Sample Furniture Inventory Tracking System MTS Seating 7100 Industrial Drive Temperance, MI 48182 Raymond Cata Nathaniel Curtis Jeffrey Hayton Anthony Taylor IS-421 Executive Summary .......................................................................................................... 3 Methodology/Tool Section................................................................................................ 4 Interviewees .................................................................................................................... 5 Websites.......................................................................................................................... 5 Software .......................................................................................................................... 5 Organization and SWOT Analysis .................................................................................. 6 Strengths ......................................................................................................................... 8 Weaknesses ..................................................................................................................... 9 Opportunities................................................................................................................. 10 Threats........................................................................................................................... 10 History of the IT/IS & Database Development Projects ............................................. 11 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).............................................................................. 13 Database Development Process (SDLC) ....................................................................... 14 Plan ............................................................................................................................... 14 Analysis......................................................................................................................... 15 Entity Relationship Diagram for MTS Seating Sample Order Tracking.................. 15 Business Rules .......................................................................................................... 15 Business Rules .......................................................................................................... 16 Logical Design .............................................................................................................. 17 Relational Schema .................................................................................................... 17 Physical Design............................................................................................................. 21 Main Menu................................................................................................................ 21 Forms ........................................................................................................................ 22 Implementation ............................................................................................................. 29 Data ........................................................................................................................... 29 SQL statements ......................................................................................................... 34 Reports ...................................................................................................................... 48 Appendix.......................................................................................................................... 50 2 Executive Summary MTS Seating is a small manufacturing company located in Temperance Michigan. Profitability and growth has established the need for continued expansions in IT resources. Information systems are tightly integrated within a number of its business processes. Production planning, sales management and finance systems are a few examples of IS employed. MTS has a firm understanding of the benefits that information systems provide. A Just In Time (JIT) inventory system for production is currently in place. Raw materials for production are ordered as needed. By implementing a lean manufacturing concept, MTS hasn’t had a need for an inventory tracking system. MTS does however maintain a small stock of inventory. Sample furniture is kept on hand as a means of providing customers a way to view product. The sample furniture is also displayed in trade shows that MTS participates in throughout the year. Due to the lean manufacturing philosophy in place, inventory tracking software is not part of MTS’s information systems. We propose a simple, easy to use database to be utilized for tracking the customer sample furniture. The use of automated tools is essential in maintaining efficiencies in business operations. 