300Å (2) 10 Å (3) 4 Å (4) 0.31 Å RESONANCE rja xnZ/;ZyxHkx gS & (1) 300Å (2) 10 Å (3) 4 Å (4) 0.31 Å XIII ResoMost_STP – 23 82. The ratio of kinetic energy to total energy, for th n shell of an atom will be - 82. fd lhijek.kqd snos ad ks 'kd sfy, xfrt Å t kZrFkkd q y Å t kZd k vuqikr D;k gksxk& (1) 1 (1) 1 (2) –1 (2) –1 (3) n2 (3) n2 (4) 1/n2 (4) 1/n2 83. If a = 3 ˆi + 4 ˆj & b = 7 ˆi + 24 ˆj then the vector 83. ;fn a = 3 ˆi + 4 ˆj & b = 7 ˆi + 24 ˆj gksrksog lfn'k having the same magnitude as b and same ft ld kifjek.k b d sleku rFkkfn'kk a d hfn'kkesa direction as a is : gks] gksxk& (1) 15 ˆi + 20 ˆj (1) 15 ˆi + 20 ˆj (2) 10 ˆi + 20 ˆj (2) 10 ˆi + 20 ˆj (3) 20 ˆi + 15 ˆj (3) 20 ˆi + 15 ˆj (4) 15 ˆi + 10 ˆj (4) 15 ˆi + 10 ˆj 84. A particle moves along a straight line such that its displacement at any time t is given by : s = t3 – 6t2 + 3t + 4 metres The velocity when the acceleration is zero 84. ljy js [kkesaxfr d j jgs,d d .kd kfd lh{k.k t ij foLFkkiu : s = t3 – 6t2 + 3t + 4 ehVj lsfn;k t krk gSA t c Roj.k 'kwU; gksrc d .k d k osx is : gksxk & (1) 3 ms–1 (1) 3 ms–1 (2) – 12 ms–1 (2) – 12 ms–1 (3) 42 ms–1 (3) 42 ms–1 (4) – 9 ms–1 (4) – 9 ms–1 RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP – 24 85. Rain is falling with a velocity ( 4ˆi 8 ˆj 10kˆ ) . A 85. ckfj'k ( 4ˆi 8 ˆj 10kˆ ) d sos x l sfxj jgh gSA ,d person is moving with a velocity of (6ˆi 8ˆj) on vkneh (6ˆi 8ˆj) osx l st ehu ij py jgkgSA vkneh the ground. Find the velocity of rain with d sl kis{k ckfj'k d k osx K kr d jksrFkk og fn'kk Hkh respect to man and the direction from which K kr d jksft l l sckfj'k vkrh gqbZizrhr gksjgh gSA the rain appears to be coming. (1) ( 10 ˆi 10kˆ ) (1) ( 10 ˆi 10kˆ ) (2) ( 10 ˆi 10kˆ ) (2) ( 10 ˆi 10kˆ ) (3) (10 ˆi – 10kˆ ) (4) (–10 ˆi 10kˆ ) 86. A particle of mass 5 kg is moving on rough fixed inclined plane with constant velocity of 5 m/s as shown in the figure. Find the friction force acting on a body by plane. (1) 25 N (2) 20 N (3) 30 N (3) (10 ˆi – 10kˆ ) (4) (–10 ˆi 10kˆ ) 86. 5 kg nz O;eku d k,d Cy kWd fLFkj rFkk[kqjnjsurry ij 5 m/s d sfu;r osx lsfp=kkuql kj xfr d j jgk gS rkslrg }kjk Cy kWd ij y xk;k x;k ?k"kZ.k cy gksxkA (1) 25 N (2) 20 N (3) 30 N (4) none of these (4) bues al sd ksbZugha 87. A force of 2 ˆi + 3 ˆj + 4 kˆ N acts on a body for 4 second, produces a displacement of 87. ,d cy 2 ˆi + 3 ˆj + 4 kˆ N }kjkfd lhoLrqea s4 lSd .M esamRiUu foLFkkiu (3 ˆi + 4 ˆj + 5 kˆ )m gSA ç;qDr (3 ˆi + 4 ˆj + 5 kˆ )m. The power used is : 'kfDr gS& (1) 9.5 W (1) 9.5 W (2) 7.5 W (2) 7.5 W (3) 6.5 W (3) 6.5 W (4) 4.5 W (4) 4.5 W RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP – 25 88. A rigid body of mass m kg is taken slowly up an inclined plane and then allowed to slide down to the bottom again. The co-efficient of friction between the body and the plane is . 88. m kg nz O;eku d h ,d n`<+oLrqd ksur ry ij /khjs& /khjsy st k;kt krkgSSvkSj fQ j uhpsfQ l y usd s fy ;sN ksM +fn;k t krk gSA ur ry o oLrqd schp sign of the work done by the gravitational force ?k"kZ.k xq.kkad gS A over the round trip is. fd ;k x;k d k;Zd k fpUg gksxk& µ = 0.15 µ = 0.15 0.3 kg 0.3 kg Fixed Fixed (1) positive (1) /kukRed (2) Negative (2) _ .kkRed (3) zero (4) upward journey positive, down word journey negative iw.kZpØ esaxq: Rok"kZ.k cy }kjk (3) 'kw U; (4) mij d h vks j t kusij /kukRed ] uhpsd h vksj t kusij _ .kkRed 89. The dimension of Magnetic energy density = 1 B2 (where 0 is permiabilty of free space 2 0 89. pq Ecd h; Å t kZ?kuRo = 1 B2 2 0 d k fofe; lw=k gksxk ¼t gkW 0 fuokZr d h pqEcd 'khy rk rFkk B pqEcd h; {ks=k gS½ % and B is magnetic field) is : (1) M1L-1T –2 (2) M1L-1T –3 (3) M1L-2T –2 (4) (1) M1L-1T –2 (2) M1L-1T –3 (3) M1L-2T –2 (4) M1L1T–2 M1L1T–2 RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP – 26 90. A smooth disc is rotating with uniform angular 90. ,d fpd uhfMLd ¼pd rh½,d leku d ks .kh; pky ls speed about a fixed vertical axis passing ,d fLFkj t M+Ro m/okZ/kj v{kd slkis{k?kw.kZu d j jgh through its centre and normal to its plane as shown. A small block of mass m is gently gSrFkk ;g m/okZ/kj v{k] fMLd d sd sUnzlsxqt jrh gS placed at the periphery of the disc. Then rFkk ;g fMLd d sry d sy Ecor~fp=kkuql kj gSA ,d (pickup the correct alternative or alternatives) NksVsCy kWd ft ld knzO;eku m gSd ks/khjslssfMLd d h ifj/khij j[kfn;kt krkgS A rc ¼lghfod Yi@fod Yiks a d kspqfu,½ (1) In comparision to the angular speed of the disc now increases. (2) In comparision to the angular speed of the disc now decreases. (1) d ks .kh; pky d h rqy uk esavc fMLd d h d; pky c<+sxh (2) d ks .kh; pky d hrqy ukesa]vc fMLd d hd; (3) In comparision to the angular speed of pky ?kVsxh the disc now remains same. (3) d ks .kh; pky d hrqy ukesafMLd d hd; pky (4) The block will move tangentially and fall off vc ogh leku jgsxh the disc. (4) Cy kW d Li'kZjs[kh; xfr d jsxk rFkk fMLd lsfxj t k;sxk 91. What is the effect on the time period of a simple pendulum if the mass of the bob is doubled : (1) Halved 91. ;fn fd lh y ks y d d snksy d (bob)d knzO;eku nksxquk d j fn;k t k;sarksmld svkorZd ky ij izHkko gksxk (1) vk/kk (2) nks xq uk (3) vkB xq uk (4) d ks bZifjorZu ughagksxk (2) Doubled (3) Becomes eight times (4) No effect 92. Latent heat of 1 gm of steam is 536 cal/gm , 92. 1 xz ke Hkki d h xqIr Å "ek 536 cal/gm gSrksmld k then its value in joule/kg is: eku J/kg esagksxk: (1) 2.25 × 106 (2) 2.25 × 103 (1) 2.25 × 106 (2) 2.25 × 103 (3) 2.25 (4) none of these (3) 2.25 (4) d ks bZugha RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP – 27 93. When a wave pulse travelling in a string is reflected from a rigid wall to which string is tied as shown in figure. For this situation two statements are given below. 93. t c ,d rja x LiUn (pulse) jLl h d svuqfn'k xeu d j jgh gSrFkk ;g n`<+nhokj l sijkofrZr gksjgh gSA jLl hnhokj l sfp=kkuql kj ca/kh gSA bl fLFkfr d s fy , nksd Fku fn, x, gSA v v (i) The reflected pulse will be in same orientation of incident pulse due to a phase (i) ijkofrZ r LiUn d kfoU;kl vkifrr LiUn d sleku change of radians gks rkgSrFkkmld kd y kes aifjorZ u jsfM;u gksrkgSA (ii) During reflection the wall exert a force on (ii) ijkorZ u d snkSjku nhokj jLl hij Å ij d hfn'kk string in upward direction For the above given two statements choose the correct option given below. (1) Only (i) is true (2) Only (ii) is true (3) Both are true (4) Both are wrong esacy y xkrh gSA bu fn;sx;sd Fkuksaesal R; gSA (1) d s oy (i) l R; gS (2) d s oy (ii) l R; gS (3) nks uksal R; gS (4) nks uksxy r gS 94. On a new scale of temperature (which is linear) 94. rki d h ,d ubZLd s y ]t ksjs[kh; gS]mlsW Ld sy d k and called the W scale, the freezing and boiling uke fn;k x;k gSA bl Ld sy ij t y d k fgekad vkSj points of water DoFkukad Ø ekuql kj 39°W vkSj 239°W gSA t c are 39°W and 239°W respectively. What will be the temperature on the new scale, corresponding to a temperature of 39°C on the Celsius scale ? lsfYl;l Ld sy ij rki 39°C gksxk]rksubZLd sy ij rki d k eku gksxk: (1) 78°C (1) 78°C (2) 117°W (2) 117°W (3) 200°W (3) 200°W (4) 139°W (4) 139°W RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP – 28 95. A catapult's string made of rubber having cross section area 25 mm2 and length 10 cm. To throw a 5 gm pabble it is stretched up to 5 cm and released. Velocity of 95. jcj d h Mks jhl scuh ,d xqy sy d hMksjhd svuqizLFk d kV d k {ks=kQ y 25 feeh2 gS,oajcj d h Mksjh d h y EckbZ10 l seh gSA 5 xzke d s,d d ad M+d ksQ sad us projected pabble is (Young coefficient of d sfy , bl s5 l seh rd [khap k t krk gS] fQ j N ksM + elasticity of rubber is 5 × 108 N/m2) : fn;kt krkgSA iz{ksfir d ad M+d kosx gS¼jcj d k ;ax (1) 20 m/s izR;kLFkrk xq.kkad = 5 × 108 