סדור רב עמרם גאון:קדיש ליחיד שַתַּבּח * וֹ(י. ַעל ַהֹכּל (י*תַגַּדּל ו(י*ת<נשֵׂא. ו(י*תרוַֹמם. ו(י*תָפֵּאר. ַמְלֵכי ַהְמָלכִיםAשׁל ֶמֶל ֶ שׁמוֹ ְ . הוּאAדוֹש ָבּרוּDַה ,אGשָׁבּ ֶ ָבּעוָֹלמוֹת וָהעוָֹלם ַהָבּא. ָהעוָֹלם ַהֶזּה צוֹנוֹIִכּ .אֵלGְצוֹן כָּל עֲמוֹ י(שׂGְוּכ יוֹתMְצוּר הָעוֹלָמִים אֲדוֹן כָּל הַבּ ָפשׁוֹת.ֱאלוַֹהּ ָכּל ַהנ ָחֵבי ָמרוֹםIשׁב ְבֶּמ ֵ ַהיוֹ םSR שֵׁמי ְ שֵׁמי ְ ַהשׁוֵֹכן ִבּ דוּשָׁתוֹ עַל כִּסֵא הַכָּבוֹדT שׁתוֹ ַעל ַהַחיוֹת ָ דוּTוּ וְּבֵכן שׁמוֹ ָבנוּ ְ שׁWV(י*ת ני ָכּל ַחיXְלֵעי שׁZשׁיר ָח ִ ניוYוֹנאַמר ְלָפ. שׁZשׁיר ָח ִ וֹהYשׁירוּ ַליה ִ ” ַכָּכּתוּב .(א:שׂה“ )תהלים צ"ח ָ ִכּי–(נְפָלאוֹת ָע For it all, may the name of the King of Kings, the Holy Blessed One, be exalted, praised, glorified, extolled, and upraised in the worlds He created: this world and the next, according to His will and the will of His whole people, Israel. Rock of the worlds, Master of all creatures, God of all souls, Who sits in the great upper expanses, Who dwells in the eternal high heavens Whose holiness rests on the throne of glory and whose holiness is over all that lives And therefore may His name be made holy in us in view of all that lives and may we say before God a new song as it is written, “Sing to God a new song, for God has done wonders” (Ps. 98:1). סדור רב עמרם גאון:קדיש ליחיד שׁירוּ ֵלא\ִהים ִ ” ו[נֱאַמר. שׁמוֹ ְ ַזְמּרוּ בוֹתGֹסלּוּ ָל`ֵכב ָבֲּע .(ה:שׁמוֹ“ )תהלים ס"ח ְ יהּYְבּ ֵאהוּ ַע(ין ְבַּע(יןIו(נ. ,והוּXנ. ְבּשׁוּבוּ ֶאל אוּIשׁ[נֱאַמר ”ִכּי ַעי(ן ְבַּע(ין (י ֶ ְכּמוֹ .(ח:ְבּשׁוּב יהוה ִציּוֹן“ )ישעיה נ"ב נ(גְלָה כְּבוֹד יהוה.”ו שׂר <יְחָדּו ָ אוּ ָכל–ָבּGו. .(ה:ִכּי ִפּי יהוה ִדֵּבּר“ )ישעיה מ יYנcֲא כֹּחַ אYעַתָּה י(גְדַּל–נ.”ו .(י"ז:ָתּ ֵלאֹמר“ )במדבר י"דIשׁר ִדַּבּ ֶ ַכֲּא הּYד עַל–כֵּס יY”ו<יֹּאמֶר כִּי–י ִמְלָחָמה ַליהוה ַבֲּעָמֵלק .(ט"ז:ִמֹדּר ֹדּר“ )שמות י"ז יהוהfחֲמֶיe–”זְכֹר fיS<וֲחָס .(ו:ִכּי ֵמעוָֹלם ֵהָמּה“ )תהלים כ"ה אGT”קוִֹלי ֶאל–יהוה ֶא .(ה:שׁוֹ ֶסָלה“ )תהלים גgD נ(ני ֵמַהרX<וַיֲּע קוֹgִ”יהוה חָפֵץ לְמַעַן צ .(כ"א:ו<יְאִדּיר“ )ישעיה מ"ב. הG<יְגִדּיל תּוֹ And it is said, “Sing to God, chant hymns to His name; extol Him who rides in the clouds; the LORD is His name” (Ps. 68:5). We will see Him eye to eye when He returns to His oasis, as it is said, “For every eye shall behold the LORD’s return to Zion” (Is. 52:8). “The presence of the LORD shall appear, and all flesh, as one shall behold – for the LORD Himself has spoken” (Is. 40:5). “Let my LORD’s forbearance be great, as You