3 Methodology/Tool Section As part of the project requirements, a relational database will be used to input, store and retrieve information for our database system. Oracle 9i will be the DBMS we will be using. Oracle 9i will enable the creation of forms, queries, and reports that will be associated with the database project. The Oracle software is also very powerful and flexible. It is capable of growing, adapting, and changing along with needs of the business. This is important because the enterprise we are focusing on is a growing business with new customers being acquired frequently. We will also use software to assist in the initial logical design phase the database. Software such as RF Flow and Microsoft Project will be extremely useful in the completion of this project. We will follow the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology. In the planning phase we will gather information about the users and research possible entities and attributes that we will use in the database. We may also possibly meet and interview some employees of the company specifically in the IT department of MTS Seating. In the analysis phase we will create an ERD and we will clearly define all entities, attributes, and unique identifiers. In the logical design phase we will develop the relational database model for the business. In the physical design phase we will define technical specifications and define the database to the DBMS. When we get to the implementation phase we will enter all related data into our database. Finally in the maintenance phase we will test the system and make any necessary changes to ensure easy adaptation by the users. 4 Interviewees Nancy VanDevelde Quality Assurance Manager (734) 847-3875 Rodney Schell IT Manager (734) 847-3875 Websites Software Microsoft Project 2002 Oracle 9i database Rfflow 5 Organization and SWOT Analysis Mission Statement "Our Goal is to provide all products and services in the committed time, competitively priced, at the desired quality; costs effectively manufactured and forever improve our performance." MTS Seating is a privately owned and operated corporation. MTS is a manufacturer of seating for the hospitality industry. With 325 employees MTS’s annual sales are $55 million. MTS was started by Dean Curtis and Paul Swy who incorporated their business under a small barn in Bedford, Michigan. At the time the company’s main business involved strictly metal fabrication, production of steel chair and table legs, and other parts for the automotive and aircraft markets. In the early 1960s, finished chair and table frames became a major part of the company’s product line, and by mid-decade MTS was assembling complete chairs. By the early 1970s, upholstery was done in house at the factory and no longer had to be outsourced. This enabled the company to introduce the MTS seating line. Today MTS has a 300,000 square foot, state-of-the-art, manufacturing facility located in Temperance, Michigan. MTS has built a reputation for producing the best-built, best- 6 backed chairs in the industry. For over forty-five years MTS Seating has been a leading provider of seats to the restaurant and hotel industry. MTS is committed to providing the hospitality and food-service industry with total seating solutions. MTS can produce made to order chairs, tables, and other furniture for its many customers in the hospitality industry. Recent customers include City Grill, Quiznos Classic Subs, Newark International Airport, Mancinos Pizza, and Denny’s. A customer can select from a wide range of seating designs and mix and match, upholstery, finish, and materials. MTS’s online catalog makes it easy for a customer to get an idea of possible matching combinations. On the company’s website,, a potential customer can see seating displays for restaurants, bars/lounges, guest rooms, and banquets. Customers can also see pictures of MTS’s products in restaurants and other businesses. MTS has forged itself into a leading manufacturer and supplier of hospitality seating in Michigan and across the country. This is primarily the reason we choose MTS for our project. President Vice President General Mgr Sales Dept (hotels) Sales Dept (food service) Chief Financial Officer VP Sales (hotels) VP Sales (food service) Manufacturing Dept Supporting Operations Information Systems Dept 7 Strengths 1. Custom Made Products The size of the company puts MTS at a distinct advantage. MTS possesses the capability of producing custom made furniture. A majority of the competition both large and small are unable to recreate such proficiency in a large scale. MTS has a substantial selection of fabrics, frames, and other materials that customers can choose from. The information entered into the production system reflects customer preference. 2. Just In Time (JIT) inventory Lean manufacturing is a management philosophy that centers on the idea of eliminating waste. A JIT inventory system is one process that follows the lean manufacturing concept. Customer orders are ran in the production schedule a week following orders. This enables MTS to use JIT and eliminate costs associated with maintaining inventory. 3. Product Warranties MTS Seating strongly backs its products. Extensive stress testing is conducted on all products offered. As a result, MTS has strong confidence in the furniture that is sold to the customer. Warranties on products last up to 12 years. If a customer is not satisfied with their product, it can be returned. 4. Utilization of Information Systems Many small firms do not utilize an Information Systems department. MTS is profitable enough to justify an IT department. Information systems are utilized to support a majority of the businesses functions. 