U;wVu@eh2½ (2) 100 m/s (1) 20 eh@l s (3) 250 m/s (2) 100 eh@l s (4) 200 m/s (3) 250 eh@l s (4) 200 eh@l s 96. A tunnel is dug along a diameter of a planet and a small body is dropped into it at the surface. The motion of the body is : 96. ,d lq jax ,d xzg d sO;kl d svuqfn'k [kksnh t krh gS rFkk ,d NksVh oLrqbld h lrg lsfxjk;h t krh gSA oLrqd hxfr gksxh& (1) uniform motion (2) periodic motion (1) ,d leku xfr (3) S.H.M. (2) vkorhZxfr (4) None of these (3) ljy vkorZxfr (4) bues alsd ksbZugha 97. If the relation between displacement (x) and 97. ;fn SHM d jrk gq v k d .k d k x2 o v2 d k xzkQ velocity v is shown in x2 Vs v2 graph of a particle foLFkkiu (x) o os x v es alEcU/kcrkrkgS A rc vkorZ d ky executing S.H.M. is given below. Find the time Kkr d jksA period : (1) 4 sec. (1) 4sec. (2) sec. (3) 2sec. (2) sec. (3) 2 sec. (4) 6 sec. (4) 6sec. RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP – 29 98. A solid cylinder S is placed over a plank P on 98. ,d Bks l csy u S, Iy kad P ij y q<+d rk gSA csy u rFkk which it rolls. There is no slipping between Iy kad d se/; fQ ly u ughagS A v, rFkku d se/; lgh cylinder and plank. The correct relation between v, and u is : lEcU/kgksxk: (1) v = u + R (1) v = u + R (2) u = v + R (2) u = v + R (3) v + u – R = 0 (3) v + u – R = 0 (4) u – R + v = 0 (4) u – R + v = 0 99. The speed of projectile at its maximum height 99. ,d ç{ks I; d kvf/kd re Å ¡ pkbZij os x bld sç{ksi.kos x is half of velocity of projection. Then ratio of 4H is (where H is maximum height and R is R d k vk/kk gSrc vuqikr 4H R gksxk (t gk¡H vf/kd re Å ¡p kbZrFkk R ijkl gS) range) 1 (1) 2 (2) 1 (3) 4 3 (4) 2 (1) 1 2 (2) 3 (3) 1 4 (4) 3 2 3 100.The displacement of an object attached to a 100. ,d fLiz x lst q a M+ hrFkkljy vkorZxfr d jusokyh,d spring and executing simple harmonic motion oLrqd k foLFkkiu x = 2 × 10–2 cos t 4 ehVj is given by x = 2 × 10–2 cos t 4 metres. lsfn;k t krk gSA le; ft l ij igy h ckj vf/kd re The time at which the maximum displacement first occurs is : (1) 0.5 s (2) 0.75 s (3) 0.125 s (4) 0.25 s RESONANCE foLFkkiu izd V gksrk gS] gS (1) 0.5 s (2) 0.75 s (3) 0.125 s (4) 0.25 s XIII ResoMost_STP – 30 PART-C l h/ksoLrqfu"B izd kj Straight Objective Type This section contains 100 multiple choice bl [k.M esa100 cgq-fod Yihiz'u gSA izR;sd iz'u d s4 questions. Each question has 4 choices (1), (2), fod Yi (1), (2), (3) rFkk(4) gS, ft uesalsflQ Z,d lgh (3) and (4) for its answer, out of which ONLY gSaA ONE is correct. 101. Which of the following is not a feature of Algae 101. fuEu es alsd kSulk ,d y {k.k 'kSoky d k ughagS (1) Vascular tissues are usually absent (1) la ogu Å rd lkekU;r%vuqifLFkr gksrsgSa (2) Embryo stage is absent (2) Hkz; voLFkk vuqifLFkr gksrh gS (3) Sex organs are jacketed (4) Grana are absent in Chloroplast 102. Fluidity of plasma membrane is due to (3) y S fxd vax t Sd sV ;qDr gks a rsgSaA (4) Dy ks jks Iy kLV esaxzsuk vuq ifLFkr gksrh gSa 102. Iy kTek d y k d h rjy rk d k d kj.k gS A (1) Polar ends of lipid molecules (1) fy fiM v.kq v ksad s/kqzoh; fljs (2) Protein molecules (2) iz ksVhu v.kq (3) Non polar ends of fatty acids (3) olh; vEy ks ad sv/kqzoh; fljs (4) Oligosaccharides (4) vks fy xksl sd jkbM~l 103. In pBR 322 rop is related with (1) Coding of protein that take part in replication of plasmid 103. pBR 322 es arop fd llsla caf/kr gS (1) d ks fMax izks Vhu lst ksIy kfTeM d hiq ujko` fÙkesaHkkx y srh gS (2) Reverse of plasmid (3) Decoding of genes that are related with replication of plasmid (4) Identification of foreign DNA (2) Iy kfTeM d sO;q RØ e ls (3) t hUl d hMhd ks fMa x lst ksIykfTeM d hiqujko` fÙkls lacaf/kr gS (4) cká DNA d h igpku ls 104. Which is Zero in Turgid cell (1) OP (2) TP (3) DPD (4) DP RESONANCE 104. d kS ulk LQ hr d ksf'kd k eas'kwU; gksrk gS (1) OP (2) TP (3) DPD (4) DP XIII ResoMost_STP 31 105. The gene for starch synthesis in pea seeds 105. eVj d sikni es aLVkpZla 'ys "k.kd sfy, mRrjnk;ht hu can produce more than one effect. The former ,d lsvf/kd çHkko mRié d jrkgS;g ....(a).... t hu represents ....(a).... gene. It has two alleles B d ksn'kkZrkgSA blesanks;qXe fod YihB rFkkb gksrsgSaA and b. BB & Bb genotype produce rounded BB ,oaBb t hu çk: i xks y vkÑ fr d scht mRié seeds while bb form wrinkled seeds In bb d jrsgS at cfd bb Lo: i >qjhZ nkj cht mRié d jrsgS aA homozyotes, smaller starch grains are produced while BB genotypes form large bb gks ekst kbxksV Nks Vsvkd kj d sLVkpZd .kmRié d jrs starch grains and Bb genotypes form .....(b).... gSat cfd BB t hu çk: i cM+svkd kj d sLVkpZd .k size of starch grain due to ....(c).... Here (a), mRié d jrsgSarFkk Bb t hu çk: i .....(b).... vkd kj (b) and (c) are d sLVkpZd .k ....(c)..... d sd kj.k mRié d jrsgSa& (1) (a) Multiple allelism (b) Large size (c) (1) (a) cgq ;qXe fod fYirk (b) cM+kvkd kj (c) çHkkfork Dominance (2) (a) iks y ht hu (b) e/;orhZvkd kj (c) lgçHkkfork (2) (a) Polygene (b) Intermediate size (c) (3) (a) fIy ;ks Vªksfid t hu (b) e/;orhZ vkd kj (c) Codominance viw.kZçHkkfork (3) (a) Pleiotropic gene (b) Intermediate size (4) (a) vfrçHkkoh(b) NkV skvkd kj (c) ek=kkRed oa 'kkxfr (c) Incomplete dominance (4) (a) Overdominant (b) small size (c) Quanitative inheritance 106. 106. mijks Dr fp=kksad svk/kkj, xq.klw =kks ad hla jpuko eki d k On the basis of above diagrams, the study of structure and size of chromosomes can be performed by the (1) a (2) b (3) c (4) d 107. Complementary cells are associated with (1) Lenticels (2) Hydathodes (3) Rhytidome RESONANCE (4) Bark v/;;u fd ld s}kjk lEikfnr fd ;k t k ld rk gSA (1) a (2) b (3) c (4) d 107. iw jd d ksf'kd k,¡ (complementary cells) fd l l s lEcfU/kr gS (1) okrjU/kz (2) t y jU/kz (3) jkbfVMks e (4) Nky XIII ResoMost_STP 32 c a c a 108. 108. d d b b In the above diagram, Identify the labelling & mijks Dr fp=kes aukeka d u d ksigpkfu;srFkklghfod Yi select the appropitate option d kspqfu;s (1) a - seed, b - Mesocarp, c - Thalamus, d - (1) a - cht , b - fet ks d kWiZ, c - iq "iklu, d - ,.Mks d kW iZ Endocarp (2) a - Endocarp, b - Thalamus, c - Mesocarp, d - seed (3) a - seed, b - Endocarp, c - Mesocarp, d - (2) a - ,.Mks d kWiZ , b - iq"iklu, c - fet ksd kWiZ, d - cht (3) a - cht , b - ,.Mks d kWiZ , c - fet ksd kWiZ, d - iq"iklu Thalamus (4) a - Endocarp, b - Thalamus, c - seed, d Mesocarp (4) a - ,.Mks d kW iZ, b - iq "iklu, c - cht , d - fet ksd kW iZ 109. Mk;Ve Ý LV~ ;w y fd ld k cuk gksrk gSA (1) flfy d k 109. Diatom frustule is made of (1) Silica (2) d S fYl;e d kcksZ usV (2) Calcium carbonate (3) d S fYl;e gkbMªkWDlkbM (3) Calcium hydroxide (4) 1 & 3 nks uksa (4) Both 1 and 3. 