Telecommunications Communications Technologies Courseware Sample 39865-F0 A TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES COURSEWARE SAMPLE by the Staff of Lab-Volt Ltd. Copyright © 2009 Lab-Volt Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of Lab-Volt Ltd. Printed in Canada April 2009 Table of Contents Introduction Courseware Outline Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK/DQPSK) Sample Exercise (QPSK/DQPSK) Extracted from Quadrature Phase Shift Keying Exercise 1 QPSK Modulation Sample Exercise (QAM/DQAM) Extracted from Quadrature Amplitude Modulation Exercise 1 QAM Modulation Sample Exercise Extracted from Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Exercise 1 ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis Instructor Guide Sample Exercise Extracted from Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Exercise 1 ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis Bibliography III IV Introduction Digital communication offers so many advantages over analog communication that the majority of today's communications systems are digital. Unlike analog communication systems, digital systems do not require accurate recovery of the transmitted waveform at the receiver end. Instead, the receiver periodically detects which waveform is being transmitted, among a limited number of possible waveforms, and maps the detected waveform back to the data it represents. This allows extremely low error rates, even when the signal has been corrupted by noise. The digital circuits are often implemented using application specific integrated circuits (ASIC) and field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA). Although this "system-on-a-chip" approach is very effective for commercial and military applications, the resulting systems do not allow access to internal signals and data and are therefore poorly suited for educational use. It is for this reason that Lab-Volt designed the Communications Technologies Training System. The Lab-Volt Communications Technologies Training System, Model 8087, is a state-of-the-art communications training system. Specially designed for hands-on training, it facilitates the study of many different types of digital modulation/demodulation technologies such as PAM, PWM, PPM, PCM, Delta Modulation, ASK, FSK, and BPSK as well as spectrally efficient technologies such as QPSK, QAM, and ADSL. The system also enables the study of direct-sequence and frequency-hopping spread spectrum (DSSS and FHSS), two key technologies used in modern wireless communication systems (CDMA cellular-telephony networks, Global Positioning System, Bluetooth interface for wireless connectivity, etc.) to implement code-division multiple access (CDMA), improve interference rejection, minimize interference with other systems, etc. The system is designed to reflect the standards commonly used in modern communications systems. Unlike conventional, hardware-based training systems that use a variety of physical modules to implement different technologies and instruments, the Communications Technologies Training System is based on a Reconfigurable Training Module (RTM) and the Lab-Volt Communications Technologies (LVCT) software, providing tremendous flexibility at a reduced cost. Each of the communications technologies to be studied is provided as an application that can be selected from a menu. Once loaded into the LVCT software, the selected application configures the RTM to implement the communications technology, and provides a specially designed user interface for the student. The LVCT software provides settings for full user control over the operating parameters of each communications technology application. Functional block diagrams for the circuits involved are shown on screen. The digital or analog signals at various points in the circuits can be viewed and analyzed using the virtual instruments included in the software. In addition, some of these signals are made available at physical connectors on the RTM and can be displayed and measured using conventional instruments. The courseware for the Communications Technologies Training System consists of a series of student manuals covering the different technologies as well as instructor guides that provide the answers to procedure step questions and to review questions. The Communications Technologies Training System and the accompanying courseware provide a complete study program for these key information-age technologies. V VI Courseware Outline QUADRATURE PHASE SHIFT KEYING (QPSK/DQPSK) Introduction Phase Shift Keying (PSK) Modulation Digital modulation. M-ary signaling. Phase shift keying. Quadrature Phase Shift Keying. Bandwidth efficiency. Constellation diagrams. Exercise 1 QPSK Modulation The QPSK waveform. QPSK constellations. A typical QPSK modulator. Symbol rate and bandwidth. Exercise 2 QPSK Demodulation Demodulation and detection. QPSK demodulation. Carrier recovery. Detection of the demodulated signals. Phase ambiguity. Exercise 3 Differential QPSK (DQPSK) Review of phase ambiguity. Using differential encoding to overcome phase ambiguity. Differential encoding applied to PSK. Advantages and disadvantages of differential encoding. Differential encoding in the QPSK/DQPSK application. Exercise 4 Data Scrambling and Descrambling The purpose of data scrambling and descrambling. Scrambling and descrambling circuits. The choice of polynomial. Descrambler impulse response. Scrambling and descrambling in the QPSK/DQPSK application. Exercise 5 Troubleshooting a QPSK/DQPSK Modem Signal flow tracing. A systematic troubleshooting procedure. VII Courseware Outline QUADRATURE AMPLITUDE MODULATION (QAM/DQAM) Introduction Quadrature Amplitude Modulation Digital modulation. M-ary signaling. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation. Bandwidth efficiency. Constellation diagrams. Exercise 1 QAM Modulation The QAM waveform. QAM constellations. A typical QAM modulator. Symbol rate and bandwidth. Exercise 2 QAM Demodulation Demodulation and detection. QAM demodulation. Carrier recovery. Detection of the demodulated signals. Phase ambiguity. Exercise 3 Differential QAM (DQAM) Review of phase ambiguity. Using differential encoding to overcome phase ambiguity. DQAM using v.22 bis. Advantages and disadvantages of differential encoding. Differential encoding in the QAM/DQAM application. Exercise 4 Data Scrambling and Descrambling The purpose of data scrambling and descrambling. Scrambling and descrambling circuits. The choice of polynomial. Descrambler impulse response. Scrambling and descrambling in the QAM/DQAM application. Exercise 5 Troubleshooting a QAM/DQAM Modem Signal flow tracing. A systematic troubleshooting procedure. VIII Courseware Outline ASYMMETRIC DIGITAL SUBSCRIBER LINE (ADSL) Introduction ADSL Basics ADSL Data Transmission Rates. ADSL Deployment. ADSL Concept. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). Discrete Multitone (DMT) Modulation. Exercise 1 ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis ADSL Subcarrier Distribution. ADSL Maximum Data Transmission Rates. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation of the Subcarriers. The Lab-Volt ADSL Application. Exercise 2 ADSL Signal Generation ADSL Signal Generation Using DMT Modulation. ATU Transmitter Block Diagram. Tone Ordering and Constellation Encoder. Hermitian Symmetry. Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT). Cyclic Prefix. Conversion of the Time-Domain Samples into an Analog Signal. Exercise 3 ADSL Signal Demodulation Introduction. ATU Receiver Block Diagram. ADSL Signal Sampling and Frame Synchronization. Cyclic Prefix Removal. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Constellation Decoder. Data Transmission Rate Adaptation. Exercise 4 Framing, Synchronization, and Error Detection ADSL Superframe Structure. Frame Synchronization. Superframe Synchronization. Error Detection. Net Data Rate versus Aggregate Data Rate. Exercise 5 Forward Error Correction Using Reed-Solomon Codes Introduction to Error Control. Error Detection. Error Correction. Forward Error Correction. FEC using Reed-Solomon Codes. Reed-Solomon Error Correction in ADSL Applications. Total Data Rate versus Aggregate Data Rate. Exercise 6 Data Interleaving The Concept of Data Interleaving. Enhancing Forward Error Correction using Data Interleaving. Data Interleaving in ADSL Applications. Reed-Solomon Error Correction Enhancement using Data Interleaving. IX Courseware Outline ASYMMETRIC DIGITAL SUBSCRIBER LINE (ADSL) Exercise 7 Convolutional Coding in ATU Transmitters Convolutional-Coding Forward Error Correction. Bit Extractor and Trellis Encoder in ATU Transmitters. Convolutional Encoder Used in the Trellis Encoder of ATU Transmitters. Convolutional Coding of Data Bits u1 and u2 in ATU Transmitters. Exercise 8 Trellis-Coded Modulation in ATU Transmitters Introduction to the Trellis-Coded Modulation. Mapping by Set Partitioning. Selecting Points in Constellations for Each Pair of Tones. The Enhanced Immunity of TCM against Noise-Caused Errors. Trellis Encoder Block Diagram. 4-D Cosets Used in ADSL Applications. Exercise 9 Viterbi Decoding in ATU Receivers Introduction to Viterbi Decoding. Error Correction Capability of the Viterbi Decoder in ATU Receivers. Summary of the Error Correction Capability of ATU Receivers. Appendix A Convolutional Coding Introduction. A Simple Convolutional Encoder. Encoder Operation Analysis. Convolutional Coding Example. Appendix B Decoding Convolutionally-Encoded Data Introduction. Decoding Example. Finding the Continuous Path in the Trellis Diagram. Error Correction Example. Appendix C Viterbi Decoding Introduction. Error Correction Example. Introduction to the Viterbi Decoding. The Viterbi Decoding Algorithm. X Sample Exercise Extracted from Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK/DQPSK) Exercise 1 QPSK Modulation EXERCISE OBJECTIVE When you have completed this exercise, you will be familiar with QPSK modulation, with the characteristics of QPSK signals and with the QPSK signal constellation. You will also be familiar with the LVCT software and the use of the virtual instruments. DISCUSSION OUTLINE The Discussion of this exercise covers the following points: The QPSK waveform QPSK constellations A typical QPSK modulator Symbol rate and bandwidth DISCUSSION The QPSK waveform * Filters are usually used near the output of a QPSK modulator in order to restrict the bandwidth. This results in amplitude variations in the QPSK signal. Although these amplitude variations facilitate timing recovery in the demodulator, they do not convey data. Only the phase of the waveform conveys the data. With quadrature phase shift keying modulation (also called quaternary PSK, quadriphase PSK or 4-PSK), a sinusoidal waveform is varied in phase while keeping the amplitude* and frequency constant. The term quadrature indicates that there are four possible phases. Equation (3) shows the general expression for a QPSK waveform. s i (t ) = A cos[ω c t + ϕ 0 + ϕ i (t )] where si t A ωc φ0 φi i (3) is the PSK signal waveform for phase i is time is the peak amplitude is the carrier frequency in radians/s ( ω c = 2πfc ) is the reference phase angle is phase i ranges from 1 to 4 The instantaneous phase has discrete values equal to ϕ 0 + 2πi , where i = 1, 2, 4 3, or 4. QPSK constellations The ideal PSK constellation has M equidistant phase states and constant amplitude, resulting in a circular symmetry. With QPSK, therefore, M = 4 and the phases are separated by 90°, as shown in Figure 4. Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK/DQPSK) 9 Exercise 1 – QPSK Modulation Discussion Figure 4 shows two common representations of the QPSK constellation. The constellation points are arbitrarily labeled A, B, C and D, each of which represents one of the four possible dibits 00, 01, 10, and 11. The mapping between the dibits and the constellation points depends on the modulator circuit. Beside each constellation in Figure 4 is a plot showing all four phases (modulation symbols) as sinusoids. In each of these representations, the four phases are spaced 90° (π/2 radians) apart. The only difference between these representations is the choice of the reference phase angle (φ0 in Equation (3)). A Q B B C D A I C D a) QPSK (φ = π/4, 3π/4, 5π/4, 7π/4) B A Q B C D A I C D b) QPSK (φ = 0, π/2, π, 3π/2) Figure 4. QPSK constellation and waveforms. A typical QPSK modulator A QPSK signal can be generated by independently modulating two carriers in quadrature (cos ωt and sin ωt), as shown in Figure 5. The Serial to Parallel Converter groups the incoming data into dibits (groups of two consecutive bits). Each time two bits have been clocked serially into its buffer, the Serial to Parallel Converter outputs one dibit in parallel at its two outputs. One bit of each dibit is sent to the I channel of the modulator; the other bit is sent to the Q channel of the modulator. Each channel of the modulator works independently to processes the stream of bits it receives. 10 Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK/DQPSK) Exercise 1 – QPSK Modulation Discussion The starting point for grouping bits into dibits is completely arbitrary. For educational purposes, the Serial to Parallel Converter in the QPSK application has a Drop 1 Bit button. Clicking this button causes the Serial to Parallel Converter to ignore one bit in the data sequence. This changes the grouping of all subsequent data bits into dibits. The Level Converter in each channel converts the data into a (baseband) bipolar pulse stream that can be applied to one input of the mixer. To restrict the bandwidth of the QPSK signal, a Low-Pass Filter is usually used before the mixer in each channel of the modulator in order to provide the desired spectral shaping. In addition, a bandpass filter (not shown in Figure 5) may be used to filter the QPSK signal before transmission. Level Converter Binary Data Input I Channel Low-Pass Filter Serial to Parallel Converter cos ωt Level Converter Low-Pass Filter Σ QPSK Signal Q Channel sin ωt Figure 5. Simplified block diagram of a QPSK modulator. The I- and Q-channel sinusoidal carriers cos ωt and sin ωt are in quadrature (90° out of phase). Each mixer performs modulation by multiplying the carrier by the bipolar data signal in order to produce a BPSK signal. The effect of the mixer is to shift the frequency spectrum of the baseband signal up to the frequency of the carrier. Orthogonal signals can be summed, transmitted in a channel and (theoretically) perfectly separated in the demodulator without any mutual interference. If the levels of the bipolar pulses d0, d1, etc. are +1 and -1, the peak amplitude of the waveform represented by Equation (4) is 2 . The factor 1 2 could be included in this equation to normalize the amplitude to unity. The two BPSK signals are summed to produce the QPSK signal. Because these two BPSK signals are generated using two carriers in phase quadrature, the BPSK signals are orthogonal, and the QPSK demodulator will be able to demodulate them separately. The output signal of the modulator is a sinusoidal carrier with four possible phases, each of which represents a two-bit symbol. This signal can be represented by Equation (4). s(t ) = d I (t ) cos(ωt ) + d Q (t ) sin(ωt ) where s(t) dI(t) dQ(t) ω (4) is the QPSK signal waveform is the I-channel bipolar pulse stream d0, d2, d4 … is the Q-channel bipolar pulse stream d1, d3, d5 … is the angular frequency Figure 6 shows the waveforms present in a modulator with no filtering. The bipolar I-channel and Q-channel pulses have levels of +1 and -1. The QPSK signal shown in Figure 6 has discontinuities which increase the bandwidth of the signal. The Low-Pass Filters shown in Figure 5 smooth the discontinuities and decrease the effective bandwidth. Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK/DQPSK) 11 Exercise 1 – QPSK Modulation Discussion Note: Figure 6 shows all waveforms synchronized in time. In a real system, processing delays will cause successive signals to be slightly offset in time. Figure 6 shows the dibit 11 mapped to the constellation point in the first quadrant. Other mappings are possible. Such mappings usually use a Gray code to ensure that only one bit changes between adjacent symbols. As a result, QPSK modulators map the dibits 00 and 11 to opposite quadrants. Data Bit Stream b0, b1, b2 … 1 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 0 I-Channel Pulses d0, d2, d4 … (even bits) Q-Channel Pulses d1, d2, d5 … (odd bits) 1 0 −1 1 0 −1 d0 d2 d4 d6 d8 d1 d3 d5 d7 d9 I-Channel BPSK Signal Q-Channel BPSK Signal QPSK Signal 11 Constellation Points and Dibits (This is an example, other mappings are possible) 01 11 10 00 Figure 6. QPSK signal generation from two BPSK signals. Symbol rate and bandwidth Because each symbol represents two bits, the rate that the symbols occur in the QPSK signal (the symbol rate) is one half the bit rate. Table 2 compares the symbol rates (and bandwidths) for BPSK and QPSK. Table 2. Symbol rate and bandwidth for BPSK and QPSK. 12 Modulation Bits per symbol Symbol rate vs. Bit rate First-nulls bandwidth BPSK 1 Rs = Rb 2R b QPSK 2 Rs = Rb 2 Rb Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK/DQPSK) Exercise 1 – QPSK Modulation Discussion The bandwidth of a modulated signal depends on the rate of change in the signal (i.e. the symbol rate) and not on the magnitude of each change. For this reason, using QPSK rather than BPSK will reduce by one-half the bandwidth required for a given bit rate. Alternatively, using QPSK can double the bit rate for a given signal bandwidth. This is illustrated in Figure 7, where fc is the carrier frequency. Bandwidth BPSK fc − 2Rb fc − Rb fc fc + Rb fc + 2Rb Bandwidth QPSK fc − 4Rs fc − 3Rs fc − 2Rs fc − Rs fc fc + Rs fc + 2Rs fc + 3Rs fc + 4Rs Figure 7. BPSK and QPSK magnitude spectrum (for equal bit rates). Figure 7 shows that the first-nulls bandwidth of a BPSK signal is 2Rb and that of R a QPSK signal with the same bit rate is 2Rs = Rb. Since R s = b for QPSK, the 2 bandwidth efficiency of QPSK is twice that of BPSK. The modulated signal is called a double-sideband suppressed-carrier signal, since its bandwidth is twice that of the baseband signal and there is no isolated signal at the carrier frequency. Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK/DQPSK) 13 Exercise 1 – QPSK Modulation Procedure Outline PROCEDURE OUTLINE The Procedure is divided into the following sections: PROCEDURE Set up and connections Observing binary sequences on the Oscilloscope Observing binary sequences on the Spectrum Analyzer Using the Logic Analyzer The Serial to Parallel Converter Level Converter The Filters and mixers The summer Signal constellations Set up and connections 1. Turn on the RTM Power Supply and the RTM and make sure the RTM power LED is lit. File f Restore Default Settings returns all settings to their default values, but does not deactivate activated faults. 2. Start the LVCT software. In the Application Selection box, choose QPSK/DQPSK and click OK. This begins a new session with all settings set to their default values and with all faults deactivated. Tip: If the software is already running, choose Exit in the File menu and restart LVCT to begin a new session with all faults deactivated. 3. Make the Default external connections shown on the System Diagram tab of the software. For details of connections to the Reconfigurable Training Module, refer to the RTM Connections tab of the software. Tip: Click the Default button to show the required external connections. 4. As an option, connect a conventional oscilloscope to the BSG CLOCK OUTPUT and the BSG DATA OUTPUT, using BNC T-connectors. Use the BSG SYNC./2 OUTPUT as an external trigger. Tip: On-line help is accessible from the Help menu of the software and the Help menu of each instrument. You can print out the screen of any instrument by choosing File f Print in that instrument. Observing binary sequences on the Oscilloscope 5. Make the following Generator Settings: Generation Mode........................Pseudo-Random n..................................................4 Bit Rate.......................................2000 bit/s 14 Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK/DQPSK) Exercise 1 – QPSK Modulation Procedure Settings This application has tables of settings that allow you to change various software parameters in order to configure the system. Two Settings tables are provided – QPSK Settings and Generator Settings. By default, these tables are located at the right side of the main window and only one of these tables is visible at a time. Two tabs at the bottom allow you to select which table is visible and the name of the visible table is displayed at the top. (Refer to on-line help for more information.) Settings tables have two columns: the name of each setting is shown in the left column and the current value of each setting is shown in the right column. The column separator can be moved using the mouse, and the entire table can be resized as desired. Some settings have a drop list of possible values. To change this type of setting, click the setting and then click the down arrow to display the drop list and select a new value. You can also double-click the setting name or value to cycle through the available values. Some settings contain an editable numerical value. To change a numerical setting, simply select or delete the current value in the settings table, type a new value and press Enter or Tab. When you change the value of a numerical setting, the focus remains on that setting until you click elsewhere in the software. To immediately change the setting to another value, you can simply type the new value and press Enter. 6. Click the QPSK Modulator tab in order to display the QPSK Modulator diagram. Show the Probes bar (click in the toolbar or choose View f Probes Bar). Connect the Oscilloscope probes as follows: Oscilloscope Probe Connect to Signal 1 TP2 CLOCK INPUT 2 TP1 DATA INPUT E TP3 BSG (Binary Sequence Generator) SYNC. OUTPUT Tip: To move a probe from the Probes bar to a test point, click the probe and release the mouse button. Then move the mouse until the tip of the probe is over the test point and click the mouse button to connect the probe. To move a probe from one test point to another, move the mouse pointer over . Then click the the probe until the pointer changes into a grasping hand probe and without releasing the mouse button, drag the probe to another test point and then release the mouse button. 7. Show the Oscilloscope (click in the toolbar or choose Instruments f Oscilloscope). Figure 8 shows an example of settings and what you should observe. Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK/DQPSK) 15 Exercise 1 – QPSK Modulation Procedure Note: Unless you are instructed to make specific settings, you can use any system and instrument settings that will allow you to observe the phenomena of interest. As a guide, important settings that were used to produce a figure may be shown beside the figure. Generator Settings: Generation Mode.......... Pseudo-Random n ..............................................................4 Bit Rate .....................................2000 bit/s Oscilloscope Settings: Channel 1.......................................5 V/div Channel 2.......................................5 V/div Channel E ......................................5 V/div Time Base................................... 1 ms/div Trigger: Slope .................................Rising Trigger: Level...................................... 1 V Trigger: Source ................................... Ext Figure 8. Clock, Sync. and PRBS Data digital (TTL level) signals. Tip: To view Channel 1 and Channel 2 on the Oscilloscope, you must set the corresponding Input settings to On. To view Channel E (designed for external triggering), you must set Visible to On. Channel 1 on the Oscilloscope shows the clock signal. Channel E (External) shows the BSG SYNC. signal, which is used as the trigger source for the Oscilloscope. This signal goes high for one clock period at the beginning of each sequence period. Note that the level changes of the pulses in the other signals align with the rising edges of the clock signal. Channel 2 shows a pseudo-random binary sequence (PRBS). With, n = 4 in the Generator Settings, the length L = 24-1 = 15. Count the number of clock cycles from one sync. pulse to the next to verify that this is the case. Note that the PRBS begins to repeat at the second sync. pulse. Tip: To refresh and freeze the display, click the button in the instrument toolbar. This refreshes the display once and freezes it. You can also press F5 or , press F6 or choose View f choose View f Single Refresh. Click Continuous Refresh to resume normal operation. 8. Experiment with the Binary Sequence Generator by changing the value of n and the Bit Rate. Adjust the Time Base on the Oscilloscope as necessary. Tip: 16 In order for the Oscilloscope to trigger properly, the Time Base must be set so that at least one complete period of the Trigger Source signal is displayed on the screen. Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK/DQPSK) Exercise 1 – QPSK Modulation Procedure Observing binary sequences on the Spectrum Analyzer 9. Minimize the Oscilloscope. Connect the Spectrum Analyzer probe to TP1 (you do not need to disconnect the Oscilloscope probe). Show the Spectrum Analyzer (click in the toolbar or choose Instruments f Spectrum Analyzer). Figure 9 shows an example of settings and what you should observe. In the Generator Settings, vary the value of n and the Bit Rate and observe the effect on the spectrum. Tip: To reduce fluctuations in the displayed spectrum, set Averaging to the number of consecutive spectra to be averaged. The higher the setting, the lower the fluctuations, however, the spectrum will take longer to stabilize after a change. Generator Settings: Generation Mode.......... Pseudo-Random n ..............................................................3 Bit Rate .....................................5000 bit/s Spectrum Analyzer Settings: Maximum Input .............................10 dBV Scale Type.............................Logarithmic Scale ..........................................10 db/div Averaging................................................4 Time Window ................................Square Frequency Span ........................2 kHz/div Reference Frequency .............................0 Cursors .........................................Vertical Figure 9. Spectrum of a PRBS. Theoretically, the spectral lines have an infinitesimal width. On a spectrum analyzer, however, they appear as bars or peaks. If the spectral lines are very close together, they are not resolved by the Spectrum Analyzer and the spectrum appears to be continuous. Tip: Use a vertical cursor, as shown in the figure, to determine the approximate frequency of various spectral elements. You can position each cursor by dragging it with the mouse. Describe the spectrum of a baseband PRBS. 10. In the Generator Settings, set the Generation Mode to User Entry. Enter different binary sequences in the Binary Sequence setting and observe the result using both the Oscilloscope and the Spectrum Analyzer. Tip: When the Generation Mode is set to User Entry, the Binary Sequence Generator generates a repeating binary sequence defined by the Binary Sequence setting. You can enter up to 32 binary digits (1s and 0s) in this setting. You can include spaces in this setting to make the pattern more legible (the software ignores spaces in this setting). Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK/DQPSK) 17 Exercise 1 – QPSK Modulation Procedure Using the Logic Analyzer 11. Connect the Logic Analyzer probes as follows: Logic Analyzer Probe Connect to Signal C TP2 CLOCK INPUT 2 TP1 DATA INPUT 1 TP3 BSG SYNC. OUTPUT Show the Logic Analyzer (click in the toolbar or choose Instruments f Logic Analyzer). Make the Logic Analyzer settings shown in Figure 10. Make the following Binary Sequence Generator settings: Generation Mode........................Pseudo-Random n..................................................4 Bit Rate.......................................2000 bit/s Click in the Logic Analyzer toolbar to record data. Figure 10 shows an example of settings and what you should observe. Compare the signals as displayed on the Logic Analyzer with the same signals as displayed on the Oscilloscope. Generator Settings: Generation Mode.......... Pseudo-Random n ..............................................................4 Bit Rate .....................................2000 bit/s Logic Analyzer Settings: Display Width..................................10 ms Clock Grid ............................ Falling Edge Source............................................... Ch 1 Source Edge ...................................Rising Clock Edge .................................... Falling S1 Data .............................................[ch1] S2 Data .............................................[ch2] Figure 10. Clock, sync. and data on Logic Analyzer. Note that the signals displayed on the Oscilloscope and on the Logic Analyzer are very similar. With the Logic Analyzer settings shown in Figure 10, however, the level changes of the pulses in the Sync. signal (Ch 1) and in the Data signal (Ch 2) align with the falling edges of the Clock signal. Logic Analyzer operation The Logic Analyzer does not display data in real time. Instead, after you click , it waits for the trigger and then begins recording data. When its memory is full, it stops recording and displays the recorded data. 18 Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK/DQPSK) Exercise 1 – QPSK Modulation Procedure The Source setting determines which signal is used to trigger the recording and the Source Edge setting determines whether the rising edge or the falling edge of this signal triggers the recording. When recording data, the Logic Analyzer samples each channel only once per clock period. The display shows either a high level (1) or a low level (0) in the corresponding trace for each sample taken. The Clock Edge setting determines whether the sampling instants correspond to the rising edges or the falling edges of the clock signal. (For this reason, the Logic Analyzer cannot display the precise timing relationship between signals as does the Oscilloscope.) The following sequence shows how the Logic Analyzer records data: • The user clicks • The Logic Analyzer waits for the selected Source Edge (Rising or Falling) of the trigger Source signal. • The Logic Analyzer takes one sample of each channel at each selected Clock Edge (Rising or Falling) until 256 samples of each channel have been recorded. It then updates the display. or presses F5 or selects View f Record. The Oscilloscope shows that the transitions in the DATA INPUT signal occur on the rising edges of the clock signal. Therefore it is preferable to set Clock Edge to Falling as this ensures that the signal will be sampled in the middle of each bit, where the signal voltage is not changing. (Setting Clock Edge to Rising would cause the Logic Analyzer to sample the DATA INPUT signal exactly where the transitions occur, which could result in ambiguous values.) To observe the output of a functional block that is falling-edge triggered, as indicated by the symbol at the clock input, it is preferable to set Clock Edge to Rising. The Serial to Parallel Converter 12. Make the following Binary Sequence Generator settings: Generation Mode........................User Entry Binary Sequence ........................1001 1000 1110 1110 Bit Rate.......................................2000 bit/s The Serial to Parallel Converter groups the input data stream into dibits and sends the first bit of each dibit to the I Channel of the modulator and the second bit to the Q Channel of the modulator. Since the Serial to Parallel Converter is not synchronized with the data, the grouping into dibits can start at any bit. Because the above Binary Sequence consists of an even number of bits, there are two possible conditions: A) the grouping starts with the first bit of the sequence shown above, giving dibits 10, 01, 10, etc. or B) the grouping starts with the second bit of the sequence shown above, giving dibits 00, 11, 00, etc. Note: If the grouping starts with any other bit, the result is equivalent to condition A or B, since the sequence repeats indefinitely. Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK/DQPSK) 19 Exercise 1 – QPSK Modulation Procedure The first row of Table 3 shows the data bits from this Binary Sequence. After 16 bits, the sequence begins to repeat. A and B in the table represent two ways the data bits can be grouped into dibits. Complete the two Dibit rows of this table, grouping the data bits into dibits, starting with 10 for condition A and 00 for condition B. Logic Analyzer symbols are hexadecimal values derived from combinations of binary data in selected channels. They should not be confused with the symbols used in M-aray signaling. In this manual, the channel selections for each Logic Analyzer symbol, and the hexadecimal symbol values, are shown in square brackets. Channels and symbols The Logic Analyzer display includes a Clock channel, eight data channels Ch 1 to Ch 8, each of which displays the sampled binary data (1s and 0s) from one probe, as well as two “symbol” channels S1 and S2. Each of these symbol channels displays a series of hexadecimal numbers that result from combining the binary data from selected data channels. The data channels that contribute to each symbol channel are selected using the Symbol buttons near the bottom of the screen. By default, all Symbol buttons are up (no channels are selected). Each selected channel contributes one bit to the hexadecimal symbol value; the most significant bit (MSB) corresponding to the leftmost pressed-down button and the least significant bit (LSB) corresponding to the rightmost pressed-down button. For example, if channels [ch1, ch3, ch6, ch7] are selected for Symbol 1, the hexadecimal values displayed in the S1 channel correspond to 23 × Ch 1 + 22 × Ch 3 + 21 × Ch 6 + 20 × Ch 7. In this case, since four data channels are combined into one symbol, the symbol values can range from [0] to [F] (00002 to 11112). If only two data channels are combined into one symbol, the symbol values can range from [0] to [3] (002 to 112). Represent each of the dibits in Table 3 as a hexadecimal value where, if the two digits of the dibit are (b1, b0), the hexadecimal value is 2 × b1 + b0. This will help in interpreting the symbols displayed by the Logic Analyzer. Table 3. Serial to Parallel Converter inputs and outputs. Data Bits 1 0 Dibit 1 0 A B Hex 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 2 Dibit 0 Hex 0 0 13. Connect two more Logic Analyzer probes as follows: Note: Connect the probes exactly as shown so that the Logic Analyzer will display the symbols as shown in Table 3. 