1 Sample Template for Institution plan 1. INSITUTIONAL BASIC INFORMATION Institutional Identity : Name Of The Instituion : Govt. Sant Gahira Guru Rameshwar College, Lailunga, Dist.- Raigharh (C.G.) Is the Institution approved by : Yes Regulatory body? Furnish approval No. Type of Institution : Govt. funded Status of Institution : Non-autonomous Name of Head of Institution and Project Nodal Officers Head and Nodal Officer Head of Institution (Full time appointee) Name Phone Number Mr.N.P.Dwivedi - Mobile Fax Number Number 9926588303 - RUSA Institutional Coordinator Smt. Vinita Pandey 9827508751 Smt. Vinita Pandey Smt. Neeti Devangan 9827508751 Smt. Neeti Devangan Mr. shreebacha Bhoy Mr. shreebacha Bhoy 9302295636 Nodal officer for : Academic Activities Civil works including Environment Management Procurement Financial aspects Equity Assurance Plan Implementation 9302295636 8463062302 8463062302 E-mail Address srgglailunga@gamil.com 2 1.2 Academic Information: UG/PG/PhD programs offered in Academic year 2011-12 S.No. Title of programs Level (UG,PG,PhD) 1 2 3 B.A. B.Sc B.COM UG UG UG Duration (Years) 03 03 03 Whether Institution is accredited? If yes, Grade……….. Year of Starting 2005-06 2005-06 2005-06 : Sanctioned annual Intake 120 60 60 Total student strength 120 50 60 No When Accreditation Status of UG programs: Title UG programs being offered Whether eligible for accreditation of not? Whether accredited as on 31st March 2012? Whether “Applied for” as on 31st March 2012? Accreditation Status of PG programs: Title UG programs being offered Whether eligible for Whether accredited as Whether “Applied for” as accreditation of not? on 31st March 2012? on 31st March 2012? 3 P.T.O 1 2 R 3 C R C R C R 4 5 6 7 8 9 C 10 R 11 C R C R 12 13 1 15 4 C 16 R 17 C 18 19=(3+ 20=(2 5+7+9 -19) +11+1 +3+15 +1) 01 11 Prof. 0 - - - - - - Asst. 12 - - - - - 01 - 01 Prof. 1.4 Baseline Data (all data given for the following parameters to all disciplines) S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Parameters Total strength of students in all programs and all year of study in the year Total women students in all program all years of study in the year Total SC students in all program all years of study in the year Total ST students in all program all years of study in the year Total OBC students in all program all years of study in the year Number of fully functional P-4 and above level computer available for students in the year Total number of text books and reference books available in library for UG and PG students in the year % of UG students placed through campus interviews in the year % of PG students placed through campus interviews in the year % of high quality undergraduates (>75%marks) passed out in the year % of high quality postgraduates (>75%marks) passed out in the year Number of research publication in Indian referenced journals in the year Number of research publication in International referenced journals in the year Number of patents obtained in the year Number of patents filed in the year Number of sponsored research projects completed in the year The transition rate of students in percentage from 1st year to 2nd year in the year (i) All Students (ii) SC (iii) ST (iv) OBC IRG from students fee and other charges in the year (Rs. In Lakh) Total Number of contract faculty Total Vacancies Total Number of regular faculty Other Discipline Commerce Discipline Science Discipline Art Discipline Other Discipline Commerce Discipline Science Discipline Present Status: Number in position by Highest Qualification Doctoral Degree Masters Degree Art Discipline Faculty Rank No. of Sanctioned Regular Posts 1.3 Faculty Status (Regular/On-Contract Faculty as on March 31st, 2012) 21=(4 +6+8+ 10+12 +14+1 6+18) 01 11-12 366 188 16 179 112 Nil 12-13 426 237 27 216 130 Nil 2531 2704 52.1 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 36.1 