110. d kW y e lqesfy r d hft , & 110. Match the column Column-I Column-II (a) fVM~ Mh (i) gkFk es ajs[kkvksad k Column-I Column-II (a) Grasshopper (i) Palmer crease in t ky (Palmer crease hand in hand) (b) Turner's syndrome (ii) Mental retardation (b) Turner's syndrome (ii) ekufld {kfr rFkk & accumulation of fQ uk;y ikb: fod vEy phenylpyruvic acid d k lap ; (c) Phenyl ketonuria (iii) Barr body absent (c) Phenylketonuria (iii) ckj d k; vuq ifLFkr (d) Sickle cell anaemia (iv) XX (d) Sickle cell anaemia (iv) XX (e) Down's syndrome (v) Pleiotropic gene (e) Down's syndrome (v) Pleiotropic gene – XO Select the correct option lgh fod Yi d kspqfu;s& (1) a – iv, b – iii, c – ii, d – v, e – i (1) a – iv, b – iii, c – ii, d – v, e – i (2) a – iii, b – iv, c – ii, d – v, e – i (2) a – iii, b – iv, c – ii, d – v, e – i (3) a – iii, b – ii, c – v, d – i, e – iv (3) a – iii, b – ii, c – v, d – i, e – iv (4) a – iv, b – iii, c – ii, d – i, e – v (4) a – iv, b – iii, c – ii, d – i, e – v RESONANCE – XO XIII ResoMost_STP 33 111. The outer most limiting layer of mycoplasma is made up of (1) Cell wall 111. ekbd ks Iy kTek d h lclsckgjh lhekLrj fd ld k cuk gksrk gS (2) Cell membrane (3) Mucilaginous sheath (4) slime layer 112. Which one is not correctly matched (1) d ks f'kd k fHkfÙk (2) d ks f'kd k d y k (3) 'y s "ekijr (4) Ly kbe Lrj 112. fuEu ea slsd kSulk lgh lqesfy r ughagSA (1) Cytokinin – cell division (1) lkbVks d kbfuu – d ksf'kd k foHkkt u (2) IAA – cell wall elongation (2) IAA – d ks f'kd k fHkfÙk foo) Zu (3) Abscisic acid – stomatal closure (4) Gibberellic acid – Leaf fall 113. Given bellow the following terms. (3) ,fClfld vEy – ja /kzksad kscan d juk (4) ft Ccjs fy d vEy – i.kZ>M+u 113. uhpsd q N 'kCnkofy ;kanh xbZgSa (a) Pollen grains (a) ijkxd .k (b) Sporogenous tissue (b) Liks jkst hul Å rd (c) Megaspore mother cell (d) Synergid (e) PEN (f) Nucellus (g) Aleuron layer (c) es xkLiksj ekr`d ksf'kd k (d) lhujft M (e) PEN (f) cht k.Md k; The correct ploidy level of above terms is given (g) ,Y;w jkWu ijr in which option - mijksDr 'kCnkofy ;ksad klghxq f.krkLrj fd l fod Yi (1) a - n, b - 2n, c - 2n, d - n, e -3n, f - 2n, g - 2n esafn;k x;k gS- (2) a - n, b - n, c - 2n, d - n, e -2n, f - 2n, g - 3n (1) a - n, b - 2n, c - 2n, d - n, e -3n, f - 2n, g - 2n (3) a - n, b - 2n, c - 2n, d - n, e -3n, f - 2n, g - 3n (2) a - n, b - n, c - 2n, d - n, e -2n, f - 2n, g - 3n (4) a - n, b - n, c - 2n, d - n, e -n, f - 2n, g - 3n (3) a - n, b - 2n, c - 2n, d - n, e -3n, f - 2n, g - 3n (4) a - n, b - n, c - 2n, d - n, e -n, f - 2n, g - 3n 114. Phenetic classification is based on (1) dendrograms based on DNA characteristics (2) sexual characteristics 114. Q hfufVd oxhZ d j.k fd l ij vk/kkfjr gSA (1) DNA vfHky {k.kks aij vk/kkfjr MsUMªksxz kWEl ij (3) the ancestral lineage of existing organisms (2) y S fxd vfHkYk{k.k ij a (4) observable characteristics of existing (3) orZ eku t hoks ad siwoZt oa 'kksij organisms RESONANCE (4) orZ eku t hoks ad sizsf{kr fd ;sx;svfHky {k.kksaij XIII ResoMost_STP 34 115. Increase in concentration of the toxicant like 115. mÙkjks rj iks"k Lrjksaesafo"kkDr inkFkZt Sl sDDT d h DDT at successive trophic levels refers to lkUnzrk esac<+ksÙkjh fd l : i esat kuh t krh gS (1) Bioremediation (1) t S o fuLrkj.k (Bioremediation) (2) Biological oxidation (2) t S fod vkWDlhd j.k (Biological oxidation) (3) Biomagnification (3) t S o vko/kZu (Biomagnification) (4) Elusion (4) 'kkj.k (Elusion) 116. The floral formula is that of iq"i lw=k fd ld k gSA 116. (1) Tomato (2) Tulip (1) VekVj (2) V~ ;wfy i (3) Soybean (4) Sunnhemp (3) lks ;kchu (4) lugs Ei 117. 117. In the above pedigree chart, shows which trait and what will the genotype of parents mijksDr oa'kkoy h pkVZd kSu lsfo'ks"kd d ksn'kkZrk gS (1) Autosomal recessive Aa + × Aa rFkk t ud ksad k t hu çk: i D;k gksxk\ (2) Sex linked recessive Aa + × aa (1) Autosomal recessive Aa + × Aa (3) Autosomal dominant aa + × Aa (4) Sex linked dominant Aa + × Aa (2) Sex linked recessive Aa + × aa (3) Autosomal dominant aa + × Aa (4) Sex linked dominant Aa + × Aa 118. The technical term used from the androecium in a flower of China rose (Hibiscus rosasinensis) is ikfjHkkf"kd 'kCn bLrseky fd ;k t krk gS (1) Diadelphous (2) Polyandrous (3) Polyadelphous (4) Monadelphous 119. An element playing important role in nitrogen fixation is (1) Copper (2) Manganese (3) Zinc (4) Molybdenum RESONANCE 118. xq M+ gy (fgfcLd l jks t kflus fll ) es a aiq exa d sfy, d kuSlk (1) f}la ?kh (2) cgq iaqd sl jh (3) cgq l a?kh (4) ,d la ?kh 119. ukbVª kst u- fLFkjhd j.kesaegRoiw.kZHkwfed kfuHkkusoky k ,d rRo d kSulk gS (1) d kW ij ¼rkez½ (2) eS xuht a (3) ft a d (4) eks fy CMs ue XIII ResoMost_STP 35 120. Which of the following pair is incorrect – (1) Clown fish & sea anemone – Mutualism (2) Abingdon tortoise & Goat– Competition (3) Orchid ophrys & species of bees – Co-evolution 120. fuEu es alsd kSulk ;qXe lgh ughagS– (1) Clown fish & sea anemone – lgks id kfjrk (Mutualism) (2) Abingdon tortoise & Goat– izfrLi/kkZ (Competition) (4) Opuntia – Cochineal insect (3) Orchid ophrys & species of bees– lg&fod kl (Co-evolution) (4) ukxQ uh– d ks fd fu;y d hV (Cochineal insect) 121. Leghaemoglobin in root nodules of legumes (1) Protects nitrogenase 121. f'kEcks a(legumes) d h ewy xazfFkd kvksaesaik;k t kus oky k y SxfgeksXy ksfcu D;k d jrk gSA (2) Converts N2 to NH3 (1) ukbVª ksft ust d h j{kk (3) Oxidises NO2 to NO3 (4) helps in development of infection threads (2) N2 d kNH3 es aifjorZu (3) NO2 d kNO3 es avkWDlhd j.k (4) la Ø e.k rarqv ksad sfod kl esalgk;rk 122. Plasmodesmata take part in (1) Cytoplasmic streaming (2) Synchronous mitotic divisions 122. Iy kTeks MsLesVkfd lesaHkkx y srsgSaA (1) d ks f'kd kæO;h izokg esa (3) Movements of substance between plant cells (2) fluØ ks ul lw=kh foHkkt u esa (4) Locomotion in unicellular organism (3) ikni d ks f'kd kvksad schp inkFkksZad sifjogu esa (4) ,d d ks f'kd h; t ho esaxeu esa 123. Pr state of phytochrome absorbs light wave length of 123. Pr iz d kj d sQ kbVks Ø ks e ) kjkiz d k'kd hd kSulhrja xnS / ;Zvo'kksf"kr gksrh gSaA (1) 660 nm (2) 640 nm (3) 620 nm (4) 720 nm 124. The vascular cambial ring of a dicot stem is (1) 660 nm (2) 640 nm (3) 620 nm (4) 720 nm 124. ,d f}cht i=kh LrEHk d h la oguh ,/kk oy ; gS (1) Primary in origin (1) mRifÙk es aizkFkfed (2) Secondary in origin (2) mRifÙk es af}rh;d (3) Partly primary partly secondary in origin (4) Embryonic in origin RESONANCE (3) vka f'kd : i lsiz kFkfed rFkkvkfa'kd : i lsf}rh;d (4) mRifÙk es; XIII ResoMost_STP 36 125. 125. Select the correct option having correct ml lghfod Yi d kspq fu;sft les amijks Dr fp=kd slgh labelling in above diagram. ukekad u d ksn'kkZ;k x;k gSA (1) i – Denaturation, ii – Primers, iii – Annealing, (1) i – fuf"Ø ; d j.k]ii – çkbelZ ]iii – rkikuq'khy u]iv iv – DNA ligase, v – Extension (2) i – Heating, ii – Anealing, iii, Primers, iv – DNA Polymerase, v – Amplification (3) i – Dinaturation, ii – Primers, iii – Annealing, iv – Taq DNA Polymerase, v – Extension (4) i – DNA, ii – Denaturation, iii – Primer, iv – Annealing, v – Extension – DNA y kbxs t ]v – çlkj (2) i – rki]ii – rkikuq 'khyu]iii, çkbelZ ]iv – DNA ikyhejs t v – vko/kZu (3) i – fuf"Ø ;d j.k] ii – çkbelZ ]iii – rkikuq 'khyu]iv – Vkd DNA ikyhejs t ]v – çlkj (4) i – DNA, ii – fuf"Ø ;d j.k] iii – çkbej] iv – rkikuq 'khyu v – çlkj 126. Edible part in the fruit of Litchi is 126. y hph d sQ y es a[kkus;ksX; Hkkx gSA (1) Mesocarp (2) Aril (1) e/;Q y fHkfÙk (2) ,fjy (3) Fleshy thalamus (4) Cotyledons. (3) eka l y iq"iklu (4) cht i=k 127. Flowers are zygomorphic in 127. ,d O;kllefer iq "i fd lesagksrsgSaA (1) Mustard (2) Radish (1) ljlks a (2) ew yh (3) lily (4) Candytuft (3) fy y h (4) d S fUMV¶V RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP 37 128. Which of the following is incorrectly matched 128. cht k.MU;kl d sla nHkZesafuEu esad kSu viusfp=k ls with its diagram in respect to placentation lgh lqesfy r ugh gS (1) Primrose (1) iz kbejkst (2) Marigold (2) xs ank (3) Tomato (3) VekVj (4) Pea (4) eVj 129. Match the column Column-I 129. d kW y e lqesfy r d hft ;s Column-II 1. Fasciculated roots a. Tinospora 2. Pneumatophores b. Heritiera 3. Haustorial roots d kWy e-I d kWy e-II 1. iq y fd r ewy sa a. fVuks Liksjk c. Asparagus 2. U;w esVkQ ks lZ b. gs fjfV,jk 4. Stilt roots d. Viscum 3. pw "kd kaxhewy sa c. ,Lis jsxl 5. Assimilatory roots e. Sugarcane 4. fLVYV ew y sa d. foLd e (1) l-c, 2-b, 3-d, 4-e 5-a 5. Loka xhd kjh ewy sa e. xUuk (2) I-b, 2-c, 3-d, 4-e, 5-a (1) l-c, 2-b, 3-d, 4-e 5-a (3) l-c, 2-d, 3-e, 4-a, 5-b (2) I-b, 2-c, 3-d, 4-e, 5-a (4) l-c 2-a 3-b 4-e 5-d (3) l-c, 2-d, 3-e, 4-a, 5-b (4) l-c 2-a 3-b 4-e 5-d RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP 38 130. In leaves of C4 