20 Logic Analyzer Probe Connect to Signal 3 TP6 Serial to Parallel Converter output (MSB) 4 TP7 Serial to Parallel Converter output (LSB) Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK/DQPSK) Exercise 1 – QPSK Modulation Procedure Tip: To make it easier to connect the probes, you may wish to zoom into this region of the diagram. To zoom in a diagram, right-click on the diagram and choose . Zoom in the context-sensitive menu. This changes the mouse pointer to Drag the mouse pointer up or down to zoom in or out. Another way to zoom is to click the diagram and roll the mouse wheel. 14. Record data with the Logic Analyzer and examine the data. Using the Symbol buttons, set Symbol 1 to [ch2] and Symbol 2 to [ch3, ch4]. Examine the data displayed by the Logic Analyzer. Figure 11 and Figure 12 show the two possible conditions, depending on how the Serial to Parallel Converter groups the data sequence into dibits. Click the Drop 1 Bit button once only in the Serial to Parallel Converter and perform another recording. Ch 2 and S1, the input data, will not change but the results in Ch 3, Ch 4 and S2 should be different. Under each of Figure 11 and Figure 12, identify which of the two possible conditions (A or B) from Table 3 the figure represents. Note: Because the Serial to Parallel Converter operates on two bits at a time, it introduces a slight delay in the output bit streams. The timing relationship changes slightly after clicking Drop 1 Bit. Logic Analyzer Settings: Display Width..................................10 ms Source............................................... Ch 1 Source Edge ...................................Rising Clock Edge .................................... Falling S1 Data .............................................[ch2] S2 Data .....................................[ch3, ch4] Figure 11. Serial to Parallel Converter input (Ch 2) and outputs (Ch 3 and Ch 4). Figure 11 represents: Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK/DQPSK) Condition A Condition B 21 Exercise 1 – QPSK Modulation Procedure Figure 12. Serial to Parallel Converter input (Ch 2) and outputs (Ch 3 and Ch 4). Figure 12 represents: Condition A Condition B 15. Use the oscilloscope to determine the exact timing relationship of the different signals. Since this requires observing several signals at a time, it will be helpful to use the memory of the Oscilloscope. Tip: Click M1 or M2 in the instrument toolbar to store the current display in Memory 1 or Memory 2. Use the Memories setting to show the contents of Memory 1, Memory 2, or both. Is the output of the Serial to Parallel Converter triggered by the rising edge or the falling edge of the clock signal? Does this correspond to the symbol used at the clock input of the Serial to Parallel Converter? Level Converter 16. Connect the Oscilloscope probes as follows: Oscilloscope Probe Connect to Signal 1 TP6 Serial to Parallel Converter output (MSB) 2 TP10 I-channel Level Converter output E TP5 Frequency Divider output Tip: 22 To disconnect a probe and return it to the Probes bar, you can right-click the probe and choose Disconnect Probe in the context-sensitive menu. Alternatively, you can double-click the probe’s place holder in the Probes bar. Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK/DQPSK) Exercise 1 – QPSK Modulation Procedure Note: The Frequency Divider divides the BSG SYNC. signal frequency in order to generate a signal that can be used as a trigger for the Oscilloscope or the Logic Analyzer. This is necessary when observing the Serial to Parallel Converter output with a binary sequence having an odd number of bits. (All pseudo-random sequences have an odd number of bits.) Figure 13 shows an example what you may observe. Generator Settings: Generation Mode.......... Pseudo-Random n ..............................................................3 Bit Rate .....................................1500 bit/s Oscilloscope Settings: Channel 1.......................................5 V/div Channel 2.......................................2 V/div Channel E ......................................5 V/div Time Base................................... 1 ms/div Trigger: Source ................................... Ext Figure 13. Level Converter input and output signals. Explain the operation of the Level Converter. The Filters and mixers 17. On the Oscilloscope, store the current waveforms in Memory 1. Then connect the probes as follows. Oscilloscope Probe Connect to Signal 1 TP12 I-channel Filter output 2 TP16 I-channel mixer output Figure 14 shows what you could observe. Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK/DQPSK) 23 Exercise 1 – QPSK Modulation Procedure QPSK Settings: Carrier Frequency....................... 3000 Hz Generator Settings: Generation Mode.......... Pseudo-Random n ..............................................................3 Bit Rate .....................................1500 bit/s Oscilloscope Settings: Channel 1.......................................2 V/div Channel 2.......................................2 V/div Channel E ............................................Off Time Base................................... 1 ms/div Trigger: Source ................................... Ext Memories ..................................Memory 1 Figure 14. Level Converter and mixer inputs (Ch 1) and outputs (Ch 2). What is the effect of the filter on the bipolar data signal and on the mixer output signal? What is the advantage of filtering the data signal before modulation? 18. Using a PRBS as input data to the modulator, use the Spectrum Analyzer to compare the spectra of the following signals (see Figure 15): • The DATA INPUT signal (TP1) • The data signal at the MSB output of the Serial to Parallel Converter (TP6) • The bipolar data in the I-channel (TP12) with the Low-Pass Filters both On and Off. a. What is the frequency spacing of the nulls in the Input Data spectrum. What does this correspond to? b. What is the frequency spacing of the nulls in the spectrum of the Serial to Parallel output. Explain. 24 Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK/DQPSK) Exercise 1 – QPSK Modulation Procedure c. What effect have the Level Converter and the low-pass Filter on the signal spectrum? Generator Settings: Generation Mode ......Pseudo-Random n ......................................................... 5 Bit Rate................................. 4000 bit/s Spectrum Analyzer Settings: Maximum Input......................... 10 dBV Scale Type ........................ Logarithmic Scale ..................................... 10 dB/div Frequency Span.................... 2 kHz/div Averaging ......................................... 16 Time Window............................ Square Input Data I-channel data I-channel filtered data Figure 15. Spectra of input data and I-channel bipolar data. 19. Connect Oscilloscope probe E to TP13 (the I-channel carrier signal). Turn the Low-Pass Filters Off and observe the signals using settings that allow you to see detail. Then turn the Low-Pass Filters On (see Figure 16 and Figure 17). QPSK Settings: Carrier Frequency....................... 2000 Hz Generator Settings: Generation Mode.......... Pseudo-Random n ..............................................................3 Bit Rate .....................................1500 bit/s Oscilloscope Settings: Channel 1.......................................2 V/div Channel 2.......................................2 V/div Channel E ......................................2 V/div Time Base................................... 1 ms/div Trigger: Source ................................... Ext Figure 16. I-channel carrier, bipolar data and BPSK signal (Low-Pass Filters Off). Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK/DQPSK) 25 Exercise 1 – QPSK Modulation Procedure Oscilloscope Settings: Channel 1.......................................2 V/div Channel 2.......................................2 V/div Channel E ......................................2 V/div Time Base................................... 1 ms/div Trigger: Source ................................... Ext Figure 17. I-channel carrier, bipolar data and BPSK signal (Low-Pass Filters On). Describe how the phase of the BPSK signal changes when the filters are Off and when they are On. 20. Use the oscilloscope to observe the I- and Q-channel carrier signals. How are these signals related? 21. Observe the operation of the mixers in both the I and Q channels using different Carrier Frequency values. The summer 22. Use the Oscilloscope to observe the signals at the input and output of the summer (TP16, TP17, and TP18). Figure 18 shows an example. As an option, use a conventional oscilloscope to observe the signal at the QPSK Modulator OUTPUT (refer to the RTM Connections tab of the software). 26 Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK/DQPSK) Exercise 1 – QPSK Modulation Procedure QPSK Settings: Carrier Frequency..................... 10000 Hz Low-Pass Filters ..................................Off TP16 Oscilloscope Settings: Channel 1.......................................1 V/div Channel 2.......................................1 V/div Channel E ......................................1 V/div Time Base..................................50 μs/div Trigger: Source ................................. Ch 1 TP17 TP18 Figure 18. Summer input (BPSK) and output (QPSK) signals. Describe the operation of the summer. 23. Use the Spectrum Analyzer to observe the spectrum of the QPSK signal and compare this with the spectrum of the I-channel BPSK signal. Express the bandwidth of the QPSK signal in terms of the bit rate and the symbol rate. Compare the bandwidths and bit rates of the I-channel BPSK signal and the QPSK signal. Explain why QPSK is considered to be a bandwidth efficient modulation technique. Signal constellations 24. Connect the Oscilloscope probes as follows: Oscilloscope Probe Connect to Signal 1 TP10 I-channel Level Converter output 2 TP11 Q-channel Level Converter output Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK/DQPSK) 27 Exercise 1 – QPSK Modulation Procedure The Logic Analyzer probes should be connected as follows: Logic Analyzer Probe Connect to Signal C TP2 CLOCK INPUT 2 TP1 DATA INPUT 1 TP3 BSG SYNC. OUTPUT 3 TP6 Serial to Parallel output (MSB) 4 TP7 Serial to Parallel output (LSB) Make the following Binary Sequence Generator settings: Generation Mode........................Pseudo-Random n..................................................3 Bit Rate.......................................2000 bit/s Use the Oscilloscope in the X-Y mode to observe the constellation, as shown in Figure 19. As an option, connect a conventional oscilloscope to the QPSK Demodulator I-CHANNEL OUTPUT and QPSK Demodulator Q-CHANNEL OUTPUT (refer to the RTM Connections tab of the software). Use the conventional oscilloscope in the X-Y mode to observe the constellation. (The Low-Pass filters in the QPSK Modulator must be set to On.) Oscilloscope Settings: Channel 1.......................................1 V/div Channel 2.......................................1 V/div Display Mode .................................... Dots X-Y .......................................................On Sampling Window...........................50 ms Figure 19. QPSK constellation. What information does this constellation provide? 28 Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK/DQPSK) Exercise 1 – QPSK Modulation Procedure 25. Set the Generation Mode to User-Entry. Set the Binary Sequence to each of the following two-bit sequences (dibits): 00 and 11. For each sequence, record data using the Logic Analyzer and note which dibit is present at the outputs of the Serial to Parallel Converter (see Figure 20). Display Width.................................10 ms Source............................................... Ch 1 Source Edge ...................................Rising Clock Edge .................................... Falling S1 Data .............................................[ch3] S2 Data .............................................[ch4] TP6 (MSB of dibit) is always 0 TP7 (LSB of dibit) is always 0 Figure 20. Logic Analyzer showing the dibit 00 at TP6-TP7. Observe the Oscilloscope display, for each sequence. Write in the boxes in Figure 21 the dibits that corresponds to these two constellation points. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Figure 21. Dibits in the QPSK constellation. Set the Binary Sequence to 01. Record data on the Logic Analyzer and note which dibit is present at the outputs of the Serial to Parallel Converter. Since TP6 represents the MSB, a 1 at TP6 and a 0 at TP7 represents the dibit 10. Clicking the Drop 1 Bit button will change this dibit to 01. Click the Drop 1 Bit button several times, each time observing the dibit using the Logic Analyzer and observing the display on the Oscilloscope. Then write in the boxes in Figure 21 the dibits that corresponds to two missing constellation points. Then write the hexadecimal value for each dibit in the square brackets. Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK/DQPSK) 29 Exercise 1 – QPSK Modulation Conclusion 26. Enter the Binary Sequence 1100 and observe the constellation. Click the Drop 1 Bit button and explain what you observe. 27. Enter the Binary Sequence 101. Why does this 3-bit sequence produce three constellation points, each of which represents two bits? 28. Experiment with various Binary Sequences and observe the results on the Oscilloscope. 29. When you have finished using the system, exit the LVCT software and turn off the equipment. CONCLUSION In this exercise, you became familiar with the LVCT software and studied the operation of the basic functional blocks of the QPSK modulator. You observed that the Serial to Parallel Converter groups the input data stream into dibits that are processed by two parallel channels, I and Q, and that the starting point of this grouping is arbitrary. You saw how the Level Converters and the mixers generate two BPSK signals using two carriers in phase quadrature. You observed that summing the two BPSK signals produces the QPSK signal. Observing the spectrum of the QPSK signal showed that QPSK is more bandwidth-efficient than binary modulation techniques. You also observed the signal constellation on the oscilloscope for various binary sequences. REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Explain what is meant by bandwidth efficiency. 2. How does the bandwidth efficiency of QPSK compare to that of binary modulation techniques? 30 Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK/DQPSK) Exercise 1 – QPSK Modulation Review Questions 3. What does a constellation diagram represent? 4. What is the role of the mixers in the QPSK modulator? 5. How are the signals at the outputs of the mixers combined to produce the QPSK signal? Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK/DQPSK) 31 Sample Exercise Extracted from Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM/DQAM) Exercise 1 QAM Modulation EXERCISE OBJECTIVE When you have completed this exercise, you will be familiar with QAM modulation, with the characteristics of QAM signals and with the QAM signal constellation. You will also be familiar with the LVCT software and the use of the virtual instruments. DISCUSSION OUTLINE The Discussion of this exercise covers the following points: DISCUSSION The QAM waveform QAM constellations A typical QAM modulator Symbol rate and bandwidth The QAM waveform Quadrature Amplitude Modulation or QAM (pronounced “kwam”) is a digital modulation technique that uses the data to be transmitted to vary both the amplitude and the phase of a sinusoidal waveform, while keeping its frequency constant. QAM is a natural extension of binary phase shift keying (BPSK) and quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK), both of which vary only the phase of the waveform. QAM is a type of M-ary signaling with M equal to the number of different symbols. With 16-QAM, there are sixteen different symbols (quadbits): 0000 0100 1000 1100 0001 0101 1001 1101 0010 0110 1010 1110 0011 0111 1011 1111 Each quadbit is represented by different modulation symbol (combination of phase and amplitude). The number of different waveforms (unique combinations of amplitude and phase) used in QAM depends on the modem and may vary with the quality of the channel. With 16-QAM, for example, 16 different waveforms are available. 64-QAM and 256-QAM are also common. 16,384-QAM is possible in ADSL modems. In all cases, each different waveform, or amplitude-phase combination, is a modulation symbol that represents a specific group of bits. The LVCT Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM/DQAM) application uses 16-QAM. In the modulator, consecutive data bits are grouped together four at a time to form quadbits and each quadbit is represented by a different modulation symbol. In the demodulator, each different modulation symbol in the received signal is interpreted as a unique pattern of 4 bits. Figure 4 shows all 16 QAM modulation symbols superposed on the same axes. Four different colors are used in the figure and each color is used for four different waveforms. Each waveform has a different combination of phase and amplitude. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM/DQAM) 9 Exercise 1 – QAM Modulation Discussion Figure 4. All QAM modulation symbols for 16-QAM. QAM constellations Figure 5 shows the constellation diagram for 16-QAM. The constellation diagram is a pictorial representation showing all possible modulation symbols (or signal states) as a set of constellation points. The position of each point in the diagram shows the amplitude and the phase of the corresponding symbol. Each constellation point corresponds (is mapped to) to a different quadbit. Q I Figure 5. 16-QAM constellation (4-bits per modulation symbol). The Gray code was designed by Bell Labs researcher Frank Gray and patented in 1953. Gray codes are widely used in digital communications. 10 Although any mapping between quadbits and constellation points would work under ideal conditions, the mapping usually uses a Gray code to ensure that the quadbits corresponding to adjacent constellation points differ only by one bit. This facilitates error correction since a small displacement of a constellation point due to noise will likely cause only one bit of the demodulated quadbit to be erroneous. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM/DQAM) Exercise 1 – QAM Modulation Discussion A typical QAM modulator A QAM signal can be generated by independently amplitude-modulating two carriers in quadrature (cos ωt and sin ωt), as shown in Figure 6. MSB Quadbits Binary Data Input Dibits (dibit pairs) MSD D/A Converter I Channel Low-Pass Filter LSB Serial to Parallel Converter QAM Signal Four-level analog signals LSD MSB Dibits D/A Converter cos ωt Low-Pass Filter Bi-phase, bi-level signals Σ 16 states (4 phases, 4 levels) Q Channel LSB sin ωt Figure 6. Simplified block diagram of a QAM modulator. The Serial to Parallel Converter groups the incoming data into quadbits. Each time four bits have been clocked serially into the its buffer, the Serial to Parallel Converter outputs one quadbit in parallel at its four outputs. Colors (red, green, blue, and violet) are used in the data bit stream to help distinguish the individual bits. The starting point for grouping bits into quadbits is completely arbitrary. Figure 7 shows an example using the repeating 12-bit binary sequence 1000 0000 0000. In this figure, the grouping initially starts at the beginning of the sequence (Condition A). The first quadbit at the output is 1000 followed by two all-zero quadbits 0000. Then the quadbit pattern repeats. Serial to Parallel Converter Quadbits Out (parallel) 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 … TP6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 … Data Bits In (serial) 1000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000… TP7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 … TP4 TP8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 … Time Drop 1 Bit Condition A Condition B TP9 One bit dropped Figure 7. Serial to Parallel Converter operation with repeating sequence 1000 0000 0000. In the QAM/DQAM application, the Drop 1 Bit button is included in the Serial to Parallel Converter for educational purposes. Clicking this button causes the Serial to Parallel Converter to ignore one bit in the data sequence. This changes the grouping of all subsequent data bits into quadbits (see Condition B in Figure 7). Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM/DQAM) 11 Exercise 1 – QAM Modulation Discussion Each quadbit consists of a pair of dibits, which can be called the most significant dibit (MSD) and the least significant dibit (LSD). The MSD is sent to the I-channel of the modulator; the LSD is sent to the Q-channel of the modulator. Each channel of the modulator works independently to processes the data it receives. In the QAM/DQAM application, the MSB input of the D/A Converter determines the sign of the output voltage and the LSB input determines the magnitude of the output voltage. The D/A Converter in each channel converts the dibit stream into a (baseband) four-level pulse stream that can be applied to one input of the mixer. Each of the four levels represents a specific dibit. The four levels used are proportional to -3, -1, +1, and +3. This makes the distribution of the constellation points uniform. To restrict the bandwidth of the QAM signal, a low-pass filter is usually used before the mixer in each channel of the modulator in order to provide the desired spectral shaping. In addition, a bandpass filter (not shown in Figure 6) may be used to filter the QAM signal before transmission. Each mixer performs modulation by multiplying the sinusoidal carrier by the fourlevel data signal. Multiplying the carrier by ±1 causes a 180° phase shifts in the mixer output signal and is equivalent to BPSK modulation. Multiplying by +3 causes a three-fold increase in peak amplitude and is essentially a type of ASK modulation. Multiplying the carrier by -3 causes a 180° phase shift and a threefold increase in peak amplitude. The mixer output signal is therefore a bi-phase, bi-level sinusoidal signal. The effect of the mixer is to shift the frequency spectrum of the baseband signal up to the frequency of the carrier. Table 2 shows the mapping used in the QAM/DQAM application from dibit to relative pulse level (shown in brackets) and the resulting waveforms. In this mapping, the first bit (MSB) of each dibit determines the phase of the mixer output signal and the second bit (LSB) determines the amplitude. Table 2. Mapping of dibit to pulse level to waveform in one channel of the modulator. Dibit, (Relative Pulse Level), and Waveform Orthogonal signals can be summed, transmitted in a channel and (theoretically) perfectly separated in the demodulator without any mutual interference. 12 0 0 (+1) 0 1 (+3) 1 0 (-1) 1 1 (-3) The two bi-phase, bi-level signals are summed to produce the QAM signal. Because these two bi-phase, bi-level signals are generated using orthogonal carriers (in phase quadrature), the signals themselves are orthogonal, and the QAM demodulator will be able to demodulate them separately. The output signal of the modulator is a sinusoidal carrier with 16 possible states, each of which represents a four-bit symbol (quadbit). This signal can be represented by Equation (3). Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM/DQAM) Exercise 1 – QAM Modulation Discussion By convention, the amplitude levels used in the pulse streams dI(t) and dQ(t) are proportional to ±1, ±3, ±5, …, up to the number of different levels required for the type of QAM used. This makes the distribution of the constellation points uniform and ensures optimal error performance in the presence of noise. s(t ) = dI (t ) cos(ωt ) + dQ (t ) sin(ωt ) where s(t) dI(t) dQ(t) ω (3) is the QAM signal waveform is the I-channel four-level pulse stream d0, d2, d4 … is the Q-channel four-level pulse stream d1, d3, d5 … is the angular frequency Symbol rate and bandwidth With 16-QAM, each symbol represents four bits. Therefore the rate that the symbols occur in the QAM signal (the symbol rate) is one quarter the bit rate. Table 3 compares the symbol rates (and bandwidths) for BPSK, QPSK, and QAM. Table 3. Symbol rates and bandwidths. Modulation Bits per symbol Symbol rate vs. Bit rate First-nulls bandwidth BPSK 1 Rs = Rb 2R b QPSK 2 Rs = Rb 2 Rb QAM 4 Rs = Rb 4 Rb 2 The bandwidth of a modulated signal depends on the rate of change in the signal (i.e. the symbol rate) and not on the magnitude of each change. For this reason, QAM requires one-half as much bandwidth as QPSK and one-quarter as much as BPSK for a given bit rate. This is illustrated in Figure 8, where fc is the carrier frequency. Alternatively, using QAM instead of QPSK or BPSK can double or quadruple the bit rate for a given signal bandwidth. Figure 8 shows that, for the same bit rate, the first-nulls bandwidth of a QAM signal is one-half that of a QPSK signal, and one quarter that of a BPSK. Of the three modulation techniques, QAM has the highest bandwidth efficiency. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM/DQAM) 13 Exercise 1 – QAM Modulation Procedure Outline Bandwidth BPSK fc−2Rb fc−Rb fc fc+Rb fc+2Rb Bandwidth QPSK fc−4Rs fc−3Rs fc−2Rs fc−Rs fc fc+Rs fc+2Rs fc+3Rs fc+4Rs fc+2Rs fc+4Rs fc+6Rs fc+8Rs Bandwidth 16-QAM fc−8Rs fc−6Rs fc−4Rs fc−2Rs fc Figure 8. BPSK, QPSK, and 16-QAM magnitude spectrum (for equal bit rates). PROCEDURE OUTLINE The Procedure is divided into the following sections: 14 Set up and connections Observing binary sequences using the virtual instruments The Serial to Parallel Converter D/A Converter The Filters and mixers The summer Signal constellations Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM/DQAM) Exercise 1 – QAM Modulation Procedure PROCEDURE Set up and connections 1. Turn on the RTM Power Supply and the RTM and make sure the RTM power LED is lit. File f Restore Default Settings returns all settings to their default values, but does not deactivate activated faults. 2. Start the LVCT software. In the Application Selection box, choose QAM/DQAM and click OK. This begins a new session with all settings set to their default values and with all faults deactivated. Tip: If the software is already running, choose Exit in the File menu and restart LVCT to begin a new session with all faults deactivated. 3. Make the Default external connections shown on the System Diagram tab of the software. For details of connections to the Reconfigurable Training Module, refer to the RTM Connections tab of the software. Tip: Click the Default button to show the required external connections. 4. As an option, connect a conventional oscilloscope to the BSG CLOCK OUTPUT and the BSG DATA OUTPUT, using BNC T-connectors. Use the BSG SYNC./4 OUTPUT as an external trigger. Tip: On-line help is accessible from the Help menu of the software and the Help menu of each instrument. You can print out the screen of any instrument by choosing File f Print in that instrument. Observing binary sequences using the virtual instruments 5. Make the following Generator settings: Generation Mode........................Pseudo-Random n..................................................4 Bit Rate.......................................2000 bit/s Settings This application has tables of settings that allow you to change various software parameters in order to configure the system. Two Settings tables are provided – QAM Settings and Generator Settings. By default, these tables are located at the right side of the main window and only one of these tables is visible at a time. Two tabs at the bottom allow you to select which table is visible and the name of the visible table is displayed at the top. (Refer to on-line help for more information.) Settings tables have two columns: the name of each setting is shown in the left column and the current value of each setting is shown in the right column. The column separator can be moved using the mouse, and the entire table can be resized as desired. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM/DQAM) 15 Exercise 1 – QAM Modulation Procedure Some settings have a drop list of possible values. To change this type of setting, click the setting and then click the down arrow to display the drop list and select a new value. You can also double-click the setting name or value to cycle through the available values. Some settings contain an editable numerical value. To change a numerical setting, simply select or delete the current value in the settings table, type a new value and press Enter or Tab. When you change the value of a numerical setting, the focus remains on that setting until you click elsewhere in the software. To immediately change the setting to another value, you can simply type the new value and press Enter. 6. Click the QAM Modulator tab in order to display the QAM Modulator diagram. Show the Probes bar (click in the toolbar or choose View f Probes Bar). Connect the probes as follows: Tip: Oscilloscope Probe Connect to Signal 1 TP2 CLOCK INPUT 2 TP1 DATA INPUT E TP3 BSG SYNC. OUTPUT Logic Analyzer Probe Connect to Signal C TP2 CLOCK INPUT 1 TP3 BSG SYNC. OUTPUT 2 TP1 DATA INPUT Other Probes Connect to Signal Spectrum Analyzer TP1 DATA INPUT To move a probe from the Probes bar to a test point, click the probe and release the mouse button. Then move the mouse until the tip of the probe is over the test point and click the mouse button to connect the probe. To move a probe from one test point to another, move the mouse pointer over . Then click the the probe until the pointer changes into a grasping hand probe and without releasing the mouse button, drag the probe to another test point and then release the mouse button. 7. Show the Oscilloscope (click in the toolbar or choose Instruments f Oscilloscope). Figure 9 shows an example of settings and what you should observe. Note: Unless you are instructed to make specific settings, you can use any system and instrument settings that will allow you to observe the phenomena of interest. As a guide, important settings that were used to produce a figure may be shown beside the figure. 16 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM/DQAM) Exercise 1 – QAM Modulation Procedure Generator Settings: Generation Mode.......... Pseudo-Random n ..............................................................4 Bit Rate .....................................2000 bit/s Oscilloscope Settings: Channel 1.......................................5 V/div Channel 2.......................................5 V/div Channel E ......................................5 V/div Time Base................................... 1 ms/div Trigger: Slope .................................Rising Trigger: Level...................................... 1 V Trigger: Source ................................... Ext Figure 9. Clock, Sync. and PRBS data signals. Tip: Some settings have a drop list of possible values. To change this type of setting, click the setting and then click the down arrow to display the drop list and select a new value. You can also double-click the setting name or value to cycle through the available values. Tip: To view Channel 1 and Channel 2 on the Oscilloscope, you must set the corresponding Input settings to On. To view Channel E (designed for external triggering), you must set Visible to On. Channel 1 on the Oscilloscope shows the Clock signal. Channel E (External) shows the BSG SYNC. signal, which is used as the trigger source for the Oscilloscope. This signal goes high for one clock period at the beginning of each sequence period. Note that the level changes of the pulses in the other signals align with the rising edges of the clock signal. Channel 2 shows a pseudo-random binary sequence (PRBS). With, n = 4 in the Generator Settings, the length L = 24-1 = 15. Count the number of clock cycles from one sync. pulse to the next to verify that this is the case. Note that the PRBS begins to repeat at the second sync. pulse. Tip: To refresh and freeze the display, click the button in the instrument toolbar. This refreshes the display once and freezes it. You can also press F5 or , press F6 or choose View f choose View f Single Refresh. Click Continuous Refresh to resume normal operation. 