Two Report Samples Here are samples from two different reports. They include pages from the major sections in each report but not the entire report. Our report engine is very flexible and can create any custom report and/or format you need. Sample 1: Streamlined Report To the point, clear and thorough. Sample 2: Premium Report Flexible, comprehensive and elegant. 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Each section is designed to present your results from a different perspective, in a way that assists you in your personal development. Here is a summary of each section: Competency Summary Results The survey questions are organized into groups called competencies. The scores for all questions in a competency are averaged to produce an overall competency score. This section presents your competency scores from various perspectives: - your scores compared to those given by your manager; - your scores compared to those from other respondent groups; and - your competencies given the highest scores. Strengths and Developmental Opportunities When you receive high scores in a specific area, that area can be considered a strength. Also, when others give you scores higher than you give yourself, that area can be a hidden strength. It is referred to as hidden because you may not be aware that others believe you are strong in that area. Conversely, low scores represent opportunities for you to develop your skills in a specific area. In addition, when others give you scores lower than you give yourself, you may have a 'blind spot' or an area you can focus on for specific improvement. This section lists strengths, hidden strengths, developmental opportunities and blind spots. Question and Competency Details Each page in this section is organized by competency. At the top of each page are the overall competency results. The results for each question included in the competency are listed on the bottom portion of the page. The detail for each question and competency includes: - average score by respondent group and overall - gap by respondent group and overall - ranking by respondent group and overall © 2010 STAR360feedback Definitions and Calculations: Respondent Group: A group of respondents who have the same relationship to you, for example – peers, direct reports. Overall Score: The average of all responses, excluding those from ‘self’, for a question or competency. Strength: The competencies or questions for which you received the highest scores. Hidden Strength: Questions and competencies where you gave yourself lower scores than others gave you. Developmental Opportunity: The competencies and questions for which you received the lowest scores. Blind Spot: Questions and competencies where you gave yourself higher scores than others gave you. Score: The average of all responses for a specific respondent group for a specific question or competency. Gap: The difference between your score and the scores from a respondent group or the overall score. Negative gaps indicate that you scored yourself higher than you were scored. Rank: The position of an item when the list of questions or competencies is sorted by highest to lowest scores. A rank of 1 means all other items received a lower score. Core Leadership 360 page 3 Competency Scores - Self and Manager Simon Sample Always 5 Often 4 Sometimes 3 Rarely 2 Never 1 e pl o Pe n tio a nt rie O n tio a nt rie O er m to s u C © 2010 STAR360feedback Self am e T n io n tio a nt rie O at nt c i eg rie O t ra St Core Leadership 360 / ity it v ity c v du cti o a Pr ro P Pr of es si on al is m al n o rs e p er t n l/I a n so r Pe C om m un ic at io n 0 Manager page 5 Competency Scores - Self and Respondent Groups Except Manager Simon Sample Always 5 Often 4 Sometimes 3 Rarely 2 Never 1 Manager © 2010 STAR360feedback e pl o Pe n tio a nt rie O n tio a nt rie O er m to s u C Direct Reports am e T n io n tio a nt rie O at nt c i eg rie O t ra St Peers Core Leadership 360 Other / ity it v ity c v du cti o a Pr ro P Pr of es si on al is m al n o rs e p er t n l/I a n so r Pe C om m un ic at