have declared, saying” (Nu. 14:17). “And he said, Hand upon the throne of the LORD! The LORD will be at war with Amalek throughout the ages” (Ex. 17:16). O LORD, be mindful of Your compassion and Your faithfulness; they are old as time” (Ps. 25:6). “I cry aloud to the LORD, and He answers me from His holy mountain. Selah. “The LORD desires His [servant’s] vindication, that he may magnify and glorify [His] Teaching” (Is. 42:21). KADDISH (when a minyan is not present) ַעל ַהֹכּל שַתַּבּח * ֹ(י.(י*תַגַּדּל ו שא ֵֹ נ8וי(*ת. ו(י*תרוַֹמם. הוּאBשׁל ַה>דוֹש ָבּרוּ ֶ שׁמוֹ ְ צוֹנוֹFא ִכּDשָבּ C ֹ ָבּעוָֹלמוֹת רIו(י*תַה. BH(י*תָבּ ו(י*תַהָלל. ו(י*תָפֵּאר. נהMשִכי * שׁל ַֹה ֶ שָׁמהּ ְ ֵאלDש ְֹ צוֹן ַעם (יFה ִבּDNַה ָבּעוָֹלם ַהֶזה וָּבעוָֹלם ַהָבּא צוּר עוֹלָמִים יָאהSֲאדוֹן ַהְבּ נָֹפשוֹת.ֱאלוַֹהּ ָכּל ַה ין ַה(נְפָלאוֹתMַמֲע Ahl hah-kol yitgahdahl v-yishtahbahch v-yitromahm v-yitnahsay sh’mo shel hah-kahdosh bahrooch hoo bah-olahmot she-bahrah ki-r’tsono Yitbahrahch v-yithahdahr v-yitpah’ayr v-yithahlahl sh’mah shel ha-sh’chinnah hah-dahrah b-r’tson ahm yisra’ayl bah-olahm hah-zeh oo-vah-olahm hah-bah Tsoor olahmeem ahdon hah-b’ri’ah elo’ah kol hah-n’fahshot mah-ah’yahn hah-niflah’ot For the unity, for the complexity And for everything contained within Great, praised, exalted, and uplifted Be the Name of the Holy Blessed One In all space/time created by design. Blessed, splendid, adorned, and lauded Be the Name Sh’chinah Dwelling in the yearning of the people Israel. In this world and in the next. Harmonizer of worlds, Master Artist of creation, Breath of all souls, Wellspring of wonders. SIDDUR KOL KOREH KADDISH (when a minyan is not present) ָחֵבי ָמרוֹםFשב ְבֶּמ V ַהיוֹ י ַהֵלבXנת ְבָּעְמWַֹהשוֶֹכ תוֹ עַל כִּסֵא הַכָּבוֹדZדוֹּשY יהּ הַכֹּלMהּ מְחַיZתZדוֹּשY יהּ ָבּנוּM שם V ֹ שּIֹ\וְּבֵכן (י*ת ְלֵעי^ני ָכּל ַחי הZשNֹה ֲחDשי _ ֹ ניוMוֹנאַמר ְלָפ. ֵאהוּ ֲע(ין ְבַּע(יןFו(נ. והוּ-נM ְֹבּשוּבוֹ ֶאל ַנֱחֶזה ֱאלוֹהּW ינוּ.ש ָֹ וִּמְבּ יהּM ו(יְגַדּל ֹכַּח. יֹבא ָעֵלינוּM בH שלוֹם Z ו.ֹ .ָאמֵן .תֵבלV שֵבי * וַעל ָכּל יוֹ. Hah-yoshayv b-merchahvay mahrom Hah-shochenet b-omkay hah-layv k’dooshahto ahl keesay hah-kahvod k’dooshahtah m’cha’yah hah-kol Oo-v-chayn yitkahdahsh shaym yah bahnoo l-aynay kol chai v-nomahr l-fahnahv sheerah chahdahshah v-nir’ayhoo ahyin b-ahyin b-shoovo el nahvay’hoo oo-mi-b’sahraynoo nechezeh elo’ah v-yidgahl ko’ahch yah v-shahlom rahv yahvo ahlaynoo v-ahl kol yoshvay tayvayl. Amen. Dwelling in expanses