Next Generation Sequencing Sample Preparation Simplified AxyPrep Mag FragmentSelect kits Post DNA shearing, the library construction process for next generation sequencing mostly requires fragment selection regardless of the platform. Obtaining high recovery post fragment selection is becoming an important contributor for the reduction of sequencing bias. The AxyPrep FragmentSelect-I kit is optimized for Illumina next generation sequencing platforms and Life Technologies (SOLiD) fragment size selection needs simplifying the library construction workflows. Where, the AxyPrep FragmentSelect-R is designed for fragment size selection needs in the Roche/454’s DNA Genome sequencer library construction workflow. The AxyPrep Mag FragmentSelect kits utilize a unique paramagnetic bead technology for quick high-throughput optimized DNA size selection suitable for various next generation sequencing platforms. How FragmentSelect works: • • AxyPrep FragmentSelect kits consists of two major stages: 1. Optimization of AxyPrep FragmentSelect beads ratio to input DNA for desired target DNA fragment size selection. 2. The optimal AxyPrep FragmentSelect beads ratio is utilized for the isolation of the desired target DNA fragment size. AxyPrep FragmentSelect kits can be a one-stage process when large size DNA fragments is not a concern. Product Highlights: • • • • • • Optimized fragment selection chemistries for Illumina, SOLiD and Roche/454 Versatile and flexible sequential fragment size selection: No gels needed Efficient removal of primer-dimers: No Need for further clean-up steps Manual and automation friendly Scalable: Tube, 96 and 384 well microplate formats No centrifugation or filtration required Consistently High Amplicon Recovery Input DNA Size Selected DNA Figure 1. Selected fragments with AxyPrep Mag FragmentSelect processed with an Agilent BioAnalyzer High Sensitivity DNA Chip. Fragment size can be dialed in with sequentially increasing ratio of DNA FragmentSelect. AXYGEN Inc. 33210 Central Avenue Union City, CA 94587 USA TEL. 1.510.494.8900 FAX: 1.510.494.0700 EMAIL: WEB: Next Generation Sequencing Sample Preparation Simplified Consistently High Amplicon Recovery Input 1200 ng Sheared DNA 800 ng 400 ng 200 ng 100 ng 80 ng Figure 2. The effect of concentration of input DNA on fragment selection measured by Agilent BioAnalyzer on a High Sensitivity DNA chip. Final Library-Truseq Ambion Sybr Final Library-Truseq AxyPrep Sybr Figure 3. Library recovery utilizing Ambion or FragmentSelect measured by Agilent BioAnalyzer High Sensitivity DNA Chip AXYGEN Inc. 33210 Central Avenue Union City, CA 94587 USA TEL. 1.510.494.8900 FAX: 1.510.494.0700 EMAIL: WEB: Next Generation Sequencing Sample Preparation Simplified Superior Performance AMPure XP FragmentSelect Figure 4. Library recovery utilizing Agencourt Ampure XP or FragmentSelect measured by Agilent BioAnalyzer High Sensitivity DNA Chip. Library yield achieved with AxyPrep MagFragmentSelect compared to Ampure XP FragmentSelect AMPure XP Target BP Size 300 300 BP Distribution 220-343 230-351 277 288 Total DNA Input 1µg 1µg Total DNA Output 37.3153 ng Avg. BP 618% More Yield 6.0399 ng Ordering Information: Cat. No. Description Qty / PK MAG-FRAG-R-5 AxyPrep FragmentSelect-R-Kit 5 mL 5 ml / 4 preps / kit MAG-FRAG-R-50 AxyPrep FragmentSelect-R-Kit 50 mL 50 ml / 350 preps / kit MAG-FRAG-R-250 AxyPrep FragmentSelect-R-Kit 250 mL 250 ml / 1,750 preps / kit MAG-FRAG-I-5 AxyPrep FragmentSelect-I-Kit 5 mL 5 ml / 4 preps / kit MAG-FRAG-I-50 AxyPrep FragmentSelect-I-Kit 50 mL 50 ml / 380 preps / kit MAG-FRAG-I-250 AxyPrep FragmentSelect-I-Kit 250 mL 250 ml / 1,900 preps / kit AXYGEN Inc. 33210 Central Avenue Union City, CA 94587 USA TEL. 1.510.494.8900 FAX: 1.510.494.0700 EMAIL: WEB: Japan t 81 3-3586 1996 f 81 3-3586 1291 Korea t 82 2-796-9500 f 82 2-796-9300 Singapore t 65 6733-6511 f 65 6861-2913 Taiwan t 886 2-2716-0338 f 886 2-2716-0339 L AT I N A M E R I C A Brasil t (55-11) 3089-7419 f (55-11) 3167-0700 Mexico t (52-81) 8158-8400 f (52-81) 8313-8589 AXYGEN is a registered trademark of Axygen, Inc., Union City, CA. Corning is a registered trademark of Corning Incorporated, Corning, NY. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Axygen Inc., 33210 Central Avenue, Union City, CA 94587. Corning Incorporated, One River Front Plaza, Corning, NY 14831-0001 Axygen BioScience, Inc. 33210 Central Avenue Union City, CA 94587 t 510.494.8900 f 510.494.0700 CLS-A-BS-003 A S I A / PA C I F I C Australia/New Zealand t 0402-794-347 China t 86-21-5467-4666 f 86-21-5407-5899 India t 91 124 4604000 f 91 124 4604099 EUROPE France t 0800 916 882 f 0800 918 636 Germany t 0800 101 1153 f 0800 101 2427 The Netherlands t 31 20 655 79 28 f 31 20 659 76 73 United Kingdom t 0800 376 8660 f 0800 279 1117 All Other European Countries t 31 (0) 20 659 60 51 f 31 (0) 20 659 76 73 POD Tower 2, 4th Floor 900 Chelmsford St. Lowell, MA 01851 t 800.492.1110 t 978.442.2200 f 978.442.2476 Worldwide Support Offices © 2011 Axygen Inc. Printed in USA 9/11 Corning Incorporated Life Sciences
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