JAEA-Technology 2008-086 Irradiation Sample Fabrications for VHTR -Research and Development for Advanced High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor Fuels and Graphite Components(Contract Research) Yasuhiro MOZUMI, Shohei UETA, Jun AIHARAand Kazuhiro SAWA High Temperature Fuel and Material Group Nuclear Science and Engineering Directorate February 2009 Japan Atomic Energy Agency 本レポートは独立行政法人日本原子力研究開発機構が不定期に発行する成果報告書です。 本レポートの入手並びに著作権利用に関するお問い合わせは、下記あてにお問い合わせ下さい。 なお、本レポートの全文は日本原子力研究開発機構ホームページ(http://www.jaea.go.jp) より発信されています。 独立行政法人日本原子力研究開発機構 〒319-1195 研究技術情報部 研究技術情報課 茨城県那珂郡東海村白方白根 2 番地 4 電話 029-282-6387, Fax 029-282-5920, E-mail:ird-support@jaea.go.jp This report is issued irregularly by Japan Atomic Energy Agency Inquiries about availability and/or copyright of this report should be addressed to Intellectual Resources Section, Intellectual Resources Department, Japan Atomic Energy Agency 2-4 Shirakata Shirane, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki-ken 319-1195 Japan Tel +81-29-282-6387, Fax +81-29-282-5920, E-mail:ird-support@jaea.go.jp © Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 2009 Irradiation Sample Fabrications for VHTR - Research and Development for Advanced High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor Fuels and Graphite Components (Contract Research) Yasuhiro MOZUMI̪1, Shohei UETA, Jun AIHARA and Kazuhiro SAWA Nuclear Applied Heat Technology Division, Nuclear Science and Engineering Directorate, Japan Atomic Energy Agency Oarai-machi, Higashiibaraki-gun, Ibaraki-ken (Received December 10, 2008) Fuel for the Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR) is required to be used under severer irradiation conditions and higher operational reactor temperatures than those of present high temperature gas cooled reactors. Japan Atomic Energy Agency has developed the advanced silicon carbide (SiC) -coated fuel particles having thicker layer thicknesses, and zirconium carbide (ZrC)-coated particles that are expected to preserve their integrity at higher temperatures and burnup conditions than current conventional coated fuel particles. These particles have been fabricated successfully in order to perform irradiation tests at experimental reactors. This paper is summarized fabrication data of irradiation samples. Keywords: Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR), Advanced Silicon Carbide (SiC) -coated Fuel Particles, Zirconium Carbide (ZrC)-coated Particles, Irradiation Sample This work was performed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT) under contract with Japan Atomic Energy Agency. ̪1 Collaborating Engineer 㜞᷷ࠟࠬἹߩߚߩᾖࠨࡦࡊ࡞ㅧ 㕟ᣂ⊛㜞᷷ࠟࠬἹΆᢱ㤥㋦ߦ㑐ߔࠆᛛⴚ㐿⊒ ฃ⸤⎇ⓥ ᣣᧄේሶജ⎇ⓥ㐿⊒ᯏ᭴ ේሶജၮ␆Ꮏቇ⎇ⓥㇱ㐷 ᩭᾲᔕ↪Ꮏቇ࡙࠾࠶࠻ ⨃ ᵏኡ̪ޔᬀ↰ ᐔ⋧ޔේ ⚐ޔᴛ ᒄ ᐕ ᣣ ฃℂ 㜞᷷ࠟࠬἹ㧔㪭㪟㪫㪩㧕ߩΆᢱߪޔߩ㜞᷷ࠟࠬἹࠃࠅㆊ㉃ߥᾖⅣႺߢ߆ߟࠃࠅ㜞᷷ਅߢ ↪ߐࠇࠆޕේሶജᯏ᭴ߪⴕޔΆᢱࠃࠅఝࠇ㜞᷷߆ߟ㜞Άᐲߦ⠴߃߁ࠆߣᦼᓙߐࠇࠆ㜞ᕈ ⢻ߢෘ⡺ߥൻࠤࠗ⚛㧔㪪㫀㪚㧕ⵍⷒΆᢱ☸ሶ߿ൻࠫ࡞ࠦ࠾࠙ࡓ㩿㪱㫉㪚㪀ⵍⷒ☸ሶࠍ㐿⊒ߒߡࠆޕ ⹜㛎Ἱߢᾖ⹜㛎ࠍታᣉߔࠆߚߩࠄࠇߎޔ㜞ᕈ⢻ߥൻࠤࠗ⚛㧔㪪㫀㪚㧕ⵍⷒΆᢱ߿ൻࠫ࡞ࠦ ࠾࠙ࡓ㩿㪱㫉㪚㪀ⵍⷒ☸ሶߩㅧߦᚑഞߒߚޕ㩷 ᧄႎߪޔᾖ⹜ᢱߩㅧ࠺࠲ࠍ߹ߣߚ߽ߩߢࠆޕ ᧄႎ๔ᦠߪᢥㇱ⑼ቇ⋭߇ᣣᧄේሶജ⎇ⓥ㐿⊒ᯏ᭴ߣߩ ᆔ⸤⎇ⓥᄾ⚂ߦࠃࠅታᣉߒߚ⎇ⓥ ᬺോᚑ ᨐߦ㑐ߔࠆ߽ߩߢࠆޕ ᄢᵞ⎇ⓥ㐿⊒ࡦ࠲㧔㚢㧕㧦⨙ ޥၔ⋵᧲⨙ၔᄢᵞ↸ᚑ↰↸ ̪ ᛛⴚ㐿⊒දജຬ Contents 1. Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2. Fabrication of advanced SiC-TRISO fuel ------------------------------------------------------------ 2 2.1 Fabrication processes of the VHTR fuel elements ---------------------------------------------- 2 2.2 UO2 kernels fabrication process ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 2.3 PyC and SiC coating processes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 2.4 Manufacture process of fuel compacts-------------------------------------------------------------- 2 2.5 Specifications and fabrication of advanced fuels for an irradiation test----------------- 3 3. Fabrication of ZrC coated particles -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 3.1 ZrC coating by bromide process ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 3.2 Coating equipment --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 3.3 Fabrication of ZrC coated particles for irradiation tests ------------------------------------- 5 4. Conclusion ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Acknowledgements ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 References ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 ⋡ ᰴ 1. ᐨ⺰ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2. ᡷ⦟ SiC TRISO Άᢱߩㅧ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 2.1 VHTR Άᢱⷐ⚛ߩㅧᎿ⒟ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 2.2 ΆᢱᩭㅧᎿ⒟ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 2.3 PyCޔSiC ⤑⫳⌕Ꮏ⒟ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 2.4 Άᢱࠦࡦࡄࠢ࠻ㅧᎿ⒟ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 2.5 ᾖ⹜㛎↪ᡷ⦟Άᢱߩࠬࡍ࠶ࠢߣㅧ -------------------------------------------------------------- 3 3. ZrC ☸ሶߩㅧ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 3.1 ⥇⚛ᴺߦࠃࠆ ZrC ⫳⌕ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 3.2 ⫳⌕ⵝ⟎ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 3.3 ᾖ⹜㛎↪ ZrC ⫳⌕☸ሶߩㅧ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 4. ⚿⺰ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 ⻢ㄉ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 ෳ⠨ᢥ₂ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 1. Introduction Current high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) uses Triso-coated fuel particles as shown in Fig. 1. The Triso-coated fuel particle consists of a micro spherical kernel of oxide or oxycarbide fuel and coating layers of porous pyrolytic carbon (buffer), inner dense pyrolytic carbon (IPyC), silicon carbide (SiC) and outer dense pyrolytic carbon (OPyC). The principal function of these coating layers is to retain fission products within the particle. Particularly, the SiC coating layer acts as a barrier against the diffusive release of metallic fission products which escape easily through the IPyC layer and provides mechanical strength for the particle. The Very-High-Temperature Reactor (VHTR) is one of the most promising candidates for the Generation IV Nuclear Energy System [1]. The VHTR demands the gas outlet temperature of approximately 1000°C for supplying electricity and process heat, e.g., for hydrogen production, as proposed in the Generation-IV International Forum [1]. The VHTR fuel is required to have excellent safety performance up to burn-ups of about 15 to 20% fissions per initial metal atom (FIMA) and fluences of 6×1025 n/m2 (E>0.1 MeV) [1]. Although SiC has excellent properties, it gradually loses strength due to neutron irradiation and mechanical integrity