plants malic acid synthesis 130. C4 ikS /kksad hifÙk;ksaesaCO2 LFkk;hd j.kd sle; eSfy d during CO2 fixation occurs in - vEy d k fuekZ.k d gk¡gksrk gS\ (1) Bundle sheath (2) Mesophyll (1) iw y kPNn esa (2) i.kZ e/;ksrd esa (3) Epidermis (4) Guard cells (3) ckg~ ;RoPkk esa (4) }kj d ks f'kd kvksaesa 131. The chemiosmotic couling hypothesis of oxidative phosphorylation proposes that adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is formed 131. vkW Dlhd kjhQ kWLQ ksfjyhd j.kd hjlksijklj.khd ify ax ifjd Yiuk d svuql kj ,Mhuksflu VªkbQ kWLQ sV (ATP) because d k fuekZ.k gksrk gSD;ksafd (1) A proton gradient forms across the inner (1) vkUrfjd d y k d svkj ikj ,d iz ksVksu izo.krk fufeZr gksrh gS membrane (2) There is a change in the permeability of the (2) ;gk¡ ,Mhuks fl u MkbQ kWLQ sV (ADP) d h vksj inner mitochondrial membrane towards ekbVksd kWfUMª;k d h vkUrfjd d y k d h ikjxE;rk adenosine diphosphate (ADP) esaifjorZu gksrk gS (3) High energy bonds are formed in mitochondrial proteins (4) ADP is pumped out of the matrix into (3) ekbVkd s kfWUMª ;y iz kVshUl es amPp mt kZ;q Dr ca /kgkrssgS (4) eS fVª Dl d hADP vUrjdykvod k'kes aiEi dht krhgS intermembrane space. 132. d kW y e lqesfy r d hft ;s 132. Match the Column Column-I Column-II d kWy e-I d kWy e-II (i) Pollen Kitt (a) Typha (i) ikW y u fd V (a) VkbQ k (ii) Sporopollenin (b) Attracts pollen (ii) Liks jksiksy sfuu (b) cht k.M d s (iii) Filiform apparatus tube towards cht k.M}kj d h vksj micropyla of ovule ijkxuy h d ksvkd f"kZr (c) Present in d juk fossilized pollen grains (iv) Pollinium (iii) ra rq: ihmid j.k (c) t hok'eh; ijkxd .kks a esamifLFkr (d) Protection from (iv) ikW y hfu;e (d) UV fd j.kks alslqj{kk (v) Compound pollen grain (e) Calotropis (v) la ;qDr ijkxd .k (e) d s y kVªkWfil (1) i - e, ii - d, iii - b, iv - c, v - a (1) i - e, ii - d, iii - b, iv - c, v - a (2) i - c, ii - b, iii - d, iv - e, v - a (2) i - c, ii - b, iii - d, iv - e, v - a UV rays (3) i - d, ii - c, iii - b, iv - e, v - a (4) i - b, ii - c, iii - a, iv - e, v - d RESONANCE (3) i - d, ii - c, iii - b, iv - e, v - a (4) i - b, ii - c, iii - a, iv - e, v - d XIII ResoMost_STP 39 133. Crossing over occurs during 133. t hufofue; (Ø kfla x vksoj) fd l nkSjku izd V gks rkgSA (1) Leptotene (2) Pachytene (1) y s IVksVhu esa (2) is d hVhu es a (3) Diplotene (4) Diakinesis (3) fMIy ks Vhu esa (4) Mk;d kbus fll esa 134. Segregation of mendelian factors (Aa) occurs 134. es .Ms fy;u d kjd kas(Aa) d ki` FkDd j.k fd l le; iz dV during gkrsk gS A (1) Diplotene (1) fMIy ks Vhu esa (2) Anaphase-I (2) ,ukQ s t -I esa (3) Zygotene / Pachytene (3) t kbxks Vhu / isd hVhu esa (4) Anaphase-II (4) ,ukQ s t -II es a 135. Somatic cell hybrids are produced with the help of 135. d kf;d d ks f'kd klad j fd ld hlgk;rklsmRiUu gksrs gSaA (1) Polyhydroxy glycol (2) Polyethylene glycol (1) iky hgkbMª kWDlh y kbd ksy (3) Polyvinyl glycol (2) iky h bFkkby hu Xy kbd kW y (4) Polyprolene glycol (3) iky hfoukby Xy kbd kW y (4) iky hiz ksfy u Xy kbd kWy 136. Infectious proteins are present in (1) Prions (2) Viroids (3) Satellite viruses (4) Gemini viruses 136. la Ø ked izksVhusafd u esagksrh gSaA (1) iz kbvkWUl esa (2) ok;jkW M~l esa (3) vuq "kaxh ok;jlksaesa (4) t s feuhok;jlksaesa 137. Semidwarf varieties of wheat developed by 137. ukeZ u cks jykx }kjkxs gw ¡d hv/kZckS uhfd Lesfod flr d h Norman borlaug as a result high yielding & xbZbld sifj.kke Lo: i Hkkjr es aHkhxs gw¡mRiknd {ks =kksa disease resistance varieties of wheat esaxsgw¡d h mPp mRiknd rFkk jksx izfrjks/kh fd Lesa developed in wheat yielding areas in india. fod flr d h xbZ;sFkhA These were (1) Pusa shubhra (2) Pusa sadabahar (1) iw l k 'kqHkzk (2) iw l k lnkcgkj (3) Sonalica & kalyan sona (3) lks ukfy d k & d Y;k.k lksuk (4) Pusa komal (4) iw l k d ksey RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP 40 138. In Whittaker's classification which of the 138. fOgVS d j d soxhZ d j.kes afuEu esalsd kSulk,d ekin.M following is not mentioned as a criteria d s: i es a'kkfey ughagS- (1) Thallus arganization & mode of nutrition (1) FkS y l laxBu rFkk iks"k.k d k iz d kj (2) Cell structure & Reproduction (2) d ks f'kd k lajpuk rFkk t uu (3) Phylogenetic relationships (3) t kfro` Ùkh; laca/k (4) Mode of locomotion (4) xeu d k iz d kj (i) (i) (ii) (ii) 139. 139. Given below the following statements about ukekad u (i) rFkk(ii) d sckjsesauhpsd Fku fn;sx;sgS a- labelling (i) and (ii) (a) Labelling (ii) provides protection to plant lscpkusd sfy , lqj{kk iz nku d jrk gS from dessication by water current (b) Labelling (i) can fix atmospheric nitrogen (c) Labelling (ii) is also found around pollen grains of hydrophilous plants (c) ukeka d u (ii) t y ijkfxr ikniksad sijkxd .kksad s pkjksavksj Hkh ik;k t krk gSA (d) Labelling (i) is found is Nostoc & anabaena (e) Labelling (i) & (ii) are features of autotrophs (b) ukeka d u (i) O2 d h mifLFkfr esaHkh ok;qe.My h; ukbVªkst u d ksfLFkj d j ld rk gS even in the presence of O2 photosynthetic (a) ukeka d u (ii) ikni d kst y /kkjkvksa}kjkd VusQ Vus & chemosynthetic autotrophs. (d) ukeka d u (i) ukW LVkWd rFkk,sukfcukesaik;kt krkgS (e) ukeka d u (i) & (ii) izd k'k la'y s "kh vkWVksVªkWQ rFkk jlk;u la'y s"kh vkWVks VªkWQ d k y{k.k gS In the above statements, pick up the incorrect mijks Dr d Fkuks aes alsukekad u (i) & (ii) d sckjses avlR; statements about labelling (i) & (ii) d Fku Nk¡fV;sa (1) b, c, e (1) b, c, e (2) a, b, d (2) a, b, d (3) b, e (3) b, e (4) b, d, e (4) b, d, e RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP 41 140. Tall & Red (TTRR ) flowered Antirrhinum plant 140. y EcsrFkk y ky iq "i/kkjh (TTRR ) ,UVhjhue d sikni crossed with dwarf and white flowered (ttrr ) d ksckSusrFkk 'osr iq"i/kkjh (ttrr ) ,UVhjhue d sikni Antirrhinum plant in F1 generation, all the plants d slkFkØ kW l d jk;kx;krksF1 ih<+ hes alHkhikni y Ecs were Tall & Pink flowered. F1 generation is crossed with double recessive parent, what will the phenotypic ratio obtained in F 2 rFkk xqy kch iq"i/kkjh FksA F1 ih<+h d ksnksgjsvçHkkoh t ud d slkFkØ kW l d jkrsgS arksF2 ih<+hes ay{k.kç: ih generation and what will be possibility of vuqikr D;k gksxk rFkk y ky o y Ecsiq"i/kkjh ikni occurence of tall & Red flowered plants. mRiUu gksusd h D;k laHkkouk gksxh (1) 9 : 3 : 3 : 1, 25% (2) 3 : 1 , 50% (1) 9 : 3 : 3 : 1, 25% (2) 3 : 1 , 50% (3) 1 : 1, 0% (4) 1 : 1 : 1 : 1, 0% (3) 1 : 1, 0% (4) 1 : 1 : 1 : 1, 0% 141. Pappus is modification of 141. iS il fd ld k : IkkUrj.k gSA (1) Bracts (2) Bracteoles (3) Corolla (4) Calyx 142. Normal HB (A) gene (1) lgi=kks ad k (2) lgif=kd kvks ad k (3) ny iq at d k (4) cká ny iq at d k ......GAG.... . .... CTC.... Diagram (1) Sickel cell Hb(S) gene 142. Normal HB (A) gene ......GAG.... . .... CTC.... Sickel cell Hb(S) gene ... GTG.... Diagram (1) ... GTG.... ..(i).... ..