supernal Residing in hearts’ depths Whose holiness rests on a glorious throne Whose holiness brings all to life. May your name YAH be made holy in us and in the sight of all life. Then, new songs will rise up through us And we will clearly see God’s manifestation on an earth transformed, a global oasis. When, from within our own bodies we will see your face And God’s strength will permeate our existence And a great peace will come upon us And to all who dwell in this world. Amen. SIDDUR KOL KOREH KADDISH (when a minyan is not present) ַעל ַהֹכּל שַתַּבּח * וֹ(י. (י*תַגַּדּל נשֵֹא8ו(י*ת. ו(י*תרוַֹמם. הוּאBשׁל ַה>דוֹש בָּרוּ ֶ שׁמוֹ ְ צוֹנוֹFא ִכּDשָבּ C ֹ ָבּעוָֹלמוֹת רIו(י*תַה. BH(י*תָבּ ו(י*תַהָלל. ו(י*תָפֵּאר. נהMשִכי * שׁל ַֹה ֶ שָׁמהּ ְ ֵאלDש ְֹ צוֹן ַעם (יFה ִבּDNַה ָבּעוָֹלם ַהֶזה וָּבעוָֹלם ַהָבּא צוּר עוֹלָמִים יָאהSֲאדוֹן ַהְבּ נָֹפשוֹת.ֱאלוַֹהּ ָכּל ַה ין ַה(נְפָלאוֹתMַמֲע For the unity, for the complexity And for everything contained within Great, praised, exalted, and uplifted Be the Name of the Holy Blessed One In all space/time created by design. Blessed, splendid, adorned, and lauded Be the Name Sh’chinah Dwelling in the yearning of the people Israel. In this world and in the next. Harmonizer of worlds, Master Artist of creation, Breath of all souls, Wellspring of wonders. SIDDUR KOL KOREH KADDISH (when a minyan is not present) ָחֵבי ָמרוֹםFשב ְבֶּמ V ַהיוֹ י ַהֵלבXנת ְבָּעְמWַֹהשוֶֹכ תוֹ עַל כִּסֵא הַכָּבוֹדZדוֹּשY יהּ הַכֹּלMהּ מְחַיZתZדוֹּשY יהּ ָבּנוּM שם V ֹ שּIֹ\וְּבֵכן (י*ת ְלֵעי^ני ָכּל ַחי הZשNֹה ֲחDשי _ ֹ ניוMוֹנאַמר ְלָפ. ֵאהוּ ֲע(ין ְבַּע(יןFו(נ. והוּ-נM ְֹבּשוּבוֹ ֶאל ַנֱחֶזה ֱאלוֹהּW ינוּ.ש ָֹ וִּמְבּ יהּM ו(יְגַדּל ֹכַּח. יבֹא ָעֵלינוּM בH שלוֹם Z ו.ֹ .ֵבלVשֵבי ת * וַעל ָכּל יוֹ. .ָאֵמן Dwelling in expanses supernal Residing in hearts’ depths Whose holiness rests on a glorious throne Whose holiness brings all to life. May your name YAH be made holy in us and in the sight of all life. Then, new songs will rise up through us And we will clearly see God’s manifestation on an earth transformed, a global oasis. When, from within our own bodies we will see your face And God’s strength will permeate our existence And a great peace will come upon us And to all who dwell in this world. Amen. SIDDUR KOL KOREH KADDISH YATOM / THE MOURNERS’ KADDISH ו(י*ת\ַדּשׁ. (י*תַגַּדּל []אמן ָבּאH שֵׁמהּ ְ ,תהּVעוּFא ִכDְבָּעְלָמא ִדּי ְב ,תהּV ַמְלכוּBיְמִלי8ו. הּ1נ/.