io n 0 Overall page 6 Three Highest and Lowest Competency Scores by Respondent Group Three Highest Competency Scores Self Personal/Interpersonal People Orientation Team Orientation Manager Customer Orientation Personal/Interpersonal Communication Simon Sample Three Lowest Competency Scores 4.5 4.5 4.5 Self Professionalism Strategic Orientation Customer Orientation 3.5 3.5 4.3 4.6 4.3 4.1 Manager Professionalism Strategic Orientation People Orientation 3.6 3.6 3.6 Direct Reports Customer Orientation Strategic Orientation Professionalism 4.0 3.8 3.8 Direct Reports Productivity/Proactivity Team Orientation People Orientation 3.2 3.2 3.3 Peers Team Orientation Productivity/Proactivity Customer Orientation 3.7 3.7 3.7 Peers Professionalism Strategic Orientation People Orientation 3.3 3.3 3.3 4.8 4.8 4.7 Other Professionalism Strategic Orientation Personal/Interpersonal 4.1 4.1 4.2 Other Team Orientation Productivity/Proactivity Customer Orientation © 2010 STAR360feedback Core Leadership 360 page 7 Greatest Strengths Simon Sample These items are identified as strengths because they received the highest overall scores from each respondent group. Self Manager Personal/Interpersonal Personal/Interpersonal Personal/Interpersonal Communication Personal/Interpersonal Customer Orientation Communication Personal/Interpersonal Communication Personal/Interpersonal Direct Reports Peers Strategic Orientation Personal/Interpersonal Professionalism Customer Orientation Personal/Interpersonal Team Orientation Communication Team Orientation Customer Orientation Strategic Orientation 1. Inspire enthusiasm in others? 2. Build positive relationships with coworkers? 4. Maintain a positive outlook? 7. Share learning with fellow employees? 8. Provide timely information? 24. Establish systems for measuring results? 32. Accept responsibility for own mistakes? 1. Inspire enthusiasm in others? 7. Share learning with fellow employees? 13. Advocate customers' perspectives? © 2010 STAR360feedback 3. Personally maintain composure under pressure? 7. Share learning with fellow employees? 16. Maintain positive relationships with customers? 1. Inspire enthusiasm in others? 4. Maintain a positive outlook? 1. Inspire enthusiasm in others? 13. Advocate customers' perspectives? 17. Demonstrate a strong commitment to team's success? 19. Show respect for all team members? 23. Align team initiatives with company mission? Core Leadership 360 page 9 Greatest Developmental Opportunities Simon Sample These items are identified as development needs because they received the lowest overall scores from each respondent group. Self Manager Professionalism Professionalism Strategic Orientation Strategic Orientation Professionalism People Orientation Productivity/Proactivity Professionalism Strategic Orientation Productivity/Proactivity Direct Reports Peers Productivity/Proactivity Professionalism Team Orientation Professionalism People Orientation Strategic Orientation Productivity/Proactivity Strategic Orientation Team Orientation People Orientation 29. Set a good example of ethics and character? 21. Set clear directions? 32. Accept responsibility for own mistakes? 25. Allocate company resources effectively? 24. Establish systems for measuring results? 25. Allocate company resources effectively? 17. Demonstrate a strong commitment to team's success? 9. Nurture continuous learning and improvement in others? 26. Manage multiple projects efficiently? 18. Put the good of the group ahead of self interest? © 2010 STAR360feedback 30. Consistently follow through with commitments? 22. Spend time on what's important? 9. Nurture continuous learning and improvement in others? 29. Set a good example of ethics and character? 28. Develop contingency plans for potential problems? 32. Accept responsibility for own mistakes? 30. Consistently follow through with commitments? 24. Establish systems for measuring results? 22. Spend time on what's important? 