laboratory notes A sample holder for in-house X-ray powder Applied

laboratory notes
Journal of
A sample holder for in-house X-ray powder
diffraction studies of protein powders
ISSN 0021-8898
Christian Grundahl Frankær, Pernille Harris and Kenny Sta˚hl*
Received 5 July 2011
Accepted 22 September 2011
# 2011 International Union of Crystallography
Printed in Singapore – all rights reserved
Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Denmark, Kemitorvet 207, DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby,
Denmark. Correspondence e-mail:
A sample holder for handling samples of protein for in-house X-ray powder
diffraction (XRPD) analysis has been made and tested on lysozyme. The use of
an integrated pinhole reduced the background, and good signal-to-noise ratios
were obtained from only 7 ml of sample, corresponding to approximately 2–3 mg
of dry protein. The sample holder is further adaptable to X-ray absorption
spectroscopy (XAS) measurements. Both XRPD and XAS at the Zn K-edge
were tested with hexameric Zn insulin.
1. Introduction
During the past decade, X-ray powder diffraction has proven itself
able to solve and refine small protein structures from high-resolution
powder data using synchrotron radiation (see e.g. Margiolaki &
Wright, 2008, and references therein). Powder diffraction patterns
with well resolved peaks can also be obtained from highly optimized
laboratory equipment (Margiolaki et al., 2007), but at the cost of
longer data collection times. However, for a fast characterization and
fingerprinting of protein crystal forms, X-ray powder diffraction
(XRPD) can be carried out on widely used standard laboratory
diffractometers (Hartmann et al., 2010, 2011). This ‘rough’ technique
may be well suited for detection of substrate binding and verification
of different protein conformations of already known
systems (Norrman et al., 2006), and could thereby become
a valuable complementary tool in the laboratory, as well
as for product characterization in the pharmaceutical
industry and enzyme production.
Metalloprotein structure determinations from single
crystals are increasingly complemented by X-ray
absorption spectroscopy (XAS). Quick in-house XRPD
characterization of crystal forms before and after XAS
measurements is indeed possible. In the present note the
design of a sample holder for both in-house XRPD and
XAS is described and tested on lysozyme and two
conformations of hexameric Zn insulin, T6 and R6.
The sample holder consists of a 1.0 mm-thick polycarbonate plate
with a hole (either 4.5 or 3.0 mm in diameter, creating sample
chamber volumes of 16 and 7 ml, respectively). Further dimensions
are specified in Figs. 1(a) and 1(b). Metal-free polycarbonate was
chosen to avoid a fluorescence signal from the sample holder, which
for XAS experiments would conflict with the fluorescence signal from
metalloproteins. Small holes have been drilled so that the holder fits
the cryostat (Oxford Instruments, ITC503) available at the 8-11 XAS
beamline at the synchrotron at MAX-lab, Lund, Sweden. The sample
holder takes a small cylindrical volume of protein powder wetted by
its mother liquor, and with a sample thickness of 1.0 mm this holder
still allows the diffractometer to work in transmission mode. The
2. Sample holder design
The sample holder was developed for the Huber G670
diffractometer equipped with a flat powder specimen
holder. The holder has been further improved from the
holder used in the study by Hartmann et al. (2010) and is
also adaptable for XAS experiments, as demonstrated by
tests on hexameric Zn insulin. To collect as much signal as
possible on the in-house X-ray sources, the general
principle behind the design is to support a thin film of
protein crystallites with a relatively large surface area.
Rotation of the sample around an axis orthogonal to the
detector is also important to avoid sedimentation on the
windows and walls of the sample chamber and so to avoid
multiple layers of powder. Schematic drawings and a
photograph of the sample holder are shown in Fig. 1.
Figure 1
XRPD sample holder for the Huber G670 diffractometer. (a) Drawing of the individual parts of
the unassembled sample holder. (b) Dimensions of the polycarbonate plate. (c) Photograph of
the sample holder.
J. Appl. Cryst. (2011). 44, 1288–1290
laboratory notes
sample is sealed by two pieces of mylar foil, which are attached to the
polycarbonate plate with either epoxy glue or double-sided adhesive
tape. For powder diffraction, a lead plate with a pinhole matching the
diameter of the sample chamber is glued on top of the assembled
holder and serves for efficient shielding of the background scattering.
The inner edge profile of the lead plate has been cut at a 45 angle to
prevent shielding of the incoming X-ray beam. The pinhole plate fits
exactly into the flat powder specimen holder at the Huber G670
diffractometer, allowing the sample to be centred in the beam. The
relatively compact shape of the sample chamber eases mounting of
the sample.