8 Weaknesses 1. Employing Specialized Labor Individuals possessing special trade skills are a human resources issue that can be problematic. Specialized laborers command higher salaries and are sometimes hard to find. MTS employs a number of specialized laborers such as welders and fabricators. This is not a major issue for MTS; however the usage of specialized labor creates a weakness for the company. 2. Aged Machine Presses A large array of equipment is used in the manufacturing process. MTS currently uses state of art equipment; such as an automated machine that paints metal frames. Machinery of this caliber is easily justified by its ROI. MTS also utilizes machine presses that are as old as the company. These presses are not used very often so justifying the purchase of replacement presses is an issue. 3. Tracking of Customer Sample Furniture MTS has space set aside in its manufacturing area where sample furniture is stored. These items represent some of the models that are produced. The sample furniture is sent to trade shows that MTS participates in throughout the year. MTS’s customers may also request sample furniture to determine if it suits their needs. MTS currently lacks an automated process of tracking the sample furniture. A customer may request a sample from a sales coordinator who must physically walk out to the sample area to see if the item is in stock. This manual process is time consuming and inefficient. 9 Opportunities 1. blabla 2. blabla 3. blabla Threats 1. Energy Costs Rising costs of energy is of concern to everybody and MTS is not an exception. MTS is impacted as its expenses associated with running its business increases along with the costs of energy. 2. Cheap overseas labor Labor costs in some of the other parts of the world are substantially lower than those in the U.S. Manufacturers overseas are then able to produce similar products cheaper than their American counterpart. 3. Subsidized steel For more than a couple of decades, discussion on imported steel has remained a topic of debate. There is worldwide excess production capacity for steel. Dumping and government subsidized steel sent overseas to exporting markets consequently becomes an issue. An example includes China’s current government subsidized steel exporting practices. U.S. steel producing firms benefit in the short run from low costs and domestic production of steel is harmed. In the long run, these same firms are 10 History of the IT/IS & Database Development Projects Current IT Environment MTS Seating utilizes UNIX based servers in order to ensure reliable service for their production scheduling systems. Their database applications are written in COBOL and accessed from Microsoft Windows based desktops via Telnet over a TCP/IP network. Business Problem The company possesses sample furniture which is allows potential buyers to examine the product. Samples can be taken to trade shows, on sales presentations, sent to clients for evaluation or stored in showroom in company’s main offices. Currently the inventory of sample furniture is not tracked. Because the inventory is not tracked, MTS Seating cannot easily determine what samples are in stock. If a client requests a sample, employees must physically go to the showroom and try to locate the samples visually. Proposed Solution We propose to develop an inventory tracking system that will allow MTS Seating to keep track of furniture samples. Tracking will include where the sample is located and if the sample has been sent out. This new system will also allow samples to be reserved. Reserving will allow sales associates to request that a sample be sent to a customer. Reservations will assist the shipping department in planning shipments to trade shows. 11 The system shall generate a report of overdue samples. This will allow sales associates to follow-up with their clients. This also allows time to resolve reservation issues when needed furniture is not returned on time and thus unavailable to fill the reservation. The system will track specific quantities of various models/variations of furniture as well as the specific pieces of furniture. Periodic physical inventories can be taken of samples located in the showroom and an exception report noting discrepancies with system maintained inventory. The system will allow the user to remove products from inventory. Some reasons for removal may include: damaged, lost, sold, donation, discontinued, etc. 12 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) It is a listing of the works/tasks involved in the project It defines the total scope of the project It is the foundation document in project management because it provides the basis for planning, managing schedules, costs and changes Enter all tasks and schedule into MS Project ( a hardcopy required) 13 Database Development Process (SDLC) Plan 14 ModelNum Desc Image UnitPrice Qoh Inventory ShipNum ModelNum QShip ShipmentLine OrderNum ModelNum QResv ShipNum OrderNum CarrierId Shipment shipped on OrderNum CustNum EmpNum shipped Reserved Returned on SampleOrder ordered for ReturnItem ReturnLine OrderLine Returns ReturnNum CustNum OrderNum ReturnNum ModelNum DateRet QRet Carrier Employee Customer CarrierId Company AccountNum EmpNum FName LName Title Ext CustNum BusName Address City State Zip CustPhone Analysis Entity Relationship Diagram for MTS Seating Sample Order Tracking 15 Business Rules 1. An EMPLOYEE may reserve one or more SAMPLEORDER(s). A SAMPLEORDER is reserved by one and only one EMPLOYEE. 