9. Nurture continuous learning and improvement in others? Core Leadership 360 page 10 Hidden Strengths Based on Your Overall Score Simon Sample A hidden strength is defined as a question where others scored you higher than you scored yourself. The difference in scores may indicate that you may not realize how others perceive your skills in these areas. Question Self Overall 21. Set clear directions? 2.0 3.8 Strategic Orientation 29. Set a good example of ethics and character? 2.0 3.8 Professionalism 15. Actively seek feedback from customers? 3.0 4.3 Customer Orientation 17. Demonstrate a strong commitment to team's success? 3.0 3.9 Team Orientation 25. Allocate company resources effectively? 3.0 3.9 Productivity/Proactivity 6. Create a safe atmosphere for candid feedback? 3.0 3.8 Communication 24. Establish systems for measuring results? 3.0 3.4 Strategic Orientation 32. Accept responsibility for own mistakes? 3.0 3.4 Professionalism 3. Personally maintain composure under pressure? 3.0 3.4 Personal/Interpersonal 13. Advocate customers' perspectives? 4.0 4.3 Customer Orientation © 2010 STAR360feedback Core Leadership 360 Competency page 11 Blind Spots Based on Your Overall Score Simon Sample A blind spot is defined as a question where you scored yourself higher than others scored you. The difference in scores may indicate that you may not realize how people perceive your skills in these areas. Question Self Overall 9. Nurture continuous learning and improvement in others? 5.0 3.3 People Orientation 2. Build positive relationships with coworkers? 5.0 3.5 Personal/Interpersonal 18. Put the good of the group ahead of self interest? 5.0 3.9 Team Orientation 26. Manage multiple projects efficiently? 5.0 3.9 Productivity/Proactivity 12. Deal effectively with poor performers? 5.0 3.9 People Orientation 4. Maintain a positive outlook? 5.0 4.0 Personal/Interpersonal 20. Assist and support team members in achieving team objectives? 5.0 4.0 Team Orientation 28. Develop contingency plans for potential problems? 5.0 4.0 Productivity/Proactivity 16. Maintain positive relationships with customers? 5.0 4.1 Customer Orientation 23. Align team initiatives with company mission? 5.0 4.1 Strategic Orientation © 2010 STAR360feedback Core Leadership 360 Competency page 12 How to Read the Detail Graphs Competency title Leadership Respondent group labels Simon Sample Manager Self Direct Reports Peers Overall Scale labels 0 1 Never 2 Rarely 3 Sometimes 4 Often Score Gap Rank 4.5 4.8 4.3 3.4 4.1 -0.3 0.0 -0.4 -1.4 -0.7 4 2 3 2 3 The large graphs at the top of each page provide results for each competency 5 Always Specific question results: 1. Inspires enthusiasm in others 2. Builds positive relationships with coworkers Score Gap Rank 5.0 5.0 4.8 4.3 4.7 Manager Self Direct Reports Peers Overall Question text 0 1 2 3 3. Maintains composure under pressure 4 Direct Reports Peers Overall 1 2 3 4 Score Gap Rank 3.0 5.0 4.2 2.7 3.6 Manager Self Direct Reports Peers Overall 0 1 2 4. Sponsors innovative projects 5.0 4.0 4.0 2.5 3.8 0 1 1 1 1 1 5 Manager Self Bars represent 0.0 0.0 -0.2 -0.7 -0.3 1.0 0.0 0.0 -1.5 -0.3 2 17 17 22 20 3 4 Direct Reports Peers Overall 1 2 3 4 The small graphs at the bottom of each 5.0 5.0 4.3 3.7 4.2 Self 0 23 2 12 19 23 5 Manager 5 -2.0 0.0 -0.8 -2.3 -1.4 0.0 0.0 -0.7 -1.3 -0.8 page provide results 3 3 9 4 9 for the questions that make up each 5 competency group scores © 2006 STAR (888) 467-8575 11111 page 15 Score is the average of all responses for a Gap is the difference between your score and Rank is the position of an item when the list specific respondent group. the score of a respondent group. If the gap is of questions or competencies is sorted by negative you scored yourself higher than the highest to lowest scores. A rank of 1 means respondent group scored you. all other items received a lower score. © 2010 STAR360feedback Core Leadership 360 page 14 Personal/Interpersonal Simon Sample 6HOI 0DQDJHU 'LUHFW5HSRUWV 3HHUV 2WKHU 2YHUDOO ! 