(i).... Diagram (2) Diagram (2) In the above diagram (2) (i), (ii) and (iii) are mijksDr fp=k ¼2½esaØ e'k%(i), (ii) rFkk (iii) gSa& respectively - (1) (i) GUG (ii) GAG (iii) valine (1) (i) GUG (ii) GAG (iii) valine (2) (i) GUG (ii) CAC (iii) Glutamic acid (2) (i) GUG (ii) CAC (iii) Glutamic acid (3) (i) CAC (ii) GUG (iii) Valine (3) (i) CAC (ii) GUG (iii) Valine (4) (i) GTG (ii) CAC (iii) Glutamic acid (4) (i) GTG (ii) CAC (iii) Glutamic acid RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP 42 143. How many meiosis and mitosis are required 143. ,d ekbØ kL sikjs ekr`d kfs'kd klsuj xs feVkQs kbV cukusd s for the formation of a male gametophyte from fy, fd rusfe;kfsll rFkkekbVkfsll vko';d gkrssgS Aa a pollen mother cell / microspore mother cell (1) 2 fe;kfll rFkk 2 ekbVks fll (1) 2 meiosis and 2 mitosis (2) 1 Meiosis & 1 Mitosis (2) 1 fe;kfll rFkk1 ekbVks fll (3) 1 fe;kfll rFkk3 ekbVks fll (3) 1 Meiosis & 3 Mitosis (4) 1 fe;kfll rFkk2 ekbVks fll (4) 1 Meiosis & 2 Mitosis 144. W hich of the following statements are 144. fuEufy f[kr es alsd kSulsd Fku vlR; gS a\ (a) js LVªhD'ku ,.Mks U;wfDy ,st st vkjcj] ukFkUl rFkk incorrect (a) Restriction endonucleases discovered by Arber, Nathans and Smith (b) Cry I Ab gene controls bollworm while cry IAc and cry II Ab control the cotton cornborer (c) In Bam H I 'am' stand for species name amyloliquifeciens (d) Selectable marker helps in identifying and fLeFk }kjk [kks t sx;sA (b) Cry I Ab t hu cky oeZd ksfu;a f=kr d jrkgSat cfd Cry I Ac rFkk cry II Ab d ikl] d kW uZcksjj d ks fu;af=kr d jrk gSaA (c) Bam H I esa 'am' t kfr d s uke ,ekby sfyfDoQ s f'k;Ul d sfy , gSA (d) lys DVs cy ekd jZ ¼oj.k;kXs; fpUá d ½Vª ka l Q ks jeUV~ l eliminating transformants and selectively d ksigpkuuso gVkuses algk;d gksrsgSarFkk permitting the growth of the non- p;ukRed : i lsukW u&Vª ka l Q ks jes UV~ l d ho` f) d ks transformants izs fjr d jrk gSaA (1) a & b (2) b & c (1) a & b (2) b & c (3) a & b (4) b & d (3) a & b (4) b & d 145. Exploring molecular, genetic and species level 145.vkfFkZ d egRo d smRiknksad sfy ;svk.kfod ]vkuqokaf'kd diversity for products of economic importance rFkk t kfr Lrj ij fofo/krk d k vUos"k.k d gy krk gS- is called (1) t S o vko/kZu (Biomagnification) (1) Biomagnification (2) t S o fuLrkj.k (Bioremediation) (2) Bioremediation (3) t S o vUos"k.k (Bioprospecting) (3) Bioprospecting (4) t S o fujh{k.k (Biomonitering) (4) Biomonitering 146. Green leaf-like one internode long stem branches/phylloclades are called 146. gjh i.kZ -ln` '; ,d ioZ;qDr y Ech LrEHk 'kk[kk,¡/ d gy krh@d gy krsgS (1) Phylloclades (2) Phyllodes (1) i.kkZ HkLrEHk (2) i.kkZ Hk o`Ur (3) Bulbils (4) Cladodes (3) i=kiz d fy d k (4) i.kkZ HkioZ RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP 43 147. Match the column 147. d kW y e lqesfy r d hft ;s Column-I Column-II d kW y e-I d kWy e-II (a) Lungs of planet (i) Ecosystem (a) y a Xl vkWQ Iy susV (i) ikfjfLFkfrd ra =kfofo/krk (b) ukby ipZ (ii) d a xk: (c) - fofo/krk (iii) t S o fofo/krk cgqy diversity (b) Nile perch (ii) Kangaroo (c) - diversity (iii) Biodiversity rich {ks=k areas (d) Endemism (d) LFkkfud rk (Endemism)(iv) fld fy M eNy h d k (iv) Elimination of foy ksiu cichlid fish (e) Hot spot (v)Amazon rain (e) rIr LFky (Hot spot) (v) ves t u o"kkZou forest (1) (a) - i (b) - v (c) - iii (d) - ii (e) iv (1) (a) - i (b) - v (c) - iii (d) - ii (e) iv (2) (a) - v (b) - iv (c) - iii (d) - i (e) ii (2) (a) - v (b) - iv (c) - iii (d) - i (e) ii (3) (a) - v (b) - iv (c) - i (d) - ii (e) iii (3) (a) - v (b) - iv (c) - i (d) - ii (e) iii (4) (a) - iii (b) - v (c) - i (d) - ii (e) iv (4) (a) - iii (b) - v (c) - i (d) - ii (e) iv 148. Breeding of crops with high level of minerals, 148. [kfut ks a, foVkfeUl rFkk izksVhUl d smPp Lrj ;qDr Q ly ksad k izt uu d gy krk gSA vitamins and proteins is called (1) Biofortification (1) t S oiqf"Vd j.k (ck;ksQ kWVhZfQ d s'ku) (2) Biomagnification (2) t S ovko/kZu (ck;kseSXuhfQ d s'ku) (3) Micropropagation (3) lw {e izo/kZu (ekbØ ksizksisxs'ku) (4) Somatic hybridisation (4) d kf;d iz o/kZu (lksesfVd gkbfczMkbt s'ku) 149. 149. In the above diagrams, Identify the correct labelling mijksDr fp=kksaesalgh ukekad u d ksigpkfu;s (1) a - Asparagus , b - Fucus , c - Dictyota , (1) a - ,LiS jsxl , b - ¶;wd l , c - fMDV;ksVk, d - d - Polysiphonia (2) a - Chara , b - Fucus , c - Laminaria , d Polysiphonia (3) a - Chara , b - Laminaria , c - Fucus , d Porphyra (4) a - Asparagus , b - Dictyota , c - Laminaria , d - Porphyra RESONANCE ikWy hl kbQ ksfu;k (2) a - d kjk, b - ¶;w d l , c - y sfeusfj;k, d - ikWy hl kbQ ksfu;k (3) a - d kjk, b - y s feusfj;k, c - ¶;w d l , d - ikWjQ k;jk (4) a - ,LiS js xl , b - fMDV;ks Vk, c - y sfeusfj;k, d - ikWjQ k;jk XIII ResoMost_STP 44 150. In gel electrophoresis which of the following 150. t S y bys DVª ks Q ks js fll es afuEu es alsd kS ulk;kS fxd DNA compound is used in the staining of DNA d svfHkjat u esaiz;qDr fd ;k t krk gS (1) Methyl bromide (1) feFkkby cz ksekbM (2) Ethyle ethane sulphonate (3) Ethedium bromide (2) bFkkby bFks u lYQ ksusV (3) bFkhfM;e cz ksekbM (4) Ethyl bromide (4) bFkkby cz ksekbM 151. Which is the following harmones has no control over gluconeogenesis? 151. fuEu es alsd kuS lsgkekuZs d kfu;U=k.kXyw d kfsu;kfst us fll ij ughagksrk\ (1) glucagon (2) insulin (3) aldosteron (4) adrenalin 152. A person passes much urine and drinks much (1) Xy w ds xkWu (2) bulw fy u (3) ,YMks LVsjkWu (4) ,Mª uyhu s 152. ,d O;fDr vf/kd ew =k R;kx d jrk gSo vf/kd t y water but his blood glucose level is normal. ihrkgSrc Hkhmld k: f/kj Xywd ks l Lrj lkekU; jgrk This condition may be the result of gSA ;g ifjfLFkfr fd ld k ifj.kke gS\ (1) a reduction in insulin secretion from (1) vXuk'k; lsbUlw fy u d sò ko esad eh vkukA pancrease (2) a reduction in vasopressin secretion from posterior pituitary (3) a fall in the glucose concentration in urine (2) i'p ih;w "k lsoklksçsflu d sò ko esad eh vkukA (3) ew =k esaXy wd ksl d h lkUnzrk esad eh vkukA (4) Xy w d kst u d sò ko.k esao`f) A (4) an increase in secretion of glucogen. 153. The treatment of snake-bite by antivenine is 153. lk¡ i d sd kVusd k by kt çfrfo"k d s}kjk fd ;k t krk an example of gS] ;g mnkgj.k gS& (1) Artificiallyacquired active immunity (1) d ` f=ke mikft Zr lfØ ; çfrj{kk (2) Artificiallyacquired passive immunity (2) d ` f=ke mikft Zr fuf"Ø ; çfrj{kk (3) Naturally acquired passive immunity (3) çkd ` frd mikft Zr fuf"Ø ; çfrj{kk (4) Specific natural immunity 154. Basement membrane is made up of (4) fof'k"V çkd ` frd çfrj{kk 154. vk/kkjh; d y k fd ld h cuh gks rh gS\ (1) only epidermal cell (1) d s oy bihMeZd ksf'kd kvksad k (2) endodermal cell (2) ,.Mks MeZd ksf'kd kvksad k (3) no cell product of epithelium (3) mid y k lsmRiUu d ks f'kd k,saugha (4) both (1) and (2) (4) (1) rFkk (2) nks uksa RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP 45 155. Which part of the brain is affected first in a 155. ,d 'kjkcheuq "; d sefLr"d d kd kS u lkHkkx loZçFke drunk person ? çHkkfor gksrk gS\ (1) Cerebrum (1) çefLr"d (2) Olfactory lobe (2) ?kz k.k iky h (3) Cerebellum (3) ls jhcsy e (4) Medulla oblongata (4) es M~;wy kvkWCy ksaxsVk 156. Select incorrect matching 156. xy r es y d kspqfu;s& (1) Pivot joint - atlas and axis (1) ikboV la f/k - ,Vy l o v{k d se/; (2) Saddle joint - carpels and metacarpal of thumb (3) Pennatula - Sea pan (4) tetany - low calcium level in blood (2) lS My la f/k- va xw Bsd sd kiZ y o es Vkd kiZ y d se/; (3) fius Vwy k - lh iku (4) VhVs uh - : f/kj esafuEu d SfYl;e Lrj 157. Which of the following is important for muscle concentration and nerves impulse transmission? 