Santos, Suzuki, Kashiwadani, Savic and Lopes EE JU Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering, v.2, n.2, p.1-5 1 Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering ISSN 1982-3932 doi: 10.4090/juee.2009.v3n1.001006 PRINT SAMPLE OF MANUSCRIPT FOR THE JOURNAL OF URBAN AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Celso A.G. Santos1∗, Masuo Kashiwadani 2, Dragan Savic3 and Vicente L. Lopes4 1 2 3 Department of Civil Engineering, Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ehime University, Japan School of Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Exeter, United Kingdom 4 Department of Biology, Texas State University, United States Received 7 November 2006; received in revised form 16 May 2007; accepted 18 March 2007 Abstract: These are the guidelines for authors to publish in the Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE). The aim of JUEE is to publish papers which are clear, concise and uniformly presented, in a style readily understood by an international readership. Microsoft Word is the preferred word processing format. In brief: (a) write in English; (b) present the material simply and concisely, in particular cross-check details of references; (c) use 11 pt Times New Roman font (also in Equation Editor 3.0) and set the paper size to A4 (21 × 29.7 cm); (d) include tables and figures at appropriate points in the text; plan their layout to use page space economically and ensure all figures and tables are cited in the text, in numerical order; (e) check that all the figures and tables are clearly legible; (f) embed graphics for all figures, saved in the word processed file (e.g. Word); make sure only standard fonts are used in graphics files; if non-standard fonts are used they must be embedded; (g) the papers may not exceed 20 printed pages; (h) access the JUEE’s page at to submit the paper; (i) PDF files are suitable for the peer-review process; however, for accepted papers, the word processor files (preferably Word/RTF) will be required by JUEE for production. Before sending your paper to JUEE, please note the detailed instructions in this sample. Note also that the length of the abstract is free; however, the cover page must be within one page and the Introduction must start on the second page. The submissions are free of charge. Keywords: Submission; paper sample; JUEE; instruction © 2008 Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE). All rights reserved. ∗ Correspondence to: Celso A.G. Santos, Tel.: +55 83 3216 7684 Ext 27; Fax: +55 83 3216 7684 Ext 23. E-mail: Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE), v.2, n.2, p.1-5, 2008 Santos, Suzuki, Kashiwadani, Savic and Lopes INTRODUCTION Left and right margins are equally set at 15 mm, top and bottom margins are equally set at 20 mm. The front matters have specific formats, please see also the example. Layout and fonts for the front matters Follow the format presented in the print sample for the front matter and the instructions in this chapter. Paper tile The wording of the title is important as it is the first thing readers see. Keep the length up to 16 words. Use 16 pt bold Times New Roman font. Authors First name, initials and surname; use numbers to indicate affiliations if necessary. Use 10pt Verdana font. Affiliation Provide the affiliation and the telephone/fax numbers. Use 8pt italic Verdana font. Date of acceptance The affiliation list is followed by the dates of receiving, revising and acceptance. Use 8pt Verdana font with one line spacing between them as shown in the present sample. 2 Page numbers They should be right-aligned and should appear at the top of each page. Since these pieces of information will be notified by the secretariat of JUEE before completing the final manuscripts, number the pages tentatively from 1. Footnotes and remarks Avoid using footnotes and/or remarks. If any, try to explain it in the text, or in appendices. HEADINGS (DO NOT INDENT THE HEADING IF IT IS LONG) In this Word file, several tags (Styles and Formatting) are already set to be used in headings and paragraphs. Listed points should begin with (a), (b), (c) …, and further subdivisions denoted by (i), (ii), (iii) … The initial capitals are used in proper names, e.g. (a) River Amazon, Ishite Dam, the Earth; (b) adjectives derived from proper names, e.g. Markov series, Arctic ice, Bayesian estimation; (c) geological eras and formations etc., e.g. Cambrian, Holocene, Upper Greensand; (d) references to equations, tables and figures, e.g. “it is seen from Eq. (5), Fig. 3 and Table 2 that …” The names Eq., Fig. and Table must be in bold. Main heading Abstract This should present the main points of the paper and give the principal conclusions. It should be a single paragraph and symbols and equations, as well as references, are discouraged unless absolutely necessary. Use 11pt Times New Roman font. Capital letters in 11pt bold face fonts should be used for main headings (chapter titles) as is shown in this example: Upper case, bold, start at left margin. Leave single spacing of lines before every headings and 6pt after them. Keywords Include up to 10 keywords/phrases, such as: approach; location; models used; techniques. Use 11pt Times New Roman font. Sub-headings for sections Copyright After the keywords the following sentence in italic must be written with the correspondent correct year of publication: © 2007 Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE). All rights reserved. Layout and fonts of the main text From the second