6FRUH *DS 5DQN " # $ % & 1HYHU5DUHO\6RPHWLPHV2IWHQ$OZD\V Specific question results: ,QVSLUHHQWKXVLDVPLQRWKHUV" %XLOGSRVLWLYHUHODWLRQVKLSVZLWKFRZRUNHUV" 6FRUH *DS 5DQN 6HOI 0DQDJHU 'LUHFW5HSRUWV 3HHUV 2WKHU 2YHUDOO ! " # $ % & 3HUVRQDOO\PDLQWDLQFRPSRVXUHXQGHUSUHVVXUH" 6HOI 0DQDJHU 'LUHFW5HSRUWV 3HHUV 2WKHU 2YHUDOO ! " # 0DLQWDLQDSRVLWLYHRXWORRN" ! " # $ % & 6FRUH *DS 5DQN 6HOI 0DQDJHU 'LUHFW5HSRUWV 3HHUV 2WKHU 2YHUDOO $ % " # $ % & 6HOI 0DQDJHU 'LUHFW5HSRUWV 3HHUV 2WKHU 2YHUDOO ! & pages The detail till continue ns all questio ncies ete and comp ed. are report 67$5IHHGEDFN &RUH/HDGHUVKLS SDJH Comments Simon Sample WHAT ARE THIS PERSON'S STRENGTHS? · Simon is very respectful of everyone. He is caring and people like him. Simon will focus on immediate needs and is very willing to fix things. · Simon is a person of character who is able to build strong relationships across organizational lines internally. He has a deep understanding of our business and is committed to supporting the team. · Good relationships with staff and managerment team. Likeable and presents self well. · Simon is a great boss and always takes a load off my shoulder. One of his biggest strengths is controlling his stress levels, he never shows that he is having a bad day and copes well when dealing with staff, clients and myself. · Simon is a very personable individual, clients like Simon, employees like Simon. · Simon is clearly a "people person" with both his staff and his customers indicating a strong affinity for him. I would say "relationship building" is his strongest trait. Other strengths witnessed or inferred are: work ethic (long hours without complaint), professionalism and following instructions. WHAT ARE THIS PERSON'S DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES? · Simon only provides information if asked. Does not keep management informed. Simon understands tough decisions need to be made, but finds difficulty in executing them. Simon will not ask for help. Simon needs to continue to work on written and verbal presentation to clients and managers. Simon needs to maintain focus on a strategic approach to managing people and clients. · Simon needs to be more strategic on how he manages his time (what is important) and needs to delegate more effectively. He can avoid conflict and not deal with the root causes of problems. In summary: -Conflict resolution - Time management · Needs to stay focused on important goals, plan ahead, be more decisive then follow through to see that staff have done the job. · Simon needs to be more firm with employees who do not perform. Simon always gives people the benefit of the doubt, I feel that he is way too kind to people who have not been kind to him. · Be more direct and not only worry about people's feelings. Performance manage his team more effectively. Be a more vocal leader with a take charge approach. · Simon needs to execute and solve problems for clients. Simon needs to keep employees accountable for results and also hold himself accountable. Simon needs to keep the most important things as the most important things (i.e., focus on the highest priorities, rather than lower priority items that others can and should be accountable for). · Organization of work space and possibly time management. © 2010 STAR360feedback Core Leadership 360 page 23 Individual Development Plan for: Simon Sample Directions: The form below is provided to help you plan for your development. Use the information from your 360 report along with other feedback, information and knowledge you have about your skills and competencies. Work on the suggested items that appear in the blue stripe below or choose other items to focus on. Establish plans that balance the needs and resources of the organization with your personal goals. Share the completed plan with your manager or supervisor. Score Recommended Developmental Area: People Orientation - 9. Nurture continuous learning and improvement in others? Action Plan: Goals and Time Frame: Recommended Developmental Area: Personal/Interpersonal - 2. Build positive relationships with coworkers Action Plan: Goals and Time Frame: Additional Resources: (ie:Books, Articles, Web Links, Mentors) Employee Signature: 3.3 Administrator Signature: 3.5
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