157 fuEu es alsd kSu lk rRo isf'k;ksad slad qp u o rfU=kd k vkosx lap j.k gsrqegRoiw.kZgS& (1) Ca2+ vk;u 2+ (1) Ca ions (2) Ca++ ,oaMg++ vkW ;u (2) Ca++ and Mg++ ions (3) Mg++ vk;u (3) Mg++ ions (4) Fe2+ vk;u (4) Fe2+ ions 158. Which of the following statement is / are true ? (a) Urine is hypertonic in distal convoluted (a) nw jLFkd .qMfyr ufyd kes aew =kvfrijkljhgkrskgS A (b) t c ew =kla xkzgd ufyd klsxq t jrkgSrc vYiijkljh tubule (b) When the urine passes into the collecting tubule, it becomes hypotonic (c) Urine is isotonic in proximal convoluted tubule (d) Urine becomes more and more hypotonic as it passes through the henel’s loop (1) a and d only (2) a, b,and c only (3) b and c only (4) all incorrect RESONANCE 158. fuEufyf[kr d Fkuka ses alsd kuSlk@d kuSlsd Fku lR; gS \ gksrk gS (c) lehiLFkd . qMfyr ufyd kes aew =kleijkljhgkrskgS A (d) ew =kvR;f/kd vYiijkljhgkst krkgSt c og gsuy s y wi lsgksd j xqt jrk gSA (1) d s oy a vkSj d (2) d s oy a, b ,oac (3) d s oy b vkSj c (4) lHkh xy r XIII ResoMost_STP 46 159. Match the excretory functions of section-l with 159. oxZ -I es afn;sx;smRlt hZd k;ks±d ksoxZ-II esafn;sx;s the part of the excretory system in section-ll. mRlt hZrU=kksad sHkkxksad slkFk lqesfy r d hft , rFkk Choose the correct combination from among fn;sx;smRrj fod Yiks aes alslgh;q Xe d kp;u d hft , the answers given. Section l Section-ll & oxZ-l oxZ-ll (ii) Concentration of urine (B) Ureter (i) ijkfuL;Unu (A) gs uy sy wi (iii) Transport of urine (C) urinary bladder (ii) ew =klkUnzrk (B) ew =k okfguh (iv) Storage of urine (D) Malpighian (iii) ew =k d k lap j.k (C) ew =kk'k; corpuscles (iv) ew =k laxzg (D) eS Yih?kh;u (i) Ultra filtration (A) Henle’s loop (E) Proximal d kWiZl Yl convoluted tubule. (E) lehiLFk d q .Mfy r ufyd k (1) (i) - D, (ii) - A, (iii) - B, (iv) - C (2) (i) - D, (ii) - C, (iii) - B, (iv) - A (3) (i) - E, (ii) - D, (iii) - A, (iv) - C (4) (i) - E, (ii) - D, (iii) - A, (iv) - B (1) (i) - D, (ii) - A, (iii) - B, (iv) - C (2) (i) - D, (ii) - C, (iii) - B, (iv) - A (3) (i) - E, (ii) - D, (iii) - A, (iv) - C (4) (i) - E, (ii) - D, (iii) - A, (iv) - B 160. Which of the following statements are wrong (i) Leucocytes disintegrate in the spleen and the liver. (i) Y;w d ksl kbV d ksf'kd k,¡Iy hgk o ;Ñ r esafo?kfVr gksrh gSA (ii) RBC, WBC and blood platelets are produced by bone marrow (iii) Neutrophils bring about destruction and detoxification of toxin of protein origin (iv) The important function of lymphocytes is to produce antibodies (1) (i) and (ii) only (2) (i) and (iv) only (3) (i) and (iii) only (4) (ii) and (iv) only RESONANCE 160. fuEu es alsd kSu lk d Fku xy r gS\ (ii) RBC, WBC o : f/kj Iy s Vy sV~l vfLFk eTt k esa curh gSaA (iii) U;w VªksfQ Yl çksVhu lsmRié fo"kksad k fouk'k o fofo"kkfDrd j.k d jrh gSA (iv) fy EQ ks l kbV~l d k eq[; d k;Z ,.VhckWMht d k mRiknu d juk gksrk gSA (1) d s oy (i) vkSj (ii) (2) d s oy (i) vkSj (iv) (3) d s oy (i) vkSj (iii) (4) d s oy (ii) vSkj(iv) XIII ResoMost_STP 47 161. If it was possible to genetically engineer 161. ;fn vkuq okaf'kd h izkS| ksfxd h d svuql kj ;g laHko gksrk humans to be able to run long distances faster fd ekuo Å ¡p kbZij y Echnwjhd ksrhozxfr lsnkS M+usesa at high altitudesd, which of the following would leFkZgksrk]rc fuEu esalsd kSu lgk;d ughagksxk\ not help ? (1) Increasing the thickness of the cellular lining of the alveoli (2) Increasing the amount of haemoglobin in each red blood cell (3) Decreasing the average size of the alveoli (1) ,fYo;ks y kbZd sd ksf'kd h; Lrj d h eksVkbZesao`f) (2) iz R;sd y ky jDr d ksf'kd kesagheksXy ksfcu d hek=kk esao`f) (3) ,fYo;ks y kbZd svkSl r vkd kj esad eh (4) (1) rFkk (3) nks uksa (4) both (1) and (3) 162.d kcZ fud ,ugkbMªst d sfy , d kSulk d Fku vlR; gS 162. False about carbonic anhydrase is (1) Minute quantities of this is present plasma also (2) RBC contain high concentration of this enzyme (3) This enzyme facilitate the formation/ dissociation of carbonic acid in only one (1) bld h lw {e ek=kk Iy kT+ek esaHkh ik;h t krh gS (2) RBC es abl ,Ut kbe d hmPp lkUnz rkik;ht krhgS (3) ;g ,Ut kbe d s oy ,d gh fn'kk esad kcZfud vEy d k fuekZ.k@fo?kVu d jrk gS (4) lHkh lR; gS a direction (4) all are correct. 163. How does carbon monoxide, a poisonious gas 163. Lopfy r ;a =kksa }kjk mRl ft Zr fo"kSy h xSl d kcZu emitted by automobiles, prevent transport of eksuksv kWDlkbM 'kjhj mÙkd ksaesavkWDlht u d sifjogu oxygen into the body tissues.? d ksfd l çd kj vo: ) d jrh gS\ (1) By changing O2 into CO2 (1) O2 d sCO2 es aifjorZu }kjk (2) By destroying heamoglobin. (3) By forming a stable compound with heamoglobin (4) By destructing the reaction of O2 with heamoglobin. RESONANCE (2) gheks Xy ksfcu d ksu"V d jd s (3) gheks Xy ksfcu d slkFk LFkkbZ;kSfxd d sfuekZ.k }kjk (4) gheks Xy ksfcu d slkFk vkWDlht u d h fouk'kd kjh vfHkfØ ;k }kjk XIII ResoMost_STP 48 164. 164. Correct matching is lgh ;qXe gSa (1) 1- bryophyta 2- peridophytes (1) 1- cz k;ksQ kbVk 2- VsfjMksQ kbVk (2) 1- sponges 2- bryophytes (2) 1- LiUt 2- cz k;ksQ kbVk (3) 1- algae 2- euspongia (3) 1- 'kS oky 2- ;w LiksfUt ;k (4) 1- spongilla 2- euspongia (4) 1- Liks fUt y k 2- ;w LiksfUt ;k 165. Typhlosole of earth worm is (1) Internal median fold of ventral wall of intestine 165. d s ap q, d svka=koy u gS(1) vka =k d h v/kj fHkfÙk d svkUrfjd oy u (2) vka =k d h i`"B fHkfÙk d svkarfjd oy u (2) Internal median fold of dorsal wall of intestine (3) vka =k d h ik'oZfHkfÙk d svkUrfjd oy u (4) mijks Dr esalsd ksbZ,d (3) Internal median fold of lateral wall of intestine (4) Any of above 166. In which of the following , proteins are absent 166. fuEu es alsfd lesaçksVhu vuqifLFkr gksrk gS\ (1) Pancreatic juice (2) saliva (1) vXuk'k;h jl (2) y kj (3) Bile (4) Intestinal juice (3) fiÙk (4) vkU=kh; jl 167. Which is correctly matched for human body 167. ekuo 'kjhj d sfy , lgh lq esfy r ;qXe gS (a) Hydrogen : 3.3% (b) Carbon : 65% (a) gkbMª kst u : 3.3% (b) d kW cZu : 65% (c) Mg : 0.1% (d) Calcium : 1.5% (c) Mg : 0.1% fYl;e : 1.5% (d) d S (1) a and b only (2) b and c (1) d s oy a rFkk b (2) d s oy b rFkk c (3) c and d only (4) a and d only (3) d s oy c rFkk d (4) d s oy a rFkk d RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP 49 168. Which of the following is correct represtation 168. fuEufyf[kr es alsd kS ulk,Mhukbfyd vEy d ksiz nf'kZ r of Adenylic acid - d jrk gS (1) (1) (2) (2) (3) (3) (4) (4) 169. 169. (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D) Select the correct labelling for parts in above mijksDr fp=k esafn;sx;sHkkxksad slgh ukekad u d k diagram - p;u d hft ;s- (1) A - Lacteal (2) B - capillaries (3) C - Villi (4) D - crypts (1) A - y S DVh;y (2) B - d s f'kd k,sa (3) C - va d qj (4) D - fØ IV~ l RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP 50 170. Carbon monoxide has greater infinity for 170.vkD Wlht u d hrq y ukes ad kcZ uekuskvskDWlkbM d hghekXsykfscu heamoglobin as compared to oxygen by d ksxz g.k d jusd h{kerk fd rusxq .kk gkrsh gS \ (1) 1000 times (2) 200 times (1) 1000 xq .kk (2) 200 xq .kk (3) 20 times (4) 2 times (3) 20 xq .kk (4) 2 xq .kk 171. Choose correct statement about cockroach (i) If the head of cockroach cut off, it will live for as long as one week (ii) mosaic vision has less sensitivity and more 171. d kW d jksp d sfo"k; esalgh d Fku d k p;u d hft ;s\ (i) ;fn d kW d jksp d sflj d ksd kV fn;kt krkgS]rksHkh og ,d lIrkg rd t hfor jgrk gSA (ii) eks t +d n`f"V d e la os nhrFkkvf/kd foLr`r gks rhgSA resolution (iii) anal style and anal cerci both present in (iii) xq nh; 'kwd o xqnh; y we nksuksagheknkd kWd jksp esa ik;st krsgSaA female cockroach (iv) number of malphigian tubules are 100-150 (iv) eS Yih?kh;u ufyd kvks ad hla [;k100-150 gks rhgS A (v) 6 chitinous teeth are present in gizzard (v) is " esa6 d kbVhu ;qDr nk¡r ik;st krsgSa (1) only (ii) (2) only (iii) (1) d s oy (ii) (2) d s oy (iii) (3) only (i), (iv) and (v) (4) only (vi) (3) d s oy (i), (iv) rFkk (v) (4) d s oy (vi) 172. Which is the correct matching Common Name Order 172. fuEu es alslgh fey ku D;k gS\ Family l kekU; uke d yq x.k Diptera (1) ?kjs y weD[kh eDlhMh fMIVsjk (1) Housefly Muscidae (2) Mango Anacardiaceae Poales (2)vke ,ukd fMZ,sl h ikWYl (3) Wheat Poaceae Sapindales (3) xs ag¡w iks,l h ls fiuMs Yl (4) Man Primata Hominidae (4) ekuo çkbesV~l gksehfuMh 173. Where collected plant specimens that are dried, preserved and pressed on sheets are stored in (1) Herbarium (2) Botanical Garden (3) Museum (4) Zoological park 174. The Keys are based on the contrasting 173. lw [ks] lajf{kr rFkk 'khV~l esapiVso ,d f=kr ikniksa uewuksad