This Sample is includes: Grade Level Scales Standard-‐by-‐Standard Scales Pre-‐Assessments Summative Mastery Assessment for Grade 3 English/Language Arts (ELA) Speech and Language/Collaborative Discussions ELA.03.SL.CD.01.01 Re-‐Inventing Schools Coalition -‐ 2013 SAMPLE – Grade Level Proficiency Scales for Grade 3, English/Language Arts (ELA) Measurement Topic: Speech and Language/Collaborative Discussions ELA.03.SL.CD.01.01 In the Purchased Package, Grade Level Proficiency Scales will Provide: A complete K-‐8 scope and sequence of Math and English/Language Arts standards and proficiency scales Key Features: • organized in an Excel format • separated by grade level • proficiency scales include score 2.0 and 3.0 performance expectations • specific common core alignment indicated within standard description and score 2.0/3.0 expectations Note: Scores 1.0 and 4.0 will be completed in the near future. Re-‐Inventing Schools Coalition -‐ 2013 SAMPLE – Grade Level Proficiency Scales for Grade 3, English/Language Arts (ELA) -‐ Speech and Language Standard Code (Educate) Standard Description Score 4 Score 3 Score 2 The student will: engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-‐on-‐ one, in groups, and teacher-‐led) with diverse partners on level-‐appropriate topics and texts, building on other's ideas and expressing their own clearly (SL.3.1): ask questions to check understanding of information presented, stay on topic, and ELA.03.SL.CD.01.01 link their comments to the remarks of others (SL.3.1c); explain their own ideas and understanding in light of the discussion (SL.3.1d) The student will: engage effectively in a The student will: recognize or recall range of collaborative discussions (one-‐on-‐ specific vocabulary, such as discussion, one, in groups, and teacher-‐led) with explicit, idea, information, link, question, diverse partners on level-‐appropriate topics topic. The student will perform basic and texts, building on other's ideas and processes, such as come to discussions expressing their own clearly (SL.3.1): ask prepared, draw on that preparation and questions to check understanding of other information known about the topic to information presented, stay on topic, and explore ideas under discussion (SL.3.1a); link their comments to the remarks of follow agreed-‐upon rules for discussions others (SL.3.1c); explain their own ideas (e.g., gaining the floor in respectful ways, and understanding in light of the discussion listening to others with care, speaking one (SL.3.1d) (Comprehension) at a time about the topics and texts under discussion) (SL.3.1b); participate actively in one-‐on-‐one, small group, or class discussions in a thoughtful and appropriate manner (Retrieval) The student will: determine the main ideas and supporting details of a level-‐ appropriate text read aloud or information presented in diverse level-‐appropriate media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally (SL.3.2) The student will: determine the main ideas The student will: recognize or recall and supporting details of a level-‐ specific vocabulary, such as diverse, format, appropriate text read aloud or information main idea, quantitative, supporting detail. presented in diverse level-‐appropriate The student will perform basic processes, media and formats, including visually, such as identify the main ideas and details quantitatively, and orally (SL.3.2) of presentations in diverse grade-‐ (Comprehension) appropriate media and formats (Retrieval) The student will: ask and answer questions about information from a speaker, offering appropriate elaboration and detail (SL.3.3) The student will: ask and answer questions The student will: recognize or recall about information from a speaker, offering specific vocabulary, such as elaboration. appropriate elaboration and detail (SL.3.3) The student will perform basic processes, (Comprehension) such as answer teacher-‐provided questions about a grade-‐appropriate text read aloud or an oral presentation (Retrieval) ELA.03.SL.EV.01.01 ELA.03.SL.EV.02.01 Score 1 Standard Code (Educate) ELA.03.SL.EV.01.02 Standard Description ELA.03.SL.EV.01.02 Score 3 Score 2 The student will: determine the main ideas and supporting details of a level-‐ appropriate text read aloud or information presented in diverse level-‐appropriate media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally (SL.3.2) The student will: determine the main ideas The student will: recognize or recall and supporting details of a level-‐ specific vocabulary, such as diverse, format, appropriate text read aloud or information main idea, quantitative, supporting detail. presented in diverse level-‐appropriate The student will perform basic processes, media and formats, including visually, such as identify the main ideas and details quantitatively, and orally (SL.3.2) of presentations in diverse grade-‐ (Comprehension) appropriate media and formats (Retrieval) The student will: ask and answer questions about information from a speaker, offering appropriate elaboration and detail (SL.3.3) The student will: ask and answer questions The student will: recognize or recall about information from a speaker, offering specific vocabulary, such as elaboration. appropriate elaboration