at very high temperatures, especially above 1700°C, by thermal dissociation[2-4]. In the other side zirconium carbide (ZrC) is known as a refractory and chemically stable compound, having a melting point of 3540 °C, and a eutectic melting point with carbon of 2850°C. JAEA has planed to irradiate the advanced silicon carbide (SiC) fuels having thicker layer thicknesses at OSIRIS reactor in France near future. And also we have joined the irradiation tests of ZrC-coated particles both High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) in Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and High Flux Reactor (HFR) in The Nuclear Research & consultancy Group (NRG). The object of this paper is summarized fabrication data for advanced SiC fuel and ZrC coated particles for VHTR developments. 2. Fabrication of advanced SiC-TRISO fuel 2.1 Fabrication processes of the VHTR fuel elements The VHTR fuel fabrication process consists of three parts: (1) UO2 kernels fabrication process, (2) PyC and SiC coating processes, (3) Manufacture process of Fuel compacts. These processes are described below. 2.2 UO2 kernels fabrication process The UO2 kernels are fabricated in a gel-precipitation process. The process is shown in Fig. 2[5]. After formation of uranyl nitrate solution containing additives, spherical droplets are generated at the vibrating nozzles and fall into ammonia water to be aged to ammonium diuranate (ADU) particles. The reaction products of ammonium nitrate etc. are washed off, then the particles are dried and calcinated to UO3 particles at 500͠ in air. UO3 particles are reduced and sintered to UO2 particles with about 97%T.D. at 1600͠ under hydrogen atmosphere[5]. 2.3 PyC and SiC coating processes Figure 3 [5] shows the fabrication flow diagram of coated fuel particles. Coating layers are deposited on the kernels in a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process using a fluidized bed type of coater. The Tri-isotropic (TRISO) coating process is divided into four coating processes for the porous PyC, IPyC, SiC and final OPyC layers. Mixing gases of acetylene (C2H2) and argon (Ar) are used for the deposition of porous and low density PyC for the first layer; propylene (C3H6) and Ar for the deposition of dense PyC for the second and fourth layer; methyl-trichloro-silane (MTS) and hydrogen for the deposition of SiC for the third layer [5]. 2.4 Manufacture process of fuel compacts Figure 4 [5] shows the manufacture process of fuel compacts. First, natural graphite powder, electro-graphite powder and a binder are mixed, and then the mixture makes graphite matrix after fine grinding process. Coated fuel particles are over-coated with the graphite matrix and warm-pressed to make annular cylinder of green compacts. Green compacts are preliminarily heat treated for carbonization at 800͠ under nitrogen atmosphere, then sintered at 1800͠ under vacuum to make fuel compacts[5]. 