2. A CUSTOMER may order one or more SAMPLEORDER(s). A SAMPLEORDER is ordered for one and only one CUSTOMER. 3. A SHIPMENT is shipped for one and only one SAMPLEORDER. A SAMPLEORDER is shipped on one or more SHIPMENT(s). 4. A SHIPMENT is shipped with one and only one CARRIER. A CARRIER ships one or more SHIPMENTS. 5. INVENTORY may be a shipment line for one or more SHIPMENT(s). A SHIPMENT contains shipment lines for one or more items in INVENTORY. 6. A SAMPLEORDER contains order lines for one or more items in INVENTORY. INVENTORY may be an order line for one or more SAMPLEORDER(s). 7. A RETURNITEM contains return lines for one or more INVENTORY items. An INVENTORY item may be a return line for one or more RETURNITEM(s). 8. A RETURNITEM is returned on only one SAMPLEORDER. A SAMPLEORDER may be returned on one or more RETURNITEM(s). 9. A CUSTOMER may return one or more RETURNITEM(s). Each RETURNITEM is returned by one and only one CUSTOMER. 16 Logical Design Relational Schema 1. Structure Carrier (CarrierId, Company, AccountNum) Customer (CustNum, BusName, Address, City, State, Zip, CustPhone) Employee (EmpNum, FName, LName, Title, Ext) Inventory (ModelNum, Desc, Image, UnitPrice, Qoh) ReturnItem (ReturnNum, CustNum, OrderNum) ReturnLine (ReturnNum, ModelNum, DateRet, QRet) SampleOrder (OrderNum, CustNum, EmpNum) OrderLine (OrderNum, ModelNum, QResv) Shipment (ShipNum, OrderNum, CarrierId) ShipmentLine (ShipNum, ModelNum, QShip) 2. Domains Attribute Logical Domain Physical Domain AccountNum Carrier Account Number Character (7) Address Customer Address Character (20) BusName Customer Business Name Character (15) CarrierId Carrier Identification Number Character (3) City Customer City Character (15) Company Carrier Name Character (10) CustNum Customer Identification Number Character (7) 17 CustPhone Customer Phone Number Character (10) DateRet Date Sample Item is Returned Character (8) Desc Brief Physical Description Character (15) EmpNum Employee Identification Number Character (7) Ext Employee Phone Extension Character (4) FName Employee First Name Character (10) Image Digital Image of Item BLOB LName Employee Last Name Character (15) ModelNum Inventory Item Model Number Character (5) OrderNum Sample Order Number Character (10) Qoh Inventory Quantity On-Hand Integer (3) QResv Inventory Quantity Reserved Integer (3) QRet Quantity of Items Returned Integer (2) QShip Quantity of Items Shipped Integer (2) ReturnNum Return Identification Number Character (7) ShipNum Shipment Identification Number Character (7) State Customer State Character (2) Title Employee Job Title Character (15) UnitPrice Inventory Item Unit Price Integer (5) Zip Customer Zip Code Character (5) 18 3. Constraints a. Structural Constraints i. Primary Keys CarrierId in CARRIER may not be null. CustNum in CUSTOMER may not be null. EmpNum in EMPLOYEE may not be null. ModelNum in INVENTORY may not be null. ReturnNum in RETURNITEM may not be null. OrderNum in SAMPLEORDER may not be null. ShipNum in SHIPMENT may not be null. ii. Cardinalities Maximum Cardinalities Each RETURNITEM is returned by only one CUSTOMER Each RETURNITEM is returned on only one SAMPLEORDER Each SAMPLEORDER is reserved by only one EMPLOYEE Each SAMPLEORDER is ordered for only one CUSTOMER Each SHIPMENT is shipped using only one CARRIER Each SHIPMENT is shipped on only one SAMPLEORDER Minimum Cardinalities ModelNum in INVENTORY must exist in ModelNum in RETURNLINE ModelNum in INVENTORY must exist in ModelNum in SHIPMENTLINE 19 ModelNum in INVENTORY must exist in ModelNum in ORDERLINE ReturnNum in RETURNITEM must exist in ReturnNum in RETURNLINE ShipNum in SHIPMENT must exist in ShipNum in SHIPMENTLINE OrderNum in SAMPLEORDER must exist in OrderNum in ORDERLINE iii. Referential Integrity CarrierId in SHIPMENT must exist in CarrierNum in CARRIER CustNum in RETURNITEM must exist in CustNum in CUSTOMER CustNum in SAMPLEORDER must exist in CustNum in CUSTOMER EmpNum in SAMPLEORDER must exist in EmpNum in EMPLOYEE ModelNum in RETURNLINE must exist in ModelNum in INVENTORY ModelNum in ORDERLINE must exist in ModelNum in INVENTORY ModelNum in SHIPMENTLINE must exist in ModelNum in INVENTORY OrderNum in RETURNITEM must exist in OrderNum in SAMPLEORDER OrderNum in SHIPMENT must exist in OrderNum in SAMPLEORDER OrderNum in ORDERLINE must exist in OrderNum in SAMPLEORDER ReturnNum in RETURNLINE must exist in ReturnNum in RETURNITEM ShipNum in SHIPMENTLINE must exist in ShipNum in SHIPMENT b. Operational Constraints An inventory item can not be reserved unless that model is in stock. 