and detail (SL.3.3) The student will perform basic processes, (Comprehension) such as answer teacher-‐provided questions about a grade-‐appropriate text read aloud or an oral presentation (Retrieval) The student will: determine the main ideas and supporting details of a level-‐ appropriate text read aloud or information presented in diverse level-‐appropriate media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally (SL.3.2) The student will: determine the main ideas The student will: recognize or recall and supporting details of a level-‐ specific vocabulary, such as diverse, format, appropriate text read aloud or information main idea, quantitative, supporting detail. presented in diverse level-‐appropriate The student will perform basic processes, media and formats, including visually, such as identify the main ideas and details quantitatively, and orally (SL.3.2) of presentations in diverse grade-‐ (Comprehension) appropriate media and formats (Retrieval) The student will: determine the main ideas and supporting details of a level-‐ appropriate text read aloud or information presented in diverse level-‐appropriate media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally (SL.3.2) The student will: determine the main ideas The student will: recognize or recall and supporting details of a level-‐ specific vocabulary, such as diverse, format, appropriate text read aloud or information main idea, quantitative, supporting detail. presented in diverse level-‐appropriate The student will perform basic processes, media and formats, including visually, such as identify the main ideas and details quantitatively, and orally (SL.3.2) of presentations in diverse grade-‐ (Comprehension) appropriate media and formats (Retrieval) ELA.03.SL.EV.02.02 ELA.03.SL.EV.01.03 Score 4 Score 1 SAMPLE -‐ Standard by Standard Scales Grade 3, English/Language Arts (ELA) Measurement Topic: Speech and Language/Collaborative Discussion ELA.03.SL.CD.01.01 In the Purchased Package Standard-‐by-‐Standard Scales Will Provide: The complete K-‐8 Math and ELA scope and sequence, as in the grade level proficiency scales, but organized as separate scales (documents) for each standard and including sample assessment items. In this lay-‐out, the proficiency scales may be shared with students as each is studied. Key Features: • shared as both PDF (printer-‐friendly) and Excel documents (allows for revisions for learner-‐friendly language and addition of score 1.0/4.0 expectations) • organized by grade level and separated by standard • proficiency scales include score 2.0 and 3.0 performance indicators (same as those within Grade Level Scales), as well as a sample assessment item and specific taxonomy levels • specific common core alignment indicated within standard description and score 2.0/3.0 expectations Re-‐Inventing Schools Coalition -‐ 2013 Content Area: English/Language Arts (ELA) Measurement Topic: Speech and Language / Collaborative Discussions Scope Level: 03 Learning Target: ELA.03.SL.CD.01.01 Proficiency Level Proficiency Level Description 4.0 In addition to Score 3.0, in-depth inferences or applications that go beyond what was taught. 3.0 The student will engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on level-appropriate topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly (SL.3.1):• ask questions to check understanding of information presented, stay on topic, and link their comments to the remarks of others (SL.3.1c)• explain their own ideas and understanding in light of the discussion (SL.3.1d) Comprehension Read So You Want to Be President by Judith St. George, and Lives of the Presidents by Kathleen Krull. Participate in a discussion about the similarities and differences between the two books. 2.0 The student will recognize or recall specific vocabulary, such as:• discussion, explicit, idea, information, link, question, topicThe student will perform basic processes, such as:• come to discussions prepared, draw on that preparation and other information known about the topic to explore ideas under discussion (SL.3.1a) • follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., gaining the floor in respectful ways, listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion) (SL.3.1b)• participate actively in one-on-one, small group, or class discussions in a thoughtful and appropriate manner Retrieval Answer questions in a small group discussion of the book The Spooky Tail of Prewitt Peacock by Bill Peet. 1.0 Taxonomy Level Assessment Items Participate in a discussion about the pros and cons of being a president using information gained from a variety of books, including the two listed below and biographies. SAMPLE – Pre-‐Assessments Grade 3, English/Language Arts (ELA) Measurement Topic: Speech and Language/Collaborative Discussion ELA.03.SL.CD.01.01 In the Purchased Package Pre-‐Assessments Will Provide: The pre-‐assessments, developed and aligned with each individual Math and ELA standard, may be used to support initial placement of students based upon readiness levels and to support on-‐going formative assessment for instructional planning. Key Features: • Each Math and ELA standard is supported with a score 2.0 and score 3.0 assessment item • Pre-‐assessments were written