2.5 Specifications and Fabrication of advanced fuels for an irradiation test The Specifications of advanced UO2 Kernel, coated fuel particle (CFP) and compact are described on Table 1 compared with first HTTR fuels. Advanced fuels are improved the SiC thicker layer thickness against a high internal pressure of FP and CO gases with higher burnup. Also the fuel kernel become smaller and a buffer become bigger against an accumulated gas pressure. The advanced SiC-coated fuels have been fabricated successfully at Nuclear Fuel Industries (NFI) based on the specifications and processes described above sections. A typical appearance of a fuel compact is shown at Fig.5. These fuels will be used the irradiation test at OSIRIS reactor near future for the VHTR developments. 3. Fabrication of ZrC coated particles 3.1 ZrC coating by bromide process In previous studies in JAEA, some coating techniques of ZrC have been examined by the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) using zirconium halide vapors such as iodide, chloride and bromide [6]. From the experimental results, it was concluded that the bromide process was preferred to other halide processes experimentally, because it was found to be easier to produce a stoichiometric composition of ZrC. In the bromide process, the ZrC-coating layer is deposited with pyrolytic reaction of ZrBr4, CH4 and H2 at about 1500°C in a fluidized bed. Main reactions of the bromide process can be described as follows [6]: [CH4] = (C) + 2[H2] (1) [ZrBr4] + [H2] ń [ZrBr3], [ZrBr2] + [HBr] (2) [ZrBrx] + (C) = (ZrC) + x [Br], x=2, 3, or 4 (3) [Br] + 0.5[H2] = [HBr] (4) 0.25(C) + [HBr] = 0.25 [CH4] + [Br]. (5) (In above equations, solid and gas phases are expressed in parentheses and square brackets, respectively.) 3.2 Coating equipment ZrC coater was constructed at Oarai Research and Development Center of JAEA as shown in Figs. 6 and 7. The ZrC coater was designed with the maximum batch size of 0.2 kg, which is about ten times larger than the previous device used. The ZrC coater mainly consists of the gas supply equipment, the CVD coater, and the off-gas combustion equipment. In the gas supply system, liquid bromine is vaporized with argon as carrier gas at a temperature of 0 oC, and the bromine gas is introduced into the CVD coater from the bottom. transferred into the coater. A gas mixture of methane and hydrogen is also The CVD coater is composed of the lower and the upper heaters with in-line configuration to trigger ZrC reaction as described in Eqs. (1)- (4). The introduced bromine gas reacts with metallic zirconium sponge loaded in the lower heater, and then produces ZrBrx gases at about 600oC. The upper heater has a particle fluidizing bed, and ZrC is coated on the surface of the particle at 1600oC in the maximum. off-gas treatment equipment removes soot, hydrogen bromide, and residual hydrogen. The 3.3 Fabrication of ZrC coated particles for irradiation tests To investigate the fundamental irradiation properties of ZrC, PyC and SiC using several irradiation temperatures under VHTR operating conditions, JAEA has joined the irradiation tests both HFIR in ORNL and HFR in NRG with the total of 18 kinds of particle samples. The fabricated irradiation samples are summarized at Table 2. These consist of Type 1) 5 kinds of inner IPyC /ZrC coatings with ZrO2 kernels, Type 2) 4 kinds of IPyC/ZrC coatings with Al2O3 kernels, Type 3) IPyC/SiC/OPyC coatings with SiC kernels and Type 4) ZrO2 and Type 5) Al2O3 kernels without coating and Type 6) 4 kinds of IPyC /ZrC/OPyC coatings with ZrO2 kernels. oC