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 67.5% 37.5% 41.1% 65.4% 6.31% 62.6% 45.4% 66.2% 57.1% 3.13% 4 19 IRG from externally funded R&D projects, consultancies in the year (Rs. In Lakh) Total IRG in the year (Rs. In Lakh) Total Annual recurring expenditure of the institution in the year 20 21 Nil Nil 6.31% 2.27% 3.13% 2.16% 2. INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL (IDP) 2.1 Give the Executive Summary of the IDP. vuqlwfpr tutkfr cgqy ,oa fiNMs+ fu/kZu d`"kd ifjokj ds cPpksa dh mPprj शिक्षा dh आवश्यकताओ ं की iwfrZ djus okyk ;g egkfo|ky; nwjLFk xzkeh.k vapy esa fLFkr gS ftlds pkrqfnZd 40&50 fdyksehVj nwjh rd vU; egkfo|ky; lapkfyr ugh gSA Qyr% :lk varxZr egkfo|ky; dks laj{k.k ,oa lk/ku&lqfo/kkvksa ds foLrkj esa lg;ksx feyuk blds fy, vR;ar g"kZ dh ckr gksxhA 2.2 Provide the details of SWOT analysis carried out (in terms of methodology used, analysis and information and data as collected and inference derived with respect to strength, weakness, opportunities and threats) Based on SWOT analysis, provide the “strategic plan” developed for institutional development. How the key activities proposed in the institutional Development Proposal are linked with the results of SWOT Analysis. Strenghts : 1- egkfo|ky; dk fufeZr fut dk Hkou gSA 2- egkfo|ky; vius pkjks rjQ ds 40& 45 fdeh- nwjh rd ds fuokfl;ksa dh Lukrd Lrj dh mPprj शिक्षा dh iwfrZ djus okyk ,dkdh egkfo|ky; gSA 3- egkfo|ky; tutkfr;ksa ,oa fu/kZu d`"kd oxZ ds LFkkuh; Nk=ksa dh mPprj शिक्षा dk ,dek= laLFkk gSA 4- egkfo|ky; LFkkuh; शविेषकर ,slh {ks=h; Nk=kvksa ds] tks ckgj tkdj v/;;u dks tkjh j[kus esa vleFkZ gS] mudh mPprj शिक्षा dh iwfrZ dk ,dek= vk/kkj gSA Weaknesses : 1- egkfo|ky; ifjlj ckmUMªh&oky foghu ,oa vlqjf{kr gS A 2- LFkkuh; Lrj ij egkfo|ky;hu vf/kdkfj;ksa@deZpkfj;ksa dks fdjk;s ds vkoklh; edku feyus esa xaHkhj leL;k gS D;ksafd lqyHk ugh gSA 3- nwj& njkt ds v/;;ujr Nk=& Nk=kvksa dks Nk=kokl lqyHk ugh gksus ds 5 dkj.k vkoklh; leL;k xaHkhj gSA 4- xzaFkky; ,oa okpuky; esa lanHkZ xzaFkks] ikB~;iqLrdks]a i=& if=dkvksa ds lkFk gh QuhZplZ dk vHkko gSA 5- Hkou esa leqfpr okVj lIykbZ ,oa 'kq) is;ty dk vHkko gSA 6- प्रयोगिालाओ ं esa midj.k ,oa lkekfxz;ksa dk vHkkoA 7- egkfo|ky; ifjlj vlery gSa ,oa cMs& cMs iRFkjk]sa >kM&>k[kkfM;ksa rFkk [kj&irokj ls Hkjk iM+k gSA 8- LVkWQ dh deh शविेषकर &'kS{kf.kd LVkWQ ,oa xzaFkiky] dzhMk vf/kdkjh] MkVk ,UVªh vkWijsVj pkSdhnkj] QjkZl] Lohij] cqdfy¶Vj]] eq[;fyfid vkfnA 9- v/;kiu d{kksa esa leqfpr v/kqukru lk/ku& lqfo/kkvksa dk vHkkoA 10- Hkou esa lHkkd{k dk vHkko & ;gka rd fd 100 Nk=ksa rd dks fdlh Hkh dk;Zdze esa cSaBus ds fy, dksbZ ,d Hkh d{k lqyHk ugh gSA 11- [ksy eSnku ,oa lkefxz;ksa dk vHkko orZeku fLFkfr esa eSnkuksa dk fuekZ.k dfBu gSA 12- Hkou esa fo|qr izokg vfu;fer gS D;ksfa d कनेक्िन ouxzke ds QhMj ls lac) a gSA ySywx a k uxj QhMj ls laca) djkus gsrq yxHkx :-4&5 yk[k dh आवश्यकता crkbZ tkrh gSA Opportunities : 1- egkfo|ky; esa 'kS{kf.kd@ अिैक्षशिक LVkWQ dh rdZ laxr iwfrZ gksus ls lacfa /kr nkf;Roksa ,oa O;oLFkkewyd xfrfof/k;ksa dk lapkyu lqpk: gks ldsxk A 2- 'kS{kf.kd] अिैक्षशिक okafNr xfrfof/k;ksa ds lqpk: lapkyu gsrq egkfo|ky; esa v/kkslajpukRed {kerk ds izkFkfedrk iw.kZ fodkl ls dk;Z fu"iknu esa xq.kkRed izHkko gksxkA 3- fofHkUu fo"k;ksa esa LukrdksRrj d{kkvksa dks izkjaHk djkus ls] bPNwd Nk=ksa dh आवश्यकता iwfrZ gksxh A 4- Lukrd d{kkvksa esa uohu fo"k; % laLd`r] bfrgkl] dEI;wVj foKku] ck;ksVsDukykWth vkfn ds lqfo/kk foLrkj ls Nk=ksa dks fodYi p;u dh lqfo/kk feysxh A 6 5- vU; jkstxkjksUeq[kh ikB~;dze dks lapkfyr djkus ls {ks=h; आवश्यकताओ ं dh iwfrZ gksxh A Threats : 1- egkfo|ky; ds Nk=&Nk=kvksa Hkk"kk laca/kh Kku vR;ar fuEu dksfV dk gSA lEHkor% Ldwyh शिक्षा esa Hkk"kk Kku ij izHkkoh tksj ugh gS ftlls शविेषकर fu/kZu ifjokjks]a tks i`Fkd ls ट्यि ू न vkfn dh O;oLFkk djus esa vleFkZ gS] fd fLFkfr vR;ar n;uh; gSA Qyr% Lrjh; Hkk"kk Kku ds vHkko esa v/;;u&v/;kiu esa xq.kkRed Lrj izkIr djuk dfBu pqukSrh gSA 2- fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks v/;;u gsrq ] ou Ms lhjht vkfn dh lgt& lqyHkrk अशिकाि ं fOk"k;ksa ds d{kk esa v/;;u& v/;;kiu ds izfr :fp esa deh ns[kh tk jgh gSA 3- ijh{kk iz.kkyh flQZ O;k[;kRed ,oa Lej.k ewyd प्रश्नो rd lhfer gSA Qyr% fo|eku fLFkfr esa Nk=ksa esa ,oa leh{kkRed {kerk dk l`tu djuk nq:g pqukSrh gS A 4- nwj&njkt] nqxZe esa vfuok;Z आवश्यकताओ ं dh iwfrZ u dj ldus okys HkkSxksfyd {ks=ksa dh laLFkk esa inLFk deZpkfj;ksa ds izfr 'kklu& प्रिासन }kjk mis{kk dh vuqHkwfr muds dk;Z {kerk esa izfrdwy izHkko Mky jgh gSA oLrqr% ,sls {ks=ksa esa inLFk deZpkfj;ksa dks izksUufr esa शविेष izyksHku ds :Ik esa egRo feyuk आवश्यक gS rkfd ,sls LFkkuksa es inLFk mRlkg ds lkFk lsok ns rFkk uofu;qDr deZpkjh Hkh ,sls LFkkuksa esa inLFk gksus ij ,d ek= nf.Mr gksuk u ekusAa 5- ih- ,p- Mh- tSsls mRd`"V ;ksX;rk dks O;olk;hdj.k ds paxqy ls eqDr djkuk vR;ar आवश्यक gSA ih-,p- Mh- mikf/k lh/ks nksgjs& frgjs izyksHku ls la;qDr gksus ds dkj.k ;su&dsu izdkjs.k gkfly djuk gh ,d ek= y{; curk tk jgk gSA 7 6- शिक्षकों dh flQZ vkSj flQZ fu;fer fu;qfDr gks ,oa okafNr iwfrZ dks izfro"kZ fd;k tk;A 7- nwj& njkt vlqfo/kktud HkkSxksfyd LFkkuksa esa inLFk egkfo|ky;hu vf/kdkfj;ksa ,oa deZpkfj;ksa ds fy, fuokl x`gksa ds fuekZ.k dk;Z dks izkFkfedrk ds lkFk iw.kZ djk;k tk;s D;ksfa d buds lkeus vkokl dh lcls xaHkhj leL;k ,oa pqukSrh gksrh gSA LokWV varxZr mYysf[kr dtksfj;ksa@dfe;ksa ds fujkdj.k ls laLFkk dks izeq[kr% fuEukafdr ifj.kke feysx a s %& 1- Hkou ,oa ifjlj lqjf{kr gksxk vokafNr rRoksa ,oa tkuojksa dk fufoZ?u प्रवेि :dsxkA ifjlj dks isM+& ikS/kksa ls lfTTkr fd;k tk ldsxk ,oa lcls lq[kn igyw 'kS{kf.kd& पररवेि ds fuekZ.k esa lgk;d gksxkA 2- vf/kdkfj;ks]a dEkZpkfj;ksa ds vkokl x`gksa dh O;oLFkk gks tkus ij inLFk vf/kdkjh ,oa deZpkjh dh tgka leL;k dk funku gksxk ogha izR;sd viuh iw.kZ dk;Z&{kerk ds iz;ksx esa lgt&LokHkkfod gksxkA u;h fu;qfDr;ka gksus ij inkafdr O;fDr in&Hkkj xzg.k djus ds fy, mRlqd gksxk Qyr% laLFkk esa Lohd`r in iw.kZ gksus esa ,d cMh dfBukbZ dk lgt funku Hkh gksxkA 3- Nk=kokl ds fuekZ.k ls Nk=&Nk=kvksa dh vkoklh; leL;k u flQZ fujkd`r gksxh ojuk v/;kiu esa budh :fp ,oa mifLFkfr larks"ktud gksxhA 4- ikuh& lIykbZ ds lq/kkj ls ikuh dh leL;k lekIr gksxh ,oa 'kq)& is;ty lqyHk gks ldsxkA 5- v/;;ujr tu&tkfr; ,oa fu/kZu d`"kd ifjokjksa ds cPpksa dks xzaFkky; esa iqLrds lqyHk gksuk mUgs v/;;uxr ojnku gksxkA blh izdkj okpuky; esa आवश्यक QuhZplZ dh O;oLFkk gksus ij v/;;u vof/k nkSjku fjDr dky& [k.M esa Hkh Nk=& Nk=kvksa dks v/;;u dk volj lqyHk gksxkA 6- प्रयोगिाला esa midj.k ,oa lkekfxz;ka miyC/k gksus ij muds ikB~;dzekuqlkj प्रयोगाभ्यास fujarj djk;k tk ldsxkA blls 'kS{kf.kd Lrj esa rFkk ifj.kke esa xq.kkRed izHkko gksxkA 8 7- ifjlj ds leryhdj.k ds cgq&vk;keh ykHk feysx a sA [ksy eSnkuksa ds fuekZ.k ls Nk=ksa dh laHkkfor {kerk fodkl ds volj lqyHk gksx a s rFkk ifjlj dks euksje ,oa lq[k& िांशत iznk;d lkSUn;Z ls ;qDr fd;k tk ldsxkA 8 'kS{kf.kd LVkWQ dh okafNr iwfrZ ¼tks orZeku esa fjDr gSa rFkk ftuesa vkSj inks ads l`tu dh Hkh आवश्यकता gS½ ls v/;kiu dks fu;fer& lqpk: fujarj ,oa xq.kkRed n`f"V ls mRd`"V Lrj dks ikus esa lgk;d gksxkA ogh xzaFkiky] dzhMkf/kdkjh] pkSdhnkj] QjkZl] Lohij vkfn inks ads l`tu ,oa inkadu ls lacaf/kr dh lsok dks fu;fer ,oa fujarj djus esa lgk;d gksxkAडाटा एन्ट्री का अभाव दरू करने से दरू करने से वर्त्तमान शथिशत में शवशभन्ट्न कायातलयीन कायों को पिू त करने में ¼D;kafs d vc lHkh dk;Z dEI;wVj }kjk djus dh vis{kk gS½ dfBukbZ dk lek/kku gksxkA vHkh dh fLFkfr esa osru ns;d iSlk nsdj ckgj ls cuokuk iM+rk gSA 8- v/;kiu d{kksa esa <ax ds CySd cksMZ rd ugh gSA d{kksa dks v/kqukru oSKkfud midj.kksa ,oa lk/kuksa ls lqlfTtr djus ij v/;;u&v/;kiu esa xq.kkRed lq/kkj gksxkA 9- Hkou esa LkHkk d{k dh deh dks nwj djuk furkar आवश्यक gS D;ksafd ;g xaHkhj leL;k gSA bl deh ds funku esa csgrj fodYi gS fd Hkou ds chpks& chp ds [kqys Hkkx dks Åij ls LVhy ,asxy ,oa Qkboj IysV~l ls doj djkdj uhps ,d LVst fuekZ.k djk;k tk; rFkk 'ks"k Hkkx dks Vkbyl yxkdj lq/kkj fd;k tk;A ,slk djus ls de [kpZ esa o`gn~ vkdkj dk lHkk d{k cuk;k tk ldsxkA lHkk d{k ds rS;kj gkssus ij fofHkUu dk;Zdzeksa dk ftuesa leLr Nk=&Nk=kvksa dh mifLFkfr आवश्यक gS ds vk;kstu& lapkyu esa lqfo/kk izkIr gksxhA 10- Hkou esa fo|qr lIykbZ dk fuckZ/k djuk vifjgk;Z gSA fofHkUu आवश्यक dk;Zdzeksa ,oa xfrfof/k;ksa esa midj.kksa vkfn ds mi;ksx esa fo|qr izokg आवश्यक gSA Qyr% lq/kkj gksus ij vojks/k nwj gksx a sA 9 11- Ekgkfo|ky; esa LukrdksRrj d{kkvksa ds [kksys tkus gsrq Nk=& Nk=kvksa ,oa ikydksa dk ncko vR;f/kd gS oLrqr% budh आवश्यकता iwfrZ fd;k tkuk t:jh gSA D;ksfa d 85& 90 fdyksehVj rd ,slh lqfo/kk iznku djus okyk ,d Hkh egkfo|ky; ugh gSaA 12- jkstxkjksUeq[kh ikB~;dzksa ds izkjaHk djkus ls lkFkZd ,oa bfPNr y{; izkIr djus esa lgk;rk gksxkA 2.3 State the specific objectives and expected results of your proposal (in terms of, “Institutional Strengthening and improvements in employability and learning outcomes of graduate”. These objective and results should be linked to the SWOT analysis. iziksty varxZr y{; gS v/kqukru lalk/ku;qDr 'kS{kf.kd ifjos’k dk fuekZ.k dj v/;;u& v/;kiu esa xq.kkRed lq/kkj djukA Nk=& शिक्षक ds chp ldjkRed vFkZ;qDr laokn dk l`tu djuk Nk=ksa dk शिक्षकों }kjk rFkk Lo;a ds }kjk ewY;kadu dk volj fuekZ.k djukA jkstxkjksUewyd शिक्षि ,oa izR;{k laidZ }kjk Nk=ksa esa dk l`tu djuk ysfdu blesa lcls cMh ck/kk vuqHkwr dh tk jgh gS A orZeku शिक्षि O;oLFkk शवषेिकर Ldwyh शिक्षा esa Hkk"kk ds Kku dh mis{kk ls Nk=ksa ds Hkk"kk ¼fgUnh] vaxzsth½ Kku dh dehA fcuk leqfpr Hkk"kk Kku ds Lo;a i<+uk ,oa i<+k;s x;s fo"k; dks Bhd&Bhd le>uk ,oa vfHkO;Dr djuk xaHkhj pqukSrh gSA lk/ku& lqfo/kk pkgs ftruh csgrj gks tk; ;Fks"B Hkk"kk Kku ds vHkko esa vxzkg; gh jgsxkA 2.4 Provide an action plan for: (max 1page each) a) Improving employability of graduates ,EIyk;fcfyVh ds fodkl gsrq bl egkfo|ky; ds ifjizs{; esa ¼tks xzkeh.k fu/kZu lk/kughu d`"kd ifjokjkas ds cPpksa ds fy, gh lsok ns jgk gS½ izFker% Hkk"kk Kku ¼fgUnh] vaxszth dk ½ esa lq/kkj blds fy, fo’ks"k dksfpax dh O;oLFkk djuk आवश्यक gSA jkstxkj laca/kh voljksa dk rFkk buds rS;kjh gsrq प्रशिक्षि dh O;oLFkk djuk] dSfj;j dkmUlyj dh le;& le; ij lsok;sa miyC/k djkuk rFkk lacfa /kr lekpkj i=] if=dk;sa ,oa tujYl lqyHk djkuk izkFkfedrk gksuh pkfg,A egkfo|ky; esa v/;;ujr ,oa Hkfo"; dh laHkkoukvksa esa v/;;u djus okys Nk=& Nk=kvksa esa ,EIykbfcfyVh ds l`tu] fodkl ,oa Bksl izxfr gsrq izFke pj.k ls ysdj vafre pj.k rd lk/ku& lqfo/kkvksa dk okLrfod /kjkry esa समावेि izrhf{kr gS ,oa lcls xaHkhj pqukSrh Hkh gSA 10 b) Increased learning outcomes of the students cPpksa esa v/;;u& v/;kiu dks xaHkhjrk iwoZd vaxhd`r djus dsfy, rS;kj djuk] muesa iSnk djuk fd bl v/;;u dk Hkfo"; ds lkFk lkFkZd lac/a k gS] ;g izkFkfed pqukSrh gSA ckr bl egkfo|ky; ls lacfa /kr gSA izFker% ;g le>uk gksxk fd fofHkUu izdkj ds cM+s& cMs+ iziksty ,oa lqyHkrk gksus ij Hkh D;k leqfpr gsrq muds mi;ksx ds fy, egkfo|ky; esa lexz :is.k ifjos’k dk fuekZ.k gqvk gS\ D;ksfa d ;gka rks vusd fo"k;ksa esa शिक्षक rd fu;qDr ugh gSA ckadh dne ;Fkk izHkkoh v/;;u& v/;kiu] mHk;i{kh;] ] lkewfgd ppkZ] lsehukj] jpukRed Hkk"k.k ,oa okn&fookn] ifjppkZ vkfn dh ckr rks buds rdZ& laxr l`tu ,oa fu;qfDr ds mijkar gh laHko gSA c) Obtaining autonomous institution status within 2 years nks o"kksZ esa egkfOk|ky; dks थविासी {kerk lEiUu djus gsrq iwoksZyfs [kr detksfj;ksa dks nwj djrs gq, v/kkslajpukRed fodkl igyh izkFkfedrk ,oa fofHkUu fo"k;ksa esa rdZlx a r शिक्षक ds inksa dk l`tu ,oa fu;qfDr;ka] Lukrd Lrj esa dfri; fo"k;ksa ds v/;kiu dh lqfo/kk;sa rFkk LukrdksRrj d{kkvksa ds izkjaHk dh O;oLFkk] jkstxkjksUeq[kh ikB~;dzeksa dk lekos’k djuk आवश्यक gSA orZeku fLFkfr esa egkfo|ky; dks vfregRoiw.kZ gksxk leqfpr Li"V] ekxZ& दितन ,oa lg;ksxA Li"V ekxZ& दितन ds vHkko esa LVkWQ foghu bl egkfo|ky; esa ;kstukvksa dk fdz;kUo;u lafnX/k gSA d) Achieving the targets of 60% of the eligible UG and PG programs accredited within two year of joining the Project and 100% accreditation obtained and applied