8. Experiment with the Binary Sequence Generator by changing the value of n and the Bit Rate. Adjust the Time Base on the Oscilloscope as necessary. Tip: In order for the Oscilloscope to trigger properly, the Time Base must be set so that at least one complete period of the Trigger Source signal is displayed on the screen. 9. Show the Logic Analyzer (click Logic Analyzer). Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM/DQAM) in the toolbar or choose Instruments f 17 Exercise 1 – QAM Modulation Procedure Click in the Logic Analyzer toolbar to record data. Figure 10 shows an example of settings and what you should observe. Compare the signals as displayed on the Logic Analyzer with the same signals as displayed on the Oscilloscope. Generator Settings: Generation Mode.......... Pseudo-Random n ..............................................................4 Bit Rate .....................................2000 bit/s Logic Analyzer Settings: Display Width..................................10 ms Clock Grid ............................ Falling Edge Source............................................... Ch 1 Source Edge ...................................Rising Clock Edge .................................... Falling S1 Data .............................................[ch1] S2 Data .............................................[ch2] Figure 10. Clock, sync. and PRBS data on Logic Analyzer. Note that the signals displayed on the Oscilloscope and on the Logic Analyzer are very similar. With the Logic Analyzer settings shown in Figure 10, however, the level changes of the pulses in the Sync. signal (Bit 0) and in the Data signal (Bit 1) align with the falling edges of the Clock signal. Logic Analyzer operation The Logic Analyzer does not display data in real time. Instead, after you click , it waits for the trigger and then begins recording data. When its memory is full, it stops recording and displays the recorded data. The Source setting determines which signal is used to trigger the recording and the Source Edge setting determines whether the rising edge or the falling edge of this signal triggers the recording. When recording data, the Logic Analyzer samples each channel only once per clock period. The display shows either a high level (1) or a low level (0) in the corresponding trace for each sample taken. The Clock Edge setting determines whether the sampling instants correspond to the rising edges or the falling edges of the clock signal. (For this reason, the Logic Analyzer cannot display the precise timing relationship between signals as does the Oscilloscope.) The following sequence shows how the Logic Analyzer records data: 18 • The user clicks • The Logic Analyzer waits for the selected Source Edge (Rising or Falling) of the trigger Source signal. • The Logic Analyzer takes one sample of each channel at each selected Clock Edge (Rising or Falling) until 256 samples of each channel have been recorded. It then updates the display. or presses F5 or selects View f Record. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM/DQAM) Exercise 1 – QAM Modulation Procedure The Oscilloscope shows that the transitions in the DATA INPUT signal occur on the rising edges of the clock signal. Therefore it is preferable to set Clock Edge to Falling as this ensures that the signal will be sampled in the middle of each bit, where the signal voltage is not changing. (Setting Clock Edge to Rising would cause the Logic Analyzer to sample the DATA INPUT signal exactly where the transitions occur, which could result in ambiguous values.) To observe the output of a functional block that is falling-edge triggered, as indicated by the symbol at the clock input, it is preferable to set Clock Edge to Rising. 10. Show the Spectrum Analyzer (click in the toolbar or choose Instruments f Spectrum Analyzer). Figure 11 shows an example of settings and what you should observe. In the Generator Settings, vary the value of n and the Bit Rate and observe the effect on the spectrum. Tip: To reduce fluctuations in the displayed spectrum, set Averaging to the number of consecutive spectra to be averaged. The higher the setting, the lower the fluctuations, however, the spectrum will take longer to stabilize after a change. Generator Settings: Generation Mode.......... Pseudo-Random n ..............................................................3 Bit Rate .....................................5000 bit/s Spectrum Analyzer Settings: Maximum Input .............................10 dBV Scale Type.............................Logarithmic Scale ....................................... 10 dBV/div Averaging................................................4 Frequency Span ........................2 kHz/div Reference Frequency .............................0 Cursors .........................................Vertical Figure 11. Spectrum of a PRBS. Tip: Theoretically, the spectral lines have an infinitesimal width. On a spectrum analyzer, however, they appear as bars or peaks. If the spectral lines are very close together, they are not resolved by the Spectrum Analyzer and the spectrum appears to be continuous. Use a vertical cursor, as shown in the figure, to determine the approximate frequency of various spectral elements. You can position each cursor by dragging it with the mouse. Note that the spectrum of a PRBS consists of a series of lobes of decreasing magnitude with nulls at multiples of the Bit Rate Rb. This makes the first-null bandwidth equal to the bit rate. Since the data signal is not truly random but consists of a sequence that repeats every L = 2n-1 bits, the spectrum is not continuous. Instead, it consists of spectral “lines” spaced at frequencies that are multiples of R 1 = n b where T is the period of the sequence in seconds. T 2 −1 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM/DQAM) 19 Exercise 1 – QAM Modulation Procedure 11. In the generator Settings, set the Generation Mode to User Entry. Enter different binary sequences in the Binary Sequence setting and observe the result using the virtual instruments. Tip: When the Generation Mode is set to User Entry, the Binary Sequence Generator generates a repeating binary sequence defined by the Binary Sequence setting. You can enter up to 32 binary digits (1s and 0s) in this setting. You can include spaces in this setting to make the pattern more legible (the software ignores spaces in this setting). The Serial to Parallel Converter 12. Make the following Generator settings: Generation Mode........................User Entry Binary Sequence ........................1001 1000 1110 1110 Bit Rate.......................................1000 bit/s The Serial to Parallel Converter groups the input data stream into quadbits and sends the first dibit of each quadbit to the I Channel of the modulator and the other dibit to the Q Channel of the modulator. Since the Serial to Parallel Converter is not synchronized with the data, the grouping into quadbits can start at any bit. Because the number is bits in the Binary Sequence is a multiple of 4, there are four possible conditions: A) The grouping starts with the first bit of the defined Binary Sequence, giving quadbits 1001 1000 1110 1110, as they appear in the Binary Sequence setting. B) The grouping starts with the second bit of the sequence. C) The grouping starts with the third bit of the sequence. D) The grouping starts with the fourth bit of the sequence. Note: If the grouping starts with any other bit, the result is equivalent to one of the above conditions, since the sequence repeats indefinitely. The first row of Table 4 shows the data bits from this Binary Sequence. After 16 bits, the sequence begins to repeat. A, B, C, and D in the table represent the four ways the data bits can be grouped into quadbits. Complete the four Quadbit rows of this table, grouping the data bits into quadbits in four different ways. 20 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM/DQAM) Exercise 1 – QAM Modulation Procedure Table 4. Serial to Parallel Converter inputs and outputs. Data Bits A B C D Quadbit 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 Hex Quadbit 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 9 0 0 Hex 1 1 3 Quadbit Hex Quadbit Hex Represent each of the quadbits in Table 4 as a hexadecimal Logic Analyzer symbol where, if the four digits of the quadbit are (b3, b2, b1, b0), the symbol value is equal to 2 3 × b3 + 2 2 × b2 + 2 × b1 + b0. This will help in interpreting the symbols displayed by the Logic Analyzer. Logic Analyzer symbols are hexadecimal values derived from combinations of binary data in selected channels. They should not be confused with the symbols used in M-aray signaling. In this manual, the channel selections for each Logic Analyzer symbol, and the hexadecimal symbol values, are shown in square brackets. Channels and symbols The Logic Analyzer display includes a Clock channel, eight data channels Ch 1 to Ch 8, each of which displays the sampled binary data (1s and 0s) from one probe, as well as two “symbol” channels S1 and S2. Each of these symbol channels displays a series of hexadecimal numbers that result from combining the binary data from selected data channels. The data channels that contribute to each symbol channel are selected using the Symbol buttons near the bottom of the screen. By default, all Symbol buttons are up (no channels are selected). Each selected channel contributes one bit to the hexadecimal symbol value; the most significant bit (MSB) corresponding to the leftmost pressed-down button and the least significant bit (LSB) corresponding to the rightmost pressed-down button. For example, if channels [ch1, ch3, ch6, ch7] are selected for Symbol 1, the hexadecimal values displayed in the S1 channel correspond to 23 × Ch 1 + 22 × Ch 3 + 21 × Ch 6 + 20 × Ch 7. In this case, since four data channels are combined into one symbol, the symbol values can range from [0] to [F] (00002 to 11112). If only two data channels are combined into one symbol, the symbol values can range from [0] to [3] (002 to 112). 13. Connect the Logic Analyzer probes as follows: Note: Connect the probes exactly as shown so that the Logic Analyzer will display the symbols as shown in Table 4. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM/DQAM) 21 Exercise 1 – QAM Modulation Procedure Logic Analyzer Probe Connect to Signal C TP2 CLOCK INPUT 1 TP3 BSG SYNC. OUTPUT 2 TP4 Serial to Parallel Converter input 3 TP6 Serial to Parallel Converter output (MSB) 4 TP7 Serial to Parallel Converter output 5 TP8 Serial to Parallel Converter output 6 TP9 Serial to Parallel Converter output (LSB) Tip: To make it easier to connect the probes, you may wish to zoom into this region of the diagram. To zoom in a diagram, right-click on the diagram and choose Zoom in the context-sensitive menu. This changes the mouse pointer to . Drag the mouse pointer up or down to zoom in or out. Another way to zoom is to click the diagram and roll the mouse wheel. 14. Record data with the Logic Analyzer and examine the data. Using the Symbol buttons, set Symbol 1 to [ch2] and Symbol 2 to [ch3, ch4, ch5, ch6]. Examine the data displayed by the Logic Analyzer. Figure 12 to Figure 15 show the four possible conditions, depending on how the Serial to Parallel Converter groups the data sequence into quadbits. Click the Drop 1 Bit button once only in the modulator and perform another recording. Ch 2 and S1, the input data, will not change but the results in Ch 3 to Ch 6 and S2 should be different. For each of Figure 12 to Figure 15, identify which of the four possible conditions (A, B, C, or D) from Table 4 the figure represents. Note: Because the Serial to Parallel Converter operates on four bits at a time, it introduces a slight delay in the output bit streams. The timing relationship changes slightly after clicking Drop 1 Bit. Logic Analyzer Settings: Display Width..................................38 ms Clock Grid ............................ Falling Edge Source............................................... Ch 1 Source Edge ...................................Rising Clock Edge .................................... Falling S1 Data .............................................[ch2] S2 Data ..................... [ch3, ch4, ch5, ch6] Figure 12. Serial to Parallel Converter input (Ch 2) and outputs (Ch 3 to Ch 6). 22 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM/DQAM) Exercise 1 – QAM Modulation Procedure Figure 12 represents Condition: A B C D Figure 13. Serial to Parallel Converter input (Ch 2) and outputs (Ch 3 to Ch 6). Figure 13 represents Condition: A B C D Figure 14. Serial to Parallel Converter input (Ch 2) and outputs (Ch 3 to Ch 6). Figure 14 represents Condition: Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM/DQAM) A B C D 23 Exercise 1 – QAM Modulation Procedure . Figure 15. Serial to Parallel Converter input (Ch 2) and outputs (Ch 3 to Ch 6). Figure 15 represents Condition: A B C D 15. Use the oscilloscope to determine the exact timing relationship of the different signals. Since this requires observing several signals at a time, it will be helpful to use the memory of the Oscilloscope. Tip: Click M1 or M2 in the instrument toolbar to store the current display in Memory 1 or Memory 2. Use the Memories setting to show the contents of Memory 1, Memory 2, or both. Is the output of the Serial to Parallel Converter triggered by the rising edge or the falling edge of the clock signal? Does this correspond to the symbol used at the clock input of the Serial to Parallel Converter? D/A Converter 16. Connect the probes as follows: 24 Oscilloscope Probe Connect to Signal E TP10 I-channel D/A Converter input (MSB) 1 TP11 I-channel D/A Converter input (LSB) 2 TP14 I-channel D/A Converter output Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM/DQAM) Exercise 1 – QAM Modulation Procedure Logic Analyzer Probe Connect to Signal C TP2 CLOCK INPUT E TP5 Frequency Divider output 1 TP6 Serial to Parallel Converter output (MSB) 2 TP7 Serial to Parallel Converter output 3 TP8 Serial to Parallel Converter output 4 TP9 Serial to Parallel Converter output (LSB) Tip: To disconnect a probe and return it to the Probes bar, you can right-click the probe and choose Disconnect Probe in the context-sensitive menu. Alternatively, you can double-click the probe’s place holder in the Probes bar. Note: The Frequency Divider divides the BSG SYNC. signal frequency in order to generate a signal that can be used as a trigger for the Oscilloscope or the Logic Analyzer. This is necessary when observing the Serial to Parallel Converter output with a binary sequence having an odd number of bits. (All pseudo-random sequences have an odd number of bits.) Make the following Generator settings: Generation Mode........................User Entry Binary Sequence ........................0000 0100 1100 1000 Bit Rate.......................................2000 bit/s Record data on the Logic Analyzer and observe the signal states. Set Symbol 1 to [ch1, ch2] and Symbol 2 to [ch3, ch4]. The outputs of the Serial to Parallel Converter should be as shown in Figure 16, with Ch 1, Ch 2 and S1 changing state and Ch 3, Ch 4 and S2 always zero. This means that the first dibit in each quadbit of the defined Binary Sequence is sent to the I-channel of the modulator, and the second dibit (always 00) is sent to the Q-channel. If necessary, click the Drop 1 Bit button and observe the signals again until the signals are as shown in Figure 16. Logic Analyzer Settings: Display Width..................................20 ms Clock Grid ............................ Falling Edge Source................................................. Ext Source Edge ...................................Rising Clock Edge .................................... Falling S1 Data .....................................[ch1, ch2] S2 Data .....................................[ch3, ch4] TP6 TP7 TP8 TP9 Figure 16. Desired Serial to Parallel Converter outputs. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM/DQAM) 25 Exercise 1 – QAM Modulation Procedure Observe the D/A Converter inputs and output on the Oscilloscope. Figure 17 shows an example of what you should see. Oscilloscope Settings: Channel 1.......................................5 V/div Channel 2.......................................2 V/div Channel E ......................................5 V/div Time Base................................... 2 ms/div Trigger: Slope .................................Rising Trigger: Level...................................... 