י'צְמַח פּוּ%]ו [אמן שׁיֵחהּ ִ ב ְמ4/וי3 ְבַּחֵיּיכוֹן וְּביוֵֹמיכוֹן ,ֵאלDשׂ ְ ָכל ֵבּית–(יb וְּבַחֵיּי ,יבS> ַבֲּעָגָלא וִּבְזַמן []אמן .וִאְמרוּ ָאֵמן. =:ָבּא ְמָב: שֵׁמהּ ְ יֵהא% .ְלָעַלם וְּלָעְלֵמי ָעְלַמָיּא Yitgahdahl v-yitkahdash sh’may rahbah [Ahmayn] b-ahlmah divrah chir’ootay v-yahmleech mahlchootay [v-yahtsmahch poorkahnay vee-kahrayv m’sheechay Ahmayn] b-chahyaychon oo-v-yomaychon oo-v-chahyay d’chol bayt yisrah’ayl, bah’ah’gahlah oo-vi-z’mahn kahreev v-imroo Ahmayn. [Ahmayn] Y’hay sh’may rahbah m’vahrach l’ahlahm oo-l’ahlmay ahlmahyah. I pray – that the power residing in God's Great Name be increased and made sacred, in this world which God created freely in order to preside in it, [and increase its freeing power and bring about the messianic era.] May this happen during your lifetime, our lifetimes, and those of all the house of Israel. Make this happen soon, without delay. We express our agreement and hope by saying *AMEN* *May that immense power residing in God's great name* *flow freely into our world* *and worlds beyond.* SIDDUR KOL KOREH KADDISH YATOM / THE MOURNERS’ KADDISH (II) ו(י*תָפֵּאר. שַׁתַּבּח ְ ו(י. BH(י*תָבּ ו(י*תַהדַּר. שׂא ֵּ נ8ו(י*ת. ו(י*תרוָֹמם. ו(י*תַהָלּל. ו(י*תַעֶלּה. שׁא ָ bקוּb שֵׁמהּ ְ []אמן הוּאBיSְבּ תאZָכFְלֵעָלּא ִמן ָכּל–ִבּ ,תאZDשׁי ִ ו. תאZנֱחָמWו. תאZשְׁבָּח ְ ֻתּ ,ן ְבָּעְלָמאDַדֲּאִמי []אמן .וִאְמרוּ ָאֵמן. ָבּאH שָׁלָמא ְ יֵהא. וַחִיּים. שַׁמָיּא ְ ִמן ֵאלDשׂ ְ וַעל ָכּל–(י. ָעֵלינוּ []אמן .וִאְמרוּ ָאֵמן. ,עוֹשֶׂה שָׁלוֹם בִּמְרוֹמָיו עֲשֶׂה שָׁלוֹם8הוּא י ֵאלDשׂ ְ וַעל ָכּל–(י. ָעֵלינוּ תֵבלV שֵׁבי ְ וַעל ָכּל יוֹ. []אמן .וִאְמרוּ ָאֵמן. May that Great Name, that sacred energy, be shaped and make effective and be acknowledged and be given the right honor and be seen as beautiful and elevating and bring jubilation. Way beyond our input of worshipful song and praise, which we express in this world, As we confirm our agreement and hope by saying *AMEN*. Yitbahrahch v-yishtahbahch v-yitpah’ayr v-yitromahm v-yitnahsay, v-yit’hahdahr v-yit’ahleh v-yit’hahlahl sh’may d’koodshah b’reech hoo. [Ahmayn] L’aylah min kol birchahtah v-sheerahtah, tooshb’chahtah v-nechemahtah dah-ah’meerahn b-ahlmah v-imroo Ahmayn. [Ahmayn] Y’hay sh’lahmah rahbah min sh’mahyah v-chahyeem ahlaynoo v-ahl kol yisrah’ayl v-imroo Ahmayn. [Ahmayn] Oseh shahlom bimromahv hoo yah’ahseh shahlom ahlaynoo v-ahl kol yisrah’ayl v-ahl kol yoshvay tayvayl v-imroo Ahmayn. [Ahmayn] May that endless peace that heaven can release for us bring