The irradiation conditions 800 and 900 oC, 1100 oC and 1200 over 2 x 1025 m-2 of fast neutron fluences are selected for JAEA samples in the tests. For the Type 1) and 2), 6)as shown in Fig. 8 [7], ZrC-coating layer is known as the most pronounced candidate for the advanced fuel particle used in VHTR. In the viewpoint of the coating material, it is essential for the ZrC coating layer to have the stoichiometric composition (of which the carbon to zirconium atomic ratio, (C/Zr) is nearly 1.0), because it shows higher performances with regards to a mechanical integrity, a thermal conductivity and a fission product retention under irradiations than those of one with C/Zr>1.0. The ZrC with C/Zr>1.0 has so-called free carbons as shown in Fig. 9. In the irradiation test, ZrC coatings with some different C/Zr ratio in the range of 1.0 to 1.3 are irradiated in order to study the irradiation effect on ZrC coatings, mainly for mechanical properties such as the hardness and strengths, for the microstructure of both ZrC and free carbons. In addition to the actual industrial viewpoint the coated fuel particle should be received a heat treatment to form the fuel compact, the heated ZrC coated particles at 1,800 oC are also irradiated to compare its behavior with non-heated ones. The type 3) is SiC-TRISO particles with OPyC coating to compare PyC or SiC properties under the irradiation (a microstructure, PyC dimensional change, PyC anisotropy, etc.) with other samples. Types 4) and 5) are two substrate kernels used for JAEA samples in order to obtain the background data mainly for a dimensional change of each particle under the irradiation. For making PIEs easier, the some of these particles used highly purified Al2O3 kernels to reduce radioactivities comparing with ZrO2 after the irradiation. 4. Conclusion The advanced SiC-coated fuel particles have been fabricated successfully in order to perform irradiation tests at experimental reactors. JAEA has developed the ZrC coating conditions under which uniform ZrC coating layers can be obtained by using the new large-scale coater up to 0.2 kg batch. ZrC coated particles were successfully fabricated. These samples have been irradiated at experimental reactors. Acknowledgements The present study is the result of “Research and development for advanced high temperature gas cooled reactor fuels and graphite components” entrusted to the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT). The authors are indebted to Dr. T. Ogawa, Dr. K. Minato and Dr. M. Ogawa from JAEA for their valuable advices, Mr. A. Yasuda of JAEA, Mr. T. Sekita and Mr. T. Ebisawa from Nuclear Fuel Industries, Ltd., Mr. T. Nemoto from Kaken Laboratory, Co. and Mr. T. Tobita from Nuclear Engineering, Co. for obtaining the experimental data, and Mr. T. Iyoku from JAEA for helpful comments in preparing this paper. References [1] U.S.DOE Nuclear Energy Research Advisory Committee and the Generation IV International Forum, 03-GA500034-08(2004). [2] Y. Kurata, K. Ikawa, K. Iwamoto, J. Nucl. Mater. 92 (1980) 351. [3] H. Nabielek, W. Schenk, W. Heit, et al., Nucl. Technol., 84 (1989) 62. [4] D. T. Goodin, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 65 (1982) 238. [5]S.KATO et al., Fabrication of HTTR first loading fuel, IAEA-TECDOC-1210, April 2001. [6] T. Ogawa, K. Ikawa, K. Iwamoto, J. Nucl. Mater. 