for by the end of the Project of the eligible UG and PG programs fcUnq varxZr vusd lS)kafrd ckrsa fy[kh tk ldrh gS ysfdu laf{kIr esa ys[k gS fd lexzrk esa mijksDr rF;ksa ij ldkjkRed Rofjr igy ls vis{kkd`r csgrj dk;Zokgh gks ldsxhA e) Implementation of academic and non-academic reforms (details given in RUSA Document) iwoksZDr fcUnqvksa esa mYysf[kr ckrksa ij O;kogkfjd ,oa प्रभाविाली कायतवाही djukA f) Improving interaction with industry m|ksxksa ,oa muds Hkwfedk] Nk=& Nk=kvksa ds ifjHkze.k] O;oLFkkidksa dks vkeaf=r dj egkfo|ky; esa Nk=ksa ds chp muds fopkj ,oa Nk=ksa dh 'kadkvksa dk lek/kku izeq[k dne gks ldrs gSA 11 g) Enhancement of research and consultancy activities egkfo|ky; esa izkFkfed okrkoj.k ,oa i`"B& Hkwfe dk fuekZ.k fd;k tkuk visf{kr gSA 2.5 Provide an action plan for organizing a Finishing School and for improving the academic performance of SC/ST/OBC/academically weak students through innovative methods, such as remedial and skill development classes for increasing the transition rate and pass rate with the objective of improving their employability. ,l-lh] ,l-Vh- vkschlh ,oa 'kS{kf.kd n`f"V ls detksj Nk=@Nk=kvksa ds 'kS{kf.kd Lrj esa lq/kkj gsrq] muds कौिल ,oa n{krk o`f) gsrq ,oa iw.kZ O;fDrRo ds lao/kZu gsrq fgUnh ,oa vaxzsth Hkk"kk Kku esa lq/kkj ds fy, शविेष v/;kiu dh O;oLFkk djuk] jsesfM;y d{kkvksa dk vk;kstu rFkk jkstxkjksUewyd tkudkjh ,oa tkx:drk dk l`tu djuk mipkjkRed शिक्षि ds :Ik esa आवश्यक gSA 2.6 Provide an action plan for strengthening of PG programs and starting of new PG programs. vHkh rd egkfo|ky; esa LukrdksRrj d{kkvks ds v/;;u& v/;kiu dh O;oLFkk lqyHk ugh gS tcfd Nk=ks dh ekax gSA Qyr% fgUnh] vaxzsth Hkk"kk] lkekftd foKku] okf.kT; ,oa foKku fudk; ds fofHkUu fo"k;ksa esa LukrdksRrj d{kkvksa dks izkjaHk djkuk आवश्यक gSA 2.7 Attach a summary of Training Needs Analysis carried out. Also, provide Faculty Development Plan for the first 18 months for improving their teaching, subject area and research competence based on Training Needs Analysis in the following areas. Basic and advanced pedagogy izFker% O;k[;ku mijkar Nk= शिक्षक ds e/; mHk;i{kh; ,oa ewY;kaduA lIrkg esa ,d fnu Nk=ksa dks VkWfid शविेष esa lsehukj i= ds lkFk vkus ds fy, izksRlkfgr djuk ,oa d{kk esa lkewfgd ifjppkZ A ikB~;dze ds VkWfid शविेष dks okn&fookn dk fo"k; cukdj ml ij ppkZ dks izksRlkguA fu"d"kZr% Nk= dh izR;{k Hkkxhnkjh dks izksRlkgu nsdj शिक्षि कौिल esa o`f) djukA Subject/domain knowledge enhancement Nk=ksa dks fo"k;@VkWfid शविेष ds lanHkZ esa v/;;uksi;ksxh lanHkZ xzaFkks]a ikB~;iqLrdks]a i=&if=dkvksa] 'kks/kxzaFkksa vkfn ds fo"k; esa lfoLrkj ls tkudkjh iznku dj iBu ikBu ds fy, izksRlkfgr djukA 12 Attendance in activities such as workshops, seminars वकत िॉप] lsehukj esa Nk=ksa dh mifLFkfr djus gsrq mlds उद्देश्य ,oa egRo dks Nk=ksa ds chp lkjxfHkZr rjhds ls Li"V djkuk izFke iz;kl esa आवश्यकता gSA Improvement in faculty qualifications QSdYVh ds ;ksX;rk] {kerk ,oa कौिल esa oLrqr% fodkl lokZf/kd egRoiw.kZ igyw gSA blds fy, cgqvk;keh iz;kl dh t:jr gSA vkuqHkfod ls Li"V djuk gS fd ftruk vf/kd bl i{k dh mis{kk gks jgh gS lk;n vU; i{k dh ugh A dfe;ksa ds fofHkUu i{kksa esa ftUgs egRoiw.kZ ekurs gS muesa vf/kdre egkfo|ky;ksa dh fLFkfr xzaFkky;kaas esa lanHkZ xazFkksa Lrjh; ikB~;iqLrdksa dh deh cuh gSA ih- ,p- Mh- dh mikf/k dks osru o`f) ofj"Brk esa izkFkfedrk ,oa inksUufr ls laca) djus dk nq"ifj.kke izk;% ;g ns[kus dks fey jgk gS fd mikf/k izkIr djus ds vusd vuSfrd gFkdaMs viuk;s tk jgs gSA Qyr% ;ksX;rk] n{krk@कौिल esa izxfr शनरािा ;Fkkor jgrh gSA Improving research capabilities 'kks/k {kerk n{krk esa o`f) gsrq nwj& nwjkt esa fLFkr egkfo|ky;ksa dks mlh Lrj rd lk/ku& lqfo/kk lEiUu djuk आवश्यक gS] ftl Lrj rd uxjks]a egkuxjksa esa fLFkr egkfo|ky;ksa dk fodkl fd;k tk jgk gSA nwj& njkt] lqfo/kkfoghu egkfo|ky;ksa esa dk;Zjr शिक्षकों dks शविेष lqfo/kk ,oa izyksHku iznku fd;k tkuk आवश्यक gS D;ksfa d Lo;a ds lkFk ifjokj ds dSfj;j laca/kh LFkkbZ uqdlku budks