3. Experimental
insulin, data were collected for 30 min on 7 ml samples. The raw
powder patterns are shown in Fig. 3, from which the crystal forms can
be distinguished. For these systems, no radiation damage was
An X-ray absorption spectrum was collected at the Zn K-edge
(9659 eV) on the mounted insulin sample at the XAS beamline 8-11
at the synchrotron at MAX-lab, using an Si(111) double-crystal
monochromator (Carlson et al., 2006). Fluorescence data were
collected at 100 K with a passive implanted planar silicon detector as
three scans of 60 min, which were subsequently averaged. To check
for occurrence of radiation damage the spectra were compared prior
to averaging. No radiation damage was observed. The absorption
spectra at the Zn K-edge are shown in Fig. 4. The extended X-ray
The sample holder was tested on the Huber G670 diffractometer with
protein powder of lysozyme from chicken egg white (Gallus gallus,
95% Sigma Aldrich L-6876) and Zn insulin from bovine pancreas
(Bos taurus, Sigma Aldrich I-5500). Tetragonal lysozyme crystals and
trigonal T6 insulin crystals were grown according to the procedures
described by Hartmann et al. (2010). R6 insulin crystals were grown
with the phenol derivative m-cresol according to the procedure of
Smith et al. (2000). The T6 and R6 insulin crystals were filtered using
an Ultra-free-MC centrifuge filter (Amicon/Millipore) with a pore
size of 0.22 mm, and excess zinc was eliminated by washing the
crystals three times with a solution having a composition similar to
the mother liquors except for containing zinc. Excess mother liquor
was removed and the wetted crystals were gently crushed to a
concentrated homogeneous suspension of protein powder.
The sample holders were loaded with the suspensions taking care
that no air bubbles were trapped in the sample chambers when gluing
the top foil in place. Rotation around was applied to the samples
and data were collected on two lysozyme samples (16 and 7 ml,
corresponding to approximately 5–6 and 2–3 mg of protein) for 4 h at
˚ ). The raw
room temperature using Cu K1 radiation ( = 1.5406 A
lysozyme powder diffraction patterns are compared in Fig. 2. For Zn
Figure 3
XRPD patterns of trigonal crystals of T6 and R6 insulin prior to background
subtraction. Data were collected on 7 ml of sample for 30 min using Cu K1
˚ ). Unit-cell parameters were optimized from a full pattern
radiation ( = 1.5406 A
profile fit.
Figure 2
XRPD patterns of tetragonal crystals of hen egg white lysozyme prior to
background subtraction. The data collection time was 4 h and Cu K1 radiation ( =
˚ ) was used. A pattern calculated using optimized unit-cell and peak-shape
1.5406 A
parameters is shown for comparison (bottom).
J. Appl. Cryst. (2011). 44, 1288–1290
Figure 4
XAS spectra of hexameric Zn insulin collected at the Zn K-edge with the combined
XRPD and XAS sample holder. Insets: Extracted and k3-weighted EXAFS spectra.
˚ 1 in k-space.
Data with good signal-to-noise ratios were obtained to 13–14 A
Christian Grundahl Frankær et al.
Protein sample holder for in-house XRPD
laboratory notes
absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectra were extracted using
WinXAS (Ressler, 1998).
group R3, but with different Zn coordination and unit-cell parameters. As seen from the powder patterns in Fig. 3, the two crystal
forms are clearly distinguishable, and the difference in Zn coordination is clearly evident from the absorption spectra shown in Fig. 4.
4. Results
The background intensity levels and the peak-to-noise ratios, P/N,
which are interrelated, were estimated by looking at the raw lysozyme powder patterns presented in Fig. 2. Separating background
from diffraction is, however, not straightforward because of the heavy
peak overlap. The estimation of the background intensity was
therefore done by scaling a calculated pattern to the experimental.
Prior to the calculation of a powder pattern, unit-cell and peak-shape
parameters were optimized using the procedure described by Hartmann et al. (2010). The background level, BG, was evaluated as a sum
of intensities I in the 2 range 2–20 by the following equation:
ITotal IBragg
100% ¼
BG ¼ P 100%;
IBragg þ IBackground
where IBragg was evaluated from a calculated pattern that was scaled
to the experimental using PROTPOW (http://www.xray.kemi.dtu.
dk/English/Computer Programs/PROTPOW.aspx). The background
levels for lysozyme were 87.4 and 92.3% for the 16 and 7 ml holders,
The P/N ratios and the background levels depend on the collimation of the beam. Pinholes integrated into the design of the flat
specimen sample holder ensure that the beam irradiates only the
homogeneous part of the sample and thereby reduce the background,
in particular at low 2 angles. After an optimization of the beam stop
position, it is possible to measure reflections down to 2.0 .
The adaptability of the sample holder was illustrated with insulin,
where the same sample holder was used for XRPD and XAS. This
ensures that both analyses are carried out on exactly the same sample,
which reduces the amount of sample used and the preparation time.
Both T6 and R6 insulin form trigonal crystals belonging to space
Christian Grundahl Frankær et al.
5. Conclusions
A sample holder for identification and fast characterization of protein
crystal forms by XRPD using a standard laboratory source has been
developed. Optimizing the collimation by pinholes, the design was
improved to operate with sample volumes down to 7 ml, which is
comparable to the performance of capillaries but the samples are
easier to prepare. For metal-containing proteins the improved sample
holder design was successfully applied to samples used for both
powder diffraction and XAS experiments.
Special thanks to Katarina Nore´n for assistance at the XAS
experiments. We acknowledge the workshop at DTU Chemistry for
fabrication of the sample holders and Susanne Helmark for illustrations and the photograph.
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Protein sample holder for in-house XRPD
J. Appl. Cryst. (2011). 44, 1288–1290