97 (1981) 104. [7] Ueta, S. et al., Development on fabrication and inspection techniques for the ZrC-coated fuel particle as an advanced high temperature gas cooled reactor fuel, Hyomen(Surface), vol. 46 ,no. 4, 2008, p.222-232. (In Japanese) Table 1 The specification of the Advanced fuel for irradiation tests planed at OSIRIS Item Advanced fuel 1st HTTR Fuel for Sampling rate reference Fuel kernel 235 U enrichment (%) Diameter (Pm) 9.9 3.4-9.9 500 600 1 sample/enrichment 1 sample (50 particles) /fuel kernel lot Sphericity 95% <1.2 95% <1.2 3 samples (100particles/sample) Density (g/cm3) 10.63 10.63 3 samples/fuel kernel lot O/ U ratio 2.00 2.00 1 sample/fuel kernel lot CFP Layer thickness Buffer (Pm) 95 60 1 sample (50 particles) /CFP lot I-PyC (Pm) 40 30 1 sample (50 particles) /CFP lot SiC (Pm) 35 25 1 sample (50 particles) /CFP lot O-PyC (Pm) 40 45 1 sample (50 particles) /CFP lot Fuel compact Packing fraction (%) 25 30 3 samples/ fuel compact lot Dimensions Outer Diameter (mm) 10 26 All fuel compacts Inner Diameter (mm) 2 10 All fuel compacts Length 12 39 All fuel compacts (mm) Table 2 No. Type of particles Coated particles for irradiation tests at HFR and HFIR Particle Material D(Pm) ZrO2 1 843 2 3 Same as No.1 sample ZrO2+PyC+ZrC (ZrO2 kernel with 4.82% Y2O3) 841 4* 7 8 858 ZrO2 PyC 720(diameter) 35 6.07 1.9 ZrC 21 6.01 759(diameter) 12 38 45 Around1.9 932 ZrO2with 4.82%Y2O3 724 ZrO2 724(diameter) 6.07 Al2O3 PyC ZrC 755(diameter) 42 24 3.89 1.9 6.5 1.84 3.2 1.85 Same as No.9sample Al2O3+PyC+ZrC (99.99% Al2O3 kernel ) 744 Al2O3 PyC ZrC 642(diameter) 33 9 3.89 1.9 6.5 Same as No.11sample 12 13 6.07 1.9 6.5 SiC PyC SiC PyC 902 11 720(diameter) 35 28 PyC+SiC (SiC kernel) 9 10 ZrO2 PyC ZrC Same as No.3 sample 5* 6 PyC ZrC Size or Density thickness (g/cm3) (Pm) 720(diameter) 6.07 35 1.9 22 6.45 Al2O399.99% 642 Al2O3 642(diameter) 3.89 895 ZrO2 IPyC ZrC OPyC 720(diameter) 35 21 24 6.07 1.9 6.52 1.9 14 15* 16* 17* Same as No.15 sample ZrO2+IPyC +ZrC+OPyC (ZrO2 kernel with 4.82% Y2O3) 902 18* ZrO2 IPyC ZrC OPyC 720(diameter) 35 27 25 6.07 1.9 6.52 1.92 Same as No.17 sample Remarks lot C/Zr=1.11 as fabricated ZrC-06-2022 C/Zr=1.11 heat treatment at about 1800 oC ZrC-06-2022HT C/Zr=1.03 as fabricated ZrC-06-2048 C/Zr=1.03 heat treatment at about 1800 oC ZrC-06-2048HT C/Zr=1.35 heat treatment at about 1800 oC ZrC-06-2003HT as fabricated 91SiCCP heat treatment at about 1800 oC ZCP-06-M01HT as received ZCP-06-M01 C/Zr=1.1 as fabricated ZrC-Al-2003 C/Zr=1.1 heat treatment at about 1800 oC ZrC-Al-2003HT C/Zr=1.1 as fabricated ZrC-Al-2001 C/Zr=1.1 heat treatment at about 1800 oC ZrC-Al-2001HT heat treatment at about 1800 oC 7001(600-710)HT as received 7001(600-710) C/Zr=1.03 as fabricated ZrC-07-3002 C/Zr=1.03 heat treatment at about 1800 oC ZrC-07-3002HT C/Zr=1.03 as fabricated ZrC-07-3010 C/Zr=1.03 heat treatment at about 1800 oC ZrC-07-3010HT 㧖Irradiation samples both HFR and HFIR UO2 kernel IPyC layer Buffer layer SiC layer OPyC layer Fig. 1 Triso-coated particle fuel Additives Uranyl nitrate Additives Uranyl nitrate UO2 (NO3 )2 Mixing Mixing Vessel P Dropping Storage Vessel Aging Flow rate controller oscillator