20 Physical Design Main Menu 21 Forms 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Implementation Data Carrier CarrierId Fed Ups Yel Rdw Company Federal Express United Parcel Service Yellow Truck Roadway AccountNum 1003214 1003215 1013216 1023218 Customer CustNum BusName 1007000 Applebees 1007001 Big Boys 1007002 Craker Barrel 1007003 Days Inn 2005000 Denny's 2005001 Chuck E Cheese 2005002 Chilis 2005003 Tavern on the Main 2006000 Butterfield 2006001 Marriot Address 1156 Water St 2211 Pine Dr 699 Belleville Rd 987 Durham Rd 8976 12 Mile Rd 7867 Bay Ridge 73 Springfield Rd 170 Walnut Ridge 8109 Renfrew Rd 52 Corning St City State Zip CustPhone Alpeena MI 49707 7155558943 Ann Arbor MI 48103 7343426689 Belleville MI 48111 7345554978 West Orange NJ 17052 1236559090 Farmington MI Hills 48322 2488804322 Rochester NH 3867 5679382214 Newport NH 3773 9148760944 Atlanta GA 31211 6562317632 Greensboro NC 27409 2345543098 Lock Haven 17340 6178953333 PA 29 Employee EmpNum 100998888 FName Mark Lname Meyers 101223333 Shelia Hernandez 102334444 103445555 104556666 105667777 105778888 105889999 Brian Sarah Ryan Janet Lisa Edward Zhang Calson Courtlandt Park Hummer Cole Inventory ModelNum 210 211 311 315 CI17R4 1424base 808 808-30 813 813-30 814 814-30 933 933-30 941 941-30 Desc Bumper Edge Table Tops Bumper Edge Table Tops Wood Edge Tops Wood Edge Tops Base, Cast Iron, round series Base, Valencia Chair, Design Classics Barstool, model 808 matching item Chair, Luckhardt, Design Classics Barstool, Model 813 luckhardt matching item Chair, Loos, Design Classics, beige Barstool, Model 814 Loos matching item Chair, Americana Collection, black, stipes Barstool, model 933 matching item Chair, Americana Collection Barstool, model 941 matching item Title Ext President 3777 TradeShow 5261 Mgr Salesperson 5788 Salesperson 8977 Salesperson 6722 Salesperson 8355 Production 8878 Programmer 2213 Image UnitPrice Qoh 210-top.jpg 2.25 211-top.jpg 4.75 311-top.jpg 7.25 315-top.jpg 6.50 CI_17R_2LS15.65 base.jpg 1424-base.jpg 14.50 808_Nouveau.jpg 10.75 808_30.jpg 12.50 813_Luckhardt.jpg 11.45 813_30.jpg 814_Loos.jpg 814_30.jpg 933.jpg 933_30 941.jpg 941_30.jpg 10 10 15 15 20 25 20 25 20 13.85 15 9.45 15 11.80 15 8.25 10 12.75 9.35 14.25 25 15 10 30 ReturnItem ReturnNum 9999912 9999913 9999914 9999915 9999916 9999917 9999918 9999919 9999920 CustNum 1007000 2005001 2005001 1007002 2006001 1007001 2005003 1007003 1007000 OrderNum ReturnLine ReturnNum 9999912 9999912 9999912 9999913 9999914 9999915 9999915 9999916 9999917 9999917 9999918 9999919 9999920 9999920 ModelNum 210 808 808-30 933 941 210 808 941 210 814 933 941-30 210 814 DateRet 06141999 06141999 06141999 06171999 06171999 06201999 06201999 06201999 06221999 06221999 06221999 06251999 06251999 06251999 SampleOrder OrderNum 888101 888102 888103 888104 888105 888106 888107 CustNum 1007000 2005001 2005001 1007002 2006001 1007001 2005003 888109 888103 888102 888104 888105 888106 888107 888108 888101 Qret 1 4 4 1 1 1 4 2 1 2 1 1 2 8 EmpNum 105778888 104556666 104556666 102334444 105667777 102334444 105889999 31 888108 888109 OrderLine OrderNum 888101 888101 888102 888102 888102 888103 888104 888104 888105 888106 888106 888107 888108 888109 888109 888109 888110 888110 888110 888110 888110 888110 Shipment ShipNum 7771234 7771235 7771236 7771237 7771238 7771239 7771240 7771241 7771242 1007003 1007000 ModelNum 814 210 941 CI17R4 808 933 210 808 941 210 814 933 941-30 210 808 808-30 311 808 808-30 933 933-30 1424base OrderNum 888101 888102 888103 888104 888105 888106 888107 888108 888109 102334444 105778888 Qresv 8 2 1 1 4 1 1 4 2 1 2 1 1 1 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 CarrerId Fed Ups Fed Fed Ups Fed Fed Fed Ups 32 ShipmentLine ShipNum 7771234 7771234 7771235 7771235 7771235 7771236 7771237 7771237 7771238 7771239 7771239 7771240 7771241 7771242 7771242 7771242 7771243 7771243 7771243 7771243 7771243 7771243 ModelNum 814 210 941 CI17R4 808 933 210 808 941 210 814 933 941-30 210 808 808-30 311 808 808-30 933 933-30 1424base Qship 8 2 1 1 4 1 1 4 2 1 2 1 1 1 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 33 SQL statements applications, stored procedures, functions and triggers DROP TABLE carrier CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; DROP TABLE customer CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; DROP TABLE employee CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; DROP TABLE inventory CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; DROP TABLE return_item CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; DROP TABLE return_line CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; DROP TABLE sample_order CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; DROP TABLE order_line CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; DROP TABLE shipment CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; DROP TABLE shipment_line CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; CREATE TABLE carrier (carrier_id VARCHAR2(10), company VARCHAR2(50), account_num VARCHAR2(20), CONSTRAINT carrier_carrier_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (carrier_id)); CREATE TABLE customer (custnum NUMBER(10), busname VARCHAR2(50), address VARCHAR2(50), city VARCHAR2(50), state CHAR(2), zip VARCHAR2(10), custphone VARCHAR2(10), CONSTRAINT customer_custnum_pk PRIMARY KEY(custnum)); CREATE TABLE employee (emp_num NUMBER(10), f_name VARCHAR2(50), l_name VARCHAR2(50), title VARCHAR2(50), ext VARCHAR2(10), CONSTRAINT employee_emp_num_pk PRIMARY KEY (emp_num)); CREATE TABLE sample_order (order_num NUMBER(10), custnum NUMBER(10), emp_num NUMBER(10), CONSTRAINT sample_order_order_num_pk PRIMARY KEY(order_num), CONSTRAINT sample_order_custnum_fk FOREIGN KEY (custnum) REFERENCES customer(custnum), 34 CONSTRAINT sample_emp_num_fk FOREIGN KEY (emp_num) REFERENCES employee(emp_num)); CREATE TABLE inventory (model_num VARCHAR2(10), description