in alignment with intended rigor of standard • Complete set K-‐6 • PDF format Note: Grades 7-‐8th will be completed and available in the near future. Re-‐Inventing Schools Coalition -‐ 2013 SAMPLE PRE-‐ASSESSMENT Grade 3 English/Language Arts Speech and Language/Collaborative Discussions -‐ ELA.03.SL.CD.01.01 The student will engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-‐on-‐one, in groups, and teacher-‐led) with diverse partners on level-‐appropriate topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly (SL.3.1): • (SL.3.1c) ask questions to check understanding of information presented, stay on topic, and link their comments to the remarks of others • (SL.3.1d) explain their own ideas and understanding in light of the discussion Score 4/ (Comprehension): In addition to Score 3.0, in-‐depth inferences or applications that go beyond what was taught. • Participate in a discussion about the pros and cons of being a president using information gained from a variety of books, including the two listed below and biographies. Score 3/ (Comprehension): • Read So You Want to Be President by Judith St. George, and Lives of the Presidents by Kathleen Krull. Participate in a discussion about the similarities and differences between the two books. Score 2/ (Retrieval): The student will recognize or recall specific vocabulary, such as discussion, explicit, idea, information, link, question, topic The student will perform basic processes, such as come to discussions prepared, draw on that preparation and other information known about the topic to explore ideas under discussion (SL.3.1a) and follow agreed-‐upon rules for discussions (e.g., gaining the floor in respectful ways, listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion) (SL.3.1b) and participate actively in one-‐on-‐one, small group, or class discussions in a thoughtful and appropriate manner • Answer questions in a small group discussion of the book The Spooky Tail of Prewitt Peacock by Bill Peet. Re-‐Inventing Schools Coalition 2013 3-‐ELA-‐PreAssessment – Sample SAMPLE -‐ Summative Mastery Assessments for Grade 3, English/Language Arts (ELA) Measurement Topic: Speech and Language/Collaborative Discussions ELA.03.SL.CD.01.01 In the Purchased Package, Standard-‐by-‐Standard Scales Will Provide: The mastery assessments, developed and aligned with each individual ELA and MA standard, may be used to validate proficiency for a standard/standards after student has demonstrated mastery on a class performance activity or other task. Mastery assessments will ensure inter-‐rater reliability and consistency of expectations within an organization. These items will also support teacher developed assessments, as they are an indication of needed rigor for mastery. Key Features: • Each ELA and MA standard is supported by 2 score 3.0 (mastery) assessment items • Each assessment item question is followed by the correct answer • As needed with open-‐ended responses and other specific questions, a rationale to support the correct answer is provided • Assessment items are organized by measurement topic and grade level • PDF format Note: Grades 7-‐8th will be completed and available in the near future. Re-‐Inventing Schools Coalition -‐ 2013 SAMPLE MASTERY SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT FOR GRADE 3 SPEECH AND LANGUAGE / COLLABORATIVE DISCUSSIONS ELA.03.SL.CD.01.01 The student will engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-‐on-‐one, in groups, and teacher-‐led) with diverse partners on level-‐ appropriate topics and texts, building on others ideas and expressing their own clearly: ask questions to check understanding of information presented, stay on topic, and link their comments to the remarks of others, explain their own ideas and understanding in light of the discussion(SL.3.1, SL.3.1c, SL.3.1d) Score 3/ (Comprehension): Students will participate in a discussion about the pros and cons of being a president using information gained from a variety of books, including So You Want to Be President by Judith St. George, and Lives of the Presidents by Kathleen Krull. Make sure they are asking questions and adding to the conversation by sharing their thoughts and opinions. Follow up a science project unit by reading I Was a Third Grade Science Project by Mary Jane Auch. Students will be discussing how their experience similar and different to what took place in the book. Have students begin the discussion in small groups and then share out in larger groups or with the entire class. Provide discussion starters such as: Do you think Mary Jane Auch ever participated in a science project? What makes you say that? What happened during our science projects that would have fit into what we read in the book? Rationale Statement: This is the type of assessment that will take place many times throughout the school year. The first example is more general and basic, while the second example is now asking them to participate in discussions about multiple topics and to include their own experiences. Indicators: students participate in a discussion about the similarities and differences between the two books. Citing evidence for their explanations and answers.
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