Washing vibrataing nozzle P Drying stroboscope NH3 gas ADU particle Fluidized column Calcinating P UO3 particle steam exhaust Sintering UO2 kernel Collecting Vessel Fig. 2 UO2 kernels fabrication process [5] Fig. 3 Fabrication process of UO2 kernels 7 1 MGTPGNU (KTUVNC[GTEQCVKPI . QY density FGPUKV[pyrocarbon) R[TQECTDQP (Low % * # T Window Gas outlet Graphite heater Heat insulator Reactor tube Pyrometer cupples Thermo 5GEQPFNC[GTEQCVKPI (High density pyrocarbon) JKIJFGPUK V[R[T QECTDQP % * # T Particles Fluidized and Coating gases 6JKTFNC[GTEQCVKPI 5KNKEQPECTDKFG SiCl +H2) %(CH * 35K % N3* Cooling water Gas inlet nozzle Particle dischargecan % QCVGT Fourth layer coating (high density pyrocarbon) C3H6+Ar TRISO type coated fuel particles Polished cross section of coated fuel particle Fig. 4 Fabrication process of processes coated fuel Fig. 3 PyC and SiC coating [5] particle Coated fuel particle Graphite powder Binder Mixing Overcoating Drying preheating Overcaoted Over coated particle particle Charge Weighing Weighting Pressing Green compact Carobonization Carbonization Degassing Numbering A1234 Green compact Fuel compact Automatical pressing system ofoffuel Fig. 5 Fig. Fabrication process 4 Manufacture process Fuelcompact Compacts [5] Pressing Discharge Fig. 5 Appearance of a fuel compact Upper heater for ZrC deposition Lower heater for ZrBrx production Fig. 6 Appearance of the CVD coater. Off gas combustion equipment Exhaust gas Upper heater with a particle H2 combustor fluidizing bed Soot filter HBr absorber Lower heater loaded metallic zirconium Br2 + Ar CH4 + H2 CVD coater Bromine vaporizer Gas supply equipment Fig. 7 Process flow diagram of ZrC coater. (b) (a) (c) 1000Pm 10Pm Fig. 8 (a) Appearance and (b) (c) cross sections of ZrC coated particles. [7] Growth direction Near the surface of the ZrC coated particle Free carbon 1Pm Fig. 9 STEM dark field (HAADF) image of ZrC coating layer with free carbon having high carbon peak by EDX ޓ࿖㓙න♽㧔5+㧕 㧝㧚SI ၮᧄන SI ၮᧄන ၮᧄ㊂ ฬ⒓ ⸥ภ 㐳 ߐࡔ ࠻࡞ m ⾰ ㊂ ࠠࡠࠣࡓ kg ᤨ 㑆 ⑽ s 㔚 ᵹࠕ ࡦࡍࠕ A ᾲജቇ᷷ᐲ ࠤ ࡞ ࡆ ࡦ K ‛ ⾰ ㊂ࡕ ࡞ mol శ ᐲ ࠞ ࡦ ࠺ cd 㕙 ㅦ ട ᵄ ኒ 㕙 Ყ 㔚 ⏛ ㊂ ⾰ ノ ዮ Ყ 㧞㧚ၮᧄනࠍ↪ߡߐࠇࠆSI⚵┙නߩ SI ၮᧄන ⚵┙㊂ ฬ⒓ ⸥ภ Ⓧ ᐔᣇࡔ࠻࡞ m2 Ⓧ ┙ᴺࡔ࠻࡞ m3 ߐ 㧘 ㅦ ᐲ ࡔ࠻࡞Ფ⑽ m/s ㅦ ᐲ ࡔ࠻࡞Ფ⑽Ფ⑽ m/s2 ᢙ Ფࡔ࠻࡞ m-1 ᐲ 㧘 ⾰ ㊂ ኒ ᐲ ࠠࡠࠣࡓᲤ┙ᣇࡔ࠻࡞ kg/m3 Ⓧ ኒ ᐲ ࠠࡠࠣࡓᲤᐔᣇࡔ࠻࡞ kg/m2 Ⓧ ┙ᣇࡔ࠻࡞Ფࠠࡠࠣࡓ m3/kg ᵹ ኒ ᐲ ࠕࡦࡍࠕᲤᐔᣇࡔ࠻࡞ A/m2 ⇇ ߩ ᒝ ߐ ࠕࡦࡍࠕᲤࡔ࠻࡞ A/m Ớ ᐲ (a) 㧘 Ớ ᐲ ࡕ࡞Ფ┙ᣇࡔ࠻࡞ mol/m3 ㊂ Ớ ᐲ ࠠࡠࠣࡓᲤ┙ᴺࡔ࠻࡞ kg/m3 ᐲ ࠞࡦ࠺Ფᐔᣇࡔ࠻࡞ cd/m2 1 ᛬ ₸ (b) 㧔ᢙሼߩ㧕ޓ㧝 (b) 㧔ᢙሼߩ㧕ޓ㧝 1 ㅘ ⏛ ₸ ਸ਼ᢙޓ 1024 1021 1018 1015 1012 109 106 103 102 101 ㉄ ⚛ ᵴ ᕈ ࠞ࠲࡞ kat ⸥ภ d ࠲ ࠛ ࠢ ࠨ 㨆 㧱 10-2 ࡦ ࠴ ࡒ c m ࡍ ࠹ ࠲ 㧼 㨀 μ n ࠡ ࡔ ࠟ ࠟ 㧳 㧹 ࡑࠗࠢࡠ ࡁ 10-9 ࠽ ࠦ 10-12 ࡇ 10-15 ࡈࠚࡓ࠻ ࠠ ࡠ ࡋ ࠢ ࠻ ࠺ ࠞ 㨗 㨔 ࠻ 10-18 ࠕ 10-21 ࡊ ࠻ 10-24 ࡛ ࠢ ࠻ a z y ᣣ ᐲ ಽ da d ° ’ ⑽ ࡋࠢ࠲࡞ ࠶࠻࡞ SIၮᧄනߦࠃࠆ ߒᣇ m/m 2/ 2 m m s-1 m kg s-2 m-1 kg s-2 m2 kg s-2 m2 kg s-3 sA m2 kg s-3 A-1 m-2 kg-1 s4 A2 m2 kg s-3 A-2 m-2 kg-1 s3 A2 m2 kg s-2 A-1 kg s-2 A-1 m2 kg s-2 A-2 K cd m-2 cd s-1 10-3 10-6 p f 1 d=24 h=86 400 s 1°=(Ǒ/180) rad 1’=(1/60)°=(Ǒ/10800) rad ” 1”=(1/60)’=(Ǒ/648000) rad ha 1ha=1hm2=104m2 L㧘l 1L=11=1dm3=103cm3=10-3m3 t 1t=103 kg ࠻ࡦ 㧣㧚SIߦዻߐߥ߇ޔSIߣ૬↪ߐࠇࠆනߢޔSIනߢ ߐࠇࠆᢙ୯߇ታ㛎⊛ߦᓧࠄࠇࠆ߽ߩ ฬ⒓ ⸥ภ SI නߢߐࠇࠆᢙ୯ 1eV=1.602 176 53(14)×10-19J 㔚 ሶ ࡏ ࡞ ࠻ ࠳ ࡞ ࠻ ࡦ ⛔৻ේሶ⾰㊂න eV Da u 1Da=1.660 538 86(28)×10-27kg 1u=1 Da ᄤ ua 1ua=1.495 978 706 91(6)×1011m ᢥ න 㧤㧚SIߦዻߐߥ߇ޔSIߣ૬↪ߐࠇࠆߘߩઁߩන ฬ⒓ ⸥ภ SI නߢߐࠇࠆᢙ୯ ࡃ ࡞ bar 㧝bar=0.1MPa=100kPa=105Pa ᳓㌁ᩇࡒࡔ࠻࡞ mmHg 1mmHg=133.322Pa m2 s-2 m2 s-2 s-1 mol (a)SIធ㗡⺆ߪ࿕ߩฬ⒓ߣ⸥ภࠍᜬߟ⚵┙නߣ⚵ߺวࠊߖߡ߽↪ߢ߈ࠆߒ߆ߒޕធ㗡⺆ࠍઃߒߚනߪ߽ߪ߿ ޕߥߪߢ࠻ࡦࡅࠦޓ (b)ࠫࠕࡦߣࠬ࠹ࠫࠕࡦߪᢙሼߩ㧝ߦኻߔࠆනߩ․ߥฬ⒓ߢޔ㊂ߦߟߡߩᖱႎࠍߟߚ߃ࠆߚߦࠊࠇࠆޕ ޓታ㓙ߦߪ⸥ߪߦᤨࠆߔ↪ޔภrad߮sr߇↪ࠄࠇࠆ߇ޔ⠌ᘠߣߒߡ⚵┙නߣߒߡߩ⸥ภߢࠆᢙሼߩ㧝ߪ ޕߥࠇߐ␜ޓ (c)᷹శቇߢߪࠬ࠹ࠫࠕࡦߣ߁ฬ⒓ߣ⸥ภsrࠍනߩߒᣇߩਛߦ⛽߹߹ߩߘޔᜬߒߡࠆޕ (d)ࡋ࡞࠷ߪᦼ⽎ߦߟߡߩߺߪ࡞ࠢࡌޔᕈᩭ⒳ߩ⛔⸘⊛ㆊ⒟ߦߟߡߩߺ↪ߐࠇࠆޕ (e)࡞ࠪ࠙ࠬᐲߪࠤ࡞ࡆࡦߩ․ߥฬ⒓ߢࠬ࠙ࠪ࡞ޔ᷷ᐲࠍߔߚߦ↪ߐࠇࠆࠬ࠙ࠪ࡞ޕᐲߣࠤ࡞ࡆࡦߩ ޓනߩᄢ߈ߐߪห৻ߢࠆޔߡߞ߇ߚߒޕ᷷ᐲᏅ߿᷷ᐲ㑆㓒ࠍߔᢙ୯ߪߤߜࠄߩනߢߒߡ߽หߓߢࠆޕ (f)ᕈᩭ⒳ߩ⢻㧔activity referred to a radionuclide㧕ߪ”ߢ⺆↪ߚߞ⺋߫ߒ߫ߒޔradioactivity”ߣ⸥ߐࠇࠆޕ (g)නࠪࡌ࡞࠻㧔PV,2002,70,205㧕ߦߟߡߪCIPM൘๔2㧔CI-2002㧕ࠍෳᾖޕ 㧠㧚නߩਛߦ࿕ߩฬ⒓ߣ⸥ภࠍSI⚵┙නߩ SI ⚵┙න ⚵┙㊂ SI ၮᧄනߦࠃࠆ ฬ⒓ ⸥ภ ߒᣇ -1 ☼ ᐲ ࡄࠬࠞ࡞⑽ Pa s m kg s-1 2 -2 ജ ߩ ࡕ ࡔ ࡦ ࠻ ࠾ࡘ࠻ࡦࡔ࠻࡞ Nm m kg s 㕙 ᒛ ജ ࠾ࡘ࠻ࡦᲤࡔ࠻࡞ N/m kg s-2 ⷺ ㅦ ᐲ ࠫࠕࡦᲤ⑽ rad/s m m-1 s-1=s-1 ⷺ ട ㅦ ᐲ ࠫࠕࡦᲤ⑽Ფ⑽ rad/s2 m m-1 s-2=s-2 ᾲ ᵹ ኒ ᐲ , ᾖ ᐲ ࡢ࠶࠻Ფᐔᣇࡔ࠻࡞ kg s-3 W/m2 ᾲ ኈ ㊂ , ࠛ ࡦ ࠻ ࡠ ࡇ ࠫࡘ࡞Ფࠤ࡞ࡆࡦ J/K m2 kg s-2 K-1 Ყ ᾲ ኈ ㊂ 㧘 Ყ ࠛ ࡦ ࠻ ࡠ ࡇ ࠫࡘ࡞ᲤࠠࡠࠣࡓᲤࠤ࡞ࡆࡦ J/(kg K) m2 s-2 K-1 Ყ ࠛ ࡀ ࡞ ࠡ ࠫࡘ࡞Ფࠠࡠࠣࡓ J/kg m2 s-2 ᾲ વ ዉ ₸ ࡢ࠶࠻Ფࡔ࠻࡞Ფࠤ࡞ࡆࡦ W/(m K) m kg s-3 K-1 Ⓧ ࠛ ࡀ ࡞ ࠡ ࠫࡘ࡞Ფ┙ᣇࡔ࠻࡞ J/m3 m-1 kg s-2 㔚 ⇇ ߩ ᒝ ߐ ࡏ࡞࠻Ფࡔ࠻࡞ V/m m kg s-3 A-1 㔚 ⩄ ኒ ᐲ ࠢࡠࡦᲤ┙ᣇࡔ࠻࡞ C/m3 m-3 sA 㕙 㔚 ⩄ ࠢࡠࡦᲤᐔᣇࡔ࠻࡞ C/m2 m-2 sA 㔚 ᧤ ኒ ᐲ 㧘 㔚 ᳇ ᄌ ࠢࡠࡦᲤᐔᣇࡔ࠻࡞ C/m2 m-2 sA ⺃ 㔚 ₸ ࡈࠔ࠼Ფࡔ࠻࡞ F/m m-3 kg-1 s4 A2 ㅘ ⏛ ₸ ࡋࡦᲤࡔ࠻࡞ H/m m kg s-2 A-2 ࡕ ࡞ ࠛ ࡀ ࡞ ࠡ ࠫࡘ࡞Ფࡕ࡞ J/mol m2 kg s-2 mol-1 ࡕ࡞ࠛࡦ࠻ࡠࡇ, ࡕ࡞ᾲኈ㊂ ࠫࡘ࡞Ფࡕ࡞Ფࠤ࡞ࡆࡦ J/(mol K) m2 kg s-2 K-1 mol-1 ᾖ ✢ ㊂ 㧔 㨄 ✢ ߮ ǫ ✢ 㧕 ࠢࡠࡦᲤࠠࡠࠣࡓ C/kg kg-1 sA ๆ ✢ ㊂ ₸ ࠣࠗᲤ⑽ Gy/s m2 s-3 ᒝ ᐲ ࡢ࠶࠻Ფࠬ࠹ࠫࠕࡦ W/sr m4 m-2 kg s-3=m2 kg s-3 ノ ᐲ ࡢ࠶࠻Ფᐔᣇࡔ࠻࡞Ფࠬ࠹ࠫࠕࡦ W/(m2 sr) m2 m-2 kg s-3=kg s-3 ㉂ ⚛ ᵴ ᕈ Ớ ᐲ ࠞ࠲࡞Ფ┙ᣇࡔ࠻࡞ kat/m3 m-3 s-1 mol 㧡㧚SI ធ㗡⺆ ⸥ภ ਸ਼ᢙ ޓធ㗡⺆ 㨅 ࠪ 10-1 ࠺ 㧢㧚SIߦዻߐߥ߇ޔSIߣ૬↪ߐࠇࠆන ฬ⒓ ⸥ภ SI නߦࠃࠆ୯ ಽ min 1 min=60s ᤨ h 1h =60 min=3600 s 㧔a㧕㊂Ớᐲ㧔amount concentration㧕ߪ⥃ᐥൻቇߩಽ㊁ߢߪ‛⾰Ớᐲ ޓޓ㧔substance concentration㧕ߣ߽ࠃ߫ࠇࠆޕ 㧔D㧕ߎࠇࠄߪήᰴర㊂ࠆߪᰴర㧝ࠍ߽ߟ㊂ߢࠆ߇ߣߎߩߘޔ ߔࠍޓޓන⸥ภߢࠆᢙሼߩ㧝ߪㅢᏱߪ⸥ߒߥޕ 㧟㧚࿕ߩฬ⒓ߣ⸥ภߢߐࠇࠆSI⚵┙න SI ⚵┙න ⚵┙㊂ ઁߩSIනߦࠃࠆ ฬ⒓ ⸥ภ ߒᣇ 㧔㨎㧕 ᐔ 㕙 ⷺ ࠫࠕࡦ(㨎) rad 1 㧔㨎㧕 (㨎) (c) ┙ ⷺ ࠬ࠹ࠫࠕࡦ sr 1 ᵄ ᢙ ࡋ࡞࠷㧔㨐㧕 Hz ജ ࠾ࡘ࠻ࡦ N ജ ᔕ ജ ࡄࠬࠞ࡞ , Pa N/m2 ࠛ ࡀ ࡞ ࠡ , , ᾲ ㊂ ࠫࡘ࡞ J Nm ₸ 㧘 Ꮏ ₸ 㧘 ᧤ ࡢ࠶࠻ W J/s 㔚 ⩄ 㔚 ᳇ ㊂ ࠢࡠࡦ , C 㔚 Ꮕ 㧔 㔚 㧕 , 㔚 ജ ࡏ࡞࠻ V W/A 㕒 㔚 ኈ ㊂ ࡈࠔ࠼ F C/V 㔚 ᳇ ᛶ ᛫ ࠝࡓ ƺ V/A ࠦ ࡦ ࠳ ࠢ ࠲ ࡦ ࠬ ࠫࡔࡦࠬ S A/V ⏛ ᧤ ࠙ࠛࡃ Wb Vs ⏛ ᧤ ኒ ᐲ ࠹ࠬ T Wb/m2 ࠗ ࡦ ࠳ ࠢ ࠲ ࡦ ࠬ ࡋࡦ H Wb/A ࡞ ࠪ ࠙ ࠬ ᷷ ᐲ ࡞ࠪ࠙ࠬᐲ(㨑) ͠ శ ᧤ ࡞ࡔࡦ lm cd sr(c) ᾖ ᐲ ࡞ࠢࠬ lx lm/m2 Bq ᕈ ᩭ ⒳ ߩ ⢻ 㧔 㨒 㧕 ࡌࠢ࡞㧔㨐㧕 ๆ✢㊂, Ყࠛࡀ࡞ࠡಽਈ, ࠣࠗ Gy J/kg ࠞࡑ ✢㊂ᒰ㊂, ㄝ✢㊂ᒰ㊂, ᣇะ Sv J/kg ࠪࡌ࡞࠻㧔㨓㧕 ᕈ✢㊂ᒰ㊂, ੱ✢㊂ᒰ㊂ ធ㗡⺆ ࡛ ࠲ ࠝࡦࠣࠬ࠻ࡠࡓ ᶏ ㉿ ࡃ ࡦ Έ 㧹 㧝Έ=0.1nm=100pm=10-10m 㧝M=1852m b ࡁ ࡀ ࡌ ࠻ ࡄ ࡞ kn Np 㧮 㧝b=100fm2=(10-12cm)2=10-28m2 㧝kn=(1852/3600)m/s ࡞ dB ࠶ ࠺ ࠫ ࡌ 5+නߣߩᢙ୯⊛ߥ㑐ଥߪޔ ޓޓޓޓኻᢙ㊂ߩቯ⟵ߦଐሽޕ 㧥㧚࿕ߩฬ⒓ࠍ߽ߟCGS⚵┙න ฬ⒓ ⸥ภ SI නߢߐࠇࠆᢙ୯ ࡞ ࠣ erg 1 erg=10-7 J ࠛ ࠳ ࡐ ࠗ ࠕ ࠬ ࠬ ࠻ ࠢ ࠴ ࡞ ࡈ ࠟ ࠜ ࡦ dyn 1 ࠭ P 1 ࠬ St 1 ࡉ sb 1 ࠻ ph 1 ࡞ Gal 1 ࡑ ࠢ ࠬ ࠙ 㨴 ࡞ ࠟ ࠙ ࠬ ࠛ࡞ࠬ࠹࠶࠼㧔 㨏㧕 Mx G Oe dyn=10-5N P=1 dyn s cm-2=0.1Pa s St =1cm2 s-1=10-4m2 s-1 sb =1cd cm-2=104cd m-2 ph=1cd sr cm-2 104lx Gal =1cm s-2=10-2ms-2 1 Mx = 1G cm2=10-8Wb 1 G =1Mx cm-2 =10-4T 1 Oe䇭 (103/4Ǒ)A m-1 㧔E㧕㧟ర♽ߩCGSන♽ߣSIߢߪ⋥ធᲧセߢ߈ߥߚ╬ޔภޠ ޓޓޟ ߪ ޓޓኻᔕ㑐ଥࠍ␜ߔ߽ߩߢࠆޕ ࠠ ฬ⒓ ࡘ ࡦ ࠟ ࠻ 10㧚SIߦዻߐߥߘߩઁߩනߩ ⸥ภ SI නߢߐࠇࠆᢙ୯ Ci 1 Ci=3.7×1010Bq ࠥ ࡦ ࡦ R ࠼ rad ࡓ rem ࡑ ǫ ࡈ ࠚ ࡞ ࡒ ࡔ࠻࡞♽ࠞ࠶࠻ ࠻ ᮡ Ḱ ᄢ ᳇ 1 R = 2.58×10-4C/kg 1 rad=1cGy=10-2Gy 1 rem=1 cSv=10-2Sv 1ǫ=1 nT=10-9T 1ࡈࠚ࡞ࡒ=1 fm=10-15m 1ࡔ࠻࡞♽ࠞ࠶࠻ = 200 mg = 2×10-4kg ࡞ Torr 1 Torr = (101 325/760) Pa atm 1 atm = 101 325 Pa ࠞ ࡠ cal ࡒ ࠢ ࡠ ࡦ μ 1cal=4.1858J㧔㨬15͠㨭ࠞࡠ㧕㧘4.1868J 㧔㨬IT㨭ࠞࡠ㧕4.184J㧔㨬ᾲൻቇ㨭ࠞࡠ㧕 1 μ =1μm=10-6m 㧔╙ 㧘ᐕᡷ⸓㧕 この印刷物は再生紙を使用しています
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