mBkuk iM+rk gSA 2.8 Provide an action plan for training technical and other staff in functional areas. शविेष fuosnu ds lkFk dFku gS fd शिक्षि &प्रशिक्षि] वकत िॉप ,oa lsehukj ds tks vk;kstu gks jgs gSA muesa nwjLFk fLFkr egkfo|ky;ksa esa Hkh vk;kstu djuk izeq[k y{; ,oa izkFkfedrk gks] blls inLFk O;fDr;ksa lfgr Nk=@Nk=kvksa esa bldh egRrk o mn~ns’; dh le> esa o`f) ds lkFk muesa ldjkRed izHkko iMs+xk] vU;Fkk orZeku O;oLFkk varxZr vlarqfyr fodkl gh tkjh jgsxkA 13 2.9 Describe the relevance and coherence of Institutional Development Proposal with Sate’s/National (in cases of CFIs) Industrial/Economic Development Plan. fufeZr dk;Z& ;kstuk egkfo|ky; ds vf/kdre fgrkFkZ ds ifjizs{; esa rS;kj djus dk iz;kl fd;k x;k gSA oLrqr% ladsrksa dks lgkuqHkwfriwoZd ns[kk& le>k tk;A oSls egkfo|ky; dh orZeku fLFkfr vR;f/kd n;uh; gS bldk vanktk bl ckr ls fd;k tk; fd gkFk ls fy[kus ds mijkar Vkbi djkus ds fy, 85& 90 fd-eh- nwj lEidZ djuk iM+k gS D;ksfa d LFkkuh; Lrj ij lqfo/kk ugh gS ,oa egkfo|ky; esa MkWVk ,aVªh vkWijsVj dk in ugh gSA 2.10 Describe briefly the participation of departments/faculty in the IDP preparation. iwoksZDr fcUnq varxZr Li"Vr% ladsr dks le>k tk,A vfr la{ksi esa flQZ lfou; voxr djkuk gS fd uke ek= ds lg;ksx ls gh dk;Z& ;kstuk dk fuekZ.k djuk foo’krk gSA dk;kZy;hu tkudkjh gkfly djus esa ,d & nks deZpkfj;ksa dk rFkk gLrfyf[kr dk;Z;kstuk i= dks Vkbi djkus esa ,d& nks dk ;fn lg;ksx ugh feyrk rks egkfo|ky; ls 85& 90 fd-eh- nwj Vkbi djokus tkuh dh etcwjh esa lEHko ugh gks ikrk A 2.11 Describe the Institutional project implementation arrangements with participation of faculty and staff. fcUnq varxZr bruk gh fd;k tk ldrk gS lksYykl] LoLQwrZ ,sls dk;Zdzeksa esa lg;ksx nsus okys ;fn vf/kdkjh ,oa deZpkjh lqyHk gq, rks mUgsa bl ftEesnkjh dks vkcafVr djus esa gkfnZd izlUurk gksxhA 2.12 Provide an Institutional project budget as table below: 2.13 Provide the targets against the deliverables as listed below P.T.O 14 2.12 Provide an Institutional projects budget as per table below: Institutional Project Budget (this is meant for existing institutions) (Rs. In Lacks) S.No . 1 2 3 4 5 6 Activities Infrastructure 1.Modernization and strengthening of laboratories 2.Establishment of new laboratories for existing UG and PG programs and for new PG programs 3. Modernization of classrooms 4.Updation of Learning Resources 5.Procurement of furniture 6.Establishment/Upgradation of Central and Department Computer Centers 7. Modernization/improvements of supporting departments 8. Modernization and strengthening of libraries and increasing access to knowledge resource 9.Refurbishment (Minor Civil Works) Research and development support 1.Providing Teaching and Research Assistantships to increase enrolment in existing and new PG/PhD programmers. 2.Provision of resource support 3.Enhancement of R&D and institutional consultancy activities Faculty Development Support 1.Faculty and staff Development (including faculty qualification up gradation, pedagogical training and organizing/participation of faculty in workshops, seminars and conference) for improved competence based on TNA Institutional reforms 1.Technical assistance for procurement and academic activities 2.Institutional management capacity enhancement Academic support 1.Creation of new departments/course 2.Enhanced Interaction with Industry 3.Student support activities Others TOTAL Project Life Financial year Allocation 2012- 201 2014 2015 13 3-14 -15 -16 2016 -17 40 10 20 20 25 25 30 30 10 10 10 05 15 10 10 10 15 10 10 10 20 15 15 10 05 10 10 10 25 20 20 20 05 10 10 10 05 05 05 05 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 10 05 10 15 05 10 20 05 10 20 05 10 190 160 215 240 P.T.O 15 Indicator Weight age Present status Target status Present Rating Target Present Target Rating Score Score GOVERNANCE QUALITY INDEX 16% % of Faculty positions vacant % of Non-permanent faculty % of Non-teaching staff to