VARCHAR2(200), image VARCHAR2(50), unit_price NUMBER(10,2), qoh NUMBER(7), CONSTRAINT inventory_model_num_pk PRIMARY KEY (model_num)); CREATE TABLE return_item (return_num NUMBER(10), custnum NUMBER(10), order_num NUMBER(10), CONSTRAINT return_item_return_num_pk PRIMARY KEY(return_num), CONSTRAINT return_item_custnum_fk FOREIGN KEY (custnum) REFERENCES customer(custnum), CONSTRAINT return_item_order_num_fk FOREIGN KEY (order_num) REFERENCES sample_order(order_num)); CREATE TABLE shipment (shipment_num NUMBER(10), order_num NUMBER(10), carrier_id VARCHAR2(10), CONSTRAINT shipment_order_shipment_num_pk PRIMARY KEY(shipment_num), CONSTRAINT shipment_carrier_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (carrier_id) REFERENCES carrier(carrier_id), CONSTRAINT shipment_order_num_fk FOREIGN KEY (order_num) REFERENCES sample_order(order_num)); CREATE TABLE order_line (order_num NUMBER(10), model_num VARCHAR2(10), q_resv NUMBER(10), CONSTRAINT order_line_order_num_pk PRIMARY KEY(order_num, model_num), CONSTRAINT order_line_model_num_fk FOREIGN KEY (model_num) REFERENCES inventory(model_num), CONSTRAINT order_line_order_num_fk FOREIGN KEY (order_num) REFERENCES sample_order(order_num)); CREATE TABLE return_line (return_num NUMBER(10), model_num VARCHAR2(10), 35 date_ret DATE, q_ret NUMBER(10), CONSTRAINT return_line_return_num_pk PRIMARY KEY(return_num, model_num), CONSTRAINT return_line_model_num_fk FOREIGN KEY (model_num) REFERENCES inventory(model_num), CONSTRAINT return_line_return_num_fk FOREIGN KEY (return_num) REFERENCES return_item(return_num)); CREATE TABLE shipment_line (shipment_num NUMBER(10), model_num VARCHAR2(10), q_ship NUMBER(10), CONSTRAINT shipment_line_shipment_num_pk PRIMARY KEY(shipment_num, model_num), CONSTRAINT shipment_line_model_num_fk FOREIGN KEY (model_num) REFERENCES inventory(model_num), CONSTRAINT shipment_line_shipment_num_fk FOREIGN KEY (shipment_num) REFERENCES shipment(shipment_num)); --Populate data for table carrier(CarrierId, Company, AccountNum) --dbms_output.put_line('Inserting Carrier...'); INSERT INTO carrier VALUES ('FED', 'FedEX','1003214' ); INSERT INTO carrier VALUES ('UPS','United Parcel Service','1003215'); INSERT INTO carrier VALUES ('YEL','Yellow Truck', '1023216'); INSERT INTO carrier VALUES ('RDW','Roadway', '1023218'); -- Populate data for table Customer(CustNum, BusName, Address, City, State, Zip, CustPhone) INSERT INTO customer VALUES ('1007000', 'Apple Bees', '1156 Water Street','Alpena', 'MI', '49707', '7155558943'); INSERT INTO customer VALUES 36 ('1007001', 'Big Boys', '2211 Pine Drive', ' Ann Arbor', 'MI', '48103', '7343426689'); INSERT INTO customer VALUES ('1007002', 'Craker Barrel', '699 Belleville Rd', 'Belleville', 'MI', '48111', '7345554978'); INSERT INTO customer VALUES ('1007003', 'Days Inn', '987 Durham Rd', 'West Orange', 'NJ', '07052', '6559090'); INSERT INTO customer VALUES ('2005000', 'Denny''s', '8976 12 Mile Rd.', 'Farmington Hills', 'MI', '48322', '2488804322'); INSERT INTO customer VALUES ('2005001', 'Chuck E Cheese', '7867 Bay Ridge', 'Rochester', 'NH', '03867', '5679382214'); INSERT INTO customer VALUES ('2005002', 'Chilis', '73 Springfield Rd', 'Newport', 'NH', '03773', '9148760944'); INSERT INTO customer VALUES ('2005003', 'Tavern on The Main', '170 Walnut Ridge', 'Atlanta', 'GA', '31211', '6562317632'); INSERT INTO customer VALUES ('2006000', 'Butterfield', '8109 Renfrew Rd', 'Greensboro', 'NC', '27409', '2345543098'); INSERT INTO customer VALUES ('2006001', 'Marriot', '52 Corning St', 'Lock Haven', 'PA', '17340', '6178953333'); --Populate data for table Employee(EmpNum, FName, LName, Title, Ext) INSERT INTO employee VALUES ('100998888', 'Mark', 'Myers', 'President', '3777'); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ('101223333', 'Shelia', 'Hernandez', 'TradeShow Mgr', '5261'); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ('102334444', 'Brian', 'Zhang', 'Salesperson', '5788'); 37 INSERT INTO employee VALUES ('103445555', 'Sarah', 'Calson', 'Salesperson', '8977'); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ('104556666', 'Ryan', 'Courtlandt', 'Salesperson', '6722'); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ('105667777', 'Janet', 'Park', 'Salesperson', '8355'); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ('105778888', 'Lisa', 'Hummer', 'Production Clerk', '8878'); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ('105889999', 'Edward', 'Cole', 'Programmer', '2213'); --Populate data for table inventory(ModelNum, Desc, Image, UnitPrice, Qoh) INSERT INTO inventory VALUES ('210', 'Bumper Edge Table Tops', '210-top.jpg', '2.25', '10'); INSERT INTO inventory VALUES ('211', 'Bumper Edge Table Tops', '211-top.jpg', '4.75', '10'); INSERT INTO inventory VALUES ('311', 'Wood Edge Tops', '311-top.jpg', '7.25', '15'); INSERT INTO inventory VALUES ('315', 'Wood Edge Tops', '315-top.jpg', '6.50', '15'); INSERT INTO inventory VALUES ('CI17R4', 'Base, Cast Iron, round series', 'CI_17R_2LS-base.jpg', '15.65', '20'); INSERT INTO inventory VALUES ('1424base', 'Base, Valencia', '1424-base.jpg', '14.50', '25'); INSERT INTO inventory VALUES ('808', 'Chair, Design Classics', '808_Nouveau.jpg', '10.75', '20'); INSERT INTO inventory VALUES ('808-30', 'Barstool, model 808 matching item', '808_30.jpg', '12.50', '25'); INSERT INTO inventory VALUES ('813', 'Chair