TM Accurate, fast, microliter sample volume viscometer Accuracy for wide dynamic range Sample viscosity as low as 0.2 cP and as high as 100,000 cP can be measured with the same high degree of accuracy. Fast and easy measurement Sample loading and testing take just a few minutes. Microliter sample volume Advanced microfluidic/MEMS sensor allows viscosity measurement for samples as small as 50 µL. No evaporation The sample is fully contained so that solvent evaporation cannot affect accuracy, unlike cone and plate viscometers. Increased throughput Enhanced software makes repeat measurement quick and easy. Characterization of Newtonian and non-Newtonian samples The principle of measurement ascertains the measured viscosity is “true” even in cases of non-Newtonian behavior, such as shear thinning. How it works Step 1 Rectangular slit Flow Pressure sensor array m-VROC TM measures viscosity from the pressure drop of a test liquid as it flows through a rectangular slit—a well known scientific application (K. Walters, Rheometry, Chapman and Hall, London, 1975). 10.2 mg/mL Load the syringe with sample. 20.3 mg/mL As the test liquid is pumped to flow through the flow channel (slit) of the chip, pressure is measured at increasing distances from the inlet. 50.8 mg/mL The slope of the straight line in the plot of pressure vs. sensor position (as shown below) is proportional to the viscosity. 100.0 1000.0 203 mg/mL 102 mg/mL Step 2 153 mg/mL 10000.0 Shear rate, 1/scapabilities that are The m-VROC technology offers well beyond the limits of conventional viscometers. The minute sample size (50 µL) needed for measurement is unmatched by any product on the market! Screw the syringe into the chip enclosure, and place inside the thermal jacket. Pressure vs. Position data for Glycerol 250000 Pressure, Pa .0 Principle Step 3 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Sensor position, mm Bring down the top of the thermal jacket enclosure, and lock it by turning the black thumb screw clockwise. You are ready to measure your sample! True Shear Viscosity Measurement Application Notes True Shear Viscosity C05 Chip, 10 ml 10.000 Viscosity, Pa-s The 2 m-VROC TM chips show data that perfectly overlap data collected using a rheometer. Conventional rheometers are limited to shear rates of 1000 1/s or less. m-VROC is capable of operating at shear rates up to 1,000,000 1/s! The ability to measure viscosity as a function of shear rate is a feature unique to this technology. This feature is a valuable tool for studying how samples behave as the shear rate is increased or decreased. Xanthan Gum 100.000 Rheometer 1.000 B10 Chip, 5 ml B10 Chip, 100µl 0.100 0.010 Rheometer limit 0.001 1.E+00 1.E-01 1.E+01 1.E+03 1.E+02 1.E+05 1.E+04 Shear Rate, 1/s Viscosity as aN1400 Function of Temperature (N1400) 6000 5000 Viscosity, mPa-s 4000 VROC Ref 3000 2000 1000 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Temperature, oC m-VROC has precise and superior temperature monitoring and control with an optional water bath. Data were collected as a function of temperature with NIST-traceable oil, N1400, from Cannon instruments. The collected data were compared with tabulated values from the manufacturer at varying temperatures. The data shows a precise agreement between measured values with m-VROC and tabulated ones published by the manufacturer. Viscosity of BSA and IgG as a function of concentration 9.0 gamma globulin Viscosity, cP 8.0 BSA 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 Conc. mg/mL 250.0 Protein Denaturization Data with Urea Viscosity (cp) 4 Urea 100 mg/ml BSA 3 2 1 0 (error bars: 3σ) 0 1 2 3 4 Urea Concentration (M) 5 6 Viscosity of both Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) and Immunoglobulin (IgG) was plotted as a function concentration. m-VROC is an accurate viscosity measurement tool to detect the change in viscosity as a function concentration. Requiring only 50 µL of samples for each measurement, you can acquire accurate and precise results with small amount of samples. Protein unfolding or denaturization is an extremely important phenomenon to study so that the stability of protein samples can be predicted. Often times, the unfolding of protein is hard to determine but measuring viscosity is an easy and very effective way to study the unfolding/denaturization process of proteins. m-VROC had high resolution to monitor the change, making it clear to see how the viscosity changes. m-VROC is sensitive enough to detect the change in viscosity of the samples whether the change is significant or negligible. Ordering m-VROCTM Part Number Description mVROC-RP High Pressure Pump/Software/Instrument Control mVROC-FP High Pressure Pump/2X Speed/High Shear Application Glass Syringes m-VROC Chips Part Number Description Part Number Description VROC-300-100 Chem fitting Syringe – 100 µl VROC-mA02 10K Pa full scale, 20 µm flow channel VROC-300-250 Chem fitting Syringe – 250 µl VROC-mA05 10K Pa full scale, 50 µm flow channel VROC-300-500 Chem fitting Syringe – 500 µl VROC-mA10 10K Pa full scale, 100 µm flow channel VROC-300-1.0 Chem fitting Syringe – 1 ml VROC-mB02 40K Pa full scale, 20 µm flow channel VROC-300-2.5 Chem fitting Syringe – 2.5 ml VROC-mB05 40K Pa full scale, 50 µm flow channel VROC-300-10 Chem fitting Syringe - 10 ml VROC-mB10 40K Pa full scale, 100 µm flow channel VROC-mC02 200K Pa full scale, 20 µm flow channel VROC-mC05 200K Pa full scale, 50 µm flow channel VROC-mC10 200K Pa full scale, 100 µm flow channel VROC-mD02 800K Pa full scale, 20 µm flow channel VROC-mD05 800K Pa full scale, 50 µm flow channel VROC-mD10 800K Pa full scale, 100 µm flow channel Chip Thermal Jacket Syringe *Contact us for availability of the chips. Specifications may change without notice. Accessories Part Number Description VROC-600-2 100 µl, 250 µl 500 µl Syringe adaptable, thermal enclosure VROC-600-3 1.0 ml Syringe thermal enclosure VROC-600-5 2.5 ml Syringe thermal enclosure VROC-600-8 10 ml Syringe thermal enclosure VROC-700-1 Water bath, 4C ~ 65C, control accuracy: +/-0.05C Ask about the Thermo CUBE VROC-700-1 2678 Bishop Drive, Suite 270, San Ramon, CA 94583 Phone: 925-866-3803, Fax: 925-866-3804 Email:
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