teaching staff Total no of under graduation programs Total no of post graduation programs Total no of doctoral programs 2.0% 4.0% 3.0% 1.0% 3.0% 3.0% 2.0% 4.0% 3.0% 5 7 9 10 10 10 5 7 9 10 10 10 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 10 10 10 10 1.0% 0 1.0% 0 10 0 10 1.0% 0 1.0% 0 10 0 10 Faculty appointment – turn around/ cycle time in months Delay in payment of monthly salary payment of faculty 2.0% 1.8% 2.0% 8 10 8 10 2.0% 1.8% 2.0% 8 10 8 10 Delay in exam conduction and declaration of results Plagiarism Check 3.5% 3.0% 3.0% 7 10 7 10 1.0% 0.8% 1.0% 8 10 8 10 Accreditation 4.0% 0 4.0% 0 10 0 10 Teacher Students radio 4.0% 3.0% 4.0% 6 10 6 10 % of Visiting professors 1.0% 0.9% 1.0% 8 10 8 10 % of graduates employed by convocation % Number of students receiving awards at National and International level % of expenditure on Library, cyber library and laboratories per years Ratio of expenditure on teaching staff Salaries to n0n4eaching staff salaries % of faculty covers under pedagogical training % of faculty involved in “further education” Dropout rate No of foreign collaborations Subscription to INFLIBNET 0.5% 0 0.5% 0 10 0 10 0.5% 0 0.5% 0 10 0 10 1.0% 0.8% 1.0% 8 10 8 10 1.0% 0.8% 1.0% 8 10 8 10 1.0% 0.4% 1.0% 4 10 4 10 0.5% 0.1% 0.5% 6 10 6 10 1.5% 1.5% 0.5% 0.4% 0. 0 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 6 0 0 10 10 10 6 0 0 10 10 10 3.0% 2.0% 3.0% 6 10 6 10 ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE INDEX-21.5% EQUITY INITIATIVE INDEX12.5% Sc Student% 16 ST Student% 3.0% 14. % 18% 20% 22% 20 30 Gender Parity 3.0% 7:9 8:9 9:9 _ _ Urban to Rural Strident population 2.0% 1:4 _ _ _ _ Existence of CASH 0.5% girls6 boys 5 Urban20% Rural80 % Yes _ _ _ _ _ Existence of Social Protection Cell 0.5% Yes _ _ _ _ _ Language assistance programs for 0.5% weak students REASERCH AND INNOVATION INDEX-24% _ _ _ _ _ _ Per-faculty publications 2.0% Nil Cumulative Impact Factor of publication H Index of scholars 3.0% Nil 2.0% Nil % of staff involved as principal researcher % of research projects fully or more than 50% funded by external agencies, industries etc Total no of patents granted 1.0% Nil 2.0% Nil 1.0% Nil % of faculty receiving national/International awards 1.0% Nil % of research income 1.0% Nil Doctoral degrees awarded per academic staff 1.0% Nil % doctoral degrees in total number of degrees awarded 3.0% Nil %expenditure on research and related facilities 1.0% Nil Digitization of Masters and Doctoral thesis UPE/CPE 0.5% Nil 3.5% Nil % of income generated from nongrant Sources 2.0% Nil 17 STUDENT FACILITIES -15% No of new professional development 1.0% programs Nil Existence of Placement Cells and Placement Policy 1.0% Nil % of expenditure on infrastructure maintenance and addition 3.0% Nil Availability of hostel per out-station female student 3.0% Nil Availability of hostel per out-station male student 2.0% Nil % of students on scholarship 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 10 10 10 10 Average scholarship amount per student 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 10 10 10 10 Student Experience Surveys 1.0% 0.4% 1.0% 4 10 4 10 Graduate Destination Surveys 1.0% Nil 1.0% Nil % income generated from consulting 1.0% Nil Infrastructural sufficiency 3.0% Nil Computer coverage 3.0% Nil Internet connectivity of Campus 3.0% Yes Infrastructure and Other-11% % income generated from training courses 100.0% 2.13 rovide the targets against the deliverables as listed below egkfo|ky; dks ml Lrj ij fodflr djuk izeq[k y{; gS] tcfd egkuxjh; Nk=@Nk=k v/;;u& v/;kiu dh xq.koRrk dh n`f"V ls vius v/;;u gsrq bl laLFkk dk p;u izkFkfedrk esa loksZPp ekusA ysfdu flQZ vius bl dk;Z&;kstuk ds cy ij ugh oju 'kklu& प्रिासन dh d`ik n`f"V ls gh lEHko gks ik;sxkA djrs gS fd 18 University Level Capacity Building Workshop (Orientation and Sensitization of plans under RUSA for colleges) (Organized by Bilaspur