לקוטי שיחות kcab 2 basics Where Are You? י״ט כסלו חג הגאולה Yud Tes Kislev י"ט כסלו ב Concepts 1. The Frierdiker Rebbe shared the following story, that took place during the time that the Alter Rebbe was sitting in jail. After the Alter Rebbe had been arrested, a high ranking minister entered the Alter Rebbe’s cell in order to interrogate him. Interestingly, this minister was very knowledgeable regarding the Jewish religion and was fluent in the Tanach. One of the questions which he posed to the Alter Rebbe was as follows: The Possuk writes that after Adam had sinned, Hashem called out to him and said " "איכה- “where are you?”. “Could it be”, the minister asked, “that Hashem was unaware of Adam’s whereabouts that he needed to ask where he was?” The Alter Rebbe proceeded to explain this Possuk according to Rashi, who answers that Hashem was merely trying to open a conversation with Adam. The minister continued “I am already aware of Rashi’s explanation; I want to hear how the Rebbe himself explains this ג טייטש'ן Translations טייטש ווארט טייטש ווארט Do you know צי ווייסטו אויף וואס דו ביסט באשאפן געווארן The Frierdiker Rebbe כ"ק מו"ח אדמו"ר -נשמה אויסגאנג Substitute Smallest קלענסטן Saying at the time זאגנדיק דערביי According to his essence לויט זיין מהות Exact amount of years גענויע צאל יארן Demands מאנט מען Where are you וואו ביסטו For what you were created Told over האט דערציילט געזעסן אין Sat in captivity Must do (jail) תפיסה דארפסט טאן (accomplish) Interrogated אויסגעפארשט Have done האסט געטאן -טאוואריטש (accomplished) Deputy minister מיניסטער Accomplished אויסגעפירט דאס הייסט Saved אפגעראטעוועט .ה.ד this means His Neshomo leaving (his body) Because Had from this Thought to himself Accomplished Remain down here Carry out For which Came down Happened Told over to us Gave over Through them Must know Constantly Greatest פארטרעטער וועלכער איז Which was fluent געווען בקי ווארום Learned א געלערנטער דערפון געהאט One of איינע פון האט זיך באטראכט ער האט He presented געשטעלט אויפגעטאן Where are you איכה בלייבן למטה Is it so צי דען דורכפירן Didn’t know ניט געוואוסט צוליב וועלכע Was found געפינט זיך אראפקומען Asked געפרעגט פאסירט Answered געענטפערט אונז דערציילטI know alone (on ווייס איך אליין my own) איבערגעגעבן איך וויל אבער דורך זיי But I want to hear הערן דארף וויסן Old אלט שטענדיק Specific amount אזוי פיל יאר גרעסטן of years לקוטי י"ט כסלו שיחות דאס האט אראפגענומען אלע הג - בלות ,ווארום ווען מען טוט עס ניט אליין נאר מען טוט עס בשליחותו (של מקום) און מיט'ן כוח פון דעם וואס רופט "איכה" ,וואס דאס איז עצמות - נמנע הנמנעות )4 3ונושא הכפיים, טראגט מען אראפ אויך סתים דאו - רייתא אז עס זאל קומען בגילוי ,וואס ד טייטש'ן Concepts Possuk.” To which the Alter Rebbe responded: “When a person is a certain amount of years old (stating the exact age of the minister), Hashem comes to him and asks him ‘Where are you? Do you know why you were placed onto this world? Do you know what you are meant to accomplish? Do you know what you have already accomplished?” Translations טייטש ווארט טייטש ווארט Gave permission געגעבן רשות אפהאלטן זיך Reveal But how could this be אנטפלעקן אויך ווי קען דאס אבער זיין Hold himself back Take / understand נעמען In a settled manner בהתיישבות He understood/ felt דערהערט Also To make צו מאכן ווי זיי זיינען במציאותם אראפגענומען אלע הגבלות פון דעם וואס רופט נמנע הנמנעות טראגט מען אראפ ווי זי איז פארבונדן Not to engage Completely fall Should strengthen himself ניט אריינלאזן אראפפאלן אינגאנצן זאל זיך שטארקן This demand דער מאנען-אט קען מען אפשר Can possibly say זאגן Came געקומען The decree דעם קטרוג Then דעמאלט 2. The Frierdiker Rebbe As they are in their existence continued to explain that Secrets of the this very episode with the Took away all רזין דאורייתא Torah minister actually saved limitations the Alter Rebbe himself Revealed מגלה געווען From the one from having כלות הנפש that calls out Publicized מפרסם געווען (his Neshomo leaving his האט זיי Brought them body). The pleasure that down אראפגעטראגן the Alter Rebbe had from Draw down Until ביז the awareness that he had merited to sit in jail Reach דערנעמען The way it is connected and give his life for the Permeate דורכנעמען teachings of the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggid was tremendous. So much so, that it would have led him to such a high spiritual state, that his soul would no longer be contained in his body. When he was asked the question about Adam and he gave the answer to the minister regarding the awareness of why people were put on this world and the importance of fulfilling ones mission, he came to the realization that he must remain on this physical world and continue to fulfill the task he was charged with. 3. Any story which occurred with the Rebbeim, and was given over to us by one of the Rebbeim, serves as a lesson for our daily lives. Every Jew must be aware that he is constantly being asked “Where are you?” From the greatest to the smallest, every person is asked this question according to his own level. For some, the question may be demanding from him to refrain from the spiritual elevation the Alter Rebbe had desired and the call to remain down here in this physical world. For others, the question may be a reminder that he must take every precaution in distancing himself from worldly desires ה a selected section of the Sicha חלק פרטי מהשיחה עם תרגום ליניארי with a linear translation Started ו טייטש'ן Translations טייטש ווארט א מענטש איז אלט אזוי פיל יאר for example… ,למשל - thereby saying זאגנדיק דערבייthe exact amount די גענויע צאל of years יארן פון דעם of the Minister - מיניסטער פרעגט אים דער Hashem asks him :אויבעשטער ,""איכה ,""איכה Where are you? ?