0 V Trigger: Source ................................. Ch 2 TP10 TP11 TP14 Figure 17. D/A Converter input and output signals. You may wish to change the Channel 2 Scale setting to increase the precision of the measurements. Use the cursors on the Oscilloscope to determine the different D/A Converter output voltage levels (TP14) for the different input states and enter these into Table 5. Divide each output level by the minimum positive output level to obtain the relative levels. Tip: When the horizontal cursors are active, the voltage levels corresponding to the position of each cursor with respect to the Ch 1 and Ch 2 ground levels (as well as the voltage difference between the two cursors) is shown in the data below the display. When the vertical cursors are active, the time position of each cursor (as well as the time difference between the two cursors) is shown in the data below the display. The voltage levels shown correspond to the levels at the intersections of the Ch 1 and Ch 2 traces with each cursor. Table 5. D/A Converter input states and output levels. Input Dibit (TP10, TP11) Output Level (V) Relative Level 00 01 11 10 Explain the operation of the D/A Converter. 26 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM/DQAM) Exercise 1 – QAM Modulation Procedure What determines the sign and the amplitude of the D/A Converter output? The Filters and mixers 17. Connect the Oscilloscope probes as follows. Oscilloscope Probe Connect to Signal 1 TP16 I-channel mixer input E TP17 I-channel carrier 2 TP20 I-channel mixer output Turn the Low-Pass Filters Off. Figure 18 shows an example of what you may observe. Then turn the Low-Pass Filters On (see Figure 19). QAM Settings: Carrier Frequency....................... 2000 Hz Low-Pass Filters ..................................Off Oscilloscope Settings: Channel 1.......................................2 V/div Channel 2.......................................1 V/div Channel E ......................................1 V/div Time Base................................... 1 ms/div Trigger: Slope .................................Rising Trigger: Level...................................... 0 V Trigger: Source ................................. Ch 1 Figure 18. I-channel carrier, four-level data and mixer output signal (Low-Pass Filters Off). Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM/DQAM) 27 Exercise 1 – QAM Modulation Procedure QAM Settings: Carrier Frequency....................... 2000 Hz Low-Pass Filters ..................................On Oscilloscope Settings: Channel 1.......................................2 V/div Channel 2.......................................1 V/div Channel E ......................................1 V/div Time Base................................... 1 ms/div Trigger: Slope .................................Rising Trigger: Level...................................... 0 V Trigger: Source ................................. Ch 1 Figure 19. I-channel carrier, four-level data and mixer output signal (Low-Pass Filters On). Describe the relationship between the amplitude and polarity of the four-level analog data signal and the amplitude and phase of the mixer output signal. What is the effect of the low-pass filter on the four-level data signal and on the mixer output signal? What is the advantage of filtering the data signal before modulation? 18. Use the oscilloscope to observe the I- and Q-channel carrier signals. How are these signals related? 19. Use the Spectrum Analyzer to observe the frequency spectrum of the carrier, the baseband four-level data signal, and the mixer output signal (see Figure 20). Explain the relationship between the frequency spectra of these signals. Tip: 28 Click M1 or M2 in the instrument toolbar to store the current display in Memory 1 or Memory 2. Use the Memories setting to show the contents of Memory 1, Memory 2, or both. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM/DQAM) Exercise 1 – QAM Modulation Procedure QAM Settings: Carrier Frequency.................... 10 000 Hz Low-Pass Filters ..................................On Generator Settings: Generation Mode.......... Pseudo-Random n ..............................................................7 Bit Rate .....................................5000 bit/s Spectrum Analyzer Settings: Maximum Input .............................20 dBV Scale Type.............................Logarithmic Scale ....................................... 10 dBV/div Averaging..............................................16 Frequency Span ........................2 kHz/div Reference Frequency ..................... 0 kHz Memories .......................................... Both Figure 20. Frequency spectrum of four-level data signal, carrier and mixer output signal. The summer 20. Use the Oscilloscope to observe the signals at the input and output of the summer (TP20, TP21, and TP22). Figure 21 shows an example. As an option, use a conventional oscilloscope to observe the signal at the QAM Modulator OUTPUT (refer to the RTM Connections tab of the software). QAM Settings: Carrier Frequency....................... 2000 Hz Low-Pass Filters ..................................On TP20 Generator Settings: Generation Mode.......... Pseudo-Random n ..............................................................5 Bit Rate .....................................2000 bit/s Oscilloscope Settings: Channel 1.......................................1 V/div Channel 2.......................................1 V/div Channel E ......................................1 V/div Time Base................................... 2 ms/div (Single Refresh) TP21 TP22 Figure 21. Summer input and output (QAM) signals. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM/DQAM) 29 Exercise 1 – QAM Modulation Procedure Describe the operation of the summer. 21. Use the Spectrum Analyzer to observe the spectrum of the QAM signal and compare this with the spectrum of the DATA INPUT signal (see Figure 22). Tip: To reduce fluctuations in the displayed spectrum, set Averaging to the number of consecutive spectra to be averaged. The higher the setting, the lower the fluctuations, however, the spectrum will take longer to stabilize after a change. QAM Settings: Carrier Frequency.................... 10 000 Hz Low-Pass Filters ..................................On Generator Settings: Bit Rate .....................................4000 bit/s Spectrum Analyzer Settings: Maximum Input .............................20 dBV Scale Type.............................Logarithmic Scale ....................................... 10 dBV/div Averaging..............................................16 Frequency Span ........................2 kHz/div Reference Frequency ..................... 0 kHz Figure 22. Four-level (baseband) signal and QAM signal spectrum. In Figure 22, identify the features that correspond to the bit rate and the symbol rate. Express the bandwidth of the QAM signal in terms of the bit rate and the symbol rate. Explain why QAM is considered to be a bandwidth efficient modulation technique. 30 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM/DQAM) Exercise 1 – QAM Modulation Procedure Signal constellations 22. Connect the Oscilloscope Probes as follows: Oscilloscope Probe Test point Signal 1 TP14 I-channel D/A Converter output 2 TP15 Q-channel D/A Converter output E TP5 Frequency Divider output As an option, connect a conventional oscilloscope to the QAM Demodulator I-CHANNEL OUTPUT and QAM Demodulator Q-CHANNEL OUTPUT (refer to the RTM Connections tab of the software). Use the conventional oscilloscope in the X-Y mode to observe the constellation. (The Low-Pass filters in the QAM Modulator must be set to On.) Make the following Generator settings: Generation Mode........................Pseudo-Random n..................................................3 Bit Rate.......................................3000 bit/s Figure 23 shows and example of what you should observe. The Oscilloscope will display the I- and Q-channel D/A Converter output signals. Each of these signals is a four-level analog signal that is used, after low-pass filtering, to modulate one of the sinusoidal carriers. Oscilloscope Settings: Channel 1.......................................2 V/div Channel 2.......................................2 V/div Time Base................................... 2 ms/div Trigger Slope ..................................Rising Trigger Level....................................... 1 V Trigger Source .................................... Ext Figure 23. I- and Q-channel D/A Converter output signals. 23. Without moving the Oscilloscope probes, put the Oscilloscope in the X-Y mode. Figure 24 shows an example of what you should observe. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM/DQAM) 31 Exercise 1 – QAM Modulation Procedure Oscilloscope Settings: Channel 1 (X).................................1 V/div Channel 2 (Y).................................1 V/div Display Mode .................................... Dots X-Y .......................................................On Sampling Window.........................100 ms Figure 24. QAM constellation (7 points shown). Tip: The Sampling Window setting determines the time during which the signals are sampled before each update of the display. In the present case, this should be 100 ms or greater so that all quadbits being generated appear each time the display is updated. The Oscilloscope now displays a number of points in the signal constellation. What does each point in the constellation represent? With 16-QAM, the constellation should normally have 16 points. Why are only 7 points displayed? 24. In the Generator Settings, set n to different values (2, 4, and 5, etc.) and observe the displayed constellation. What do you observe? 32 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM/DQAM) Exercise 1 – QAM Modulation Procedure 25. Connect the Logic Analyzer probes as follows: Logic Analyzer Probe Connect to Signal C TP2 CLOCK INPUT 1 TP3 BSG SYNC. OUTPUT 2 TP4 Serial to Parallel Converter input 3 TP6 Serial to Parallel converter output (MSB) 4 TP7 Serial to Parallel converter output 5 TP8 Serial to Parallel converter output 6 TP9 Serial to Parallel converter output (LSB) 26. Set the Generation Mode to User-Entry. Set the Binary Sequence to the fourbit sequence (quadbit) 0000. Record data using the Logic Analyzer. Configure Symbol 2 of the Logic Analyzer to display the hexadecimal value of the quadbit, as shown in Figure 25. Logic Analyzer Settings: Display Width..................................10 ms Clock Grid ............................ Falling Edge Source............................................... Ch 1 Source Edge ...................................Rising Clock Edge .................................... Falling S1 Data .............................................[ch2] S2 Data ..................... [ch3, ch4, ch5, ch6] Figure 25. Logic Analyzer showing the quadbit 0000 in Ch 3 to Ch 6 and in S2. With any four-bit Binary Sequence, the stream of quadbits at the output of the Serial to Parallel Converter is uniform over time – each quadbit is identical to the previous quadbit. Observe the Oscilloscope display. Figure 26 shows the constellation point corresponding to the quadbit 0000. Note in Figure 27 that this constellation point has been identified with the quadbit it represents as well as the hexadecimal value of the quadbit in square brackets. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM/DQAM) 33 Exercise 1 – QAM Modulation Procedure Figure 26. Oscilloscope showing the constellation point for the quadbit 0000. L SD s : ____ [ ] ____ [ ] ____ [ ] ____ [ ] __ ____ [ ] ____ [ ] _,0 _,0 0 ____ [ ] __ ____ [ ] ____ [ ] ____ [ ] ____ [ ] __ ____ [ ] ____ [ ] ____ [ ] ____ [ ] __ __ __ __ M SD s : _ _ Figure 27. Quadbits [and HEX values] in the QAM constellation. 27. Set the Binary Sequence to 1111 and repeat the previous step. You have now identified two of the 16 points in the constellation. In the following steps, you will identify the remaining points. 34 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM/DQAM) Exercise 1 – QAM Modulation Procedure Identifying constellation points Identifying the constellation points that are mapped to 0000 and 1111 is straightforward because with each of these Binary Sequences, the four outputs of the Serial to Parallel Converter are identical. The bit at which the Serial to Parallel Converter begins to divide the DATA INPUT stream makes no difference. With all other four-bit Binary Sequences, however, the bit at which the Serial to Parallel Converter begins does make a difference. For example, setting the Binary Sequence to 0001 will produce a uniform stream of one of the following quadbits: 0001, 0010, 0100, or 1000. There is no way to predict beforehand which of these quadbits you will obtain. Clicking the Drop 1 Bit button allows you to change the quadbit produced. In the following steps, for each four-bit Binary Sequence you enter, you will use the Logic Analyzer to observe which quadbit is present at the output of the Serial to Parallel converter, and observe which constellation point is displayed on the Oscilloscope. Then you will use the Drop 1 Bit button to obtain all possible quadbit from that Binary Sequence. 28. Set the Binary Sequence to 0001. Record data on the Logic Analyzer and note which quadbit is present at the outputs of the Serial to Parallel Converter. Since TP6 represents the MSB, a 0 at TP6, TP7 and TP8 and a 1 at TP9 represents the quadbit 0001. Clicking the Drop 1 Bit button will change this quadbit to 0010. Click the Drop 1 Bit button several times, each time observing the quadbit using the Logic Analyzer and observing the constellation point displayed on the Oscilloscope. Then write in Figure 27 the quadbits that correspond to these four constellation points. By using different four-bit Binary Sequences and the Drop 1 Bit button, and by using the Logic Analyzer and the Oscilloscope, complete Figure 27 to show all 16 quadbits. Enter the hexadecimal value of each quadbit between the square brackets. Each quadbit consists of two dibits – the most significant dibit (MSD) and the least significant dibit (LSD). Below the horizontal axis of Figure 27, write the MSDs that correspond to each of the columns. To the right of the vertical axis, write the LSDs that correspond to each of the rows. Note the order of the MSDs and the LSDs. Are they arranged consecutively? The smallest distance between neighboring constellation points is the horizontal or vertical distance between consecutive points. Constellation points separated by this distance are considered to be adjacent. (The oblique distance between any two points is greater than this distance.) Note how the bits values of the quadbits change as you move from one point to any adjacent point. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM/DQAM) 35 Exercise 1 – QAM Modulation Conclusion Name the type of coding that is used here and explain the advantage of encoding the constellation points in this manner. 29. Enter the three-bit Binary Sequence 111 and observe the constellation. Change the binary Sequence to 101. Click the Drop 1 bit button several times and observe what happens. Explain why this 3-bit sequence produces three constellation points, each of which represents four bits and why the drop 1 bit button seems to have no effect. 30. When you have finished using the system, exit the LVCT software and turn off the equipment. CONCLUSION In this exercise, you became familiar with the LVCT software and studied the operation of the basic functional blocks of the QAM modulator. You observed that the Serial to Parallel Converter groups the input data stream into quadbits that are processed by two parallel channels, I and Q, and that the starting point of this grouping is arbitrary. You saw how the A/D Converters and the mixers generate two bi-phase, bi-level signals using two carriers in phase quadrature. You observed that summing these two signals produces the QAM signal. You also observed the signal constellations on the oscilloscope for various binary sequences. REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Explain what is meant by bandwidth efficiency. 2. How does the bandwidth efficiency of QAM compare to that of other modulation techniques? 36 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM/DQAM) Exercise 1 – QAM Modulation Review Questions 3. What does a constellation diagram represent? 4. What is the role of the mixers in the QAM modulator? 5. How are the signals at the outputs of the mixers combined to produce the QAM signal? Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM/DQAM) 37 Sample Exercise Extracted from Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Exercise 1 ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis EXERCISE OBJECTIVE When you have completed this exercise, you will be familiar with the distribution of the subcarriers used in ADSL. You will be able to analyze the ADSL signal frequency spectrum and identify each subcarrier in this signal. You will also be familiar with the Lab-Volt Communications Technologies (LVCT) software, the Lab-Volt ADSL application, and the Spectrum Analyzer used in this application. DISCUSSION OUTLINE The Discussion of this Exercise covers the following points: ADSL Subcarrier Distribution ADSL Maximum Data Transmission Rates Quadrature Amplitude Modulation of the Subcarriers The Lab-Volt ADSL Application DISCUSSION ADSL Subcarrier Distribution The subcarriers in ADSL are also referred to as tones. Both terms can be used interchangeably. As mentioned in the Introduction of this manual, ADSL can be viewed, in the upstream and downstream directions of transmission, as a number of QAM modulators operating simultaneously at different frequencies spread across the available bandwidth of the telephone line. Figure 8 shows the distribution of the subcarriers used in ADSL. The subcarriers are numbered 0 to 255 and the frequency separation between each subcarrier is 4.3125 kHz. The frequency of each subcarrier can be determined by multiplying the subcarrier number by 4.3125 kHz (e.g., the frequency of subcarrier 10 is 43.125 kHz). Figure 8. Distribution of the ADSL subcarriers (tones) over the telephone line bandwidth. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) 11 Exercise 1 – ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis Discussion When in the training mode, an ADSL modem determines the quality of the transmission medium (mainly the telephone line and the POTS splitter), and sets a number of parameters accordingly. The pilot tone (tone 16) is used in the ATU-C Receiver for clock recovery. The recovered clock must be properly synchronized with the ATU-R Transmitter clock to ensure that the ADSL signal is properly sampled at the ATU-C Receiver. A similar pilot tone (tone 64) is transmitted by the ATU-C for clock recovery at the ATU-R. Not all subcarriers can be used by ADSL. The frequency band from 0 to 4 kHz is reserved for POTS, thereby eliminating subcarriers 0 (DC) and 1. In order to limit mutual interference between POTS and the ADSL service, a certain number of the subsequent subcarriers (typically subcarriers 2 to 6) are also discarded. The actual number of subcarriers discarded mainly depends on the characteristics of the filters used in the POTS splitter, and is determined by the ADSL modem when it is in the training mode. Subcarriers 7 to 31 in Figure 8 are allocated to data transmission in the upstream direction. The transmitter in the ATU-R can apply quadrature amplitude modulation to each of these subcarriers to transmit data toward the ATU-C. Notice, however, that subcarrier 16 is left unmodulated because it is reserved to transmit a 69-kHz pilot tone (16 x 4.3125 kHz = 69 kHz). Subcarriers 32 to 255 are allocated to data transmission in the downstream direction. The transmitter in the ATU-C can apply quadrature amplitude modulation to each of these subcarriers to transmit data toward the ATU-R. Notice, however, that subcarrier 64 is left unmodulated because it is reserved to transmit a 276-kHz pilot tone (64 x 4.3125 kHz = 276 kHz). This subcarrier distribution scheme reveals that the number of subcarriers allocated to data transmission in the downstream direction is much higher than the number of subcarriers allocated to data transmission in the upstream direction, thereby illustrating the asymmetric nature of ADSL. Note that the ADSL subcarrier distribution shown in Figure 8 applies when frequency-division multiplexing (FDM) is used to separate the upstream and downstream data transmissions. When echo cancellation is used in the ATU-C and ATU-R instead of FDM to separate the two directions of transmission, all subcarriers dedicated to data transmission (subcarriers 7 to 255 except subcarriers 16 and 64) can be used for downstream data transmission at the same time as subcarriers 7 to 31 (except subcarrier 16) are used for upstream data transmission. ADSL Maximum Data Transmission Rates In ADSL, the nominal symbol rate is 4 kbaud and a maximum of 15 bit can be transported by each subcarrier every symbol interval. The maximum theoretical data rate for the upstream data transmission, according to the subcarrier distribution shown in Figure 8, is thus equal to 4000 x 15 x 24 = 1.44 Mbit/s. Similarly, the maximum theoretical data rate for the upstream data transmission, according to the subcarrier distribution shown in Figure 8, is equal to 4000 x 15 x 223 = 13.38 Mbit/s. However, additional data is required during transmission to support various functions of ADSL, and the maximum number of bits that can be transported by each subcarrier every symbol interval is often less than 15 in actual systems. This decreases the maximum data rates that can be achieved to the approximate values stated in the introduction of this manual. The length and imperfections of the telephone line further reduce the maximum data transmission rates that can actually be achieved. 12 Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Exercise 1 – ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis Discussion Quadrature Amplitude Modulation of the Subcarriers In ADSL, each data frame contains a certain number of bytes. The number of bits per frame is thus an integer multiple of 8. Furthermore, all subcarriers are modulated simultaneously, that is, the symbol rate is the same for all subcarriers. In ADSL, the data to be transmitted is organized into frames (the structure of these frames will be discussed later in this manual). The data contained in each frame is separated into n groups of bits, n being equal to the number of subcarriers used. The number of bits in each group may be different. Referring to the ADSL subcarrier distribution shown in Figure 8, the data would be separated into 24 groups of bits for the upstream data transmission, and into 223 groups for the downstream data transmission. Each group of bits is used to apply quadrature amplitude modulation to a particular subcarrier. A QAM signal is thus produced at each subcarrier frequency. This process repeats every symbol interval, that is, the data in the next frame is separated into n groups of bits, and each group modulates a particular subcarrier. The modulated subcarriers are then combined together to obtain the ADSL signal. Figure 9 is a simplified block diagram that illustrates the quadrature amplitude modulation of the subcarriers in an ATU-R (upstream data transmission). In this figure, the QAM modulator number corresponds to the subcarrier number. Notice that the number of bits in each group of bits varies from one QAM modulator to another. This indicates that certain subcarriers carry more data bits than others. Figure 9. Quadrature amplitude modulation of the subcarriers in an ATU-R. The nominal symbol rate in ADSL is 4 kbaud. However, the actual symbol rate, i.e., the rate at which the subcarriers are modulated, is 4.059 kbaud for reasons that will be explained later in this manual. For each subcarrier, this results in a QAM signal whose frequency spectrum has the traditional sin x/x shape, with a mainlobe that is 8.118 kHz wide. The frequency spectra of adjacent, quadrature amplitude modulated subcarriers thus overlap severely because the frequency separation between the subcarriers in ADSL is only 4.3125 kHz, as shown in Figure 10. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) 13 Exercise 1 – ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis Discussion Figure 10. Spectra of adjacent modulated ADSL subcarriers. One would be tempted to say that this leads to severe interference between adjacent subcarriers and compromises the viability of the system. However, the subcarriers used in ADSL are mathematically orthogonal, that is, they are all integer multiples of the base frequency 4.3125 kHz. Therefore, no inter-carrier interference (ICI) occurs and demodulation can take place without any problems. ADSL is in fact an OFDM-based application. You can refer to the introduction of this manual to learn more about OFDM. The Lab-Volt ADSL Application The Lab-Volt ADSL application is designed to be used with the Lab-Volt Reconfigurable Training Module. The application allows study of ADSL data transmission in the upstream direction, that is, from the CPE to the local CO. The application thus consists of the transmitter of an ATU-R and the receiver of an ATU-C, as shown in Figure 11. Note that data transmission in the other direction is basically the same except for differences in specifications such as the maximum data transmission rate, number of subcarriers, number of time-domain samples per symbol interval, etc. Figure 11. The Lab-Volt ADSL application allows study of data transmission in the upstream direction. 14 Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Exercise 1 – ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis Discussion The subcarrier distribution in the Lab-Volt ADSL application is as shown in Figure 8. Therefore, subcarriers 7 to 31, except subcarrier 16 (pilot tone), can be used to carry data. Due to technical constraints, the frequency separation between the subcarriers in the Lab-Volt ADSL application is 4.439 kHz instead of 4.3125 kHz, as defined in Recommendation G.992.1 of the International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU–T). The frequency of any subcarrier in the ADSL application can therefore be calculated by multiplying the subcarrier number by 4.439 kHz. Furthermore, the actual symbol rate in the Lab-Volt ADSL application is 4.178 kbaud instead of 4.059 kbaud as defined in ITU-T Recommendation G.992.1. Also, the maximum number of bits that can modulate a subcarrier is 8 instead of 15 as stated in ITU-T Recommendation G.992.1. These minor deviations from ITU-T Recommendation G.992.1 have no significant impacts on the principles studied. The transmitter in the ATU-R of the ADSL application does not include the interface with the customer’s data terminal equipment (generally a personal computer). Instead, a data table included in the transmitter of the ATU-R in the Lab-Volt ADSL application provides the data to be transmitted (see Figure 12). Similarly, the receiver in the ATU-C does not include the interface with the CO’s broadband data switching equipment. Instead, the recovered data is simply made available in a table included in the receiver of the ATU-C in the Lab-Volt ADSL application (see Figure 13). These interfacing aspects of ADSL are not covered in this manual. Figure 12. Tx Data table in the ATU-R Transmitter. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) 15 Exercise 1 – ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis Procedure Outline Figure 13. Rx Data table in the ATU-C Receiver. PROCEDURE OUTLINE The Procedure is divided into the following sections: PROCEDURE Equipment Setup and Connections The Pilot Tone QAM Applied to a Tone Subcarrier Mainlobe Bandwidth and Actual Symbol Rate Subcarrier Separation Subcarrier Separation versus Subcarrier Mainlobe Bandwidth ADSL Signal Frequency Spectrum Equipment Setup and Connections 1. Turn on the RTM Power Supply and the RTM and make sure the RTM power LED is lit. 2. Turn on the host computer. Make sure that the system has been installed and configured as described in the Communications Technologies Training System User Guide. 3. Start the LVCT software (choose Start f All Programs f Lab-Volt f LVCT). Tip: If the software is already running, click Exit in the File menu and then restart the LVCT software to begin a new session. In the Application Selection dialog box, choose ADSL and click OK. This begins a new session with all settings set to their default values and with all 16 Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Exercise 1 – ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis Procedure faults deactivated. The System Diagram appears showing the ATU-R Transmitter and the ATU-C Receiver. Figure 14. Clicking the Default button in the System Diagram displays the default external connections to be made. 4. Make the Default external connections shown on the System Diagram tab of the ADSL application. For details of connections to the Reconfigurable Training Module, refer to the RTM Connections tab of the software. Tip: Click the Default button in the System Diagram to show the default external connections. On-line help is accessible from the Help menu of the software and the Help menu of each instrument. You can print out the screen of any instrument by choosing File f Print in that instrument. The Pilot Tone 5. Display the block diagram of the ATU-R Transmitter by clicking the corresponding tab in the ADSL application. Tip: To display the block diagram of the ATU-R Transmitter or ATU-C Receiver, you can also place the mouse pointer over the corresponding block in the System Diagram and double click the left mouse button. 6. Locate the Bit/Tone Table in the ATU-R Transmitter block diagram using the Pan and Zoom commands. These commands are available in the View menu as well as buttons in the ADSL application toolbar. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) 17 Exercise 1 – ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis Procedure Tip: To pan a diagram, you can also right-click on the diagram and choose Pan / Select in the contextsensitive menu. Drag the mouse pointer to pan the diagram. Tip: To zoom in a diagram, you can also right-click on the diagram and choose Zoom in the contextsensitive menu. Drag the mouse pointer up or down to zoom in or out. Another way to zoom is to click the diagram and roll the mouse wheel. Click the Edit button in the Bit/Tone Table. This opens the Bit/Tone Table window. This window allows you to change the number of bits allocated to each tone, i.e., the number of bits which a tone carries. Set the number of bits allocated to all tones to zero by entering 0 in the data field next to the Apply to All Tones button, click this button, and click the Apply button located at the bottom of the Bit/Tone Table window. 7. Click the Probes bar button ( ) in the ADSL application toolbar. This displays the Probes bar. This bar contains the probes of the Oscilloscope, Spectrum Analyzer, and True RMS Voltmeter included in the ADSL application. Figure 15. The Probes bar contains the probes of the various instruments included in the ADSL application. Connect the Spectrum Analyzer probe to TP1 of the ATU-R Transmitter (ADSL output signal). Tip: 18 To move a probe from the Probes bar to a test point, click the probe and release the mouse button. Then move the mouse until the tip of the probe is over the test point and click the mouse button to connect the probe. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Exercise 1 – ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis Procedure Tip: To move a probe from one test point to another, move the mouse pointer over the probe until the pointer changes into a grasping . Then click the probe and hand without releasing the mouse button, drag the probe to another test point and then release the mouse button. ) in the ADSL application toolbar to 8. Click the Spectrum Analyzer button ( display the Spectrum Analyzer. Make the settings required on the Spectrum Analyzer to observe the ADSL signal frequency spectrum. Figure 16 shows an example of what you should observe on the Spectrum Analyzer. Note: The noise floor of the ADSL signal frequency spectrum may fluctuate considerably at a slow rate. Ignore this phenomenon. Spectrum Analyzer Settings: Maximum Input ............................... 10 dB Scale Type.........................................Log. Scale ....................................... 10 dBV/div Averaging................................................4 Frequency Span ......................20 kHz/div Reference Frequency ....................... 0 Hz Figure 16. ADSL output signal frequency spectrum when the number of bits allocated to all tones is set to zero. 9. Measure the frequency of the single spectral component in the ADSL signal spectrum. Tip: To accurately measure the frequency of a spectral component, align one of the vertical cursors of the Spectrum Analyzer with the spectral component of interest and read the frequency of the corresponding cursor (it is indicated at the bottom of the Spectrum Analyzer display). Spectral Component Frequency: ___________ kHz Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) 19 Exercise 1 – ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis Procedure What does this spectral component represent? Briefly explain why this component is a single line in the ADSL signal frequency spectrum. QAM Applied to a Tone 10. In the Bit/Tone Table window, set the number of bits allocated to tone 7 to 8 by entering 8 in the row labeled Tone 7. Click the Apply button at the bottom of the Bit/Tone Table window while observing the Spectrum Analyzer display. Notice that new spectral components having a sin x/x shape appear in the ADSL signal frequency spectrum, as shown in Figure 17. Spectrum Analyzer Settings: Maximum Input ............................... 10 dB Scale Type.........................................Log. Scale ....................................... 