University, Bilaspur , C.G.) Venue – Auditorium Govt Bilasa Girls Post Graduate College, Bilaspur, CG Date: 06 DECEMBER 2013 TIME 11.00-11.30 AM 11.30-12.00 PM 12.00-12.15 PM ACTIVITY Registration Welcome of Guest and Lamp Lighting and Inauguration and Talk on RUSA Introductory Presentation on RUSA 12.15-2.15 PM Discussion of Institutional Plans 2.15-2.45 PM Discussion and Query Solutions 2.45-2.50 PM Vote of Thanks P.T.O GUEST/RESOURCE PERSON Prof G D Sharma, VC Bilaspur University Smt Sumona Bhattacharya, Assist. Prof. Bilaspur Unversity Dr. S K Tripathi, Prof., Govt J P Verma P.G. college, Bilaspur Dr. A K Singh, Resistrar, Bilaspur University and Dr Goel, Additional Director, Higher Education, CG Govt. Dharmendra Kashyap, Assist. Prof. Bilaspur University 19 Project Targets for Institutions 2.14 Give an action plan for ensuring that the project activities be sustained after the end of the project. Evaluation of institution Development Proposals (IDP) S.No. 1 Evaluation Parameters Total Marks Obtained Institutional preparedness and implementation feasibility A Clarity of institution basic information including baseline data 5 3 1 Clarity in the identification of general development objectives, related specific objectives, their expected results and its coherence with SWOT analysis 5 2.5 2 Have the key activities been identified clearly and adequately for each specific-objective 5 3 3 Adequacy of the institutional Project implementation arrangements 5 2 1 Appropriateness for the procedure adopted for the conduct of SWOT analysis anti adequacy of participation of stakeholders 5 3 2 Clarity in the identification of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats 5 2 D Coherence of proposal with State’s/regional development plan 5 5 E Reasonability of proposal budget 5 5 40 25.5 B Overall proposal implementation feasibility C Quality of SWOT analysis Sub-total (2) P.T.O 20 S.No. 2 Evaluation Parameters Total Marks Obtained Clarity and Quality of the Action Plans for: A Scaling-up research and innovation 1 Quality of action plan for quantitatively increasing qualifiedly 5 2.5 2 Quality of action plan to transfer technology and for commercialization of 5 4.0 3 Scaling up Ph D enrollment through existing and new programmes 10 0 4 Scaling-up enrollment in to UG/Masters Programmes in existing and new ones. 10 0 1 Identification of options to improve and increase research collaboration at National and International level 5 0 2 Clarity in identification of expected quality enchantment in Masters and 5 0 5 0 1 Develop faculty/technical staff in subject domain 5 4 2 Improve pedagogical skills of faculty for better student learning 5 5 5 5 Sub-total (2) 60 20.5 Total (1)+(2) 100 46.0 B Research Collaborative activities with institution at national and International level Potential impact and depth of proposed industry collaboration C Faculty Development including pedagogical training to: D Identification of weak students and for improvement in their learning. var esa fouezrk ds lkFk igys {kek izkFkhZ gwa fd vaxzsth esa dk;Z ;kstuk rS;kj djus esa vleFkZ jgk gwa A okLrfodrk ;g gS fd Lo;a dk शिक्षि izk;% ,slh laLFkkvksa ls gh izkjaHk gqvk gS tgka vaxzsth fo"k; ds शिक्षक dh deh dHkh laLd`r dk ;k dHkh vU; fo"k;ksa ds शिक्षक 21 gh iw.kZ fd;s gSA muds Lo;a ds vaxzsth Kku dh ,oa शिक्षि dh fLFkfr Hkh 'kk;n ,slh gh jgh gksxh A bl ckr ds fy, Hkh {kek izkFkhZ gS fd vaxzsth esa lqyHk bl i=kns’k dks fdruk le>k gS ,oa mldk fdruk lVhd dj dk;Z& ;kstuk rS;kj dj lds gS bldk Hkh iw.kZ ugh gSA vkSj var esa ;g izkFkZuk gS fd Hkfo"; esa ;fn lEHko gks rks ,sls i= ,oa funsZ’k fgUnh Hkk"kk esa Hkh iznku fd;s tk, ,oa muds izR;qRrj dks Hkh fgUnh esa Lohdkj fd;s tk, vU;Fkk ;gh yxrk jgsxk fd bl egkfo|ky; tSlh fLFkfr okys flQZ vkSj flQZ Bxs tk jgs gS rFkk Hkze esa mYk>k;s tk jgs gSA &00& ¼,u-ih- f}osnh½ iz-izkpk;Z
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