ksd gk¡laxzfgr fd ;k t krk gS& (1) gcs Zfj;e (2) ouLifr m|ku (3) la xzgky ; (4) fpfM+ ;k?kj 174. d q at hlkekU;r%fci;kZl hy {k.kksad st ksM+ksaij vk/kkfjr characters generally in pairs called - gksrh gSft UgsalkekU;r%D;k d gk t krk gS& (1) Duplet (2) Singlet (1) f}iy d (2) ,d y d (3) Couplet (4) Triplet (3) ;q Xe (4) f=ky d RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP 51 175. Which of the following are family 175. fuEu es alsd kSulk d qy gS& (1) Felidae (2) Canine (1) Q s fy Mh (2) d s ukbu (3) Felis (4) Diptera (3) Q s fy l (4) fMIVs jk 176. d ks ,uksl kbV~l vkLrfjr gksrh gS& 176. Choanocytes lines (1) Spongocoel (2) Canals (1) LiUt ks l hy (2) d s ukYl (3) Both (4) Coelentron (3) nks uks (4) lhy s UVªkW u 177. Corals have skeleton composed of (1) SiO2 (2) CaCO3 (3) Both (4) None 178. Select Incorrect matching 177. d ks jYl d k d ad ky fd ld k cuk gksrk gS& (1) SiO2 (2) CaCO3 (3) nks uks (4) d ks bZugha 178. v;q fXer d k p;u d hft , & (1) Sea fan - Gorgonia (1) leq nzh ia[kk & xkxksZfu;k (2) Sea hare - Aplysia (2) leq nzh [kjxks'k & ,Iy kbfl;k (3) Sea lily - antedon (3) leq nzhfy y h& ,UVsMkWu (4) See fish – pristis (4) leq nzhehu & fçfLVl 179. 179. Correct statement about above diagram (1) In Male pelvic fin bears claspers (2) Fertilization is external mijksDr fp=kd slUnHkZesalghd Fku d kp;u d hft , (1) uj d sis fYod fQ u ij Dy sLij ik;k t krk gSA (3) Operculum present (2) fu"ks p u cká gksrk gS (4) Clarias belongs to same class (3) vkW ijd qy e mifLFkr (4) Dy s fj,l leku oxZlslEcfU/kr gS 180. Select incorrect matching (1) Petromyzon – Have sucking and circular mouth without jaw (2) Pterophyllum - Torpedo (3) Pteropus – Angel fish (4) Psittacula – They posses beak 180. xy r ;q Xe d k p;u d hft , & (1) is Vªksekbt ksu & blesapw"kd o o`Ùkkd kj t cM+sjfgr eq[k ik;k t krk gSA (2) Vs jksQ kby e & VkWjihMks (3) Vs jksil & ,saxy ehu (4) lhVs d wy k & buesapksap ikbZt krh gSA RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP 52 181. (i) Do not have external ear opening 181. (i) bles acká d .kZfNnzughaik;st krs (ii) Fertilisation is internal (ii) vka rfjd fu"ksp u (iii) Some of them shade their skin as cast (iii) bues alsd qN viuh Ropk d ksmrkj nsrsgSa Above features belongs to class (1) Aves (2) Reptilia (3) Cyclostomata (4) Amphibia mijksDr y {k.k fd l oxZlslacaf/kr gS 182. Select correct one (1) i{kh (2) ljhl` i (3) lkbDy ks LVkses Vk (4) mHk;pj 182. lgh d Fku d k p;u d hft ;s- (i) ART - assisted reproductive technologies (i) ART - iz t uu rd uhd esalgk;d (ii) IUT - intra uterine transfer (ii) IUT - vUr%xHkkZ 'k;hLFkkukUrj.k (iii) ZIFT - zygote intra fallopian transfer (iii) ZIFT - ;q Xeut vUr%Q y ksfi;u LFkkukUrj.k (iv) GIFT - gamete intra fallopian transfer (v) ICSI - intra cytoplasmic sperm injection (iv) GIFT - ;q Xeut vUr%Q sy ksfi;u LFkkukUrj.k (vi) IUI - intra uterine insemination (v) ICSI - vUr%d ks f'kd knzO;h 'kqØ k.kqizos'k (1) i,ii,iii,iv (2) i,ii (vi) IUI - vUr%xHkkZ 'k;hbuls ehus'ku (3) iv,v,vi (4) all (1) i,ii,iii,iv (2) i,ii (3) iv,v,vi (4) lHkh 183. How many sperms are produced from one 183. ,d iz kFkfed LiZes Vksl kbV esafd rus'kqØ k.kqcursgSa& primary spermatocyte ? (1) 8 (2) 6 (3) 2 (4) 4 184. The process of sperm formation is .........A...........that is completed in three basic phases. The conversion of non-motile spermatid in to motile and active spermatozoa is called .........B.........After that spermotozoa (1) 8 (2) 6 (3) 2 (4) 4 184. 'kq Ø k.kqfuekZ.k d k izØ e .........A...........d gy krk gS] t ksfd rhu vk/kkjhiz koLFkkvkases aiw .kZgks rkgS A vxfr'khy Lies fVM d kxfr'khy o lfØ ; Lies Z VZkts ks v kes a: ikUrj.k .........B.........d gykrkgS A Lies VZks t ksvkd k'kØq ufyd k released from seminiferous tubules in to }kjkbihMhMkbel esaeq Dr gksuk........C........... izØ e epididymis through ........C........... process. d gy krk gSA (1) A = Spermotogenesis, B = Spermateliogensis, C = Semination (2) A = Spermatogensis, B = Spermeogensis, C = Spermiation (3) A = Insemination, B = Spermiation, C = Semination (4) A = Spermatigetion, B = Spermatogensis, (1) A = 'kq Ø k.kqt uu, B = LiesZfVfy vksft usfll , C = ls feus 'ku (2) A = 'kq Ø k.kq t uu, B = LifeZ;ksft usfl l , C = LifeZ,'ku (3) A = buls ehus'ku, B = LifeZ;s'ku, C = lsfeus'ku (4) A = Lies VZht 'sku, B = Lies VZkfst us fll , C = LifeZ ,'ku C = Spermiation RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP 53 185. The function of hyaluronidase is- 185. gk;Y;w jksfuMst d k d k;ZgSa& (1) To form one of reception in egg (1) v.Mses aizos 'k }kj d k fuekZ.k d juk (2) To puncture the vitelline membrane of egg (2) v.Msd h ihrd f>Yyh d ksHks nuk (3) It is not produced in human sperm (4) None of the above (3) ;g ekuo 'kq Ø k.kqv ksaesamRiUu ughafd ;k t krk gSa (4) mijks Dr esalsd ksbZugha 186. How many secondary spermatocytes are 186. 400 Lies ZVkst ksv k d s fuekZ.k gsrq fd ruh f}rh;d required to form 400 spermatozoa? LiesZVksl kbV d h vko';d rk gksxh\ (1) 40 (2) 100 (1) 40 (2) 100 (3) 200 (4) 400 (3) 200 (4) 400 187. The product of the fitst maturation division of germ cell in testis are known as (1) Spermatids (2) Oocytes (3) Secondary spermatocytes (4) Sperms 188. Antimularian hormone is secreted from- 187. o` "k.kksaesaçFke ifjiDou foHkkt u d smRikn gksrsgSa& (1) LieS ZfVM~l (Spermatids) (2) Å lkbV~ l (Oocytes) (3) f}rh;d LieSZVksl kbV~l (Secondary spermatocytes) (4) 'kq Ø k.kq(Sperms) 188. ,UVhew y sfj;u gkWeksZu fd ld s}kjklzkfor fd ;kt krkgS (1) Ovaries of female (1) eknk d h v.Mk'k;ks a}kjk (2) Testis of male (2) uj d so` "k.k }kjk (3) Vagina of female (3) eknk ;ks uh }kjk (4) None of the above (4) fuEu es alsd ksbZugha 189. Hymen can be broken by (1) Sudden fall (2) Cycling (3) Insertion of a veginal tampon (4) all RESONANCE 189. gkbeu fd ld s}kjk Vw V ld rh gS (1) d w nusls (2) lkbfd y py kusls (3) ;ks uh VsEikWu d svUnj Mky usls (4) lHkh XIII ResoMost_STP 54 190. Choose the correct combination for labelling 190. 'kq Ø okfgd kd sHkkx d slghukekad u d kp;u d hft , of part of seminiferous tubule (1) a – lVky Zs hd kfs'kd kb – lies VZkxskfsu;e]c – Lies fZVM] (1) a – setoli cell, b – spermatogonium c – spermatid, d – interstitial cell, e – spermatozoa (2) a – interstitial cell, b – spermatid, c – spermatogonium d – spermatozoa, e – sertoli cell (3) a – interstitial cell, b – spermatogonium, c – spermatid, d – spermatozoa, e – sertoli cell (4) a – interstitial cell, b – spermatogonium, c – spermatozoa, d – spermatid, e – sertoli cell 191. Uterus of female reproductive system is (1) Primary sex organ (2) Secondary sex organ (3) Accessory sex organ (4) External sex character 192. Select the correct statement with respect to d – vUrjky h d ks f'kd k]e – LiesZVkst ksv k (2) a – vUrjky h d ksf'kd k] b – LiesZfVM] c – l iesZVksxksfu;e] d – LiesZVkst ksv k] e – l VksZy h d ksf'kd k (3) a – vUrjky h d ks f'kd k]b – liesZVksxksfu;e]c – LiesZfVM]d – LiesZVkst ksv k]e – lVksZy h d ksf'kd k (4) a – vUrjky h d ks f'kd k]b – liesZVksxksfu;e]c – LiesZVkst ksv k]d – LiesZfVM]e – lVksZy h d ksf'kd k,a 191. eknk çt uu rU=k es axHkkZ'k; gS(1) çkFkfed y S afxd vax (2) f) rh;d y S afxd vax (3) vko';d y S afxd vax (4) cká y S afxd vax 192. jks xksarFkk jksx çfrj{kk d slanHkZesafuEufy f[kr esals diseases and immunisation : d kSu lk ,d d Fku lgh gS\ (1) If due to some reason B-and T-lymphocytes (1) ;fn fd lh d kj.ko'k B-rFkk T-y lhd k.kq{kfrxz Lr are damaged, the body will not produce antibodies against a pathogen (2) Injection of dead / inactivated pathogens causes passive immunity (3) Certain protozoans have been used to mass produce hepatitis B vaccine. (4) Injection of snake antivenom against snake bite is an example of active immunisation