Luckhardt, Design Classics', '813_Luckhardt.jpg', '11.45', '20'); INSERT INTO inventory VALUES 38 ('813-30', 'Barstool, model 813 Luckhardt matching item', '813_30.jpg', '13.85', '15'); INSERT INTO inventory VALUES ('814', 'Chair, Loos, Design Classics, beige', '814_Loos.jpg', '9.45', '15'); INSERT INTO inventory VALUES ('814-30', 'Barstool, model 814 Loos matching item', '814_30.jpg', '11.80', '15'); INSERT INTO inventory VALUES ('933', 'Chair, Americana Collection, black, striped', '933.jpg', '8.25', '10'); INSERT INTO inventory VALUES ('933-30', 'Barstool, model 933 matching item', '933_30.jpg', '12.75', '25'); INSERT INTO inventory VALUES ('941', 'Chair, Americana Collection', '941.jpg', '9.35', '15'); INSERT INTO inventory VALUES ('941-30', 'Barstool, model 941 matching item', '941_30.jpg', '14.25', '10'); --Populate data for table sample_order(OrderNum, CustNum, EmpNum) INSERT INTO sample_order VALUES ('888101', '1007000', '105778888'); INSERT INTO sample_order VALUES ('888102', '2005001', '104556666'); INSERT INTO sample_order VALUES ('888103', '2005001', '104556666'); INSERT INTO sample_order VALUES ('888104', '1007002', '102334444'); INSERT INTO sample_order VALUES ('888105', '2006001', '105667777'); INSERT INTO sample_order VALUES ('888106', '1007001', '102334444'); INSERT INTO sample_order VALUES ('888107', '2005003', '105889999'); INSERT INTO sample_order VALUES ('888108', '1007003', '102334444'); 39 INSERT INTO sample_order VALUES ('888109', '1007000', '105778888'); INSERT INTO sample_order VALUES ('888110', '2006000', '102334444'); --Populate data for table order_line(OrderNum, ModelNum, QResv) INSERT INTO order_line VALUES ('888101', '814', '8'); INSERT INTO order_line VALUES ('888101', '210', '2'); INSERT INTO order_line VALUES ('888102', '941', '1'); INSERT INTO order_line VALUES ('888102', 'CI17R4', '1'); INSERT INTO order_line VALUES ('888102', '808', '4'); INSERT INTO order_line VALUES ('888103', '933', '1'); INSERT INTO order_line VALUES ('888104', '210', '1'); INSERT INTO order_line VALUES ('888104', '808', '4'); INSERT INTO order_line VALUES ('888105', '941', '2'); INSERT INTO order_line VALUES ('888106', '210', '1'); INSERT INTO order_line VALUES ('888106', '814', '2'); INSERT INTO order_line VALUES ('888107', '933', '1'); INSERT INTO order_line VALUES 40 ('888108', '941-30', '1'); INSERT INTO order_line VALUES ('888109', '210', '1'); INSERT INTO order_line VALUES ('888109', '808', '4'); INSERT INTO order_line VALUES ('888109', '808-30', '4'); INSERT INTO order_line VALUES ('888110', '311', '2'); INSERT INTO order_line VALUES ('888110', '808', '2'); INSERT INTO order_line VALUES ('888110', '808-30', '2'); INSERT INTO order_line VALUES ('888110', '933', '2'); INSERT INTO order_line VALUES ('888110', '933-30', '2'); INSERT INTO order_line VALUES ('888110', '1424base', '2'); --Populate data for table return_item(ReturnNum, CustNum, OrderNum) INSERT INTO return_item VALUES ('9999912', '1007000', '888109'); INSERT INTO return_item VALUES ('9999913', '2005001', '888103'); INSERT INTO return_item VALUES ('9999914', '2005001', '888102'); INSERT INTO return_item VALUES ('9999915', '1007002', '888104'); INSERT INTO return_item VALUES ('9999916', '2006001', '888105'); 41 INSERT INTO return_item VALUES ('9999917', '1007001', '888106'); INSERT INTO return_item VALUES ('9999918', '2005003', '888107'); INSERT INTO return_item VALUES ('9999919', '1007003', '888108'); INSERT INTO return_item VALUES ('9999920', '1007000', '888101'); --Populate data for table return_line(ReturnNum, ModelNum, DateRet, QRet) INSERT INTO return_line VALUES ('9999912', '210', TO_DATE('06/14/1999', 'MM/DD/YYYY'), '1'); INSERT INTO return_line VALUES ('9999912', '808', TO_DATE('06/14/1999', 'MM/DD/YYYY'), '4'); INSERT INTO return_line VALUES ('9999912', '808-30', TO_DATE('06/14/1999', 'MM/DD/YYYY'), '4'); INSERT INTO return_line VALUES ('9999913', '933', TO_DATE('06/17/1999', 'MM/DD/YYYY'), '1'); INSERT INTO return_line VALUES ('9999914', '941', TO_DATE('06/17/1999', 'MM/DD/YYYY'), '1'); INSERT INTO return_line VALUES ('9999915', '210', TO_DATE('06/20/1999', 'MM/DD/YYYY'), '1'); INSERT INTO return_line VALUES ('9999915', '808', TO_DATE('06/20/1999', 'MM/DD/YYYY'), '4'); INSERT INTO return_line VALUES ('9999916', '941', TO_DATE('06/20/1999', 'MM/DD/YYYY'), '2'); INSERT INTO return_line VALUES ('9999917', '210', TO_DATE('06/21/1999', 'MM/DD/YYYY'), '1'); INSERT INTO return_line VALUES ('9999917', '814', TO_DATE('06/22/1999', 'MM/DD/YYYY'), '2'); INSERT INTO return_line VALUES 42 ('9999918', '933', TO_DATE('06/22/1999', 'MM/DD/YYYY'), '1'); INSERT INTO return_line VALUES ('9999919', '941-30', TO_DATE('06/25/1999', 'MM/DD/YYYY'), '1'); INSERT INTO return_line VALUES ('9999920', '210', TO_DATE('06/25/1999', 'MM/DD/YYYY'), '2'); INSERT INTO return_line VALUES ('9999920', '814', TO_DATE('06/25/1999', 'MM/DD/YYYY'), '8'); --Populate data for table shipment(ShipNum, OrderNum, CarrierId) INSERT INTO shipment VALUES ('7771234', '888101', 'FED'); INSERT INTO shipment VALUES ('7771235', '888102', 'UPS'); INSERT INTO shipment VALUES ('7771236', '888103', 'FED'); INSERT INTO shipment VALUES ('7771237', '888104', 'FED'); INSERT INTO shipment VALUES ('7771238', '888105', 'UPS'); INSERT INTO shipment VALUES ('7771239', '888106', 'FED'); INSERT INTO shipment VALUES ('7771240', '888107', 