page, the main text, in double columns with 88 mm put side by side with 4 mm gap in between, must be single-spaced with double spacing between chapters. The first line of each paragraph is not indented. Use 11pt Times-Roman font for the text and equations. The journal name, volume and issue numbers and the date of issue should be aligned right in the bottom margin. Page numbers are to be put aligned right in the top margins of the manuscript, and author’s surnames must be put in aligned center in the top margin. Their font must be Verdana 8pt. The sub-headings for sections (Heading 2) should be in lower case, bold, start at left margin. Leave single spacing of line before every sub-headings and 6pt after them. Sub-headings for sub-sections The Headings 3 are in lower case, bold, indented; text run on. MATHEMATICS Use special high quality fonts for all mathematical equations in the text. All mathematics should be legible and clear, particularly in the position of subscripts, superscripts and multiline expressions. Follow the ISO 31-11 standard for notation (refer to the summary points opposite). In Equation Editor, define the font of all Styles (except Symbol) to Times New Roman. Some equations may be placed off the text centered as: Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE), v.2, n.2, p.1-5, 2008 Santos, Suzuki, Kashiwadani, Savic and Lopes 1600 Table 1. Caption should be centered, but if it is long, it should be indented like this Precipitation 200 ∑ b (t ) n (1) n =0 1200 150 800 100 Precipitation (mm) ∞ G= 250 EImonthly EI monthly(MJ/ha .mm) Concrete Masonry Metals Percent of total cost for construction (%) Recycled Conventional 4.65 6.44 0.44 2.35 16.02 17.23 3 400 Some equations appear in the text as Cd α(z). If their quality is not satisfactory, the manuscript may not be accepted. Numbered Eq. (1) and (2), for example, should be center-aligned. Number all displayed equations in parentheses at the right-hand margin, even if they are not referenced in the text. References in the text should be in the form: “…Eq. (15) …” Units Use SI units or SI derived units. Do not abbreviate week, month or year, which are non SI units. Use s, min, h and d (rather than sec, mins, hr/hrs, day/days) for second, minute, hour and day, respectively. Use L (rather than l) for liter; use hm3 (rather than Mm3, which means 1018 m3) for millions of cubic meters. Multiplication of units should be indicated by a space, e.g. N m, and division by use of solidus (e.g. m/s2); however repeated use of the solidus (e.g. m/s/s) is not permitted. Prefixes of units such as M (mega = 106) and µ (micro = 10-6) have no space between (e.g. µs, MW). Note that any power to a unit applies also to the prefix. Note also that the prefix kilo is lower case k (e.g. km, not Km – the upper case K is the symbol of kelvin). All units should be typeset using upright (Roman) fonts, not italic or bold. Commonly used abbreviations such as a.m.s.l. (above mean sea level), BOD (biochemical oxygen demand), DO (dissolved oxygen), RMS (root mean square), SD (standard deviation) and TDS (total dissolved solids) need not to be defined. Less obvious ones, such as ADCO (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler), ANN (artificial neural networks) and PCA (principal components analysis), should be given in full when first used, followed by the abbreviation or acronym in brackets). Abbreviations such as FAO, IAHS, UK, USA, UNESCO WMO, JUEE, do not have full points. Use °N, °S, °Z, °W when defining geographical locations by lines of latitude and longitude, but north, south, northeast, southwestern etc. otherwise. 50 0 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Months Fig. 2 Place the caption below the drawing. Dr, Mr, Engng etc. (which end with the last letter of the word they abbreviate) do not have full point. For times of day use, 04:30 h or 04:30 GMT; 18.00 UCT. Cross-references to equations, tables and figures in the text should be in the form “Eq. (2)”, “Eqs (4) and (5)” “Table 4”, “Fig. 5” or “Figs 6 and 7”. Use: i.e., e.g. etc., cf., viz. Avoid starting a sentence with an abbreviation: spell out the abbreviation in full or rearrange the sentence. Numerals (a) Use numerals before units of measurement unless the number is at the beginning of a sentence, e.g. “Thirty-milliliter samples were taken every 5 s …” (b) Leave a character space between the number and the unit except before units such as %, ‰, °C, °N. (c) Numbers from one to nine should be spelt out, except where there are units or the number implies arithmetical manipulation, e.g. a factor of 7. The decimal sign is a full point (period) on the line. Numerals of five or more digits on either side of the decimal point are grouped in three-digit blocks by spaces, e.g. 32 239.4322, 0.894 21. Numbers less than one must have 0 before the decimal point, e.g. 0.45, -0.782. (d) Ranges should be given in full, e.g. 1977–2006, pages 344–352; to avoid confusion with subtraction, there should be no space either side of the en-dash. Units need not be repeated in ranges, e.g. 12–150 °C, from 235 to 12 900 km2, between 743 and 12 200 km2. (e) Spell out first, second, etc. Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE), v.2, n.2, p.1-5, 2008 Santos, Suzuki, Kashiwadani, Savic and Lopes 4 Table 2. Example journal abbreviations (They are in italic just because they are journal’s names) Label for two columns Label for two columns Journals 1 Journals 2 Journals 3 Journals 4 Journals 5 Acta Geophys. Pol. Adv. Water Resour. Appl. Statist. Bull. Am. Met. Soc. C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris Cah. ORSTOM Can. J. Earth Sci. Catena Climatic Change Earth Surf. Processes Landf. Ecol. Modelling Environ. Pollut. J. Glaciol. Eos (AGU) J. Hydraul. Div. ASCE Geophys. Res. Lett. J. Hydroinformatics Ground Water J. Hydrol. Hydrol. Earth J. Hydrol. Engng ASCE System Sci. J. Hydrol., NZ Hydrol. Processes J. Irrig. Drain. Div. ASCE Hydrol. Sci. J. J. Royal Statist. Soc. Int. J. Climatol. J. Sanit. Engng Div. ASCE J. Agric. Engng Res. J. Urban Environ. Engng J. Appl. Met. La Houille Blanche J. Climate Limnol. Oceanogr. Met. Gidrol. Monthly Weather Rev. Natural Hazards Nature, London Nordic Hydrol. Photogramm. Engng and Remore Sens. Quart. J. Roy Met. Soc. Remote Sens. Environ. Rev. Sci. Eau Trans. Am. Geophys. Union US Geol. Survey Water Supply Paper Vodohspod. Casopis Water Int. Water Resour. Bull. Water Resour. Management Water Resour. Res. Water SA Z. Geomorphol. Z. Gletscherk. Glazialgeol. Q: annual water availability; D: annual domestic abstraction; P: Precipitation rate (mm/h). (2002)”, for two authors: “… (Lopes & Savic, 2004)…”; and for three or more:, “Suzuki et al. (2006) showed…” The full details of all cited text must be listed at the end of the text and all entries in the reference list must be cited in the text. Examples for Journal (first and second examples), Book (third and fourth examples), Edited Book (fifth example), Report (sixth example), Thesis (seventh example) and doi (eighth example) are given in the References. In this manuscript sample, the references are not listed in the alphabetical order because they are grouped by examples; however they must be listed in alphabetical order in the manuscript. Other common abbreviations used in references are: vol., ed. (edited), edn (edition), PhD, MSc, Proc. (Proceedings of the), Inst. (Institute), Instn (Institution), Symp., Conf., and Tech. (Technical). For the examples of journal abbreviation see Table 2. FIGURES AND TABLES Location of figures and tables Figures, tables and photographs should be inserted at the upper or lower part of the page where reference is first made to them. Do not place them altogether at the end of the manuscript. Then, all diagrams and photographs should be referred to as figures and numbered serially in the order they are mentioned in the text. If reference is made to separate parts of a figure, label these (a), (b), (c), etc. Figures or tables should occupy the whole width of a column, as shown in Table 1 or Fig. 2 in this example, or the whole width over two columns as in Table 2. Do not place any text besides figures or tables. Insert about one to two lines spacing above the main text. Generate rows and columns of tables using the features of your word processor; avoid the use of text separated by tabs, or graphics of tables. Put short explanatory caption above each table and, if necessary, Acknowledgment Acknowledgment should follow an explanation/legend below it, as shown in Table 2. Conclusions and its text should be preceded by lower case bold face heading directly. Fonts and captions Do not use too small characters in figures and tables. At least, the letters should be larger than 8 pt. Captions should be centered, but long captions must be indented like an example of Table 1. The heading of captions is 9pt bold face. Each caption should be a brief but complete description of the figure it refers to. To avoid lengthy captions, include legends and appropriate labeling on the figures themselves. CITATION AND REFERENCE LIST The reference list must be summarized at the end of the main text. Use 9pt font for the list. You should indicate a reference to someone else’s work in the text by inserting the author’s surname and date in brackets. For example, for single authors, use the form: “…Santos REFERENCES Santos, C.A.G., Suzuki, K., Watanabe, M. & Srinivasan, V.S. (1994) Optimization of coefficients in runoff-erosion modeling by Standardized Powell method. J. Hydrosci. Hydraul. Engng, JSCE 12(1), 67–78. Wolmuth, B. & Surtees, T. (2003) Crowd-related failure of bridges. Proc. Instn Civil Engs-Civil Engng 156(3), 116–23. Kibert, C.J. (2005) Sustainable Construction: Green Building Design and Delivery. Wiley, New Jersey, USA. Nunes, L.M. & Ribeiro, L. (2000) Permeability field estimation by conditional simulation of geophysical data. In: Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling (ed. By F. Stauffer, W. Kinzelbach, K. Kovar & E. Hoehn)(ModelCARE’99, Zürich, Switzerland, September 1999), 117–123. IAHS Publ. 265, IAHS Press, Wallingford, UK. Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE), v.2, n.2, p.1-5, 2008 Santos, Suzuki, Kashiwadani, Savic and Lopes Yoshida, Z. (1963) Physical properties of snow. In: Ice and Snow (ed. by W. Kingery), 124–148. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Guo, W. & Langevin, C.D. (2002) User guide to SEAWAT: a computer program for simulation of three-dimensional variabledensity groundwater flow. US Geol. Survey Open File Report 01434. 5 Shane, R.M. (1964) The application of the compound Poisson distribution to the analysis of rainfall records. MSc Thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA. Santos, C.A.G., Srinivasan, V.S., Suzuki, K. & Watanabe, M. (2003) Application of an optimization technique to a physically based erosion model. Hydrol. Processes 17, 989–1003, doi: 10.1002/hyp.1176. Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE), v.2, n.2, p.1-5, 2008
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