gkst krsgS]rks'kjhj d sHkhrj fd lh jksxt ud d s çfr ,aasVhckWMht +¼çfrfiaM½ ugh cu ik,axsA (2) e` r vFkokfuf"Ø ;d `r jksxt ud ksad sbat sD'ku fn;s t kusij ijks{k çfrj{kk curh gSA (3) d q N çksVkst +ksv uksad kscM+siSekusij ghiSVkbfVl B oSDlhu cukusesabLrseky fd ;k t krk jgk gSA (4) lki a }kjkd kVst kusd sçfr liZ &,a Vshohue d kba t Ds'ku fn;k t kuk lfØ ; çfrj{kk d k mnkgj.k gS A RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP 55 193. Which one of the following is a matching pair 193. fuEu d kS ulk ,d lqesfy r t ksM+k vkS"kf/k ,oamld soxZ of a its category d k gS (1) Amphetamines - Stimulant (1) ,EQ hVs feu&mÙkst d (2) Lysergic and Dimethyl amide - Narcotic (3) Heroin - Psychotropic (2) y kbls ft Zd ,oaMkbZfeFkkby ,ekbM ukjd ksfVd (3) gs jksbu lkbd ksVªksfid (4) Benzodiazepam - Pain killer (4) cS at ksMk;t hike nnZuk'kd 194. Cholera patient is administrated by 'saline drip' 194. gS t k jksxh d kslsy kbu fMªi nh t krh gSD;ksafd & because (1) Na+ ions are essential for the transport of (1) Na+ vk;u f>Yy hd svkj&ikj inkFkks Zad sifjogu d sfy , vko';d gksrsgSa substances across the membrane (2) Na+ ions are helpful to conserving water in (2) Na+ vk;u 'kjhj es aikuhd hek=kklqjf{kr j[kusesa the body enn d jrsgSa (3) CI ions are helpful in the formation HCI for – (3) CI– vk;u ikpu d s fy , vko';d HCI for digestion digestion (4) CI ions is significant component of blood – (4) CI– jDr Iy kTek d k egRoiw .kZ?kVd gS plasma 195. fuEufy f[kr lw p h d ksi<+d j lgh mRrj ij fu'kku 195. Study the following lists yxk;s List-I List-II (1) Pasteurella pestis (I) Angular leaf spot lw p h-I lwp h-II of cotton (1) iLPpw jsy k isLVhl (I) d ikl es a,a X;w y j yhQ LikWV uked chekjh (2) Treponema pallidum (II) Amphoterican (C Mycobacterium bovis (III) Actinomycosis of cattle (2) Vª siksuhek isy hfM;e (II) ,EQ ks Vs fjd u (C ek;ks cSDVhfj;e (III) i'kq v ksaesa¼xk;ksaesa½ (D Streptomyces nodosus(IV) Syphilis (V) Plague ,fDVuksek;d ksl hl (D LVª sIVksek;lhl uksMksl l The correct match is (V) Iys x A B C D (1) IV I II lII (2) II III IV V (3) V IV lII II (4) III II I IV RESONANCE (IV) flfQ fy l lghlqesafy r gS A B C D (1) IV I II lII (2) II III IV V (3) V IV lII II (4) III II I IV XIII ResoMost_STP 56 196. Dilation of blood vessels, increase in fat 196. jDr okfgfu;ks ad k Q wy uk]olk la'y s"k.k esao`f) ]fuEu synthesis, low blood sugar and inflammation jDr 'kd Zjk]vkek'k; esa'kksFk(inflammation) fd ld s of stomach are due to the consumption of mi;ksx d sd kj.k gksrk gS (1) Tobacco (1) rEckd w (2) Drug addiction (2) vkS "kf/k O;lu (3) Alcohol (4) Tobacco and drug addiction (3) ,Yd ks gy (4) rEckd w,oavkS "kf/k O;lu 197. Column-I lists the components of body defense and column-II lists the corresponding descriptions. Match the two columns. Choose the correct option from those given Column-I Column-II (A) Active natural immunity (p) Injection of gamma globulins 197. d kW y e-I 'kkjhfjd j{kk lst qM+sd kjd rFkk d kWy e-II mulslEcfU/kr d k;Zd ksn'kkZjgsgSanksuksd kWy eksad ks lqesfy r d jsasvkSj lgh ;qXe pqus Column-I (A) lfØ ; çkd ` frd çfrj{kk (p) xkekXy ksC;qfy u d k ba ts Dlu (B) First line of defense (q) Complement proteins and (B) j{kk d h çFke js [kk (C) fuf"d ` ; çkd `frd çfrj{kk(r) 'kjhj esa?kql sjksx d kjd ksalslh/kk lEid Z with the pathogens that have entered (q) d kE WIyhes UaV çkVshu vkjS bUVjQ sjkWu interferons (C) Passive natural immunity (r) Direct contact Column-II (D) j{kk d h f}rh; js [kk (s) lrg jks /kd (t) Iy s l sUVk d sikj x, inside (D) Second line of defense (s) Surface barriers ,.VhckWM h (t) Antibodies (1) A= s, B= r, C= t, D= q transferred through (2) A= r, B= s, C= q, D=t the placenta (3) A= r, B= s, C= t, D= q (1) A= s, B= r, C= t, D= q (4) A= t, B= r, C= q, D=p (2) A= r, B= s, C= q, D=t (3) A= r, B= s, C= t, D= q (4) A= t, B= r, C= q, D=p 198. An insect bite may result in inflammation of that spot. This is triggered by the alarm chemicals 198. ,d d ht d sd kVusij t xg ij lw t u vkt krhgS;gk¡ ij d kSu lh vy keZjlk;u lzkfor gksrsgSa\ such as (1) fgLVs feu rFkk Mksikfeu (1) Histamine and dopamine (2) fgLVs feu rFkk d k;fuu (2) Histamine and kinins (3) bUVjQ s jkUl rFkk vkIlksfuZl (3) Interferons and opsonin (4) bUVj Q s jkUl rFkk fgLVksUl (4) Interferons and histones RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP 57 199. Match the names of disease listed under 199. d ky W e I lsjks xks ad suke d ksd kW y e II d svfHkçk; d slkFk column-I with meanings given under column - lqesfy r d jsa] LrEHk esafn;sx;so.kZØ e d slal xZd s II, choose the answer which gives the correct vuql kj lgh mRrj d kspqus combination of the alphabets of the columns. d kWy e I d kWy e II (jks x d k uke) (la l xZ ) p-Allergic A - ihfy ;k p - ukd d h ,y ft Z d lwt d inflammation of B - LVhuks fll q - pky d fØ ;kvks ad h gkfu nose C - jkfgukbfVl r - ân;h d ikV es anks"k q - Loss of motor D - is jky kbfll s - jDr es afiRr o.kZd esao`f) Column-I Column-II (Name of disease) (Meanings) A - Jaundice B - Stenosis functions t - ân; es aiV~Vh; nks"k C - Rhinitis r - Heart valve defect D - Paralysis s - Increase in bile pigments in the blood (1) A = q ; B = t ; C = r ; D = p (2) A = s ; B= p : C = q ; D = r (3) A = s ; B = r ; C = p ; D = q (4) A = s ; B = t ; C = p ; D = q t - Septal defect of 200. fuEu fp=k es alsd kSulk vehuksvEy FkkbjkWbM gkWeksZu heart (1) A = q; B = t; C = r; D = P cukusd sd ke vkrk gS& (2) A = s; B= p: C = q; D = r (3) A = s; B = r; C = p; D = q (4) A = s; B = t; C = p; D = q 200. In the given diagram which amino acid is used to form thyroid hormone (A) (A) (B) (C) (1) (A) (2) (B) (3) (C) (4) (D) RESONANCE (B) (C) (1) (A) (2) (B) (3) (C) (4) (D) (D) (D) XIII ResoMost_STP 58 ANSWER KEY Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ans. 4 3 2 1 4 1 2 1 2 1 Q.No. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Ans. 3 3 2 4 2 4 4 4 4 2 Q.No. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Ans. 3 3 4 1 4 4 2 2 2 4 Q.No. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Ans. 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 1 Q.No. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Ans. 3 3 2 3 2 1 2 3 4 4 Q.No. 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Ans. 4 1 4 1 2 1 2 3 3 3 Q.No. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Ans. 4 3 4 1 1 1 4 3 2 1 Q.No. 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Ans. 2 2 2 3 2 1 4 4 3 1 Q.No. 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 Ans. 4 2 1 4 2 1 1 3 1 3 Q.No. 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Ans. 4 1 4 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 Q.No. 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 Ans. 3 3 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 Q. No. 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 Ans. 2 4 3 4 3 1 3 4 4 1 Q. No. 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 Ans. 1 3 1 4 3 2 4 2 1 2 Q. No. 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 Ans. 1 3 2 2 2 1 3 4 3 4 Q. No. 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 Ans. 4 3 4 4 3 4 3 1 2 3 Q. No. 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 Ans. 3 2 2 3 3 3 1 4 1 4 Q. No. 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 Ans. 4 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 4 2 Q. No. 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 Ans. 3 1 1 3 1 3 2 4 4 2 Q. No. 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 Ans. 2 4 4 2 2 3 3 2 4 3 Q. No. 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 Ans. 2 1 1 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 RESONANCE XIII ResoMost_STP 59
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