10 dBV/div Averaging................................................4 Frequency Span ......................20 kHz/div Reference Frequency ....................... 0 Hz Figure 17. ADSL output signal frequency spectrum when data bits are allocated to tone 7 only. 11. Measure the frequency at which these spectral components are centered. Spectral Component Center Frequency: ____________ kHz 20 Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Exercise 1 – ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis Procedure What do these spectral components represent, and why do they have a sin x/x shape? Subcarrier Mainlobe Bandwidth and Actual Symbol Rate 12. Use the vertical cursors of the Spectrum Analyzer to measure the mainlobe bandwidth of the new frequency components that appeared in the ADSL signal spectrum. Tip: Set the frequency span of the Spectrum Analyzer to 10 kHz/div while measuring the mainlobe bandwidth. This improves the measuring accuracy. Mainlobe Bandwidth: ______________ kHz From the above measurement, determine the actual symbol rate used in the ADSL application. Subcarrier Separation 13. In the Bit/Tone Table window, set the number of bits allocated to tone 13 to 8 by entering 8 in the row labeled Tone 13. 14. Click the Apply button at the bottom of the Bit/Tone Table window while observing the Spectrum Analyzer display. Notice that other spectral components, also having a sin x/x shape, appear in the ADSL signal frequency spectrum, as shown in Figure 18. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) 21 Exercise 1 – ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis Procedure Spectrum Analyzer Settings: Maximum Input ............................... 10 dB Scale Type.........................................Log. Scale ....................................... 10 dBV/div Averaging.............................. 4 Averaging Frequency Span ......................20 kHz/div Reference Frequency ....................... 0 Hz Figure 18. ADSL output signal frequency spectrum when data bits are allocated to tones 7 and 13 only. 15. Measure the frequency at which these new components are centered. Spectral Component Center Frequency: ____________ kHz What do these spectral components represent, and why do they have a sin x/x shape? 16. Determine the subcarrier separation from the measured frequencies of tones 7 and 13. 22 Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Exercise 1 – ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis Procedure Subcarrier Separation versus Subcarrier Mainlobe Bandwidth 17. Compare the measured subcarrier separation with the subcarrier mainlobe bandwidth measured previously. What does this imply for the frequency spectrum of the ADSL signal when bits are allocated to adjacent tones? 18. In the Bit/Tone Table window, set the number of bits allocated to tone 8 to 8, and click the Apply button while observing the Spectrum Analyzer. Do the same for tones 9 to 12. Figure 19 shows what you should observe on the Spectrum Analyzer display when the number of bits allocated to tones 7 to 13 is set to 8. Spectrum Analyzer Settings: Maximum Input ............................... 10 dB Scale Type.........................................Log. Scale ....................................... 10 dBV/div Averaging.............................. 4 Averaging Frequency Span ......................20 kHz/div Reference Frequency ....................... 0 Hz Figure 19. ADSL output signal frequency spectrum when data bits are allocated to tones 7 to 13, inclusively. Observe that the frequency components associated with a particular tone cannot be distinguished from those associated with the other tones. Briefly explain why no intercarrier interference occurs. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) 23 Exercise 1 – ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis Procedure ADSL Signal Frequency Spectrum The sample rate used to generate the ADSL signal is only twice the maximum frequency component in this signal (about 142 kHz). This results in a replica of the ADSL signal that extends to the upper end of the ADSL signal spectrum. A low-pass filter is generally used in the ATU-R Transmitter to remove this undesirable replica. No filter is used in the ADSL application for pedagogical purposes. 19. In the Bit/Tone Table window, set the number of bits allocated to tone 14 to 8, and click the Apply button while observing the Spectrum Analyzer. Do the same for tone 15 as well as tones 17 to 31, and observe the evolution of the ADSL signal spectrum. Figure 20 shows what you should observe on the Spectrum Analyzer display when the number of bits allocated to tones 7 to 31 (except tone 16) is set to 8. Note: A replica of the ADSL signal frequency spectrum becomes visible on the Spectrum Analyzer when bits are allocated to tones 19 to 31. Spectrum Analyzer Settings: Maximum Input ................................. 0 dB Scale Type.........................................Log. Scale ....................................... 10 dBV/div Averaging.............................. 4 Averaging Frequency Span ......................20 kHz/div Reference Frequency ....................... 0 Hz Figure 20. ADSL output signal frequency spectrum when data bits are allocated to tones 7 to 31 (except tone 16), inclusively. 20. Measure the frequency of tone 31 using a vertical cursor of the Spectrum Analyzer. Frequency of Tone 31: ____________ kHz Is the frequency of tone 31 virtually equal to 31 times the base frequency (4.439 kHz) used in the ADSL application? Yes No 21. Measure the frequency range covered by the ADSL signal spectrum using the vertical cursors of the Spectrum Analyzer. 24 Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Exercise 1 – ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis Conclusion What is the ADSL signal frequency bandwidth? 22. When you have finished using the system, exit the LVCT software and turn off the equipment. CONCLUSION In this exercise, you learned that ADSL uses a large number of subcarriers to transport data. You also learned that the number of subcarriers allocated to data transmission in the downstream direction is much higher than the number of subcarriers allocated to data transmission in the upstream direction. You saw that quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) is applied to each subcarrier. You observed that when data modulates a subcarrier, spectral components with the familiar sin x/x shape typical to QAM signals appear in the ADSL signal frequency spectrum. You observed that the ADSL signal spectrum is equivalent to several QAM signal spectra added together. You measured the frequency of a few subcarriers (tones) and saw that they are mathematically orthogonal, i.e., integer multiples of a particular base frequency. You determined the subcarrier separation from the measured subcarrier frequencies. You measured the mainlobe bandwidth of the spectral components related to a modulated subcarrier and determined the actual symbol rate from this measurement. You related the mainlobe bandwidth to the subcarrier separation to highlight the importance of subcarrier orthogonality in ADSL. Finally, you measured the frequency range which the ATU-R Transmitter output signal (ADSL signal for upstream data transmission) covers when data bits are allocated to all subcarriers. REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Describe how the subcarriers are distributed in ADSL according to ITU-T Recommendation G.992.1. 2. Briefly explain why ADSL is considered to be an OFDM-based application. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) 25 Exercise 1 – ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis Review Questions 3. Briefly describe the asymmetric nature of ADSL. 4. Briefly explain why the ADSL signal spectrum is continuous and fairly flat over the complete frequency range it occupies. 5. In OFDM applications, what is the key feature which allows the frequency components resulting from the modulation of each subcarrier to overlap without producing intercarrier interference? Explain briefly. 26 Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Instructor Guide Sample Exercise Extracted from Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Exercise 1 ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis Exercise 1 ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis ANSWERS TO PROCEDURE STEP QUESTIONS 9. Spectral Component Frequency: 71.3 kHz (see following figure) Spectrum Analyzer Settings: Maximum Input ............................... 10 dB Scale Type.........................................Log. Scale ....................................... 10 dBV/div Averaging................................................4 Frequency Span ......................20 kHz/div Reference Frequency ....................... 0 Hz Measuring the pilot tone (tone 16) frequency using the Spectrum Analyzer. The spectral component in the ADSL signal frequency spectrum corresponds to tone 16 since its frequency is very close to 16 times the base frequency (4.439 kHz) used in the ADSL application. Tone 16 is used as a pilot tone and is left unmodulated. This explains why this tone appears as single line in the ADSL signal frequency spectrum. 11. Spectral Component Center Frequency: 31.4 kHz (see following figure) Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) 1 Exercise 1 ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis Spectrum Analyzer Settings: Maximum Input ............................... 10 dB Scale Type.........................................Log. Scale ....................................... 10 dBV/div Averaging................................................4 Frequency Span ......................20 kHz/div Reference Frequency ....................... 0 Hz Measuring the frequency of tone 7 using the Spectrum Analyzer. The new spectral components in the ADSL signal frequency spectrum correspond to tone 7 since the mainlobe of these components is centered at a frequency that is very close to 7 times the base frequency (4.439 kHz) used in the ADSL application. The sin x/x shape of these spectral components results from the quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) applied to tone 7. In fact, these frequency components represent the spectrum of a QAM signal centered at the frequency of tone 7. 12. Mainlobe Bandwidth: 8.3 kHz (see following figure) 2 Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Exercise 1 ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis Spectrum Analyzer Settings: Maximum Input ............................... 10 dB Scale Type.........................................Log. Scale ....................................... 10 dBV/div Averaging................................................4 Frequency Span ......................10 kHz/div Reference Frequency ....................... 0 Hz Measuring the mainlobe bandwidth of the spectral components that appeared in the ADSL signal spectrum. The actual symbol rate is equal to half the mainlobe bandwidth measured, i.e., 4.15 kbaud, because the observed spectral components result from the quadrature amplitude modulation of tone 7. 15. Spectral Component Center Frequency: 58.1 kHz (see following figure) Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) 3 Exercise 1 ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis Spectrum Analyzer Settings: Maximum Input ............................... 10 dB Scale Type.........................................Log. Scale ....................................... 10 dBV/div Averaging.............................. 4 Averaging Frequency Span ......................20 kHz/div Reference Frequency ....................... 0 Hz Measuring the frequency of tone 13 using the Spectrum Analyzer. The new spectral components in the ADSL signal frequency spectrum correspond to tone 13 since the mainlobe of these components is centered at a frequency that is very close to 13 times the base frequency (4.439 kHz) used in the ADSL application. The sin x/x shape of these spectral components results from the quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) applied to tone 13. 16. The measured frequencies of tones 7 and 13 are 31.4 kHz and 58.1 kHz, respectively. The subcarrier separation is equal to the difference between these two frequencies divided by 6 (the number of tones separating tones 7 and 13). The subcarrier separation is thus equal to: Subcarrier separation = (58.1 − 31.4) ÷ 6 = 4.45 kHz. 17. The measured subcarrier mainlobe bandwidth (8.3 kHz) is nearly twice the measured subcarrier separation (4.45 kHz). This means that the QAM signal spectra resulting from the modulation of adjacent subcarriers should overlap severely. 18. ADSL is an OFDM-based application using orthogonal subcarriers, i.e., subcarriers whose frequencies are integer multiples of a particular base frequency. This base frequency is 4.439 kHz in the ADSL application. 20. Frequency of Tone 31: 138.0 kHz (see following figure) 4 Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Exercise 1 ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis Spectrum Analyzer Settings: Maximum Input ................................. 0 dB Scale Type.........................................Log. Scale ....................................... 10 dBV/div Averaging.............................. 4 Averaging Frequency Span ......................20 kHz/div Reference Frequency ....................... 0 Hz Measuring the frequency of tone 31 using the Spectrum Analyzer. Yes 21. The ADSL signal spectrum covers the frequency range from 27 kHz to 142 kHz, approximately (see following figure). Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) 5 Exercise 1 ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis Spectrum Analyzer Settings: Maximum Input ................................. 0 dB Scale Type.........................................Log. Scale ....................................... 10 dBV/div Averaging.............................. 4 Averaging Frequency Span ......................20 kHz/div Reference Frequency ....................... 0 Hz Measuring the frequency range covered by the ADSL signal using the Spectrum Analyzer. The ADSL signal frequency bandwidth is approximately 115 kHz. ANSWERS TO REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. There are 256 subcarriers numbered 0 to 255. The frequencies of these subcarriers are integer multiples of the base frequency 4.3125 kHz, thereby leading to a subcarrier separation of 4.3125 kHz. The frequency of each subcarrier is equal to the subcarrier number times 4.3125 kHz. Subcarriers 7 to 31, inclusively, are dedicated to upstream data transmission while subcarriers 32 to 255 are dedicated to downstream data transmission. 2. ADSL is considered to be an OFDM-based application because the frequencies of all ADSL subcarriers are integer multiples of the base frequency 4.3125 kHz. These subcarriers are thus mathematically orthogonal as required by OFDM. 3. The asymmetric nature of ADSL is due to the fact that the data transmission rate in the downstream direction is much higher than that in the upstream direction. This is because the number of subcarriers allocated to the downstream data transmission is much higher than the number of subcarriers allocated to the upstream data transmission. 4. This is because the main lobe bandwidth of the spectral components resulting from the modulation of each subcarrier is about twice the subcarrier separation. This causes the spectral components related to adjacent subcarriers to overlap severely, thereby leading to a continuous and fairly flat 6 Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Exercise 1 ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis frequency spectrum over the complete frequency range occupied by the ADSL signal. 5. The orthogonality of the subcarriers. When subcarriers are mathematically orthogonal, the dot product of any two subcarriers, when averaged over a certain time interval, is zero. This prevents intercarrier interference even if the spectral components related to adjacent modulated subcarriers overlap. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) 7 . Bibliography BELLAMY, John C., Digital Telephony, 3rd edition, New York, John Wiley & Sons, 2000. ISBN 0-471-34571-7 FREEMAN, Roger L. Telecommunications System Engineering, Third Edition, New York, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1996 ISBN 0-471-13302-7 International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T), Recommendation G.992.1 - Asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) transceivers SKLAR, Bernard. Digital Communications Fundamentals and Applications, Second Edition, Upper Saddle River, N.J., Prentice Hall Inc., 2001 ISBN 978-0-13084-788-1 STREMLER, Ferrel G., Introduction to Communications Systems, Second Edition, Reading, Mass., Addison-Wesley, 1982. ISBN 0-201-07251-3
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