וואו ביסטו Do you know צי ווייסטו for what (purpose) אויף וואס דו ביזט באשאפן you were created געווארן on this world? אויף דער וועלט What you must וואס דו דארפסט do/accomplish, טאן and what און וואס “A person is a certain amount of years old, טייטש ווארט טייטש ווארט asked him האט אים געפרעגט One of the questions ‘Where are you?’”. ?איכה which he presented (to) The Alter Rebbe answered him האט אים דער דער אלטער רבי ,געענטפערט according to Rashi’s explanation, לויט פירוש .רש"י the minister told him זאגט אים דער :מיניסטער איינע פון די שאלות וואס ער האט געשטעלט דעם אלטן רבי'ן איז געווען וועגן דעם פשט :פון פסוק '"ויקרא ה אלקים אל האדם “This that Rashi says, The Alter Rebbe was regarding the explanation of the Possuk “And Hashem called to Adam וואס רש"י זאגטAnd he said to I know on my own ,ווייס איך אליין but I want to hear איך וויל אבער הערן him “where are you?”. “Is it so ויאמר לו ,"איכה צי דען האט דער (that) Hashem אויבעשטער didn’t know ניט געוואוסט an explanation א פשט פון דעם from the Rebbe”. .רבי'ן וואו אדם where Adam הראשון האט אים דער was found The Alter Rebbe זיך געפינט אלטער רבי you have already answered him ?דו האסט געטאן that he :געענטפערט וואס ער accomplished? ז ur Knowledge! 4. What lesson does this story contain for every person? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 5. Why was the Alter Rebbe put in jail? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 6. How does the story of the minister help us understand why the Later Rebbe was freed from jail? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 5. A simple question is posed; How could it be that the deepest secrets of the Torah should be revealed to such an extent that they can even be comprehended by a physical mind? It would seem that these lofty ideas are intended to create a feeling of such spiritual longing, that the soul can no longer tolerate being contained within the body. 6.This is the inner connection between the story of the minister and the Alter Rebbe’s arrest. When the Alter Rebbe was at such a high spiritual state that his soul was even ready to leave his body, he came to the realization that the purpose of him being created was to remain on this world as a physical being, and bring light to this physical world. This contrast of two extreme opposites, the ultimate spiritual high and the awareness of the importance of physicality, launched the power to transform the actual physical world into a place of spirituality. This took down the limitations and created the opportunity to bring the deepest secrets into a physical understanding. For when one fulfills his mission with the awareness that he is doing it as a messenger of Hashem, Who can put opposites together, he has the power to draw down the loftiest secrets into a revealed state. And, through this, he reveals the hidden parts of his Neshomo, enabling it to shine forth brightly. ח Show Off You 1. What was the question of the minister to the Alter Rebbe? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 2. What was the Alter Rebbe’s novel explanation? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 3. How did this answer end up saving the Alter Rebbe? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ and strengthening his observance of Torah and Mitzvos. Regardless of where a person is holding, Hashem constantly asks him “Are you fulfilling the purpose for which you were placed on this world?” Additionally, the very question which Hashem asks every person actually gives him the strength to be able to carry out his mission happily. Concepts 4. Besides for the fact that the story with this minister happened while the Alter Rebbe was sitting in jail, there is yet a deeper connection between the two occurrences. As is well known, the physical arrest of the Alter Rebbe was in actuality a manifestation of a heavenly decree against the Alter Rebbe’s approach to disseminating the secrets of the Torah i.e. Chassidus. The Alter Rebbe initiated a new approach to spreading Chassidus in which the highest loftiest secrets of the Torah were brought down to a level allowing them to be understood and felt by the physical mind. This novel path in spreading Chassidus caused a heavenly uproar, which was the root of the physical arrest of the Alter Rebbe. Similarly, the liberation of the Alter Rebbe was a clear sign of Divine approval of his method of spreading Chasidus. ט Notes: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ י Notes: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ יא לזכות הבחור התמים מנחם מענדל שי׳ פוזנר והבחור התמים ארי׳ ליב שי' קרינסקי שיראה הצלחה רבה בעבודתם הקודש ויגרום נחת רוח רב לכ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו Seeing the Parsha the way the Rebbe does © B2B Sichos Cover: Leibel Krinsky & טייטש'ןConcepts: Dovid Rachmani Layout: Menachem Aron To sponsor, or To receive this booklet weekly via email, contact Ycback2basics@gmail.com
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