'FED'); INSERT INTO shipment VALUES ('7771241', '888108', 'FED'); INSERT INTO shipment VALUES ('7771242', '888109', 'UPS'); INSERT INTO shipment VALUES ('7771243', '888110', 'YEL'); --Populate data for table shipment_line(ShipNum, ModelNum, QShip) 43 INSERT INTO shipment_line VALUES ('7771234', '814', '8'); INSERT INTO shipment_line VALUES ('7771234', '210', '2'); INSERT INTO shipment_line VALUES ('7771235', '941', '1'); INSERT INTO shipment_line VALUES ('7771235', 'CI17R4', '1'); INSERT INTO shipment_line VALUES ('7771235', '808', '4'); INSERT INTO shipment_line VALUES ('7771236', '933', '1'); INSERT INTO shipment_line VALUES ('7771237', '210', '1'); INSERT INTO shipment_line VALUES ('7771237', '808', '4'); INSERT INTO shipment_line VALUES ('7771238', '941', '2'); INSERT INTO shipment_line VALUES ('7771239', '210', '1'); INSERT INTO shipment_line VALUES ('7771239', '814', '2'); INSERT INTO shipment_line VALUES ('7771240', '933', '1'); INSERT INTO shipment_line VALUES ('7771241', '941-30', '1'); INSERT INTO shipment_line VALUES ('7771242', '210', '1'); INSERT INTO shipment_line VALUES ('7771242', '808', '4'); INSERT INTO shipment_line VALUES 44 ('7771242', '808-30', '4'); INSERT INTO shipment_line VALUES ('7771243', '311', '2'); INSERT INTO shipment_line VALUES ('7771243', '808', '2'); INSERT INTO shipment_line VALUES ('7771243', '808-30', '2'); INSERT INTO shipment_line VALUES ('7771243', '933', '2'); INSERT INTO shipment_line VALUES ('7771243', '933-30', '2'); INSERT INTO shipment_line VALUES ('7771243', '1424base', '2'); COMMIT; 45 --Packing slip SQL SELECT ALL CUSTOMER.CUSTNUM, CUSTOMER.BUSNAME, CUSTOMER.ADDRESS, CUSTOMER.CITY, CUSTOMER.STATE, CUSTOMER.ZIP, SAMPLE_ORDER.ORDER_NUM, SHIPMENT_LINE.MODEL_NUM, SHIPMENT_LINE.Q_SHIP, SHIPMENT_LINE.SHIPMENT_NUM, EMPLOYEE.F_NAME, EMPLOYEE.L_NAME, EMPLOYEE.EMP_NUM, EMPLOYEE.EXT FROM CUSTOMER, EMPLOYEE, SAMPLE_ORDER, SHIPMENT_LINE, SHIPMENT WHERE SAMPLE_ORDER.ORDER_NUM = :Order_desc AND ((CUSTOMER.CUSTNUM = SAMPLE_ORDER.CUSTNUM) AND (SAMPLE_ORDER.ORDER_NUM = SHIPMENT.ORDER_NUM) AND (SHIPMENT_LINE.SHIPMENT_NUM = SHIPMENT.SHIPMENT_NUM) AND (EMPLOYEE.EMP_NUM = SAMPLE_ORDER.EMP_NUM)) --User Defined Perameters SELECT sample_order.order_num FROM sample_order --Unreturned Orders SQL SELECT ALL SHIPMENT.SHIPMENT_NUM, CUSTOMER.CUSTNUM, EMPLOYEE.EMP_NUM, RETURN_LINE.RETURN_NUM, RETURN_LINE.MODEL_NUM, RETURN_LINE.Q_RET, SHIPMENT_LINE.Q_SHIP, SAMPLE_ORDER.ORDER_NUM, CUSTOMER.BUSNAME, CUSTOMER.CUSTPHONE, EMPLOYEE.EXT, EMPLOYEE.L_NAME FROM CUSTOMER, EMPLOYEE, SHIPMENT, SHIPMENT_LINE, SAMPLE_ORDER, RETURN_ITEM, RETURN_LINE WHERE ((RETURN_ITEM.ORDER_NUM = SAMPLE_ORDER.ORDER_NUM) AND (RETURN_ITEM.RETURN_NUM = RETURN_LINE.RETURN_NUM) AND (CUSTOMER.CUSTNUM = SAMPLE_ORDER.CUSTNUM) AND (EMPLOYEE.EMP_NUM = SAMPLE_ORDER.EMP_NUM) AND (SHIPMENT.ORDER_NUM = SAMPLE_ORDER.ORDER_NUM) AND (SHIPMENT.SHIPMENT_NUM = SHIPMENT_LINE.SHIPMENT_NUM) AND NOT (RETURN_LINE.Q_RET = SHIPMENT_LINE.Q_SHIP)) --PL/SQL function CF_items_outstandingFormula return Number is outstanding NUMBER; begin outstanding := :q_ship - :q_ret; return(outstanding); end; 46 --Inventory Count List SQL SELECT model_num, description, unit_price, qoh FROM inventory --Inventory SQL SELECT model_num, description, unit_price, qoh FROM inventory 47 Reports 48 49 Appendix Note: CD and student evaluations in sleeve of project binder Meeting Minutes Meeting 2-17-2006 7:00 pm IS 421 Project meeting Agenda Decide what case to do. Present Jeff Hayton Nathaniel Curtis Ray Cata Tony Taylor Absent None Discussion to pursue MTS Seating Inc. case if possible, otherwise come up with some alternatives before 3-10-2006. Set next meeting for 3-10-2006. Adjourned Meeting 3-10-2006 7:00 pm IS 421 Project meeting Agenda Discuses the case Discus proposal Decide which system we want to develop Divide the work for the proposal Present Jeff Hayton Nathaniel Curtis Ray Cata Tony Taylor Absent 50 None Discussion of the case that we had selected. Decided to develop an inventory tracking system for MTS Seating Inc. Project introduction Current IT environment Business Problem/Solution Methodologies and tools/sources Users involved Ray Jeff Jeff Nathan Tony Adjourned Meeting 3-24-2006 7:00 pm IS 421 Project meeting Agenda Talk about answers to questions from vender? Dividing the first faze of the project 1. ERD 2. Swat analysis 3. Business Rules Discuss ERD Present Jeff Hayton Nathaniel Curtis Ray Cata Tony Taylor Absent None Talked about answers Discussed ERD Divided the work 1. ERD 2. Swat analysis 3. Business rules Every One Tony Every One Adjourned 51 Meeting 3-31-2006 7:00 pm IS 421 Project meeting Agenda Discuss ERD 1. Finalizing schema Present Jeff Hayton Nathaniel Curtis Ray Cata Tony Taylor Absent None Discussed ERD Divided the work 4. Finalizing schema Adjourned Meeting 4-7-2006 7:00 pm IS 421 Project meeting Agenda 4. Talk about a. Forms b. Tables c. Reports 5. Dividing the SQL coding 6. What we have left to do Present Jeff Hayton Nathaniel Curtis Ray Cata Tony Taylor Absent None 52 1. Talk about a. Forms i. Enter Inventory Adjust ii. Lookup iii. Create order iv. View Orders v. Create shipment vi. Return Items b. Tables c. Reports i. Physical inventory Count sheet ii. Over due Samples iii. Packing List 2. Dividing the SQL coding Adjourned 53
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