about the good life for us and for all Israel As we express our agreement and hope by saying: *AMEN*. You, who harmonize it all on the highest planes – bring harmony and peace to us, to all Israel and all sentient beings As we express our agreement and hope by saying: *AMEN* SIDDUR KOL KOREH KADDISH YATOM / THE MOURNERS’ KADDISH ו(י*ת\ַדּשׁ. (י*תַגַּדּל []אמן ָבּאH שֵׁמהּ ְ ,הּVעוּתFא ִכDְבָּעְלָמא ִדּי ְב ,תהּV ַמְלכוּBיְמִלי8ו. [אמן הּ1נ/.י'צְמַח פּוּ%]ו שׁיֵחהּ ִ ב ְמ4/וי3 ְבַּחֵיּיכוֹן וְּביוֵֹמיכוֹן ,ֵאלDשׂ ְ ָכל ֵבּית–(יb וְּבַחֵיּי ,יבS> ַבֲּעָגָלא וִּבְזַמן []אמן .וִאְמרוּ ָאֵמן. =:ָבּא ְמָב: שֵׁמהּ ְ יֵהא% .ְלָעַלם וְּלָעְלֵמי ָעְלַמָיּא I pray – that the power residing in God's Great Name be increased and made sacred, in this world which God created freely in order to preside in it, [and increase its freeing power and bring about the messianic era.] May this happen during your lifetime, our lifetimes, and those of all the house of Israel. Make this happen soon, without delay. We express our agreement and hope by saying *AMEN*. *May that immense power* *residing in God's great name* *flow freely into our world* *and worlds beyond.* SIDDUR KOL KOREH KADDISH YATOM / THE MOURNERS’ KADDISH (II) May that Great Name, that sacred energy, ו(י*תָפֵּאר. שַׁתַּבּח ְ ו(י. BH(י*תָבּ ו(י*תַהדַּר. שׂא ֵּ נ8ו(י*ת. ו(י*תרוָֹמם. ו(י*תַהָלּל. ו(י*תַעֶלּה. שׁא ָ bקוּb שֵׁמהּ ְ []אמן הוּאBיSְבּ תאZָכFְלֵעָלּא ִמן ָכּל–ִבּ ,תאZDשׁי ִ ו. תאZנֱחָמWו. תאZשְׁבָּח ְ ֻתּ ,ן ְבָּעְלָמאDַדֲּאִמי []אמן .וִאְמרוּ ָאֵמן. be shaped and made effective and be acknowledged and be given the right honor and be seen as beautiful and elevating and bring jubilation. ָבּאH שָׁלָמא ְ יֵהא. וַחִיּים טוִֹבים. שַׁמָיּא ְ ִמן ֵאלDשׂ ְ וַעל ָכּל–(י. ָעֵלינוּ []אמן .וִאְמרוּ ָאֵמן. May that endless peace that heaven can release for us bring about the good life for us and for all Israel as we express our agreement and hope by saying *AMEN*. ,עוֹשֶׂה שָׁלוֹם בִּמְרוֹמָיו עֲשֶׂה שָׁלוֹם8הוּא י ֵאלDשׂ ְ וַעל ָכּל–(י. ָעֵלינוּ תֵבלV שֵׁבי ְ וַעל ָכּל יוֹ. []אמן .וִאְמרוּ ָאֵמן. You, who harmonize it all on the highest planes – bring harmony and peace to us, to all Israel and all sentient beings as we express our agreement and hope by saying *AMEN* Way beyond our input of worshipful song and praise, which we express in this world, as we confirm our agreement and hope by saying *AMEN*. SIDDUR KOL KOREH
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